Ivan Gaivoronsky 1991. Book: Chermyanin Sergey Viktorovich, Gaivoronsky Ivan Vasilievich, Popov Vyacheslav Igorevich “Functional anatomy of the nervous system

Gaivoronsky Ivan Vasilievich(February 2, 1954, Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region) - Doctor of Medical Sciences (1990), Professor (1991), Head (1988-2009) and Head (since 2009) of the Department of Normal Anatomy and Academician of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M Kirova, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, twice laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education (2006, 2013), head of the Department of Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University. Colonel of the medical service, author of famous manuals on anatomy, from which more than one generation of doctors learned


Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was born in the city of Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region on February 2, 1954. He graduated from the paramedic department of the Stary Oskol Medical School of the Belgorod Region (1969) and the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Missile and Ground Forces of the Military Medical Academy with a gold medal (1979). This was the graduation of the head of the faculty, Evgeniy Vasilyevich Zozulya, and the head of the course, Vasily Yakovlevich Vasilenko.

After graduating from the academy, he was retained as an adjunct student at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. I. V. Gaivoronsky’s career in all positions - from teacher (1982) to head of department (1988) took place at the Department of Normal Anatomy. In 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The venous and hemomicrocirculatory bed of the abdominal organs is normal, with portal hypertension and after surgical decompression.” In 1990 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 1991 - professor. From 1995 to the present, he is also the head of the Department of Morphology of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, where, under his leadership, an anatomical museum and an anatomical educational class were first created at the faculty.

Scientific school

Doctors of Medical Sciences

  • P. S. Pashchenko (“Sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems under conditions of gravitational overload”)
  • A. K. Iordanishvili (“Morphofunctional state of the masticatory apparatus in various categories of flight personnel”)
  • S. V. Chepur (“Morphofunctional characteristics of the structures of the nervous system in the normal pattern of changes in hepatic encephalopathy”)
  • A. V. Gaivoronsky (“Clinical and anatomical rationale for surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis” 2002)
  • M. V. Romashkin-Timanov (“Morphofunctional justification of surgical methods for the treatment of postoperative ventral hernias of the abdominal wall”)
  • S. E. Baibakov (“Patterns of postnatal morphogenesis of the human brain and skull according to magnetic resonance imaging data”)
  • A.S. Sotnikov (“Morpho-functional substantiation of gastropancreatoduodenal resections with correction of portal blood flow”)
  • L. V. Pazhinsky (“Clinical and morphological assessment of alternatively varying signs of the structure of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis”)

Candidates of Medical Sciences

  • I. N. Kuzmina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the small intestine under conditions of arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • V. V. Shabanov (“Prolonged administration of analgesics into the spinous processes of the vertebrae in pancreatitis”)
  • N. I. Konkina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the stomach during arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • A. M. Belyaev (“Correction of morphofunctional disorders in a gunshot wound of soft tissues of the limb”).
  • N. N. Lebedev (“The influence of truncal vagotomy and ligation of gastric vessels on portal pressure”)
  • O. V. Nozdrevatykh (“The state of some brain structures is normal even after unilateral ligation of the internal carotid artery”)
  • E. P. Zaburchik (“Morphometric characteristics of the infratemporal region of the skull”)

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Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, honored worker of higher education, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of the department of normal anatomy of the Russian Military Medical Academy. Author of the textbook “Normal Human Anatomy” for medical universities (reprinted 7 times), and more than 50 textbooks and monographs on theoretical and clinical medicine.

In 1969 he graduated from the paramedic department of the Stary Oskol Medical School, Belgorod Region. Then he continued his studies at the faculty of training doctors for missile and ground forces at the Military Medical Academy, from which he graduated in 1979 with a gold medal.

After graduating from the academy, Ivan Vasilyevich remained in postgraduate studies at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Kirov Military Medical Academy. Since 1982, he held the position of teacher. In 1988 he headed the above department.

In 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Venous and hemomicrocirculatory bed of the abdominal organs in normal conditions, with portal hypertension and after surgical decompression.” In the same year, Gaivoronsky was awarded the academic title of “Associate Professor”. In 1991 he received the academic degree of "professor".

At the beginning of 2018, Ivan Vasilievich is the head of the department of normal anatomy and an academician of the Kirov Military Medical Academy. Also heads the Department of Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University

Membership in societies, associations, etc.:
— Corresponding Member of the Russian Military Medical Academy (1999)

— Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy (2007)

— Honored Worker of the Higher School (2004)

— Academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (2004)

— Corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000)

— Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2012)

Scientific and professional achievements:
— Order of Honor

— Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland, II degree”

— Golden Star of Vernadsky, III degree

— Medal of the All-Russian Scientific and Medical Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists

— Medal of N. I. Pirogov

— Diploma “For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery”

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education:

— For the scientific and practical development “Polymer embalming - an innovative technology for the production and preservation of natural biological objects for educational and educational purposes”

— For the scientific and practical development “Innovative forms of visual scientific and educational work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and studying the fundamentals of medical knowledge in educational institutions

- “Normal human anatomy” - Textbook for universities in 2 volumes, 8th ed. -Gaivoronsky I.V.

- “Human Anatomy and Physiology” - Textbook for secondary vocational education, 10th edition - Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronsky A. I.

- “Anatomy of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle” - Gaivoronsky I.V., Yablonsky P.K., Nichiporuk G.I.

- “Human developmental defects and deformities. Atlas" - Gaivoronsky I.V.

- “Anatomy of human teeth” - Gaivoronsky I. V., Petrova T. B.

, Voroshilovograd region

Awards and prizes Order of Honor (Russia), Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II degree, Golden Star of Vernadsky III degree, medal of N. I. Pirogov, diploma “For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery”

Gaivoronsky Ivan Vasilievich(born February 2, 1954, Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region) - Doctor of Medical Sciences (1990), Professor (1991), Head (1988-2009) and Head (since 2009) of the Department of Normal Anatomy and Academician of the Military Medical Academy named after S M. Kirova, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, twice laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education (2006, 2013), head of the Department of Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University. Colonel of the medical service, author of famous manuals on anatomy, from which more than one generation of doctors learned

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Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was born in the city of Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region on February 2, 1954. He graduated from the paramedic department of the Stary Oskol Medical School of the Belgorod Region (1969) and the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Missile and Ground Forces of the Military Medical Academy with a gold medal (1979). This was the graduation of the head of the faculty, Evgeniy Vasilyevich Zozulya, and the head of the course, Vasily Yakovlevich Vasilenko.

After graduating from the academy, he was retained as an adjunct student at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. I. V. Gaivoronsky’s career in all positions - from teacher (1982) to head of department (1988) took place at the Department of Normal Anatomy. In 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The venous and hemomicrocirculatory bed of the abdominal organs is normal, with portal hypertension and after surgical decompression.” In 1990 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 1991 - professor. From 1995 to the present, he is also the head of the Department of Morphology of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, where, under his leadership, an anatomical museum and an anatomical teaching class were first created at the faculty.

Scientific school

Doctors of Medical Sciences

  • P. S. Pashchenko (“Sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems under conditions of gravitational overload”)
  • A. K. Iordanishvili (“Morphofunctional state of the masticatory apparatus in various categories of flight personnel”)
  • S. V. Chepur (“Morphofunctional characteristics of the structures of the nervous system in the normal pattern of changes in hepatic encephalopathy”)
  • A. V. Gaivoronsky (“Clinical and anatomical rationale for surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis” 2002)
  • M. V. Romashkin-Timanov (“Morphofunctional justification of surgical methods for the treatment of postoperative ventral hernias of the abdominal wall”)
  • S. E. Baibakov (“Patterns of postnatal morphogenesis of the human brain and skull according to magnetic resonance imaging data”)
year 2012
  • A. S. Sotnikov (“Morpho-functional substantiation of gastropancreatoduodenal resections with correction of portal blood flow”)
  • L. V. Pazhinsky (“Clinical and morphological assessment of alternatively varying signs of the structure of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis”)

Candidates of Medical Sciences

  • I. N. Kuzmina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the small intestine under conditions of arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • V. V. Shabanov (“Prolonged administration of analgesics into the spinous processes of the vertebrae in pancreatitis”)
  • N. I. Konkina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the stomach during arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • A. M. Belyaev (“Correction of morphofunctional disorders in a gunshot wound of soft tissues of the limb”).
  • N. N. Lebedev (“The influence of truncal vagotomy and ligation of gastric vessels on portal pressure”)
  • O. V. Nozdrevatykh (“The state of some brain structures is normal even after unilateral ligation of the internal carotid artery”)
  • E. P. Zaburchik (“Morphometric characteristics of the infratemporal region of the skull”)
  • V. E. Milyukov (“Morphofunctional justification of various types of enteroanastomoses”)
  • D. A. Starchik (“Plasticity of the bloodstream of the small intestine and during reduced circulation”)
  • M. Yu. Kabanov (“Antioxidants and antihypoxants for the prevention of acute postoperative ulcers of the stomach and duodenum”)
  • I. M. Musinov (“The role of the intramural nervous apparatus of the stomach in the pathogenesis of acute ulcers and their treatment”)
  • I. I. Markov (“Microcirculatory bed of the nasal mucosa of the paranasal sinuses under normal conditions and during hyperbaric oxygenation”)
  • G. I. Nichiporuk (“Microcirculatory bed and extraoganic veins of the intestine in the subhepatic form of portal hypertension”)
  • N. V. Tarasova (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal operations on the ethmoidal labyrinth”)
  • D. S. Gorbachev (“Craniometric characteristics of the orbit and anatomical and topographic relationships of some anatomical structures of the orbital organ complex”)
  • V. A. Kurochkin (“Morphofunctional state of masticatory muscles is normal, with chronic hypergravity and against the background of pharmacological correction”)
year 2001
  • G. A. Doronina (“Complex morphometric characteristics of the internal base of the human skull”)
  • R. V. Neronov (“Morphometric characteristics and prediction of craniometric characteristics”)
  • A. N. Selivanov (“Morphometric and topographic-anatomical characteristics of the blood vessels of the adult penis”)
  • A. Yu. Shcherbuk (“Anatomical rationale for endovideosurgical interventions on the formations of the anterior cranial fossa”)
  • A. D. Lukyanenko (“Clinical and morphological basis for the use of ileoascendoanastomosis”)
  • I. A. Bochkarev (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy”)
  • D. A. Surov (“Morphofunctional justification for extended surgical interventions on the pancreas with correction of portal blood flow”)
2005 year
  • F. N. Khnykin (“Topographic-anatomical features of the prostate and its extraorgan vessels in an adult”)
  • A. A. Zakharenko (“Improving vascular isolation of the liver for its perfusion”)
  • S. V. Vinogradov (“Sex and individual morphometric characteristics of the adult pelvis”)
  • A. L. Efimov (“Changes in the microvasculature in acute pancreatitis and their prognostic significance”)
  • N. V. Tepysheva (“Anatomical and clinical correlations in facial nerve syndrome of otogenic etiology”)
  • A. A. Ponomarev (“Characteristics of tooth abrasion and features of their restoration in an adult”)
  • N. A. Belousova (“Morphological characteristics of the lungs in fetuses of newborns with extremely low body weight with respiratory distress syndrome”)
  • S. V. Kuznetsov (“Clinical and anatomical and physiological aspects of laparoscopic hysterectomy”)
  • M. G. Gaivoronskaya (“Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the upper jaw”)
year 2009
  • E. I. Dubovik (“Asymmetry of the facial skull in its various forms in an adult”)
  • A. V. Koltunov (“Occlusal-induced changes in the capsule of the temporomandibular joint”)
  • M. V. Sukhinin (“Morphological characteristics of the anterior epithelium of the cornea and the vascular bed of the conjunctiva of the eyeball in normal conditions and in cases of mechanical damage to the perilimbal zone”
  • S. A. Morozov (“Anatomical and clinical rationale for the use of endovideo technologies for meningeal hematomas in the anterior parts of the skull”)
  • G. A. Vasilchenko (“Anatomical prerequisites for difficult eruption of lower third molars”)
year 2012
  • A. S. Shchannikova (“Morphometric characteristics of the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint in an adult with an intact bite and edentia”)
  • O. V. Komarnitsky (“Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the lower jaw”)

Scientific interests

Professor Ivan Vasilievich Gaivoronsky focused on the development of modern aspects of traditional scientific problems for the department (collateral circulation, medical craniology, morphology of a gunshot wound), the development of applied problems dictated by the demands of surgical practice, the anatomical justification of endovideotechnologies in various branches of practical medicine, the development of innovative manufacturing technologies and preservation of anatomical preparations for educational purposes, individual typological assessment of the human body in normal conditions and in various diseases, improvement of the educational process in the departments of morphological profile. The results of this research were included in numerous dissertations of his students. Also, Professor Gaivoronsky is the author of the first open anatomical exhibition in Russia “The Human Body. The dead teach the living." The exhibition features more than 500 anatomical exhibits “normality, pathology and the effects of bad habits on the body.”

Scientific works

Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky is the author of more than 1000 scientific papers, 5 textbooks, 30 textbooks on normal anatomy, 18 monographs, 46 patents for inventions and utility models. He is the scientific supervisor of 48 candidate dissertations and scientific consultant of 9 doctoral dissertations. The textbook “Normal Human Anatomy” in 2 volumes is distinguished by its modernity, the presence of original sections on intravital human anatomy. He was highly appreciated by the department of research and educational medical institutions, has the stamp of the department of Higher Educational Medical Institutions in 2001 and was awarded the 1st Prize of the Academic Council of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. The textbook “Human Anatomy” in two volumes (authors I.V. Gaivoronsky, G.I. Nichiporuk, A.I. Gaivoronsky) in 2015 was also awarded the first prize of the Academic Council of the VmedA. S. M. Kirov. The textbook “Human Anatomy and Physiology” for secondary medical schools (authors I.V. Gaivoronsky, G.I. Nichiporuk, A.I. Gaivoronsky) went through 10 editions.

And a diploma “For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery.” Corresponding Member of the Russian Military Medical Academy (1999), Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy (2007), Honored Worker of the Higher School (2004), Academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (2004), Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000) , academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2012)..

Ivan Vasilievich Gaivoronsky
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Kadievka, Voroshilovograd region

A country:


Scientific field:

human anatomy

Place of work:
Academic degree:

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Academic title:


Alma mater:

Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov

Scientific adviser:

Head of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Known as:
Awards and prizes

Order of Honor (Russia), Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, Vernadsky's Gold Star III degree, N. I. Pirogov medal, diploma "For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery"

Gaivoronsky Ivan Vasilievich(February 2, 1954, Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region) - Doctor of Medical Sciences (1990), Professor (1991), Head (1988-2009) and Head (since 2009) of the Department of Normal Anatomy and Academician of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M Kirova, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, twice laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education (2006, 2013), head of the Department of Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University. Colonel of the medical service.


Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was born in the city of Kadievka, Voroshilovgrad region on February 2, 1954. He graduated from the paramedic department of the Stary Oskol Medical School of the Belgorod Region (1969) and the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Missile and Ground Forces of the Military Medical Academy with a gold medal (1979). After graduating from the academy, he was retained as an adjunct student at the Department of Normal Anatomy. Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky's development in all positions - from teacher (1982) to head of the department (1988) took place at the Department of Normal Anatomy. In 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The venous and hemomicrocirculatory bed of the abdominal organs is normal, with portal hypertension and after surgical decompression.” In 1990 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 1991 - professor. From 1995 to the present, he is also the head of the Department of Morphology of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, where, under his leadership, an anatomical museum and an anatomical educational class were first created at the faculty.

Scientific school

Doctors of Medical Sciences 1993

  • P. S. Pashchenko (“Sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems under conditions of gravitational overload”)
  • N. N. Lebedev (“The influence of truncal vagotomy and transportation of gastric vessels on portal pressure”)
  • V. E. Milyukov (“Morphofunctional justification of various types of enteroanastomoses”)
  • A. K. Iordanishvili (“Morphofunctional state of the masticatory apparatus in various categories of flight personnel”)
  • S. V. Chepur (“Morphofunctional characteristics of the structures of the nervous system in the normal pattern of changes in hepatic encephalopathy”)
  • A. V. Gaivoronsky (“Clinical and anatomical rationale for the surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis” 2002)
  • M. V. Romashkin-Timanov (“Morphofunctional justification of surgical methods for the treatment of postoperative ventral hernias of the abdominal wall”)
  • S. E. Baibakov (“Patterns of postnatal morphogenesis of the human brain and skull according to magnetic resonance imaging data”)
  • L. V. Pazhinsky (“Clinical and morphological assessment of alternatively varying signs of the structure of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis”)
Candidates of Medical Sciences 1991
  • I. N. Kuzmina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the small intestine under conditions of arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • V. V. Shabanov (“Prolonged administration of analgesics into the spinous processes of the vertebrae in pancreatitis”)
  • N. I. Konkina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the stomach during arterial and venous collateral circulation”)
  • A. M. Belyaev (“Correction of morphofunctional disorders in a gunshot wound of soft tissues of the limb”)
  • O. V. Nozdrevatykh (“The state of some brain structures is normal even after unilateral ligation of the internal carotid artery”)
  • E. P. Zaburchik (“Morphometric characteristics of the infratemporal region of the skull”)
  • D. A. Starchik (“Plasticity of the bloodstream of the small intestine and during reduced circulation”)
  • M. Yu. Kabanov (“Antioxidants and antihypoxants for the prevention of acute surgical ulcers of the stomach and duodenum”)
  • I. M. Musinov (“The role of the intramural nervous apparatus of the stomach in the pathogenesis of acute ulcers and their treatment”)
  • I. I. Markov (“Microcirculatory bed of the nasal mucosa of the paranasal sinuses under normal conditions and during hyperbaric oxygenation”)
  • G. I. Nichiporuk (“Microcirculatory bed and extraoganic veins of the intestine in the subhepatic form of portal hypertension”)
  • N. V. Tarasova (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal operations on the ethmoidal labyrinth”)
  • D. S. Gorbachev (“Craniometric characteristics of the orbit and anatomical and topographic relationships of some anatomical structures of the orbital organ complex”)
  • V. A. Kurochkin (“Morphofunctional state of masticatory muscles is normal, with chronic hypergravity and against the background of pharmacological correction”)
year 2001
  • G. A. Doronina (“Complex morphometric characteristics of the internal base of the human skull”)
  • A. F. Sukhoterin (“Structural organization of Area Postrema is normal when the body is exposed to gravitational overloads”)
  • R. V. Neronov (“Morphometric characteristics and prediction of craniometric characteristics”)
  • A. N. Selivanov (“Morphometric and topographic-anatomical characteristics of the blood vessels of the adult penis”)
  • A. Yu. Shcherbuk (“Anatomical rationale for endovideosurgical interventions on the formations of the anterior cranial fossa”)
  • A. D. Lukyanenko (“Clinical and morphological basis for the use of ileoacedoanastomosis”)
  • I. A. Bochkarev (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy”)
  • D. A. Surov (“Morphofunctional justification for extended surgical interventions on the pancreas with correction of portal blood flow”)
2005 year
  • F. N. Khnykin (“Topographic and anatomical features of the prostate and its extraorgan vessels in an adult”)
  • A. A. Zakharenko (“Improving vascular isolation of the liver for its perfusion”)
  • S. V. Vinogradov (“Sex and individual morphometric characteristics of the adult pelvis”)
  • A. L. Efimov (“Changes in the microvasculature in acute pancreatitis and their prognostic significance”)
  • N. V. Tepisheva (“Anatomical and clinical correlations in facial nerve syndrome of otogenic etiology”)
  • A. A. Ponomarev (“Characteristics of tooth abrasion and features of their restoration in an adult”)
  • N. A. Belousova (“Morphological characteristics of the lungs in fetuses of newborns with extremely low body weight with respiratory distress syndrome”)
  • S. V. Kuznetsov (“Clinical and anatomical and physiological aspects of laparoscopic hysterectomy”)
  • M. G. Gaivoronskaya (“Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the upper jaw”)
year 2009
  • E. I. Dubovik (“Asymmetry of the facial skull in its various forms in an adult”)
  • A. V. Koltunov (“Occlusal-induced changes in the capsule of the temporomandibular joint”)
  • M. V. Sukhinin (“Morphological characteristics of the anterior epithelium of the cornea and the vascular bed of the conjunctiva of the eyeball in normal conditions and in cases of mechanical damage to the perilimbal zone”
  • S. A. Morozov (“Anatomical and clinical rationale for the use of endovideo technologies for meningeal hematomas in the anterior parts of the skull”)
  • G. A. Vasilchenko (“Anatomical prerequisites for difficult eruption of lower third molars”)
year 2012
  • A. S. Shchannitskova (“Morphometric characteristics of the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint in an adult with intact occlusion and edentia”)
  • O. V. Komarnitsky (“Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the lower jaw”)
Scientific interests

Professor Ivan Vasilievich Gaivoronsky focused on the development of modern aspects of traditional scientific problems for the department (collateral circulation, medical craniology, morphology of a gunshot wound), the development of applied problems dictated by the demands of surgical practice, the anatomical justification of endovideotechnologies in various branches of practical medicine, the development of innovative manufacturing technologies and preserving anatomical preparations for educational purposes and improving the educational process at departments of morphological profile. The results of this research were included in numerous dissertations of his students. Also, Professor Gaivoronsky is the scientific director of the exhibition “Human Body. The dead teach the living."

Scientific works

Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky is the author of more than 850 scientific papers, 30 textbooks on normal anatomy, 15 monographs, 36 patents for inventions and utility models. He is the scientific supervisor of 41 candidate dissertations and scientific consultant of 6 doctoral dissertations. The textbook “Normal Human Anatomy” in 2 volumes is distinguished by its modernity, the presence of original sections on intravital human anatomy. He was highly appreciated by the department of research and educational medical institutions, has the stamp of the department of Higher Educational Medical Institutions in 2001 and was awarded the 1st Prize of the Academic Council of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy.


Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was awarded 11 medals and two state awards: the Order of Honor and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. For great scientific achievements in the field of morphology, he was awarded the Vernadsky Gold Star of the 3rd degree and the medal of the All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists, the N. I. Pirogov Medal and the diploma “For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery " Corresponding Member of the Russian Military Medical Academy (1999), Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy (2007), Honored Worker of the Higher School (2004), Academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (2004), Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000) .

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

  • 2006 - “for the scientific and practical development of “Polymer embalming - an innovative technology for the production and preservation of natural biological objects for educational and educational purposes.”
  • 2013 - “for the scientific and practical development of “Innovative forms of visual scientific and educational work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and studying the fundamentals of medical knowledge in educational institutions.”
  • Gaivoronsky I.V. Normal human anatomy. - Textbook for universities in 2 volumes, 8th edition. - St. Petersburg. : SpetsLit, 2013. - 567 (vol. 1), 456 (vol. 2) p. - ISBN 978-5-299-00574-5.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Gaivoronsky A.I. Human anatomy and physiology. - Textbook for secondary vocational education, 10th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2015. - 496 p. - ISBN 978-5-4468-1780-1.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V., Yablonsky P.K., Nichiporuk G.I. Anatomy of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle. - St. Petersburg. : SpetsLit, 2014. - 182 p. - ISBN 978-5-299-00599-8.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V. Human developmental defects and deformities. Atlas. - Starorusskaya printing house, 2002. - 128 p.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V., Petrova T.B. Anatomy of human teeth. - St. Petersburg. : ELBI-SPb, 2011. - 56 p. - ISBN 5-93979-137-9.
  1. 1 2 Order on awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation 2006 in the field of education
  2. 1 2 Order on awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation 2013 in the field of education
  3. Gaivoronsky Ivan Vasilievich. Center for Military-Political Studies. Retrieved September 21, 2014.
  4. The human body. The dead teach the living (website under construction)
  • Seraphim Romanov. Look at yourself from the inside. Metro newspaper (October 18, 2010). Retrieved September 19, 2014.
  • Irina Butyaeva I don't want to be a mummy! // "Youth of Estonia". - May 23, 2002. - No. 5. - P. 3.
  • I. V. Gaivoronsky: on the 50th anniversary of his birth // Bulletin of the Military Medical Academy -2004. - T. 320, No. 11. - P. 85-86.
  • Human body - RTG TV, 2011

Partially used materials from the site http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/


Manufacturer: "SpetsLit"

A course of lectures on the academic discipline Functional anatomy of the nervous system for clinical psychologists contains basic information about the structure of the nervous system and human sensory organs. In addition to data on the external and internal structure of the human brain and spinal cord, the structure of the peripheral nervous system, this publication provides information about the functions of various formations of the spinal cord and brain, as well as those basic pathological changes in the central nervous system and sensory organs that should be known presentation by an aspiring clinical psychologist. Along with the drawings and diagrams presented during the presentation of the material, photographs of natural anatomical preparations are given in the appendix. The lectures were prepared in accordance with the curriculum Functional Anatomy of the Central Nervous System, developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation for students studying in the specialty Clinical Psychology.

Publisher: "SpetsLit" (2016)

Gaivoronsky, Ivan Vasilievich

Ivan Vasilievich Gaivoronsky
Date of Birth:
Scientific field:

Normal anatomy

Place of work:

Military-medical Academy

Academic degree:

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Academic title:



Military-medical Academy

Awards and prizes


Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was born in the city, Voroshilovgrad region. He graduated from the paramedic department of the Stary Oskol Medical School (1969) and the faculty of training doctors for the missile and ground forces of the Military Medical Academy with a gold medal (1979). After graduating from the academy, he was retained as an adjunct student at the Department of Normal Anatomy. Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky's development in all positions - from teacher (1982) to head of the department (1988) took place at the Department of Normal Anatomy. In 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The venous and hemomicrocirculatory bed of the abdominal organs is normal, with portal hypertension and after surgical decompression.” In 1990 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 1991 - professor. From 1995 to the present, he is also the head of the Department of Morphology of the Faculty of Medicine, where, under his leadership, an anatomical museum and an anatomical teaching class were first created at the faculty.

Scientific school

Doctors of Medical Sciences


P.S. Pashchenko ("Sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems under conditions of gravitational overload")

N.N. Lebedev (“The influence of truncal vagotomy and transportation of gastric vessels on portal pressure”)


V.E. Miliukov ("Morphofunctional justification of various types of enteroanastomoses")


A. K. Iordanishvili (“Morphofunctional state of the masticatory apparatus in various categories of flight personnel”)


S.V. Chepur (“Morphofunctional characteristics of the structures of the nervous system in the normal pattern of changes in hepatic encephalopathy”)

A. V. Gaivoronsky ("Clinical and anatomical rationale for the surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis" 2002)


M. V. Romashkin-Timanov (“Morphofunctional justification of surgical methods for the treatment of postoperative venous hernias of the wall ruffle”)


S. E. Baibakov (“Patterns of postnatal morphogenesis of the human brain and skull according to magnetic resonance imaging data”)


L.V. Pazhinsky (“Clinical and morphological assessment of alternatively varying signs of the structure of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis”)

Candidates of Medical Sciences


I.N. Kuzmina (“Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the small intestine under conditions of arterial and venous collateral circulation”)

V. V. Shabanov (“Prolonged administration of analgesics into the spinous processes of the vertebrae in pancreatitis”)


N.I. Konkin ("Plasticity of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the stomach during arterial and venous collateral circulation")

A. M. Belyaev (“Correction of morphofunctional disorders in a gunshot wound of soft tissues of the limb”)


O.V. Nozdrevatykh (“The state of some brain structures is normal even after unilateral ligation of the internal carotid artery”)

E. P. Zaburchik (“Morphometric characteristics of the infratemporal region of the skull”)


YES. Starchik (“Plasticity of the bloodstream of the small intestine and with reduced blood circulation”)

M. Yu. Kabanov ("Antioxidants and antihypoxants for the prevention of acute surgical ulcers of the stomach and duodenum")


I. M. Musinov (“The role of the intramural nervous apparatus of the stomach in the pathogenesis of acute ulcers and their treatment”)

I. I. Markov (“Microcirculatory bed of the nasal mucosa of the paranasal sinuses under normal conditions and during hyperbaric oxygenation”)


G.I. Nichiporuk (“Microcirculatory bed and intestinal ectopic veins in subhepatic form of portal hypertension”)

N. V. Tarasova (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal operations on the ethmoidal labyrinth”)


D. S. Gorbachev (“Craniometric characteristics of the orbit and anatomical-topographic relationships of some anatomical structures of the orbital organ complex”)


V. A. Kurochkin (“Morphofunctional state of masticatory muscles is normal, with chronic hypergravity and against the background of pharmacological correction”)

year 2001

G. A. Doronina (“Complex morphometric characteristics of the internal base of the human skull”)

A. F. Sukhoterin (“Structural organization of Area Postrema is normal when the body is exposed to gravitational overloads”)


R. V. Neronov (“Morphometric characteristics and prediction of craniometric characteristics”)


A. N. Selivanov (“Morphometric and topographic-anatomical characteristics of the blood vessels of the adult penis”)

A. Yu. Shcherbuk (“Anatomical rationale for endovideosurgical interventions on the formations of the anterior cranial fossa”)


A. D. Lukyanenko (“Clinical and morphological basis for the use of ileoacedoanastomosis”)

I. A. Bochkarev (“Anatomical rationale for endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy”)

D. A. Surov (“Morphofunctional justification for extended surgical interventions on the pancreas with correction of portal blood flow”)

2005 year

F. N. Khnykin (“Topographic-anatomical features of the prostate and its extraorgan vessels in an adult”)

A. A. Zakharenko (“Improving vascular isolation of the liver for its perfusion”)


S. V. Vinogradov (“Sex and individual morphometric characteristics of the adult pelvis”)

A. L. Efimov (“Changes in the microvasculature in acute pancreatitis and their prognostic significance”)

N. V. Tepisheva (“Anatomical and clinical correlations in facial nerve syndrome of otogenic etiology”)

A. A. Ponomarev (“Characteristics of tooth abrasion and features of their restoration in an adult”)

N. A. Belousova (“Morphological characteristics of the lungs in fetuses of newborns with extremely low body weight with respiratory distress syndrome”)


S. V. Kuznetsov (“Clinical and anatomical and physiological aspects of laparoscopic hysterectomy”)


M. G. Gaivoronskaya ("Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the upper jaw")

year 2009

I. E. Dubovik (“Asymmetry of the facial skull in its various forms in an adult”)


A. V. Koltunov (“Occlusal-induced changes in the capsule of the temporomandibular joint


M. V. Sukhinin (“Morphological characteristics of the anterior epithelium of the cornea and mucous membrane of the conjunctiva of the eyeball in normal conditions and in cases of mechanical damage to the perilimbal zone”

S.A. Morozov (“Anatomical and clinical rationale for the use of endovideo technologies for meningeal hematomas in the anterior parts of the skull”)

G.A. Vasilchenko (“Anatomical prerequisites for difficult eruption of lower third molars”)

year 2012

A.S. Shchannitskova ("Morphometric characteristics of the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint in an adult with an intact bite and edentia

O.V. Komarnitsky ("Anatomical rationale for implantation of artificial supports of dentures on the lower jaw")

Scientific interests

Professor Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky focused on the development of modern aspects of traditional scientific problems for the department (medical craniology, morphology), the development of applied problems dictated by the needs of surgical practice, the anatomical justification of endovideo technologies in various branches of practical medicine, the development of innovative technologies for the manufacture and preservation of anatomical preparations for educational goals and improvement of the educational process at the departments of morphological profile. The results of this research were included in numerous dissertations of his students. Also, Professor Gaivoronsky is the scientific director of the exhibition “Human Body. The dead teach the living"

Scientific works

Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky is the author of more than 850 scientific papers, 30 textbooks on normal anatomy, 15 monographs, 36 patents for inventions and utility models. He is the scientific supervisor of 41 candidate dissertations and scientific consultant of 6 doctoral dissertations. The textbook “Normal Human Anatomy” in 2 volumes is distinguished by its modernity, the presence of original sections on intravital human anatomy. He was highly appreciated by the department of research and educational medical institutions, has the stamp of the department of Higher Educational Medical Institutions in 2001 and was awarded the 1st Prize of the Academic Council of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy.

Selected works

  • textbook on “Normal Anatomy” for students of medical universities (7 editions)
  • textbook “Human Anatomy and Physiology” for secondary vocational medical schools (6 editions)
  • atlas “Human developmental defects and deformities”
  • Retention of wisdom teeth of the lower jaw (co-authored with A.K. Iordanishvili, G.A. Vasilchenko, M.G. Gaivoronskaya, A.A. Ponomarev)


Ivan Vasilyevich Gaivoronsky was awarded 11 medals and two state awards: and. For great scientific achievements in the field of morphology, he was awarded the Vernadsky Gold Star of the 3rd degree and the medal of the All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists, the N. I. Pirogov Medal and the diploma “For valiant work, loyalty to the profession and selfless service to medicine and contribution to the development of surgery " Corresponding Member of the Russian Military Medical Academy (1999), Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy (2007), Honored Worker of the Higher School (2004), Academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (2004), Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000) .