Basic forms of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution. Social form of matter: origin, essence, mode of existence

Many are fascinated by the idea of ​​the existence of the Multiverse - other universes beyond our reach. But the many hidden worlds that we actually have the opportunity to explore and understand are no less fascinating. With the modern ideas and technology at our disposal, we are getting closer to dark matter being the final frontier, or at least the next exciting discovery.

Dark matter is an elusive entity in the universe, like ordinary matter, that interacts through gravity without emitting or absorbing light. Astronomers detect its gravitational influence, but do not see or feel it directly. Dark matter carries five times more energy than normal matter, but its interactions with matter that we can directly observe are extremely weak. Perhaps billions of dark matter particles pass through each of us every second. However, no one notices their presence. The effect that even billions of dark matter particles have on us is negligible.

This is because dark matter is not made of the same substances as ordinary matter - atoms or other elementary particles known to us, whose interaction with light is responsible for everything we see. Dark matter isn't actually dark—it's transparent. Dark things absorb light. Transparent matter, including that which has the misfortune of being called “dark”, does not interact with it. It is impossible to collect dark matter in a basement or garage.


On the threshold of a scientific revolution

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Could dark energy start the universe over?

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The Dark Side of the Universe

Der Tagesspiegel 26.11.2015

Mysterious dark energy could tear apart the universe

Focus 11/24/2013
However, a screenwriter recently asked me about the possibilities of harnessing the power of dark matter. Despite the excitement we tend to get about dark things—just look at the many books and movies that feature the word in their titles—dark matter is neither sinister nor a bountiful source of strategic power. With our own hands and tools made from ordinary matter, we cannot make missile weapons or traps from dark matter. Finding it is no longer an easy task. Harnessing its potential is a completely different story.

We'll chalk up the writer's wishful thinking to the poorly chosen name, which probably makes dark matter seem more menacing and powerful than it actually is. But while humans can't harness the power of dark matter, the universe can. Whether we acknowledge its involvement or not, like the invisible workers who built the pyramids, or the highways, or assembled the electronic mechanisms that played a decisive role in the development of civilization, dark matter is important for the development of our cosmos. If our joint research confirms our hypotheses, it is quite possible that we will be able to prove that dark matter also indirectly paved the way for the emergence of large mammals and, therefore, humanity.

Paleontologists, geologists and physicists have discovered that 66 million years ago, an object at least ten kilometers wide fell to Earth from space and wiped out land-based dinosaurs, along with three-quarters of the other species that existed on the planet. We hypothesize that as the Sun passed through the Milky Way's midplane—the band of stars and bright dust that can be seen in a clear night sky—the solar system encountered a disk of dark matter that caused a distant object to shift, thereby precipitating this catastrophic impact—a , perhaps others with an interval of 30-35 million years. Our hypothesis is that a less traditional type of dark matter collapsed to form a dense disk (denser even than the disk of the Milky Way), and the gravitational influence of the disk deflected the trajectory of comets as they passed through the Solar System.

The concept of dark matter we propose differs from common views on its nature. While the visible world contains various types of particles—quarks and electrons, photons and gluons, for example—and these particles interact through different forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak), physicists generally hold the view that all dark matter is made of one a type of particle that primarily interacts only through gravity. Why not assume that there are also different types of dark matter and that at least one type has its own interaction forces? If we assume that even a small fraction of dark matter particles interact with other dark matter particles through the dark electromagnetic force, then these dark matter particles should behave similarly to ordinary matter particles, which, as we know, in the galaxy cool, slow down their speed and form a disk , similar to the visible disk of our Milky Way. By measuring the motion of a billion stars in the Milky Way, the currently operating GAIA satellite is creating a 3D image of the shape of our galaxy, which is now sensitive to the gravitational influence of the dark matter disk.

Whatever the results of the search for this additional type of dark matter, we know that dark matter has played an important role in the visible Universe. Despite the weakness of its interactions, the gravitational pull of dark matter has formed galaxies and clusters of galaxies scattered throughout the cosmos. Without dark matter, stars would not reach their present numbers and distribution. We wouldn't be here to discuss all this, let alone piece together a coherent picture of the evolution of the Universe, if it weren't for dark matter providing enough time to form the structure we now observe.

In one of the most astonishing discoveries of the 20th century, observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation from the Big Bang showed that when the Universe was about the size of a grain of sand, there were tiny variations in its density. These tiny fluctuations - at a level of less than 0.001% - ultimately became the sources of the origin of you, me, galaxies and all structure in the Universe. Dark matter played a decisive role in strengthening these small deviations in density and allowing these cosmic structures to form.

Matter, unlike radiation, could slow down and clump together in the early stages of the Universe. The gravitational attraction in places with higher density led to the fact that some areas of matter collapsed, thereby further increasing the density of matter and leading to the formation of galaxies. So the Universe became more and more heterogeneous, as the regions rich in matter became even more enriched, and the poor ones became poorer. The aggregation of matter continued due to the constant collapse of matter in a positive feedback process that transformed the initially homogeneous Universe into what would eventually develop into the differentiated galaxies, clusters and stars we see today. Because the amount of dark matter far exceeds the amount of ordinary matter, this collapse occurred earlier than if only ordinary matter existed in the universe. This is important because it gave the structure we see today plenty of time to grow.

But dark matter played an important role for another reason. Even if it is not the main form of energy in the Universe, radiation washes out changes in the density of ordinary matter, just as the wind smoothes out sand ripples imprinted on the seashore. Radiation early in the universe's evolution could prevent galaxy-sized objects from forming entirely from ordinary matter.

Dark matter could inexorably initiate such structures because it is immune to electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, dark matter quite effectively gave ordinary matter an extra boost, paving the way for the formation of galaxies and star systems. Only by hitchhiking with dark matter could galactic-scale objects and the beginnings of stars form in our Universe. When a large enough region collapsed, the dark matter formed a roughly spherical halo, within which gas from ordinary matter could cool, condense into a center, and eventually break apart into stars.

This simultaneous collapse of dark matter and ordinary matter also helps our search for dark matter. Although we see stars and galaxies due to the light they emit, it was dark matter that initially attracted visible matter to form these structures. So, although we directly see only ordinary matter, we can be sure that both matter is present in the same places and that dark matter remains in this spherical halo around the visible matter. So, in a sense, it makes sense to look for dark matter under a lamppost.

Dark matter continues to play an important role in space. Not only does it contribute to the gravitational pull that keeps stars from flying apart, but it also returns some of the matter ejected by supernovae back into the galaxies. Dark matter thus helps preserve heavy elements, which are essential for the further formation of stars and ultimately life.

One shouldn't worry too much about the inevitable negative associations of "dark" or the higher powers of dark matter. The influence of a dark matter particle—or even billions of them—can be easily ignored. However, the gravitational influence of a sufficiently large amount of dark matter accumulated in a concentrated region had a significant impact on the development of the Universe. Like other undetected entities in our environment, dark matter is essential to our world and, according to our recent research, may have been necessary for the emergence of human life.

My colleagues and I are only at the beginning of our understanding of what dark matter is. Dark matter is not isolated in space, so the Enterprise ship will not be able to take us to it - however, unlike this spaceship, dark matter is real. However, research underway today promises to surpass our physical limitations and better understand the elusive but potentially accessible world of dark matter.

Types of matter:

  • Substance (has rest mass, various states of aggregation)

A form of matter is a collection of various objects and systems that have a single qualitative certainty, expressed in general properties and modes of existence specific to a given form of matter.

1. The physical form of matter is known to us only from a simple level - leptons and quarks, above which is the level of elementary particles - protons, neutrons, atoms of macrobodies, including formation - the metagalaxy, or our universe. In a more enlarged plan, the FFM can be considered as composed of two main forms of physical matter - matter and field.

Although modern physics does not know both the simplest and the largest levels of physical reality, the idea of ​​​​the genetic unity of FFM has received serious grounds in it. According to modern concepts, the physical reality we know arose from a relatively simple singular state as a result of the “Big Bang” 10-20 billion years ago. Without knowing the lower and upper limits of the FFM, we can, however, conclude with great confidence about the existence of two most fundamental properties that unite physical reality - mass and energy.

Each particular physical form of matter and movement has its own specific properties that distinguish it from other forms, however, in general, in their totality, private physical forms of matter are characterized by a single, general, integral property - energy, in which these specific properties fade away, the differences between particular ones disappear physical forms of matter and motion. The presence of this property turns out to be a necessary basis for the interaction and mutual transformation of various physical objects; it allows us to introduce a general measure of physical movement, reflecting the unity of physical reality, its difference from chemical, biological social forms of matter.

The fundamental properties of mass and energy are deeply dependent, fixed by Einstein's relation E=mc2. Thus, the physical form of matter is a mass-energy world.

The material of modern physics makes it possible to determine a specific method, or form, of development. Since the Big Bang, the development of FFM was carried out initially through predominantly differentiation, the emergence of an ever-increasing variety of physical objects, then, to an increasing extent, through direct substrate synthesis, the integration of simple formations into more complex ones. The most important feature of this process of differentiation - integration is its mass-energy nature.

A single way of existence is 4 types of interaction: strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational.

2. Chemical form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution.

CFM includes levels from the atom to macromolecular complexes lying on the threshold of living matter. The CFM is “built” from the physical. The chemical atom is synthesized from protons, neurons and electrons.

An essential fact in favor of a peculiar chemical reality is that the chemical bonds between qualitatively different atoms differ in physical terms only quantitatively. Thus, the H-C bond differs from the H-F bond from the physical side only in the polarity and difference in electronegativity of the atoms. On the chemical side, these are hydrogen bonds with qualitatively different chemical elements.

The chemical world is a super-mass-energetic world in which weak mass-energy processes, although they take place, forming the physical basis of chemistry, do not determine its nature. The chemical world, as Hegel noted, is characterized by incomparably greater qualitative diversity than physical diversity. Formed from just three elementary particles, CFM includes over 100 chemical elements, from which a huge qualitative variety of chemical compounds arises. Currently, about 8 million chemical compounds have been identified and about 0.5 million are synthesized annually. Chemical elements constitute the lowest, most simple and initial level of chemical evolution. They arise as a result of the previous physical process of evolution, have unequal physical and chemical complexity and, therefore, different possibilities for the further chemical process of development, different development potential. Carbon is the most complex chemical element with the highest potential for chemical development. To one degree or another, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus have evolutionary potentials similar to carbon. Because of this, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and other chemicals. elements play a major role in chemical evolution, which naturally leads to the emergence of life, and are therefore called organogenic elements.

The idea of ​​a chemical method of objectively real existence and development is based on the concept of a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is a relatively independent transformation associated with a certain finite number of reacting substrates.

The chemical process is the unity of synthesis (association) and decomposition (disintegration). Since chemical synthesis leads to the complication of substances, it is a chemical form of progress, and decay is a form of regression.

The general integral direction of chemical transformations is direct substrate synthesis. It acts as a common method of objectively real existence and development for F and KFM, but it has its own essential specificity in them.

Chemical substrate synthesis includes a special, specific mechanism - catalysis, i.e. the ability to accelerate chemical transformations. In CFM, thus, a unique ability of repeated self-acceleration of movement and development arises.

A number of areas can be identified in the development of CFM. The general direction of all lines of development is the movement from lower to higher, from simple to complex: from chemical elements to molecules and their complexes. Within the general direction, one can distinguish the main one, i.e. the main direction, and side, or dead-end, branches of development.

The main direction of development of CFM is associated with carbon as the most complex and rich chemical. element and other organogen elements - H, O, N, S, Ph. Dead-end directions determine development on the main line and create the conditions necessary for chemical evolution. Ultimately, chemical evolution naturally leads to the emergence of living matter. In chemical evolution, one of the most important patterns of development is revealed - the accumulation of the content of lower stages in higher ones. Chem. evolution is not a simple change from one state to another, but an accumulation, a synthesis of the main results of development in subsequent stages, as a result of which a material substrate arises that has the greatest variety of very different and even opposite properties. Thus, proteins, one of the most important components of living matter, have acidic and basic, hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, and exhibit all the main types of reactions. In nucleic acids, due to their special structure, information content is accumulated in a compressed, encoded form.

The emergence of life is due, first of all, to the main direction of chemical evolution, where CFM appears in its optimal or, or sufficiently complete, content or diversity.

3. Biological form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution.

Substrate: proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats, some mineral compounds.

Life – the highest of natural forms of movement of matter, which is characterized by self-renewal, self-regulation, self-reproduction of multi-level open systems, the substrate functional basis of which is proteins, fats, nucleic acids, organophosphorus compounds.

The essence of life, or the biological mode of existence, is the tendency to self-preservation through adaptation to the environment.

Feature of the biological form of matter (BFM): if simpler material bodies - physical and chemical - exist due to their inherent greater or lesser stability, then in living matter self-preservation becomes the result of active processes. The entire set of physical, chemical and biological processes of a living organism is aimed at self-preservation. This self-preservation is possible only through the active adaptation of living organisms to the environment.

Self-preservation through adaptation, as two of the most important properties of BFM, are expressed in the totality of other essential properties of living matter: assimilation and dissimilation, the growth of development of organisms, irritability and contractility of living tissue, the ability to move, the ability to evolve.

Heredity is a concentrated expression of the living ability for self-preservation, a kind of biological memory. The most important individual, species and other characteristics of living things are fixed through special biological structures - genes, the totality of which forms the genome of the organism. The totality of all genomes of living organisms constitutes the gene pool of living matter as a whole.

In terms of classification, living organisms form four kingdoms of nature - plants, animals, fungi and viruses, which in turn are divided into types, classes, orders, families, genera, species, and some intermediate units.

One of the wonderful ways of self-preservation of the living is the continuous existence of life through a change of generations. Living things and their genetic basis are immortal in this sense; only individual individuals and generations are mortal.

A very important role in the development of FFM is played by the ability to reflect the external environment, which appears initially in the form of irritability, on the basis of which sensitivity and mental activity then arise.

Biological evolution. The most developed theory of biological evolution is modern Darwinism (MD). According to STE, the most important factors of evolution are hereditary variability and natural selection, understood as the survival of the fittest organisms. It is generally accepted that hereditary variability is random in nature and therefore biological evolution should be considered as a random process. Thus, mutations that are random in nature play a key role in evolution; natural selection turns random changes into necessary ones. Darwin believed that biological evolution leads to the emergence of the most complex living creature - man.

4. Social form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution. The place and role of man in the world.

One of the most important aspects of the doctrine of the forms of movement of matter is the interpretation of social processes as a social form of matter.

In modern science, including philosophy, there is a widespread idea of ​​the randomness of the appearance of man in the course of biological evolution, the development of nature, or, in other words, the randomness of man in relation to the nature of the world as a whole. The statement about the randomness of man in relation to the world means that man is in a superficial, external (random) relationship to the world, to its essence, and appears not on the main road, but on the margins of world development. He has, therefore, a random, inessential content, a nature, and, therefore, cannot reliably judge the nature of the world

From the position of a random person, the nature of the world turns out to be unknowable, and a reliable worldview is impossible. Moreover, not being in relation to the very essence of the world, possessing random content and random essence, a person cannot judge his own randomness or necessity.

The concept of the randomness of man in relation to the world, its essence, necessarily leads to the conclusion about the emptiness and meaninglessness of human existence, because the random is meaningless and, therefore, meaningless. Thus, if we examine the basis and meaning of the statement about the randomness of man in relation to the infinite world process, we inevitably come to the conclusion that this statement contradicts itself and is therefore meaningless.

In Marxist philosophy, the concept of man has a multi-level and multi-aspect character. Within the framework of a single concept of man, one can distinguish, first of all, two levels, which, with some convention, can be called universal and special concepts of man. The first concept is part of the most general philosophical science - dialectical materialism and is a description of man in universal categories, i.e. in relation to the universal aspects of the world - matter, development, necessity, chance, etc. The second concept is a description of man in the categories of the special - sociology, or historical materialism - society, productive forces and production relations, classes, nations, etc.

From the position of scientific philosophy, the emergence of man (society), as the highest form of matter, is caused by three groups of factors or causes: universal, special and individual. The universal includes the nature (essence) of the infinite world. The special reasons for the emergence of man must include, first of all, the evolution of the biological form of matter, which naturally gives rise to the highest form of life - thinking beings. It is also necessary to highlight individual factors in the emergence of man, which include the local conditions of the earth, which determined the specific features of earthly humanity.

The absolute tendency of life towards self-preservation naturally leads to the emergence of a more effective and radical way of existence, a way of survival, than adaptation to the environment. Such a new way of survival can only be a transformation of the environment and, on this basis, a transformation of the living thing itself, i.e. production of life. Production of oneself based on the transformation of the environment is a new, higher way of existence and development of man, a social form of matter.

Among the factors we have named as special, labor has a very important place. Engels formulated a new concept of anthroposociogenesis. The main idea of ​​this concept is that labor, as a process of transformation of nature and man himself, from the moment of its inception and in the process of further formation, served first as an active and then as a determining factor in the formation of man. Biological factors, including natural selection, played a huge role in the formation of man. Emerging and developing labor could lead to the emergence of man only by becoming at the same time a biological factor - a factor of natural selection.

Labor is the process of human interaction with nature, which is carried out with the help of natural elements taken from the natural environment and transformed - means of labor (primarily tools). Labor is collective in nature and acts as the basis for the formation of society as a complex group of people united by social, primarily economic, ties.

Human essence. Man is a being that produces itself, its own essence. Man lives by what does not exist in nature, what he must continuously create. The main thing in the human way of existence is the production of oneself, one’s own being and one’s essence. The production of objects is the means of human existence, his existence and essence. Man, humanity is the highest form of matter, possessing the most complex way of existence and development. The most important essential forces of man are labor, or the transformative material activity of man, thought, or the universal and unlimited ability to understand the world, communication, i.e. social connection with others like you. The second tier of human essential forces are abilities and needs. Important essential properties of a person associated with both groups of properties are collectivity and individuality, freedom and responsibility.

The productive mode of human existence as the highest form of matter determines the emergence of another essential feature of man – consciousness. Man is therefore a productive and conscious being.

The human essence is contradictory: it carries contradictions between needs and abilities, work and thought, work and forms of communication, collectivity and individuality, freedom and responsibility, etc. the development of the human essence occurs on the basis of its internal contradictions.

The meaning of human existence is determined by the essence of human existence, but is not identical with it. The essence of man, of human existence, has the most general and permanent, eternal features, since it always lies in man’s production of his own being.

Scientific philosophy has shown that the meaning of human existence cannot be sought outside of human life - in nature, God, ideas. Meaning is inherent in human existence itself. Man produces his own existence, which constitutes his essence and meaning. The meaning of existence is not in the meaningless passage of time of human existence, but in the movement of man into his own essence, in the deepening of man into his infinite human essence.

ANTHROPOCENTRISM- an extreme form of anthropomorphism, a cognitive attitude that affirms the presence of a human dimension in any knowledge about nature, society and in knowledge itself. Anthropocentrism finds its classical formulation in the famous formula of Drothagoras “man is the measure of all things.” In contrast to the ancient assimilation of the micro- and macrocosm, as well as from the objectivism of classical rationality in modern natural science, anthropocentrism expresses the dependence of the scientific result not only on the position of the subject-observer and the characteristics of his instrumental and goal-setting activity, but also on the very fact of his presence in the universe.

In social cognition, anthropocentrism is the opposite of sociocentrism, or sociologism. The concepts of the anthropocentric direction emphasize the independence of the individual as a subject of free choice and responsible action. In politics, the principle of anthropocentrism is implemented in liberalism, which recognizes the priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of any communities and the inalienability of its natural rights. Methodologically, anthropocentrism opposes naturalistic determinism and historicism, meaning the priority of goal-setting human activity over social structures and “laws of historical necessity.” The anthropocentric attitude is alien to large-scale social design and rigid social technologies (see Social Technologies), which subordinate the interests of the individual to the logic of the project and turn a person into a “cog” of the state machine. Anthropocentrism contains the requirement that social transformations be proportionate to humans and outlines the limits of government intervention in human everyday life. As for Marxism, it inherited the Enlightenment view of man as a product of circumstances and upbringing and defined the essence of man as a complex of social relations. And although the activity approach, implemented in the concept of social practice, claims to remove the dilemma of anthropocentrism and sociocentrism, Marxism as a whole clearly gravitates towards the latter. K. Marx’s departure from anthropocentrism declared in the “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844.” and the “Manifesto of the Communist Party” (“the free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all”), is clearly visible in his concept of the formational development of society as a natural-historical process, within the framework of which a person is a “personal element of the productive forces.” Russian Marxists, for example, G.V. Plekhanov, clearly gravitated towards sociocentrism in resolving the issue of the role of the individual in history. In classical sociology, the main position of anthropocentrism is clearly expressed by G. Spencer, who believed that “every social phenomenon must have its source in the known properties of individuals,” and therefore “the type of society is determined by the nature of its constituent units.” Anthropocentrism found a detailed sociological interpretation in “understanding sociology” At. Weber. Weber's postulate of subjective interpretation states: nothing can be understood better than individual meaningful action. To understand a social phenomenon means to reduce it to the subjective meanings of acting individuals - the final point of the theoretical analysis of any social processes. In post-Weberian sociology, anthropocentrism is opposed to structural functionalism, whose supporters focused on the determining influence of social structures. Phenomenological sociology, which inherited the Weberian tradition, opposed the reification (reification) of social structures and interpreted them as a set of socially approved patterns of human behavior. Without denying the structuring influence of social institutions on human activity, she explored a system of highly complex typifications that accumulate the experience of individual “assimilation” of similar patterns in the performance of social roles (interiorization). Sociological postmodernism eliminated the opposition between man and the products of his creative activity, radicalizing the structuralist ideas of the “death of the subject” (M. Foucault) and the dissolution of the author in the text (R. Borth). Modern sociology is characterized by attempts to resolve the dilemma of anthropo- and sociocentrism using the concept of habitus as incorporated sociality (P. Bourdieu). But unlike traditional societies, the habitus of a modern person, involved in many changing personal and anonymous social connections, cannot be considered a social invariant, and the concept of habitus is the final solution to the dilemma of anthropocentrism and sociocentrism.

Part two: Another concept of the Universe.

Life can be roughly divided into two periods to better understand how it all began. It can be explained on the etheric plane or in a physical way. Of course, when Etheric life began, physical life did not yet exist, and life was explained differently. She was seen as an entity. An entity operating on a spiritual level...
Spirit is an Essence, a spark from God's body, its Electrons. Spirits do not have any form, they are made of pure light. They contain all the knowledge from the original Sources. Spirits are born from what is known here as the Source, which can be described roughly as the Solar Plexus Chakra of God. From there all things appear, the spiritual level is a very subtle level where there are even no energy vibrations. This means that it has no energetic or ethereal density.

SPIRIT is simply pure light. This pure light spreads throughout the Universe, and when it condenses, it becomes a molecule, a compact bundle of energy. When it becomes denser, matter begins to form. Matter forms itself due to the chaos of densities that begin to occur in the Cosmic walls, creating what is known as Chaos.

Spirits are born with two main functions:
1. Force everything that has become dense to return to pure light.
2. Integrate all the experiences of the Cosmos, understand what is already known, and allow each of them to become a new God.

The spirit expands and contracts, and in this expansion and contraction of the spiritual essence it is necessary to make matter subtle again, to return it to its source. This subtle process is what we call reincarnation. The process of Reincarnation allows Spirit to immerse itself in matter and transform matter back into pure light.

This means that we must get rid of the idea that Matter is impure and Spirits must return to the source. Matter is also pure, and we, as spirits thus embodied in matter, can become light again. This process is called “DHUATER TUMTI KEI DHU URNUS ATERTI”, which means: “Bring heaven to Earth and return light to heaven.” This phrase includes everything we live by.

The process of reincarnation requires us to evolve because this entire process is achieved through the integration of all things. Thus, all Spirits and Souls, in fact Spirits, need to understand that everything happens in the Universe in order to become another Universe. All Spirits must incarnate. How do they do it? Through another dense energy known as Soul.

The Soul is the vehicle closest in density to the Spirit. It is made up of different energies, so it is dense because it is not SOLELY pure light. His body is known to consist of the following Chakras: Base/Muladhara/, Sacral/Svadhiskhana/, Solar Plexus/Manipur/, Heart/Anahata/, Throat/Vishuddha/, Third Eye/Ajna/ and Crown/Sahasrara/.

All of them are energy glands that allow the Spirit to connect with maximum density, with Matter. Each chakra corresponds to its own gland in the physical body. The soul is created in the cells of what we call God, and they are “etheric reservoirs” that are capable of vibrating at the same frequencies as matter. This allows pure light to penetrate matter. This is the evolutionary process that the individual Spirit undergoes, no matter how much it belongs to the whole, to evolve and understand the essence of existence in the Entity we call God... to be able to become another God.

And this is possible through life experience, which exists in the Universe in all its manifestations, in each of its dimensions. We currently live in the 3rd dimension, so we integrate life experiences into the 3rd dimension. We have this experience thanks to the organization that was created in the Universe, which is distributed in matter and which is a constituent part of matter. The deterioration of matter allows experience to manifest itself in the Universe, and we call this aging through time.

Time is an entity that exists to destroy matter, so it only exists in the physical world. This experience can last for years or millennia, depending on what each soul and spirit has to learn as a whole. Evolution has a rich history that can be found in the soul and can be used by Spiritual Beings to practice in the physical world. There are various steps that need to be taken to become who we are today.

There are different types of incarnations. We know that humanity is one of the best. But, in fact, various incarnations begin at energetic levels. The Primary Spirit must be practiced energetically and incarnate into what is known as the Soul. The Spirit adapts to the properties of the Soul and learns to control what is the Essence of the Soul. After which he begins the practice of incarnation into a molecule and into a gaseous level. As Spirits, we must first practice on the least dense incarnations, and this is an adaptation to the Soul.

The densification of objects allows us to understand the fluidity of physical things within dense worlds. Maximum density allows us to learn how matter feels and recognize our limitations in the physical world. Plants allow us to understand how the Divine light spreads and how it takes hold on the Earth. For this to happen, we must practice the process of photosynthesis for a long time and absorb it day by day. Existing as animals allows us to learn movement and control of our bodies, decision making, instincts, interaction with other Beings and communication. Existing as sentient animals allows us to practice spirituality, meditation through leisure, culture and family values.

Existence as a Human: After this point, after about 70 lives, we learn the unity of heaven and earth, taking into account everything we have learned previously. This is the last physical level, along with the extraterrestrial.
Angels and Entities from the Seventh Dimension: At this level, evolution changes. Here they work in service to the physical worlds, using their experience as a guide that guides through physical density. After the 7th dimension another type of evolution begins which is more ethereal. This means that Beings who have already passed through the physical levels begin to incarnate on the etheric level, since they were able to highlight their materiality and rise above matter.

When the ascension above matter occurs, a new process of evolution begins because their body has already become light itself. Now, their task is to help those who are lower on the level, to inform them about this in some way, to make them understand the process of illumination of matter, like those whom we know like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad and many others who were born and not so well known in our society. But their evolution continues until they reach the 15th dimension, they combine all the entities in different dimensions in order to understand themselves as a complete being.

This whole process leads us to what I called in one of my posts Lumina, which is an Ethereal being on the level of pure light. This process is difficult to describe in words because it does not correspond to our level of evolution or our level of measurement. So the only thing I can say is that it exists, but we shouldn't be concerned about it.

Dimensions (Density Levels)

First density level(the first dimension), as we know, is the reference point. These are all those small luminous points that we see in the sky and call prana. These luminous points form and create all things.
Second density level(second dimension) - projection of these points of light. For example, something visible to us in the second density (dimension) is a shadow. Afterwards the shadow expands itself to the sides, which creates 3rd density vibrations with depth, and this is the plane on which we live today. It is especially clearly visible in geometry. The second dimension can be understood through drawings in numerology, on a mathematical level, and the 3rd dimension can be understood through geometry.
Then, 4th dimension refers to sacred geometry. This means applying geometry to the vibrational level. From this moment, matter begins to understand that neither time nor space exists. The only thing that really exists is “here and now.” 5th dimension goes beyond sacred geometry because he understands the essence of sacred geometry. This means understanding that each geometric block completes another form of Being. This means that each of us shapes the other. Although today in the 3rd dimension we have an understanding or theory that we have not yet achieved the comprehension of all this.

Sixth Dimension is a projection of the totality of all existing things at the integration level. What does it mean? The sixth dimension is a level of density where everything is possible. This is the next level in which, for example, the consciousness of an autistic person lives. This is a level where everyone creates their own reality, where they can create their own geometry.

Seventh Dimension is the integration of such geometry into pure light. This is the level where Beings lose their faces to become just a vehicle, and they approach the level of the Christ. There are plans on the Christ level up to 10th dimension(density level) inclusive. Our Cosmic Fathers or extraterrestrial civilization from the Pleiades live on these planes. These are creatures that can easily move from one dimension to another.

In these dimensions, one can make oneself visible in the 3rd or 9th dimension. The remaining dimensions are difficult to comprehend for the human mind. For example, 11th dimension e is the level of density where everyone moves like placentas. Everything vibrates like a swollen energy that contains everything. In the Universe, orders, judgments, archangels, seraphim, advice and much more come from Entities from high levels of density (dimensions) in a barely noticeable form, performing the functions of politicians.

They are the ones who keep order in people's worlds, help in social protection, guide them in the economy, give them the opportunity to study freely. They move between worlds to help the community and its evolution. Moreover, these hierarchies do not necessarily imply higher beings. Being in higher dimensions does not at all mean being higher than someone or something. This means different types of vibrations, different vibrational levels. There are many Entities from the 15th dimension who need to study things from the 3rd dimension. This means that they are not yet integrated.

This doesn't mean they are superior, just different. There is a hierarchy of dimensions in the universe that moves this way, but only to organize job structures. In fact, they all exist on the same level. This means that here, where my hands are, all dimensions exist simultaneously.

But my consciousness allows me to see only third density dimensions. Today we are also designing the 4th, which allows us to see the aura around objects. This doesn't mean better or worse. In heaven, savings are energy and simplicity provided. It is understood as the fluidity of energy and information. This is the exchange of substances, karmic agreements, continuity of history and the exchange of energy of everything on such a subtle level that it is almost imperceptible. The Beings of Light have established such an economy in the physical worlds that Souls can move everywhere and survive through the mutual exchange of everything necessary to maintain a balance between GIVING and RECEIVING.
Every energy system works without leaving any empty space. Both politics and economics are working mechanisms. When working in the physical world, they create confusion in other densities... If someone gives, then he must receive immediately, and this is currently considered by humanity as something negative and dark.

All this brings us to the next topic: GOOD AND EVIL

The Entities of Light established such an economy in the physical worlds that Souls could move everywhere and survive thanks to the mutual exchange of everything necessary. This does not mean evil, it just works differently, another way to develop.

Light develops through freedom, self-control, free will and support, and provides plenty of time for such a process. On the other hand, “evil” or “darkness” is another way of development with limited deadlines. Short time frame: You should learn this in a year. If you don't do this, something bad will happen. So it is just another process to evolve, and although people understand things through morality, they are not very clear on the planetary level of the Earth. But this is another way of faster development and many have decided to choose it.

The concept of “matter” was born from the desire to reveal the original unity of everything that exists in the world, to reduce all the diversity of things and phenomena to a certain common, initial basis. Let's say we know a lot of different wooden or clay objects. They can be infinitely varied, but they are united by their original basis, the material from which they are made. So the whole world as a whole, that is, all objects and phenomena without exception, have some kind of common basis, some kind of primary “material” from which everything “consists”.

Properties of Matter:

1). objectivity of existence - existence independent of our consciousness (the primacy of matter in relation to consciousness is recognized)

2). Structurality is an internally dissected integrity, a natural order of connection of elements within the whole.

3). indestructibility - not a single element of M. is destroyed into nothing, but leaves a certain effect and does not arise from nothing, but always has a certain cause.

4). movement - any changes that occur with material objects as a result of their interactions. In nature: mechanical, vibrational and wave, thermal movement of atoms and molecules, equilibrium and nonequilibrium processes, radioactive decay, chemical and nuclear reactions, development of living organisms and the biosphere.

5). space

7). reflection - reproduction of the characteristics, properties and relationships of the reflected object.

These are attributes of M., without which its existence is impossible.

Structurality of M.

M. has a varied, granular, discontinuous structure—it consists of parts of various sizes: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, radicals, planets, stars, and galaxies. “Continuous” forms of M. are associated with “continuous” forms. These are different types of fields (gravitational, electromagnetic) that bind microscopic particles, allowing them to interact and exist. So, without these fields, nothing connected, for example, stars into galaxies, there was no solar system, no planets.

So, everything in the world is not chaos, but a naturally organized system, a hierarchy of systems. The structure of M. is an internally dissected integrity, a natural order of connection of elements within the whole. The existence and movement of M. are impossible without structural organization.

The material world around us can be represented as specifically different, but genetically related inorganic, organic (living) and socially organized matter. In each of them, in accordance with the current level of development of science, it is necessary to distinguish structural levels that are qualitatively different from each other and obey their own special laws.

Science divides the world around us into three areas: microworld, macroworld and megaworld. The microworld is an area of ​​nature accessible to humans through instruments (microscopes, x-ray analysis, etc.). The macrocosm is an area of ​​nature accessible to us, that is, the area of ​​our laws. The Megaworld is difficult for us to access; This is the area of ​​large objects, large sizes and distances between them. We study these patterns indirectly. The microworld is a vacuum, elementary particles, nuclei, atoms, molecules, cells; the macrocosm is macrobodies (solids, liquids, gases, plasma), individual, species, population, community, biosphere; The megaworld is planets, stars, galaxies, Metagalaxy, Universe.

Vacuum- a physical object in which the birth and destruction of virtual particles (portions of energy) continuously occur. V. is a dynamic system that has some kind of energy, which is constantly redistributed between virtual (imaginary) particles. However, we cannot use the energy of the vacuum, since this is the lowest energy state of the fields.

Structural levels of M.:

In inanimate nature:

1) submicroelementary - a hypothetical form of existence of M.

2) microelementary – elementary particles

3) nuclear,

4) atomic levels and their corresponding fields

5) molecular level

6) macrocosm or superatomic level - a set of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies and phenomena, organizations of inorganic matter

7) planetary systems

8) stars, galaxies and galaxy systems

9) Metagalaxies

10) Universe

This proves the validity of the dialectical-materialist teaching about the material unity of the world, about the interconnection and interdependence of various types of matter, about the inexhaustibility of matter in breadth and depth, about its qualitative specificity.

In wildlife:

1) nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and proteins as precellular systems

2) cells and unicellular organisms

3) multicellular organisms (plants and animals)

4) populations - a collection of individuals of the same species that inhabit a certain space for a long time, reproduce by free crossing and are to one degree or another isolated from each other; 5) types; 6) biocenoses - a collection of plants, animals, fungi and prokaryotes that inhabit a piece of land or a body of water and are in certain relationships with each other. Together with specific areas of the earth's surface occupied by biocenoses and the atmosphere, the community makes up an ecosystem.; 7) biosphere - those parts of the earth’s shells that, throughout geological history, have been influenced by living organisms and bear traces of their vital activity.

In the socially organized sphere:

1 person; 2) family; 3) production team; 4) social groups, including both historical forms and communities of people; 5) classes; 6) states; 7) unions of states; 8) society as a whole, humanity.

The concept of structure is applicable not only to different levels of mathematics, but also to mathematics as a whole. The stability of the main structural forms of M. is due to the fact that all are related by blood. The electron is directly related to space; understanding of space is impossible without considering the electron. Different levels of M. are not a random accumulation of unconnected particles; they are structural formations of different stages and degrees of complexity.


Voskanyan A.G. 1

1 LLC “Bnabuzhutyun”

Like light, the mind is material and spreads in all directions, as well as inside itself, into the phrenosphere. Mind, like light, has different wavelengths and can stop in the brain of living matter. Through the mind, living beings can communicate with each other if they are equivalent and tuned in wavelength. A brain with sufficient mental density can capture information from the phrenosphere. At the same time, education is not of decisive importance, because “knowledge does not teach much to the mind”1. The mind, initially, either exists or it does not. If there is a mind, then the mind can develop, and a person will become talented or even a genius. These people create great music, artistic paintings, easily solve mathematical problems, discover natural laws and do much more.



quantum of energy.

The confrontation between “Religion - Science” and “Science - Religion” predetermines their unity.

Prediction. Light is radiation perceived by the eye, emitted by substances in a state of excitation. In addition to the visible spectrum, light includes: ultraviolet and x-rays, infrared rays and radio waves, long intergalactic flows beyond long waves and dark matter light.

In the process of evolution, humans, like other animals, have learned to perceive the spectrum of light required to maintain vital functions. Perhaps there are animals in nature that see (feel) X-rays, radiation or long waves, for example, night hunting animals have learned to see infrared light, and elephants can talk to each other hundreds of kilometers away.

The wavelength of light in the visible spectrum ranges from 380 to 740 nanometers.

We must assume that the mind is also material and is perceived by a person as an information field, but through special structures of the brain. The intelligence of the universe is infinite and every living being can exchange this energy within a certain range.

Rice. 1. From the works of V. A. Rubakov, Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Light arises from physical and chemical processes involving charged particles of an atom. This is the energy output during the transition in the electronic shells of atoms and molecules from one level to another. In everyday life, it uses electricity to produce light, but there are other ways to generate light: triboluminescence, radioluminescence. Mind, like light, initially exists in nature, but to generate mind, a thinking process is necessary. Mind, like light, expands in all directions and within itself.

In nature, light sources are galaxies, stars, the sun, lightning, aurora, i.e. natural objects in a state of excitement. Ultimately, light is a stream of material particles with inordinately high energy, with zero mass. The speed of light propagation in a vacuum is constant - 299,792,458 m/s, and can be considered as a flow of electromagnetic waves. Moreover, the effective speed in various transparent substances containing matter is less than in a vacuum. For example, in water - it is about 3/4 of the speed of movement in a vacuum. This means that the presence of a substance affects the speed of light propagation, and some structures can completely stop light, not absorb, but stop movement. The same thing happens with the mind, living matter also stops in the brain and is transformed into another form of energy.

According to the utilization of energy from light sources, the following are distinguished: electrical heating of incandescent bodies and plasma, eddy currents, flows of electrons and ions, nuclear decay of isotopes or nuclear fission, chemical oxidation and heating of combustion products, electroluminescent - the conversion of electrical energy into light energy, bypassing the conversion of energy into thermal, in semiconductors or phosphors, triboluminescent - conversion of mechanical effects into light, bioluminescent - light sources in living nature.

There is a very important, very significant quality of light, this is distribution. Light spreads equally in all directions from the source and inward, but cannot illuminate the interior space to the exterior environment. The difficulty in perceiving this situation lies in the fact that light can spread both in different directions and inside itself, that is, into the space of “Black Matter”. It can be assumed that light moves at the maximum speed for the space of the atomic structure of matter. That is, light is the energy of visible, atomic matter. This assumes that the speed of light (matter) is limiting for the world of atomic structure. Denser structures of matter, dark matter, also illuminate their space, but we cannot see this. If the speed exceeds 299,792,458 m/s, the quantum of light rushes inward and is converted into Black Energy and falls into the Black Hole. That is, matter can move faster than light, this is the state of antimatter, when matter has no mass and is absolutely transparent. Intelligence. like light, it lurks in dark matter, which is present everywhere.

Today, two options for explaining the essence of dark matter are being manipulated:

  • dark energy is a cosmological constant - an unchanging energy density that uniformly fills the Universe - zero energy and vacuum pressure are postulated;
  • dark energy is a kind of quintessence - a dynamic field, the energy density of which can change in space and time.

Another phenomenon of light lies in the fact that the wavelength decreases as the matter of the emitting source becomes denser. In this case, by the spectrum of light emitted by celestial bodies, one can judge their evolutionary age. It can be assumed that the spectrum of light emitted by Mercury is shifted towards shorter wavelengths. And Mars emits longer waves. In the depths of black matter, light is extremely short-wave and spreads into the matter. On the contrary, in visible space the waves are infinitely extended to infinitely long radio waves, the vibrations of which we cannot perceive with traditional sensory receptors. For this reason, Newton’s classical laws concerning the visible world do not work in the World of atoms that make up space, especially dark matter. As they say - “don’t measure everything by your own yardstick.” In this case, we must assume that there are others in the world, and “reasonable man” chose an acceptable explanation for this - everything that is not accessible to perception and cannot be proven within the framework of our world is the “tricks” of the Creator. But! Our world, the world accessible to our perception, is directly dependent on the unknown world, that is, it was created by otherworldly forces incomprehensible to our natural science. This is where the unity and all the contradictions between science and religion lie.

This interpretation, in the light of the article we published: “Cosmology - speculative dialectics” (magazine “Advances of Modern Natural Sciences”, No. 3, 2012, pp. 51-55), allows us to assert that man, the actual living matter in nature, is in interaction with all forms of matter, both in time and in space, but is not accessible to the mind of homo sapiens. Man, in terms of the mind - soul, is immortal and is the common property of the natural mind - the phrenosphere (phren from the ancient Greek φρήν - mind, reason and σφαῖρα - sphere, ball). With this interpretation of existence, there are no contradictions between religion and science. The difference is that religion states facts, and science tries to understand their nature. This dispute, as a process, is endless, but in it the truth is born for the human mind. Denying religion is tantamount to denying reason. But no one measures or weighs the mind. No one can explain where the mind (soul) comes from and where it disappears. At what stage of development of living matter, the mind (soul) is introduced into the corruptible body of a person. It seems to us that everything is the other way around - the mind is primary and, under certain circumstances, becomes overgrown with living matter, that is, the body, for earthly existence. And the mind comes from the same dark energy, which is the phrenological environment.

The mind is one and infinite. Living matter grows from the mind of the phrenoenvironment, which is the same for all forms of living matter. Each form of living matter grows from the phrenic environment and develops along a chosen path. Phrenoseda as Mother Earth, common to all animals and plants. In the struggle for survival, each form of living matter improves in its own way, and occupies a free niche in the inhabited world. In nature there are no lagging or advanced forms of living matter. It’s just that each form has chosen its own path of perfection. A person receives light from an electric light bulb with his mind, and a fish, an electric generator, generates electricity itself. In both cases, this is done for survival. The little ones that grow iron teeth, an alloy that humans cannot obtain with their minds, are more advanced than homo sapiens - man. It is difficult to say who is perfect and who is primitive. It’s just that each form of living matter has chosen its own path of evolution.

At the beginning of the last century, V. Vernadsky came to the firm conviction - “Humanity, like living matter, is inextricably linked with the material and energy processes of a certain geological shell of the earth - the biosphere. It cannot be physically independent of it for one minute.” “This new state of the biosphere, to which we are approaching without noticing, is the “noosphere.” The great V. Vernadsky was one step away from realizing the noosphere as a sphere of the mind - the phrenosphere. The creation of man is not only and not so much buildings and machines, but ideas, i.e. creations of the mind.

The hypothesis of the existence of dark energy (whatever it is) solves the problem of the invisible Creator. The Big Bang theory of nucleosynthesis explains the formation of light chemical elements such as helium, deuterium and lithium in the young Universe. The theory of large-scale structure of the Universe explains the formation of the structure of the Universe: the formation of stars, quasars, galaxies and galaxy clusters. We don’t see all this, but we can firmly say that we are part of it, part of the material and spiritual heritage of nature. We are connected by the all-encompassing community of intelligence of the universe.

On this note, I want to reveal, somehow explain, the commonality of thinking of people and the uniform development of people and younger brothers throughout planet Earth. This is evidenced by countless examples of duplication of the same invention:

  • in 1809, the Englishman Delarue builds the first incandescent lamp,
  • in 1838, the Belgian Jobard invents the carbon incandescent lamp,
  • in 1854, the German Heinrich Goebel developed the first lamp,
  • in 1874, Russian engineer A. N. Lodygin patented his lamp,
  • In 1876, Pavel Yablochkov invented the electric carbon arc lamp.
  • in 1769, Nicolas-José Cugnot, in France, invented the steam locomotive,
  • in 1813 Stephenson George - Stephenson began designing a steam locomotive.
  • In 1833, the father and son Cherepanovs invented the steam locomotive in Russia.

This has always happened, long since the Internet appeared. The inventors somehow communicated with each other without even knowing it. I am convinced there is a natural web of the mind - Phrenosmedium. The mind of all living beings is open and accessible in the Phrenosphere. Whether we like it or not, our thoughts, when actively discussed, are available to other minds if their potential is sufficient to perceive these interpretations. Whether we like it or not, we are destined to live in harmony. At the same time, we must remember that the nature of error corrects through destruction. Confrontation slows down, but cannot stop progress. Be reasonable. Share and get rich. Be tolerant of each other. Let there be light and a bright mind!

Bibliographic link

Voskanyan A.G. MIND, LIKE LIGHT, IS MATERIAL AND BORDERED WITH DARK MATTER // Advances in modern natural science. – 2014. – No. 1. – P. 67-69;
URL: (access date: 09.19.2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"