The economic culture of the individual includes. Essence and functions

Subject: Economic culture

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives:Educational— Expand and deepen knowledge about the economy, economic culture, its essence and structure


Developmentalspeech skills(ability to express one’s point of view); ability to work with textbook text

Means of education: Textbook L.N.Bogolyubov, Yu.I.Averyanov. Social science. § 12

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework

1. What is economics? (this is an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of people and society by creating and using the necessary goods of life)

2. What is gross domestic product? (total value of all final goods and services produced by a country in a year, divided by population)

3. What is the poverty level? (they call the normatively established level of a person’s monetary income for a certain period, which allows him to ensure his physical (physiological) subsistence level.)

3. Study a new topic

Culture is an attribute of a person; it reflects his development in society. This process of a person’s creation of himself occurs in the course of direct activity, through the growth of his material and spiritual equipment. The impact of this activity on a person varies. Cultural development involves the identification of a cultural standard (sample) and consists in maximum

following it.

Economic culture of society- a system of values ​​and motives economic activity, level and quality economic knowledge, human assessments and actions, as well as the content of traditions and norms governing economic relations and behavior. Economic culture of the individual represents an organic unity of consciousness and practical activities.

In the structure of economic culture, the most important elements can be identified: knowledge and practical skills, economic orientation, ways of organizing activities, norms governing relationships and human behavior in it.

The basis of the economic culture of the individual is consciousness, and economic knowledge - its important component. This knowledge represents totality economic ideas about production, exchange, distribution and consumption material goods, the influence of economic life on the development of society, about the ways and forms, methods that promote sustainable development society.

The individual actively uses the accumulated knowledge in daily activities, therefore an important component of its economic culture is economic thinking. It allows you to understand the essence of economic phenomena and processes, operate with acquired economic concepts, and analyze specific economic situations.

The choice of standards of behavior in the economy and the effectiveness of solving economic problems largely depend on the socio-psychological qualities of participants in economic activity. Among them it is necessary to highlight such an important element of economic culture as economic orientation personality, the components of which are needs, interests And motives human activity in economic sphere. Personality orientation includes social attitude And socially significant values. So, in the reformed Russian society are being formed social attitudes to study modern economic theory, to actively participate in the management of production affairs, to participate in solving various economic problems.

The economic culture of a person can be traced through the totality of his personal properties and qualities that are a certain result of his participation in the activity.

An important manifestation of economic culture is economic relations. Not only the development of production, but also social balance in society, its stability. Economic interests of people act as reflection their economic relations. Thus, the economic interests of the entrepreneur (obtaining maximum profit) and the employee (selling their labor services at a higher price and receiving a higher salary) are determined by their place in the system of economic relations.

Economic interest - This is a person’s desire to obtain the benefits he needs to provide for his life and family.

Interests express ways and means of meeting people's needs.

The need to resolve the contradiction between the natural human desire to save own strength and satisfying growing needs forced people to organize the economy in such a way that it encouraged them to work intensively and through labor to achieve an increase in their well-being. History shows us two levers of influence on people in order to achieve greater productivity - violence and economic interest.

In the search for ways to harmonize the economic interests of the individual and society, various forms of influence on people’s consciousness were used: philosophical teachings, moral standards, art, religion. They played big role in the formation of a special element of the economy - business ethics, revealing the norms and rules of conduct in business activities. These norms are an important element of economic culture; their observance facilitates the conduct of business and cooperation of people, reducing mistrust and hostility.

Reading page 141 ( Explain in your own words how you understood what you read. )

The word “freedom”, already familiar to you, can be considered with different positions: protection of a person from unwanted influences, violence; the ability to act of one’s own will and in accordance with perceived necessity; availability of alternatives, choice, pluralism. What is economic freedom?

Economic freedom includes the freedom to accept economic decisions, freedom of economic action. An individual has the right to decide what type of activity is preferable for him, what form of proprietary participation seems more appropriate to him, in what area and in what region of the country he will show his activity. The market, as is known, is based on the principle of economic freedom.

A market economy is often called an economy free enterprise. What does the word "free" mean? The economic freedom of an entrepreneur, as scientists believe, presupposes that he has a certain set of rights guaranteeing autonomy, independent decision-making on the search and choice of the type, form and scope of economic activity, methods of its implementation, use of the product produced and the profit received.

Human economic freedom has gone through an evolutionary path. Throughout history, its ebbs and flows occurred, exposed different sides human bondage in production: personal dependence, material dependence (including the debtor from the creditor), pressure from external circumstances (crop failure, unfavorable economic situation in the market, etc.). Social development seems to be balancing between, on the one hand, greater personal freedom, but with a high degree of economic risk, and, on the other hand, greater economic security, but with vassal dependence.

Sustainable development - it is the development of society that allows the needs of the present generation to be met without harming future generations to meet their needs.

Practice proves the close relationship and interdependence of economic culture and economic activity. Ways of organizing activities, fulfillment by an individual of such basic social roles, as a producer, consumer, owner, influence the formation and development of all elements of economic culture. In turn, the level of economic culture of an individual undoubtedly affects the effectiveness of economic activity and the success of fulfilling social roles.

One of the most important social roles of an individual is the role of a producer. In the context of the transition to a new, information-computer, technological method of production, workers are required not only to have a high level of educational and vocational training, but also high morality, a high level of general culture. Modern work is increasingly filled with creative content, which requires not so much discipline supported from the outside (boss, foreman, product controller), but rather self-discipline and self-control. The main controller in this case is conscience, personal responsibility and other moral qualities.

When engaging in one or another practical economic activity, use economic knowledge and norms of economic culture to the right choice and making decisions that are optimal for the success of your business. Expand your economic horizons, follow the 2 socio-economic changes taking place in society, which will help you fulfill your responsibilities as a citizen. As a voter, by participating in elections you will be able to influence economic policy states.

4. Homework § 13

Economic culture is the totality of material and spiritual socially developed means of activity with the help of which the material and production life of people is carried out.

The structure of economic culture is correlated with the structure of the economic activity, with the sequence of the main phases of social production: production itself, exchange, distribution and consumption. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about the culture of production, the culture of exchange, the culture of distribution and the culture of consumption.

The structure-forming factor of economic culture is human labor activity. It is characteristic of the entire variety of forms, types of material and spiritual production. Each specific level of economic labor culture characterizes the relationship of a person to a person, a person to nature (it is the awareness of this relationship that is the moment of the emergence of economic culture), and an individual to his own working abilities.

Any human labor activity is associated with the disclosure of his creativity, however, the degree of their development is different. Scientists distinguish three levels of these abilities.

The first level is productive-reproductive creative ability, when in the process of labor everything is only repeated, copied, and only as an exception, something new is accidentally created.

The second level is generative creative ability, the result of which will be, if not a completely new work, then at least an original variation.

The third level is constructive-innovative activity, the essence of which is the natural emergence of something new. This level of ability in production is manifested in the work of inventors and innovators.

The more creative the work, the richer cultural activities person, the higher the level of work culture. The latter ultimately serves as the basis for achieving more high level economic culture.

Labor activity in any society is collective and is embodied in joint production. Therefore, along with work culture, it is necessary to consider production culture as an integral system.

Work culture includes skills in using tools of labor, conscious management of the process of creating material and spiritual wealth, free use of one’s abilities, use in labor activity achievements of science and technology.

The production culture includes the following main elements:

1) culture of working conditions, representing a complex of components of an economic, scientific, technical, organizational, social and legal nature;

2) the culture of the labor process, which finds expression in the activities of an individual employee;

3) socio-psychological climate in the production team;

4) a management culture that organically combines the science and art of management, identifies and realizes the creative potential, initiative and entrepreneurship of each participant in the production process.

The regulator of the economy is not only such precisely quantifiable indicators as the interest rate, government spending or the level of taxation, but also such a difficult-to-measure concept as economic culture. Culture is a specific way of organizing and developing human life, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the totality of people’s relationships to nature, among themselves and to themselves.

Economic culture is defined as a complex of cultural elements and phenomena, stereotypes of economic consciousness, motives of behavior, economic institutions ensuring the reproduction of economic life. The main elements of culture are needs, values, norms, preferences, interests, prestige, and motivation.

Values- These are unconsciously accepted concepts about what is important or correct. They are the foundation of culture. On their basis, social norms are formed—instructions for action that are widespread in a given society. Norms implement the values ​​of society. Values ​​and norms are revealed through preferences—priorities of social benefits. Priority systems are rooted in the historical past of peoples and social groups and change quite slowly.

Needs- need for certain social benefits. The objects of the needs of population groups are different, and the differences are rooted not only in the current or but also in the cultural situation of life of different groups inherited from the past.

Values, norms and needs are also manifested in motivation of behavior. These are the standardized explanations that people give for their actions and behavior and the values ​​and norms they share. A person’s use of an established “vocabulary of motives” indicates an individual’s identification with an established system of values.

Another form of manifestation of culture is public prestige individual role positions, activities, ways of behavior. “Hierarchies of prestige” develop in society under the influence of its characteristic value systems. All these elements of culture are assimilated by individuals and determine their activity in all spheres. public life, including economics. And since economic activity consists of the actions of economic entities, culture turns out to be a regulator not only of these actions, but also of the economy itself.

Thus, economic culture is the totality social values and norms that are regulators economic behavior individuals and social groups and performing the function of social memory economic development.

Thus, an integral part of the economic culture of Russia as a whole is the corporate culture of the Ministry of Railways, RAO Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, and others largest companies. Means have no less influence on changing economic culture mass media, especially television. In this case, both a special selection of news, films, and direct social advertising can be used. Moreover, television already has relevant experience. With the help of television, the ideas of active participation in elections, the need to pay taxes and protect themselves from AIDS, and not use drugs were introduced and are being introduced in the country.

The state should play a leading role in regulating economic culture. It is this that should determine the main priorities in economic culture, the primary tasks and methods used. The state is able to influence economic culture without significant costs, both directly and through the entities described above.

The state can direct the activities of other subjects regulating economic culture. The state owns a controlling stake in Gazprom and UES; the Ministry of Railways is generally one of the state bodies. The state is also the owner of the TV channels “Culture”, “Russian Television”, etc.

Based on the above, we can do next output that economic culture is one of the regulators of the economy and that the state can use it. Moreover, if the state really wants to succeed in implementing reforms, it must use this regulator.

The concept of economic culture

The economic culture of a society is the system of values ​​and motives of economic activity, the quality and level of economic knowledge, actions and assessments of a person, as well as traditions and norms governing economic relations and behavior.

Economic culture dictates special treatment to forms of ownership, improves the business environment.

Economic culture is an inextricable unity of consciousness and practical activity, which is decisive in the development of human economic activity and manifests itself in the process of production, distribution and consumption.

Note 1

The most important elements in the structure of economic culture can be called knowledge and practical skills, norms that regulate the characteristics of human behavior in economic field, ways of its organization.

Consciousness is the basis of human economic culture. Economic knowledge represents a complex of human economic ideas about the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of material goods, about the forms and methods that contribute to the sustainable development of society and the influence of economic processes on its formation.

Economic knowledge is a primary component of economic culture. They allow us to develop our understanding of the basic laws of development of the economy of society, about economic relationships in the world around us, develop our economic thinking and practical skills, and allow us to develop economically competent, morally sound behavior.

Economic culture of the individual

An important place in the economic culture of the individual is occupied by economic thinking, which makes it possible to cognize the essence economic phenomena and processes, correctly use the learned economic concepts, analyze specific economic situations.

The choice of behavior patterns in the economy and the effectiveness of solving economic problems largely depend on the socio-psychological qualities of participants in economic activity. The orientation of the individual is characterized by socially significant values ​​and social attitudes.

A person’s economic culture can be seen by considering the complex of his personal properties and qualities that represent the result of his participation in activities. Culture level specific person in the field of economics can be assessed by the totality of all its economic qualities.

In reality, economic culture is always influenced by the lifestyle, traditions, and mentality that are characteristic of to this people. Therefore, you cannot take any other model of the functioning of the economy as a model, or even more so an ideal.

Note 2

For Russia, in all likelihood, the European model of socio-economic development is closest, which is more humane than the American or Japanese, which is based on the values ​​of European spiritual culture and includes broad system social protection of the population.

However, this model can only be used with mandatory consideration of trends and features of the development of national Russian culture, in otherwise talking about economic culture and its role is completely pointless.

Functions of economic culture

Economic culture performs several important functions.

  1. Adaptive function, which is the original one. It is this that allows a person to adapt to the socio-economic conditions of society, types and forms of economic behavior, to adapt the socio-economic environment to his needs, for example, to produce the necessary economic goods, distribute them through sale, rental, exchange, etc. .
  2. A cognitive function that is coordinated with the adaptive function. The knowledge contained in economic culture, familiarity with its ideals, prohibitions, and legal norms enable a person to have a reliable guideline for choosing the content and forms of his economic behavior.
  3. Normative and regulatory function. Economic culture dictates to individuals and social groups certain standards and rules it has developed that influence people’s lifestyles, their attitudes and value orientations.
  4. Translational function, which creates the opportunity for dialogue between generations and eras, passing on the experience of economic activity from generation to generation.

Traditionally, culture has been the subject of research in philosophy, sociology, art history, history, literary criticism and other disciplines, and the economic sphere of culture has been practically not studied. Isolating the economy as special field culture will seem justified if we turn to the origin of the term “culture” itself. It is directly related to material production, agricultural labor.

On initial stages development human society the term “culture” was identified with the main economic activity of that time - agriculture. However, the social division of labor, which was the result of the development of productive forces, the delimitation of the spiritual and material-productive spheres of activity, created the illusion of their complete autonomy. “Culture” gradually began to be identified only with manifestations of the spiritual life of society, with the totality of spiritual values. This approach still finds its supporters, but at the same time, the dominant point of view is that culture is not limited exclusively to aspects of the superstructural nature or spiritual life of society.

Despite the different quality and heterogeneity of the components (parts) that make up a culture, they are united by the fact that they are all connected with some specific method human activity. Any type or method of activity can be represented as a combination of material and spiritual components. From the point of view of the social mechanism of human activity, they are means of activity. This approach allows us to highlight the criterion of phenomena and processes of the cultural class - to be a socially developed means of human activity. These could be, for example, tools, skills, clothing, traditions, homes and customs, etc.

At the initial stages of studying economic culture, it can be defined through the most general economic category“mode of production”, which is consonant with the definition of culture as a method of human activity. In the usual political economic interpretation, the mode of production is the interaction of productive forces located at a certain level development, and related this type industrial relations. However, keeping in mind the object of research, it is necessary to highlight the cultural aspect of the analysis of production forces and production relations.

It is appropriate to pay attention to Negative influence for a long time, the dominant technocratic interpretation of economics influenced the development of the theory of economic culture. Primary attention was paid to technological relations, natural-material indicators and specifications production. The economy was viewed as a machine, where people are cogs, enterprises are parts, industries are components*. In reality, the picture looks much more complicated, because the main agent of the economy is man, especially since ultimately the goal of socio-economic development is the formation of man as a free, creative personality. In the process of production, as K. Marx rightly noted, the diverse abilities of a person are improved, “the producers themselves change, developing new qualities in themselves, developing and transforming themselves through production, creating new forces and new ideas, new ways of communication, new needs and a new language."

Modern society, focusing on managing the economy as a machine through various kinds expenditure rates, technical and economic indicators, coefficients, levels, with enviable consistency, did not show interest in knowledge about the personal mechanisms of economic motivation, was not focused on studying the economic activity and entrepreneurship of a person who is himself complex system, in which all types of relations intersect: economic, political, ideological, legal and others. Such a simplified approach to understanding the essence and content of economics, of course, cannot be constructive in terms of studying economic culture.

From the point of view of the cultural approach, the historically developed properties and abilities of subjects of activity to work, production skills, knowledge and abilities are socially developed means of activity and, according to the selected criterion, belong to the class of phenomena of economic culture.

Economic culture should include not only relations of production, but also the whole set public relations, affecting technological method production, material production, on man as its main agent. Thus, in in a broad sense economic culture is a set of material and spiritual socially developed means of activity with the help of which the material and production life of people is carried out.

The structure of economic culture

The structural analysis of economic culture is dictated by the very structure of economic activity, the successive succession of phases of social reproduction: production itself, exchange, distribution and consumption. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about a culture of production, a culture of exchange, a culture of distribution and a culture of consumption. In the structure of economic culture, it is necessary to highlight the main structure-forming factor. Such a factor is human labor activity. It is characteristic of the entire variety of forms, types of material and spiritual production. Due to its importance for maintaining basic life processes, labor is highlighted as the basis for the development of other elements and components of economic culture. Each specific level of economic labor culture characterizes the relationship of man to man, man to nature (it was the awareness of this relationship that meant the emergence of economic culture), and the individual to his own working abilities.

The first level is productive-reproductive creative ability, when in the process of labor it is only repeated, copied and, only as an exception, by chance, something new is created.

The second level is generative creative ability, the result of which will be, if not a completely new work, then at least an original new variation.

The third level is constructive-innovative activity, the essence of which is the natural emergence of something new. This level of ability in production is manifested in the work of inventors and innovators.

Thus, any work activity is associated with the disclosure of the creative abilities of the manufacturer, but the degree of development of creative moments in the labor process is different. The more creative the work, the richer the cultural activity of a person, the higher the level of work culture. The latter, ultimately, is the basis for achieving a higher level of economic culture as a whole. It should be noted that labor activity in any society - primitive or modern - is collective, embodied in joint production. And this, in turn, finds expression in the fact that, along with work culture, it is necessary to consider production culture as an integral system.

Work culture includes skills in using tools of labor, conscious management of the process of creating material and spiritual wealth, free use of one’s abilities, and the use of achievements of science and technology in work activities. The production culture consists of the following main elements. Firstly, it is a culture of working conditions, which has a complex of components of an economic, scientific, technical, organizational, social and legal nature. Secondly, the culture of the labor process, which finds expression rather in the activities of an individual employee. Thirdly, the production culture, which is determined by the socio-psychological climate in the production team. Fourthly, special meaning V modern production is occupied by a management culture that organically combines the science and art of management, identifying the creative potential and realizing the initiative and entrepreneurship of each participant in the production process.

Trends in the development of economic culture

economic culture

Exists The general trend increasing the economic cultural level. This is reflected in the use the latest technology And technological processes, advanced techniques and forms of labor organization, the introduction of progressive forms of management and planning, development, science, knowledge in improving the education of workers.

However, a logical question arises: is it legitimate to consider economic culture as an exclusively positive phenomenon, is it possible to imagine the path of its development as a straight line on the axis of progress, directed upward, without deviations and zigzags?

In our everyday understanding, “culture” is associated with a certain stereotype: cultural means progressive, positive, bearer of good. From the position scientific level Such estimates are insufficient and not always correct. If you recognize the culture whole system, then there is a need to consider it as a dialectically contradictory formation, which is characterized by positive and negative, humane and inhumane properties and forms of manifestation.

For example, one cannot evaluate the laws of functioning of the capitalist economic system as bad or good. Meanwhile, this system is characterized by crises and upsurges, confrontation and struggle between classes, and such phenomena as unemployment and a high standard of living coexist in it. These trends include both positive and negative; their natural existence and intensity of manifestation reflect the level of economic culture at the achieved stage of development of social production. At the same time, these trends are not typical for other levels of production development.

The objective nature of the progressive development of culture does not mean that it occurs automatically. The direction of development is determined, on the one hand, by the opportunities contained in the totality of conditions that set the boundaries of economic culture, and on the other hand, by the degree and ways of realizing these opportunities by representatives of various social groups. Changes in sociocultural life are made by people, and therefore depend on their knowledge, will, and objectively established interests.

Depending on these factors within the local historical framework, recessions and stagnation are possible both in individual areas and in economic culture as a whole. To characterize the negative elements of economic culture, it is legitimate to use the term “low culture,” while “high economic culture” implies positive, progressive phenomena.

The progressive process of development of economic culture is determined, first of all, by the dialectical continuity of methods and forms of activity of generations. In general, continuity is one of the essential principles development, because the whole history human thought and activity is the assimilation, processing of the valuable and the destruction of the obsolete in the movement from the past to the future. K. Marx noted that “not a single social formation will perish before all the productive forces have developed... and new, higher relations of production never appear before the material conditions of their existence have matured in the depths of the old society itself.”

On the other hand, the progressive development of economic culture is associated with the introduction of innovations into people's lives that meet the requirements of the maturity stage of the socio-economic structure of society. In fact, the formation of a new quality of economic culture is the formation of new productive forces and new production relations.

As already noted, progressive trends in the development of economic culture are ensured, on the one hand, by the continuity of the entire potential of achievements accumulated by previous generations, on the other hand, by the search for new democratic mechanisms and their economic fundamentals. Ultimately, in the course of cultural development, conditions are created that encourage a person to be active. creative activity in all spheres of public life and contribute to its formation as an active subject of social, economic, legal, political and other processes.

For a long time, the theory and practice of economic development in our country was dominated by a specific approach that ignored man and his individuality. While fighting for progress in the idea, we received opposite results in reality*. This problem faces our society very acutely and is discussed by scientists and practitioners in connection with the need to develop market relations, the institution of entrepreneurship, and the democratization of economic life in general.

Human civilization does not yet know a more democratic and effective regulator of the quality and quantity of products, a stimulator of economic and scientific and technological progress than the market mechanism. Non-commodity relations - a step back into social development. This is the basis for unequal exchange and the flourishing of unprecedented forms of exploitation.

Democracy grows not on the basis of slogans, but on the real basis of economic laws. Only through the freedom of the producer in the market is democracy realized in the economic sphere. Continuity in the development of democratic mechanisms is a normal and positive thing. There is nothing wrong with using elements of bourgeois-democratic experience. Interestingly, the motto of the Great french revolution 1789-1794 "freedom, equality, fraternity" was in the following way interpreted by market relations: freedom is the freedom of private individuals, freedom of competition of isolated masters, equality is the equivalence of exchange, the cost basis of purchase and sale, and brotherhood is the union of “enemy brothers”, competing capitalists.

World experience shows that for the successful functioning of the market and the economic mechanism, a well-thought-out interconnection is necessary legal norms, competent and efficient government regulation, certain state public consciousness, culture and ideology. The country is now going through a period of rapid lawmaking. This is natural, because no democratic system can exist without a legal basis, without strengthening law and order. Otherwise, it will have a flawed appearance and a low degree of resistance to anti-democratic forces. However, it is necessary to recognize the limits to the effectiveness of legislative activity. On the one hand, decisions made in legislative bodies, are not always prompt and do not always correspond to economically more rational approaches. On the other hand, we can talk about the strengthening of legal nihilism. Many of the problems we face are not fully resolved through the legislative process. Serious transformations of production, organizational and managerial relations and structures are needed.

For a long time, the state of economic culture was “described” in within strict limits praises of socialism. However, as the main trend of all economic indicators to a decrease (in the rate of growth of production and capital investment, labor productivity, budget deficit, etc.), the inability to work became obvious economic system socialism. This forced us to rethink our reality in a new way and begin searching for answers to many questions. Are being done practical steps towards the market, democratization of property relations, development of entrepreneurship, which, undoubtedly, is evidence of the emergence of qualitatively new features of the economic culture of modern society.

Volkova A.A

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, Talinka

Social studies lesson in 10th grade.

Teacher Volkova A. A,

KMOU Secondary School No. 7, Talinka.

Topic: Economic culture.

Learning goal :

To form an idea of ​​the essence and structure of economic culture;

Developmental goal :

Formation of skills: to give a detailed answer; analyze, draw conclusions, determine and explain your attitude to the situation; express your point of view in a reasoned manner; explain concepts.

Educational purpose :

Cultivating respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen; fostering a responsible attitude towards activities and their results. upbringing moral qualities business man.

Lesson type: lesson in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Equipment: TSO, handouts.

Teaching methods : verbal, visual, practical,partially search.

Forms of organization cognitive activity : individual, frontal, group, collective.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time(1 min.).

II. Checking homework (7 min.).

III. Preparing students for active perception of new material (2 min.).

IV. Mastering new material (20 min.).

V. Primary consolidation of the studied material (4 min.).

VI. Control and testing of knowledge (6 min.).

VII. Information about homework(1 min.).

VIII. Summing up the lesson (1 min).

I . Organizing time.

Greeting students, checking their presence and readiness for class

3 Tasks:

1. Provide contact with the class.

2. Set students up for productive work.

3. Create a working atmosphere.

II. Checking homework.


Promptly check students' preparation for homework.

1.Individual work at the board.


1. Draw up a diagram of “Economic Culture”.

2. Define the concepts: motives, values. Give examples.

3. Identify the missing link in the teacher’s scheme (slide No. 4).

2. Frontal survey.

1. Define economic relations (relations of property, production, distribution, exchange, consumption);(Slide No. 2)

2. Determine economic interests (a person’s desire to obtain the benefits he needs to ensure life).(Slide No. 3)

3. Define structural elements economic culture;(Slide No. 4)

3. Checking the individual task . (Slide No. 4)

III . Preparing students to learn new material


Arouse interest in the material being studied in class.

Teacher: Do you think all people will have the same economic interests?

What do you think is necessary to harmonize people's interests?

One of essential elements economic culture are economicnorms regulating the behavior and economic activities of people.

This is what we will talk about in class.

IV . Learning new material.

1.Group work (5 min.), discussion (3 min.).

2. Analysis of the proposed situations (7 min.).


1.Acquire knowledge key issues lesson topics.

2. To arouse students’ interest in working to achieve the goal.

Topic study plan: (Slide No. 5)

I. Business ethics.

II. Economic freedom and social responsibility.

    Business ethics.

Work in groups. (3 groups).

Exercise 1.

Because the important role in economic life in conditions market economy plays entrepreneurial activity you will complete the task: “Ethics of a business person.”

Discussion of the task.

Teacher: Nowadays, a normal businessman adheres to certain ethical rules when conducting his business. These rules are:(Slide No. 6)

1. An entrepreneur firmly believes that his activities are needed not only by him, but also by society as a whole and its individual representatives in particular.

2. A businessman believes in the people around him. He believes that they want and know how to work in general, and with him in particular.

3. He treats business as creativity, believes in it, puts his soul into it.

4. The entrepreneur clearly understands the importance of cooperation, but also recognizes the need for competition.

5. An entrepreneur respects the laws and respects any form of ownership. He especially values ​​professionals in their field and highly values ​​education and science.

Teacher: Formulate a conclusion regarding the task.(Slide No. 7)

The above ethical principles a businessman can be applied or modified for absolutely any area of ​​his activity.

Task 2.

We have discussed with you the “Rules of Ethics for a Business Person,” and now let’s try to apply them in the proposed situations. (Discussion in groups)

1. An entrepreneur periodically meets an old acquaintance who works in a competing company and has a lot of developments behind him. An acquaintance wants to open a branch of his company, which he will manage.

The company's management believes that a leadership position will take a lot of energy from valuable personnel and distract from the development of new projects. The entrepreneur had long dreamed of “dragging” an old acquaintance into his company. An opportune opportunity arises. How to proceed?(Slide No. 8)

2. The head of a pharmaceutical company believed that 1 produces a product that is healthy. But having read the latest scientific research, found out that the new generation of sedative pills, which generates significant income, negatively affects the psyche of patients. What should he do?(Slide No. 9).

3. The company, with the help of research, has improved one of its products. The improvement turned out to be very insignificant, that is, the product did not turn out to be a “new product” for the consumer, but such a statement is persistently heard on the packaging and in advertising of the product. The entrepreneur is confident that the “new product” will bring a fair profit. What should he do?(Slide No. 10).

4. The entrepreneur knows that a vacant position of department head has opened in a competing, strong company. His ex-wife, with which he still has warm relations, passes a competition and gets this position: The entrepreneur has a rare opportunity to learn about new products from a competing company first-hand. What should he do?(Slide No. 11)

5. The entrepreneur has a network of dealers. One of the company's most productive salespeople began to have problems in his family - his sales level decreased significantly. It is unclear when his family life will return to normal, but for now the company is losing a large number of sales The entrepreneur has the legal opportunity to liquidate the trading privilege issued to this dealer and replace him. Howeshould I enroll?(Slide No. 12)

6. The head of the marketing department invites the entrepreneur to carry out sociological survey among consumers of a competing company's product to find out reviews about the competitor's product. In order not to be exposed, he proposes to conduct this interview under the name of the non-existent, harmless “Marketing Research Institute.” How to proceed?(Slide No. 13)

Teacher: What conclusion can be proposed about the compliance of the entrepreneur’s activities with the rules of ethics?

Conclusion: business, competition and morality are not contradictory.

II . Economic freedom and social responsibility

“Doing business on the basis of pure profit is an enterprise in highest degree risky... The task of an entrepreneur is to produce for consumption, and not for profit and speculation... It is worthwhile for the people to realize that the producer does not serve him and his end is not far off.”

G. Ford, American auto industrialist. (Slide No. 14)

Teacher : Is it beneficial to be honest?

A businessman, as we found out, needs such qualities as independence, prudence, efficiency, responsibility, and honesty.

Conversation on questions: (Slide No. 15)

    What is economic freedom?

    What is responsibility? Social responsibility?

    How are they related:

Economics and Law;

Economics and ecology

Economy and social and political stability

V . Consolidation of what has been learned.


consolidation of concepts: economic culture, business ethics, economic freedom, social responsibility.

Teacher : Define concepts(Slide No. 16)

    System of values ​​and motives of economic activity,

Level and quality of economic knowledge,

The content of traditions and norms governing economic relations

(economic culture).

    Norms and rules of conduct in business activities

(business ethics)

    independent adoption of economic decisions, types of economic activities, forms of ownership, goods, forms of consumption….

(economic freedom)

    social and moral-legal attitude of the individual

Fulfillment of moral duty and legal norms.

(Social responsibility)

VI . Control and correction of knowledge.

Working with the dough. Self-control.


Check your level of mastery of the material.

Test. (Slide 17)

    Fill in the missing words:

A. The economic culture of a society is a system….

B. The norms and rules of human behavior in economic activity are revealed by….

    Economic relations include

A. Exchange.

B. Consumption.

B. Production.

D. Distribution

D. All of the above.

    Do you agree that individual economic freedom is inseparable from social responsibility? Explain.

Self-control: 1.A. values; B. Ethics,(Slide No. 18)


3.Yes. Economic freedom without social responsibility leads to violation of the law, aggravation of environmental problem, release low-quality goods(there may be other options).

VII . Information about homework.

Homework§ 13, questions and tasks afterparagraph.


advise students on completing homework.

VIII . Summing up the lesson.


evaluate students' activities.