Full dedication is a synonym. Recoil synonyms

Weapon movement of the gun in the direction opposite to the shot. The greater the initial speed, the mass of the projectile and charge, and the smaller the mass of the gun, the greater the recoil energy. In addition to energy, recoil is also characterized by impulse, which does not depend on mass... ... Wikipedia

RECOVERY, bestowal, female. 1. units only Action under Ch. give away (book). Bringing to trial. Rein giving back (weakening). 2. Return kick, throwing the ball back in the game (sports). 3. Moving backwards, pushing the gun, firearm after firing... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

RECOVERY, and, female. 1. see give away. 2. Same as efficiency factor (obsolete). 3. transfer Maximum efficiency of actions and labor. Works with full dedication. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Efficiency (see). Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

recoil- income profit - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms income profit EN return ... Technical Translator's Guide

recoil- 3.13 kickback: A special form of kick, expressed in the unexpected movement of the workpiece, its parts or parts of the machine against the direction of feed during processing. Note Batch processing is not used on these machines.… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

recoil- maximum return... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

recoil- rus recoil (w), reverse kick (m) eng kick back (crank handle) fra retour (m) de manivelle deu Kurbelrückschlag (m) spa rechazo (m), retroceso (m), retorno (m) de manivela ... Occupational safety and health. Translation into English, French, German, Spanish

recoil- atidavimas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Vyksmas, kurio metu tam tikro kūno paviršius jį supančiai terpei atiduoda drėgmę arba šilumą. atitikmenys: engl. output; transfer vok. Abgabe, f rus. recoil, f pranc. session... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

recoil- atatranka statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šaunamojo ginklo parako dujų slėgio jėgos poveikis ginklo (pistoleto, šautuvo, kulkosvaidžio, pabūklo) vamzdžio dugnui. Priklausomai nuo ginklo rūšies ir konstrukcijos atatranką sukelia: pabūklo arba… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas


  • Basics of modeling household economic behavior using the RLMS-HSE database. Lectures, Roshchina Yana Mikhailovna. A set of households represents a separate sector of the economy where income is collected, expenses and savings are made, taxes are paid, time and money are invested...
  • Factor four. Half the cost, double the return. New report to the Club of Rome, Weizsäcker E., Lovins E., Lovins L. How to reconcile a high quality of life and respect for natural resources? The next report to the Club of Rome (1995), the authors of which...

return | return | recovery | reverse | return | relapse | renewal | reversion | self-return | reversal | anaplasia | rollback | change. Ant. care | lesion

retribution | reward | compensation | retribution | replacement | punishment | revenge | vindictiveness | reward | encouragement | revenge | bribe | fee | retribution | retribution | calculation | salary | return | amortization (of debt) | satisfaction | difference | bribe | karma

delivery | giving | provision | return | dacha | transfer | submission | presentation | order. Ant. receiving

issue | provision | provision | deduction | vacation | book lending | extradition | release | recoil

exit | output | release | care | disappearance | liberation | mining | output size | quantity of products | appearance | parade | departure | loophole | flow | secession | loophole | parade alley | manhole | detection | return | griffin | gorzha | entre | outing | fumarole | nunatak | outcome | going out | the rescue

effectiveness | efficiency | effectiveness | performance | productivity | fruitfulness | return | reality | ineffectiveness | activity | determination | radicalism | strength | efficiency. Ant. inactivity | futility | inefficiency

Efficiency | efficiency | useful action | return | efficiency

power | capacity | ability | performance | load | production volume | return | bandwidth | strength | intensity | power | power | energy | significance | power | omnipotence | omnipotence | dozen | impressiveness | power | crushing | omnipotence | omnipotence | effervescence | massiveness. Ant. weakness | impotence

return | bounce | efficiency | useful action | efficiency | efficiency | performance | power | bandwidth | capacity | retribution | surrender | delivery | pushing | exit | issue | allotment | transfer | productivity | giving away | fruitfulness

transfer | transfer | moving | transfer | forwarding | broadcast | delivery | delivery | surrender | appropriation | vacation | deduction | concession | cession | transfer | message | drive | mover | show | presentation | radio broadcast | transmission | pederacha | sending | arrangement | retelling | pushing | assignment | passing | giving | infection | gearbox | re-pass | telepathy | recreation | pass | delegation | package | play | image | display | return | radio broadcast | outlining | transcription | plein air | transliteration | marathon | variator | expression | vernier | radio | mancipation | assignment | passing | diplex | fusion | homogamy | disintegration | disclosure | broadcast | presentation | interpretation | storytelling | fusion | TV broadcast | description | distribution | pictography | tranche | radiation | provision

fruitfulness | productivity | performance | efficiency | constructive | fertility | usefulness | efficiency | return | effectiveness | auspiciousness. Ant. unproductivity | unproductiveness

useful action | efficiency | return | efficiency | efficiency

productivity | performance | fruitfulness | efficiency | efficiency | fertility | usefulness | efficiency | return | practicality | bioproductivity. Ant. inefficiency | irrationality | uselessness

performance | productivity | efficiency | beneficial effect | fruitfulness | power | load | return | bandwidth | mode | efficiency | production. Ant. inefficiency

bandwidth | performance | power | return | capacity

giving away | donation | gift | return | distribution

surrender | trifle | transfer | capitulation | surplus | return | distribution | return | concession | decrease | delivery | weakening

pushing | pulling off | throwing off | knocking over | sale | giving | collision | shift | offset | return | rapprochement | fusion | overthrow | disintegration | taking off | dropping | broadcast

allotment | provision | return | selection | cutting out | giving

efficiency | useful action | return | efficiency | efficiency | performance | productivity | effectiveness | effectiveness | fruitfulness | reality | efficiency. Ant. inefficiency | unproductivity | unproductivity | inactivity | futility

RECOIL meaning

T.F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



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AND, and.

Action according to verb. give - give (in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 values).

Giving an order.

In moments of financial crisis, I freely draw from his wallet, and he is never in a hurry to repay the debt. Kuprin, Army Ensign.

(The prince) made an order to give him (the bartender) as a soldier. L Tolstoy, War and Peace.

2. Sport.

Return kick, throwing the ball back in the game.

A sharp backward movement of a firearm or weapon when fired.

And again (Dudnikov) starts shooting. You can only see how his right shoulder trembles from the recoil. Sholokhov-Sinyavsky, Volgins.

The ratio of the useful work of a mechanism to the energy it absorbs; efficiency.

5. trans.

A useful result of the work.

- Tell me, do you know what the normal tax return was in a peasant farm? - Approximately. A horse can plow half a hectare or walk fifty kilometers. Not more. Zhestev, The Story of a Love.

Ganna did not envy these successes (of the neighboring brigade), did not worry about defeats, because she knew that her brigade was working honestly, with full dedication. Diaghilev, The Eternal Tree.