Sobriety by conviction is the choice of the strong. Sobriety is the choice of the strong

Memo for the population.

T FOLK is a natural and creative state of a person, family, society - the basis for personal development. She great value, given to a person from birth!
SOBRIETY is a conscious refusal of any intoxicating substances: alcohol, tobacco, etc. psychoactive substances.

IN in a broad sense sobriety is understood as rationality and spirituality life position. Sobriety is the achievement and maintenance of overall control and balance in life, freedom from painful addictions. Sober means vigilant, strong, conscious, purposeful.

Sobriety is the most important foundation healthy life, it preserves the physical and mental health human, tall intellectual level, good relations in family.

Over the past 100 years, world medical thought has created Theory of Sobriety, which is usually called SOBRIOLOGY- the science of ways to sober up a person and society. We know little about it, since it is often hushed up and ignored. In their research, such leading scientists as I.M. Sechenov, V.M. Bekhterev and others proved that even the most minimum level alcohol consumption leads to the degradation of the people.

Alcohol, radioactive particles tobacco smoke (polonium-210, lead-210, radium-226, thorium-228 and potassium-40) cause numerous genetic damage - mutations, congenital diseases and deformities. As a result, the proportion of hereditary changes increases from generation to generation. This destroys the entire human genotype, regulated over millions of years natural selection. Mutations activate a decrease in the birth rate, the health potential of the people and the possibility of their intelligence.

The widespread use of alcohol and tobacco in Russia in the 20th century significantly reduced the level of health and intelligence of a large part of the population. That is why it is so important for people to realize the need Sober lifestyle how great value for yourself and the whole society.

Principle European Alcohol Charter, adopted by the delegations of all European countries, sounds like this:

“All people who do not wish to drink alcohol or are unable to do so because of conviction or health conditions have the right to protection from pressure and coercion to drink alcohol and to support for their sober behavior.”
The Sobriety Theory calls on both the adult and younger generations, and especially young people, to consciously switch to a sober lifestyle. This means that in adult life will include healthy young families who will raise healthy children.

Maintaining a sober lifestyle allows a person to maintain his natural strength and health, allows him to save and significantly increase the internal reserves of the body, give birth to and raise healthy children.

From birth, a child has natural barriers to the use of alcohol and tobacco. Thus, under the age of 7, all children (92%) have a negative attitude towards cigarettes and alcohol.

An exception may be “nicotine” and “alcohol children”, children with certain psychosomatic disorders.

Growing up in an environment of openly smoking and drinking parents also contributes to the breakdown of biological protective barrier. Children become defenseless against the effects of tobacco and alcohol poisons.

Every person is born sober. The family plays a major role in preserving the innate sobriety of children. For this it is necessary that Sobriety become in the usual way life of every family. Of course, we ourselves canMuch can be done to promote Temperance. It’s best to start with yourself by giving up substances that artificially stimulate the body and family sober lifestyle.

A sober lifestyle is a way to satisfy their needs using healthy methods, without the use of doping.
Nowadays SOBRIETY is becoming more and more fashionable and popular.

“The sobriety of the people, as in a mirror, was reflected in the army. The Russian army has always differed in this matter from other armies in the world. Such commanders as Suvorov, Skobelev, Brusilov very strictly adhered to sobriety in the army. As a result, the Russian army was different high discipline and “the ability to win,” as Suvorov wrote. Sober warriors, returning home, brought high morality and nobility to families and people.”
Russian surgeon, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences - Fedor Uglov

“I deliberately do not drink alcohol because my personal example sobriety is the least I can do for my children and my people." Four-time world champion, wrestler, Russian athlete- Fedor Emelianenko.

About a third of young people today choose SOBRIENCY. They expect this choice from their parents and from everyone who lives next to them in their country.

For it to work, it can be activated in any usual way, for example with the words:
This runic form protects (name) from cravings for alcohol and alcohol addiction, helps (name) maintain health and longevity. Considering the fact that alcoholics almost never admit to addiction and extremely rarely consciously seek help, their loved ones can also work with them. But since stav involves working with clients who have already recovered, they need to be introduced to the stav, and the person must be informed about the features of the runes and the meaning of creating the stav. I think there will be no internal protest. If the person still rejects independent work with a stave (for example, carrying it in a pocket), it is possible to place the stave in the house so as not to violate his personal comfort zone.

Application of stav

The best option is to apply it to reverse side photographs of a person who was healed. He should be alone in the photo, without glasses and from a direct perspective. It is possible to embroider it on textile items (for example, a decorative pillow) and place it in the house. You can draw on accessories (vases, panels). There are quite a lot of options, some sew an image of these runes into the pillow or plant a plant and bury it in the ground. If you want to ensure that there are no celebrations with alcohol in the house, place it in a visible place in the kitchen or where you usually celebrate. If an object with a stave crashes or disappears, this is a sign that an outsider is performing rituals to make a person dependent, planning to get him drunk for certain purposes. In this case, you need to work out the protection. Usually staves are painted and placed in the house several times. He's quite positive.
Decoding by runes
The stave uses seven runes. Each of them 1 time.
What does each rune give?
Mannaz - symbolizes the person himself, his modest desires, lack of excesses, moderation in life. Gives clarity of desire to change. New interests in life. Help in solving addiction problems. Receipt practical recommendations, regarding giving up drinking.
Uruz - gives inner strength not to resort to alcohol in difficult situations, for depression. The end of the path of an alcoholic, the beginning of a healthy life. End old negative habits. Forms a decent environment, sober people nearby. Revealing the true will of a person. Encourages manifestation inner strength will. Rune of courage. Efforts to achieve results.
Dagaz - gives a person the desire to be healthy, the strength to give up bad habits. Rune of transformation and breakthrough. Leads a person from a period of darkness to prosperity. Helps you believe in success, even under the pressure of external circumstances. 180 degree changes in life. Adoption important decision in life.
Perth - rebirth, qualitative change consciousness. Rebirth, psychological death, intense experiences and after that - dawn, rebirth.
Laguz is a heightened perception of the world, thanks to intuition. A firm awareness of the harmfulness of a bad habit - alcohol consumption. The rune gives correct knowledge, guides you on the path to healthy and happy life, introduces you to good people. Feminine power from the inside (for women) and from the outside (for men). Success in new activity, good memory.
Ansuz - receiving blessings, support and signs from Higher powers on the path to recovery from alcohol addiction. It pushes away from a person those who have not overcome addiction and influences him in every possible way (invites him to drink in company, and so on). Every addiction, as we know, is due to idleness, lack of opportunity to realize oneself in the area and extent in which one would like. Therefore, this rune again helps a person to switch his energy to new creative hobbies and activities, introduces interesting people. Gives others patience towards the person.
Inguz - fruits after effort. The rune helps to consolidate the result and rewards a person in every possible way for voluntarily giving up alcohol. Gives various benefits, thereby encouraging him to completely forget about alcohol and past life during periods of drunkenness. Relief, satisfaction with the current situation. The rune attracts positive changes in a person's life.
Teyvaz gives a person a warlike attitude; he wants to be healed at all costs and win the war against his drinking self. Fight to the end, to the result. Strong motivations. Full speed ahead, no failures. Great determination and victory.




Class hour on the topic:

"Sobriety is the choice of the strong!"

Developed by: Semenova Marina Olegovna,

classroom teacher groups No. 161/162

by profession "Cook, confectioner"



Class hour on the topic:

"Sobriety is the choice of the strong!"

Target: attracting public attention to the need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


Formation negative attitude for use various types psychoactive substances;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Progress of the class hour

introduction teacher:

Good afternoon, Dear Guys! September 11th is celebrated as Temperance Day in our country. All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a mass cultural event aimed at showing the benefits of a sober lifestyle, awakening civic initiative and uniting society in opposition to addiction.

Today there is a threat looming over our country, and you and I need to pay attention to the enormous social problem, on the decision of which the fate of Russia depends. Alcoholization Russian people has assumed alarming proportions. The Russian President said that “alcoholism has acquired the character of a national disaster in our country,” and called for decisive measures to be taken to correct the situation.

Let's look at the statistics:

Every third working-age man suffers from excessive alcohol consumption. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is in currently main reason demographic crisis, the rapid extinction of our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. During the 10 years of war in Afghanistan, people died

14,000 of our compatriots. According to academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, first deputy chairman of the Committee State Duma for health protection N.F. Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia takes away at least one million human lives in year.

The age at which teenagers start drinking alcohol has dropped over the past twenty years from 16 to 13 years. 80% of minors in Russia constantly drink alcohol, and 33% of boys and 20% of girls drink it daily. This undermines the physical and mental health and mental development of the younger generation. Russia ranks first in childhood alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people, broken families - these are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change, our country has no future. We have reached the point where only sobriety can stop our headlong rush towards inevitable death! After all, alcohol is more terrible and insidious than any of the most merciless enemies; it is a weapon of mass destruction.

IN Lately associated with alcohol:

72% murders;

42% suicides;

52% of deaths from injuries, accidents, etc.;

67% of deaths from liver cirrhosis;

23% of deaths are from cardiovascular diseases.

Alcohol kills 500-750 thousand people a year. Alcohol means accidents, equipment damage, psychosis, poisoning, illnesses, disabilities, neglected children and many others. terrible phenomena»

The tradition of holding Temperance Day is being revived these days in order to mark public consciousness sobriety as social norm life as natural state person.

And now, guys, I offer you the beginning of the proverb, and you must finish it by choosing from the answers we have:

Proverb competition

Well done! Now, let's answer the questions:


1. You can’t buy it for any money? (health)

2. What gives a person energy? (food)

3. A person who smokes and drinks alcohol is extremely susceptible to any infectious diseases. About damage to which body system? we're talking about? (About immune system)

4. Training the body with cold. (hardening)

5. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (bacterium)

6. How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart? (makes your heart beat faster)

7. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (lungs' cancer)

8. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to treat colds? (raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)

9. What time of year is best to start hardening? (in summer)

10. What do you call people who swim in an ice hole in winter? ("walruses")

11. Name winter views sports

12. Name summer sports.

13. Which plant leaves are used for bruises and scratches? (plantain, burdock)

14. Why can’t you drink water from a puddle? (dirty water contains various microbes that cause dangerous diseases)

15. The science of body purity. (hygiene).

And now, I propose to play the game “Believe it or not.” If you agree with me and believe in this, then raise both hands, and if you disagree, put your hands down.

Competition-game “Believe it or not”

(agreement - raise two hands, disagreement - lower your hands)

Do you believe that

Is exercise a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

chewing gum saves teeth? (No)

Do carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)

Are there any harmless drugs? (No)

In summer you can stock up on vitamins whole year? (No)

drink ice water on a hot day does it help with hardening? (No)

To protect ourselves from germs, should we not wash vegetables and fruits before eating? (No)

mobile, active image Does life promote health or not? (Yes)

Our today has come to an end Classroom hour. Please tell me what you learned today and what conclusions did you draw from it? What surprised you the most from today?

Students' answers: …………………………….

Final word teacher: Some people have written wonderful lines promoting a healthy lifestyle. I suggest you think about the problem that has arisen in society, pay attention to it and give up bad, destructive habits.


Annex 1.


Know how to work,... (know how to have fun too).

Drink vodka - ... (to ruin yourself).

In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes drown).

Walk, dance, ... (don’t kill a soul).

Loved wine - ... (ruined his family).

Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).

Drink and walk - ... (no good in sight).

A drunkard among the people... (like a weed in a garden).

A river begins with a stream, ... (and drunkenness begins with a glass).

Enough wine - ... (the young man passed away).

Alcoholism- a dangerous disease associated with physical and mental cravings for drinking alcohol. Although this problem is observed in all countries of the world, in Russia alcoholism has acquired the proportions of a national disaster.

Among “ordinary” people, an amazing belief has strengthened that alcoholism is the lot of homeless people and degenerate individuals, although everyday drunkenness in various stages extended to almost all social strata. Even with the most obvious signs of advanced alcoholism, it is customary not to realize it and not to limit it: they drink in groups and alone, hide alcohol from their families, and hide their binges under plausible pretexts. For some reason, it is believed that help in the form of organizations “ alcoholics anonymous"or medical coding of alcoholism - a sign of character weakness, interference with personal life. Alcohol is considered to be a good antidepressant, but it can only be such in homeopathic doses, with special medical prescription. Our “culture” is a condescending attitude towards drinking citizens, sympathy, understanding and forgiveness.

Meanwhile, the alcoholic tsunami is growing, spreading out in waves, capturing everyone in its path. Stress and self-doubt provoke you to “relax,” but this only leads to new round problems - physical and moral. But the result is so “stormy and beautiful life“most often - alcoholism, loneliness, death.

Alcoholics become dependent on alcohol. If you suddenly deprive them of their ability to drink, it can cause withdrawal syndrome, which includes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, anxiety, hallucinations, tremors, etc. Alcoholism disrupts brain activity and memory, impairs physical abilities, and a person begins to commit unreasonable acts.


There are many reasons why a person can become addicted to alcohol. This could be due to stress emotional conflict, bereavement (for example, the death of a loved one), difficulties at work. Alcoholism is promoted by a depressive personality with low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with one’s actions and deeds. The hereditary factor is important, as well as various factors environment and culture.


Alcohol abuse affects a person's ability to make everyday decisions and makes him irresponsible. Alcoholics may not go to work or attend classes, and they have difficulty communicating. In the final stages of alcoholism, they find themselves unable to even take care of themselves.

The first signs of alcoholism can be suspected if a person:

Drinks alcohol to forget about all problems,

Drinks in the morning or alone,

While intoxicated, you can harm yourself or others,

Needs more and more more alcohol,

Loses control of himself.

If you or your loved ones have similar problems, try to consult a doctor.

Modern medicine views alcoholism as a disease of three stages of varying complexity, but it is quite possible to divide it into four. Alcoholism of the third and fourth stages is a kind of “point of no return”: having reached this brink, the patient can no longer give up alcohol on his own.

1st stage of alcoholism

Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of weak psychological dependence. If a person does not have access to alcohol, the addiction slowly fades away, but if he has the means, he will certainly buy himself a dose of ethanol. There are no visible physical pathologies at the first stage of the disease - only a slight addiction, characterized by a desire to drink on the weekend, to accompany a meeting of friends with alcohol, or to dilute loneliness with a dose of alcohol.

In order to discourage the patient from taking ethyl alcohol, it is enough to distract his attention and fill free time program that excludes alcohol intake. In this case, psychological dependence completely disappears within a short time. However, if this is not done, drinking alcohol becomes less normalized and more frequent, and the patient becomes more and more dependent.

Stage 2 alcoholism

Stage 2 is characterized by an obsessive desire to drink alcohol. Psychological dependence becomes inescapable - even when distracted by work or other matters, the patient thinks about how nice it would be to drink (and often lives in anticipation of this moment).

Tolerance to alcohol increases - the dose from which natural nausea does not occur as a reaction to intoxication of the body becomes larger. The critical attitude towards alcoholism disappears; alcohol in Everyday life becomes a matter of course. Next comes what modern doctors tend to consider the transition to the third, most severe stage of the disease according to the standard classification (although this can be defined as a separate stage).

Stage 3 alcoholism

Stage 3 is characterized by the appearance of withdrawal symptoms in the drinker. Dependence on psychological level develops into a physical one: alcohol taken blocks the production of many natural hormones, which is why the patient can no longer stop drinking.

The patient reaches the so-called “plateau of alcohol tolerance” - the dose of ethanol that can be consumed without vomiting increases several times higher than the safe norm. Eliminating a hangover by drinking new doses of alcohol develops into binge alcoholism, causing irreparably harmful consequences to the human body. An alcoholic begins to experience pathological changes nerve tissue, the liver begins to slowly degenerate into connective tissue - the beginnings of cirrhosis appear.

When forced to stop drinking, the patient experiences symptoms reminiscent of drug withdrawal and characterized by a “withdrawal syndrome.” The patient's behavior during withdrawal syndrome becomes violent, unpredictable and actively aggressive.

Stage 4 alcoholism

Stage 4 is characterized by a sharp decrease in tolerance to alcohol due to the almost complete dysfunction of many vital important organs. Pathological changes in the structure of blood vessels are observed. The digestive tract and liver begin to suffer from the appearance of malignant tumors. The patient completely loses interest in social side life - the only problem is finding the next dose of ethyl alcohol.

Often there is a complete loss of discernment in alcoholic drinks: hardened alcoholics drink alcohol, windshield wipers, and cologne with equal pleasure. Physical dependence becomes so strong that if the patient is forcibly removed from a drunken state, he may simply die.

Incoherent speech low level coordination of movements, drying out of muscle tissue turn patients from people into creatures practically devoid of reason and meaning in life. Alcoholics completely lose the need for reproductive function human body. The fourth stage of alcoholism in 95% of cases ends in painful death from cerebral hemorrhage or heart attack (ventricular fibrillation).


Alcoholics change their values, interests, and social circles. The worst thing is that these changes are present not only in a state of intoxication, but also in light, sober periods. Complications of alcoholism include:

Anxiety and depression, sometimes leading to suicide attempts;

Loss of appetite

Liver cirrhosis, gastritis, cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, psychosis, peripheral neuropathy,

Damage to the fetus due to alcohol abuse during pregnancy. This syndrome is called fetal alcoholism and includes birth defects and defects and subsequent mental development disorders.


You need to stop drinking alcohol. Seek support and help from loved ones. They love you and want you to be healthy. There are special doctors who deal with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction. There is nothing wrong with visiting such doctors and medical centers. In addition, the system of helplines is now well developed.

If there is a person in your family who suffers from alcoholism, you must do everything possible to ensure that he agrees to seek help from a professional. Never help an alcoholic achieve what they want. Instead of feeling sorry for him, let him face the consequences. own actions. An alcoholic must independently realize that he cannot continue to live like this. You can only help him come to this decision.


In such cases, treatment with detoxification and rehabilitation is carried out. To identify possible complications carry out analyzes and other studies. Appropriate treatment is prescribed. During therapy, the support of relatives is very important for the patient; he should feel that they value and love him even in the current situation.


Alcoholism develops gradually. If you are trying to solve your problems with alcohol or simply drinking alcohol on a daily basis, you should think about your condition. If you decide to fight your addiction, try to follow these tips:

Reduce the time you spend with drinking people. Avoid the place and company in which you usually drink;

Try to control the amount you drink. You can have a cocktail or a glass of wine at the party, but only one. Other drinks must be non-alcoholic;

Don't drink and drive. If you decide to drink, arrange for someone who doesn't drink to drive you home;

Avoid drinking alcohol if someone in your family suffers from alcoholism;

Try to give up all bad habits; very often the first one leads to the next one;

Don't use alcohol as a coping mechanism. If you are struggling at home or at work, talk to a friend, relative, member of your church community, or a trusted doctor.

Alcoholism statistics shows that addiction to alcohol develops much faster in young people than in adults. Teenagers who start drinking alcohol at the age of 15-18 become completely addicted within 2-3 years. And children who start drinking alcohol at the age of 12-14 become completely addicted in less than a year.

Alcoholism is not just a problem for one person. This disease has long acquired universal proportions. And here effective way there is no fight against it yet. We can only hope that medicine will soon find a way to relieve cravings for alcohol - an insidious killer that destroys everything in its path.

Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan Region

GBUZAO "Center for Medical Prevention"