Ampere basics of microcontroller programming electronic version. Robotics kit

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 38"

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 38


S.I. Vasilyeva

Additional general educational developmental program “Fundamentals of Robotics based on the educational set “Amperka”

(for 10th grade students, implementation period 1 year)

Smolin Valery Anatolievich


Lego educational construction sets have been used in the educational process for several years now. This makes it possible for the student to develop creative thinking and forms an engineering approach to solving problems. At the initial stage of familiarization with the basics of designing robotic systems, Lego educational constructors are a good solution. For a deeper study of this educational area, a transition to more complex systems is necessary. One option is to study the Arduino platform. Arduino is easily combined with various electronic components and allows you to create various automatic and robotic devices.
The training course “Fundamentals of Robotics based on the Amperka educational set” includes 72 hours of classroom training and (if possible) independent work of students.

The subject of study is the principles and methods of development, construction and programming of controlled electronic devices based on the Arduino computing platform (controller)
The feasibility of studying this course is determined by:

  • the demand for specialists in the field of programmable microelectronics in the modern world;

  • the opportunity to develop and apply in practice the knowledge acquired in mathematics, physics, and computer science lessons;

  • the opportunity to provide the student with an educational environment that develops his creative abilities, generates interest in learning, and supports independence in searching and making decisions.

Purpose of the course:
introduce students to the principles and methods of development, construction and programming of controlled electronic devices based on the Arduino computing platform.
Course objectives:

  • understand and reproduce given circuits of electronic devices on a breadboard;

  • understand and edit written device control code;

  • independently design, construct and program a device that solves a practical problem formulated by the teacher or independently.

Summing up forms
Diagnosis of the level of material assimilation is carried out:

  • based on the results of testing that completes the study of the topic (group

  • topics);

  • based on the results of students completing practical tasks in each lesson;

  • based on the results of competitive works (several creative competitions and robot competitions are held during the course).

Forms of organizing the educational process:

  • practical orientation of classes, implementation of a completed practical project in each lesson

  • classroom lessons in small groups

To ensure the implementation of the course program and practical work, a personal computer (one for each group), installed software, and the Amperka educational set are required. It is recommended to use one set per group (2 students). It is possible to use kits from other manufacturers, or assembled independently. Below is an approximate composition of the set.

1× Arduino Uno Board

2× Line sensor

1× Tilt sensor

2× Photoresistor

2× Thermistor

4× Tact button

2× Potentiometer

Prototyping and wires:

1× Breadboard

75× Connecting wire

1× USB cable

1× Battery connector


1× Two-wheeled robot chassis

1× Servo

Indication and sound:

1× Text LCD screen

2× 7-segment display

12× LED red

4× LED yellow

4× LED green

2× Tri-color LED

2× Piezo sound emitter

Basic components:

60× 220 Ohm resistor

20× 1 kOhm resistor

20× 10 kOhm resistor

20× 100 kOhm resistor

10× Bipolar transistor

4× MOSFET Transistor

2× CD4026 chip

5× Rectifier diode


1× Digital multimeter

Expansion cards

1× Motor Shield Motor Driver

1× Troyka Shield Port Expander

Educational and thematic plan



The amount of hours



What is a microcontroller? Electronic components.




Overview of the C++ programming language and the Arduino IDE. Algorithmic structures.








Pulse width modulation








Variable resistors




Seven segment indicator








LCD screens








Assembling a mobile robot




Robot programming









Contents of educational material

Expected result of students' level of preparation

What is a microcontroller?

Electronic components.
Voltage. Current strength. Resistance. Units. Microcontrollers, principles of their operation. Diodes. LEDs. Resistors. Basic principles of marking resistors. Designations of components on diagrams. Ohm's law. Power supplies. Circuit board. Circuit design. Multimeter. Electronic measurements. Microcontroller programming environment.


explains basic concepts of electricity;

conducts basic calculations for constructing an electrical circuit;

calls basic elements on digital circuits;

characterizes relationship between voltage, current and resistance;

removes basic parameters of the electrical circuit using a multimeter;

uses a programming environment to create a program for the microcontroller;

explains the difference between different power sources and selects the necessary ones;

enjoys a table of resistor markings to determine the appropriate value;

performs assembly of electrical circuits according to the material covered;

contributes corrections to electronic circuits that were assembled incorrectly;

complies safety rules when assembling electrical circuits.

Overview of the C++ programming language and environmentIDEArduino.

Algorithmic structures.
Modern microcontroller programming environments. Basic concepts and constructions of the programming language. Program structure. Variables. Logical constructions. Function and its arguments. Create your own functions and use them.


uses modern microcontroller programming environments;

explains the basic structure of the program and its elements;

enjoys such basic programming concepts as variables, expressions, logical constructs, functions;

can compose a program in accordance with the task and load it into the microcontroller;

analyzes the presented computer program and determines that the corresponding program performs;

carries out assembly of electrical circuits according to the material covered

The concept of an array. Arrays of characters. Piezo effect. Sound control. Using a potentiometer. Electric garland.


enjoys such basic programming concepts as arrays;

explains the phenomenon of the piezoelectric effect;

collects electrical circuit for sound control;

uses code table for programming words;

collects electrical circuit using a potentiometer;

removes electrical indicators in circuits with a piezoelectric element and potentiometer;

describes electrical processes occurring in constructed circuits;

justifies their actions when constructing electrical circuits.

Pulse width modulation.
Analog and digital signals. Pulse width modulation. LED brightness control. Three-color LED.


explains difference between digital and analog signal;

leads examples of using different types of signals;

carries out connecting an electronic circuit depending on the type of signal selected;

checks the type of signal supplied to the device;

explains the principle of pulse width modulation;

describes color models and their role in creating color;

justifies selecting the appropriate signal type in your circuit.

The concept of a sensor. Digital sensors. Distance sensor. Line sensor. Analog sensors. Sound sensor. Light sensor. Processing input signals of elements of different types. Button as a pressure sensor. Push button switch. Boolean data types. Software signal stabilization. Temperature sensors.


explains concept of sensor;

distinguishes between types of sensors;

gives examples of the use of sensors;

carries out settings of the distance sensor, line sensor;

removes readings sent by sensors;

describes problems possible when using sensors;

enjoys various types of sensors to obtain the necessary information;

creates software code for controlling sensors;

chooses appropriate sensor to receive the required signal

Variable resistors
Signal conversion. Voltage divider. Potentiometer. Using a potentiometer to adjust the blinking time of the LED. Variable resistors. Photoresistor. Model of automatic lighting on/off control system


explains principles of using a voltage divider;

collects electrical circuits using a potentiometer;

removes indicators of the main parameters of the electrical circuit;

chooses appropriate electrical components for constructing efficient circuits;

collects electrical circuits using a photoresistor;

explains principles of using potentiometers and photoresistors in household appliances.

Seven-segment indicator.
LED indicators. Seven-segment indicator. Displaying information on the indicator. Four-digit digital indicator. Digital Watch.


explains principles of operation of indicators;

distinguishes types of indicators;

gives examples of using indicators in everyday life;

collects electrical diagrams for using a seven-segment indicator;

creates program code for controlling the indicator;

uses multidimensional arrays for writing program code;

collects electrical circuits using a four-digit digital indicator.

Basic principles of microcircuit design. Using a microcircuit to create a counter. Output of random numbers. LED matrix control.


describes basic principles of microcircuit design;

understands principles of incorporating microcircuits into electronic circuits;

explains circuit diagrams using microcircuits;

carries out construction of electrical circuits according to the studied material using microcircuits of various types;

explains operating principle of the LED matrix;

programs microcircuits and LED matrices.

LCD screens.
Liquid crystal screen (LCD screen). Characteristics. Connecting a character display to a microcontroller

Basic commands for displaying information on the screen. Ticker.


describes basic principles of the structure of LCD screens;

leads examples of the use of LCD screens;

connects LCD screen into electrical circuit;

uses libraries, classes, objects when programming LCD screens;

understands principles of information encoding and the use of Cyrillic fonts;

explains display of graphic objects on LCD screens.

Movement of objects. Permanent engines. Stepper motors. Servomotors. Transistors. Basics of servo control. Motor driver. Motor rotation speed, change in rotation direction.


understands principles of converting electrical energy into mechanical movement;

explains principles of the structure of engines of various types;

connects motors of various types to the electrical circuit;

enjoys a motor driver for connecting servomotors to the electrical circuit;

uses appropriate commands for controlling motors during programming;

uses motor control libraries for programming;

understands principles of operation of transistors;

explains the difference between different types of transistors;

justifies selection of the appropriate transistor to include it in the electrical circuit along with the motor.

Assembling a mobile robot
The main areas of use of robots and robotic systems in modern society. Mobile platforms. Assembling a robot to move on a surface. Orientation of the robot in space. Robot reaction to events in the external environment.


calls the main areas of application of robots and robotic systems in society;

leads list of professions related to robotics;

carries out design analysis of the provided robot or robotic system; calls main components of the robot; uses additional boards to expand the robot's capabilities; uses various sensors to provide the robot with appropriate capabilities;

creates own libraries when programming the robot; leads options for improving the existing robot design.

Robot programming.
Control algorithms. Tasks for the robot. Robot competitions. Relay regulator. Proportional controller. PID – controller. Feedback. Kegelring. Biathlon. Sumo. Data transfer. Competition rules.

describes basic robot control algorithms;

understands principles of operation of regulators;

explains rules for various robotics competitions;

creates robot control programs for various competitions;

creates working robot models


  1. Filippov S.A. Robotics for children and parents. St. Petersburg Science, 2013. 319 p.

  2. Fundamentals of microcontroller programming / Artyom Bachinin, Vasily Pankratov, Viktor Nakoryakov – Amperka LLC, 2013. 207 p.

  3. S. Dzyuba. Fundamentals of microelectronics using Arduino. 9th grade. // Using Arduino at school URL: http://wiki.amperka .ru/_media/ methodological module: Dzyubas_ microelectronics _ 9_class.pdf (accessed 05/28/2014)

  4. D. Koposov. Author's program Fundamentals of microprocessor control systems for additional education for students in grades 9-11. // Using Arduino at school URL: (access date 05/28/2014)

  5. O. Tuzova. Program and thematic planning of the course “Fundamentals of programmable microelectronics. Creation of controlled devices based on the Arduino computing platform" Elective course. Grade 10 // Using Arduino at school URL: methodological-module: tuzovao.pdf (accessed 05/28/2014)

  6. Servo drives // robotics URL: robotics: servos drives. (date of access: 05/28/2014)

The textbook was written specifically for the educational course “Amperka” and involves completing lessons using. It consists of 17 paragraphs. One paragraph - one school lesson. Exactly one half-year with classes once a week.

With the help of this manual, it will be equally easy for both the teacher and his students to understand the subject area.

The material is presented from simple to complex. The first paragraphs are devoted to the concept of a microcontroller, the basics of programming, and a refresher on the basic laws of electricity. The following discusses important aspects of creating your own electronic devices. And by the end of the course, it becomes possible to create your own autonomous mobile robot.

In the same time absolutely everyone the lesson involves practice. At each lesson, using the material from the paragraph and accompanying electronics, students assemble one or more new devices.


  • Hard cover
  • 207 pages
  • 70×90/16 (170×215 mm)
  1. What is a microcontroller?
    1. How to teach an electronic board to think
    2. How to make electronics simpler: Arduino
    3. How to Control Arduino: Development Environment
    4. How to make Arduino blink a light bulb: LED
  2. Overview of the Arduino Programming Language
    1. Setup and loop procedures
    2. Procedures pinMode, digitalWrite, delay
    3. Variables in the program
  3. Electronic components
    1. What is electricity: voltage and current
    2. How to tame electricity: resistor, diode, LED
    3. How to quickly build circuits: breadboard and multimeter
    4. Railway traffic light
  4. Program branching
    1. What is a loop: if, for, while, switch constructs
    2. How to write your own function
    3. How to simplify code: SOS using procedures
  5. Arrays and piezoelements
    1. What is an array
    2. Strings: character arrays
    3. Playing arbitrary words in Morse code
    4. How to squeak on Arduino: piezo effect and sound
  6. PWM and color mixing
    1. The concept of PWM and perception inertia
    2. LED brightness control
    3. Mixing and perception of colors
    4. Three-color LED rainbow
  7. Sensors
    1. What are sensors
    2. Analog and digital signals
    3. How to detect tilt: tilt sensor, digitalRead
  8. Button - pressure sensor
    1. How the button works
    2. How to light an LED using a button
    3. How to make a push button switch
    4. Noise, rattling, button signal stabilization
  9. Variable resistors
    1. How to convert a signal: voltage divider
    2. How to divide voltage on the go: potentiometer
    3. How Arduino Sees Light: Photoresistor
    4. How to measure temperature: thermistor
  10. Seven segment indicator
    1. How the indicator works
    2. How to turn on the indicator
    3. How to teach Arduino to count to ten
  11. Microcircuits
    1. Why are microcircuits needed?
    2. How to simplify working with the indicator: CD4026 driver
    3. How to count to 99 using a driver
    4. How to display an arbitrary number
  12. LCD screens
    1. How the text display works
    2. How to display a greeting: library, class, object
    3. How to display Russian inscription
  13. Computer connection
    1. Serial port, parallel port, UART
    2. How to transfer data from computer to Arduino
    3. How to teach a computer to speak Morse code
  14. Engines
    1. Types of motors: constant, stepper, servo
    2. How to Control a Servo Motor with Arduino
  15. Transistors
    1. How to control electricity: transistor
    2. Types of transistors
    3. How to rotate the engine
    4. How to control engine speed
  16. Assembling a mobile robot
    1. What does a robot consist of?
    2. What is a mezzanine board
    3. How to assemble a robot
    4. How to make a robot move
  17. Robot driving along a line
    1. What is a software interface
    2. How to describe the line driving algorithm
    3. How to create your own library

" This manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of Arduino-compatible devices, nodes and sensors. At the same time, not only the resale of imported components is carried out, but there are also our own developments (at least in theory, I don’t know where the company’s production base is located). Below there will be many links to this company, which please do not regard as advertising - it’s just more convenient to conduct a review. So, the robotic kit Matryoshka Z is intended for initial acquaintance with Arduino. The set comes in a beautiful gift box.

This box includes several decorative stickers.

Brochure "Hacker's Notes".

The brochure briefly outlines the basics of electrical engineering and electronics in a form accessible to schoolchildren, and also provides examples of using Arduino. The brochure can be purchased separately on the manufacturer's website or viewed online. It is available in pdf format. The kit includes a dielectric base made of transparent plexiglass for mounting the Arduino board.

Having dealt with the auxiliary material, you can see what the essence of the set is.

The kit includes a set of multi-colored connecting wires with lugs for convenient connection of wires to the breadboard or port connectors on the Arduino board. It includes 45 wires 8 cm long, 10 wires 13 cm long, 5 wires 18 cm long and 5 wires 23.5 cm long.

LCD display for displaying text information


1 Educational set “Amperka” is a unique product intended for schools and “clubs”. What is it? The set is a ready-made educational course. Its goal: To teach children real, applied programming, introducing them to microcontrollers To give them the opportunity to create their own electronic devices To show how the laws of electricity and theoretically material from a computer science course are applied How the course is taught At each lesson, students first get acquainted with new material, and then, Following an example from a textbook, they create a new device with their own hands: they assemble a circuit, program a microcontroller, and experiment. The course is designed for 17 academic hours, well thought out and structured. Any teacher will be able to conduct a very interesting series of classes without much difficulty. Composition of the educational set "Amperka"

2 The components included in the set are carefully selected and balanced elements of a mini-laboratory. There are enough of them to complete all the lessons in the textbook and conduct your own experiments and additional tasks. Effective Use Most components are used over several lessons. By combining them in different ways, students have the opportunity to create new devices and gain a deeper understanding of the principles of their use and ways of interaction. Arduino is the brain of the kit. The central building block is the popular Arduino microcontroller board. Each lesson involves its reprogramming. Any computer running Windows, MacOS or Linux is suitable for this. And everything else needed to work with the microcontroller is already included in the kit. Everything has been checked. The equipment is safe. The supply voltage in the assembled devices does not exceed 9 volts. Amperka educational kits are certified and comply with GOST Specifics of educational materials We have experience working with educational institutions, and therefore we have taken into account some of the specifics of using laboratory equipment. So all components are packaged in a plastic box with sections for small items. Unlike cardboard, it will be much more difficult for children to tear it to smithereens. In addition, cheap, but delicate

3 components such as resistors, LEDs, microcircuits are supplied in excess quantities, because... Children often break them or lose them. Controller 1 Arduino Uno board Sensors 2 Line sensor 1 Tilt sensor 2 Photoresistor 2 Thermistor 4 Clock button 2 Potentiometer Prototyping and wires 1 Breadboard 75 Connecting wire 1 USB cable 1 Battery connector Mechanics 1 Two-wheeled robot chassis 1 Servo drive Indication and sound 1 Text LCD screen 2 7-segment indicator 12 Red LED 4 Yellow LED 4 Green LED 2 Three-color LED 2 Piezo sound emitter Basic components 60 220 Ohm resistor 20 1 kohm resistor 20 10 kohm resistor 20 100 kohm resistor 10 Bipolar transistor 4 MOSFET transistor 2 Micro Hema CD Rectifier Diode Tools

4 1 Digital multimeter Expansion boards 1 Motor Shield motor driver 1 Troyka Shield port expander Study guide “Basics of programming microcontrollers” The textbook was written specifically for the educational course “Amperka” and involves taking lessons using electronics. It consists of 17 paragraphs. One paragraph one school lesson. Exactly one half-year with classes once a week. With the help of this manual, it will be equally easy for both the teacher and his students to understand the subject area. The material is presented from simple to complex. The first paragraphs are devoted to the concept of a microcontroller, the basics of programming, and a refresher on the basic laws of electricity. The following discusses important aspects of creating your own electronic devices. And by the end of the course, it becomes possible to create your own autonomous mobile robot.

5 At the same time, absolutely every lesson involves practice. At each lesson, using the material from the paragraph and accompanying electronics, students assemble one or more new devices. Format Hardcover 207 pages 70 90/16 (mm) Contents 1. What is a microcontroller? 1. How to teach an electronic board to think 2. How to make electronics simpler: Arduino 3. How to control Arduino: development environment 4. How to make Arduino blink a light bulb: LED 2. Overview of the Arduino programming language 1. Setup and loop procedures 2. Pinmode, digitalwrite procedures , delay 3. Variables in the program 3. Electronic components 1. What is electricity: voltage and current 2. How to tame electricity: resistor, diode, LED 3. How to quickly build circuits: breadboard and multimeter 4. Railway traffic light 4. Program branching 1. What is a loop: if, for, while, switch constructs 2. How to write your own function 3. How to simplify code: SOS using procedures 5. Arrays and piezoelements 1. What is an array 2. Strings: character arrays 3. Reproduction arbitrary words in Morse code 4. How to squeak on Arduino: piezoelectric effect and sound 6. PWM and color mixing 1. The concept of PWM and inertia of perception 2. Controlling the brightness of the LED 3. Mixing and perception of colors 4. Rainbow from a three-color LED 7. Sensors 1. What are sensors 2. Analog and digital signals 3. How to recognize tilt: tilt sensor, digitalread 8. Button pressure sensor 1. How the button works 2. How to light an LED using a button 3. How to make a push-button switch 4. Noise, rattling, stabilization button signal 9. Variable resistors 1. How to convert a signal: voltage divider 2. How to divide voltage “on the fly”: potentiometer 3. How Arduino sees light: photoresistor

6 4. How to measure temperature: thermistor 10. Seven-segment indicator 1. How the indicator works 2. How to turn on the indicator 3. How to teach Arduino to count to ten 11. Microcircuits 1. Why microcircuits are needed 2. How to simplify the work with the indicator: CD driver How to count up to 99 using a driver 4. How to display an arbitrary number 12. Liquid crystal screens 1. How a text display works 2. How to display a greeting: library, class, object 3. How to display a Russian inscription 13. Connecting to a computer 1. Serial port, parallel port , UART 2. How to transfer data from a computer to Arduino 3. How to teach a computer to speak Morse code 14. Motors 1. Types of motors: constant, stepper, servo 2. How to control a servo motor with Arduino 15. Transistors 1. How to control electricity: transistor 2. Types of transistors 3. How to rotate a motor 4. How to control the speed of a motor 16. Assembling a mobile robot 1. What does a robot consist of 2. What is a mezzanine board 3. How to assemble a robot 4. How to make a robot move 17. Driving a robot along a line 1 What is a software interface 2. How to describe the algorithm for driving along a line 3. How to create your own library

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3 Explanatory note The creation of robotic and automated devices in the modern world is the basis for increasing productivity and work culture. The creation of these devices became possible

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Digital outputs 107 Similarly, inputs can be digital (for example, detecting whether a button has been pressed) or analog (for example, connected to a photocell). In a book essentially describing techniques

Explanatory note The subject “Robotics” is an educational project aimed at introducing modern scientific and practical technologies into the educational process. The work is based on the principle “from idea

2.6. Appendix to the additional general educational general developmental technical program “Electronics and Robotics” WORK PROGRAM Additional education teacher Yuri Nikitin


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Description Electronics for Beginners (Part 1)

Electronics for Beginners is a ready-made set of various electronic components that will allow you to go through the first 11 experiments based on the excellent book of the same name from Charles Platt.
A personal code for downloading the electronic version of this book is included in the set. The advantage of the electronic version is that the illustrations are in color. In color, the above diagrams look much more clear and understandable. The electronic version of the book is provided as a PDF adapted for mobile devices: it will look great on a tablet.
The set will be of interest to adults and teenagers who still understand little about circuit design, but want to understand electricity, various components and how electronic devices are created. You will understand all this not through dry theory, but in a fun way, through a series of small projects that you create with your own hands: Charles Platt's book is designed to do just that.

Electronics for Beginners comes in a colorful box, making the set a useful and presentable gift for inquisitive minds aged 10 and up.


Experiment 1. Test the voltage by taste!
Experiment 2. Let's burn the battery!
Experiment 3. Your first circuit
Experiment 4. Voltage change
Experiment 5. Let's make a battery
Experiment 6. Very simple switching
Experiment 7. Turning on LEDs using a relay
Experiment 8. Relay generator
Experiment 9. Time and capacitors
Experiment 10. Transistor switching
Experiment 11. Modular project
When the first 11 experiments are completed, you can move on to the second part of the set, which contains additional components that will allow you to reach the 25th experiment.

Equipment Electronics for beginners (part 1)

10× 100 Ohm Resistor, ¼ W
10× Resistor 180 Ohm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 220 Ohm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 330 Ohm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 470 Ohm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 680 Ohm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 1 kOhm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 2.2 kOhm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 4.7 kOhm, ¼ W
10× 10 kOhm resistor, ¼ W
10× 15 kOhm resistor, ¼ W
10× Resistor 27 kOhm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 33 kOhm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 51 kOhm, ¼ W
10× 100 kOhm resistor, ¼ W
10× Resistor 330 kOhm, ¼ W
10× Resistor 470 kOhm, ¼ W
1× Linear potentiometer 24 mm at 2 kOhm
2× Linear potentiometer 24 mm at 1 MOhm
10× 4.7 nF ceramic capacitor
10× 47 nF ceramic capacitor
10× Electrolytic capacitor 2.2 µF, 25 V
10× Electrolytic capacitor 22 µF, 25 V
2× Electrolytic capacitor 1000 µF, 25 V
4× Tact button (SPST) 6 mm
1× Panel Button (SPST)
5× Glass fuse 1 A
8× LED red with 5mm lens
4× Yellow LED with 5 mm lens
5× General purpose NPN bipolar transistor BC337
5× Thyristor (unijunction transistor) 2N6027
1× 8 ohm impedance speaker
2× Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Relay with 12V Coil
2× Toggle switch single pole double position (SPDT)
5× Alligator clip black
5× Alligator clip red
5× Wire with crocodile on both ends
65× Male-to-male dummy wires
1× Krona battery connector
1× Compartment for 1 AA battery
1× Compartment for 2 AA batteries
1× Compartment for 4 AA batteries
1× Breadboard
1× Power supply with adjustable voltage at 600 mA
1× Personal code for the Charles Platt e-book (PDF, up to 10 downloads)