Individual strategies for primary language education. Formation of linguistic competence of primary school students through various writing strategies

Elena Belyaeva
Formation of linguistic competence of primary school students through various writing strategies

Formation of linguistic(language) competence

elementary school students through different writing strategies

Belyaeva Elena Valerievna,

teacher primary classes

KSU " Lyceum schools"Daryn"


Today, education is recognized as one of the most important priorities for the long-term Strategies"Kazakhstan - 2050". The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev set the task of including the republic among the 30 most competitive countries of the world. In achieving this goal, an important role is played by improving the education system, and, in particular, primary education.

Initial education provides learning students through mastering basic academic and reading skills, letters, accounts, as well as simple skills of educational activities, the basics of education and speech culture, healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene. Target primary education – creating conditions for the development of everyone’s individual abilities in the field of reading, letters, numeracy, theoretical thinking, self-control skills, behavioral culture, creativity, healthy lifestyle and personality formation, national values.

One of the main initial tasks level of education is: formation functional literacy students.

Functional literacy is understood as the ability to use knowledge, abilities, skills (KAS acquired in school to solve a wide range of life problems in various spheres of human activity, as well as in interpersonal communication and social relations. Types of functional literacy that are assessed as part of external assessment of educational achievements students: reading literacy (Kazakh and Russian languages, mathematical literacy, natural science literacy (physics, chemistry, biology, geography).

Functional literacy as a learning outcome is being formed through each school subject. Toolkit for the development of functional literacy schoolchildren, as well as checking it formation are tasks of a creative nature (tasks of a research, entertaining nature, tasks with economic, historical content, practice-oriented tasks, etc.).

In today's rapidly changing world, functional literacy is becoming the foundation for a person's active participation in the social, cultural, political and economic spheres, and is also becoming an important basic factor influencing "lifelong learning". According to the international programs TIMSS, PIRLS, monitoring of functional literacy is assessed in three areas - reading literacy and letters, math literacy, science literacy. In this regard, when studying in primary school language and literature, mathematics and natural science subjects, teachers should, in the process of performing exercises and solving problems, connect them with life, especially pay attention to formation functional reading literacy, letters, mathematics and natural science subjects.

In the National Action Plan for the Development of Functional Literacy schoolchildren for 2012-2016(Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 832 dated June 25, 2012) 7 key ones identified competencies, one of which is linguistic or linguistic.

Language (linguistic) competence – the ability of students to use words, their forms, syntactic structures in accordance with the norms of the literary language, use its synonymous structures in accordance with the norms of the literary language, use its synonymous means, ultimately - mastery of the richness of the language as a condition for successful speech activity

Lately formation of language competence is given special importance, since it is quite rightly seen as the key to successful formation socially active personality.

Letter plays a significant role in defining an open society. First, and perhaps most important, letter– this is assistance in the development of critical thinking, because it makes it possible to write down even the smallest thoughts and ideas, save them, revise and hone them, and restore them in memory. And the second meaning - letter provides social experience of communication and communication, as groups of students exchange experiences, mutual understanding arises and a community is being formed.

Thus, letter, like reading, is an important type of communicative activity. Peculiarity the letter is"especially written language, its psychological structure,” as noted by academician T. Tazhibaev. Another important feature the letter is, that at written the interlocutor’s speech is not nearby, but at the same time his presence is proven written text. Therefore, in compiling writing or text, the transmission of thought must be systematic, logical connections between sentences must be stronger and more complete than in oral speech.

Written speech is a difficult process that is used consciously, specifically and purposefully. Taking these features into account, teachers need to painstakingly and tirelessly instill skills from the first grade letters. Students must learn to express their thoughts on paper competently and consistently, in other words, become "thinking writers".

I would like to talk about a systematic approach to learning letter, letter for the development of thinking.

Traditionally in schools very little opportunity for students to practice letter compared to real life situations that require letters. IN schools More often than not, students write about a specific topic that is removed from their interests and experiences, and for an audience that consists solely of the teacher who knows more about the topic than the student. The purpose of this letters are often a demonstration of what the student knows about the topic. Standards by which they are judged letter, has little to do with the message or its bottom line and focuses on correct spelling (literacy).

Systematic approach to letter practices with full force written communication: Students should be allowed to write about topics they know, to write for a real audience, for specific purposes and in circumstances in which the letter will make sense. The teacher needs to motivate and guide students, to letter was more effective.

Advantages of a systematic approach to letter: firstly, there are profound changes in intellectual development and secondly, improvements in language use and vocabulary.

1) Writers find their own style letters and develop respect for their thoughts and experiences.

2) Letter leads to the development of thinking, because the writer writes down an idea, edits it and gets a more interesting idea at a new level.

3) Letter enhances curiosity and makes them active observers.

4) Letter allows for increased awareness of collective experience and exploration, and sharing experiences builds community.

5) Letter improves reading abilities because they are given the opportunity "read like writers".

6) Written answers and other types written assignments are a powerful teaching tool.

7) Any student can write wonderful things. When it is his ideas and experience that we value, letter gives a chance to any student "to shine" in front of their peers.

What does a writer need?

1) The ability to write regularly, since many of our best ideas come to us when we write.

2) Topics that interest or arouse curiosity.

3) Models (samples)– writers are often interested in what others write.

4) The result of the work, the audience. Some people write for themselves - diaries, poems. But most writers want to be "heard" and appreciated.

5) The habit of revising. “To write is to revise”, - many writers say, because this makes it possible to constantly improve your letter. But developing this habit is one of the most difficult tasks.

6) Friendly support. Even famous writers will unite with each other (Writers Union) to share what they write and solve common problems.

7) Ability to write on various subjects(mathematics, social and natural sciences, etc.) And various genres(fiction, essays, essays, etc.).

In technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing» there are a number writing strategies, promoting formation of linguistic(language) competence.

Currently the most famous and common writing strategy- cinquain or pentaverse.

Translated from French the word "syncwine"means a poem of five lines that is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material, information, which allows you to reflect on any occasion. This form free creativity, but according to certain rules. They these are:

The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

In the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

The third line contains three verbs describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.

The fourth line contains a phrase, a sentence consisting of several (preferably from 4) words with which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. This could be a catchphrase, a quote, or a phrase composed by the student in context with the topic.

The fifth line is one word (sometimes a phrase that gives a new interpretation of the topic, allows you to express a personal attitude towards it.

1. The theme for the syncwine should be as emotional as possible.

2. Encourage the use of catchphrases and expressions in syncwines, as this helps enrich vocabulary students.

For example,

Golden, colorful

She came, she’s happy, she’s sad

Autumn is the most beautiful time

Red fox

Creatively working teachers, changing and supplementing classical strategies, create new ones. So a type of syncwine can be considered diamond strategies, diamond, haiku, stroke.

Diamanta – poetic seven line form, the first and last of which are concepts with opposite meanings, is useful for working with concepts that are opposite in meaning. This type of verse is composed as follows scheme:

1st line: subject (noun)

2nd line: definition (2 adjectives)

3rd line: action (3 participles)

4th line: associations (4 nouns) or 2 phrases with main nouns

5th line: action (3 participles)

6th line: definition (2 adjectives)

7th line: subject (noun)

For example,

Large, modern

Builds, grows, prospers

Famous city, small village

Revives, develops, feeds

Beautiful, dear

Diamond – also consists of 7 lines.

Diamond writing algorithm:

First and last lines (two nouns)- express two opposing concepts.

The second line is two adjectives or participles that reveal the characteristics of the first noun.

The third line is three verbs or gerunds that express action.

Fourth (central) the line consists of four words, two of which characterize the first noun, and two of them characterize the concept contrasting with it, completing the diamond.

The remaining lines are mirror images of the third and second lines, only these characteristics already reveal the noun in the last line.

For example,


Huge, greatest.

Exaggerates, multiplies, expands.

Turns Gulliver into Thumb Boy.

Downplays, belittles, narrows.

Tiny, smallest

What is haiku?

Haiku poetry is a little more difficult to write because it expresses a person's personal experience. At the same time, this poetic form also has certain advantages. Haiku combines work with a concept and an emotional attitude towards it in the most harmonious way.

Algorithm for writing haiku:

1st line: "I have seen" someone or something

2nd line: Which one?

3rd line: How?

For example,

I saw a bird

Arrived in winter,


I saw a village

With one house


Another view "poems" came up with teacher T. Yu. Storozheva and her students. They called it strokes - rule strokes, thought strokes, vocabulary test strokes. schoolchildren, their ability to see and apply parts of speech, to compose thematic complex (beautiful) offers.

The strokes are written as follows rules:

1st line. 1 noun.

2nd line. 2 adjectives.

3rd line. 3 communions.

4th line. 4 verbs.

5th line. 5 adverbs (or gerunds)

6th line. A complex or complex sentence on a topic.

For example, on the topic "Spring"

Fresh, cool

Ringing, awakening, calling

Runs, sings, murmurs, flows

Delighting, brightening, reviving, calling, notifying

When the first murmuring messengers of spring appear on the street, life awakens from its spring sleep.

Pyramid story- reflective writing strategy, develops the ability to analyze text, highlight the main thing and evaluate, draw conclusions.

2 adjectives

3 verbs - actions

4 words - problem, plot

5 words describing the 1st event

6 words describing the 2nd event

7 words to describe the 3rd event

8 words – solution to the problem, personal conclusion

For example, according to the story by K. G. Paustovsky "Hare's Paws" the children made a pyramid like this history:

Vanya and grandfather

Kind, attentive

Help, care, treat

Fire and death overtook my grandfather

The hare brought the grandfather out of the fire

The hare's hind legs were singed

His grandfather cured him and kept him with him

People, take care of animals, remember - they can save you!

To create a plot text, you can use another option:

1. Name of the hero of your story (the hero can be a person, an animal, any inanimate object).

2. Two words that describe the hero (appearance, age, character traits, qualities).

3. Three words describing the scene (a country, terrain, public places, etc.) or actions that the hero performs constantly

4. Four words to describe the problem of history (For example: money, getting lost, poverty).

5. Five words to describe the first event (which caused the problem in the story).

6. Six words to describe the second event (what happens to the hero and his environment during the course of the plot).

7. Seven words to describe the third event (what is being done to solve the problem).

8. Eight words that describe the solution to the problem.

The Biopoem strategy is one of the strategies for reflective writing.

1 line – name

Line 2 – 3, 4 adjectives

3 line – 3, 4 social roles

Line 4 – 2, 3 things you love

Line 5 – the feelings you experience

6 line – 2, 3 fear that you are experiencing

7 line – 2, 3 achievements (success, discovery, luck, career, dream)

Line 8 – 2, 3 events that you would like to happen.

9th line – citizenship

10 line Full name

For example,

Smart, necessary, beautiful, interesting

Educational assistant, source of knowledge

Good treatment, cleanliness, telling, educating

Pleasure when I am chosen, joy that is useful

Bad attitude, dirty

Fiction, science, fantasy, taught people to read.

For adults and children to read


Dear Book

Another biopoem algorithm:

2. 2-3 adjectives characterizing the hero

3. 2-3 action verbs, usually performed by the hero

4. 2-3 stories that happened to the hero

5. 2-3 things that the hero is afraid of

6. 2-3 things the hero would like to experience

7. Family and other close connections

8. Profession

9. Age

10. Last name

The other one common and the most effective writing strategy is an essay. Essay (French essai sketch)- a short prose essay free compositions, expressing the author’s impressions of something, his thoughts and thoughts on any issue.

The meaning of this technique can be expressed as follows words: “I write in order to understand what I think”. It's free letter back to this topic, in which independence, manifestation of individuality, discussion, originality of problem solving, and argumentation are valued. Usually the essay is written directly in class after discussing the problem and takes no more than 5 minutes.

1. It is better not to evaluate an essay from the point of view of literacy, but to perceive the technique as a way of developing thinking.

2. Clearly indicate the time allotted for this work and follow the regulations.

3. Encourage the originality of the opinions expressed.

For example, write an essay "What is most beautiful to me"(M. Zverev "In my native land")

Writing strategy, aimed at formation writing activity, creativity. “To become a writer, read, to become a reader, write”.

A - audience

F - form

The writer chooses a role for himself, that is, he does not write on his own behalf; determines for whom (audience) he's writing; chooses form(letter, complaint, appeal, application, etc.) and the topic of the essay. Work can be done in pairs, or based on questions.

For example, write an appeal to people on behalf of Bim (G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear")

Strategy Letter in a circle suggests group form of work. Each student should have a piece of paper. Children need not only to think about a given topic, but also to coordinate their opinions with group members. Each group member writes down several sentences on a given topic, then passes his piece of paper to his neighbor. Having received the piece of paper, the neighbor continues his thoughts. The pieces of paper move until everyone gets back the piece of paper on which their first sentences were written.

Similar to group the form of the letter is the Round Table strategy. But unlike Strategy Letter in a circle, here the work is carried out on one common sheet, where each writer works in his own color. They write until all ideas run out.

For example,

Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands, plants, animals and people, this is what a person cannot live without, people go to relax in nature, nature gives people warmth, light, water, air, people are by nature receives everything you need, you need to look after nature, protect it, if only you knew how good it is to walk in nature.

StrategyVocabulary or A story-prediction based on keywords is that supporting elements are offered to the attention of students (key) words on the basis of which they create a story. At the beginning Each student does the work independently, then publishes his version. This technique causes students are very interested, usually even the weakest students strive to show their intelligence. They are so interested in whether their opinion coincides with the author’s.

1. Before offering admission to your child, evaluate text: Will it be interesting for the kids to make guesses about how predictable the content is?

2. It is important to give everyone the opportunity to speak, thereby increasing their interest in completing the task.

3. Monitor the use of each keyword.

For example, write a short story using "key" words: a bag of buckwheat, thieves, a talking rook, a window, a fool. (M. Prishvin "Talking Rook")

Strategy Snacks. This writing strategy great for mental stimulation of participants in beginning of the lesson. Place items related to the lesson topic on each table. (the most bizarre shapes and textures) . Ask participants to take one or two things and study them carefully form, texture, taste, smell, etc. Then ask them to make a list of 8-10 adjectives that describe the item they are given. When the lists are ready, ask each person to choose a word from the list that best describes themselves. Then the participants queues tell the group, why this word describes their character so well. Similarly, you can ask to write down synonyms or antonyms, verbs, epithets or comparisons, etc.

Strategy Plot table. The essence of working with this table is that the child makes notes, creating "skeleton" text:

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

This worksheet helps children create a story. At the same time, they master plot thinking.

Strategy Thoughts by analogy - propose to compose a text by analogy, this helps to assess the understanding of the material being studied. Children, making comparisons, analyze what they know and set the task of finding out what they do not yet know.

One of the largest and most labor-intensive writing strategies is the Conference (or seminar) By letter. This seminar demonstrates the dynamics of both the process letters, and the development of children as writers. Basic requirements for working in class: time, possession and demonstration. Time for work must be planned in advance so that students could calculate their actions. Proficiency implies the ability to choose a topic for letters from the student himself. AND demonstration is a workshop, where the teacher demonstrates each stage of the work.

Conference (seminar) By letterincludes:

1. Preparation is the process of collecting information, research of existing ideas and generalization of one’s own thoughts (cluster, interview, alternative, free letter, etc..)

2. Design - writing a draft option: through the line, because there should be room for insertions, do not focus on spelling, so as not to lose "thread of idea".

3. Review – or the conference itself, during which students exchange their ideas with each other and with the teacher, ask questions for clarification, according to meaning, in order to make their own writing is more effective.

4. Editing – carried out for the purpose of correction errors: grammatical, stylistic, punctuation, content.

5. Presentation or publication is the final stage of work. This could be an author's chair, a book publication, a cool newspaper, a literary magazine, etc.

A logical continuation of the Conference on the letter could be a Seminar

joint editing – strategy peer learning and peer assessment.

Author of the text (abstract, essay, etc.) distributes photocopies to all seminar participants. Each person points out three points (in terms of content, style, plot) that they liked and three that they didn’t like. The author quietly writes down and at the end makes a report on what he accepts and what he doesn’t.


Name ___ Date ___

Project name ___

Seminar partners ___

1. What is my story about?

2. What did you like about the story?

3. What didn’t you like about the story?

4. Where should I correct (add details, remove, change?

___ beginning ___ characters ___ plot

Base ___ end ___ project plan (story)

It's hard to list everything writing strategies, since this is a creative, labor-intensive, time-consuming process. But the main condition is that all these strategies must be implemented in complex. Only in this case can one achieve high results in the development of language skills. competencies. Such work of the teacher pays off with higher literacy of his students.

All types offered strategies solve the problem of student-centered learning, increasing the quality and volume of work, developing an elementary culture of activity, the ability to accept a learning task, determine learning operations, carry out monitoring and self-control, assessment, and self-assessment. This leads to the achievement of one of the central goals of learning - formation of language and linguistic competence of junior schoolchildren.


1. On the features of teaching the fundamentals of science in general education organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2015-2016 academic year. Instructional and methodological letter. – Astana: National Academy of Education named after. I. Altynsarina, 2015. – 234 p.

2. C. Temple, J. Still, K. Meredith. Seminar on letter: from self-expression to written arguments. Manual 7//Prepared for the RKMChP project. – 2000. –31 p.

3. Bozhovich E. D. Development of language schoolchildren's competencies: problems and approaches // Questions of psychology. 1997. No. 1.

4. Vasilevich A. P. The problem of studying language competencies // Linguistic basics of language teaching. M., 1983. 186 p.

5. Kubasov, O. V. Russian language in primary school. – M.: Pedagogy 1990

6. Russian language in primary grades / Ed.. M. S. Soloveychik and others - M.: Academy, 1997.

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As a manuscript

Buneeva Ekaterina Valerievna




13.00.02 – theory and methodology of training and education

(Russian language, primary education level)

Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Chelyabinsk 2009 2

The work was carried out at the state educational institution of higher professional education "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University"

Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ippolitova Natalya Aleksandrovna;

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Elena Yurievna Nikitina;

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nina Yurievna Shtreker

Leading organization: GOU VPO "Volgograd State Pedagogical University"

The defense will take place on October 28, 2009 at 10.00 at a meeting of the dissertation council D.212.295.04 at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University" at the address: 454080 Chelyabinsk, pr. IN AND. Lenina, 69, room. 116.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council L.N. Galkina


Relevance research. For modern education, it is extremely important to take into account the ongoing changes in society as a whole and the child in this society. The need for such accounting is determined by the state order, formulated in regulatory documents (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”, “Federal component of the state standard of general education”) as the formation of a functionally literate personality of a graduate, ready for life changes.

Currently, in the theory and methodology of school teaching, the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education is increasingly being affirmed. Its significance and relevance are determined by the basic requirements of the social order, which presupposes a fundamentally different approach to education and considers the holistic development of the student’s personality as its result.

Speaking about the holistic development of a student’s personality, one should be aware that today’s junior schoolchild is in many ways different than his parents and even older brothers and sisters were at his age:

– he lives in a society that is fundamentally open to the world;

– constantly experiences pressure from various information, which, influencing his developing thinking and emotional sphere, turning into personal sensory experience, creates a consumer, utilitarian attitude towards the very concept of information, that is, to knowledge as such, to the internal, personal need for it, to the very process of acquiring knowledge, to self-education, to the culture of one’s thinking;

– receives through visual channels a large amount of information with someone else’s interpretation already embedded in it, while information received through the audible and readable word must be interpreted by himself.

This creates serious problems that impede the holistic development of the individual, namely:

– a modern primary school student, as a rule, does not have a sufficient vocabulary, and his own words, filled with his own personal experience, to reflect on the information that he receives visually. His visual experience does not have time or cannot be completed with the necessary verbalization, that is, it practically disappears for the real work of consciousness, for thinking, for future creative intuitions. His subconscious is thus filled with vague other people's interpretations without his own developed attitude towards them;

– the passion for virtual communication leads to the fact that students are increasingly not psychologically ready for communication, and the educational process does not provide them with the necessary opportunities for this; At the same time, the development of two types of communication skills is becoming increasingly relevant (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya): a) related to the analysis and assessment of communication (the degree of its effectiveness, level of language proficiency, etc.) and b) related to communication itself ( the ability to take into account the addressee, audience, form communicative intention, determine communicative successes and failures, etc.);

– today’s primary schoolchildren, as a rule, have not developed sufficient skills of listening and understanding words as such, including when reading texts (quickly enough and with an adequate depth of understanding). This creates great difficulties in learning (since any learning involves working with textbooks, that is, with words, not to mention learning both your native language and foreign ones) and significantly limits the level of language acquisition, including the level of proficiency in your native Russian language ;

– as a result, the student has irreparable gaps in sensory experience, since the need, necessity and ability to talk (and write) about his personal feelings, experiences of life, and formulate his own questions about it have not been developed.

All this is reflected in the qualitative characteristics of the modern primary school student as a linguistic personality.

Currently, the theory of methods of initial teaching of the Russian language has a significant number of works, among which the studies of V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova, M.R. Lvova, M.I. Omorokova, T.G. Ramzaeva, I.A. Rapoport, N.N. Svetlovskaya, O.V. Sosnovskaya. At the same time, it was revealed that the problem of developing a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student has not been studied at the scientific and methodological level.

An analysis of variable programs and textbooks on the Russian language revealed that their authors, as a rule, develop concepts for the initial course of the Russian language. At the same time, the problem of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for the language education of junior schoolchildren remains unresolved, which is, on the one hand, a necessary condition for the holistic development of the individual and, on the other hand, ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality. The lack of development of this problem and its unresolved nature in Russian language programs and textbooks for primary schools make this problem relevant at the scientific and theoretical level.

The relevance of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education at the socio-pedagogical level is justified by the need to understand the value of personality-oriented developmental education.

At the scientific and methodological level, the relevance of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education is due to the fact that in the methods of teaching the Russian language there is no line of continuity reflecting unified approaches, methods, forms of development of a linguistic personality, starting from preschool age. In this regard, there is a recognized need for the practical implementation of continuity between preschool, primary and basic general education, not only in language learning, but also in the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality, which involves the development of the concept of language education and its implementation in textbooks of the new generation.

Thus, the relevance of the study is due to contradictions:

- between the social order that determines the strategic goal of language education - the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality who speaks the Russian language as a means of communication in various spheres of life, and the established practice of studying the native language, focused on mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, which does not always take into account the state of modern society and the change of the child in this society;

– between the need for a scientific and methodological strategy for studying the Russian language, reflecting a single line of continuity at all stages of language education, and the undeveloped theoretical provisions of continuous language education in modern schools;

– between the need for personally developing technologies in primary language education and insufficient didactic and methodological support for this process in primary school, which manifests itself primarily at the level of Russian language textbooks.

The indicated contradictions determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation and made it possible to formulate the research problem as determining the theoretical and methodological foundations for designing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education.

The leading idea of ​​the study is that teaching the Russian language is built in accordance with the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education, its result is the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild, which is ensured by the creation and implementation of textbooks on the Russian language into school practice, promoting holistic development and self-development of the student’s personality.

The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of a scientific and methodological strategy for language education of primary schoolchildren in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education.

The object of the study is the process of language education of junior schoolchildren.

Subject of study– conceptual provisions of the scientific and methodological strategy for studying the Russian language by junior schoolchildren in a personally oriented developmental paradigm of education and their implementation in textbooks of the new generation.

Research hypothesis. When starting the study, we proceeded from the assumption that the scientific and methodological strategy of language education for primary schoolchildren in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education requires the development, based on developmental and sociocultural approaches, of the concept of primary language education, aimed at the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student and including pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles, a holistic model of language education for primary schoolchildren;

– for its implementation, it involves the creation of a new generation of textbooks on the Russian language on a unified basis: methodological, content, psychological, didactic, linguistic; ensuring the continuity of language education between the levels of primary and basic general education through the lines of student development through the Russian language subject.

In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following were identified: tasks.

1. To reveal the methodological foundations of the study of primary language education, which allows us to substantiate the scientific and methodological strategy of its development in the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education.

2. To study the state of the problem of language education of junior schoolchildren in the aspect of the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality.

3. Develop and justify the concept of primary language education within the framework of the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”.

4. Define the concept of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student and identify the features of the formation of such a personality.

5. Develop and introduce into primary education textbooks on the Russian language of a new generation, ensuring the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, taking into account continuity between the levels of language education (primary and secondary school).

6. To identify the effectiveness of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in the “School 2100” system through the results of the use of new generation textbooks in mass school practice.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

When determining the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, we relied on the methodological foundations of the pedagogical strategy of the School 2100 educational system as a whole:

– on humanistic ideas of philosophy (A.F. Losev, M.K. Mamardashvili, V. Frankl); ideas of humanization and humanitarization of education (V.P. Zinchenko, D.A. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky);

– on the ideas of a systems approach (V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, M.S. Kagan, V.N. Sadovsky, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, E.G. Yudin);

– on the ideas of a cultural approach to the education of scientists working in the field of philosophy, history, pedagogy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, – ideas that consider the relationship between culture and education as the basis for revealing the essential powers of a person, changing the view of the world, changing the person himself and the world perceived by him (B.G. Ananyev, M.M. Bakhtin, A.P. Valitskaya, B.S. Gershunsky, A.S. Zapesotsky, L.N. Kogan, B.T. Likhachev, D.S. . Likhachev, E.N. Shiyanov, P.G. Shchedrovitsky, etc.);

– on the methodology of a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education (E.V. Bondarevskaya, R.N. Buneev, A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Trubaichuk, A.V. Khutorskoy, etc.);

– on the theory of activity and educational activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev, V.V. Repkin, D.B. Elkonin, etc.);

– on the methodology of the linguodidactic approach and on the conceptual provisions of the theory of linguistic personality (G.I. Bogin, L.I. Bozhovich, E.D. Bozhovich, Yu.N. Karaulov, M.L. Kusova, A.A. Leontiev, V. V. Naumov, E.Yu. Nikitina, L.D. Ponomareva, N.M. Shansky, etc.)

– for research in the field of methods of teaching the Russian language (M.T. Baranov, V.G. Goretsky, N.A. Ippolitova, L.F. Klimanova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov, T.G. Ramzaeva, L.V. Savelyeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya, M.S. Soloveychik, O.V. Sosnovskaya, L.P.

Research methods. The dissertation research used theoretical methods: study of regulatory documents on education, analysis of the concepts of variable Russian language courses, theoretical and methodological analysis, conceptual and categorical analysis, modeling method;

empirical research methods: study and generalization of effective experience and mass practice of primary language education, experimental research work, observation, questioning, analysis of students' written work, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing.

The chosen methodology and assigned tasks determined the course of the study, which was carried out in four stages.

The first stage (1990–1995) is search and ascertainment. Study of pedagogical reality, specific experience of teachers in developing functional literacy of students in primary and secondary schools; analysis of scientific literature, research thematically close to ours, and existing textbooks on the Russian language and reading for primary school and the Russian language for primary school, as well as a study of the state of functional literacy of primary school graduates and secondary school students based on the material of existing textbooks on the Russian language allowed to substantiate the initial idea of ​​the need to develop a unified strategy that ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of students through the use of humanities subjects.

The result of this stage was the formulation of the main provisions of the methodology for developing functional literacy in the Russian language course in primary schools.

The second stage (1996–2000) is formative. Analysis and interpretation of the results of a study of the level of functional literacy of primary and secondary school students and the results of learning the Russian language, further analysis of scientific literature, including studies thematically similar to ours, participation in the development of the conceptual foundations of the educational program “School 2100” made it possible to substantiate the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, formulate a hypothesis and research objectives. The result of this stage was the definition of the hypothesis, methodology and research methods, the justification of its program, the development of the concept of language education for primary schoolchildren and the first version of textbooks on the Russian language, implementing the author’s concept of primary language education.

The third stage (2001–2007) is experimental and analytical. In the course of experimental work during the state large-scale experiment to modernize the structure and content of Russian education (2000–2004) and at experimental sites accredited by the Russian Academy of Education (2003–2008), combined with a longitudinal study of the results of primary school students’ learning in Russian language, as well as with analysis, study of the provisions of personality-oriented pedagogical science and comprehension of the experience of developmental education, the activities of teachers of educational institutions in the formation of functional literacy, the research hypothesis was tested and clarified, the requirements for the development of a holistic model of primary language education and the criteria that it must meet were specified , technologies and teaching methods were adjusted, the data obtained were analyzed and systematized.

The result of this stage was the improvement of textbooks “Russian Language”

for primary schools, their successful completion of state examination and stable presence in the Federal List (from 1999 to the present);

development of other components of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary schools and its widespread implementation in the practice of schools in the Russian Federation; development and testing of textbooks “Russian language” for grades 5–11.

The fourth stage (2008–2009) is generalizing. The results of the implementation of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, the introduction of teaching materials in the Russian language into the practice of secondary schools were generalized and systematized. A scientific interpretation of experimental data was carried out. The result of this stage was the design of the dissertation text.

Research base. In total, 118 primary school teachers and about 3,250 students from schools in Moscow, the Moscow region, Apatity, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kazan, Perm, Chelyabinsk, etc., as well as teachers and students from 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, took part in the study at various stages. within the framework of a large-scale state experiment to modernize the structure and content of general education (2001 – 2004).

The reliability of the research results is ensured by the validity of the research methodology and its compliance with the problem posed; conducting research at the theoretical and practical levels; the adequacy of the complementary research methods used for the chosen area of ​​analysis; the author’s positive experience as a program developer and leader of a team of authors of a continuous Russian language course for primary, secondary and high school; using various methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment and interpretation of results;

versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data; the possibility of repeating experimental work; representativeness of the sample size and significance of the experimental data.

Scientific novelty The research is that for the first time:

A scientifically based concept of primary language education has been developed, including pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles and a holistic model of language education for primary schoolchildren;

Pedagogical patterns of primary language education have been identified:

– integration of language cycle subjects – Russian language and literary reading, Russian language and rhetoric – contributes to the development of communication and speech skills. The main methodological content of such integration can be: transfer and correction of the indicative foundations of activity from one subject to another; coordinated formation of intellectual, speech and communication skills (types of reading, complex skills of oral, for example public, and written speech, etc.);

– basic speech, intellectual speech and communication skills and abilities formed in primary school are necessary and sufficient for the further development of a functionally literate linguistic personality;

The system-forming methodological principle of organizing primary language education has been determined - the principle of integrity;

Methodological principles for organizing primary language education are proposed: 1) the principle of comprehensiveness of goals, 2) the principle of comprehensiveness of presentation of educational language material; 3) the principle of the optimal balance between knowledge of the language and practical language proficiency;

The content and features of the organization of the process of primary language education, aimed at the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, are revealed;

A methodological system of types of exercises aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary schoolchildren is scientifically substantiated.

Theoretical significance The research is that the objective results obtained in it contain in their totality the solution to a major scientific problem associated with the development of a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in a personality-oriented developmental educational paradigm:

Linguodidactic and methodological research on the problem of linguistic personality was systematized, which made it possible to substantiate the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education;

A holistic model of primary language education has been theoretically substantiated and developed, the use of which ensures an increase in the level of practical language proficiency of primary schoolchildren;

The concept of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild is defined, which is understood as a native speaker who perceives this language as an aesthetic and cultural value, capable of freely using the skills of all types of speech activity in various life situations:

– to obtain information from the text and interpret it (reading and listening);

– for transmitting information in real communication (speaking and writing);

– to create, evaluate and improve your own speech works;

The component composition of the concept of “primary language education” has been clarified, such necessary components have been identified as: types of activities of students, among which reading and communicative activities seem to be the most relevant;

– general educational skills (intellectual-speech, organizational, evaluative), which are developed on the basis of the Russian language and other subjects, and it is assumed that these skills will be transferred to new situations – both educational and life.

Practical significance The research is that the concept of primary language education has been developed and tested;

the levels and stages of development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student have been clarified;

The criteria and indicators for the development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student have been clarified (full proficiency in the native language, native speech, manifestation of linguistic and speech abilities and skills in social life, the ability to reflect on one’s own speech and improve it, the presence of a need for speech creativity as a way of self-expression) ;

New generation textbooks on the Russian language and other components of teaching materials, built on uniform methodological, content, psychological, didactic, linguistic foundations, have been theoretically substantiated, developed and implemented in the practice of primary education.

The practical results of the study can be used by methodologists and primary school teachers to solve the problems of developing the linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild, to organize primary teaching of the Russian language in the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education.

The author’s personal participation consists in the theoretical substantiation of the main ideas and provisions of the study, in the development of the concept of primary language education, which makes it possible to effectively solve the problem of developing a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student; in obtaining scientific results presented in dissertations, author's monographs and other published works; in using these results in the development of textbooks and other components of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary schools.

Testing and implementation of results. Research results reflected in monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, articles, materials and speeches at scientific and scientific-practical conferences - interuniversity (St. Petersburg - 2000, 2007, Moscow - 1994, 1995, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, Shuya - 2004), regional (Izhevsk - 2006, Volgograd - 2007, Tver - 2008), all-Russian (Moscow - 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009).

In 2008, for the cycle of works “Educational system of a new generation (theoretical foundations and experimental implementation)” for educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and for general education institutions, the Russian Government Prize in the field of education was awarded (RF Government Decree No. 983 of December 24, 2008 G.).

The research materials were tested by the author in the process of teaching activities at advanced training courses for teachers in the agro-industrial complex and the PPRO of the Russian Federation (2000 - 2009). Based on the research materials, lectures were given at advanced training courses for primary school teachers in a number of institutions of additional adult education (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Perm, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Naberezhnye Chelny, Chelyabinsk, etc.).

Submitted for defense the following provisions:

1. The scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, developed in line with the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”, is based on:

– sociocultural foundations of the concept of the educational program “School 2100”;

– a certain way of understanding the essence of being (a holistic picture of the world);

– interpretation of such educational phenomena as the educational process, the process of upbringing in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education;

– leading plan (becoming a functionally literate person);

– a system of psychological and pedagogical principles of various types of educational activities: personality-oriented (principles of adaptability, development, comfort), activity-oriented (principles of learning activities; a controlled approach from activity in an educational situation to activity in a life situation; a controlled transition from a joint educational and cognitive activities to the independent activity of the student; reliance on the processes of spontaneous development; formation of the need for creativity and creativity skills), culturally oriented (principles of the image of the world; integrity of the content of education; systematicity; semantic attitude to the world; indicative function of knowledge; mastery of culture).

2. The proposed scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education is aimed at the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality, which is understood as a native speaker who perceives this language as an aesthetic and cultural value, capable of freely using the skills of all types of speech activity to obtain information from the text in various life situations and its interpretation (reading and listening), for transmitting information in real communication (speaking and writing), for creating, evaluating and improving one’s own speech works.

3. The process of primary language education will be carried out successfully within the framework of the concept of primary language education, which includes pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles, as well as a holistic model of primary language education. This concept ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student.

Primary language education is carried out taking into account the following pedagogical principles:

– the process of language acquisition presupposes the active activity of a primary school student, adequate to his motives, interests, individual characteristics, psychological capabilities and abilities;

– the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality in the conditions of specially organized educational activities of students using the textbook allows for the maximum realization of the hidden personal and cognitive reserves of students and ensures the formation of the necessary speech and general educational skills in them;

– integration of the goals of the subjects of the language cycle – the Russian language and literary reading, the Russian language and rhetoric – contributes to the development of communication and speech skills. The main methodological content of such integration can be: transfer and correction of the indicative foundations of activity from one subject to another; coordinated formation of intellectual, speech and communication skills (types of reading, complex skills of oral, for example public, and written speech, etc.);

– basic speech, intellectual-speech and communication skills formed in primary school are necessary and sufficient for the further development of a functionally literate linguistic personality.

The system-forming methodological principle of organizing primary language education is the principle of integrity, which means that the components of the structure of primary language education must:

– correspond to the main components of the content of the Russian language course in primary school and the age-related potential of mastering the language and speech of younger schoolchildren, while the sequence of mastering the content of language education should not violate the logic of the science of language;

– ensure not only language, but also speech (communication) development of the primary school student;

– be provided with a unified teaching and learning system, built taking into account the principle of continuity and implementing it through the didactic whole (methodological unity, unity of goals, substantive unity, procedural unity and unity of assessment of student achievements);

– be maintained at the level of general academic skills, interdisciplinary strategies, technologies in any school subject.

The necessary methodological principles for organizing primary language education are: the principle of comprehensiveness of the goals of language education, which is implemented through a system of content-targeted lines of personal development by means of the subject;

– the principle of comprehensive presentation of educational language material (its focus not only on grammatical knowledge and skills, but also on other aspects of the language, and on all types of speech activity);

– the principle of an optimal balance between knowledge of the language and practical language proficiency.

4. The formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student can be ensured by a theoretically substantiated holistic model of primary language education, which takes into account pedagogical patterns, is based on pedagogical and methodological principles, methodological and linguistic approaches, includes the content of language education (language and speech components, general educational skills) and levels of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student: level of correctness (necessary), level of interiorization (possible), level of saturation (introductory).

5. New generation textbooks and an educational and methodological complex in the Russian language ensure the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild, subject to the implementation of continuity between all levels of language education and common approaches to understanding the common goals of studying school subjects such as the Russian language, Literary reading and Rhetoric;

– development of teaching materials on a unified basis: methodological, content, psychological, didactic and linguistic;

– creating a methodological apparatus for textbooks as an apparatus for organizing the activities of students and teachers;

– consistent implementation of a methodological system of types of exercises aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary schoolchildren.

Dissertation structure corresponds to the logic of the study and includes an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography.

In the introduction the choice of research topic and its relevance are justified, the goal, object, subject, tasks, theoretical and methodological basis of the research are determined, a scientific hypothesis is put forward, the stages and methods of the research are revealed, provisions submitted for defense are formulated, as well as provisions on novelty, theoretical and practical significance work, provides information about testing the research results.

In the first chapter“Theoretical and methodological foundations for determining the pedagogical strategy of the educational system ‘‘School 2100’’” reveals the sociocultural and other foundations of the concept of the educational program “School 2100”; the main provisions of the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”, the developing paradigm of education in the form of an expanded system of psychological and pedagogical principles are considered; approaches to solving the main research problem are substantiated at the methodological level, at the level of theoretical justification, at the level of practical implementation; the concept of “didactic whole” is defined.

In the second chapter“Conceptual foundations of the scientific and methodological strategy for language education of junior schoolchildren” outlines the theoretical foundations for defining the concept of “functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild”; the state of teaching the subject Russian language at school is considered, the level of functional literacy of students is revealed as a system-forming element of the scientific and methodological strategy for the development of primary language education; the concept of primary language education in the educational system “School 2100” is substantiated, the concept of “functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild” is defined.

In the third chapter“Implementation of the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education in new generation textbooks on the Russian language” reveals the theoretical foundations of modern developments in the creation of new generation textbooks; conceptual approaches to the creation of new generation textbooks in the educational system “School 2100” are substantiated; the implementation of the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education in textbooks of the new generation is presented.

In the fourth chapter, “Effectiveness of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education,” the results of introducing new generation textbooks in the Russian language into school practice are presented and justified; A comparative analysis of the results of mastering the Russian language by junior schoolchildren in the conditions of learning using variable teaching materials is presented.

In custody the results of the study are summarized, its main conclusions are outlined, confirming the hypothesis and the validity of the provisions submitted for defense.


The scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education is based on the pedagogical strategy developed by the team of authors of the School 2100 educational system.

Pedagogical strategy is the highest level of promising theoretical development (D.G. Levites, O.A. Shagraeva, E.A. Yamburg, etc.). Some researchers define strategy as a system that includes conclusions from an analysis of the socio-educational situation: goals, principles of selection and design of educational content, a view of the student as a participant in the educational process, as well as connections between these components of the system.

We proceed from the fact that the system-forming, defining element of the strategy is not goals, but conclusions from the analysis of the socio-educational situation (E.V. Bondarevskaya, S.V. Kulnevich).

We believe that the strategy provides for a long-term, qualitatively defined direction for the development of the educational space, taking into account the social situation of the development of both students and teachers; determines the vector of pedagogical values, norms and rules that guide participants in the educational process when solving problems of social, personal, life and professional formation and personal development.

An integral part of the strategy is educational tactics; there is a direct connection between them, since they ensure the unity of solving educational problems at various levels: strategic, stage-by-stage, tactical, operational, etc.

The basis of the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”

lies the concept of an educational program, where a) a detailed idea of ​​the social order of modern Russian society for a high school graduate (readiness for work, including mental, intellectual; readiness for further development; a certain level of general cultural development; personal qualities, ensuring successful socialization; orientation towards creative activity; natural scientific and general humanitarian worldview, etc.).

This social order requires new pedagogical strategies, a new look at education, and a revaluation of educational values ​​through filling them with sociocultural content. The focus on the primary development of the student’s logical, theoretical thinking should be transformed into a focus on nurturing intellectual and personal qualities, thinking properties that contribute to the productivity of intellectual activity, filling thinking with axiological content, interacting with the world and with people according to the criterion of cultural values ​​and morality, the main thing – on the development of a person’s personality as “the development of the ‘man-world’ system” (A.A. Leontyev);

b) taking into account changes in the human community as a whole, and in Russian society itself, entailing changes in interpersonal and intergroup relations; and a child whose system of interests, values, personal orientations, motivational-need sphere, sphere of relationships and structure of mental activity have changed;

c) taking into account a number of sociocultural features and trends in Russian society, including: problems associated with socio-psychological adaptation and integration of students into modern society (the problem of citizenship and patriotism; national and universal; education (social culture), including, in particular , culture of learning, thinking, communication, language and speech culture);

d) recognition of the value and necessity of developmental, variable, humanistic, personality-oriented education, as opposed to the “manipulative” paradigm.

Basic provisions personality-oriented developmental education in the OS "School 2100" are presented in the form of an expanded system of psychological and pedagogical principles. Most of these principles, although they are pedagogical (general didactic), are directly related to updating the methods of teaching the Russian language.

The pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100” was determined in 1999, when the team of authors (headed by A.A. Leontyev) prepared and published the educational program “School 2100”

In accordance with the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, set out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and other legislative acts, the EP declared new values ​​of education.

The authors of the OP proceeded from the fact that “a school is not a state institution, but a social institution, a public-state system designed to satisfy the educational needs of the state to the same extent as society and individuals.”

The development of education “is possible only with the interaction of its two leading factors - the state and society... The school as a public-state institution cannot live only on state breath. Sooner or later...

society must come to her aid again” (A.A. Leontyev).

Obviously, this understanding of the education system goes back to classical Russian pedagogy from L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, A.V. Lunacharsky to P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.T. Shatsky.

The methodological provisions of the EP “School 2100” are largely based on the scientific positions of outstanding psychologists (B.G. Ananyev, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin), modern psychologists and teachers (S.A. Amonashvili, A.G. Asmolov, E.A. Yamburg, etc.). All of them are united by the recognition of the value and necessity of developmental, variable, humanistic, personality-oriented education.

A similar approach (education paradigm), opposed to the widespread “manipulative” paradigm, where the student acts as an object of the processes of teaching and upbringing, and not as an equal participant or subject of the educational process, was developed in detail in the “pedagogy of cooperation” (S.A. Amonashvili) and scientists of the VNIK “School” team, led by E.D. Dneprov, on whose positions and ideas the authors of the School 2100 educational program largely relied.

Only in the context of personally oriented developmental education does it become possible to achieve the goal of the educational system “School 2100”

as a definite end result. The end result should be the formation of a functionally literate individual.

Modern society with its global problems requires a person who is not so much informed as someone who knows how to learn, use information, who knows society, people and himself in this diverse, rapidly changing world, who preserves what is valuable in culture, who values ​​the results of his activities and his interactions. with society through connections with other people.

Education is precisely a system of processes of interaction between people in society, ensuring the entry of an individual into this society (socialization), and at the same time, the interaction of people with the objective world (that is, the processes of human activity in the world). “Personal development is the development of the “person - world” system. In this process, the personality acts as an active, creative principle. By interacting with the world, a person builds himself. Actively acting in the world, he thus self-determines in the system of life relations, his self-development and self-actualization of his personality occurs. Through activity and in the process of activity, a person becomes himself.”

(A.A. Leontyev).

We consider primary school not as preparation for the future “real” school, but as part of it. From the very beginning, training should be systematic and part of the general system of continuous education. In addition, school education should flow logically and consistently from preschool education. This approach is especially significant from the point of view of student development. It is quite obvious to us that the widespread view of primary school as “not yet a real school”, as a propaedeutic of the future “real” education, is erroneous. Another aspect of the same problem is the openness of teaching “up” and “down”, the connection between the content and methodology of school education with preschool, on the one hand, and university education, on the other, and in general the continuity of education at various stages.

We highlight the following psychological and pedagogical foundations of the concept of the educational program “School 2100”: psychological and pedagogical theories of teaching, focused on the development (becoming) of a functionally literate personality, the theory of personality development in activity.

In defining the psychological and pedagogical concept of teaching aimed at the development (formation) of a functionally literate personality, we relied on the works of A.G. Asmolova, E.V. Bondarevskaya, M.S. Kagana, L.V. Trubaychuk, N.L. Khudyakova, D.I. Feldstein and others, in which the development of personality is considered in the aspect of the educational paradigm based on the theory of the formation of a value system.

In addition, our idea of ​​the goals and content of modern education is based on the concept of developmental education (V.V. Davydov and others).

A developmental approach that goes back to the fundamental psychological and pedagogical ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, organically correlates: a) with the pedagogical ideas of the Russian pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary school (P.P. Blonsky, P.F. Kapterev, S.I. Gessen, etc.), b) with the pedagogy of cooperation (S.A. Amonashvili) and the main pedagogical provisions of the VNIK “School”, c) with a number of so-called alternative approaches in modern foreign methodology and didactics, especially related to the tradition of D. Dewey and C. Rogers.

The methodological basis for a fundamentally new approach to the development of a functionally literate personality was the theoretical position about the active essence of man. Consideration of a person as an objective-active being, and social-objective activity as that dialectical node through which people equally create the circumstances of their lives and themselves, shows that the richness of the spiritual world of a person as an individual is entirely determined by the content and volume of practical activity of people , social connections in which this person is included. This is precisely the reason why modern textbooks should be based on the technology of an activity-based approach to learning - problem-dialogical technology.

Personality is a late acquisition of ontogenesis, but as a quality that expresses the social human essence, it is formed from birth in the specially organized activity of the child.

In the process of its joint implementation (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, D. I. Feldshtein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) interaction between the child and society occurs, the child “grows into culture”, which is, according to L.S. Vygotsky, “development in the proper sense of the word.”

Thus, personality development is a progressively directed socially conditioned process of unfolding the human essence, where the formation of social maturity acts as an integral line of gradual age-related change.

Psychological and pedagogical theories of personal development in activity allowed us to construct a concept of language education, in which language acquisition acts as an integral part of the general process of personal development, as one of the ways and means of updating the student’s personality, as a condition for full socialization. Language development of the individual is based on the concept of the priority of “student strategies” over “teacher strategies”, which, in turn, presupposes a different nature of the teacher’s activity (creative “directing” of students’ cognitive and communicative activities as opposed to the traditional direct management of students’ disparate educational activities) and, accordingly, different content and other forms of his training and advanced training. The described concept is reflected in the emergence of new technologies and new generation textbooks.

Another concept that defines approaches to the development of a linguistic personality is the concept of psychological control of acquisition, which dates back to P.Ya. Galperin and D.B. Elkonin and their scientific school, and ultimately to L.S. Vygotsky.

This is not about the direct application of individual teaching techniques developed in the school of P.Ya. Galperin, towards the acquisition of language as a subject (M.M. Gokhlerner, O.Ya. Kabanova, etc.), but about the restructuring of all language teaching from the point of view of such fundamental ideas of this school as the relationship between the indicative and executive components of acquisition, the principle of a phased transition from external (material or materialized) to internal, mental action, the formative role of exercises and their systematic organization within the framework of the educational process and the educational materials used in it.

The theoretical justification of methodological approaches was taken into account when constructing the pedagogical strategy of the OS “School 2100”. From a philosophical position in strategy, a combination of several approaches is possible. Strategy is associated with a goal that determines the selection of educational content and technologies.

At the same time: at the level of methodology for solving the problem posed, these are anthropological and sociocultural approaches; at the level of theoretical substantiation of the mechanism for creating and constructing a pedagogical strategy, a systemic approach appears; at the level of practical implementation – activity-based, developmental, personality-oriented approaches.

The logic of revealing the problem of developing a strategy for primary language education convinced us that the need to consider school language education as a system arises not only because it itself, in its essence and structure, is a systemic education, that is, including various components, but also because that the effectiveness and efficiency of language education for junior schoolchildren can only be achieved with a systematic approach.

In the OS "School 2100" the principle of consistency is ensured at the psychological and didactic levels.

At the psychological level, consistency is realized through a single psychological space of all textbooks and the educational process; through unified approaches to the development of speech activity in all subjects based on taking into account age-related characteristics of perception and the leading type of activity.

At the didactic level, meaningful consistency presupposes unified approaches to the selection and systematization of educational material at all levels of education, where educational material, on the one hand, should demonstrate a holistic picture of the world, and on the other hand, should become an indicative basis for organizing the activities of students.

Content and psychological systems influence methodological choice. In the OS "School 2100" this is a combination of various developmental technologies and techniques: 1) problem-dialogical technology; 2) technologies for forming the type of correct reading activity (productive reading); 3) technologies for assessing educational achievements; 4) organizing educational material taking into account the minimax principle.

Didactic (substantive), methodological and psychological systematicity allow us to define the concept of the didactic whole, which is important for the OS “School 2100”, as consistency, integrity and systematicity of education, realized through methodological unity, unity of goals, substantive unity, procedural unity and unity of assessment of student achievements.

The task of developing the personality of students has been recognized as very organic for language education since the time of F.I. Buslaeva, I.I. Sreznevsky, K.D. Ushinsky, V.P. Vakhterova. In our study, one of the key concepts is the functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student. The theoretical foundations for the definition of this concept were scientific works that consider personality in different areas of humanitarian knowledge (E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Gazman, Yu.V. Gromyko, M.K. Mamardashvili, A.V. Petrovsky, D.I. Feldstein, G.I. Tsintsadze, P.G. Shchedrovitsky), and the works of linguists who developed the concept of “linguistic personality” (G.I. Bogin, V.V. Vinogradov, G.K. Vorkachev, G.V. Yeiger , Yu.N. Karaulov, A.A. Leontiev, I.A.

Taking into account linguodidactic and psycholinguistic approaches to understanding the linguistic personality, from a general pedagogical point of view we define the linguistic personality as a person who has the skills, abilities and characteristics that ensure the perception, understanding, reproduction and creation of speech works (texts).

Moreover, such a linguistic personality can be characterized by the following features: a) complete command of the native language, native speech in all its diversity; b) personal interests, abilities and skills in social life; c) the need and ability to reflect on one’s own speech and improve it; d) the need for verbal self-expression and verbal creativity as one of the ways of self-expression.

For our research, the original model of linguistic personality (G.I. Bogin) is significant, in the structure of which five levels of language proficiency are distinguished based on typical shortcomings of linguistic actions: level of correctness; level of interiorization; saturation level; level of adequate choice; level of adequate synthesis.

Correlating the levels of this model with the content of language education in primary school allows us to determine the capabilities and levels of development of the linguistic personality of a primary school student.

Thus, the first level (level of correctness; necessary) includes work on mastering the laws of language in the field of phonetics, especially during the period of learning to read and write, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, as well as mastering the rules of writing as a technological aspect of written speech, composing sentences, constructing text. At the second level (level of internalization; possible), the motivation of the younger student to use the mastered language material in oral and written speech is ensured. The level of saturation (introductory) in primary school is manifested primarily through the didactic material of Russian language textbooks and literary reading, in which one can observe the expressive potential of language means. A way to enrich the speech of a primary school student with expressive means of language is a system of speech exercises such as free dictation and educational presentation.

Further development of the first to third levels and access to the fourth and fifth levels are provided at the following stages of education.

The first mention of the formation of students’ linguistic personality is found in the founder of the Russian language methodology F.I. Buslaeva: “...the main task for both lower and higher levels of education is the development of the innate gift of speech.” A.D. wrote about attention to the “development of the student’s personal language” in his works. Alferov. A.V. made a great contribution to the field of determining the content of language education. Tekuchev, the importance of primary language education for the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, the ways of developing a linguistic personality in the process of learning the Russian language are considered in the works of E.V. Altabaeva, A.S. Demysheva, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvova, V.V. Naumova, T.G. Ramzaeva and others. The first studies appeared on the problem of the relationship between the concepts of “linguistic personality” and “functional literacy” (L.V. Trubaychuk, L.N. Chipysheva). We defined the concept of “functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student” based on the above concept of “linguistic personality” and proposed by A.A. Leontiev’s concept of “functional literacy of students” (the ability to freely use reading and writing skills for the purposes of obtaining information from the text (comprehension, compression, transformation, etc.) and for the purpose of transmitting this information in real communication).

At the same time, we consider functional literacy as an attributive characteristic of a linguistic personality that determines the level of proficiency and use of the Russian language, the achievement of which is in demand in the sociocultural space.

A functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student is a native speaker who perceives this language as an aesthetic and cultural value, capable in various life situations of freely using the skills of all types of speech activity to obtain information from the text and interpret it (reading and listening), to transmit information to real communication (speaking and writing), to create, evaluate and improve your own speech works.

The functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student can be considered at different pedagogical levels: general pedagogical, didactic and methodological.

At the general pedagogical level, a functionally literate linguistic personality is distinguished by the desire and ability to learn throughout life, the ability for self-education and self-realization (A.A. Leontyev).

At the didactic and methodological levels, these provisions are reflected in the educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter referred to as the educational complexes) for the Russian language OS "School 2100": the program defines not only the subject goals of studying the Russian language, but also general subject (general educational skills), which become priority today; the program determines, and the textbooks are based on, cross-cutting content and methodological lines of development of the primary school student using the means of the subject; textbooks for elementary school are aimed at developing three levels of linguistic personality (according to G.I. Bogin), include a system of exercises for the development of all types of speech activity, problem tasks, tasks for self-control and self-esteem.

The development of a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education and its implementation in new generation textbooks was preceded by a study of the level of functional literacy of primary and secondary school students based on educational and scientific texts in the Russian language. Based on testing the speed of silent reading during study and introductory reading, measuring reading flexibility, checking the level of understanding of educational and scientific texts according to several indicators (independently posing questions to the text, dividing the text into semantic parts, drawing up a plan, written retelling) and proficiency in the type of correct reading activity (three stages of working with text), the levels of functional literacy of primary school graduates (5th grade, beginning of the school year) and secondary school (7th and 9th grades) were identified. The achieved indicators for each of the parameters were assigned to one of four levels, where I is the highest, IV is the lowest, II and III are intermediate (I.V. Usacheva, I.I. Ilyasov, T.E. Embulaeva).

It has been established that the speed of silent reading of educational and scientific text is at level IV (the lowest) or III, reading flexibility is at IV; the average indicator of understanding is level III (and among the three indicators - completeness, clarity and depth - depth, a qualitative indicator of understanding, is at the lowest level).

The results obtained justify the consideration of intellectual and speech skills (receptive and productive) as an integral part of the system of general educational skills and as a necessary component of primary language education.

The concept of primary language education in the educational system “School 2100” is based on the analysis of the concepts of Russian language courses (T.G. Ramzaeva et al.; L.M. Zelenina, T.E. Khokhlova; M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. . Kuzmenko and others; N.V. Nechaeva and others;

L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva, etc.), which reveals the commonality of the authors’ positions in terms of defining the goals and objectives of the Russian language course in primary school and the conditions for their achievement, understanding the main structural components of language education, approaches to the structure of a modern school textbook, etc.

The following differences were identified: different theoretical level of the course; heterogeneous interpretation of linguistic phenomena in the case of conflicting views on them in science; various ways of presenting theoretical material; greater or lesser degree of communicative orientation of the course; logic of course organization; the presence or absence of invariant cross-cutting units of learning; the presence or absence of a continuous Russian language course program (primary – basic – high school).

An analysis of variable concepts of courses, as well as programs and textbooks of the Russian language, revealed that they are not always based on the specific author’s concept of primary language education.

The concept of primary language education in the educational system “School 2100” is built in accordance with the chosen scientific and methodological strategy of this education.

At a paradigmatic level, our strategy can be defined as developmental.

The developmental paradigm of primary language education requires activities to ensure the transition from traditional education (traditional school, traditional management systems, traditional training and education) to education that implements the general principle of human development.

The next level at which our scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education was developed is the level of a general pedagogical approach.

Of the existing approaches, we are primarily close to the competency-based and personality-oriented approaches. The competency-based approach, as is known, arose in response to the gap existing within the “knowledge” approach between knowledge and the ability to apply it to solve life problems, while competence is understood as the result of cognitive learning, and competence as the general ability and willingness to use knowledge and skills and generalized methods of action learned during the learning process in real life. Competence means a person’s ability to establish connections between knowledge and the real situation, make decisions under conditions of uncertainty and develop an algorithm of actions for its implementation.

Depending on the nature of the tasks facing a person, such types of competencies as personal, communicative, intellectual, social, and general cultural are distinguished (A.V. Khutorskoy and others). At the same time, in the educational program “School 2100” the ability and readiness to use in real activities the knowledge, skills and generalized methods of action acquired during the learning process, A.A. Leontiev defined it back in 1998 as functional literacy in a broad sense. The identity of the concept of “functional literacy”, defined by A.A. Leontiev, and the widespread concept of “competence” today is noted in his works by G.A. Zuckerman.

Thus, we build the strategy of primary language education and the corresponding concept on the methodological foundations of personality-oriented developmental education, which allows us to define the goal of implementing this concept as the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student.

The selected methodological foundations determine the distinctive features of the Russian language course in the educational system “School 2100”, which are as follows.

1. The basis of the course content is an understanding of the common goals of studying the school subjects Russian language and Literary reading (Literature).

As the main goal of teaching the Russian language, we consider the development and improvement of all types of speech activity: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Functional literacy in the “subject” sense is considered by us as the ability to freely use reading and writing skills to obtain text information (comprehension, interpretation) and for transmission in real communication.

The formation of a reader as a common goal of two subjects of the humanities cycle, included in one educational field, made it possible to formulate general lines of development of students through the means of both subjects: 1) mastery of functional literacy; 2) mastering the skills and abilities of understanding and analyzing texts of various types, and in general the ability to navigate the text; 3) mastery of skills and abilities of various types of oral and written speech.

Formulating a sequential chain of educational tasks in the form of results of the development of functional literacy for each stage of learning, we relied 1) on the general fundamental principles of the psychological theory of reading (A.A. Brudny, L.S. Vygotsky, I.R. Galperin, G.G. Granik, A.A. Leontiev);

2) on the periodization of ontogenetic reading development (V.A. Borodina);

3) on the established correlation between types of educational texts and types of reading (N.A. Ippolitova). At the same time, it was important for us to ensure both external continuity (organizational transition of training to a higher level) and internal continuity (correlation of the content of education at each previous and subsequent level).


Development of speech and sub- Russian language Literary Russian language literacy development of phoneme- Educational and scientific Artistic mastery of greater technical hearing text text number of techniques for combining sounds correct reading of the text out loud and silently:

Anticipation phrasal comprehension of the text: reading the factual holding of the paragraph according to the first syllable, subtextual, conceptual in- by name and group development of the mechanism - mastery of a number of viewing techniques, - forecasting the topic of forecasting introductory, studying reading: lei and types of tasks b) comprehension text as you read (study - translation of content - posing hidden author questions, creating your own text based on c) working with the text after reading (reflective (detailed, condensed, xive reading) - creating your own selective) - retelling with support - formulation creating text in new situations (composition plan and key concept of text words (oral and - creative tasks, understanding-reasoning, Ensuring the internal continuity of the Russian language course through the development of functional literacy of students 2. The psychological basis of the continuous Russian language course is: 1) understanding of psychological patterns of formation of types of speech activity (that is, various types of speech skills and speech abilities);

2) understanding the need to develop children’s motivation to learn a language (implementation of the motivating function of textbooks).

The concept of types of speech activity in the methodology of the Russian language allows you to more clearly imagine the psychological patterns of the formation of relevant skills and abilities, correlate methodological techniques, types of exercises, etc. with the structure and formation of appropriate psychological mechanisms, always complex and multi-level. In practice, the need to ensure the formation of individual psychological operations and their complexes must take into account the fact of interaction between different types of speech activity, especially when solving complex communicative problems.

Psychologists consider cognitive interest and a sense of success to be the most effective among the motives for studying the Russian language subject (G.G. Granik, S.M. Bondarenko, A.A. Leontyev). We also use the importance of language and speech development for effective communication as a motive for learning our native language. Thus, we are talking about the motives 1) “I want to know because it interests me” (cognitive), 2) “I want to be understood and understand others” (personal meaning), 3) “I can do it” (feeling of success) .

It is fundamentally important that the first, motivational stage of educational activity is provided by the textbook.

3. The didactic basis of the continuous Russian language course is:

1) The approach to developing not a separate textbook, but a teaching and learning complex in the Russian language, where all its elements comprehensively solve educational problems. At the same time, on a unified methodological, content, psychological, didactic and linguistic basis, a series (line) of teaching materials is being developed for different stages of education (primary school - primary school - high school).

2) Orientation towards independent activity of students, implementation through the textbook of the principle of transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent activity of the student.

3) Reliance on the previous (spontaneous) speech development of children.

4) A new understanding of the functions of the textbook, among which a special role is given to developing and motivating functions; considering the textbook as an “activity scenario”, an organizer of teacher and student activities.

5) Reliance on the activity concept of teaching. The choice of a problem-based model of a textbook, that is, its construction on the theory of problem-based learning. This model belongs to the didactic type (according to the classification of V.P. Bespalko) and implements the principle of learning activities.

4. Linguistic foundations of textbooks.

1) Increased attention to syntax and punctuation - the basis of written speech, a means of expressing one’s own thoughts and feelings and understanding others - by increasing the volume of material studied on syntax and punctuation compared to traditional ones (themes “Complex Sentence” and “Direct Speech” have been introduced) ; changing the sequence of studying the material in the direction of a text-centric approach; construction on a syntactic basis of a system of tasks for the development of coherent written speech.

2) Consideration of parts of speech as grammatical classes of words (the grammatical form of a word is the basis for the definition of parts of speech).

3) Construction of a spelling course based on the concept of “spelling”, the identifying features of spelling patterns and the conditions for their selection.

4) Formation of spelling vigilance in students based on targeted systematic work on the composition and lexical meaning of a word in combination with its sound-letter analysis; development of students' linguistic intuition on this basis.

5) Organization of earlier (from 3rd grade) development of punctuation skills based on: a) the basic educational and linguistic ability to find the grammatical basis of a sentence; b) on the concept of “semantic segment of a sentence”; c) to classify punctuation marks by function (marks of completion, separation, emphasis).

The concept of constructing an educational and methodological complex for the Russian language implements the main provisions and approaches that we discussed above in relation to the textbook. The model of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary school is presented on p. 28.

The formation of a primary school student as a functionally literate individual can be ensured by any teaching, but in the framework of our study, this process was considered in the context of language education, which today is aimed primarily at the development of a linguistic personality.

Modern primary language education is multifunctional (T.G. Ramzaeva). The interpretation of language education proposed by T.G. Ramzaeva, allows us to consider it as “the process and result of cognitive activity aimed at mastering language and speech, self-development and the formation of the student as an individual.”

The main structural components of language education, according to T.G. Ramzaeva, are: a) the language system as a body of knowledge in the form of concepts, information, rules; b) the speech activity of a schoolchild as the implementation of language; c) speech works (microtexts); d) methods of activity; e) culture of speech behavior (culture of communication); f) the culture of the people who are native speakers of the Russian language (socioculture).

We also include among the components of language education:

– types of activities of students, among which reading and communication activities seem to be the most relevant;

national standard of general education – a system of psychological and pedagogical oriented, developmental, convening educational principles of “School 2100”

Development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write Organization of joint Organization of independent educational and cognitive activity of students Expanding the capabilities of teaching and learning through scientific and methodological support of the teacher Annual scientific Collection “Education” Magazine “Elementary” Consulting Preparation of students Models and schemes -methodological calling technical school plus the help of students - future design, Fig. 1. Model of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary school in the educational system “School 2100”

– general educational skills (intellectual-speech, organizational, evaluative), which are formed on the material of not only the Russian language, but also other subjects, and it is assumed that these skills will be transferred to new situations – both educational and life.

A holistic model of primary language education is designed to ensure the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, increasing the level of practical language proficiency, which is an integral part of speech experience and a consequence of the interaction of knowledge about language and a sense of language. At the same time, we consider the development of interest in learning a language both as a necessary condition and as another result of learning.

A holistic model of primary language education takes into account pedagogical patterns, is based on pedagogical and methodological principles, methodological and linguistic approaches, includes the content of language education, the levels of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student.

Clarifying the objectives of language education requires a change in the ratio of speech and language components of the content of primary language education.

The proportion of the speech component increases significantly. In methodological terms, this means organizing speech activity, using speech tasks related to the aspects of the language being studied in lessons for mastering all sections of the course.

Linguistic science has already approached such an understanding of the essence of language, in which it is the subject of communication, the linguistic personality (Yu.N. Karaulov) who becomes the main character in the corresponding coordinate system and the main object of study. In methodological science, certain steps are currently being taken to solve this problem. One of the solution options is proposed in the teaching and learning center on the Russian language OS "School 2100".

An analysis of the theoretical foundations of modern developments for the creation of textbooks of a new generation (M.T. Baranov, V.P. Bespalko, Yu.B. Vasenev, G.G. Granik, D.D. Zuev, V.V. Kraevsky, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.A. Leontiev, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, Yu.G. ", "educational materials"; the main functions of the textbook (TMC) are defined: informing, developing, systematizing, controlling, motivating; the main models are described and a general classification of textbooks is given according to four bases; general psychological, pedagogical (didactic) and methodological requirements for textbooks have been formulated; a generalized structural diagram of the textbook is described.

An important qualitative component of the textbook theory is the definition of the concept of “textbook of a new generation” (A.A. Leontyev), where the main criterion is the implementation of a developmental educational paradigm, which is possible based on the following principles: the minimax principle, the principle of continuity and continuity of education. At the same time, it is necessary to reorient the content of textbooks towards the development of not only subject skills, but also general educational skills (intellectual-speech, organizational, evaluative, communicative) through the apparatus of organizing activities and the apparatus of orientation.

The principles and approaches to creating a new generation of textbooks are implemented in the set of OS textbooks “School 2100”, an integral part of which is the Russian language teaching and learning kit.

Development of the linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild who is fully proficient Methodological Linguistic Pedagogical Methodical (Russian language subject) Literary reading, Implementation condition - teaching materials, built on the principle of continuity Fig. 2. Holistic model of primary language education New generation textbooks in the Russian language meet the following methodological requirements: 1) achieving a set of goals with the help of the textbook;

2) the complexity of the presentation of language material in the textbook (it “works”

not only for the acquisition of grammatical knowledge and skills, but also for vocabulary, and for the development of coherent speech, and for all types of speech activity); 3) organization of a methodological system of types of exercises; 4) functionality and consistency in the use of visual aids; 5) focus on individual and group characteristics of students; 6) optimal balance between knowledge of the language and practical language proficiency; 7) the presence of a general linguistic component; 8) the textbook is focused on maximum independent work of students; 9) inclusion of material from other subjects in the Russian language textbook or reference to it; 10) continuity with the Primer and textbooks on literary reading; 11) the presence of a cultural component.

This system of requirements is implemented in Russian language textbooks as follows.

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From the history of methods for studying grammar in the 19th-20th centuries. Works of F.I. Buslaev, K.D. Ushinsky, D.I. Tikhomirov, A.M. Peshkovsky, T.G. Ramzaeva on the methods of school grammar. The significance and tasks of the initial study of the grammar of the native language at the present stage of school development.

Methods of developmental teaching of the Russian language (L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov). The relationship between theory and practice in the native language course. The relationship between language education and speech development of students.

The role of studying the Russian language for the formation of elements of a scientific worldview in younger schoolchildren.

Linguistic foundations of teaching children the Russian language, taking into account the relationship of all its aspects.

2 Methodology for studying language theory

Methods for studying the basics of phonetics, word formation and grammar. The role of phonetic knowledge. The role of phonetic knowledge in schoolchildren’s mastery of oral and written speech. Formation of skills to determine the sound and letter composition of a word, to correlate the sound and graphic forms of a word. Methodology for working on concepts: sound, letter, syllable, stress. Developing in students the ability to recognize vowel and consonant sounds, stressed and unstressed syllables, consonant sounds paired in hardness and softness, in voicedness and deafness. Studying the rules of word hyphenation. Getting to know the alphabet and developing the ability to use it in practice. Mastery of graphic skills by primary schoolchildren. Teaching calligraphy in grades 1-4. Objectives and content of work in each class.

Methodological foundations for the formation of grammatical, word-formation and other language concepts in students. The essence of grammatical concepts and the difficulties of their acquisition by primary schoolchildren. The process of working on mastering grammatical and word-formation concepts. Main stages of assimilation. Didactic and methodological conditions that ensure the effectiveness of work on mastering the concept. Grammar and word-formation exercises, their types and purpose. Methods of using grammar exercises.

Methodology for studying the morphemic composition of a word and word formation. A system for studying the morphemic composition of a word. Contents and methods of working on roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings. Work on the composition of words in connection with the study of parts of speech. Information on Russian word formation.

Methodological foundations for studying parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs. Justification of the system for studying nouns in grades 1-4. Tasks and content of work at each stage. Study of the categories of gender, number and case.

Methodology for learning adjectives in primary school. Objectives of studying the topic. Content and sequence of work by class. Organization of work on the categories of gender, number and case of adjectives. Lexico-stylistic work in the process of studying adjectives.

Methods for studying verbs in grades 1-4. Students' acquisition of the grammatical meaning of a verb. Formation of knowledge about tense forms of the verb. The concept of verb conjugation. Development of speech in students in the process of learning verbs.

Features of introducing primary schoolchildren to pronouns, numerals, and prepositions.

Methodology for studying elements of syntax in primary grades. The system for arranging material by year of study and its rationale. Syntactic material in primary grades: phrase, sentence, its members. Simple and complex sentences, homogeneous members of a sentence, the role of conjunctions, intonation of sentences.

Development of students' speech in the process of studying language theory. Modern methods of developmental education, development of cognitive interests and activity of students in language theory lessons.


1.1 Sociocultural foundations of the concept of the educational program “School 2100”.

1.2 Methodological approaches to choosing a pedagogical strategy for the educational system “School 2100”

1.3 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the concept of the educational system “School 2100”.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.


2.1 Theoretical foundations for defining the concept of “functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student.”

2.2 The state of teaching the subject Russian language at school and the level of functional literacy of students as a system-forming element of the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education.

2.3 The concept of primary language education in the educational system “School 2100”.

Conclusions for Chapter 2.


3.1 Theoretical foundations of scientific and methodological developments for the creation of new generation textbooks.

3.2 Conceptual approaches to the creation of new generation textbooks in the educational system “School 2100”.

3.3 Implementation of a holistic model of primary language education in new generation textbooks.

Conclusions for Chapter 3.


4.1 Results of the introduction of new generation textbooks in the Russian language into school practice.

4.2 Comparative analysis of the results of mastering the Russian language by junior schoolchildren in the conditions of learning using variable teaching materials. . . 279 Conclusions for Chapter 4.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Harmonizing model of primary language education as a condition for realizing the cognitive potential of schoolchildren 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Savelyeva, Larisa Vladimirovna

  • System for the formation of a bilingual personality of a primary school student 2010, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Davletbaeva, Raisa Gubaidullovna

  • Development of grammatical ability of junior schoolchildren based on the study of the topic “noun” in Russian language lessons 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Novoselova, Galina Dmitrievna

  • Formation of general educational competence of a junior schoolchild in conditions of ungraded learning in the process of learning the Russian language 2008, candidate of pedagogical sciences Chipysheva, Lyudmila Nikolaevna

  • Development of the speech ability of students in grades 2-5 of a general education school in Russian language lessons when learning the name of an adjective 2008, candidate of pedagogical sciences Khovanskaya, Elena Aleksandrovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in the educational system “School 2100””

The relevance of research. For modern education, it is extremely important to take into account the ongoing changes in society as a whole and the child in this society. The need for such accounting is determined by the state order, formulated in regulatory documents (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2010”, “Federal Component of the State Standard of General Education”), where the formation of a functionally literate graduate who is ready for life changes.

Currently, in the theory and methodology of school teaching, the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education is increasingly being affirmed. Its significance and relevance are determined by the basic requirements of the social order, which presupposes a fundamentally different approach to education and considers the holistic development of the student’s personality as its result.

Speaking about the holistic development of a student’s personality, one should be aware that today’s junior schoolchild is in many ways different from peers of previous generations:

He lives in a society that is fundamentally open to the world;

He is constantly under pressure from various information, which, influencing his developing thinking and emotional sphere, turning into personal sensory experience, creates a consumer, utilitarian attitude towards the very concept of information, that is, towards knowledge as such, towards the internal, personal need for it, towards the very the process of acquiring knowledge, to self-education, to the culture of one’s thinking;

Receives through visual channels a large amount of information with someone else’s interpretation already embedded in it, while information received through the audible and readable word must be interpreted by himself.

This creates serious problems that impede the holistic development of the individual, namely:

A modern primary school student, as a rule, does not have a sufficient vocabulary, and his own words, filled with his own personal experience, to reflect on the information that he receives visually. His visual experience does not have time or cannot be completed with the necessary verbalization, that is, it practically disappears for the real work of consciousness, for thinking, for future creative intuitions. His subconscious is thus filled with vague other people's interpretations without his own developed attitude towards them;

The passion for virtual communication leads to the fact that students are increasingly psychologically unprepared for communication, and the educational process does not provide them with the necessary opportunities for this; At the same time, the development of two types of communication skills is becoming increasingly relevant (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya): a) related to the analysis and assessment of communication (the degree of its effectiveness, level of language proficiency, etc.) and b) related to communication itself ( the ability to take into account the addressee, audience, form communicative intention, determine communicative successes and failures, etc.);

Today's primary schoolchildren, as a rule, have not developed sufficient skills of listening and understanding words as such, including when reading texts (quickly enough and with an adequate depth of understanding). This creates great difficulties in learning (since any learning involves working with textbooks, that is, with words, not to mention learning both your native language and foreign ones) and significantly limits the level of language acquisition, including the level of proficiency in your native Russian language ;

As a result, the student has irreparable gaps in sensory experience, since the need, necessity and ability to talk (and write) about his personal feelings, experiences of life, and formulate his own questions to her has not been developed.

All this is reflected in the qualitative characteristics of the modern primary school student as a linguistic personality.

An analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature shows that the modern theory of methods of primary teaching of the native language has a fairly good scientific basis and the scientific, theoretical and experimental development and testing of various models of education reform, including language education, in primary school, affecting its organization and structure, continues. , content, principles of interaction with innovative processes in educational institutions (V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimapova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov, M.I. Omorokova, T.G. Ramzaeva, I.A. Rapoport, L.V. Savelyeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya, O.V. The variety of aspects reflected in the works of these authors testifies to the relevance of the problem of teaching junior schoolchildren the Russian language, literary reading, and rhetoric in the context of the development of primary schools in the direction of variability and diversification and at the same time allows us to conclude that there is a lack of comprehensive generalizing research on the problem of the formation of functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild.

An analysis of variable programs and textbooks on the Russian language revealed that their authors, as a rule, develop concepts for the initial course of the Russian language. At the same time, the problem of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for the language education of junior schoolchildren remains unresolved, which is, on the one hand, a necessary condition for the holistic development of the individual and, on the other hand, ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality. The basis of such a scientific and methodological strategy should be a scientifically based concept of primary language education, in line with which variable Russian language courses for primary schools can be created. The lack of development of this problem and its unresolved nature in Russian language programs and textbooks for primary schools make this problem relevant at the scientific and theoretical level.

The relevance of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education at the socio-pedagogical level is justified by the need to understand the value of personality-oriented developmental education.

At the scientific and methodological level, the relevance of developing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education is due to the fact that in the methods of teaching the Russian language there is no line of continuity reflecting unified approaches, methods, forms of development of a linguistic personality, starting from preschool age. In this regard, there is a recognized need for the practical implementation of continuity between preschool, primary and basic general education, not only in language learning, but also in the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality, which involves the development of the concept of language education and its implementation in textbooks of the new generation.

Thus, the relevance of the study is due to contradictions:

Between the social order that defines the strategic goal of language education - the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality who speaks the Russian language as a means of communication in various spheres of life, and the established practice of studying the native language, focused on mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, which does not always take into account the state of modern society and the child's change in this society;

Between the need for a scientific and methodological strategy for studying the Russian language, reflecting a single line of continuity at all stages of language education, and the undeveloped theoretical provisions of continuous language education in a modern school;

Between the objective needs for personally developing technologies of primary language education and the insufficient didactic and methodological support for this process in primary school, which manifests itself primarily at the level of textbooks and teaching materials in general.

The relevance and theoretical lack of development of these contradictions, as well as the need for practice to generalize and systematize the accumulated experience, determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation - “Scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education in the educational system “School 2100”” - and made it possible to formulate the research problem: what should be the theoretical and methodological basis for designing a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in a personality-oriented developmental educational paradigm?

The leading idea of ​​the study is that teaching the Russian language is built in accordance with the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education, its result is the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild, which is ensured by the creation and implementation of textbooks on the Russian language into school practice, promoting holistic development and self-development of the student’s personality.

The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of a scientific and methodological strategy for language education of primary schoolchildren in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education.

The object of the study is the process of language education of junior schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the conceptual provisions of the scientific and methodological strategy for studying the Russian language by junior schoolchildren in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education and their implementation in textbooks of the new generation.

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the functioning of the scientific and methodological strategy for language education of primary schoolchildren in a personality-oriented developmental education paradigm will be effective if:

Its system-forming element will be the level of functional literacy of students;

The methodological basis of the concept of primary language education will be a set of interrelated and complementary approaches: systemic and anthropological (general scientific level), cultural, activity-based, personality-oriented, developmental (specific scientific level);

The concept of primary language education, aimed at the development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, will be based on pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles that make it possible to substantiate a holistic model of language education for primary schoolchildren;

Technological support for the implementation of the concept will be developed by creating teaching materials, including textbooks, of a new generation in the Russian language on a unified basis (methodological, psychological, content, didactic, linguistic), ensuring the continuity of language education between the levels of primary and basic general education based on development lines students using the Russian language subject.

In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were identified:

1. To reveal the methodological foundations of the study of primary language education, which allows us to substantiate the scientific and methodological strategy of its development in the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education.

2. Investigate the state of the problem of language education of primary schoolchildren in the aspect of developing their functional literacy.

3. Define the concept of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student and identify the features of the formation of such a personality.

4. Develop and justify the concept of primary language education within the framework of the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”.

5. Develop and introduce teaching materials into primary education, including textbooks, on the Russian language of the new generation, ensuring the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, taking into account the continuity between the levels of language education (primary and secondary school).

6. To identify the effectiveness of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in the “School 2100” system through the results of the use of new generation textbooks in mass school practice.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

When determining the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, we relied on the methodological foundations of the pedagogical strategy of the School 2100 educational system as a whole:

On humanistic ideas of philosophy (A.F. Losev, M.K. Mamardashvili, V. Frankl); ideas of humanization and humanitarization of education (V.P. Zinchenko, D.A. Leontyev, A.B. Petrovsky);

On the ideas of the cultural approach to education, developed in the research of scientists working in the field of philosophy, pedagogy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology - ideas that consider the relationship between culture and education as the basis for revealing the essential forces of man, changing the view of the world, changing the person himself and the world he perceives (B.G. Ananyev, M.M. Bakhtin, A.P. Valitskaya, B.S. Gershunsky, A.S. Zapesotsky, L.N. Kogan, B.T. Likhachev, D.S. Likhachev, E.H. Shiyanov, P.G. Shchedrovitsky and others);

On the methodology of the personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education (E.V. Bondarevskaya, R.N. Buneev, A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Trubaichuk,

A.B. Khutorskoy, etc.);

For the sake of the anthropological approach, based on the philosophical concept of human formation in unity with developing sociocultural forms of organization of life (K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, L.N. Tolstoy; M.K. Mamardashvili, P.G. Shchedrovitsky and etc.).

In addition, when determining the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, we relied on:

On the ideas of a systems approach (V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, M.S. Kagan,

B.N. Sadovsky, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, E.G. Yudin);

Pa theory of activity and educational activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Repkip, D.B. Elkonin, etc.); And

On the methodology of the linguodidactic approach and on the conceptual provisions of the theory of linguistic personality (G.I. Bogip, L.I. Bozhovich, E.D. Bozhovich, Yu.N. Karaulov, M.JI. Kusova, A.A. Leontyev, V.V. Naumov , E.Yu. Nikitina, L.D. Ponomareva, ILM Shansky, etc.);

Pa research in the field of methods of teaching the Russian language (M.T. Baranov, V.G. Goretsky, N.A. Ippolitova, L.F. Klimanova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov, T.G. Ramzaeva, L. V. Savelyeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya, M.S. Soloveychik, O.V. Sosnovskaya, L.P.

Research methods. The dissertation research used theoretical methods: study of regulatory documents on education, analysis of the concepts of variable Russian language courses, theoretical and methodological analysis, conceptual and categorical analysis, modeling method; empirical research methods: study and generalization of effective experience and mass practice of primary language education, experimental research work, observation, questioning, analysis of students' written work, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing.

The chosen methodology and assigned tasks determined the course of the study, which was carried out in four stages.

The first stage (1990-1995) is search and ascertainment. Study of pedagogical reality, specific experience of teachers in developing functional literacy of students in primary and secondary schools; analysis of scientific literature, research thematically close to ours, and existing textbooks on the Russian language and reading for primary school and the Russian language for primary school, as well as a study of the state of functional literacy of primary school graduates and secondary school students based on the material of existing textbooks on the Russian language allowed to substantiate the initial idea of ​​the need to develop a unified strategy that ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of students through the subjects of the humanitarian cycle (Russian language, literary reading).

The result of this stage was the formulation of the main provisions of the methodology for developing functional literacy in the Russian language course in primary schools.

The second stage (1996-2000) is formative. Analysis and interpretation of the results of a study of the level of functional literacy of primary and secondary school students and the results of learning the Russian language, further analysis of scientific literature, including studies thematically similar to ours, participation in the development of the conceptual foundations of the educational program “School 2100” made it possible to substantiate the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, formulate a hypothesis and research objectives. The results of this stage were the definition of the hypothesis, methodology and research methods, justification of its program, development of the concept of language education for primary schoolchildren and the first version of textbooks on the Russian language and literary reading, implementing the author’s concept of primary language education.

The third stage (2001-2007) is experimental and analytical. In the course of experimental work in the process of a large-scale state experiment to modernize the structure and content of Russian education (2001-2004) and at experimental sites accredited by the Russian Academy of Education (2003-2008), combined with a longitudinal study of the results of primary school students learning Russian language, as well as with analysis, study of the provisions of personality-oriented pedagogical science and comprehension of the experience of developmental education, the activities of teachers of educational institutions in the formation of functional literacy, the research hypothesis was tested and clarified, the requirements for the development of a holistic model of primary language education and the criteria that it must meet were specified , technologies and teaching methods were adjusted, the data obtained were analyzed and systematized. The result of this stage was the improvement of “Russian Language” textbooks for primary schools, their successful passage of state examination and stable presence in the Federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions that implement educational programs of general education and have state accreditation ( from 1999 to present); development of other components of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary schools and their widespread implementation in the practice of schools in the Russian Federation; development and testing of textbooks “Russian language” for grades 5-11.

The fourth stage (2008-2009) is generalizing. The results of the implementation of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, the introduction of teaching materials in the Russian language into the practice of secondary schools were generalized and systematized. A scientific interpretation of experimental data was carried out. The result of this stage was the design of the dissertation text.

Research base. In total, 118 primary school teachers and about 3,250 students from schools in Moscow, the Moscow region, Apatity, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kazan, Perm, Chelyabinsk, etc., as well as teachers and students from 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, took part in the study at various stages. within the framework of a large-scale state experiment to modernize the structure and content of general education (2001-2004).

The reliability of the research results is ensured by the validity of the research methodology and its compliance with the problem posed; conducting research at the theoretical and practical levels; the adequacy of the complementary research methods used for the chosen area of ​​analysis; the author’s positive experience as a developer of the concept of primary language education and the subject programs implementing it, as well as the leader of a team of authors of a continuous course of the Russian language for primary, secondary and high schools; using various methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment and interpretation of results; versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data; the possibility of repeating experimental work; representativeness of the sample size and significance of the experimental data.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it:

1) the concept of primary language education has been developed and scientifically substantiated, including pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles and a holistic model of language education for primary schoolchildren;

2) pedagogical patterns of primary language education have been identified:

Integration of language cycle subjects - Russian language and Literary reading, Russian language and Rhetoric - contributes to the development of communication and speech skills. The main methodological content of such integration can be: transfer and correction of the indicative foundations of activity from one subject to another; coordinated formation of intellectual, speech and communication skills (types of reading, complex skills of oral, for example, public, and written speech, etc.);

Basic speech, intellectual-speech and communication skills developed in primary school are necessary and sufficient for the further development of a functionally literate linguistic personality;

3) the system-forming methodological principle of organizing primary language education is determined - the principle of integrity;

4) methodological principles for organizing primary language education are proposed: a) the principle of comprehensiveness of goals; b) the principle of comprehensive presentation of educational language material; c) the principle of the optimal balance between knowledge of the language and practical language proficiency;

5) the content and features of the organization of the process of primary language education, aimed at the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, are revealed;

6) a scientifically substantiated methodological system of types of exercises aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary schoolchildren.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the objective results obtained in it contain in their totality the solution to a major scientific problem associated with the development of a scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education in a personality-oriented developmental educational paradigm:

1) linguistic and methodological research on the problem of linguistic personality was systematized, which made it possible to substantiate the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education;

2) a holistic model of primary language education has been theoretically substantiated and developed, which takes into account pedagogical principles, is based on methodological principles, methodological and linguistic approaches, includes the content of language education and the levels of functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student. The use of this model ensures an increase in the level of practical language proficiency of primary school students;

3) into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy, the terminological concept of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student has been introduced and theoretically substantiated, which is understood as a native speaker who perceives this language as an aesthetic and cultural value, capable of freely using the skills of all types of speech activity in various life situations:

To obtain information from the text and interpret it (reading and listening);

To convey information in real communication (speaking and writing);

To create, evaluate and improve your own speech works;

4) the component composition of the concept of “primary language education” was clarified, and such necessary components were identified as:

Types of student activities, among which the most relevant are reading and communication activities;

General educational skills (intellectual-speech, organizational, evaluative), which are developed based on the material of the Russian language and other academic subjects; At the same time, it is assumed that these skills will be transferred to new situations - both educational and life.

The practical significance of the study is that:

1) the concept of primary language education has been developed and tested;

2) the levels and stages of formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student have been clarified;

3) the criteria and indicators for the development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior school student have been clarified (full proficiency in the native language, native speech, manifestation of linguistic and speech abilities and skills in social life, the ability to reflect on one’s own speech and improve it, the presence of a need for speech creativity as a way self-expression);

4) theoretically justified, developed and implemented in the practice of primary education, new generation textbooks on the Russian language and other components of teaching materials (workbooks, notebooks for tests and tests on a printed basis, methodological recommendations for teachers, etc.), built on common foundations ( methodological, psychological, content, didactic, linguistic).

The practical results of the study can be used by methodologists and primary school teachers to solve the problems of developing the linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild, to organize primary teaching of the Russian language in the paradigm of personality-oriented developmental education.

The author’s personal participation consists in the theoretical substantiation of the main ideas and provisions of the study, in the development of the concept of primary language education, which makes it possible to effectively solve the problem of developing a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student; in obtaining scientific results presented in dissertations, author's monographs and other published works; in using these results in the development of textbooks and other components of teaching materials in the Russian language for primary schools.

Testing and implementation of results. The results of the study are reflected in monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, articles, materials and speeches at scientific and scientific-practical conferences - interuniversity (St. Petersburg-2000,2007, Moscow-1994,1995,2003,2007,2008,2009, Shuya - 2004), regional (Izhevsk - 2006, Volgograd - 2007, Tver - 2008), all-Russian (Moscow - 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009).

In 2008, for the series of works “Educational system of a new generation (theoretical foundations and experimental implementation)” for educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and for general education institutions, the Russian Government Prize in the field of education was awarded (RF Government Decree No. 983 of December 24, 2008 G.).

RF (2000 - 2009). Based on the research materials, lectures were given at advanced training courses for primary school teachers in a number of institutions of additional adult education (Sassar-Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Kaluga, Perm, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Naberezhnye Chelny, Chelyabinsk, etc.).

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education, developed in line with the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”, is based on:

Sociocultural foundations of the concept of the educational program “School 2100”;

Interpretation of such educational phenomena as the educational process, the process of upbringing in a personality-oriented developmental paradigm of education;

Leading plan (becoming a functionally literate person);

A system of psychological and pedagogical principles of various types of educational activities: personality-oriented (principles of adaptability, development, comfort), activity-oriented (principles of learning activities; a controlled approach from activity in an educational situation to activity in a life situation; a controlled transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent activity of the student; reliance on the processes of spontaneous development; formation of the need for creativity and creative skills), culturally oriented (principles of the image of the world; integrity of the content of education; systematicity; semantic attitude to the world; indicative function of knowledge; mastery of culture).

2. The proposed scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education is aimed at the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality, which is understood as a native speaker who perceives this language as an aesthetic and cultural value, capable of freely using the skills of all types of speech activity to obtain information from the text in various life situations and its interpretation (reading and listening), for transmitting information in real communication (speaking and writing), for creating, evaluating and improving one’s own speech works.

3. The process of primary language education will be effective if it is implemented within the framework of the concept of primary language education, which is based on pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles that justify a holistic model of primary language education. This concept ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student.

Primary language education is carried out taking into account the following pedagogical principles:

The process of language acquisition presupposes the active activity of a primary school student, adequate to his motives, interests, individual characteristics, psychological capabilities and abilities;

The formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality in the conditions of specially organized educational activities of students through the use of a textbook makes it possible to maximize the hidden personal and cognitive reserves of students and ensure the formation of the necessary speech and general educational skills in them;

Integration of the goals of the humanities subjects - Russian language and Literary reading, Russian language and Rhetoric - contributes to the development of communication and speech skills. The main methodological content of such integration can be: transfer and correction of the indicative foundations of activity from one subject to another; coordinated formation of intellectual, speech and communication skills (types of reading, complex skills of oral, for example, public, and written speech, etc.);

Basic speech, intellectual-speech and communication skills formed in primary school are necessary and sufficient for the further development of a functionally literate linguistic personality.

Comply with the main components of the content of the Russian language course in primary school and the age-related potential of mastering the language and speech of younger schoolchildren, while the sequence of mastering the content of language education should not violate the logic of the science of language;

To ensure not only the linguistic, speech (communicative) development of the primary school student;

Maintain the level of general academic skills, interdisciplinary strategies, technologies in any school subject.

The principle of complexity of the goals of language education, which is implemented through a system of content-targeted lines of personal development by means of the subject being studied;

The principle of comprehensive presentation of educational language material (its focus not only on grammatical knowledge and skills, but also on other levels of the language, and on all types of speech activity);

4. The formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student can be ensured by a theoretically substantiated holistic model of primary language education, which takes into account pedagogical principles, is based on methodological principles, methodological and linguistic approaches, includes the content of language education (language and speech components, general educational skills) and levels of functional literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild: level of correctness (necessary), level of interiorization (possible), level of saturation (opportunistic).

5. The educational and methodological complex in the Russian language, including new generation textbooks, printed notebooks, methodological recommendations for teachers, etc., ensures the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student, provided:

Implementation of continuity between all levels of language education and common approaches to understanding the common goals of studying such school subjects as the Russian language, Literary reading and Rhetoric;

Development of teaching materials on a unified basis: methodological, psychological, content, didactic and linguistic;

Creation of a methodological apparatus of textbooks as an apparatus for organizing the activities of students and teachers;

Consistent implementation of a methodological system of types of exercises aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary schoolchildren.

The structure of the dissertation corresponds to the logic of the research and includes an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

Similar dissertations in the specialty “Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by areas and levels of education)”, 13.00.02 code HAC

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations of the new generation educational system 2009, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Buneev, Rustem Nikolaevich

  • Theory and technology of developing foreign language education in primary school 2011, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Nikitenko, Zinaida Nikolaevna

  • Problems of speech development of younger schoolchildren 1998, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Arkhipova, Elena Viktorovna

  • Ethnocultural component of teaching the Russian language in the primary classes of an Orthodox gymnasium 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sofronova, Natalya Vladimirovna

  • Methodological foundations for primary schoolchildren mastering the communicative-normative component of speech with computer support 2013, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Chibukhashvili, Valentina Aleksandrovna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education)”, Buneeva, Ekaterina Valerievna

Chapter 4 Conclusions

The effectiveness of the proposed scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education was determined through: a) long-term research (monitoring) of the results of introducing new generation textbooks in the Russian language into school practice (during 1999/2000; 2000/2001; 2001/2002 on an array of more than 750 students of Moscow and the Moscow region, consecutively studying in grades 2, 3 and 4). Basic knowledge and skills were tested: educational and linguistic, spelling, speech, general educational (intellectual, speech, organizational); b) comparative analysis of the results of mastering the Russian language course by junior schoolchildren in the conditions of training using variable teaching materials:

Monitoring the development of reading skills and elements of language culture of 1st grade students who studied according to our teaching materials and “ABC” by V.G. Goretsky; 1999; on an array of more than 2000 students from Moscow, the Moscow region, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Apatity, Kazan, Perm; state large-scale experiment to improve the structure and content of education (2001-2004) in the conditions of training in five variable teaching methods. From 30 to 35 thousand students from 61 regions of the Russian Federation participated at different stages.

The monitoring program for each year of study (long-term study) consisted of several stages, of which the first were current (thematic in nature), the last two were final. Each of these stages was a standard control event carried out in accordance with the curriculum. The tasks we developed were criterion-oriented in nature, that is, the knowledge and skills that students must possess to successfully complete these tasks were considered as the educational goals of the Russian language course. The measuring instruments that were developed on the basis of tests were also criterion-oriented in nature, which made it possible to use them to determine the degree to which students achieved learning goals.

The obtained numerical data characterizing the results of each student made it possible to identify his individual characteristics, the level of knowledge acquisition and skill development on each topic, and the individual level of success. This data was quickly transferred to teachers and gave them the opportunity to build correction programs for specific students.

Statistical data on the level of preparation of various groups of students made it possible to objectively identify the most difficult elements of educational material for the majority of students on each topic under consideration. This information gave us the opportunity to make recommendations for improving the level of students' preparation on all topics of the course and to see ways to improve textbooks.

Statistics show that the level of mastery of various topics of the Russian language course is in the range from 80 to 94 points on a 100-point scale. At the same time, the information obtained on the basis of the final work made it possible in the 3rd and 4th grades to compare the results of students demonstrated immediately after studying the topic with the results they demonstrate at the end of the year. A comparison of these results made it possible to identify the stability of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

The monitoring results objectively indicate positive dynamics and a high level of quality in teaching the Russian language at the School 2100 educational complex. These results allow us to talk about students achieving the level of correctness - the first level of a functionally literate linguistic personality.

The first-graders who took part in the survey, in general, regardless of the curriculum, demonstrated a completely satisfactory level of preparation. At the same time, those who studied using the educational textbook “School 2100” showed a significantly higher level than those who studied using the traditional textbook in all tested positions, including those related to the requirements of the educational standard, and those having a propaedeutic orientation.

The use of our textbook turned out to be equally effective for all groups of students examined in the survey. The results obtained indicate that this textbook can have a significant effect when used not only in advanced educational institutions, but also in mass secondary schools. The textbook provides good results both in the group of seven-year-old students and in the group of six-year-olds.

The reliability of the data we obtained is confirmed by a comparison of our results with the results of monitoring conducted during the state large-scale experiment to improve the structure and content of general education, one of the objectives of which was to identify the state of educational achievements in primary school using specially designed test tasks. The results obtained indicate that the textbook provides the necessary and sufficient level of student learning.

The results of students who studied according to our educational complex are at a level close to the results obtained from L.V.’s systems. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydova. For us, this is significant, since those 19% of the students from the total number of participants in the experiment who studied according to our educational curriculum are mainly junior schoolchildren from regular secondary schools, among whom about 10% showed a low level of readiness for school at the first stage.

Within the framework of our research, the analytical materials of approbation of the updated content of primary four-year education implemented in variable teaching and learning systems are also of interest - the results of a survey of teachers from 61 regions of the Russian Federation. The data obtained indicate that the teaching and learning complex in the Russian language OS "School 2100" provides differentiation and individualization of education at a high level, and offers age-appropriate educational technologies.

The monitoring results confirm the effectiveness of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education presented in the dissertation research.


The scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education presented in this work, developed within the framework of the pedagogical strategy of the educational system “School 2100”, was created taking into account the social order for education for a functionally literate linguistic personality. The strategy is based on the leading conceptual provisions of the School 2100 educational program, which declared new educational values ​​and a system of psychological and pedagogical principles as a developing educational paradigm. The components of the “School 2100” concept are also the personality-oriented nature of education, a functionally competent person as the leading idea.

The system-forming element of the scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education were the conclusions from the analysis of the socio-educational situation presented in the dissertation. In accordance with them, the list of structural components of primary language education was expanded to include: a) types of student activities, among which the most relevant are reading and communicative activities, and b) systems of intellectual and speech general educational skills that are developed through the Russian language subject. Based on the principle of integrity, the components of the structure of primary language education are based on the didactic whole (methodological unity, unity of goals, substantive unity, procedural unity and unity of assessment of student achievements), supported in other subjects (primarily Literary reading, Rhetoric) at the level of general educational skills and technology; are provided by a unified teaching and learning complex, built taking into account the principle of continuity and continuity of education.

The dissertation presents a concept of primary language education developed on the basis of a number of approaches (systemic, cultural, personality-oriented, activity-based, developmental), aimed at developing a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student and including pedagogical patterns, pedagogical and methodological principles and a holistic model of primary language education. education.

The dissertation proposes a definition of the concept of “functionally literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild,” and identifies the features and stages of its formation.

It has been established that primary language education is carried out taking into account the following pedagogical principles:

The process of language acquisition presupposes the active activity of a primary school student, adequate to his motives, interests, individual characteristics, psychological capabilities and abilities;

The formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality in the conditions of specially organized educational activities of students using the textbook allows for the maximum realization of the hidden personal and cognitive reserves of students and ensures the formation of the necessary speech and general educational skills in them;

Integration of the goals of the subjects of the language cycle - the Russian language and literary reading, the Russian language and rhetoric - contributes to the development of communication and speech skills. The main methodological content of such integration can be: transfer and correction of the indicative foundations of activity from one subject to another; coordinated formation of intellectual, speech and communication skills (types of reading, complex skills of oral and written speech, etc.);

The basic speech, intellectual, speech and communication skills formed at the beginning of school are necessary and sufficient for the further development of a functionally literate linguistic personality.

The system-forming methodological principle of organizing primary language education is the principle of integrity, which means that the components of the structure of primary language education must:

Comply with the main components of the content of the Russian language course in primary school and the age-related potential of mastering the language and speech of younger schoolchildren, while the sequence of mastering the content of language education should not violate the logic of the science of language;

Ensure not only language, but also speech (communication) development of the primary school student;

To be provided with a unified teaching and learning system, built taking into account the principle of continuity and implementing it through the didactic whole (methodological unity, unity of goals, substantive unity, procedural unity and unity of assessment of student achievements);

Maintain the level of general academic skills, interdisciplinary strategies, technologies in any school subject.

The necessary methodological principles for organizing primary language education are:

The principle of complexity of the goals of language education, which is implemented through a system of content-targeted lines of personal development through the means of the subject;

The principle of comprehensive presentation of educational language material (its focus not only on grammatical knowledge and skills, but also on other aspects of the language, and on all types of speech activity);

The principle of the optimal balance between knowledge of the language and practical language proficiency.

On a unified basis - methodological, psychological, content, didactic, linguistic - the teaching and learning complex, including textbooks of a new generation in the Russian language, has been developed and introduced into primary schools, implementing a holistic model of primary language education, ensuring a) the formation of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student , b) continuity of language education between the levels of primary and basic general education through the lines of development of students through the subject Russian language.

The positive effect of the scientific and methodological strategy of primary language education through the results of the use of new generation textbooks in mass school practice has been revealed.

The educational and methodological complex in the Russian language for primary grades of the educational system “School 2100” has been used in teaching practice since 1996, and currently students from all regions of the Russian Federation study it. The textbooks are recommended for use in the educational process and are included in the Federal List of Textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions that implement educational programs of general education and have state accreditation (from 1999 to the present). The positive results of testing textbooks are confirmed by data from a large-scale state experiment to improve the structure and content of general education (2001-2004).

Thus, the research has solved its problems, the hypothesis put forward and the provisions put forward for defense have been confirmed.

The prospect of the study lies in the possibility of using the theoretical provisions of the dissertation as a basis for developing:

Interdisciplinary strategy for the development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a primary school student;

Scientific and methodological strategy for the successive development of a functionally literate linguistic personality of a Russian school graduate through the use of humanities subjects.

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38. Buneeva, E.V. Educational system of a new generation: conceptual foundations for the development of teaching materials in the Russian language Monograph. / E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 2008. - 144 p.

39. Buneeva, E.V. Scientific and methodological strategy for primary language education Monograph. / E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 2009. - 208 p.

40. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language (first lessons): textbook for 1st grade of a four-year primary school / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina. M.: Balass, 1997, 2005 (2nd ed., revised). - 64 s.

41. Buneeva, E.B. Russian language: textbook for 2nd grade of a four-year primary school / R.N. Bupeev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina. M.: Balass, 1997, 2003 (2nd ed., revised). - 160 s.

42. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 3rd grade of a four-year primary school. In 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina. M.: Balass, 1997, 2007 (3rd ed., revised). - 320 s.

43. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 4th grade of a four-year primary school. In 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 1998, 2004 (5th ed.). - 272 s.

44. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. Grades 1-2: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, M.A. Yakovleva. M.: Balass, 2003, 2007 (2nd ed., additional). - 288 p.

45. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. Grade 3: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, M.A. Yakovleva. M.: Balass, 2002, 2006 (2nd ed., additional). -208 p.

46. ​​Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. Grade 4: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, M.A. Yakovleva. M.: Balass, 2005, 2007 (4th ed., revised and supplemented). - 208 p.

47. Buneeva, E.V. Workbook on the Russian language for 1st grade / E.V. Buneeva, M.A. Yakovleva. 3rd ed. - M.: Balass, 2003. - 48 p.

48. Buneeva, E.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language. 2nd grade. Options 1 and 2 / E.V. Buneeva. -M.: Balass, 2000, 2009 (2nd ed., revised). 64 pp.

49. Buneeva, E.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language. 3rd grade. Options 1 and 2 / E.V. Buneeva. -M.: Balass, 2000, 2009 (2nd ed., revised). 96 p.

50. Buieeva, E.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language. 4th grade. Options 1 and 2 / E.V. Buneeva. -M.: Balass, 2000, 2009 (2nd ed., revised). 96 p.

51. Buneeva, E.V. Spelling notebook. 2nd grade (for the textbook “Russian language” 2nd grade) / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, JI.A. Frolova. M.: Balass, 2002, 2003 (2nd ed., revised). - 64 s.

52. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 5th grade of primary school. In 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tekucheva; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 1999, 2007 (3rd ed., revised). -416 s.

53. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 6th grade of primary school / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tekucheva; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 2000, 2006 (2nd ed., revised). - 288 p.

54. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 7th grade of primary school. / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tekucheva; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 2001, 2006 (2nd ed., revised). - 288 p.

55. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 8th grade of primary school / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tekucheva; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 2003, 2007 (2nd ed., revised). - 304 s.

56. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for 9th grade of primary school / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, E.S. Barova, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tekucheva; under scientific ed. acad. A.A. Leontyev. M.: Balass, 2003,2006 (2nd ed., revised). - 176 p.

57. Bupeeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for grade 10 (general education and specialized humanitarian level) / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, Z.I. Kurtseva, O.V. Chindilova. - M.: Balass, 2006. 320 p.

58. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language: textbook for grade 11 (general education and specialized humanitarian level) / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Bupeeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, Z.I. Kurtseva, O.V. Chindilova. M.: Balass, 2007. - 272 p.

59. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. 5th grade: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, L. Yu. Komissarova. M.: Balass, 2000, 2006 (2nd ed., additional). - 352 s.

60. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. Grade 6: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, E.N. Voronova. M.: Balass, 2000, 2006 (2nd ed., additional). - 176 p.

61. Buneeva, E.V. Russian language. Grade 7: method, recommendations for teachers / E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, A.T. Gryaznova. M.: Balass, 2006. - 208 p.

62. Buneeva, E.V. Literary reading: textbook for 1st grade (“Droplets of the Sun”) / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 1993, 2006 (3rd ed.). - 288 p.

63. Buneeva, E.V. Literary reading: textbook for grade 2 (“Little door to a big world”), in 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 1992, 2003 (2nd ed.).-368 p.

64. Buneeva, E.V. Literary reading: textbook for grade 3 (“In one happy childhood”). In 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva. -M. : Balass, 1993, 2006 (3rd ed.). -416 s.

65. Buneeva, E.V. Literary reading: textbook for grade 4 (“In the ocean of light”). In 2 parts / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 1992, 2004 (3rd ed.). - 448 p.

66. Buneeva, E.V. Summer notebook for a future second-grader / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, S.A. Kozlova. M.: Balass, 2002,2009 (2nd ed.). - 64 s.

67. Buneeva, E.V. Summer notebook for a future third-grader / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, S.A. Kozlova. M.: Balass, 2003, 2009 (2nd ed.). - 80 s.

68. Buneeva, E.V. Summer notebook for a future fourth-grader / R.N. Bupeev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, D.D. Danilov, S.A. Kozlova, I.V. Kuznetsova. M.: Balass, 2004, 2008 (2nd ed.). - 80 s.

69. Buneeva, E.V. Monitoring the level of training in the Russian language for second grade students (1-4) / L.V. Bolotnik, E.V. Buneeva // Primary school: plus or minus. 2000. - No. 9. - P. 23-43.

70. Buneeva, E.V. Monitoring the level of training in the Russian language for third grade students (1-4) / L.V. Bolotnik, E.V. Buneeva // Primary school: plus or minus. 2001. - No. 11. - P. 36^16.

71. Buneeva, E.V. Monitoring the level of training in the Russian language of fourth grade students (1^4) / L.V. Bolotnik, E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2002. - No. 9. - P. 49-55.

72. Buneeva, E.V. Electronic supplement to textbooks “Russian language” (grades 2, 3, 4) / E.V. Buneeva. M.: Balass, 2003.

73. Buneeva, E.V. Features of the continuous Russian language course for grades 1-9 in the Educational System “School 2100” / L.Yu. Komissarova, E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2004. - No. 8. -S. 36-46.

74. Buneeva, E.V. Control system in Russian language and literary reading courses / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2007. -No. 10.-S. 6-11.

75. Buneeva, E.V. Conceptual foundations of the educational system “School 2100 and a systematic approach to training students of future teachers / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 7-11.

76. Buneeva, E. V. Modern textbook of the Russian language for elementary school. Article 1. Main functions of the textbook. / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2009. - No. 2. - P. 60-65.

77. Buneeva, E.V. A modern Russian language textbook for elementary school. Article 2. Didactic and methodological requirements for the textbook and their implementation / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2009. -No. 3. - P. 65-70.

78. Buneeva, E.V. A modern Russian language textbook for elementary school. Article 3. Reflection in the textbook of the developing paradigm of education / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2009. - No. 4. -S. 47-50.

79. Buneeva, E.V. The problem of creating new generation textbooks for pedagogical universities: directions of work and results of discussion / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2009. - No. 5. - P. 3-6.

80. Buneeva, E.V. Towards the definition of the concept of “functional literate linguistic personality of a junior schoolchild” / E.V. Buneeva // Primary school plus Before and After. 2009. - No. 7. - P. 65-70.

81. Buneev, R.N. Educational system of a new generation. Theoretical aspect: monograph / R.N. Buneev. M.: Balass, 2008. -128 p.

82. Buslaev, F.I. About teaching the national language / F.I. Buslaev. -M. : Uchpedgiz, 1941.-248 p.

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Report on the topic “Assimilation strategies used in the process of teaching and mastering a foreign language. Classifications of acquisition strategies

In the changed socio-political and economic conditions of the development of our country, significant changes are taking place in the domestic education system. The main goal of education today is not the transfer of knowledge and social experience of the teacher to the student, but the development of the student’s personality, able to independently navigate in a huge information field, able to find the right ways to find solutions to problems, able to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate your achievements.

The key goals of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard are directly related to the study of foreign languages. We live in a single global interconnected and interdependent world, when national boundaries are blurred, when flows of population, capital, and goods move freely in different directions. The goal of teaching a foreign language as an academic subject in the context of the new federal state standard of general education is formulated in the text of the fundamental core of the content of general education - one of the basic documents of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard. It consists in developing foreign language communicative competence in schoolchildren, that is, “the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers” in the totality of its components.

In the process of learning a language, general strategies and techniques (skills) are used, independent of the nature of the academic subject, and special ones that ensure mastery of the subject “Foreign language”.

The word "strategy" comes from the Greek " strategos ”, which originally meant “cunning” and was used in military terminology, where it meant “the highest branch of military art” and “psychological planning of military operations.” The modern dictionary of foreign words defines strategy as “the art of planning based on correct, far-reaching forecasts”

The generally accepted definition of strategy given in the monograph of Council of Europe experts “Common European Competencies in Foreign Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment” (Strasbourg, 2001), in which under strategy is understood those means that “the language user uses to mobilize and balance his resources, activate skills and abilities in order to cope with a specific communication situation and successfully solve a certain communicative task in the most complete and at the same time economical and accessible way in accordance with his goal».

In the methodological literature of recent years, the words “language teaching strategy”, “language acquisition strategy”, “language teaching strategy” and “language mastering strategy” are often found, the content of which really allows the teacher and learner to be more flexible in the application of modern approaches and methods in their work , it is easier and more effective to work in joint activities when teaching and learning a foreign language.

The word "teaching strategy" is used in relation to the teacher. It is understood methodologically as a general concept of learning, based on certain linguistic, psychological and didactic principles and defining the approach to learning.

Language teaching strategy is the art of guiding the process of mastering a foreign language, planning a training course based on studying student data and applying modern methods and methods aimed at achieving students’ skills and abilities to use a foreign language in accordance with the identified data and strategies for students’ language acquisition.

The teaching strategy allows the foreign language teacher to be more flexible in applying modern advances in teaching technology. It also helps the teacher more easily adjust his style of working with students, making it more suitable and consistent with the language acquisition style of each student. This is necessary for success when working on a communicative-individualized approach to teaching a foreign language.

If “learning strategy” is used in relation to the teacher, then “mastery strategy” is used in relation to the student. According to the “Dictionary of Methodological Terms” compiled by E.G. Azimov and A.N. Shchukin, acquisition strategies are defined as combinations of techniques and efforts used by students to understand, remember and use knowledge about the language system and speech skills and abilities. These are cognitive operations that are chosen by students from among those possible to solve a communicative task.

According to E.G. Azimov and A.N. Shchukin, about a hundred different strategies are currently proposed, which are divided into direct and indirect. Direct strategies (memory strategy, cognitive, compensatory) mean the ability to concentrate, plan one’s activities and evaluate results. Indirect strategies (metacognitive, emotional and social) either reduce anxiety, serve as a means of motivating learning, or reflect the desire to receive information, the ability to select educational material in accordance with one’s goals, the ability and desire to cooperate with the teacher and other students in the group, the ability and desire to ask questions, participate in educational discussions...

Classification of strategies.

The first research in this area belongs to J. Rubin, who singled out the term “learning strategies” and defined them as “methods or techniques that a student uses to acquire knowledge.”

J. O'Malley and his colleagues in their studies used the definition of strategies given by J. Rigney, according to whom, strategies are “actions or steps that contribute to the acquisition, storage, recovery and use of information.” It was they who came up with the idea to classify strategies, dividing them into 3 groups:

Metacognitive (knowledge about learning),

Cognitive (specific to each type of educational activity),

Social (interactive).

R. Oxford included 6 groups of teaching strategies in her classification, namely:

Memory strategies related to how students remember language material: connecting new material with what they already know - using new words in sentences - connecting the sound of a word with an image or picture - connecting a word with an imaginary situation - using rhymes to learn new words - using flashcards to learning new words – acting out new words – repeating lessons often – connecting words to locations on the page;

Cognitive strategies related to what students are learning: saying or writing new words several times - trying to speak a foreign language like foreigners - practicing pronouncing the sounds of a foreign language - using known words in different ways - engaging in conversation in a foreign language - watching TV shows or films in a foreign language - read entertaining literature - write summaries, notes in a foreign language - write down information concisely - skim and then read in detail - select words in my native language that are similar to words in a foreign language - try to detect structures or patterns - find the meanings of parts of complex words – I try not to translate word by word);

Compensatory strategies that help students compensate for insufficient linguistic knowledge: guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words - using gestures when I can’t find the word - inventing new words when I don’t find the right ones - reading without using a dictionary for each new word - trying to predict what the interlocutor will say - using synonyms;

Metacognitive strategies related to how students cope with learning: noticing mistakes, trying to correct them - paying attention to how the other person speaks - wondering how to learn a language - making a schedule to have enough time - looking for interlocutors to talk in a foreign language - researching opportunities to read in a foreign language - I have clear goals for improving my skills - I think about my successes;

Affective strategies related to students' feelings and emotions, used to relieve tension and encouragement: try to relax when I'm nervous - overcome fear and speak a foreign language - praise myself when I cope - notice when I'm nervous or shy - write down my feelings in a study journal – I discuss my feelings with others;

Social strategies that involve interaction with other individuals in the learning process: asking the interlocutor to slow down the pace of speech or repeat - asking to be corrected when I speak - communicating in a foreign language with other students - asking native speakers for help - asking questions in a foreign language – trying to develop an understanding of the culture of another country.

This classification of instructional strategies is the most complete and advanced to date, and it has been used by many researchers in this field.

There is another classification of strategies used in the process of learning and language acquisition, which includes the following groups of strategies (Mangus, 1999):

1) strategies for acquiring and storing information (mastery strategies): a) the lexical side of the language, b) the grammatical side of the language, c) the phonetic side of the language;

2) strategies for reproducing information in productive types of speech activity: strategies for overcoming difficulties in the speaking process

and in the process of writing;

3) strategies for reproducing information in receptive types of speech activity: a) strategies for identifying language units during listening, b) strategies for identifying language units when reading text.

The effectiveness of mastering a foreign language depends not only on the student’s strategy, but also on the learning strategy. The maximum effect will be obtained by harmonizing these strategies. .An important factor in achieving the goal is to increase the effectiveness of the teacher’s pedagogical influence on students, their communication in the classroom in conditions of complete socio-psychological compatibility.


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