We get resources without worrying. The best way to mine different types of resources in Rust How to get resources from items, weapons or armor

Mining is the process of extracting gas, oil, coal, gold and other elements from the bowels of the earth that humanity uses in their daily lives. We burn gas, we process and burn oil, we burn coal, we carry gold - almost all the components of the subsoil of our planet have a use. However, this approach also has a side side: impact on the planet’s climate, cutting down trees, destruction of the ozone layer, destruction of flora and fauna. Whatever one may say, the systematic disassembly of the Earth into its components does not have the best effect on it. In addition, any fossil resources will eventually run out (although the quantities of reserves are still being debated). Therefore, new ways are regularly being developed to provide people with energy and capture, for example, asteroids in order to extract useful resources from them.

Can an actor play the role of a superhero and actually be one? Unlikely. But if this actor is Robert Downey Jr., then everything is not so simple. , played so convincingly by Downey Jr., has saved the planet on movie screens many times. It is also noteworthy that in ordinary life Iron Man's name is Tony Stark. He is rich and, of course, smart. So much so that he invented the iron suit. Robert Downey Jr. did not invent any costumes, but the actor recently announced that he had come up with a way to cleanse the Earth of garbage.

Scientists have been able to collect water from dry desert air. To do this, they only need heat from the sun. Their invention could change the lives of the 2.1 billion people who lack clean drinking water. The main advantage of their invention is that it does not require electricity or rain to operate. We have previously reported on an important invention. Finally, they were able to test him.

Everyone wants to spend less time extracting resources and more time on other, more enjoyable activities, such as exploring new territories, building various beautiful structures, riding horses, etc. And it can be done! You just need to understand one simple thing: a systematic approach is important in everything.


Most players prefer to randomly peck at walls, sometimes removing them completely in all directions. This is a very big mistake! There is a simpler and more effective way, which is to dig mines.

This is done like this: a tunnel is dug as many blocks high as you like. From it on the sides, more tunnels are created with a gap of two blocks. The length of each tunnel is chosen to suit your taste. Thus, the player covers a large area and extracts ore from it, much more efficiently than digging up absolutely everything in all directions.

The shafts must be made at different heights, i.e. create a multi-story system. On top there is only iron and coal. The most valuable things are located below, no further than 10 blocks above the bedrock: these are diamonds, gold, red dust, lapis lazuli, etc.

Dig into lava pools - there is a rumor that diamonds are often found there (and oddly enough, judging by the experiments, this is true). If you find caves, be sure to explore them - often valuable blocks stick out right from the walls, and you can also find chests with such rare things as a saddle.


Running through the forests, cutting down everything around you, until you finally have to run very far behind the trees is stupid. If only because they all grow in a chaotic order. There is also a trick here.

It will be much easier to collect a sufficient number of seedlings (one stack of each type is enough), prepare the area and plant them there. Firstly, there will be high density. Secondly, all species will be planted separately, and you will not have to run around the oak grove to find some birch. Thirdly, everything is nearby, and if you need it very urgently, you can always use bone meal.

It’s the same here as with trees: it will be easier when everything is nearby. Therefore, take the time to collect and plant the necessary plants, starting with wheat, the seeds of which are easy to obtain. Then, when you have everything you need for bait and breeding, you can move on to animals. But this is not necessary, the main thing is that you have something to satisfy your hunger, and the rest is just variety.

Resources from the nether world

It's pointless to go there without armor. Therefore, gain experience, enchant everything to the maximum. Take only the essentials with you, including obsidian and flint. It's better if everything is diamond. In principle, there is little systematicity here: you just need to be well prepared, and then just look for what you need.


Everyone wants to spend less time on harvesting resources and more on alternative, more enjoyable activities, such as exploring new territories, building any compelling structures, horseback riding, and so on. And this reasoning is feasible! You just need to imagine one simple thing: a systematic approach is important in everything.

Most players prefer to randomly peck at walls, sometimes removing them radically in all directions without exception. This is a very big mistake! There is a more simple and effective method, which is to dig mines.

This is done like this: a tunnel is dug as many blocks high as you like. From it on the sides more tunnels are created with a gap of both blocks. The length of each tunnel is chosen to suit your taste. Thus, the player covers a large area and extracts ore from it, much more efficiently than digging up absolutely everything and in all directions without exception.

Shafts must be made at any height, i.e. create a multi-story system. The top contains only iron and coal. The most precious things are located below, not more than 10 blocks above the bedrock: these are diamonds, gold, crimson dust, lapis lazuli and so on.

Dig into lava puddles - there is a rumor that diamonds are often found there (and no matter how mysterious, judging by the experiments, this is indeed the case). If you keep caves, be sure to explore them - often expensive blocks literally stick out from the walls, and you can also find chests with such outlandish items as a saddle.

cave in Maina

It will be much easier to collect a sufficient number of seedlings (1 stack of any type is enough), organize the territory and plant them there. Firstly, there will be excellent density. Secondly, all species will appear planted separately, and you will not need to run around the oak grove in order to find a little birch. Thirdly, everything is kept nearby, and if it is necessary very urgently, it is possible to use bone meal all the time.

It’s the same here as with trees: it will be easier when everything is nearby. In this regard, spend your leisure time collecting and planting the necessary plants, starting with wheat, the seeds of which can be obtained by air. Then, when you have everything indispensable for bait and breeding, you can really switch to animals. But this is not indisputable, the highest, so that you have something to satisfy your hunger, and the rest is a simple variety.

Resources from the nether world

It's pointless to go there without armor. In this regard, fill the experiment, enchant everything to the maximum. Take with you only the essentials, including obsidian and flint. Better so that everything is diamond. In principle, there is little systematicity here: all you need to do is prepare smoothly, and then just look for what you need.

Resource mining is the core mechanic in the game upon which all others are based. In the Rasta world, there are various resources: stones, ores, wood, fabric, components.

Basis of production. At first (if you are playing on a classic server) you will have a stone and a torch in your hands. The torch is useless in this matter, but the stone will come in handy. This is the only tool that can mine all types of resources equally quickly without breaking it too quickly.

First you need to get wood and stone. With wood it’s clear, but with stone. Not every boulder is amenable to the player; certain stones are needed. However, it is quite easy to distinguish them; they stand out very much from everything else. From wood, no matter how obvious it may sound, you can get wood, and from boulders there are four types of resources. These are: stones, iron ore, sulfur ore and high quality metal ore. These resources need to be extracted first.

Then you need to make a wooden pickaxe and an axe. You can only mine wood with an axe, and only stone with a pickaxe. These tools will greatly increase your mining speed. By the way, these tools can be used for aimless walks if you don’t want to lose good tools. There will be better and better tools, there is no point in stopping at them. Even in the initial stages, fabric and animal fat will be useful to you.

How to find and get fabric in the game Rust

The fabric is collected from bushes, which, like boulders, differ from other objects. To extract animal fat you need a bow and preferably a knife or an ax. After killing a boar (this is the easiest), you need to chop its body until it disappears. Animals may drop fat, tissue, skin, bone fragments, and meat. Most of this will be needed sooner or later.

How to Find and Collect Components in Rasta

Components. Not long ago, Rust introduced a component system. These are resources that can only be found. They vary in rarity and need. You can find the simplest ones simply by walking around the map at various trash cans. Boxes usually contain more valuable items. In warehouses you can find medium-sized components such as a body for a pistol or gears for armored doors. Large man-made structures (MWs) produce the coolest components, but they are usually in the hardest to reach places. Components can be obtained from barrels, and for this you need an object with which you can break them, no matter what it is.

How to extract resources in Rasta: looking for an alternative

There is another way to extract ores - build a quarry. We recommend that you read the article about. I will say right away that it attracts a lot of attention, but ore production will increase significantly. Another problem is that the quarry will not produce resources everywhere. Using geological charges, it is necessary to determine where there are ore deposits. You can also collect wood, stone, metal and sulfur ore directly from the ground. They lie in such a way that it is impossible not to notice. Of course, you can’t collect much, but just walking around the world, sometimes you’re surprised at how much useful stuff you found, even though you didn’t do anything.

Results. At the end, we will briefly go through the different resources and methods of their extraction:

1. Tree. The fastest way to mine is with a metal axe. It makes less noise than a homemade one and cuts much faster.

2. Stones and ores. There are also no tricks here, a relatively fast and quiet metal pickaxe. You can assemble it even faster with an icebreaker!

3. Resources from animals. A bone knife or any ax is best for cutting up a corpse.

4.Barrels with components. Something that is not very useful and that you don’t mind breaking into barrels will come in handy.

And of course, don’t forget about your hands and what they can collect: ores, stones, fabric and food (mushrooms).

How to farm in Rust by killing players

A method that deserves special attention is one that can hardly be called mining, but it can bring you a lot of resources and save a lot of time. This is a hunt for other players. If you hear or see someone mining for resources, get as close and as quietly as possible, and then suddenly attack and kill the miner from an ambush. It is better to use a revolver for this, as it is cheap and effective.