Myers Briggs psychological testing system. Descriptions of types according to Tiger (Myer-Briggs typology)

Myers-Briggs typology(MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), like socionics, arose on the basis of Jung’s typology in the early 40s of the last century and gained wide popularity in the USA and European countries. To a greater extent, the popularity of this typology was due to the relevance of the tasks in the field of its application, namely in the field of career guidance. What is noteworthy is that in our time, more than 70% of American schoolchildren, as Wikipedia says, are tested using the MBTI system to determine the direction of their future profession. In addition, the Myers-Briggs typology is used in the areas of self-knowledge and personal growth, solutions for household and family problems, at personal trainings and many other places...

This typology is named after its creators –Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs. Since the first version of the test was made public in 1942, the MBTI has gained popularity around the world that continues to this day. Thus, this questionnaire, which determines the personality type within the typology, has been translated into more than 30 languages ​​of the world (including Russian). Nowadays, research is being carried out within the framework of the interaction of types and a lot of information on these studies is published in the journal The Journal of Psychological Type . Also, every two years a specialized international conference is held in San Francisco.

In comparison with socionics, MBTI is based on only four scales of type characteristics:

  1. E/I(extraversion/introversion) – determines the direction of orientation of consciousness outwards towards objects or inwards towards the subject itself;
  2. S/iN(common sense/intuition) – determines the direction of a person’s orientation towards specific information or generalized information;
  3. T/F(thinking/feeling) – determines the way decisions are made based on rational weighing of alternatives or on an emotional basis;
  4. J/P(judgment/perception) – determines a person’s preference to plan and order or act without preparation and navigate the situation.

Thus, by combining those characteristics that are clearly expressed in a person, sixteen MBTI types are formed. Type is written using trait acronyms in the order above, such as INTJ. Each type, in addition to its abbreviation, has its own name, for example, this type called "strategist".

There is a generally accepted opinion in socionic circles that MBTI types fully correspond to the types in socionics, but this is not so. I personally believe that this typology represents a hacky version of socionics, which, like many other typologies, exists, but does not have clear methodological and logical justifications for existing. So, it is not clear why people are divided into some types and into others, which in socionics is clearly explained through the existence information aspects and ways of perceiving them.

However, if there is a need to conditionally convert the MBTI type into a socionic type, you must use the following rules:

  1. Extraversion (E)/introversion (I) in Myers-Briggs fully corresponds to socionic extraversion/introversion;
  2. Common sense (S)/intuition (N) corresponds to sensory/intuition;
  3. Thinking (T)/feeling (F) corresponds to logic/ethics;
  4. The last attribute judgment (J)/perception (P), when it comes to extroverts, corresponds to rationality/irrationality, and in the case of introverts - irrationality/rationality.

Thus, the ILE type is written as ENTP, and the OR type is written as INTJ. Most people believe that the attribute of judgment/perception corresponds to rationality/irrationality in both cases, but this is not the case, as has been repeatedly stated by famous socionicists. Such people make the main mistake in translating introverted types from MBTI to socionic ones, because by translating, for example, the INTJ type, they will not get the “Balzac” type, but the “Robespierre” type (if J is taken for rationality), which is a mistake. In the same way, many who take this test and receive an introverted sociotype often misinterpret the test result.

The last thing I would like to say is to warn you of the following: do not try to understand MBTI - it has no practical use in comparison with socionics, it has no functional model type, no relationships between types, no characteristics of types. Essentially, this is just an improved version of something like temperaments. So don't be fooled by beautiful stories her followers that it works. We all know that even for those who use a horoscope from women's magazines, everything relatively works in its own way. What's the point of that?

Hello, dear blog readers! Have you ever seen the expression: “Myers Briggs typology”? And this, by the way, is very interesting system descriptions of not only character different people, but also their forms of behavior, motivation, value system, as well as characteristics and needs. It is popular among managers and executives, as it helps to better understand employees and their capabilities in order to establish overall mutually beneficial and effective activities.

A little about the history of its origin

Arose thanks to working together Catharine Briggs and Isabella Myers-Briggs, mother and daughter. These are beautiful and smart women We took the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung as the basis for our typology; we talked about them in an article about. If you don’t remember, it’s best to re-read it for a better understanding of the entire system. So, now it is called MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), and indicators are taken into account even when applying for a job; the applicant must include his result in his resume.

And in Japan and others developed countries they call the type of affiliation almost during ordinary acquaintance, since no one needs to decipher it; knowledge about all types is almost the basic information that a person living in society and wishing to cooperate with other people should possess.

Basic Description

So, personality types according to the Myers Briggs questionnaire are also presented, like Jung’s, in 16 options, the difference is that these are combined in pairs, therefore in total 8 scales came out. To make it clearer, let's take a closer look at them:

1. S/N

Explains how a person navigates reality and various situations.

  • S – prefer to be in the present tense. Well, let’s say such a person will not care about the future, trying to get the most out of life, and right here and now. They don't like to theorize. When absolutely any situation or difficulty arises, they rely, first of all, on common sense.
  • N – complete opposite the previous type. Characteristic is the constant “running ahead”, that is, without having yet heard the story, he begins to put forward his own ideas and assumptions. Often he even tries to finish the interlocutor’s sentences. In a conversation, he likes to go from afar, even when answering a question, he starts with background and general provisions, theories, etc.

2. T/F

Characterizes exactly how a person is used to making decisions.

  • T – is guided by logic, having first carefully studied the issue and selected maximum amount ways to solve it, will conduct comparative analysis, will weigh all the pros and cons, and only then will he be able to put forward a final conclusion. He must be sure that he did the right thing by going through everything possible options and without losing sight of anything.
  • F – orientation to own feelings, that is, “if he wanted, he did, if he didn’t want, he didn’t.” No thoughts and logical conclusions, it’s all about momentum. Therefore, they act instantly, without hesitation. for a long time, which in some situations is an advantage, since there is no opportunity to live through confusion, you must immediately begin to implement it. But the T option makes fewer reckless mistakes.


How exactly does he realize his desires and decisions made. That is, roughly speaking, what way of life one chooses.

  • P - can adapt to changes in the environment, adapt to them creatively and do not react as sharply as people with J-function. They can infinite number time to change plans, since the basic principles of life are to do everything perfectly and correctly, bringing it to perfection. Therefore, they can enjoy the process itself, without focusing only on the result.
  • J – organize their life in such a way that everything is understandable, clear and orderly. They are attracted to structure, planning and schemes, as through these processes the level of anxiety is reduced and a feeling of security appears, because life is organized, scheduled and understandable. But the reality is different, and in the event of unpredictable events, they may well “fall off track”, experiencing stress and nervous shock.

4. E/I

How exactly do they recover and gain strength? It will help you determine your type.

  • E – extroverts replenish resources at the time of communication with other people, moreover, than more communication- the more energy. Attention is usually dispersed; they can simultaneously conduct a dialogue and correspond with friends, while simultaneously listening to news on the radio. The absence of the “outside world”, when you have to spend some time alone, can cause sadness, anxiety and apathy.
  • I – introverts are under extreme stress if they find themselves in big companies and crowds of people where it is necessary to communicate and get to know each other. They are restoring at home, in nature, in a favorite place, the main thing is that it is calm, quiet and secluded. Having collected their thoughts, been alone with themselves, maybe even fantasized, they begin to “return” to life, feeling a surge of strength.

Various combinations and variations of these scales create 16 various types of people. Below is a brief description of them.

16 types of people

1. ISTJ - Caregiver

Example: Maxim Gorky. He is distinguished by his increased concern for others, so he can endure almost any pain, as long as his loved ones do not worry about him. Decisive and reliable, believe me, if he promised something, he will do absolutely everything to keep his word. Thrifty, and is of the opinion that every thing should have its place. In marriage, he remains faithful and devotes every free minute to his family. Practicality is more important than aesthetics, so don't throw away shabby furniture just because it's comfortable - that's his style. Difficulty coping with criticism and avoiding conflict situations.

2. ISTP – Master

Ready to fight until last straw blood for their freedom and independence, unpredictable and very curious. They can do long and painstaking work if they are given the opportunity to create. At first glance they seem closed and unfriendly, but in fact they are very simple and friendly. They like to think in their spare time, as well as explore the reasons for disagreements in relationships, instead of expressing their feelings and trying to get closer to their partner after a quarrel. Tom Cruise, Frida Kahlo and Clint Eastwood are among the Masters.

3. ISFJ – Keeper of Traditions

He is capable of much if something threatens his family or loved ones. Generous and friendly, a little pedantic. But this only benefits those around him, because he will fulfill his duties efficiently and on time. Tend to devalue their work, becoming frequent victims manipulators who take credit for their achievements. Despite the fact that they are introverts, they still manage to be open and sociable, easily making new friends. They have an excellent memory, but they occupy their “head” with more information about people, events associated with them, etc., which makes them a kind of “walking database.” By the way, Vin Diesel is the Guardian.

4. ISFP - Mediator

Example: Michael Jackson, Sofia Copolla. Is very rare species. Just imagine, in the world only 2 percent of the population is born as Mediators. Smart, secretive and self-confident. Paradoxically, despite their curiosity, they are passive, as they strive to conserve their energy. They do not accept boundaries and restrictions, so you are unlikely to meet a superstitious or orthodox Mediator. They do not follow the lead of emotions, maintaining rationality and “sobriety of mind” in completely different, critical situations. Empty chatter will not be tolerated, but you will get something wonderful, interesting interlocutor, if you can interest him.

5. INFJ – Fortune Teller

A restless fighter for rights and ideas, of which he has countless numbers. Believes that the world will be saved by kindness and mercy, in connection with this he most often chooses life path, Related to charitable organizations and providing assistance to those in need. Sociable, easy to get along with. Thanks to his sensitivity, he is able to win the trust and affection of absolutely any person. Replenishes the energy that it spends in colossal quantities when alone with itself. Having rested for a few days like this, I am ready to rush into battle against injustice again. I think I won't surprise you if I say that Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela were Prophets.

6. INFP – Romantic

The definition is also quite clear and simple, such a person focuses more on personally created principles than on feelings or rationalism when solving a problem. Romantics love to philosophize and reflect, so you can often find writers and poets among them. William Shakespeare was one of them. Prevail humanitarian abilities, learning languages ​​is generally easy. They don’t like to spread themselves thin, which is why they come into contact with a limited number of people, with whom they are careful. They are usually preoccupied with finding the meaning of life, and until they understand their calling, they experience anxiety and discomfort.

7. INTJ – Explorer

He lives in fantasies and thoughts about the future, counting, but it is difficult to rely on reality, since it is too changeable. Self-confident, and does not recognize authoritarianism, treating people with high position or rank, just like an ordinary, unremarkable passerby. Trusts intuition, not always being able to build a logical conclusion. Incompleteness is stressful, so he strives to finish things in advance in order to exhale and relax. The Researcher is found more often in a profession such as an engineer, because it is not difficult for him to create and develop something new. An example is Elon Musk, the billionaire inventor.

8. INTP – Architect

He is interested in the process of thinking as such, is inquisitive and diligent. Able to notice details and contradictions that are hidden to others. He wants to know the world and reveal its secrets, does not take into account the opinions of others and is distinguished by loyalty not only to his family, but also to friends and ideas. Slightly slow, but able to work on painstaking work. A bit underdeveloped emotional sphere, which can make you seem insensitive. Mostly calm, the Architect is difficult to anger, so the role of a parent is a success. Honore de Balzac could boast of his analytical skills and seriousness.

9. ESTP – Entrepreneur

An example is Ernest Hemingway. Created directly for action. Fireman. The work “boils” in his hands, and sometimes it seems that he is inexhaustible and tireless. He has a subtle sense of humor and knows how to “read between the lines.” A mechanism for solving problems has been established; as soon as a difficulty arises, an action plan instantly appears and the Entrepreneur rushes into battle. Focused on achievements, in the process of which he does not really grasp reality. Sometimes strict, but honest and fair, there will be no concessions for anyone. He considers the manifestation of feelings to be a weakness, which is why it sometimes feels uncomfortable and “cold” to be around him.

10. ESTJ – Administrator

A striking example is Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. The administrator does not waste his words and does not tolerate people who do not fulfill their promises. Can work tirelessly, making sacrifices personal life and rest. They are guided by logic, have good patience and prefer to work alone so as not to be distracted by unnecessary conversations, and to care about the reliability and qualifications of their colleagues. “Terrible truth-tellers” also know how to rely on themselves; they are unable to remain silent or lie, even if they have to bear responsibility and losses for this truth. They do not express emotions openly, but this does not mean that they do not live them. It is stable, safe and reliable next to them.

11. ESFP – Toastmaster

If the questionnaire showed you this result, then your friends are very lucky to have you. After all, what is a holiday without a toastmaster? Likewise, this type of personality urgently needs to have fun and have fun. They do not take life seriously, preferring to play at it. After all, the main thing is to attract attention, for the sake of it they are ready to go to great lengths. If freedom is limited or they are not given the opportunity to show enthusiasm, they can “fall” into depression. They are friendly, love people, but can easily put an aggressor in his place. They love animals, in addition to domestic ones, they will definitely feed the homeless. Not only do they easily adapt to changes, they constantly organize and attract them. It's fun and interesting to be around them. Unexpectedly, Bill Clinton is a Toastmaster.

12. ESFJ – Merchant

He lives one day at a time, suffers without communication and seeks the approval of others. He does not notice reality, which is why he is often disappointed in people, since he idealizes them. Slightly conservative and pedantic. It is difficult for him to adapt to changes. He has few close friends, if only because he is overly emotional, and not everyone is able to withstand his pressure, as well as mood swings. Responsible and active, he knows how to perfectly present a product and sell it, finding an approach to different clients. Steve Harvey belongs to this variety.

13. ENFP – Journalist

Cannot live without drama and turmoil, dreaming of balance and stability. Able to concentrate on a task, getting to the truth. Emotionally excitable, unstable and erratic. This is why it is rarely possible to build long-term and close relationships. “Infects” those around him with optimism and enthusiasm, which is why he often occupies a high position and position in society. Because of his sociability, he “grows” with connections absolutely from different areas life. Drew Barrymore and Will Smith Journalists.

14. ENFJ – Teacher

An example is Barack Obama. A leader by character who is able to lead a crowd. Charming and overly responsible, as he takes on more than he can handle. He is demanding of himself and those around him, which makes the latter feel uncomfortable because they are unable to live up to expectations, if only because they are unrealistic. Patient and attentive, has compassion even for strangers, deciding to help them no matter what. A workaholic, he feels great in leadership positions, and experiences a lot of dissatisfaction as a subordinate or low-level specialist.

15. ENTP – Inventor

An example is Mark Twain. Loves difficulties, riddles, disputes and challenging fate. Enjoys little things and life in general. Routine scares him, he is ready to move mountains as long as he is interested in the business. Humor is always present, even in tense situations. He prefers power in his own hands, and if someone is against it, conflict cannot be avoided, but if the competitor is clearly stronger, he will certainly capitulate in advance. Cunning and sometimes irresponsible, he never admits that he broke or ruined something, why would he unnecessary problems? Hobbies often involve collecting.

16. ENTJ – Commander

Example - Steve Jobs and Margaret Thatcher. As befits a Commander, such a person loves to lead, “put things in order” and command. Able to plan and direct the abilities of subordinates in the right direction. Work is the main value, then family and so on. Despite the fact that he doesn’t really show up at home, he won’t tolerate it if his partner behaves the same way. Requires discipline and adherence to boundaries and boundaries from children and loved ones. An optimist and a lover of life, he is looking for a reason to prove his fearlessness, but he himself is terribly afraid of appearing funny in the eyes of others.

Inspiration and patience to you on the path of self-development and self-knowledge. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

IN Everyday life Quite often you hear how this or that person calls himself. Many people have questions, what does this mean, and how did he know it? It turns out that such people determine their personality type according to the Myers-Briggs system psychological testing. Such tests are a questionnaire that can be used to objectively and accurately assess personality.

The tests used include instruments that make it possible to measure basic mental functions(motor skills, memory, attention). First of all, such tests are used to obtain an objective description of functional disorders. The test results will help you make a correct diagnosis and select the appropriate method of treatment or therapy, if necessary.

Test history

The Myers-Briggs psychological testing system was developed by American women Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers-Briggs. The typology was based on the work of the psychiatrist Jung " Psychological types" Mother and daughter have developed a unique psychological system, adding existing tests new scale.

The Myers-Briggs typology is very popular in the West, but in Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania, Jung’s ideas turned out to be on the socionic path. There are many connections between this path and the Myers-Briggs system, although there are some disagreements. These differences mainly concern issues of type.

Why are psychological tests needed?

Currently, psychological tests have become widely used in hiring. help the HR manager identify critical moments of non-compliance with requirements, assess mental and physiological characteristics applicant, correlate the characteristics of the type with the requirements of the position and work performed, and, if necessary, send an already working employee to professional training.

For example, the director of the HR department of a large company uses a psychological test during an interview. They are of different nature, but quite often they are asked to depict something. By analyzing the drawing, you can identify problems, life contradictions and an idea of ​​the applicant as a whole. When using the Myers-Briggs typology, the candidate's temperament, performance and stress resistance are revealed.

In the West, about 70% of school graduates use the Myer-Briggs identifier for objective choice future profession.

Working on the test

Being enchanted psychological theory Jung's types, Catherine and her daughter Isabella came to the conclusion that this theory can really be used in practical terms. They began to study and began to develop a scale, the purpose of which was to determine individual differences. At that time, the Second World War. The Americans decided to help people understand not only their own “I”, but also determine which profession is more suitable for their personality type and will contribute to a healthy and happy life.

Katherine and Isabella used the handwritten version of the test on their friends and acquaintances. Over the next few decades, they improved it - changing the wording and content. Subsequently, the Myers-Briggs test became one of the widely used psychological tests in the world. It really reveals strengths and human preferences.

Test scaling

The Myers-Briggs typology is unique, and no one type can be called better or worse. The proposed system is not designed to detect dysfunction and abnormality. The goal of the developers is to help with self-knowledge.

The Myers-Briggs Questionnaire is some interconnected scales:

  • Extraversion (E)-introversion (I). Jung introduced this scale by describing people's reactions to processes and interactions with outside world. Extroverts constantly interact with other people, they spend time with them most of their time and feel in good shape. Others, introverts, on the contrary, are fixated on their inner world, constantly thinking and analyzing themselves. Such people feel most comfortable alone. You can exhibit the characteristics of both an extrovert and an introvert, but you will still belong to one of these sides.
  • Common sense (S) - intuition (N). This scale focuses on collecting information from the environment. All people (extroverts and introverts) use both common sense and make decisions based on intuition. Despite this, based on Myers-Briggs system can only apply to one side. People who are more oriented toward common sense try to use what they can get from their own senses, and generally pay attention to reality. They enjoy gaining practical experience and focus on details and facts. People who relate to intuition pay greatest attention impressions and schemes. They usually formulate abstract theories, think about the future and the possible.

  • Thinking (T)-feeling (F). The scale stops at those points at which people make decisions and manage the information they collect. Those who prefer to reason focus on objective data. When making decisions, such people are consistent, objective and logical. Those who rely on feelings perform all actions based on their emotions.
  • Judgment (J)-perception (P). This scale reveals the basis of people’s interaction with the outside world. Firm and informed decisions are made by people who are used to thinking. Perceptive people are very open, flexible and capable of rapid adaptation.

Myers-Briggs types

Personality is classified into 16 types depending on the results of the questionnaire: ISTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, INFP, INTJ, INTP, ESTP, ESTJ, ESFP, ESFJ, ENFP, ENFJ, ENTP, ENTJ. Each type reveals personality traits, tastes, needs, abilities, positive and negative qualities.

How is the Myers-Briggs system different from other instruments?

The main difference is that the system developed by the Americans is, in principle, not a test. The questionnaire is not a collection of answers that are correct or incorrect. All types are absolutely equal, none is superior to the other.

The second difference from other psychological tools is that the results are not compared with any norms. Instead, the system offers information about the uniqueness of the individual.

Questions of psychological testing

The questions are primarily determined by the test being used. The testing procedure itself must meet strict requirements. The first of these involves the availability of equipment, an example of which is a testing program or a computer. Another requirement is preliminary instruction for performing the test. And finally, the time frame for taking the test.

In addition to these requirements, for the reliability of the results, the test must be carried out by a specialist. For this reason, this method is mainly used large companies able to pay the costs of specialized institutions dealing with similar questions. In small companies, the Myers-Briggs test can be carried out by a human resources manager who is trained as a psychologist.

Reliability and acceptability of the system

The Myers-Briggs system meets all the basic parameters of reliability and acceptability. However, from some studies it can be determined that this has not been adequately demonstrated and proven.

Research also showed that about half of respondents who took the test a second time received completely different results. National Council By scientific research claims that they were not carried out Myers-Briggs studies in professional orientation programs, that is, almost their entire typology is based on unapproved methods.

Criticism of the test

Accumulated empirical evidence professional psychologists showed that some scales Myers-Briggs types do not function on clinical level diagnostics The author of the latest adapted version of the psychological testing system, E. F. Abelskaya, believed that the results obtained were acceptable for sociological research, but not for the individual. She justified this by the fact that such inaccuracies can fail in determining a specific type of person.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been criticized for another reason: normal distribution answers, that is, with this approach, many people will be classified as various types with slight difference in measurements. This situation also increases the occurrence of measurement error.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that, despite all the criticism and possible mistakes, it is still recommended to take the test for objective knowledge of your individual qualities, temperament, characteristics, motives, talent, strengths and weaknesses. The information received will make life and interaction with other people much easier.

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Test Myers-Briggs was created during World War II to help women find employment and replace their husbands who had gone to the battlefields. After answering a series of questions, they received brief description, on the basis of which they could choose a job that best suits their abilities.

Some Western companies still use Myers-Briggs testing when selecting candidates for their vacancies.

website created a simplified short version this test. Just 4 questions with 2 answer options each, and voila! - the combination of letters will tell you about your personality type.

1. You are completely exhausted, the week has been long and not the best. How will you spend your weekend?

  • I’ll call my friends and find out what their plans are. I heard that a new restaurant has opened / a hilarious comedy has been released / there are discounts at the paintball club. We all need to get out together. - E
  • I’ll put my phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode and stay home. I’ll turn on a new episode of my favorite TV series, put together a puzzle, and lie in the bath with a book. - I

2. Which of the two descriptions suits you better?

  • The most important thing for me is what is happening here and now. I start from the real state of affairs and pay attention to details. - S
  • Facts are boring. I love to dream and create scenarios for future events. I am more willing to rely on intuition than on any data. - N

3. A company that is a competitor of your employer is trying to lure you away. You doubt it: they pay much more there, but the team here is excellent, and the head of the department hinted that he recommends you to management before retiring. How will you make a decision?

  • I will study all the available information about the competing company, consult with an HR manager I know, and draw a “pros and cons” table. In such matters, it is important to soberly evaluate and weigh everything. - T
  • I'll listen to own feelings and sensations. I always try to follow my heart. - F

4. There are 2 weeks before the wedding of your close friends. How are you doing with your preparations?

  • A month ago I chose a saxophonist who will perform a medley of our songs school years/ put together a presentation of photographs of the couple from the moment they met / composed a poem / ironed a suit / made an appointment for makeup and hair styling. I prefer to be fully armed. - J
  • Why prepare? I will have fun and enjoy the holiday, and I will say a toast impromptu, from the heart. All the best things happen spontaneously. - P

Now look for your Myers-Briggs personality type!


Practical and consistent, he loves order in everything, planning and organizing. But most of all - to convince others that you are right and persuade others to own point vision. Looks at life soberly and trusts facts above all.

Open to communication, new acquaintances and noisy companies. She does not forget to take care of loved ones and knows how to show her love.

11% men, 6% women


For him, life is struggle and extreme. This is how he gets to know those around him and himself. Brave and risky, he is easily inspired and starts something new. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities - both strengths and weaknesses.

Has a keen sense of trends and is open to fresh ideas. Thinks positively. Loves sports and everything connected with it.

3% men, 1% women


Gets along well with people, the soul of any company. Attentive and caring, always ready to help, even if you have to sacrifice own interests for the sake of another person.

At the same time, he is very independent in his affairs and, as a rule, achieves everything without outside help. He only expects emotional support from his loved ones.

17% women, 8% men


“The main thing is not victory, but participation” - this is not about him. Strives to achieve his goal at any cost, even if he has to use physical strength. Adheres to a clear plan of action, does not tolerate subordination and compromise.

A born fighter, agile but collected. Able to objectively evaluate even the most stressful situation and give a quick, accurate answer.

6% men, 3% women


Emotional, eloquent, with expressive facial expressions and developed gestures. Understands and transfers the emotions of other people, catches even the slightest insincerity. In love he is distrustful and jealous.

He is often prepared for certain events, having the ability to anticipate them in advance.

3% women, 2% men


An idea generator is constantly creating something new. Quickly adapts to unusual conditions, easily masters different methods work.

Often, due to his dislike of traditions and routine, he changes professional areas and hobby, becomes an innovator and pioneer. What is important is that he is able not only to create an idea, but also to convey its essence to others, make decisions and bring his plans to life.

4% men, 2% women


Masterfully determines the capabilities of others and often uses this for the purpose of manipulation. When communicating with people, he is guided primarily by his own interests, but strives to impress them and create an image of an extraordinary personality.

With both feet in the present moment, he doesn’t like to waste time. Expects quick results, does not tolerate bureaucracy and red tape.

10% women, 7% men


Energetic and inquisitive, with a pronounced creativity. Combines the traits of both an extrovert and an introvert, and therefore not only knows how to find mutual language with people, but also feels them well. Able to empathize and give practical advice.

Perceives life in all its diversity of possibilities, has developed imagination And high level intelligence. Very harmonious personality, able to maintain balance even when permanent shift circumstances.

10% women, 6% men


Lyricist and dreamer, puts first place inner harmony, agreement with oneself. Most of his thoughts are directed inward, but he is able to intuitively predict events and understand people well.

She loves to dress up and tries to look good in any circumstances. He is not thrifty and often loses his sense of time and the reality of what is happening.

5% women, 4% men


Knows how to find joy in simple things, calmly tolerates routine and monotony. He loves to feel needed, and therefore always helps other people, but never violates their personal space. Can't stand it conflict situations, knows how to make you laugh and entertain.

Very down to earth, practical, caring, gentle, reliable and faithful companion. He accepts the world as it is and does not try to lead or manipulate.

10% women, 8% men


An erudite and philosopher, he does not like violent manifestations of feelings, strives for an even emotional background and comfort. He is careful in making decisions, likes to analyze and look for connections between the past, present and future.

Very susceptible to change and rather difficult to tolerate. Constantly tries to put together all the incoming facts, thoughts and ideas, which is why he is often in tension.

5% men, 2% women

He has a keen sense of people and relationships between them. Easily identifies moods and hidden talents, they often turn to him for advice. He himself is easily vulnerable and has a hard time withstanding aggression and lack of love.

His driving force- intuition is directed not outward, but inward. Such people do not stop learning throughout their lives, considering self-development one of their main priorities. By knowing themselves, they help others.

2% women, 1% men


Has the richest inner world, where he mainly gets his unusual ideas. Strives for excellence, wants to improve everyone and everything.

However, he experiences difficulties in relationships with people, often deliberately alienating others, demonstrating independence. Knows how to prioritize, trusts his intuition.

3% men, 1% women


He does not tolerate falsehood and pretense in relationships, he immediately distinguishes between “strangers” and “our own”. The first ones are kept at a distance. For the latter, he is ready for a lot, and never asks for anything in return.

Executive, careful in words and actions. Good-natured and caring, his highest goal is to help others and make them happier.

19% women, 8% men


As a rule, he has a technical mind and loves to work with his hands. Not in a hurry to make decisions, I’m sure it’s better to measure 7 times. However, he always meets deadlines and is essentially punctual.

He understands the world through sensations, his view of what is happening is extremely objective and specific. By default he is disposed towards other people, but refuses communication as soon as he feels insincerity.

9% men, 2% women


Thoughtful, deep, responsible. He inspires trust, but does not take anything for granted, carefully analyzing all incoming information. Not interested in long-term communication, prefers business contacts only for the duration of cooperation. Focused on the end result.

Loves rigor, order, and is often pedantic. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds, he is “here and now.”

15% men, 7% women