Naturally scientific profile curriculum. Natural science majors

Implementation of natural science profile

In GBOU School No. 460

There are many interesting and necessary professions in the world. The profession of a doctor has always been considered one of the most respected and honorable. Being a doctor is not just a profession, it is a way of life. The great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Socrates, said that all professions in the world are from people and only three are from the gods. A judge, teacher and doctor, according to the definition of a sage, receive their gift from above. A true doctor is not one who has learned and deeply studied medicine, but one who is aware of his duty to people and is endowed with the ability to take responsibility. After all, the cost of a medical error is human life. Therefore, in order to become a real doctor, to feel a calling to your chosen profession, you need to immerse yourself as deeply as possible in the mysterious world of medicine already at school. And at the present stage, specialized training allows you to do this.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, a specialized medical group of 10th grade students was opened at GBOU School No. 460. The curriculum is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Special Education and taking into account in-depth study of mathematics, chemistry and biology, extracurricular activity programs, and additional education resources. The training was carried out in accordance with the plan of specialized medical education and in collaboration with Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, healthcare institutions, resource centers of the educational project “Medical class in a Moscow school”.

To teach subjects at a specialized level, teachers of mathematics, chemistry and biology developed programs of academic subjects and special courses for studying these subjects at an in-depth level. Biology and chemistry teachers took part in a comprehensive professional development program, participated in training seminars, master classes, conferences, and completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov in the program of teaching biology and chemistry in specialized medical classes within the framework of the educational project “Medical class in a Moscow school.”

One of the objectives of training in specialized medical classes is the opportunity to make a conscious choice of profession and understand one’s place in life. Choosing a profession that matches your natural abilities and inclinations is a difficult task. How, among many things, can you find the one thing to which you are ready to devote your life, give all your strength, finding satisfaction in what you have achieved? Unfortunately, it happens that a person does not find himself, due to some circumstances gives up, and begins to go with the flow. But if a person has found his calling, work becomes joy for him.

According to the creators of the Atlas of New Professions, In the coming decades, medicine will actively connect with the biotechnology industry. Various types of robots and cyber devices will be used in diagnosis, treatment and prosthetics. We are waiting for computer modeling of the development of the disease, high-precision automated microsurgery, as well as microdiagnostic devices with network access, growing tissues and organs from non-rejectable biofibers. The professions that will be most in demand in the medicine of the future have been named: cyberprosthetics specialist, IT medic, life designer of medical institutions, medical equipment architect, bioethicist, geneticist, clinical bioinformatician, medical marketer, molecular nutritionist, medical robot operator, IT geneticist, crystallography, network doctor, healthy aging consultant, personalized medicine expert.

In this regard, knowledge of onechemistry or biology is not enough to successfully study at a modern, world-class medical university. Already today, a doctor must have not only specialized knowledge, but also an excellent understanding of related disciplines and an excellent command of foreign languages. “If you want to be a doctor, then you need knowledge not onlychemistry and biology, but alsophysics , mathematics , foreign language. Five key basic subjects,” noted the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina, during the testing of the pre-profile exam held in MSMU im. THEM. Sechenov April 6, 2017.

A flexible, well-thought-out combination of components of basic (first half of the day) and additional (second half of the day) education, as well as extracurricular activities at GBOU School No. 460 allows students in the natural sciences to receive a high-quality specialized education. The curriculum for specialized 10th and 11th grades involves an in-depth study of mathematics, chemistry and biology, as well as the implementation of extracurricular activities and additional education programs, career guidance work with partner universities and medical institutions.

During the year, natural science students underwent independent diagnostics from the Moscow Center for Quality Education on environmental literacy, chemistry, development of meta-subject skills in the field of natural sciences, and took part in the events of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov: in testing in chemistry and biology, in the All-Russian Sechenov Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry and biology. Tenth-graders took part in the annual open scientific and practical conference “Start in Medicine”, which was held from 04/13/2017 - 04/14/20172017 on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

The students were very interested in the workshops that were held as part of the “Medical class in a Moscow school” project. Future doctors visited the project resource centers, equipped with modern equipment, which allowed students to put into practice their knowledge of biology, chemistry, and the basics of medicine. Future doctors were of great interest in working with electron microscopes when studying micropreparations of tissue sections, blood, sections of the lung, liver, and stomach.

During the classes, they had the opportunity to use medical equipment and training mannequins, learn the correct techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, removing a foreign body from the upper respiratory tract, and measuring blood pressure. Delving into the mysteries of medicine, students study with full responsibility and consciously prepare to choose the profession of a doctor and to work in medical institutions.

At GBOU School No. 460, much attention is paid to the inclusion of natural science students in research and project activities, participation in scientific and practical conferences of medical class students, in the “University Saturdays” project of the Moscow Department of Education, and visits to healthcare institutions.

The topics of project and research work of natural science students reflect the medical focus: “Isolation of DNA molecules from strawberries”, “The influence of temperament on the biological properties of the body”, “Study of human blood groups using the AAA system”, “Is the water we drink safe?” , “Assessment of the condition of soils in the Lyublino region”, “Qualitative composition of drugs”, “The influence of tobacco smoke on plants” and others. For the guys, this is another opportunity to immerse themselves in their future profession and make sure that the chosen path is correct.

As part of the implementation of pre-profile education in the 2017-2018 academic year, School No. 460 introduced a propaedeutic course in chemistry “Chemistry around us”, “Laboratory workshop” from the 5th grade, and the number of hours for studying biology was also increased.

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Saratov Institute of Advanced Training"

and retraining of education workers"

Department of Science Education

A systematic approach to the study of natural science subjects is a conscious choice of a major in high school.

Chemistry teacher, Secondary Educational Institution

School No. 100" Leninsky district of Saratov

Student of the CCP of chemistry teachers

2012 – 2013 academic year

SARATOV – 2013

  1. Introduction. Justification of the relevance of the topic………………………………………. 3
  1. Experience in profiling in different countries of the world and in Russia……………………………5
  1. Forms and methods of work in specialized classes…………………………………..5
  1. Work on PPP and software within

regional experimental site……………………………..…………...6

  1. Conclusions. Pre-professional preparation of students is the key

responsible choice of the student and his success …………………………………..13

  1. Literature…………………………………………………………………………………...15
  1. Applications………………………………………………………………………………….16
  1. Introduction. Justification of the relevance of the topic.

In the modern world, education is considered as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of economic development and social life. The importance of education increases along with the growing influence of human capital. The concept of modernization of Russian education defines the main task of Russian educational policy - ensuring the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamental nature and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society, and state. As part of the implementation of the priority national project “Education”, experimental activities are being carried out in secondary schools in various areas, one of which is the formation of the social competence of students in accordance with their individual educational needs with the aim of integration into modern society. And what is the importance of teaching natural science subjects in solving this problem?

For several years, higher educational institutions opened new faculties, and schools opened specialized classes, focusing not on the needs of the market, but on the desires of students, graduates and their parents. The consistency with which graduates choose the same professions year after year is depressing: lawyer, economist, manager, etc. Professions in the manufacturing sector—the backbone of the economy—are almost not represented. One of the main factors influencing the choice of profession for graduates, “prestige,” is also the most insidious, since over the decades the demand for some professions has changed exactly the opposite. In the triangle “market – professional intentions of young people – vocational education”, relations did not develop effectively, producing unnecessary specialists in order to provide a huge number of universities with applicants, while the economy suffers from a lack of qualified specialists in the manufacturing sector. It is known that in a market economy there is no need to artificially increase the prestige of some types of activity at the expense of others - life itself will put everyone in their place. Those educational institutions that can quickly and flexibly respond to market needs will survive and develop dynamically.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the demand for specialists in the following areas is currently predicted:



Physical and mathematical sciences

Applied mathematics and computer science, radiophysics and computer technology, biochemical physics

Natural Sciences

Chemistry and biology, ecology and environmental management, microbiology, bioecology, hydrogeology, engineering geology

Humanitarian sciences

Linguistics, political science, journalism, history, public relations, intellectual systems in the humanitarian sphere

Social sciencies

Social work, sociology, theology, social anthropology


General medicine, pediatrics, preventive medicine, nursing, medical cybernetics

Economics and Management

Regional studies, national economics, mathematical methods in economics, crisis management

Information Security

Computer security, organization of information security technology, comprehensive protection of information objects, information security of telecommunication systems

Service sector

Social and cultural service and tourism

Rocket and space technology

Aircraft rocket production, aerospace equipment operation, aircraft and helicopter construction

Life safety and environmental protection

Environmental protection, life safety in the technosphere, safety of technological processes and production

Based on the data in the table, it can be argued that in the conditions of the modern education system, the problem of preparing students for further education in natural sciences is of particular relevance. The reduction in the number of hours in the curriculum in natural science subjects, the need for high intellectual potential of students to successfully master natural science subjects, the lack of a system in teaching and, as a consequence, the low level of student training reduces interest in these specialties. Lack of interest and fear of the final certification does not allow students to objectively approach the choice of a major in high school.

The relevance of the study is determined by:

  1. The social order of society for the formation in students of fundamental knowledge, skills and key competencies that allow them to continue their studies in high school in the chosen profile (in particular, the natural sciences)
  2. The need to develop an integral pedagogical system for the formation of such knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies in a secondary school environment
  3. Focus on achieving modern quality of science education
  4. Creating conditions conducive to the development of the child’s personality
  5. The need to determine ways to control the progress of the experiment
  1. Profiling experience in different countries of the world and in Russia.

The phrases “pre-profile preparation” and “profile training” are the most commonly used words in educational institutions lately. But everyone pronounces them with different feelings and different intonations. Although for people who have devoted a considerable part of their lives to career guidance for young people, they are filled with special meaning. Now, when the state career guidance system, after several years of perestroika, is on the verge of disappearing, there is a need to take advantage of the accumulated experience that has been acquired over several decades. And although our state has realized the need for change, or more correctly, the restoration of traditions in education and is actively introducing the ideas of career guidance, it has been moving toward specialized education along such a long and tortuous path that there is no longer any time to wait for detailed instructions and circulars to be “sent down” from above , no strength.

What is specialized training?

Profile education is a means of differentiation and individualization of education, designed to take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students and create conditions for the training of high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions thanks to the special structure, content and organization of the educational process.

The transition to specialized training pursues the following goals:

  1. Ensuring in-depth study of individual subjects of the complete general education program;
  2. Creating conditions for differentiating the content of education for high school students in order for schoolchildren to build individual educational programs
  3. Ensuring the opportunity to receive a full-fledged education for different categories of students in accordance with their abilities, individual inclinations and needs
  4. Expanding opportunities for student socialization
  5. Ensuring continuity between general and vocational education
  6. Preparing graduates for mastering higher professional education programs

Features of specialized training:

  1. General education at the senior level of education in all developed countries is specialized
  2. As a rule, specialized training covers three, less often two years of study.
  3. The percentage of students continuing their education is steadily increasing, currently reaching at least 70%
  4. The number of directions in specialized classes abroad is usually small. For example, two in English-speaking countries:
  1. academic
  2. non-academic.

Three in France:

  1. natural science,
  2. philological,
  3. socio-economic.

And three in Germany:

  1. mathematics – exact sciences – technology,
  2. language - literature - art,
  3. Social sciencies.

The organization of specialized training differs in the way the curriculum is formed: a fixed plan in France and Germany; options in England and the USA.

The number of compulsory subjects has been reduced. Mandatory - natural sciences, foreign languages, mathematics, native literature, physical education

  1. As a rule, a senior specialized school is distinguished as an independent type of educational institution: lyceum - France, gymnasium - Germany, “higher school” - USA.
  2. High school diplomas give the right to direct admission to a university (exceptions: military and medical universities, etc.)

Over time, the number of profiles and training courses decreased, and the number of compulsory subjects increased.

In developed countries, significant resources are invested in pre-vocational training, and great importance is attached to “career development”. Special courses are taught for children from 5 to 14 years old and are aimed at their self-knowledge, introducing educational opportunities, professions and career planning rules. But, turning to the experience of others, we must remember that many foreign models are based on the research of Russian scientists and practitioners, teachers, psychologists, and philosophers.

Let's turn to history.

  1. 1864 – first experience of differentiation – classical (for preparation for entering college) and real gymnasium (for preparation for entering specialized educational institutions)
  2. 1915 – 1916 – development of ideas for specialized training during education reform

(P.N. Ignatiev)

  1. 1918 - managed to maintain continuity after the revolution; a regulation on a unified labor school was adopted, providing for specialized training in high school in three areas (humanitarian, natural, mathematical and technical)
  2. 1924 – on the initiative of V.M. Bekhterev, the first career guidance service was created at the Leningrad Stock Exchange and the Institute for Brain Research.
  3. 1929 – bureau of professional consultations, selection of specialists taking into account their individual characteristics
  4. By the beginning of the 1930s, more than 300 works on vocational guidance had been published. P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Schatsky, A.T. Boltunov, S.G. Gellerstein, I.N. Spielrein, M.L. Yurlovskaya et al. made a significant contribution to the theoretical justification of vocational guidance.
  5. 1934 - decree “On the structure of primary and secondary schools in the USSR”, providing for unified curricula
  6. 1936 - the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) “On pedagogical perversions in the system of People's Commissariat of Education” crossed out the attempts of scientists and practitioners to find a balance between the needs of the individual and the state.

Career guidance has taken spontaneous forms, becoming a problem for graduates and their parents

  1. 1957 – The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences initiated an experiment in specialization in three areas:
  1. physico-mathematical and technical;
  2. biological and agronomic
  3. socio-economic and humanitarian
  1. 1966 - two forms of differentiation of education according to the interests of schoolchildren were introduced: elective classes (which became compulsory subjects) and schools with in-depth study of subjects.
  2. 80s - 90s new types of educational institutions (lyceums, gymnasiums), art, sports, music and other specialized schools appeared in the country.

2. Forms and methods of work in specialized classes

A modern specialized school of the 21st century is designed not only to equip students with knowledge, but also to create in them the need for self-education, create conditions for practicing special skills, and, in addition, cultivate independence and personal responsibility for their choice.

The official Concept talks about four main goals of specialized training:

  1. “to ensure in-depth study of individual subjects of the complete general education program;
  2. create conditions for significant differentiation of the content of education for high school students with wide and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs;
  3. promote the establishment of equal access to a full-fledged education for different categories of students in accordance with their abilities, individual inclinations and needs;
  1. expand opportunities for socialization of students, ensure continuity between general and vocational education, and more effectively prepare school graduates for mastering higher vocational education programs.”

opportunities for the student to build an individual educational trajectory.

The effectiveness of specialized education in high school is largely determined by the widespread use of a number of forms and methods of lesson work. Let's look at them in detail.

Review and orientation lectures- the main form of presentation of new material in the lesson. However, a lecture in its pure form is quite tedious for schoolchildren, so it is more advisable to use a lecture-conversation. At such lectures, high school students get involved in their work, argue, give interesting examples, talk about what they read, draw independent conclusions, i.e. show high activity.

Independent study of basic and additional literaturecan serve as an important source of knowledge for students in specialized classes. The effectiveness of working with literature is determined by several conditions. A list of references must be given to high school students for each section of the program, and sometimes even for a separate lesson. It is also important that the student and literature find each other. The teacher should know the nearest libraries well and, if possible, collect the necessary literature in his office.

Mastering the skills of independent work with a book and other sources of information includes the ability to read and take notes. When organizing independent work of schoolchildren with literature, it is necessary to set them up for serious, painstaking work, for a deep awareness of the information received, for its comprehension and the desire to get to the essence of the problems under consideration. Students of specialized classes must be taught to competently compose theses, annotations, notes, formulate main ideas, classify and summarize the collected facts.

Educational thematic conferencesare carried out when discussing the most significant and generalizing issues based on materials from several related topics. For questions communicated in advance, speakers are appointed from among schoolchildren. The rest of the students prepare questions and ask them to the speakers, complementing their messages. In preparation for the conference, all students study the textbook material in depth, look for answers to the questions posed in additional literature, and develop their own point of view on them.

A widely used form of conducting a lesson is the following:press conferences. INIn this case, class students are divided into groups of “specialists” and “journalists.” Such forms of educational work increase students' interest in additional literature, significantly expand their horizons, increase their intellectual level, teach them to concisely express their thoughts, resort to evidence and use the most convincing factual material as arguments.

Writing and defending abstractscontribute to a significant expansion and deepening of schoolchildren’s knowledge, development of independent thinking, and formation of information retrieval skills. The level of independence in writing and the complexity of abstract papers increases as you move from class to class. Abstracts completed by students of specialized grades X-XI are, as a rule, more serious in nature and require the high school student to draw up a work plan, select material, equipment, conduct observations and experiments with a clear recording of the results. When performing these works, schoolchildren acquire the skills of a research culture and begin to show interest in creativity.

Seminars - another form of work during lessons in specialized classes. They are, as a rule, planned on topics that students can analyze on their own with the help of additional literature, or when a comprehensive analysis of complex material with its subsequent discussion and synthesis is required. Experience shows that seminar lessons allow students to intensify independent work with educational and additional literature. When preparing for seminar classes, high school students select material from various sources, make reports, messages; develop their speech and thinking, improve their speaking skills in front of an audience, and learn to engage in discussions. During performances, they often use homemade diagrams, drawings, and tables. It is at the seminars that students become familiar with some of the basics of methodology, discuss problematic issues, learn to argue, defend their positions, give reasons for them, etc. In our opinion, active forms of the seminar acquire a special role at the final stage of schoolchildren’s education in specialized classes:disputes, discussions, round tablesand so on. They pursue a special goal - the formation of value judgments, the affirmation of schoolchildren’s ideological positions.

Experimental tasksare used in lessons to develop students’ cognitive activity and independence. It is not without reason that K.D. Ushinsky pointed out that a teacher who claims to develop the mind in children must, first of all, exercise their ability to observe, lead them from undifferentiated perception to purposeful and analyzing.

Laboratory and practical classes- an important form of lesson work in specialized classes. Such classes are conducted with the maximum possible independence of high school students. After communicating the topic, goals and objectives of laboratory or practical work, schoolchildren perform it mainly independently, using instruction cards containing information about the sequence of actions. At the same time, students can look for the necessary information in textbooks and other teaching aids, and, if necessary, consult with the teacher. Based on the results of the work, students, as a rule, formulate conclusions and answer a number of questions, which are often problematic in nature. In many cases, a problematic question is raised immediately before performing practical work.

Tests and testsare carried out upon completion of the study of each program section.

As practical experience shows, one of the characteristic features of the educational process in the conditions of vocational training is the presence of a close connection between educational activities and extracurricular work of schoolchildren. Often in natural science classes, extracurricular work serves as a continuation of educational activities and is aimed at the systematic education of high school students and the development of their creative abilities. Schoolchildren, as a rule, actively participate in research expeditions, field practices, scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads, knowledge marathons, and intellectual competitions. They prepare theme nights, organize exhibitions, conduct environmental work, etc. Extracurricular and classroom work in specialized classes are equal sides of a single educational process. It is our deep conviction that only in this case can the goals of specialized training be achieved.

These forms of work should, first of all, contribute to the assimilation by schoolchildren not only of the amount of knowledge, but also of methods of activity.

However, all efforts to create specialized education at the stage of specialization (grades 10–11) will be in vain if students at the basic level by the end of the ninth grade are not able to choose a profile of study in accordance with their desires and capabilities and the social needs of society. Therefore, special importance is given to pre-profile preparation.

The purpose of pre-profile preparation is to teach children to make a mature choice of profile, develop the ability to see alternatives, evaluate them, and take responsibility for their choice.

Work on PPP and PO within the framework of the regional pilot site

In order to socialize the student’s personality and his further professional self-determination, since 2009, the school has been conducting experimental work on the topic “A systematic approach to the study of natural science subjects - the basis for an informed choice of a major in high school.” Last year, the experimental site was at the third productive and generalizing stage. The experiment involved natural science teachers and class teachers from grades 5 to 11, i.e. attention was paid not only to pre-professional training in the 9th grade, but also to the early profiling of students.

As part of the experimental activities, the following scientific support was developed:

  1. An educational plan in which natural science subjects are studied throughout the basic and senior levels of school

5th grade:

natural history – federal component – ​​1

6th grade:

biology – federal component – ​​1

geography – federal component – ​​1

ecology – regional component – ​​1

science – school component – ​​1

geographical local history – school component – ​​1

7th grade:

ecology – regional component – ​​1

biological local history – school component – ​​1

8th grade:

biology – federal component – ​​2

geography – federal component – ​​2

physics – federal component – ​​2

ecology – regional component – ​​1

chemistry – school component – ​​1

9th grade

biology – federal component – ​​2

geography – federal component – ​​2

physics – federal component – ​​2

chemistry – federal component – ​​2

ecology – regional component – ​​1

elective courses – school component – ​​3

10 – 11 grades specialized training

Physico-chemical profile

Chemical-biological profile

Individual plan

  1. Work programs for natural science disciplines have been compiled

Natural science (physics, chemistry) grades 5–6 based on the author’s program by Gurevich A.E. – 1 hour (propaedeutic course)

Ecology grades 5–8 based on the regional program edited by I.M. Shvets; 9th grade edited by N.M. Chernova

Biological local history 7th grade based on the regional program edited by N.V. Dmitrieva, V.Yu. Krestyaninova

Geographical local history - 6th grade based on the regional program edited by R.V. Markina, L.V. Makartseva

Physics, chemistry, biology grades 9 – 11

From the 5th grade, students begin studying a course of natural science subjects according to the program “physics, chemistry” for grades V – VI of a general education school, authors A.V. Gurevich, D.A. Isaev, L.S. Pontak and ecology with elements of biology (regional component). The Physics, Chemistry program is an integrated course in physics and chemistry. Studying this course contributes to the development of students' thinking, increases their interest in the subject, prepares them for in-depth perception of the material and interest in studying the subjects of physics and chemistry, and prepares students for the systematic study of these courses. In order to maintain continuity in education, students in these classes begin to study chemistry from the 7th grade according to O.S. Gabrielyan’s program. The cognitive level of individual students in these classes is very high.

However, it should be noted that in traditional classes the student body is heterogeneous in its preparedness, development, and health status. There are all categories of guys - strong (creatively working), with average abilities and weak. The task of teachers and schools is to create such a microclimate at school so that everyone can find a place and a job to their liking. And this is helped by the organization of extracurricular activities for students.

In order to improve the level of their preparation, these classes provide individual, group and elective classes in subjects of interest to them during extracurricular hours.

  1. Organization of extracurricular activities for students
  1. Organization of individual and group classes for gifted children (preparing students to participate in Olympiads)
  2. Organization of circle work for students interested in studying natural sciences, but having different intellectual potential
  1. A series of intellectual game scenarios dedicated to Russian scientists (N.N. Vavilov, A.M. Butlerov, D.I. Mendeleev, M.V. Lomonosov, M. Sklodovskaya-Curie) has been developed and tested. For the purpose of career guidance, scenarios are actively used by SSAU teachers when conducting similar games with students in the Saratov region.
  2. Plans have been developed for circles for research activities of students at the SSAU named after. N.I. Vavilova
  3. Organization of distance learning
  1. Individual and group lessons for low-achieving students

Upon completion of the work done, the school administration conducted a survey of students of different age categories.

Based on the results of a survey of junior classes, it is clear that the greatest cognitive interest of students is concentrated in the fields of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics. Such areas as sports, military science, home economics, radio engineering and electronics, mechanics and design also received a fairly high percentage. Tracing the dynamics of the choice of areas of cognitive interests among students in grades 5, 6 and 7, we can see an increase in the percentage of choice of priority subjects. This is greatly facilitated by the early profiling carried out at school.

A survey of eighth-graders showed that most of them know that work is underway to organize pre-professional training and specialized education; most students consciously approach the choice of a profile for further education. More than half of the students plan to continue further education at their school and have chosen to study physics, chemistry, biology and social studies at the specialized level.

A survey of high school students showed their positive attitude towards the organization of extracurricular activities at the SSAU named after. N.I. Vavilov and such work contributed to increasing interest in professions related to the natural sciences.

All these results allowed the school’s teaching staff to hope for a successful experiment.

  1. Systematic preparation of students at all stages of education is the key to the responsible choice of a high school student and his success.

Currently, the role of primary professional self-determination for students graduating from basic school has increased.

The educational profile predetermines the professional choice of students, on which the success of studies in high school, the preparation of schoolchildren for the transition to the next educational level, and, in general, for future professional activities, largely depend. The more accurate the self-determination, the greater the likelihood that society will receive a good professional specialist.

The need for a professional choice in high school is also due to internal reasons: the personal need of a young person to find himself in society, to get an education, an interesting profession that provides a decent living. For pedagogical science and practice, the answers to the following questions become extremely important: how to help schoolchildren find a profession that meets their expectations, abilities, needs, having mastered which they will be able to benefit the state and society, contribute to its economic, moral, patriotic, and environmental revival of the country?

Profile training, in addition to in-depth study of any subject, should contribute to the development of students’ skills in independent mastery of knowledge, working with laboratory equipment and instruments, conducting and analyzing a scientific experiment.

A systematic approach to the study of natural science subjects is the most effective way to organize the teaching of natural sciences to schoolchildren, which allows them to develop the competencies of students, as well as a high level of thinking, develop applied skills, depth of interests and the ability to reflect.

At the first stages of organization, a number of difficulties arise:

  1. overcoming the resistance of some team members,
  2. the need for advanced training,
  3. the prevailing stereotypes in the education of children among parents,
  4. social problems in society
  5. employment problems

All these problems prevent students from deciding on a profile for further education.

However, the focused work of the entire teaching staff allowed us to achieve certain results:

  1. Form a positive attitude towards the experiment of the majority of teachers
  2. High results of the final certification of students

Thus, when creating a unified system at school, a stable student and teaching staff arises. And such a system has many advantages:

  1. Thus, in a regular secondary school, using different forms of organizing the educational process and methodological techniques, it is possible to teach all students, taking into account their individual needs.
  2. Students get the opportunity to discover their creative abilities.
  3. When organizing extra-curricular activities, students are attracted by the competitive aspect, hence the interest in the subject being studied does not disappear.
  4. But the most important thing is freedom of choice. The quality of student learning is improving.


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  11. Bessonov R.V. Specifics of teaching in a specialized school: content and process // Pedagogy. – 2006. - No. 7. – P. 23-29.
  12. Bessonov R.V. Introduction of specialized training: experience and problems // public education. – 2007. - No. 1. – P. 28-33.
  13. Burtseva I., Ermakov D. Introduction of specialized training: experience and problems // Public education. – 2006. - No. 2. – P. 130-131.
  14. Burychev B. G. Reflections on the problems of specialized education // Physics at school. – 2008. - No. 3. – P. 10-15.
  15. Egorov O. Specialized education: problems and priorities // public education. – 2006. - No. 5. – P. 32-36.
  16. Kolyagin Yu. Profile training: problems and prospects // mathematics: gas. Publishing house House "First of September". – 2005. - No. 8. – P. 17-21.
  17. The concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education // Russian Education. – 2002. - No. 5. – P. 16-27.
  18. Kropivyanskaya S.O. Methodology for profile orientation of high school students // School technologies. – 2002. - No. – pp. 103-115.
  19. Nosoreva M.A., Kondratskaya E.K., Gulyaeva E.V. Formation of individual curricula in a multidisciplinary school // Geography and ecology in the school of the XXI century. – 2005. - No. 8. – P. 35-47.
  20. On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for general educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs: Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 1312 // Official documents in education. 2004. No. 16. P. 2-38.
  21. Petunin O.V. Forms and methods of work in specialized classes // Biology at school. – 2005. - No. 3. - P. 25-30.
  22. Popova T.I. Profile training for high school students: partnership between school and vocational lyceum // School and production. – 2005. - No. 7. – P. 12-14.
  23. Pugal N.A. Profile training as a way to modernize school education // Additional education. – 2005. - No. 11. – P. 52-54.
  24. Romanovskaya M. B. Continuity of specialized and vocational education // School and production. – 2005. - No. 2. – P. 6-8.
  25. Skopin A. Yu. Profile training in Russia: concepts, problems, prospects // Geography and ecology in the school of the XXI century. – 2005. - No. 8. – P. 28-33.
  26. Tetersky S.V. Modern requirements for programs and curricula//Additional education. – 2004. - No. 10. – P. 5-9.
  27. Yarulov A. A. Individually oriented curriculum // school technologies. – 2004. - No. 6. – P. 136-154.

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It is advisable to divide natural science specialties into two large sections:

  • chemical and biomedical sciences;
  • Earth Sciences.

Chemical technology

Chemistry in its pure form is rather a theoretical discipline. If we talk about applications that are more in demand on the labor market, then we will talk about chemical technologies, which lie at the intersection of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The main goal is to transform chemical raw materials or materials into more usable forms. Chemical technology also aims to discover and create new valuable materials and methods. People working in this field are called chemical engineers or chemical technologists.

Chemical engineers create what we use in everyday life. The range of industries in which you can work after graduating from the relevant specialty is as follows:

  • Water and wastewater treatment;
  • Oil refining and production of petroleum products;
  • Power generation;
  • Beverage and food production;
  • Production of cosmetics and textiles.

The chemical and biopharmaceutical industries are among the fastest growing industries worldwide.

Biomedical technologies

Biomedicine can be defined as the applied field in which engineering principles and technologies are applied to medicine. To succeed in this direction, a specialist must be a good engineer, who also has an excellent understanding of medical and biological sciences.

This is a fairly young field, so much of the work of a biomedical engineer (or bioengineer) involves research and development in areas such as bioinformatics, medical imaging, biomechanics, biomaterials and bioengineering, systems analysis, 3D modeling, etc. An example of the results of such work is the development and creation of biocompatible prostheses, diagnostic and medical equipment and new medicines.


Separately, it is worth mentioning pharmaceuticals, which is aimed at the discovery, development, creation and sale of medicines. Large pharmaceutical companies hire people with a wide range of qualifications and backgrounds, but most often they are biologists and chemists. An excellent candidate would be a person with two degrees – the first in biology or chemistry, and the second in management, marketing, law, finance, etc. It takes an average of 12 years for a new drug to pass all the tests and trials and enter the market - you can imagine how many different specialists are involved in this.


Geosciences cover a very large number of different specialties that study the history and future of the Earth, climate change, environmental problems, providing food, water and energy to the population, preserving natural resources and much more.

The most dynamically developing areas here are energy and waste management, as well as sustainable development. Listing the industries in which geologists, geographers, ecologists and other related specialists can work will take a lot of time. Suffice it to say that such a list begins with aviation and archeology and ends with nuclear physics.
You can also list the most important tasks that specialists in the field of geosciences solve today:

  • development of the use of renewable energy sources - solar, wind, water, etc.
  • forecast of the development of planetary systems;
  • search for new deposits of natural resources (water, oil and metals);
  • conservation of soils and agricultural productivity;
  • maintaining the quality of water resources;
  • reducing the consequences of natural disasters (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, mudflows and tsunamis);
  • determining the balance between public needs and ecosystem conservation;
  • understanding and predicting the behavior of climate systems.


Geology is one of the basic sciences about the Earth. Geologists work with the materials that make up our planet, studying its structure and processes. Geologists also study the changes that took place on Earth in different eras. Geologists search for natural resources and study catastrophic phenomena.


Meteorologists study the atmosphere and the influence of processes in it on weather and climate change. This is a purely practical science that also studies the impact of human activity on climate.


Oceanologists study the structure, composition, development and processes occurring in the World Ocean. Oceans cover most of the planet and are a source of many resources, including energy. The oceans also have a decisive influence on climate.

A separate area of ​​geosciences are environmental specialties, which lie at the intersection of many disciplines and are experiencing an unprecedented rise today. A good ecologist must understand chemistry, physics, biology and geology, and often also economics, social and political sciences.

Find out more information from university representatives in person

As you can see, there are a great many specializations in this area. Therefore, it is easier and faster to decide on the choice of your future specialty by visiting the free exhibition “Master’s and Further Education” in or.

Goals and objectives: Formation of a scientific worldview based on deepening knowledge in core subjects Formation of a scientific worldview based on deepening knowledge in core subjects Acquaintance with the forms and methods of scientific knowledge Acquaintance with the forms and methods of scientific knowledge Study of basic biological and chemical theories Study of basic biological and chemical theories Formation of independent research skills Formation of independent research skills Acquaintance with a holistic picture of the world Acquaintance with a holistic picture of the world Disclosure of the role of biology and chemistry as a productive force Disclosure of the role of biology and chemistry as a productive force

Educational and material base The chemistry classroom meets modern requirements, equipped with a water supply and drainage system The chemistry classroom meets modern requirements, equipped with a water supply and drainage system The 2004 state standard is taken into account in planning educational material. When planning educational material, the 2004 state standard is taken into account. Training is conducted according to the program and textbooks Training is conducted according to the program and textbooks of O. S. Gabrielyan, recommended for the natural science profile O. S. Gabrielyan, recommended for the natural science profile

Educational and material base The biology classroom is equipped in accordance with modern requirements, equipped with all the necessary educational and methodological materials and aids The biology classroom is equipped in accordance with modern requirements, equipped with all the necessary educational and methodological materials and aids The educational material is planned according to a concentric system, taking into account the State standard 2004. The educational material is planned according to the concentric system, taking into account the State Standard of 2004. Training is conducted according to the program of V. B. Zakharov, recommended for the natural sciences and medical fields, according to the textbook “General Biology” by the authors V. B. Zakharov, S. G. Mamontova, N.I. Sonina. Training is conducted according to the program of V. B. Zakharov, recommended for the natural sciences and medicine, according to the textbook “General Biology” by the authors V. B. Zakharov, S. G. Mamontov, N. I. Sonin.

Teachers of specialized subjects Marina Valerievna Mikhailova is a teacher of chemistry and biology of the highest category. Mikhailova Marina Valerievna – teacher of chemistry and biology of the highest category. Laureate of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 1995” Laureate of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 1995” Nominee of the Republican competition for scenarios of extracurricular activities in 2004. Nominee of the Republican competition of scenarios for extracurricular activities in 2004. Laureate of the republican competition of pedagogical innovations 2006. Laureate of the republican competition of pedagogical innovations 2006. Head of the regional methodological association Head of the regional methodological association of chemistry and biology teachers chemistry and biology teachers

Teachers in specialized subjects Tatyana Aleksandrovna Syomina - ecology teacher Tatyana Aleksandrovna Syomina - ecology teacher She is a teacher of the second qualification category, undergoing recertification for a higher category. She is a teacher of the second qualification category, undergoing recertification for a higher category. In 2005/2006, her student Chuprakova E. took 1st place at the regional Olympiad in ecology in 10th grade, Zakharova A. – 3rd place in ecology in 10th grade; in 2006/2007 – Egorova T. – 2nd place in ecology in 10th grade, Zakharova A. – 3rd place in ecology in 11th grade. In 2005/2006, her student Chuprakova E. took 1st place at the regional Olympiad in ecology in the 10th grade, Zakharova A. – 3rd place in ecology in the 10th grade; in 2006/2007 – Egorova T. – 2nd place in ecology in 10th grade, Zakharova A. – 3rd place in ecology in 11th grade.

Topics of elective courses in core subjects* Biological Biological CytologyGenetics Human ecology MicrobiologyBiodiversity Chemical Chemical Journey into the world of pharmacology Chemistry with the basics of agriculture Technology of inorganic products Chemistry in everyday life Spiritual enlightenment in the process of studying chemistry Metals: environment and human health Interdisciplinary: Interdisciplinary: Chemistry and ecology Aesthetics nature *The topics of elective courses are determined by the choice of students, not only from those listed, but also by suggestions from students.

Extracurricular work in core subjects 2005. Bird Day. The school team "Ivolga" took third place in the republican ornithological competition. Bird Day. The school team "Ivolga" took third place in the republican ornithological competition. Ecological fairy tale year. Ecological fairy tale. Second place in the republic for the production of the author’s fairy tale “Volozhka”. Second place in the republic for the production of the author’s fairy tale “Volozhka”.

Extracurricular activities in core subjects Since 2003, our school has been participating in World Bird Watching Days and collaborating with the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Russian Bird Conservation Union (SOPR) Since 2003, our school has been participating in World Bird Watching Days and collaborating with the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Russian Bird Conservation Union birds of Russia (SOPR) Every year the school holds subject weeks in biology and chemistry Every year the school holds subject weeks in biology and chemistry In the photo: team captains conduct a simple soil analysis at the “Chemistry in Everyday” competition In the photo: team captains conduct a simple soil analysis at the competition "Chemistry in Everyday Life"

School students take part in scientific and practical conferences on ecology in the region and in the republic and take prizes: 2002 - 2003 D. Oleshko (8th grade) took 3rd place in the district and 2nd place in the Republic at a scientific and practical conference on ecology with work “The problem of fresh water pollution in the Kozlovsky region” - 2003 D. Oleshko (8th grade) took 3rd place in the region and 2nd place in the Republic at the scientific and practical conference on ecology with the work “The problem of fresh water pollution in the Kozlovsky region” - 2004 Pavlov N ., Baturin R. (9th grade) took 3rd place at the regional scientific and practical conference on ecology with the work “Comprehensive study of the river. Volozhki", 4th place and an incentive prize at the republican scientific and practical conference with the same work - 2004 Pavlov N., Baturin R. (9th grade) took 3rd place at the regional scientific and practical conference on ecology with the work "Comprehensive study of the river. Volozhki", 4th place and an incentive prize at the republican scientific-practical conference with the same work - 2005 D. Oleshko and T. Lashmanova took 2nd place at the scientific-practical conference on ecology in the region with the work "Bioindication of water quality of the river. Volozhka and assessment of the ability to self-purification”, took part in the republican scientific and industrial complex - 2005. D. Oleshko and T. Lashmanova took 2nd place at the scientific and practical conference on ecology in the region with the work “Bioindication of the water quality of the river. Volozhka and assessment of the ability to self-purification”, took part in the republican scientific and industrial complex - 2006 Oleshko D. took 1st place at the regional scientific and industrial complex in ecology with the work “Soils of Kozlovka and the surrounding area”, participated in the republican conference-festival of student creativity EXCELSIOR. Lashmanova T., Filippova A. took 1st place at the regional scientific-practical conference on ecology with the work “Studying the dependence of the health status of students of 8th grade KSESH 2 on external and internal factors.”, 4th place and an incentive prize at the republican scientific and industrial complex with the same work; entered the top ten best works at the Republican conference-festival of student creativity EXCELSIOR - 2006. Oleshko D. took 1st place at the regional scientific and industrial complex in ecology with the work “Soils of Kozlovka and the surrounding area”, participated in the Republican conference-festival of student creativity EXCELSIOR. Lashmanova T., Filippova A. took 1st place at the regional scientific-practical conference on ecology with the work “Studying the dependence of the health status of students of 8th grade KSESH 2 on external and internal factors.”, 4th place and an incentive prize at the republican scientific and industrial complex with the same work; entered the top ten best works at the Republican conference-festival of student creativity EXCELSIOR.

4. Consent of the parent/legal representative to the processing of personal data of a minor (link) (example)

5. Copy of passport main page and registration;

6. A copy of the medical policy;

7. Copy of SNILS;

8. Questionnaire (link);

9. IEP (link)

To study at the New Educational Center, you need to draw up an individual educational plan (IEP). Formally, the IUP is a set of educational subjects (basic And profile) and elective courses chosen by you for study in 10 (11) grade. You create your Individual Study Plan based on preliminary version of the REC Curriculum.

The REC curriculum consists of 2 blocks: academic subjects studied at different levels (basic, specialized or extended base) and educational services of the educational institution component (elective courses, internships, project and research activities). The task before you is to avoid formality in this choice, to make it conscious based on your owneducational needs and professional prospects . Therefore, we propose to study profile models:

-technical profile (link);

-naturally scientific profile (link);

-humanitarian profile (link);

-socio-economic profile (link).

And answer the questions:

  • What areas are included in this or that profile?
  • What specialized subjects need to be studied within this area?
  • Supporting items of direction within the profile?
  • What special courses and other types of educational activities can I study in my chosen field?
  • What significant professional and personal qualities do I need to develop while studying in this area?
  • References (download)

Dear applicants, in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of individual selection of students upon admission or transfer to educational groups of an in-depth level of studying academic subjects (link), in the New Educational Center from August 25 to 30, 2019, selection will be held for groups of the second level of in-depth study in mathematics, physics, computer science, history, social studies, biology and English. Without an individual selection procedure, students who have completed 9 grades with a special certificate, or who have scored 90 or more points on the Unified State Examination in the relevant subject, will be enrolled in groups. Demo options are presented below:

Demo version in computer science and ICT

History demo

Mathematics demo

Instructions for drawing up an Individual Educational Plan OR “How a minion compiled an IEP” :

Step 1. I answer the question: “Who do I want to become? /What professional direction do I see prospects in?”

Step 2. Study the profile model

Step 3. Study carefully preliminary version REC curriculum for the 2018-2020 academic year (link).

I select the column with the selected direction and look at the number of hours spent studying the subject. If the cell is empty, then the subject is not studied in this direction.

Step 4. Start filling out your IUP. Place the required number of hours next to general education subjects.

Please pay attention to the following provisions:

  • The selection of an item occurs ONLY within the selected profile; you cannot select one profile direction and “pick up” items from another profile direction; It is important to understand that the choice of subjects, elective courses, educational practices occurs within ONE direction!!!
  • You will have the opportunity to re-select your destination after the first trimester
  • Distribution per profile and extended base:

Step 5. Now meet me elective courses and activities that are offered in this area. Educational practices, professional tests, project and research activities are mandatory.

Step 6 . Calculate the total number of hours. It should not exceed 37 hours a week.