Biology full course 3 Bilich Kryzhanovsky. Various stages of spermato- and oogenesis

School is ending...I'm going to college medical school...1.5 years left and during this time I need to quickly expand, deepen and systematize my knowledge of biology. School textbooks I was not satisfied - for high school only general biology, and botany and zoology only for grades 5-7. I had to look for an alternative again and again. After wandering around the Internet for a long time, I couldn’t find anything sensible. And quite by accident, already completely desperate, I saw a link to the Complete Course of Biology. I liked the phrase “for schools with in-depth study biology" and I immediately placed an order for all 3 volumes at once. (yes, yes, there are only 3 of them, although the books themselves say 4... I wonder where this mysterious 4th volume is? I searched the entire Internet, but no mention of it I didn’t find it... Maybe they burned it, like Gogol Volume 2" Dead souls"?) Sorry, I got distracted) So, I present to you my new purchase "Biology. Complete course in 4 (3) volumes)"!

In total, the series includes 3 books:

  • Volume 1. Anatomy .
  • Volume 2. Botany .
  • Volume 3 Zoology .
Anatomy (5th ed. ) - the most “powerful” - 864 pages, Botany (6th ed.) With Zoology (6th ed.) almost 2 times less - by 544 pages each. All books are in good condition hard glossy cover , approximately A5 in size. The pages are dense and snow-white. Anatomy cost me 450 rub.., Botany in 250 rub.., and I received Zoology as a gift from an online store promotion), and it’s also worth it 250 rub.
Now about the content. I really liked the series. Its advantages:
  1. Great amount additional information . At the same time, not just anything is written. But in fact, necessary things that will be useful during admission and further studies.
  2. Even though the books are filled with all kinds of in biological terms, they are easy to read because terms are given a clear interpretation , they are introduced gradually and “flow” from one another.
  3. Myself The writing style is very captivating . It's really interesting to read. This is of course not fantasy, not a detective story, but still...I, for example, really liked zoology, although before I couldn’t stand it at all. The structure of hydras was interestingly described. Between the anatomical details, footage from their life in nature surfaced.
  4. Almost Each page has an illustration , even several. Even though they black and white , made quite high quality. The printing is clear, each picture has a signature.
  5. At school we were given only one diagram of the structure of plants, but in Botany from this series are given various schemes internal structure root, stem, leaf, etc. for different plant families. Well, it doesn't matter...)))

Also read my reviews...)

M.: 2002 - T.1 - 862p., T.2 - 544p., T.3 - 544p.

Detailed modern data on the structure and vital activity of cells and tissues are presented, all cellular components are described. The main functions of cells are considered: metabolism, including respiration, synthetic processes, cell division (mitosis, meiosis). Given comparative description eukaryotic (animal and plant) and prokaryotic cells, as well as viruses. Photosynthesis is discussed in detail. Special attention devoted to classical and modern genetics. The structure of tissues is described. A significant part of the book is devoted functional anatomy person.

The textbook presents detailed and up-to-date data on the structure, life activity and taxonomy of plants, fungi, lichens and slime molds. Particular attention is paid plant tissues and organs structural features organisms in a comparative aspect, as well as reproduction. Taking into account latest achievements describes the process of photosynthesis.

Detailed modern data on the structure and vital functions of animals are presented. The most common groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals are considered at all hierarchical levels - from ultrastructural to macroscopic. Particular attention is paid to the comparative anatomical aspects of various systematic groups of animals. A significant part of the book is devoted to mammals.
The book is intended for students of schools with advanced studying biology, applicants and higher education students educational institutions students studying in areas and specialties in the field of medicine, biology, ecology, veterinary medicine, as well as for school teachers, graduate students and university teachers.

Volume 1. Anatomy

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Volume 2. Botany

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Volume 3. Zoology

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Organs, systems and organ apparatuses
Features of human development, growth and structure
Performance, work, fatigue and rest
Internal organs
Respiratory system
Genitourinary apparatus
Musculoskeletal system
The cardiovascular system
Hematopoietic organs and immune system
Nonspecific body resistance
Nervous system
Sense organs
Endocrine apparatus

Plant tissues
Plant organs, their structure and functions
Plant classification
Slime molds or Myxomycetes.

Type Sarcomastigophora
Phylum Sporozoa
Type Cnidosporidia
Type Microsporidia (Microsporidia)
Type Ciliates (Infuzoria), or Ciliated (Ciliophora)
Origin theories multicellular organisms
Type Coelenterata
Type Flatworms(Plathelminthes)
Type Roundworms(Nemathelmentes)
Type Annelids(Annedelia)
Phylum Arthropods (Arthropoda)
Type Mollusca
Phylum Chordata

About how to read books in pdf formats, djvu - see section " Programs; archivers; formats pdf, djvu and etc. "

Editor: Borovikov A. A.

Publisher: Phoenix, 2017

Series: Entrant

Genre: Auxiliary materials for students, Reference books for schoolchildren

The reference book presents modern data on the structure, functions and development of living organisms, their diversity, distribution on Earth, relationships among themselves and with external environment. Problems considered general biology(structure and function of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, viruses, tissues, genetics, evolution, ecology), functional human anatomy, physiology, morphology and systematics of plants, as well as fungi, lichens and slime molds, zoology of invertebrates and vertebrates.
The book is intended for school students and applicants entering universities in areas and specialties in the field of medicine, biology, ecology, veterinary medicine, agronomy, animal science, pedagogy, sports, as well as for school teachers. It can also be successfully used by students.
8th edition.

User comments:

User Egor Morozov writes:

"Biology for university applicants"Kryzhanovsky V.K., candidate biological sciences, who taught at the MMA named after. Sechenov, will be very useful for students in preparing for classes in biology, botany and human physiology. The manual analyzes and describes in detail many biological processes.

The most succinct presentation of an in-depth biology course. The material is presented logically and consistently, at a high level theoretical level. The book is not suitable for those who need “something just to pass”: working with this manual requires a certain theoretical training and knowledge biological terminology. The benefit is not limited school curriculum, but gives theoretical basis at the level of the fundamentals of a university course. In some cases, the material turns out to be excessive in comparison with the requirements...

The most succinct presentation of an in-depth biology course. The material is presented logically and consistently, at a high theoretical level. The book is not suitable for those who need “something just to pass”: working with this manual requires a certain theoretical preparation and knowledge of biological terminology. The manual is not limited to the school curriculum, but provides a theoretical basis at the level of the fundamentals of a university course. In some cases, the material turns out to be excessive in comparison with the requirements Unified State Examination programs. For example, the taxonomy presented in the book is closer to that adopted in modern biology, but wider than that offered in school course. The illustrations are black and white, but in most cases they are easy to understand.
The manual is addressed primarily to those students who are not limited to school textbooks in studying the subject.

An excellent reference for preparing for university admission. It describes in detail all sections of biology, but in a slightly difficult language for a beginner. But for those who want to improve their knowledge and reach a different level in the study of biology, this collection is ideal. This collection will also be useful to you at university.

Detailed modern data on the structure and vital activity of cells and tissues are presented, all cellular components are described. The main functions of cells are considered: metabolism, including respiration, synthetic processes, cell division (mitosis, meiosis). A comparative description of eukaryotic (animal and plant) and prokaryotic cells, as well as viruses, is given. Photosynthesis is discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to classical and modern genetics. The structure of tissues is described. A significant part of the book is devoted to functional human anatomy.
The book is intended for students of schools with in-depth study of biology, applicants and students of higher educational institutions studying in areas and specialties in the field of medicine, biology, ecology, veterinary medicine, as well as for school teachers, graduate students and university teachers.
Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
6th edition, revised and expanded.

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Latest comment on the site:

User PITZAGL writes:

My son's name is Ilya. So I decided to buy this book for a child 8 years old. The book and illustrations are unattractive in appearance. Small format. But a large, convenient font. I read this book myself that same evening. But my son was not interested. Waiting in the wings. Honestly, I read more interesting books similar content. Doesn't capture. Suitable for older children and adults common understanding lives of the prophets. In principle, I would buy other books in this series. The content is laconic, there is nothing superfluous.

Reviews of other books:

User NPORPYY writes:

The book is amazing! Started reading in electronic version, but I liked it so much that I wanted to buy it.
Light and simple language, brightened up profanity, makes the book even easier to understand. And how much is familiar in her, and how much is similar in her, to everyone who has ever faced the problem of self-expression. The hero of the book can be anyone. Your neighbor, your school/university friend, yourself.

Detailed modern data on the structure and vital activity of cells and tissues are presented, all cellular components are described. The main functions of cells are considered: metabolism, including respiration, synthetic processes, cell division (mitosis, meiosis). A comparative description of eukaryotic (animal and plant) and prokaryotic cells, as well as viruses, is given. Photosynthesis is discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to classical and modern genetics. The structure of tissues is described. A significant part of the book is devoted to functional human anatomy.
The book is intended for students of schools with in-depth study of biology, applicants and students of higher educational institutions studying in areas and specialties in the field of medicine, biology, ecology, veterinary medicine, as well as for school teachers, graduate students and university teachers.
Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
6th edition, revised and expanded.

User comments:

User #Z8XRZQ3 writes:

Great tutorial! The first volume of three is “Anatomy” (and there is also “Zoology” and “Botany”).
Not an encyclopedia, not a reference book, not an atlas, but as a textbook - wonderful! Everything is detailed and understandable; Among other things, you can use this textbook to write reports.
The only disappointments were the paucity of content and the weight of the book; I was delighted with the rest!

guide recommended by presenters medical universities Moscow, as one of the best for preparing for exams.
Trilogy giving full view about living organisms inhabiting the planet: from the smallest cell to the most complex mechanism - a person.
The volume ANATOMY examines in detail a person, his structure, genetics, and psychology. Each topic is provided detailed descriptions, rich illustrative material(black and white), at the end of the topic - questions for self-control.

I really liked the book! Excellent content, both for school students and for students in medical institutions! The quality of the book is excellent: very good design, white leaves and a good font!