Structured water. myth and truth

Maintaining the required water balance is the key to ensuring that pregnancy proceeds with the least complications. If the water balance in the expectant mother’s body is disturbed, this can negatively affect the child. To do this, it is necessary not only to regulate the amount of liquid, but also to structure the water for every day.

Description and purpose of structured water

During the structuring of water, its crystal lattice is strengthened. This is not only special water that is sold in pharmacies or supermarket departments. First of all, this is water that has previously undergone heat treatment. This water can also be prepared at home.

How to structure water at home?

  • To do this, drinking water is pre-frozen and settled before drinking. It is best to freeze the product in containers, since the plastic bottle may take on a different shape during thawing and then it will be extremely difficult to remove the water from it.
  • Another way to structure water is to treat it with silver at home. The process of consecration of water occurs in approximately the same way, which significantly extends the period of its preservation in its original form.

Benefits of structured water

  1. Water modified at the molecular level helps strengthen the immune system, which is extremely necessary for the expectant mother and her baby.
  2. It cleanses not only the epidermis of the skin, but also removes toxins from the body.
  3. Also, the beneficial properties of structured water are noticeable in tightening the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.
  4. If you often drink only structured water, you can significantly reduce the risk of ruptures during childbirth.
  5. The normalized water balance directly affects the amount of milk, as well as the mother’s weight.

How to make structured water?

Devices for water structuring

The problems of drinking water have not yet been studied in detail. Of course, when passing through public filters and entering the taps, it not only does not have any beneficial properties, but it may also have metal oxides, heavy metals in the sediment, and salts. All these substances significantly reduce the body’s protective functions, so drinking such water is extremely undesirable and sometimes even dangerous.

In the rhythm of modern life, it is very difficult to regularly defrost and then thaw ice. Therefore, you can find special vitalizer units on sale that literally saturate water with life. They are practical to use and are practically not limited by the final volume of water received. Structured water does not contain germs and bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of disease, especially for a young mother or small child.

If you obtain structured water at home, its beneficial properties will persist for about 2 days at an ambient temperature of no higher than 20 degrees and a normal level of humidity. But structured water from a special device does not lose its stable molecular structure and usefulness for almost 2 weeks.

How to prepare structured water?

Scientists have proven that water can change its molecular structure depending on the influence of a person’s mood on it. It is either charged with positive or negative energy. If you mentally influence the water, you can also get a structured appearance of it, which is very useful during pregnancy and lactation. In terms of its molecular properties, structured water is identical to spring water, but boiled water differs in its second-order crystal lattice, and, of course, it also tastes different. Plus, some vitamins are removed during the boiling process. Although, it’s up to you to choose which water to use.

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of water. They used it to treat many diseases, improve the general physical condition of the body, and also as a source of eternal youth and beauty. Living water brings us a harmonious state of body and spirit, restores all life-giving functions. However, finding a source with crystal clear water today is almost impossible, especially in urban living conditions. That is why scientists became interested in such a concept as structured water.

Structured water differs from ordinary tap or boiled water in that it contains only useful and energy-rich elements. The preparation of structured water is carried out from melt water, as well as using special plates that give a positive charge. In a similar way, it is cleaned of environmentally harmful and radiation substances. The molecular structure of water is modified due to the influence of various factors on it, be it negative speech or the rays of the sun. It has been scientifically proven that water has its own memory of substances with which it previously interacted. For example, if water is mixed with any chemical reagent, and then the reagent is completely removed from the solution, we will get pure water, but with a changed internal structure. Water, filled with information about a given substance, will continue to convey its characteristics.

Homemade structuring methods

Structured water can be obtained at home without much effort. There are several effective methods by which you can make healing structured water.

The easiest way to obtain structured water at home is to freeze it. When the crystal lattice is built and then destroyed, water is freed from man-made characteristics and becomes more natural. The preparation of a life-giving source has three stages. At the first stage, when the water freezes just a little, it is necessary to remove its top thin layer of ice, since it contains excess impurities. Then again keep the water in
freezer and wait until it is completely frozen. The water will have two layers: one is transparent, the second is cloudy white. It is also necessary to get rid of the second layer, since these are remnants of the same harmful substances. You can carefully separate clear ice from white ice
or hold frozen water under boiling water and “wash off” the white sediment. The resulting transparent ice is structured water.

At home, it is also recommended to expose ordinary water to the sun’s rays so that it absorbs positive energy. You can also influence water with external stimuli, for example, turning on pleasant music or reading your favorite funny works out loud.

Many videos and documentaries have been made about the life activity of structured water. The most famous of them bears the same name “Water” and contains a study of the chemical reaction of water to various external factors. For example, during Hitler’s speech, water molecules acquired a dark color, and when Mozart’s music was played, they became light yellow. This film is more of an amateur research than a scientific one, however, some scientific evidence of the memory of water is also present here. Various photos containing images of modified water molecules can be found on the Internet.

Another effective method is based on the use of FSC plates, which have received quality certificates and positive reviews in recent years. Due to weak longitudinal magnetic waves emanating from the corrector, the water is cleared of excess and acquires a useful structure. The benefits of FSC are noticeable in all areas of life.

What is a functional state corrector?

FSC was invented by S.V. Koltsov. He is the director of scientific research and one of the founders of Center Region. He is responsible for many developments in the field of automation and control. He participated in the launch of Zenit and Buran missiles. In the nineties, S.V. Koltsov and his associates created the first plates, which were supposed to compensate for the emerging disturbances in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, affecting the living conditions of a biological object. For many years, information has been collected about aqueous solutions, natural forms and images, stones, and minerals. In the development of FSC, it was possible to combine many energy forms with the condition that they complement each other.

Thus, a completely new and unique product was created that is capable of affecting the human body at the molecular-cellular level without harm. FSC has several main types, each of which is aimed at eliminating specific foci of the disease. Today there are four series of FSCs: blue, green, lilac and gold. Each series contains eight correctors that can harmonize a person’s internal psychophysical state by transforming external electromagnetic radiation, making it beneficial to health.

Operating principles of FSC

When working with correctors at home, maximum benefits are achieved for the human body. It is reflected in many factors:

It is recommended to pump the skeletal system using two plates. The first FSC is placed under the left leg, and the second is taken in the right hand for 3-5 minutes. Next, change position
using the right leg and left arm respectively. The procedure should also be done within 3-5 minutes.

To pump the spine at home, you need to place one plate under the tailbone and hold the second one
on the cervical spine for several minutes.

Correctors can be used at home to equalize the energy of a specific organ. To do this, the corrector (we select the necessary one based on the direction of its action) must be applied directly to the projection of this organ. You can wear it for up to several hours. To enhance the effect, you need to drink water structured with this corrector.

If you put the corrector in your pocket and just walk around with it all day, while going about your business, then you can be sure that the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation will not have a destructive effect on you. During the day, the corrector needs to be transferred to different pockets

In order to enhance efficiency and reduce exposure time, 3 correctors assembled into a portal (pyramid) are used to pump up energy centers. At the same time, 7 well-known chakras are activated, as well as additional chakras located in the area of ​​the shoulder joints, just above the armpit fold.

A separate point should be noted that any aqueous medium placed on the corrector is structured, including food and food products, since any food, be it an apple or a cookie, contains molecular water.

You can structure water with correctors by placing a container of water on the corrector or in its immediate vicinity. The efficiency of structuring will be significantly higher if a liquid flow (water in a pipe or hose) moves past the corrector. You can also stir the water.

Structured water is the key to excellent health, longevity and beauty. With the help of unique correctors of a person’s functional state, water acquires all the properties it needs, is cleansed of industrial and man-made information pollution, and becomes truly healing. It regenerates the cellular balance in the body and washes away all foci of infection. FSC is a huge benefit to the body. It not only helps you get structured water at home, but also gets rid of many diseases.

Japanese, French and Russian scientists have proven that water stores positive and negative information

In picture 1: this is what crystals of “living”, structured water look like
In picture 2: so - “dead”, unstructured water

H2O has a good memory

The latest research by French, Russian and Japanese scientists has shown that the water molecule is a universal receiver, storer and transmitter of information - like a biological computer, capable of both receiving signals from objects in the surrounding world and returning them. And there is a completely materialistic explanation for this.

Water is a complex system of cells (clusters) that are interconnected by electromagnetic communication. Under the influence of various factors - the psycho-emotional influence of a person, contact with minerals - this structure is capable of transforming, taking on various forms. This phenomenon has been called "water memory".

Water on some distant island, inaccessible to humans, or in the taiga hinterland stores information about pure virgin nature. Water damaged by human activity carries “poisoned” information. No amount of repeated filtering can make it truly “alive”; this can only be done by fields that are capable of restoring its structure.

She also “hears” and “transmits”

The phenomenon of structured water creates a scientific basis for explaining phenomena such as telepathy and clairvoyance. The human brain is more than 90% water and therefore is a sensitive receiver of electromagnetic waves propagating in the biosphere. This also explains the phenomenon when, for example, a mother and son or a sister and brother subtly feel each other’s state, being at a distance of several thousand kilometers.

However, not only the brain, but the entire human body is a complex system of specially structured water molecules - they are in the cells and intercellular space of organs.

The functioning and self-renewal of this system directly depends on the quality of the water we drink. This means that all our diseases are the result of unstructured, “dead” water entering our organs.

Structured water - Effect on the body

Water is the main substance on our planet, therefore, without it, the existence of any form of life is impossible. Almost 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. By coincidence or by the will of the Almighty, the human body also consists of almost 70% water, and the salinity of the extracellular fluid approximately corresponds to the salt content in sea water.

Brain 85% water, heart 75%, lungs 86%, muscles 75%, blood 83%, kidneys 83%, liver 96%. The human body contains an average of 4.555 liters of water! Water is the main supplier of energy for all body functions.

Water generates hydroelectric energy in the membranes of all cells, including those that transmit nerve impulses. In addition, thanks to its hydrolytic properties, it breaks down all nutrients into primary components that the body can absorb and use, for example: proteins into amino acids, starch into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids. Water transfers its energy to these components, which feeds the body. Among other things, water acts as a glue that binds cell membranes together.

All this indicates its primary role in energy metabolism and the implementation of physiological functions of the body. Clinical and scientific research shows that the human body has many different ways of communicating its need for water. Depending on which area and to what extent it needs water, the body can signal this with acute pain or launch special programs to combat dehydration such as asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune, slow-onset viral and other diseases .

Today, the results of many studies show that the consumption of Structured water has a powerful preventive anti-cancer effect.

The role of Structured water in the human body:

Promotes the delivery of oxygen to cells;

Transports nutrients;

Provides cell hydration;

Serves as a shock absorber for bones and joints;

Protects bones and organs from impacts;

Regulates body temperature;

Removes waste from the body;

Flushes out toxins;

Prevents cell adhesion (sticking together);

Serves as a lubricant for joints;

Improves cellular communication;

Maintains normal electrical properties of cells;

Accelerates natural regeneration processes in the body.

Dr. Batmanghelidj, the founder of a clinic in London where he treats with water, blames many modern diseases on insufficient saturation of the body with water.

Water and salt follow immediately after oxygen on the list of the most important substances for life. Adequate water intake can slow down or reverse the progression of many health problems such as allergies, asthma, hypertension, high cholesterol, premature aging, Alzheimer's disease, back pain, migraines, obesity and depression.

A physician by training, Dr. Batmanghelidj reminds us that one of the first treatments given to patients after hospitalization is intravenous saline. Doctors are well aware that the second (after lack of oxygen) cause of death is dehydration. Moderate dehydration is not enough to take a life; it is both the result and the hidden cause of many diseases. The basis of good health is sufficient saturation of the body with water.

Problems associated with a lack of water in the body:

* Degenerative diseases of the spine and joints.
In a car engine, oil protects parts from friction. In the human body, water helps maintain cartilage density and joint mobility. When dehydrated, cartilage becomes thinner, ceases to function as shock absorbers, and bones begin to rub against each other, causing arthritic pain.

* Edema, hypertension: When there is too little water to reach all cells, they begin to draw in extracellular water. This is the first stage of dehydration. This is the reason for the appearance of edema, since the brain gives the body a command to increase the concentration of salt in order to retain as much water as possible. As the water level drops further, the body increases osmotic pressure to increase the flow of water into the cells. This may cause hypertension.

* Asthma, allergies: The neurotransmitter histamine regulates the thirst mechanism and controls water intake. In a state of dehydration, the body increases histamine production. This leads to swelling of the tissues, including the alveoli. As a result, the pathways through which oxygen enters are narrowed, and shortness of breath characteristic of asthma occurs. Allergies and asthma cause the body to release histamine as part of the immune response. Dehydration causes dry mucous membranes in the nose and eyes, but histamine and its related chemicals increase the flow of water to these organs. Today, there are more than 25 different antihistamines available to treat asthma and allergies. But water and salt are two very strong natural antihistamines. During an asthma or allergy attack, it is recommended to drink 34 glasses of water and then put a few grains of salt on the tongue. As a preventative measure, asthmatics and allergy sufferers should drink the recommended amount of water daily to avoid excessive histamine release.

* Cancer: Inadequate water intake increases the risk of developing cancers in the bowel, breast and urinary tract, particularly kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers. Full saturation of the body with water activates the circulatory system, which delivers a large number of immune system cells to cancerous tissues. Research shows that cancer victims drink very little fluid.

According to medical research, women who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day reduce the risk of developing kidney and bladder cancer by 45%. In men, the risk of prostate and testicular cancer is reduced by 32%. Water flushes out toxins before they can cause harm or be reabsorbed. Research shows that women who drank plenty of water had a 79% reduced risk of developing breast cancer.

* There is a theory that cells are immortal, and only the fluid inside and outside these cells degenerates over time. According to this theory, replenishing cells with enough structured water is the simplest and most brilliant way to slow down the aging process.

* The stooped posture of old people, their dry, wrinkled skin and brittle bones all indicate a state of dehydration. “We don’t grow old, we dry up,” says Eastern wisdom. Dehydration does not happen overnight. This is a chronic condition that develops over years until your thirst begins to manifest itself in pain. Water is the most important component of your body.

Benefits of using structured water for humans

For patients with gastric diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, high acidity, dyspepsia, etc.: structured water helps improve the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, improves digestion.
In diabetes mellitus: insulin secreted by the pancreas breaks down glucose in the blood, which helps release energy. When drinking structured water, the metabolism of pancreatic cells is normalized.

For cardiovascular diseases: Most heart diseases occur due to the accumulation of fat in the venous arteries, which prevents the free flow of blood. When drinking structured water, fat deposits are broken down and removed from the body. As a result, the supply to the heart improves and the functioning of the heart muscles is normalized.

In case of hypertension: in most patients, the main cause of the disease is increased absorption of fat, cholesterol plaques accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, and the lumen in the vessels narrows. With regular consumption of structured water, the blood is cleansed of acidic substances, as a result of which pressure decreases and blood vessels soften.

Cosmetic effect: elimination of skin dullness, wrinkles, rough skin, dryness, age spots, skin inflammation, etc.

Producing pure H2O at home

In nature, such water is formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. Where can you get it in a city?

It is useless to look on the shelves of super-duper markets - they don’t sell “melt water” yet. But you can do it yourself. It won't even take long.
You will need plastic containers of any shape.
The best option is food containers. Choose the volume based on the size of your freezer and the number of family members you want to feed. The calculation is this: one person needs three glasses of melt water per day. This means you need to freeze twice as much - six glasses.

Filter regular tap water with a simple carbon filter. With this filtration, large impurities are removed from it: rust particles from pipes and sand. Then pour it into containers (1) and freeze in the freezer at minus 18 degrees. After about 8-10 hours, remove the containers from the freezer and run hot tap water (2) over the bottom of the containers to make it easier to remove the ice.

There should be liquid inside the frozen water under a thin crust of ice. This crust must be pierced (3) and the liquid contents poured out - these are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice will be transparent and clean as a tear. From it you will get the purest structured H2O.

Ice should be placed in a ceramic, glass or enamel container and allowed to melt at room temperature. That's it, you can drink. If the water in the container freezes completely, the ice will be transparent only at the edges, and in the middle it will be cloudy, sometimes even yellowish. This dregs must be melted under a strong stream of hot water so that not a single island of dregs remains (4). Only after this can the transparent ice block be melted and melt water obtained. I recommend that anyone who undertakes the production of clean water at home should first determine experimentally what volume of container and at what temperature to freeze in order to achieve what is needed: a liquid center and ice at the edges.

After all, the operation of the refrigerator compartment depends on many factors, even on the external temperature: in the summer, the refrigerator is a little warmer. This is how you can provide yourself and your family with the purest structured drinking water. You will spend very little time, and these costs will be more than compensated by saving money on bottled water, reduced sleep time, absence of illnesses, and simply good health and mood!

The role of structured water

The best water to drink is spring water from living natural sources.
However, access to clean spring water is available to a fairly limited percentage of the world's population due to the fact that the bulk of it lives in cities and other settlements that use water supply and an extensive sewage system. As a result, water, circulating in a closed cycle and going through various stages of purification, again enters the water supply.
As you understand, this does not go unnoticed for her, despite the fact that the chemical composition complies with all accepted standards and norms.

But the structure turns out to be almost completely destroyed. But it is the structure of water that plays a key role in its absorption into our body and the performance of the functions assigned to it to ensure the vital activity of cellular structures.

The influence of structured water

Microelectronics and chemical industry: high-purity active components provide an increase in yield useful in microelectronics and highly effective chemical compounds (modified polymers, nanocompositions, fire-resistant coatings, etc.)

Medicine: Regular consumption of structured water improves the functioning of cell membranes and slows down the aging process, increases immunity, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, increases vitality, enhances the absorption of medications and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Agronomy: When irrigating seedlings with structured water, there is an increase in plant height and leaf surface, the number of flower clusters, flowers and fruits, accelerated fruiting, increased yield, increased survival rate and frost resistance, and a decrease in the content of nitrates and heavy metals in fruits.

Livestock: the use of structured water when raising broiler birds and piglets leads to a decrease in mortality and an increase in average weight without the use of antibiotics, vitamins and growth stimulants, which makes it possible to grow an environmentally friendly product with savings from the non-use of various additives.

Composition of structured water

In natural water - ocean, river, spring, approximately 5% of water molecules are connected by hydrogen bonds into an associative structure, the remaining 95% of the molecules are not connected by any hydrogen bonds and are located randomly.

Structured water consists of six water molecules connected to each other using a common hydrogen bond. This creates a hexagonal liquid crystal that is much smaller than in unstructured water. Such connections occur naturally in the spring in melt water, and this is how snowflakes are connected to each other.

Methods of obtaining

  • Using a track membrane filter
  • Through water hammer and the resulting cavitation phenomena, ultrasonic vibrations and microvortices.
  • Method of freezing and thawing filtered water (melt water)
  • By exposure to magnetic or electric fields

Water is structured, i.e. acquires a special regular structure under the influence of many structuring factors, for example, during the freezing-thawing of water (it is believed that ice clusters are preserved in such water), exposure to a constant magnetic or electromagnetic field, polarization of water molecules, etc.
Factors leading to changes in the structure and properties of water include various radiations and fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational and, possibly, a number of others not yet known, in particular those associated with human bioenergetic influence), mechanical influences (mixing of varying intensity , shaking, flow in various modes, etc.), as well as their various combinations. Such structured water becomes active and carries new properties.

Application areas of structured water

  • Microelectronics and chemical industry - high-purity active components provide increased yield in microelectronics and highly effective chemical compounds (modified polymers, nanocompositions, fire-resistant coatings, etc.)
  • Bakery industry - reduction of fermentation time by 30-60% while increasing dough yield to 12%, antibacterial properties of bread, its porosity and dimensional stability.
  • Crop production - increasing productivity, increasing survival rate and frost resistance, reducing the ripening time of crops with a reduced content of nitrates and heavy metals
  • Animal husbandry, poultry farming, fur farming, fish farming - increasing survival rate and weight gain, obtaining environmentally friendly products
  • Construction - concrete mixed with structured water becomes stronger
  • Swimming pools, decorative ponds and aquariums - cleaning and preventing water from blooming
  • Consumers of high-quality water for domestic use (SPA pools, medical centers, beauty salons, fitness centers - increasing immunity, cleansing the body, restoring the functioning of various body functions, increasing efficiency
  • Points for the preparation of high-quality drinking water - hospitals, sanatoriums, hotels, workshops of enterprises, etc.).
  • Wine industry - structured wine matures much faster, reaching ripeness within three and a half months and at the same time becoming much softer and balanced, and also significantly benefits in taste.
  • Dairy production - in tests of milk from cows that drank structured water, E. coli was no longer detected
  • Fuel - Yuri Ivanovich Krasnov and Evgeniy Guryevich Antonov from NPO im. Lavochkina (Khimki) have developed a method for producing hydrogen fuel based on diesel fuel and structured water
Strategy for carrying out work to study the properties of structured water and further commercialization

Research work No. 1.
Preparation of structured water using
Autorotary fluid converter (ARLC)

Stage 1

Assemble, launch and achieve stable operation of a structured water preparation system using ARWP. Purchase consumables: gaskets, tangit sealing thread, hoses, taps, fasteners, etc. Purchase drain and fill containers for servicing the pump.

Work out the modes of obtaining structured water from tap and distilled bases. Determination of the level of contamination of structured water using the ARPR method using analytical methods and instruments from third-party organizations. Development of methods for measuring the degree of structure of water and the lifetime of water structure using instruments from third-party organizations.

Make a list of all the leading organizations in the Moscow region involved in measuring the properties of water, call them, coordinate their capabilities and prices with our tasks and bring them samples of our structured and unstructured water for analysis.

Purchase or develop instruments for quickly determining the level of water contamination, the degree of water structure and the lifetime of water structure. Install the indicated devices into the structured water preparation system using ARPG.

Stage 2

Identification of promising areas of application of structured water from tap base.

Study of the influence of structured water obtained from a tap base on the properties of composite materials and household solutions produced using tap water.

Make a list of the most promising products (aqueous solutions for cleaning surfaces, for disinfecting surfaces, for preparing construction and medical mixtures (gypsum)) and the companies producing them, preferably in the Moscow region.

Organize the transfer of structured water to potential consumers, research on the manufactured product, identification of the effect, patenting and opening of new small industries or applied research.

Stage 3

Identification of promising areas of application of structured water from a distilled base.

Study of the influence of structured water obtained from a distilled base on the properties of basic aqueous chemical solutions of acids, alkalis and salts used in chemical laboratories. It is advisable to conduct an initial test of the effectiveness of reagents based on structured water at the Department of General Chemistry or other departments of MIET that use aqueous chemical reagents.

Make a list of the most promising products (main aqueous chemical reagents) and the companies producing them, preferably in the Moscow region.

Organize the transfer of structured water to potential consumers,
research on a manufactured product, identifying the effect, patenting and opening new small-scale industries (LLC) or applied research.

Study of the influence of structured water obtained from a distilled base on the properties of medical drugs, since implementation in medicine requires long and expensive clinical studies. Here we need to act in tandem with medical institutions, for example, in Zelenograd there is a powerful Biopharm enterprise.

Stage 4

Comparison of the ARPG method and the method based on ultrasonic generators (USG) in terms of the degree of structure, lifetime and level of water pollution.
Determination of optimal containers for storing structured water of various levels of contamination.
Determination of the capabilities of the ARP method and the USG-based method for obtaining structured deionized water.

Explanatory note

Federal Targeted Program Block: Technology Development.

Priority direction: Nanosystems and materials industry.

Program event: Implementation of complex projects, including the development of competitive technologies intended for subsequent commercialization in the field of nanosystems and materials industry.

Critical technology: Nanotechnology.

Topic title: Development and implementation of a highly effective method for obtaining ultra-pure chemical reagents for processing silicon wafers in the process of producing electronic components at the nanometer level of technology.

Purpose of the work: The purpose of the project is to research and develop the optimal technology for producing structured water with testing of a prototype in the process of producing electronic component base of nanometer-level technology, pharmaceutical, construction and other industries.

Information about the initiator of the proposal by topic

Name: JSC Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Center

Legal address: 124498, Moscow, Zelenograd, proezd 4806, 5, building 23.
Contact phone: +7 916 381 4526
Contact email: [email protected]

The project is based on the possibility of achieving the set goal based on the use of the design of an autorotary liquid converter (ARLC)
– RF patent No. 2399433.
In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are defined:
- substantiation of design decisions of ARZh;
- development of optimal technology for manufacturing ARPG;
- creation of a range of ARPZ designs that provide effective nanoactivation of aqueous solutions at flow rates up to 200 l/min and a frequency range of hydroacoustic vibrations up to 5000 Hz;
- determination of the effectiveness of gyroacoustic cavitation of aqueous solutions, including by indicating the intensity of cavitation sonoluminescence in the ultraviolet and visible radiation spectra;
- justification of design and technological solutions for a pilot plant for nanoactivation of water;
- production of a pilot plant with subsequent testing in production conditions;
- determination of directions for commercialization of the technology being created.
Laboratory and experimental research will be carried out on the basis
Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center is one of the leading technological enterprises in the field of nanotechnology. Pilot tests of equipment and technology are planned to be carried out on the basis of OJSC Angstrem, NIIME Mikron, Steag Hamatech AG (Germany).

The proposed development is based on fundamentally new design and technological solutions for rotary-pulse cavitation emitters of acoustic vibrations using an automated control system for the intensity of the cavitation process.
The purpose of the scientific and technical product is:
ensuring the technical ability to exclude chlorine-containing
reagents in technological processes of water disinfection.
reduction of material costs for the manufacture of technological equipment for cavitation water treatment (absence of an electric motor for a mechanical drive, bearing and sealing units of the rotor).
increasing the efficiency of cavitation water treatment by using a progressive design of a hydroacoustic vibration emitter with automation of monitoring and control of the characteristics of the cavitation process.
ensuring the competitiveness of the developed products in the market of equipment for water disinfection and activation.

3.1. The main technical parameters that determine the quantitative, qualitative and cost characteristics of products (in comparison with existing analogues, including world ones).
The proposed technology is implemented using technological equipment, including a pump, a hydroacoustic vibration generator (HAVG), and a container with the liquid being processed.
Predicted technical parameters of the water preparation process and properties of the final product:
- productivity of obtaining activated water - not less than 30 l/min;
- pressure amplitude of hydroacoustic vibrations – 0.08 – 0.6 MPa;
- frequency of hydroacoustic vibrations – 0.8 – 5.0 kHz;
- increasing the strength of the final product by 40% (or saving cement up to 20% while maintaining the strength characteristics of concrete).
The closest domestic analogue of cavitation treatment of aqueous media is devices of the RPA type (rotary pulsation devices). Disadvantages
these devices are:
- insufficient efficiency of cavitation processes due to the limitation of the pressure amplitude of hydroacoustic vibrations to 0.06 MPa (leads to the need for repeated cyclic treatment of the liquid and, as a consequence, to an increase in the technological process cycle);
- increased energy intensity - from 5 to 25 kW (the predicted power of the proposed equipment is up to 2.2 kW);
- the cost of the RPA is at least 100 thousand rubles (the projected cost of the proposed equipment will be 30-50 thousand rubles).
The search for imported analogues on the Internet and thematic publications at the stage of patenting ARPC did not produce results.
3.2. Certification requirements.
At the stage of serial production, technological equipment must be certified for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications.
3.3. Requirements for patent protection (availability of patents), significant distinctive features of the created product (technology) from existing ones, ensuring the expected effect.
The proposed technology is implemented based on the design of an auto-rotary liquid converter (ARLC), protected by RF patent No. 2399433.
In the process of developing the technology, it is predicted that patents will be obtained for the device and method for processing liquid media.

A significant advantage of the ARPZh design compared to existing analogues is the absence of a mechanical rotor drive, which:
- significantly simplifies the design;
- provides the ability to expand the frequency range of hydroacoustic vibrations due to autorotation;
- expands technological possibilities of use.
3.4. Design requirements (including technological requirements, requirements for reliability, operation, maintenance, repair, storage, packaging, labeling and transportation).
The design requirements for the equipment are determined mainly by the design requirements for the rotary liquid converter (ARLC):
- the geometric dimensions and joints of the ARPG with the water supply main must be unified, while the required flow-frequency characteristics of the ARPG are determined only by the number and relative position of the through grooves in the rotor-stator pair and the performance of the pump used;
- the materials used for the rotor-stator pair must satisfy the conditions for implementing the Garkunov wearlessness effect;
- in general, the design of the equipment must satisfy the principles of modular construction;
- MTBF must be at least 1000 hours.
The requirements for maintenance, repair, storage, packaging, labeling and transportation in this project are determined by the requirements for the electrical equipment used (pump). Electrical installation and commissioning work, equipment operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations (Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6) and the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations (PTE and PTB).
Materials and components are used to manufacture equipment
produced in the Russian Federation.

The sales market for the products being developed is quite wide:
microelectronics and chemical industry - high-purity active components provide an increase in the yield of microelectronics and highly effective chemical compounds (modified polymers, nanocompositions, fire-resistant coatings, etc.);
wine industry - structured wine matures much faster, reaching a state of ripeness within three and a half months and at the same time becomes much softer and balanced, and also significantly benefits in taste;
consumers of high-quality water for domestic use (SPA pools, medical centers, beauty salons, fitness centers - increasing immunity, cleansing the body, restoring the functioning of various body functions, increasing efficiency;
points for the preparation of high-quality drinking water - hospitals, sanatoriums, hotels, workshops of enterprises, etc.).
fuel production - Yuri Ivanovich Krasnov and Evgeniy Guryevich
Antonov from NPO named after. Lavochkina (Khimki) have developed a method for producing hydrogen fuel based on diesel fuel and structured water.
The results of the work will provide the opportunity to further expand the sales market through the development and production of new cavitation units that differ both in performance (for swimming pools, water parks, residential buildings, etc.) and in areas of use (microelectronics and food industries, agriculture , livestock farming, agronomy, construction industry, perfume production

Well-known research projects in this area indicate that it takes at least three years to design and create a prototype of such a liquid conversion plant and carry out the corresponding analyzes.
Taking into account the scientific background available to the Applicant, this period can be reduced to two years.
During the specified period, a prototype installation of an autorotary liquid converter will be developed, laboratory and experimental studies will be carried out, and technical and organizational solutions will be proposed for the optimal technology for producing structured water.

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin


In natural water - ocean, river, spring, approximately 5% of water molecules are connected by hydrogen bonds into an associative structure, the remaining 95% of the molecules are not connected by any hydrogen bonds and are located randomly. Regular water and structured water, i.e. water having a certain structure also differs from each other in the content of salts, minerals and other impurities. Two waters that have the same elemental composition in terms of their effect on plants, birds, animals and the human body, i.e. on biological objects can have completely different effects. It all depends on the form of connection of molecules into a regular associative structure, in which properties appear that can have a positive effect on biological objects.

The term “structured water”, i.e. water with a regular structure was introduced relatively long ago and is associated with the cluster model of the structure of water.

Let's take a short excursion into chemistry. Water molecules have a very simple chemical/physical structure - the sides of the angle of two hydrogen atoms are at an angle of 104.7° with respect to the oxygen atom. A water molecule is a small dipole containing positive and negative charges at its poles. Since the mass and charge of the oxygen nucleus is greater than that of the hydrogen nuclei, the electron cloud is pulled towards the oxygen nucleus. In this case, the hydrogen nuclei are “exposed.” Thus, the electron cloud has a non-uniform density. There is a lack of electron density near the hydrogen nuclei, and on the opposite side of the molecule, near the oxygen nucleus, there is an excess of electron density. It is this structure that determines the polarity of the water molecule. If you connect the epicenters of positive and negative charges with straight lines you will get a three-dimensional geometric figure - a regular tetrahedron.

Rice. Structure of a water molecule: a) angular; b) ball; c) tetrahedral

Due to the presence of hydrogen bonds, each water molecule forms a hydrogen bond with 4 neighboring molecules, forming an openwork mesh frame in the ice molecule. However, in the liquid state, water is a disordered liquid; These hydrogen bonds are spontaneous, short-lived, quickly break and form again. All this leads to heterogeneity in the structure of water.

Rice. In an ice crystal (bottom), each water molecule forms a hydrogen bond with 4 neighboring molecules, forming an openwork network structure (top)

The fact that water is heterogeneous in composition was established long ago. It has long been known that ice floats on the surface of water, that is, the density of crystalline ice is less than the density of liquid. For almost all other substances, the crystal is denser than the liquid phase. In addition, even after melting, as the temperature increases, the density of water continues to increase and reaches a maximum at 4°C. Less well known is the anomaly of water compressibility: when heated from the melting point up to 40°C, it decreases and then increases. The heat capacity of water also depends nonmonotonically on temperature. In addition, at temperatures below 30°C, with an increase in pressure from atmospheric to 0.2 GPa, the viscosity of water decreases, and the self-diffusion coefficient, a parameter that determines the speed of movement of water molecules relative to each other, increases. For other liquids the relationship is the opposite, and almost nowhere does it happen that some important parameter does not behave monotonously, i.e. first increased, and after passing a critical value of temperature or pressure decreased. An assumption arose that in fact water is not a single liquid, but a mixture of two components that differ in properties, for example, density and viscosity, and therefore structure. Such ideas began to arise at the end of the 19th century, when a lot of data on water anomalies accumulated.

Whiting was the first to propose the idea that water consists of two components in 1884. His authorship is quoted by E.F. Fritsman in the monograph “The Nature of Water. Heavy Water”, published in 1935. In 1891, W. Rengten introduced the concept of two states of water, which differ in density. After it, many works appeared in which water was considered as a mixture of associates of different compositions (“hydrols”).

There are a large number of different theories and models that explain the structure and properties of water. What they have in common is the idea of ​​hydrogen bonds as the main factor determining the formation of structured agglomerates. Water is a cooperative system; chain formations of hydrogen bonds exist in it. And any impact on water spreads in a relay race over thousands of interatomic distances. When explaining many experimental data, two-structure models are most often used, which assume the simultaneous presence of ice-like and close-packed structures in water.

When the structure of ice was determined in the 1920s, it turned out that water molecules in the crystalline state form a three-dimensional continuous network in which each molecule has four nearest neighbors located at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. In 1933, J. Bernal and P. Fowler suggested that a similar network exists in liquid water. Since water is denser than ice, they believed that the molecules in it are arranged not like in ice, that is, like silicon atoms in the mineral tridymite, but like silicon atoms in a denser modification of silica - quartz. The increase in water density when heated from 0 to 4°C was explained by the presence of the tridymite component at low temperatures. Thus, the Bernal-Fowler model retained the element of two-structure, but their main achievement was the idea of ​​​​a continuous tetrahedral network. Then the famous aphorism of I. Langmuir appeared: “The ocean is one big molecule.” Excessive specification of the model did not increase the number of supporters of the unified grid theory.

It was not until 1951 that J. Pople created a continuous grid model, which was not as specific as the Bernal-Fowler model. Pople imagined water as a random tetrahedral network, the bonds between the molecules in which are curved and have different lengths. Pople's model explains the compaction of water during melting by the bending of bonds. When the first determinations of the structure of ices II and IX appeared in the 60–70s, it became clear how bending of bonds could lead to compaction of the structure. Pople's model could not explain the non-monotonic dependence of water properties on temperature and pressure as well as two-state models. Therefore, the idea of ​​two states was shared by many scientists for a long time.

Rice. Continuous mesh model

In the second half of the 20th century, in addition to the “continuum” models (Pople’s model), two groups of “mixed” models arose: cluster and clathrate. In the first group, water appeared in the form of clusters of molecules connected by hydrogen bonds, which floated in a sea of ​​molecules not involved in such bonds. The second group of models treated water as a continuous network (usually called a framework in this context) of hydrogen bonds that contained voids; they contain molecules that do not form bonds with the molecules of the framework. It was not difficult to select the properties and concentrations of two microphases of cluster models or the properties of the framework and the degree of filling of its voids of clathrate models in order to explain all the properties of water, including the famous anomalies.

Among the cluster models, the most striking was the model of G. Némethy and H. Scheraghi: the pictures they proposed, depicting clusters of bound molecules floating in a sea of ​​unbound molecules, were included in many monographs.

The first model of the clathrate type was proposed in 1946 by O.Ya. Samoilov: in water, a network of hydrogen bonds similar to hexagonal ice is preserved, the cavities of which are partially filled with monomer molecules. L. Pauling in 1959 created another option, suggesting that the basis of the structure could be a network of bonds inherent in some crystalline hydrates.

During the second half of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s, a convergence of all these views was observed. Variants of cluster models appeared in which molecules in both microphases are connected by hydrogen bonds. Proponents of clathrate models began to admit the formation of hydrogen bonds between void and framework molecules. That is, in fact, the authors of these models consider water as a continuous network of hydrogen bonds. And we are talking about how heterogeneous this grid is (for example, in density). The idea of ​​water as hydrogen-bonded clusters floating in a sea of ​​unbonded water molecules was put to an end in the early eighties, when G. Stanley applied the percolation theory, which describes the phase transitions of water, to the water model. This is how a mixed cluster-fractal model of water appeared.

Rice. Modern clathrate-fractal model of water. The figure shows both individual cluster-associative structures of water molecules and individual water molecules not connected by hydrogen bonds.

In 1999, the famous Russian water researcher S.V. Zenin defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences on structured water, which was a significant step in the advancement of this area of ​​research, the complexity of which is enhanced by the fact that they are at the intersection of three sciences: physics, chemistry and biology. Based on data obtained by three physicochemical methods: refractometry (S.V. Zenin, B.V. Tyaglov, 1994), high-performance liquid chromatography (S.V. Zenin et al., 1998) and proton magnetic resonance (C S.V. Zenin, 1993) constructed and proved a geometric model of the main stable structural formation of water molecules (structured water), and then (S.V. Zenin, 2004) an image of these structures was obtained using a contrast-phase microscope.

Science has now proven that the peculiarities of the physical properties of water and numerous short-lived hydrogen bonds between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule create favorable opportunities for the formation of special associated structures (clusters) that perceive, store and transmit a wide variety of information.

Rice. Separate water cluster

The structural unit of such water is a cluster consisting of clathrates, the nature of which is determined by long-range Coulomb forces. The structure of the clusters encodes information about the interactions that took place with these water molecules. In water clusters, due to the interaction between covalent and hydrogen bonds between oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms, migration of a proton (H+) can occur via a relay mechanism, leading to delocalization of the proton within the cluster.

Rice. Association of five distinct clusters into a clathrate.

Water, consisting of many clusters of various types, forms a hierarchical spatial liquid crystal structure that can perceive and store huge amounts of information.

The figure shows diagrams of several simple cluster structures as an example.

Rice. More complex cluster associates

Some researchers believe that water differs from other liquids in that it is a two-phase system - a crystalline liquid with intense crystal formation processes, strong intermolecular bonds (hydrogen bridges) with the formation of agglomerates of hundreds of molecules and an infinite number of possible forms of the liquid crystalline phase in water, which is called a complex lattice structure. Such a lattice system has many different vibrations, like an antenna, and forms a large number of natural frequencies. This frequency spectrum is a physical copy of the geometric structure of water and undergoes characteristic changes during certain life processes.

Water is structured, i.e. acquires a special regular structure under the influence of many structuring factors, for example, during the freezing-thawing of water (it is believed that “ice” clusters are preserved in such water), exposure to a constant magnetic or electromagnetic field, polarization of water molecules, etc. Among the factors leading to changes in the structure and properties of water include various radiations and fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational and, possibly, a number of others not yet known, in particular those associated with the bioenergetic impact of humans), mechanical influences (mixing of varying intensity, shaking, flow in various modes, etc.), as well as their various combinations. Such structured water becomes active and carries new properties.

The most striking example of structured water is melt water. It can be easily obtained at home using the freeze-thaw method. It appears when the ice melts and maintains a temperature of 0 ° C until all the ice has melted. The specificity of intermolecular interactions characteristic of the structure of ice (see figure) is also preserved in melt water, since when an ice crystal melts, only 15% of all hydrogen bonds are destroyed. Therefore, the inherent connection of each water molecule with four neighboring ones (“short-range order”), inherent in ice, is not significantly disrupted, although a greater blurring of the oxygen framework lattice is observed.

Rice. In melt water, “short-range order” is preserved - the connection of each water molecule with four neighboring ones, inherent in the structure of ice, although greater blurring of the oxygen frame lattice is observed.

Thus, structured melt water differs from ordinary melt water in the abundance of multimolecular clusters, in which loose ice-like structures are preserved for some time. After all the ice melts, the water temperature rises and the hydrogen bonds inside the clusters no longer resist the increasing thermal vibrations of the atoms.

Rice. Loose, ice-like structures in meltwater.

Structured melt water has special internal dynamics and a special “biological effect”, which can persist for a long time (see e.g. V. Belyanin, E. Romanova, Life, the water molecule and the golden ratio, “Science and Life”, Number 10, 2004). Thus, the structure of water during a phase transition changes by 15-18%. Thus, the pH value varies from 6.2 to 7.3; electrical resistance decreases (the appearance of more electrons increases the electrical conductivity of water), the resistance of structured water is R 1 = 310 ohms, the resistance of original water is R 2 = 500 ohms (ΔR = 38%); the redox potential decreases (ORP1 of cold tap water = 387mV, ORP2 of structured water = 0.51mV).

Water is a source of ultra-weak and weak alternating electromagnetic radiation. The least chaotic electromagnetic radiation is created by structured water. In this case, the induction of a corresponding electromagnetic field can occur, changing the structural and information characteristics of biological objects with subsequent charge transfer along a chain of dipoles of water molecules.

Physical fields of very different nature can be carriers of information. Thus, the possibility of information interaction between the structure of water and objects of various natures using electromagnetic, acoustic and other fields has been established.

Another example is the structuring of water by a magnetic (electric) field. If a constant electromagnetic field is applied to a certain cubic volume of water, then in this case all the water molecules, which are small charged dipoles, will line up along the lines of force of the electromagnetic field, i.e. along the X axis. During the thermal movement of a dipole water molecule perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, along the Y axis (see vector V), a moment of forces F1, F2 (Lawrence force) will arise, trying to rotate the molecule in the horizontal plane. When a molecule moves in a horizontal plane, along the Z axis, a moment of force will arise in the vertical plane. But the poles of the magnet will always prevent the rotation of the molecule, and therefore slow down any movement of the molecule perpendicular to the magnetic field lines.

Thus, in a water molecule placed between the two poles of a magnet, only one degree of freedom remains - this is vibration along the X axis - the lines of force of the applied magnetic field. Along all other coordinates, the movement of water molecules will be slowed down. Thus, the water molecule becomes, as it were, “sandwiched” between the poles of the magnet, performing only oscillatory movements relative to the X axis. Moreover, a certain position of the dipoles of water molecules in the magnetic field along the field lines will be maintained, thereby making the water more structured and ordered. It is quite easy to obtain such water - just pass it through a constant magnetic field.

Rice. Behavior of water in a magnetic field

Another method of structuring water is treating water with an electric field. By definition, the phenomenon of electrochemical activation of water (ECAW) is a combination of electrochemical and electrophysical effects on water in the double electric layer (DEL) of an electrode (or anode or cathode) of an electrochemical system with nonequilibrium charge transfer through the DEL by electrons and under conditions of intense dispersion of the resulting gases in the liquid products of electrochemical reactions. As a result of passing a direct electric current through water, the entry of electrons into the water at the cathode, as well as the removal of electrons from the water at the anode, is accompanied by a series of electrochemical reactions on the surface of the cathode and anode. As a result, new substances are formed, the system of intermolecular interactions, the composition of water, including the structure of water as a solution, changes. Such water is obtained using a diaphragm flow electrochemical reactor (STEL), which includes a special membrane (diaphragm) that separates the water located at the cathode and the water located at the anode. The composition of the electrodes (anode and cathode) is such that they can only exchange electrons. But still, this method, unlike magnetizing water with a constant magnetic field, is associated with the destruction and decomposition of water. Therefore, as an example, we will limit ourselves to considering structured magnetized water.

Rice. Scheme of a diaphragm flow electrochemical reactor (STEL).

After exposure to a magnetic (electromagnetic) field, the water becomes more structured than ordinary water. It increases the rate of chemical reactions and crystallization of dissolved substances, intensifies adsorption processes, improves the coagulation of impurities and their precipitation. The effect of a magnetic field on water affects the behavior of the impurities contained in it, although the essence of these phenomena has not yet been precisely clarified. It is quite possible that the biological effect of structured water on the body is due to the fact that the channels (pumps) of tissue cell membranes pass molecules of structured water at an increased speed, due to the fact that the regular structure of water resembles the regular structure of the cell membrane itself - a highly structured organelle.

Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized structured water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys.

Structured water is no less successfully used in agriculture. For example, soaking beet seeds in magnetic water for five hours significantly increases the yield; Irrigation with magnetic water stimulates the growth and yield of soybeans, sunflowers, corn, and tomatoes. In some countries, magnetic water also serves medicine: it helps remove kidney stones, has a bactericidal effect, and concrete mixed with magnetized water gains increased strength and frost resistance. Thus, the effects of structured water are very numerous and their nature and scope of application are just beginning to be studied. Penetration into the essence of this phenomenon will open up not only practical possibilities, but also new properties of structured water.

However, the “memory” of magnetized structured water is not very long, or rather very short. It is believed that she remembers the impact of the field for less than a day, although this limit is greatly overestimated. Experiments have shown that areas with different structures - clusters - arise spontaneously in water and spontaneously immediately disintegrate. The entire structure of water is alive and constantly changing, and the time during which these changes occur is very short. The researchers monitored the movements of water molecules and found that they performed irregular oscillations with a frequency of about 0.5 ps and an amplitude of 1 angstrom. Rare slow jumps of angstroms that last for picoseconds were also observed. In general, in 30 ps a molecule can move 8-10 angstroms. The lifetime of a local cluster environment is also short. Regions composed of clusters can disintegrate in 0.5 ps, or they can live for several picoseconds. But the distribution of hydrogen bond lifetimes is very large. But this time does not exceed 40 ps, ​​and the average value is several ps.

In general terms, the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation in the optical and microwave ranges are not fundamentally different. It is believed that the effect is based on structural and functional changes in membrane formations of cells and intracellular organelles, which are targets of the electromagnetic field. As a result of this interaction, a physicochemical basis is created for changes in metabolic processes associated with the transfer of protons and electrons, and on this basis, consistent nonspecific reactions of the cell and the organism as a whole arise. Differences exist only in the biophysical subtleties of the interaction of electromagnetic fields and biological tissues.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that The theory of structured water itself has many pitfalls. For example, Zenin himself suggests that the main structural element of water is a cluster of 57 molecules formed by the fusion of four dodecahedrons. They have common faces, and their centers form a regular tetrahedron. It has long been known that water molecules can be located at the vertices of a pentagonal dodecahedron; such a dodecahedron is the basis of gas hydrates. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the assumption of the existence of such structures in water, although it has already been said that no specific structure can be predominant and exist for a long time. It is therefore strange that this element is assumed to be the main one and that it contains exactly 57 molecules. From balls, for example, you can assemble the same structures, which consist of dodecahedrons adjacent to each other and contain 200 molecules. Zenin claims that the process of three-dimensional polymerization of water stops at 57 molecules. In his opinion, there should not be larger associates. However, if this were so, hexagonal ice crystals, which contain a huge number of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds, could not precipitate from water vapor. It is completely unclear why the growth of the Zenin cluster stopped at 57 molecules. To avoid contradictions, Zenin packs clusters into more complex formations - rhombohedrons - of almost a thousand molecules, and the original clusters do not form hydrogen bonds with each other. Why? How are the molecules on their surface different from those inside? According to Zenin, the pattern of hydroxyl groups on the surface of rhombohedrons provides the memory of water. Consequently, the water molecules in these large complexes are rigidly fixed, and the complexes themselves are solids. Such water will not flow, and its melting point, which is related to molecular weight, should be very high.

What properties of water does Zenin's water model explain? Since the model is based on tetrahedral structures, it can be more or less consistent with X-ray and neutron diffraction data. However, it is unlikely that the model can explain the decrease in density during melting - the packing of dodecahedrons is less dense than ice. But the model that is most difficult to agree with is the dynamic properties - water fluidity, large diffusion coefficient, short correlation and dielectric relaxation times, which are measured in picoseconds. The last fact only indicates that the model of structured water is only one of the best models that describes the behavior and structural-functional properties of water, but is not yet ideal.

Water is a very complex and in many respects poorly understood system. This is explained by their dynamic structure, formed by chains of weak hydrogen bonds, as well as easily formed, disintegrating and transforming molecular associates into each other, and is subject to the influence of numerous factors that until recently were not considered at all by traditional science.
Currently, structured melt water is produced semi-industrially using a special installation for hydrodynamic activation of water "AKVAVIT" from ELTA LLC

The installation diagram is shown on the right.

Rice. External view of the installation for hydrodynamic water activation "AKVAVIT"

Structured water, activated and obtained from hydrodynamic devices produced by ELTA LLC, has an ice structure of more than 80% and therefore it has a positive effect on plants, on the organisms of birds, animals and humans. So, when watering vegetables with this water, the nitrate content in them becomes lower by 40-60%, the content of heavy metals decreases by 10-20%, the content of vitamin E and carotene increases, the yield increases by 50-80% or more. When birds were given this water to drink, there were 18-20% fewer dead birds on poultry farms; 3,300 birds were raised without the use of antibiotics, growth stimulants, or vitamins through water. The savings amounted to 1.5 rubles per bird. When using this water for watering piglets on pig farms, an increase in their survival rate by 22% was noted.

With long-term consumption of structured water by humans, it was found that water:

cleanses and restores the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain vessels, headaches go away;
- reduces blood sugar;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- eliminates joint pain;
- restores potency in men.
- cases of liver recovery after “fatty hepatosis”, a decrease in inflammatory processes in the body were recorded (ESR was 70, after a week of drinking water the ESR became 25, then the ESR decreased to 17).

According to the Medical Academy of Yekaterinburg, plain water, activated by devices from ELTA LLC, “normalizes deviations of the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and the formation of the immune system, water is close to the tissue fluid” of the human body. Structured water underwent clinical trials on patients at the 354th District Military Clinical Hospital of Yekaterinburg “... no side effects were noted when using water, the effectiveness for the complex treatment of many diseases is quite high, which allows us to recommend its widespread use in medical practice.”

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin