Social and psychological situation in the team. List of used literature

This article examines: the characteristics of a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate in the classroom; factors influencing his condition and ways to form and maintain a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.



Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom team

Active development of personality and the formation of basic qualities occur during school years and largely depend on the social atmosphere of which the child is a member. Of particular importance in this sense (personality formation) is the junior school age, which determines the relevance of developing the problem of forming a psychological climate in primary school.

Socio-psychological climate -quality side interpersonal relationships, manifested as a collection psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities And comprehensive development individuals in the group. The psychological climate in a children's group is primarily manifested in the children's general, emotionally charged attitudes towards what is happening; in the activity of students, their conscious attitude To educational process, in friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Scientists identify the followingfactors influencing the state of the psychological climate:macroenvironmental and microenvironment factors, personal qualities team members and leadership style. A special role in the life of every person belongs to the school years, the class, and the emotional and psychological climate of the class. Studying at school takes up a good portion of a person’s life time, during which active development personality. According to experts and practice, emotional well-being in the classroom is one of the most important conditions development of the student's personality.

Formation and improvement of the socio-psychological climate is a constant practical task class teachers, subject teachers, school psychologist and administration. Creation favorable climate is not only a responsible matter, but also a creative one, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, the ability to foresee probable situations in the relationships of members of the children's team. The formation of a good social and psychological climate requires an understanding of the psychology of schoolchildren, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, and relationships with each other.

In order to study socio-pedagogical classroom climate, teachers should know:

Characteristics of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

  1. In the class, a cheerful, cheerful tone prevails in the relationships between the children, optimism in the mood; relations are built on the principles of cooperation, mutual assistance, goodwill; children like to participate in joint activities, spend time together free time; approval and support prevail in relationships, criticism is expressed with good wishes.
  2. In the class, there are standards of fair and respectful treatment of all its members; weak students are always supported here, advocated for them, and help newcomers.
  3. Personality traits such as responsibility, honesty, hard work and selflessness are highly valued in the class.
  4. Class members are active, full of energy, they respond quickly when there is a need to do something useful for everyone, and they achieve high levels of academic performance and leisure activities.
  5. The successes or failures of individual students in the class evoke empathy and sincere participation from all members of the team.
  6. In the relationships between groupings within a class, there is mutual arrangement, understanding, cooperation.

A favorable psychological climate contributes to better absorption educational material by the student, and the full development of his personality, therefore, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom is an important component pedagogical work, since psychologically healthy, creative, self-confident people are of particular value for modern society.

A favorable psychological climate is usually understood as emotionally psychological attitude team in which emotional level reflects the personal and business relationships of team members, determined by their value orientations, moral standards and interests.

Characteristics of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate:

1.Depressed mood and pessimism prevail in the class. Conflict, aggressiveness, and antipathy of the guys towards each other are observed. There is rivalry; team members exhibit negative attitudes toward closer relationships with each other; critical remarks are in the nature of obvious or hidden attacks. Guys allow themselves to belittle the personality of another,

everyone considers their own point of view to be the main one and is intolerant of the opinions of others.

2. The class lacks norms of fairness and equality in relationships, it is noticeably divided into “privileged” and “neglected”. Here they treat the weak with contempt and often ridicule them. Newcomers feel superfluous, alien, and are often shown hostility.

3. Personality traits such as responsibility, honesty, hard work, selflessness are not held in high esteem.

4. Members of the collective are inert, passive, some strive to isolate themselves from the rest, the class cannot be raised for a common cause.

5. The successes or failures of one person leave the rest of the team indifferent, and sometimes cause unhealthy envy or gloating.

6. In the classroom, conflicting groups arise that refuse to participate in joint activities.

7.B difficult cases the class is not able to unite, confusion, quarrels, mutual accusations arise, the team is closed and does not strive to cooperate with other groups.

An unhealthy psychological climate inhibits the development of the children's team and the individual within it, as it is associated with the predominance of negative emotions.

The predominant emotions experienced by the childwith a favorable psychological climate,are: goodwill, security, mobility, creativity, optimism, initiative, efficiency, freedom of one’s self.

In unfavorable climate:insecurity, laziness, aggressiveness, pessimism, tightness, passivity.

The conditions that determine the effectiveness of teachers’ influence on the psychological climate in the children’s team include the following:

  • Personal qualities of teachers (openness, disposition towards children, sense of humor, initiative, sociability, creativity).
  • Professional qualities of teachers (theoretical and methodological skills).
  • The orientation of teachers towards the emotional comfort of schoolchildren, which is a consequence of personal and professional preparedness for actions that create a favorable psychological climate.

Empirical referents of the socio-psychological climate of the class:

Favorable SEC


Verbal referents

Nonverbal referents

Emotional background

Verbal expression of a positive attitude towards the interaction process and individual students

Friendly smiles, laughter. Positive or calm tone of statements

Ability to collaborate

Addressing your interlocutor with clarifying questions. Expressing interest in the opinions of others (“What do you think?”, “Do you like it?”).

Listening with demonstration of attention (assent, humming), eye contact. Equal positions (by preferred position, location in the room and relative to each other)

Effectiveness of interaction

Verbal confirmation of the solution to the task. Verbal expression of satisfaction with the result

Gestures expressing satisfaction with the work done. Smile when summing up work

Unfavorable SPC


Verbal referents

Nonverbal referents

Emotional background

Verbal expression of negative attitudes towards the interaction process and individual students

Malevolent smiles

laughter, offensive words addressed to classmates. Sad or hostile tone of statements.

Ability to collaborate

Interrupting your interlocutor. Expressing disinterest in the opinions of others (“Who is asking you?”, “What do you have to do with it?”

No cooing, yesting or eye contact. Unequal positions (the desire to dominate or submit, by posture and location)

Effectiveness of interaction

Verbal denial of the solution to the task. Verbal expression of dissatisfaction with the result

Gestures expressing dissatisfaction with the work done. Sadness or hostility when summarizing work.

If the psychological climate is associated with morale children involved important concepts- goodness, conscience, honor, justice, then they talk about the moral and psychological climate.

The educational power, the enormous possibilities of the collective that shape each individual, depend on its psychological climate. The successful formation of a moral atmosphere in any level of social life presupposes knowledge of the structure and features of the manifestation of the collective. In the joint and mutual actions of people, in their communication, a direct exchange of thoughts, views, ideas arises, and various shapes mutual relations of people to each other, likes, dislikes and other so-called interpersonal relationships.

In the process of communication and relationships, various socio-psychological phenomena and processes arise and develop: mutual demands and suggestions, constant general mutual assessments. Empathy and sympathy, psychological rivalry and competition, imitation and self-affirmation, prestige - this is an incomplete list of them. All of them are stimuli for activity and behavior, mechanisms for self-development and personality formation.

Stability in human behavior plays a role big role in establishing his relationships with the environment. If a person is stable, responsible and generally predictable, then the environment perceives him positively. If he is constantly unbalanced, capricious and inclined to take unpredictable steps, then the team reacts negatively to such a person.

In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues and workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups. And this has an extremely large impact on him, either by helping to more fully reveal his potential, or by suppressing his ability and desire to work productively, with with full dedication. The bands play very important role in the life of every member of the organization.

It's the same in the children's group.

Relationships between colleagues form a complex, changing, interconnected system, in which several types of relationships can be distinguished for research purposes. Personal relationships sometimes have interesting synonyms, such as “uniform honor”, ​​“team spirit”, “face of the team”. In emergency or critical situations, in the absence or destruction official relations personal ones come to the fore.

More psychological significance for relationships in a team, they have characteristics of words, facial expressions, gestures, and actions of colleagues, depending on individual situations and conditions. All this constitutes a source of additional information.

Take, for example, the word “thank you.” They are expressed, for example, gratitude for the work done, for which they spent a lot of time. “Thank you,” said cordially, with warmth, expressed by a handshake or other gesture, can warm you up, improve your well-being, and you will not regret the work expended. “Thank you” can be said officially, protocolically, from which we can conclude that you did not do anything special, but simply performed an ordinary official duty. “Thank you” can also be said ironically, hinting that you wasted your time and that your work did not bring results. The same thing applies to communicating with children.

The method of transmitting information is also important, for example, who transmits the information, communicates the decision: the manager, his deputy or technical worker. Communicating information privately, in front of a group, or publicly increases or decreases its value.

Thus, socio-psychological climate-This is the relatively stable psychological attitude of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifested in their attitude towards each other, towards work, towards surrounding events and towards the organization as a whole, based on individual, personal values ​​and orientations.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on the individual will be different - it will stimulate work, lift spirits, instill cheerfulness and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, and lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key qualities of an employee: readiness for constant information activity, ability to act in extreme situations, accept non-standard solutions, initiative and enterprise, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture.

You cannot count on the fact that the necessary relationships with the team (children or adults) will arise by themselves; they must be consciously formed.

Many teachers take seriously the issue of creating a favorable psychological climate, but not everyone knows the techniques and methods of creating it.

Ways to form and maintain a favorable psychological climate in the classroomare similar to the methods of forming and managing children's groups. Any team is a community of people, characterized by the presence of socially useful goals, joint activities, personal and group interests, a conscious and sustainable organization of their lives, and the psychological climate, on the one hand, reflects and, on the other, determines the nature of interactions between members of the team.

Knowledge of ways to form a psychological climate and manage a team is necessary for teachers.

Most effectiveways to form and maintain a socio-psychological climate in the classroomthat can be used by teachers are the following:

  • since the socio-psychological climate is the result of the joint activities of class students, their interpersonal interaction. To strengthen it, it is necessary to set goals and create conditions for organizing joint activities of children, inform them about the progress of implementation joint tasks, encourage activity, initiative, creativity;
  • find common interests, which would unite the children of the class, and on their basis organize common affairs;
  • form class traditions, participate in school-wide traditional affairs;
  • if you have free time, invite the guys to spend it together, go hiking, relax;
  • create situations of collective empathy significant events, the desire for emotional inclusion in the life of the class of every child. For this it is important to have active position teacher in relation to children and class;
  • bring universal human values ​​to life cool team, encourage openness, goodwill, constructive ways détente negative emotions; do not impose your opinion on each other, but, taking into account the interests of everyone, come to a common, compromise solution;
  • create conditions to improve children’s well-being at school and maintain stable positive relationships between teachers and students;
  • develop a communicative culture, communication and cooperation skills;
  • develop the empathic abilities of group members, the ability and need to know other people, and a tolerant attitude towards them.

And I would like to list the principles for creating a healthy working atmosphere, proposed by David Meister in the book “Do What You Profess,” which can be useful for teachers:

1. Always proceed from the fact that the biggest sin is the unwillingness to at least try to do something.

2.The manager’s actions must indicate his interest in the personal success of each team member.

3. Actively help the guys rise to a qualitatively new level.

4.Give children the opportunity to test themselves various types activities.

5. Be consistent, never break your word.

6.maintain a strong belief in your own destiny.

7. Forget about the patronizing tone.

8. Create conditions, don't dictate them.

9. Trust the people you work with.

10. Set an example, be what you would like your colleague to be.

11.Find individual approach to every child, do not manage people in the way that suits you. This requires ordinary human sensitivity.

12. Be full of enthusiasm, remember: enthusiasm is contagious.


How to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom

1. Enter school only in a joyful mood, leaving all negativity at the door. Let your children not be hostages of your family troubles, health problems, eternal lack of sleep...

2.Remember: you need your students just as they need you - every day, every lesson!

3. “The deadly sin of a teacher is to be boring.” So said I.F. Herbart. Try to make your lesson memorable for your students.

4.When the spark of success in a student goes out. He ceases to be interested in the subject. Try to keep the fire burning in the student’s soul!

5. The student stops making mistakes when he learns to correct them. Do not deny the student the opportunity to correct his mistakes.

6. The word is powerful weapon in the hands of the teacher. A careless word can forever sow a feeling of self-doubt in a child. Avoid rash words!

7. Don’t pass by children’s tears! What now seems naive and stupid to us is the whole world for our children.

8. A student is an “alien” from the family. Try to win over the parents of your students, because you have one task with them - to teach and educate. Let the expression “your child” be replaced by the expression “our child”. Parents will definitely appreciate this.

9.Nothing brings teachers and students closer together than joint creativity. Let in school life there will be more holidays!

10. A smile opens all doors! Smile as you open the door to children's hearts! Smile more often.

The formation of a child’s (adolescent’s) personality occurs in communication with people around him.

School is a place where a child finds new friends, does interesting things taking into account his needs and capabilities, learns to communicate, build relationships with peers and adults. It is in children's groups that one acquires life experience, which shapes the personality and further determines the complex system of its relationships to life and people.

Therefore, teachers need to realize that creating a favorable psychological climate in the team helps the child feel calm, confident and comfortable in the classroom; helps to reveal your personal qualities; adapt to difficult life situations.

Psychological climate is the emotional coloring of the psychological connections of team members, arising on the basis of their sympathy, coincidence of characters, interests, and inclinations. The climate of relationships between people in an organization consists of three components. The first component is the social climate, which is determined by the awareness of the general goals and objectives of the organization. The second component is the moral climate, determined by the accepted moral values ​​of the organization. The third component is the psychological climate, i.e. those informal relationships that develop between employees.

In general, this phenomenon is usually called the socio-psychological climate of the organization’s team.

The relationship between the effectiveness of an organization and its socio-psychological climate is the most important problem for the managers of a company or firm. Therefore, knowledge of the most important components of the organization’s security system is so important. Favorable SPC this is the result systematic work and events of leaders, managers, psychologists and all employees of the organization.

The most important signs favorable socio-psychological climate are:

  • trust and high demands of group members towards each other;
  • friendly and business-like criticism;
  • free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;
  • lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;
  • sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;
  • satisfaction with belonging to a team;
  • high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations, causing the condition frustration of any of the team members;
  • acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members
  • tolerance for other people's opinions, etc.

An unfavorable socio-psychological climate is characterized by: deep pessimism, irritability, boredom, extreme tension and conflict in relationships in the group, uncertainty, painful fear of making a serious mistake or making a bad impression, horror of punishment, categorical rejection, misunderstanding, deep hostility, incredible suspicion, great distrust to each other, extreme reluctance to invest excessive effort in a corporate product, in rapid development team and organization as a whole, dissatisfaction, etc.

The general picture of interaction between people in work teams is complemented by personal relationships. Relationships are a system of relationships between people in different groups. Relationships can be formal and informal, business and personal. Interpersonal relationships between people are connected with social relations and are determined by them. The characteristics of a person’s behavior in a team, the results of his work, cause certain reactions from other members of the group, form each of them’s attitude towards this person, and thus a system of relationships develops in the group. Satisfaction with relationships horizontally (with comrades) and vertically (with managers) is considered an important indicator of the SPC in the work team. Indicators of satisfaction with horizontal relationships are closely related to the frequency of discussion in the team of issues directly related to work, as well as to the frequency of contacts between team members in their free time. In the most formal setting, things develop between people in one way or another. personal relationships and they cannot but influence the general atmosphere in the team, on general character, style, tone of relationships in the group.

IN complex system relationships of interactions in the primary work collective, people occupy certain positions based on their unofficial personal authority in a given group of people. Thus, the primary labor collective is a system of interconnected official positions, occupation which workers have certain rights and responsibilities, and a system of unofficial positions based on the real authority of team members and the degree of influence on the group.

Communication in a work team is a complex process that runs from establishing contacts to developing interactions and forming relationships. Main function communication is the organization of joint activities of people, which involves the development of a unified interaction strategy, which is possible only on the basis of coordination of their positions. Another function of communication is people getting to know each other, as well as the formation and development of interpersonal relationships.

The influence of the emotional atmosphere of a team on an individual can be twofold: stimulating or inhibiting, that is, suppressing a person’s creative initiative, activity and energy. There are several definitions of the concept of SEC. So, E.S. Kuzmin believes that the concept of psychological climate reflects the nature of relationships between people, the prevailing tone of public mood, the level of management, conditions and characteristics of work and rest in one team.

The concept of psychological climate includes a system of interpersonal relationships that are psychological in nature (liking, antipathy, friendship), psychological mechanisms interactions between people (imitation, empathy, assistance); a system of mutual demands, a general mood, general style joint labor activity, intellectual, emotional and volitional unity of the team.

In the concept of SPK there are three “ climatic zones»:

  1. social climate, which is determined by the extent to which employees at a given enterprise are highly aware of common goals and objectives, and the extent to which compliance with all constitutional rights of workers as citizens is guaranteed.
  2. moral climate, which is determined by the moral values ​​generally accepted in a given group.
  3. psychological climate, that is, the informal sphere that develops between workers who are in direct contact with each other. That is, the psychological climate is a microclimate, the zone of action of which is much more local than the moral and social one.

An essential indicator of the characteristics of relationships in a team are forms of address as a means verbal communication. The predominance of any one form of address orders or requests, proposals or questions, discussions, advice characterizes the characteristics of relationships leads to the gradual isolation of individual members of the team, a reduction in the number of contacts in it, to the predominance of indirect methods of communication to the reduction of communication ties to the formally necessary , to violations of feedback between participants in the activity. Thus, communication connections in a team act as empirical indicators of the socio-psychological climate.

The essence of each person is revealed only in connections with other people and is realized in forms of collective interaction, in communication processes, through relationships a person realizes his public value. Thus, self-esteem acts as a group effect, as one of the forms of manifestation of the socio-psychological climate. Assessing your position in the system public relations and personal connections generates a feeling of greater or lesser satisfaction with oneself and others.

The experience of relationships affects moods and causes an improvement or deterioration in a person’s psychological well-being. Through imitation, infection, suggestion, and persuasion, various moods in a group spread to all people and, reflected again in their consciousness, create the psychological background of collective life. Psychological well-being and mood, characterizing the mental state of people, indicate the quality of the SEC in the team. Self-esteem, well-being and mood are socio-psychological phenomena, a holistic reaction to the influence of the microenvironment and the entire complex of conditions for human activity in a team. They act as subjective forms of manifestation of the SEC.

Any person, by virtue of his presence in social groups, and even more so by participating in joint work, influences many areas of the life of the team, including the socio-psychological climate. People have a positive or negative impact on the well-being of others, depending on their socio-psychological and individual psychological properties. To the socio-psychological properties of the individual that have positive influence the formation of a socio-psychological climate includes adherence to principles, responsibility, discipline, activity in interpersonal and intergroup relations, sociability, cult of behavior, and tact. People who are inconsistent, selfish, tactless, etc. have a negative impact on the climate. The well-being of people and through it the general climate of the team is influenced by the characteristics of mental processes(intellectual, emotional, strong-willed), as well as the temperament and character of team members. In addition, an important role is played by a person’s preparation for work, that is, his knowledge, skills and abilities. A person’s high professional competence evokes respect; it can serve as an example for others and thereby contribute to the growth of the skills of people working with him.

In its meaning, SPC is close to the concept of team cohesion, which is understood as the degree of emotional acceptability and satisfaction with the relationships between group members. The cohesion of the team is formed on the basis of the similarity of ideas of workers on significant issues of the life of their team.

The most important problem in study of SEC is to identify the factors that shape it.

The formation of a certain socio-psychological climate is influenced by the following factors:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of employee properties, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and the personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptance, sympathy, and empathy between team members.

There are two types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological is associated with the synchronicity of individual mental activity workers (different endurance of group members, speed of thinking, peculiarities of perception, attention), which should be taken into account when distributing physical activity and instructions individual species works

Psychological compatibility presupposes an optimal combination of personal mental properties: character traits, temperament, abilities, which leads to mutual understanding.

Incompatibility is manifested in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and in the case of inevitable contacts - to negative emotional states and even to conflicts.

2. Behavioral style of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

3. Successful or unsuccessful progress of the production process.

4. The scale of rewards and punishments used.

5. Working conditions.

6. Family situation, outside of work, conditions for spending free time.

Most important factors, determining the level of psychological climate of the production team is the personality of the manager and the system of selection and placement of administrative personnel. It is also influenced by the personal qualities of the leader, the style and methods of leadership, the authority of the leader, as well as individual characteristics team members.

The leader influences almost all factors that determine the socio-psychological climate. The selection of personnel, the encouragement and punishment of team members, their promotion, and the organization of workers’ work depend on it. Much depends on his leadership style.

SEC is the result of joint activities of people, their interpersonal interaction. It manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being and assessment of the living and working conditions of the individual in the team. These effects are expressed in the relationships associated with the labor process and decision common tasks team. Members of a team as individuals determine its social microstructure, the uniqueness of which is determined by social and demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, education, nationality, social origin). Psychological characteristics individuals contribute or hinder the formation of a sense of community, that is, they influence the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

The demand and popularity of research on the socio-psychological climate in a team is due to the tendency to complicate relationships and increase demands on the professionalism of an employee.

Why is it so necessary? Everything is logical. A favorable team climate increases efficiency collaboration. Unfavorable relationships can cause high staff turnover, an increase in the level of conflict, a decrease in labor efficiency and, in general, a deterioration in the reputation of the organization. Often the manager notices only the listed consequences, but has no idea about the reasons for their occurrence. There are cases when the manager does not see the true reason for the deterioration of the team’s work and directs efforts in the wrong direction, which, of course, does not lead to an improvement in the situation. Therefore, it is important for the head of an organization or HR person to study Current state socio-psychological climate and, based on the research results, take the necessary measures to improve it. In this article we will talk about the main methods that allow you to study the socio-psychological climate in an organization, and also provide recommendations for their use.

First, we need to define what is meant by the term “socio-psychological climate.” The socio-psychological climate in a team is a complex, integrated indicator that reflects the internal state of the community as a whole, and not just the sum of the feelings of its members, as well as its ability to achieve joint goals. The main factors shaping the socio-psychological climate in the team are:

  1. Emotional attitude of employees to their activities;
  2. Relations between employees in the team;
  3. Relations between subordinates and managers;
  4. Service and everyday factors of labor organization;
  5. Economic (material) factors of labor encouragement.

Of course, the presented list is not exhaustive: it can be clarified and expanded if necessary within the framework of a particular study.

If the purpose of the study is to analyze and assess the socio-psychological climate in the team, then to achieve it it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Define emotional attitude employees to their activities in general;
  2. Identify the nature of relationships between employees in the team;
  3. Identify the nature of the relationship between subordinates and managers;
  4. Determine the degree of employee satisfaction with work and everyday factors of work organization;
  5. Determine the degree of satisfaction with economic (material) labor promotion factors.

After formulating the goals and objectives of the study, it is necessary to select the method by which data will be collected. We recommend a questionnaire survey as the most effective method collecting data in medium and large teams, which, if the conditions are met, provides a high guarantee of the sincerity of the answers. These conditions should be considered in more detail.

  • In order for the respondent to be motivated to give sincere answers, it is necessary to guarantee the anonymity of the data presentation and explain that the survey results will be presented in a generalized form. This information should be conveyed to respondents not only in a preliminary message about the upcoming survey, but also immediately before the survey. For example, you can place the following text in the title of the questionnaire:
  • In addition, informing respondents about the purpose of the survey will help ensure the sincerity of responses. Before conducting the survey, it is recommended to inform that the opinions of all respondents will be taken into account, and based on the survey results, measures will be taken to improve the climate in the team. If respondents know that their opinion can really change the situation in better side, they will be more sincere.

In our experience, HR professionals are increasingly conducting such research through online surveys. They are convenient not only because automated system allows you to collect data much faster and provide results, but also because it will provide the necessary conditions for a successful survey. Handing out paper questionnaires that are supposed to be filled out at the workplace may lead to a decrease in sincerity in the respondents’ answers: being close to the object of assessment, his colleague, the respondent will most likely feel discomfort and overestimate the assessment. While away from the workplace and in a less stressful environment, the respondent will be able to answer sincerely. In addition, some employees may express concern about de-anonymizing their handwriting profiles (and this happens:). In online surveys, reasons for such experiences are, of course, excluded, which can also affect the increase in sincerity in respondents’ answers.

Now let's look at the most popular methods used to study the socio-psychological climate in a team.

Sociometric test (according to J. Moreno)

This technique is used to identify and evaluate emotional connections in a team based on sympathy or antipathy for team members. Sociometric tests reveal informal leaders in a group, detect existing group cohesion within the team and identify the degree of cohesion. Practicing psychologists and sociologists recommend conducting a sociometric test in teams where employees have experience working together for at least six months, since only in this case, according to experts, will the sociometric test have an indicative result.

Respondents are asked to answer several questions regarding their relationships with other team members. In the response field, you must enter the names of colleagues selected by the respondent according to the specified criterion. It is recommended to use no more than 8-10 criteria by which each team member will be assessed. The criteria should be selected based on the significance of each of them for a particular team, so they can and should be modified in accordance with the conditions in which the test is carried out.

Questions in a questionnaire based on a sociometric test may look like in the following way:

The analysis of respondents' answers is carried out as follows. To calculate the group cohesion index, a tool such as a sociomatrix is ​​used. It is a table consisting of the names of the members of the teams chosen by the respondents and the names of the respondents themselves.

Based on the results obtained from the matrix data, the group cohesion indicator is calculated using the following formula:

If Employee 1 selected Employee 2 by the first criterion, then the number 1 is entered into the corresponding cell in the table, if Employee 3 was selected by the second criterion, the number 2 is entered into the corresponding cell, and so on. If employees chose each other based on the same criterion, this figure must be highlighted. Next, the total number of elections for each employee and the number of mutual elections are calculated.

where C is an indicator of group cohesion among team members;

K – the number of mutual choices made by team members;

M – the maximum number of possible elections in the group (M=n(n-1)/2, where n is the number of members in the group being surveyed).

It is believed that the value of a “good” indicator of group cohesion lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.7.

Next, based on the sociomatrix data, a sociogram is compiled, which is 4 circles, each of which corresponds to the “rating” of the selected employees. The first circle includes “stars” - those employees who received maximum amount votes. The second circle, which is conventionally designated as “preferred,” includes those team members who received more choices than the average number of choices received by one employee being evaluated. The third circle, “neglected”, includes those employees who received fewer votes than the average number of votes received per employee being evaluated. The fourth circle, the “isolated” area, is for employees who have not received any selections. Double-sided arrows in a sociogram show mutual choice, and one-sided arrows show one-sided choice.

The sociogram looks like this:

A sociogram allows you to visualize the existing groupings in a team and identify informal leaders in the team.

On practice sociometric method used to study the socio-psychological climate in small groups of up to 15-20 people. In this case, it is recommended to indicate in the questionnaire how many names of colleagues the respondent can indicate in one or another answer to the question. As a rule, respondents are asked to limit themselves to 2-4 surnames. Such a limitation will simplify the task both for respondents, who will not have to evaluate and rank all members of their team, and for the researcher, since the constructed sociogram will more clearly and clearly reflect the situation in the team.

Psychologists recommend using the sociometric method to obtain information about intragroup relations. This will optimize the work process and establish relationships between groups among the team. Sociometric circles displayed on the sociogram will make it possible to clearly identify informal leaders in the group who have organizational skills, and give them appropriate tasks. This will be useful both for improving group work and for the employee-leader who will be able to demonstrate and develop his abilities.

Methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in a team (according to A.F. Fidler)

This technique is based on the method semantic differential. Respondents are asked to familiarize themselves with 8 pairs of words with opposite meanings and assign their answer closer to the one that, in their opinion, more accurately reflects the atmosphere in the team. As a rule, a survey using Fiedler’s method looks like this:

Each extreme value is assigned a number of points: the extreme negative - 10, the extreme positive - 1. Then all the indicators are added up, and based on the value of the sum, an assessment of the atmosphere in the team is given. The minimum total score is 10, which is an indicator of a positive atmosphere in the team, the maximum is 100, which is an indicator of a negative atmosphere. Based on all partial assessments, an average is calculated, which will characterize the atmosphere in the team.

Fiedler's technique can only give descriptive characteristics climate in the team, its common features. For a complete and in-depth assessment of the socio-psychological climate in a team, it is recommended to combine the method of assessing the psychological atmosphere with a sociometric test. This will allow the researcher to provide more accurate and specific recommendations and advice for a specific team.

Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index.

Group cohesion is one of the most important parameters demonstrating the degree of integration of the team. It shows how cohesive or disunited a group is. Seashore’s “classic” method includes 5 questions, and the respondent is asked to choose one answer that is most appropriate, in his opinion. Each answer option is assigned a point from 1 to 5 (these points are not indicated in the questionnaire itself, the respondent does not see them), then it is calculated total amount points and based on the obtained figure, a conclusion is made about the degree of cohesion of the team.

An example of a question from a questionnaire based on the Seashore method:

The total value obtained as a result of addition is usually interpreted as follows:

from 15.1 points – high group cohesion,

from 11.6 to 15 points – group cohesion is above average,

from 7 to 11.5 points – average group cohesion,

from 4 to 6.9 points – group cohesion is below average,

up to 4 points – low group cohesion.

If the value of the group cohesion index is 4 or below, this may serve as a signal to management about the need to introduce measures to bring team members closer together.

Experts say that Seashore’s method is appropriate for studying a socio-psychological team if its number does not exceed 40 people. If the organization is large and includes several departments, then it is recommended to use the Seashore method to determine the group cohesion index for a department or division and analyze the socio-psychological climate in this particular group.

This method has already established itself as an effective means for studying the socio-psychological climate in a team, however, for a more complete and in-depth analysis, it is recommended to use this method in conjunction with other techniques. Combination various techniques will allow us to more deeply and comprehensively assess and analyze the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Periodic research into the socio-psychological climate in a team can identify problematic areas of the team’s life and take measures to improve the socio-psychological climate and, as a consequence, the labor efficiency of the organization’s employees.

  • Personnel policy, Corporate culture

Everyone would like to find a job where they pay well, the team is pleasant, there is no overtime, and the entire social package is available. Such information is indicated in almost 99% of resumes on different resources on job search. But employers offer fewer benefits, but many requirements with little pay. Of course, it is also important for them to find a suitable candidate, and also to achieve high productivity with minimal effort on their part.

Positive sentiment among employees always has a positive impact on the work process and productivity.

IN large companies The principle of working with employees is successfully applied not only to improve their skills, but also to normalize the psychological climate in the team. Unfortunately, many medium and small companies do not pay attention to this problem, which becomes the cause of many difficulties.

Psychological climate in the team. Basic Concepts

We will try to explain the concept of psychological climate in a team. Another name is socio-psychological climate or SPC. This is a general, somewhat stable, psychological mood of the team of one company, which manifests itself in various types of activities.

A normal atmosphere in a company always has a positive effect not only on the psychology of each employee, but also on other indicators of the company. If the climate is positive, then the following signs stand out:

trust between colleagues and in superiors;
feeling of stability, security;
general willingness to cope with difficulties;
pleasant interaction between employees;
sympathy and support between employees;
confidence, attention;
willingness to compromise;
acceptable free-thinking;
desire to develop.

In the opposite state of affairs, negative consequences, which may even be irreversible.

Factors influencing the psychological climate in a team

Certain factors are identified that influence the psychological climate in the team. They are able to make it negative and positive. It is important to include sanitary and hygienic conditions: illumination, room size, comfort level of the work place, temperature, etc.

Another factor is the leader himself. If a person adheres healthy style life, treats work responsibly, is different positive qualities, then he will become an example for employees.

To create a normal climate in the team, it is important for the manager to select people with a certain type of temperament for work, so that they fit together. Compatibility in age and experience is also important.

Social tension in the organization. Strategies to reduce

Now there are many approaches and principles to reduce social tension in the organization, that is, to create a positive psychological climate among employees. These goals include the following actions:

When forming a team, it is important for a company to take into account the psychological compatibility of people. Depending on the goals, a combination of different types of temperament and character is required. In many situations, a group with people of the same type of character turns out to be almost unworkable. For example, if you gather only workers who are not capable of initiative and are waiting for constant instructions from above, or only those who are accustomed to giving commands;

If there are tensions among employees, it is important to understand their cause and find ways to solve and eliminate the problem.

it is important to observe the optimal selection, placement, certification and training of managers;
establish an acceptable limit on the number of employees who report to one boss (5-7);
monitor the absence of unnecessary vacancies and workers. Excessive and insufficient number of employees causes team instability. The ground is being created for the development of conflicts and tensions due to the desire of different candidates to occupy a position and receive promotions. Another reason is the unevenness of the workload, which occurs when there are extra workers;
It is important to rely in your work on the most active and, i.e. unofficial leaders who enjoy the trust of other employees;
control of the processes of organizing the substantive components of the climate (values, norms, rules, expectations, general mood and opinion);
prevent and find a way out of conflicts between individuals;

use social and psychological methods, which contribute to the formation of employees’ skills in effective understanding among themselves and interaction (to captivate employees by example, use trainings, business games, methods of persuasion, etc.).

Experts have developed many psychological and social ways creating a positive climate in the team. Among them it is important to highlight:

Body psychotherapy. It is based on an understanding of the close relationships between phenomena in physiology and psyche. Especially on the fact that personality traits are noticeable in gestures and movements. Such psychotherapy is manifested in the creation in the company of rooms for unloading the psyche, booths with mannequins of managers (to release negative feelings, etc.);
Art therapy. This technology is based on the fact that the inner “I” of people manifests itself in visible images, when a person creates paintings, sculptures, draws, without thinking about his own work, in other words, spontaneously. The materials obtained in the process of dealing with the group provide a chance to identify levels of aggression and other negative feelings, contribute to resolving conflicts and establishing connections between employees. Art therapy is used in the field of occupational therapy and community rehabilitation;
Skills training group. This group is classified as a behaviorist branch of psychology. The approach to work is based on a training model, setting goals, defining and assessing behavior. The example is “confidence training” groups. This teaches career planning skills, decision making, developing skills to cope with stress and improving social interaction skills.

Managers select the most suitable methods for building relationships for their own team.

Many other methods and trainings have been invented that are aimed at creating a positive climate among employees. Today, some companies employ psychologists. They are organizing psychological games, testing, conduct classes with employees. Some companies invite such specialists from outside. This, of course, has a positive effect on the psychological and social climate.

How to improve the psychological climate in a team

In order to understand how to improve the psychological climate in a team, it is important to follow some schemes:

Remember that it is easier for people to focus on work if they have the ability to control their environment. Let them set up their own workspaces. So a person becomes freer, and the number decreases internal conflicts a team;
It’s nice for employees to understand that something depends on them too. Even if it’s choosing a calendar for your desk at work. The main thing is that it sets you up for positive mood, gave additional incentives to work. You will notice that the returns will be much greater. Workers should not be placed into too strict a framework, although some dress code is still required to maintain discipline;

That employees need to communicate with each other. A ban on this will cause a decrease in labor efficiency, suppress people, and cause a split in society. Such an environment will not help to unite and develop mutual understanding at work. Therefore, it is important to create a friendly atmosphere;
In addition, you can create something like a canteen, where employees can have lunch together and communicate on abstract topics. In addition, arrange tables at work places so that everyone feels in the center. No one should be singled out, otherwise there is a chance of conflicts;

To normalize the climate, it is important to let employees participate in the organization of the work process and feel involved in the main mechanisms of the company.

It is also important to let employees feel that the office is not only a workplace. It is worth organizing informal events here: team building, corporate events, etc. Promotes team cohesion and conducts training collective seminars. And if you allow people to celebrate birthdays in the office, the atmosphere at work will be filled with ease and ease, and performance will certainly rise.

Thus, to achieve the norms of a positive psychological climate, special training is required, the use of suitable methods and schemes for organizing the labor process.

January 20, 2014, 11:38

Social and psychological climate in the team, i.e. employee relations has a significant impact on labor efficiency, on the attitude of employees towards the organization, their immediate responsibilities and management. Ability to form favorable atmosphere And good mood in a team of subordinates is one of the primary tasks of every leader. If there is no social tension in the team, employee relations are friendly and friendly, in such an environment the adaptation of new employees is much faster and easier.

Due to the absence of social tension among the organization’s personnel, the ability to work, activity, and well-being of employees improves. Distinctive Features favorable conditions in society are:

  • demanding attitude of employees towards each other with established trusting relationships;
  • objective criticism regarding business qualities;
  • freely express your position regarding certain issues discussed in the team;
  • a high level of awareness about the goals of the organization’s functioning and the progress of certain production tasks;
  • loyal attitude to the enterprise, management and team;
  • each employee in the team is ready to bear responsibility for the results of the work of the entire group;
  • willingness to provide help and support to each team member.

Wherein psychological situation in the group depends on various factors. These are interpersonal and intergroup relations, which are determined by both horizontal and vertical connections. To ensure a favorable psychological climate, the management of the entire enterprise and each department needs to competently interact with subordinates, receiving feedback, as well as control the relationships between colleagues of the same level.

In order to create a favorable psychological climate in the team, it is necessary to constantly regulate and adjust management methods and means, taking into account specific circumstances and conditions. It is necessary to correctly differentiate between official responsibilities and employee rights.

Methods for assessing the emotional situation in a team

The test quickly, effectively and easily determines the psychological climate in a team. One option for such a test could be the formation of a special table where pairs of words that have opposite meanings are recorded. Each employee is asked to choose the option most suitable for assessing the psychological situation in the organization. As a result, based on individual responses, a overall rating characterizing the emotional situation.

Another method could be a questionnaire on the psychological climate in the team. Then each employee needs to answer several questions. Summing up the general results will allow us to give a correct assessment of the psychological situation in the team.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team

On this moment Quite a lot has been developed different strategies allowing to create a favorable psychological climate in the organization. Most of them involve the use of the following tools:

  • Formation of the enterprise team, taking into account psychological compatibility workers. In this case, it is advisable to unite in one group workers with different types behavior. Thus, for effective and effective work The group should combine those waiting for instructions and proactive workers.
  • Competent selection of department heads, their timely training, certification events.
  • The required ratio of managers and subordinates (per manager from 5 to 7 subordinates).
  • Timely selection of employees for available vacancies, as well as the absence of oversupply of personnel. This fact is due to the fact that an oversupply, as well as an insufficient number of workers, leads to an unstable psychological situation in the team. In such situations, it is possible that conflict situations, since this leads to uneven workloads.
  • Support and trust experienced and proactive employees who are respected by other team members.
  • Prevention and timely resolution of conflict situations.
  • Formation of the main components of the socio-psychological climate - behavioral norms, group values, expectations, etc.

An important tool for creating a favorable psychological environment in a team is the organization of events such as business games, trainings, etc..

Methods for creating a favorable psychological climate in a team

The most common socio-psychological methods of creating a favorable climate in a team are trainings, art therapy and body psychotherapy.

Trainings involve the use of a training model, goal setting, and also provide the opportunity to measure and evaluate staff behavior. These can be trainings organized in groups. They allow staff to be trained in career planning, decision-making, developing skills to cope with worry and anxiety, and improve communication skills with colleagues.

Art therapy is based on reflection internal state employees using visual images. This could be drawing, making sculptures and the like. The products obtained in this way serve to determine the level of aggressive and negative state, allow you to prevent and resolve conflicts.

Methods of bodily psychotherapy are based on the relationship between physiological and mental processes (i.e. postures, movements and gestures reflect personality characteristics). Some enterprises have special psychological relief rooms that allow you to free yourself from negative emotions.

Along with the above, there are other methods that allow you to create a favorable psychological environment. For this purpose, many enterprises use the services of psychologists, both full-time and temporarily hired.