Unified State Exam results for Russian language average score. How USE scores differ by region: student results and regional inequality

For eight years now, all graduates have had to take the Unified State Exam, and criticism of the exam does not stop. The Unified State Exam is blamed for all the troubles Russian education, forgetting that the exam is just a tool, a microscope that shows all the shortcomings and gaps in the knowledge of schoolchildren. And only in the last two or three years this microscope began to work normally, and the scale of cheating and cheating dropped significantly.

And, as befits a properly tuned instrument, the Unified State Exam highlighted serious problems in our education, which, unfortunately, the students themselves cannot do anything about.

I was able to take part in a large-scale study of the International Analysis Laboratory educational policy HSE National Research University, which is dedicated to the results Unified State Exam. We collected data on average scores in Russian language and mathematics for almost all regions of the country from 2009 to 2016, and analyzed where the scores are higher and what this may be related to.


The difference in USE results between regions is huge. For example, metropolitan schoolchildren passed specialized mathematics in 2015, on average, 13 points better than graduates from Buryatia. IN Perm region Unified State Exam scores in Russian are consistently 5 points higher than in the neighboring Komi Republic. And the worst thing about passing the exam is not North Caucasus, as is commonly believed, but the Far East.

It turns out that the results of the Unified State Examination are directly related to the state of the economy. The poorer the region, taking into account prices and the cost of living in it, the lower the scores! On the one hand, people have less money for tutors or training courses for your children. On the other hand, in such regions schools receive less funding.

Simply equalizing the level of funding for schools is not enough to equalize the chances of children, says Olga Lazareva, associate professor of the department applied economics National Research University Higher School of Economics. - Great inequality income of the population in the region also negatively affects USE scores, even with the same funding.

It turns out that children's grades are related to where they were lucky enough to be born and study. Economics determines Unified State Exam scores in mathematics by a quarter, and in Russian by a third! It is much more difficult for children in some regions to achieve high scores than in others.


In theory, such an economic barrier can be overcome - you just need to find a child good school and good teachers. And in fact: the level of teachers and schools explain another third of the grades in Russian and mathematics. For example, in those regions where teachers with higher education more, graduates pass exams 4-5 points better.

But in practice it turns out vicious circle - good teachers They go where they pay better. Those teachers near Moscow who can, are trying to get a job in the capital. And teachers from regions bordering Moscow get jobs in schools near Moscow.

As the 2012 PISA study shows, in regions where teacher salaries are higher, teachers are more motivated, enthusiastic, and driven to achieve. Accordingly, where salaries are lower, Unified State Exam scores are lower. But that’s exactly what is spent on teachers’ salaries. lion's share school budget.


It turns out that graduate scores are highly correlated with a region's economy, funding, and other school characteristics. Students from the Altai Republic receive 70 points, and Muscovites receive 80-85 on the same exam. But when entering universities, the score goes to tenths of a point.

This situation complicates the road to good universities capable guys from the outback. Yes, the Unified State Exam has simplified the path to Moscow State University for modern Lomonosov students. But he cannot completely remove all barriers. At the same time, not only children, but also teachers themselves are assessed based on the results of the Unified State Exam. But all these factors - both the economy and the composition of teachers - are something that neither schoolchildren nor their teachers can influence. It's like fining a snail for last place in a time trial.

“You cannot place all the responsibility for solving this problem on the exam itself or on the teachers,” says Andrei Zakharov, head of the International Laboratory for Analysis of Educational Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. - Alignment educational opportunities- this is a task of public policy.


Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor:

The results of the Unified State Examination, as well as State Examination scores and data from All-Russian testing works give us a more complete picture of the quality of education in the country. The Ministry of Education and Science and I have developed an algorithm for using the results of all assessment work for the teacher training system - for pedagogical universities and institutes for advanced training. Now we have taken the first step in diagnosing the quality of education, and it is important to take the next one.

In addition, we conduct special promotions and programs to work with different regions. We analyze not only what prevented schoolchildren from gaining minimum score, but also what problems high-scoring students encountered. And throughout school year our experts come to schools, work with teachers and help children achieve better results.

State exam, open your face

Alexander MILKUS

When Rosobrnadzor (the agency responsible for conducting the Unified State Exam throughout the country) was headed by Lyubov Glebova, the results of exams passed by regions were classified. The explanation is so that governors are not tempted to “inflate” exam results in order to show how well they are developing education in their region.

During the leadership of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov (he is still in office), the data on how the Unified Schools passed the exam was also classified. For a similar reason - so that directors do not take the soul out of children by demanding outstanding results, and then they were waved in front of their colleagues.

The researchers who prepared the materials we are talking about today painstakingly collected data from open sources, practically “sifting through” regional news sites.

Question: is it good or bad that it’s official? Unified State Exam data classified? What local authorities and administration educational institutions are not averse to using the State Exam for self-affirmation, and that is why this opportunity should be taken away from them - a weak argument. If we were able to organize the exam without massive cheating, forgery and other fraud, we would need to take the second step. Show people who is worth what: which school has the highest quality of education, which region saves on the education of its children. Competition (fair and fair) in education has never bothered anyone. You'll see that there will be money for better funding of schools, and it will be possible to shake off the sleepy cobwebs from teacher retraining courses, and programs to support lagging educational institutions will start working (they have been developed and some regions are successfully using them).

The education system cannot be swept under the carpet. It's only good for catching fleas under it.


In Italy, southerners are stupider than northerners

This problem exists not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

For example, in Italy are sounding the alarm with all their might: the difference in the knowledge of students from the northern and southern regions is several years of study! Constantly arriving migrants add fuel to the fire - without knowledge of the language, it is difficult for their children to study. And when there are a lot of such guys, it often slows down the whole class. So the state is developing special programs support for schools in southern regions, and provides teachers with additional grants and subsidies.

The situation with inequality is similar in China. The difference between schools in Hong Kong and in Tibetan villages is not even years, but an eternity. Therefore in Chinese universities introduced special coefficients for applicants from remote regions. To enter the same specialty, a graduate from Shanghai needs to score entrance exams 700 points, and his peer from the northern provinces will need 600.

However, this did not completely solve the problem. Such “beneficiaries” do not always have enough knowledge to stay at the university. So going to university is not enough, what is more important is whether the student can learn something there.

Preparation for passing entrance tests to all faculties of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, to other universities, to the Unified State Exam (USE), State final certification 9th grade graduates (GIA) and an essay on literature. Enrollment of students in grades 11, 10 and 9 for the 2017/18 academic year. Classes are taught by teachers
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. High level of preparation of applicants.

Results conducting the Unified State Exam>>

Results of the Unified State Exam 2017.

Basic Unified State Exam period-2017 took place from May 29 to July 1. About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people were graduates current year.

Participants in the exam Russian language became almost 617 thousand people. Russian language is traditionally the most popular subject taken by Unified State Exam participants. Unified State Examination in Russian is one of the required subjects for obtaining a secondary school certificate general education. The minimum number of points to obtain a certificate is 24 points. In addition, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language must be presented upon admission to a university for any field of study (specialty). Universities do not have the right to set the minimum passing threshold for this subject below 36 points.

The average score on the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017 is comparable to last year’s result. The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points was not overcome by 0.5% of exam participants (in 2016 their number was 1%).

Total participation in the Unified State Exam mathematics basic level this year 543 thousand people were accepted. Average score on the Unified State Exam basic mathematics in 2017 differs slightly from the result of last year: it was 4.24 points (in 2016 – 4.15 points).

The results of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics demonstrated a reduction in the number of participants who failed to overcome the minimum barrier to obtain a certificate (get at least 3 points out of 5). In 2017, their number decreased to 3.4% from 4.6% a year earlier.

In the Unified State Exam specialized mathematics About 391 thousand participants took part. Set minimum math score profile level amounted to 27 points. The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. Number of participants who failed to overcome minimum threshold at 27 points, decreased by 1%.

The most popular elective exam is social science. During the main period, about 318 thousand participants took the Unified State Examination in social studies.

Preliminary results of the Unified State Examination geography indicate that GPA participants did not change significantly, the increase was 1 point – to 55.1 points, which is comparable to 2016. The number of participants who failed to exceed the established limit this subject minimum of 37 points, decreased to 9.3% from 13% in 2016. Total in this year of the Unified State Exam About 14 thousand people took the geography test during the main period.

Unified State Examination results computer science and ICT also comparable to last year's results. The average score increased by almost 3 points - to 59.2 in 2017 from 56.6 in 2016. The number of participants who did not pass the minimum threshold of 40 points decreased by 2.5% - to 9.3% (in 2016 - 12.4%). Total number There were about 53 thousand participants in the Unified State Examination in computer science.

Unified State Examination physics More than 155 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in physics is 36 points.

Unified State Examination literature More than 41 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in literature is 32 points.

Exam biology About 112 thousand people took the test. The number of exam participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 36 points decreased to 18% from 18.3% in 2016. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in biology is 36 points.

Application for participation in the written examination English language About 76 thousand people applied. A written exam By German language during the main period, 1.8 thousand participants wanted to take the test, according to French – more than 1 thousand participants, according to Spanish – 179 participants. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​is 22 points.

About 76.5 thousand participants submitted applications to take the oral part of the Unified State Examination in English on both scheduled days. About 2 thousand participants wanted to take the German language, about 1 thousand - about 1 thousand, Spanish - about 200 participants. The established minimum score on the Unified State Examination foreign language is 22 points.

History About 110 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Examination in history is 32 points. The number of Unified State Examination history participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 32 points decreased by 2 times compared to last year and amounted to 8.7%.

According to the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov, in the next academic year it is planned to conduct mandatory history tests in grades 5, and voluntary tests in grades 6. Maybe, Verification work will also be required for 11th graders who have not chosen history for passing the Unified State Exam.

Chemistry rented out about 74 thousand. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in chemistry is 36 points.

Source: Data from the website of the Official Information Portal of the United state exam from June 1 to July 1, 2017.

Results of the Unified State Exam 2016.

Based on the results of the Unified State Exam in 2016, Rosobrnadzor prepared a document that clearly reflects the dynamics of passing the Unified State Exam compared to 2015, the range test scores in all subjects, and many other statistics are presented:

Among the features of this year’s examination campaign, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov named a significant increase in graduates’ interest in passing natural science subjects. Also, according to him, the level of preparation of Unified State Examination participants for exams has generally increased, which was manifested both in an increase in the average test score in a number of subjects and in a significant decrease in the number of those who were unable to overcome the established minimum level.

Results of the Unified State Exam 2015.

June 29 manager Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, S.S. Kravtsov summed up the preliminary results of the 2015 exams at a press conference at the Situation and Information Center on the Unified State Examination.

Unified State Exam 2015 statistics:
The average test score in nine subjects increased compared to last year.

In 2015, the Unified State Exam was held in 85 regions Russian Federation and at 52 foreign countries(for schools at embassies, military units of the Russian Federation and others).

In total, 725 thousand people took part in the Unified State Exam (in 2014 - 733,368), of which 650 thousand people were graduates of the current year (in 2014 - 684,574).

To conduct the Unified State Exam, 5,700 PES were organized (5,872 in 2014).

More than 20,000 people were accredited as public observers.

To ensure the transparency of examination procedures, an additional 150 federal inspectors and 2 thousand federal observers were sent to some regions. Monitoring of exams on the SMOTRIEGE.RF portal was carried out by over 10,000 on-line observers.

The most popular elective subjects, as last year, were:

- social studies (passed by 51.2% of Unified State Exam participants);
- physics (22%);
- history (20%);
- biology (17.4%).

Total number of 100-pointers for all Unified State Exam subjects 2015 - 3,922 people (in 2014 - 3,705 people).

Thanks to the functioning multi-level system, developed to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the Unified State Exam and the prevention of violations, this year we managed to avoid Unified State Exam tourism, leaks of test measuring materials and many other problems that accompanied the unified state exam in previous years.

Source: official website of Rosobrnadzor http://obrnadzor.gov.ru


Results of the Unified State Exam 2014

Based on materials from the press conference “Unified State Exam 2014: final data”, held on July 2, 2014 at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

The number of those who failed compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared to 2013.

The number of 100-point students has decreased threefold.

This year the minimum score for compulsory subjects has been lowered. If this had not happened, 28,000 students would not have received their diplomas.

From the materials of the July press conference on Unified State Exam results 2014, held in Rosobrnadzor:

Average test score in Unified State Exam subjects in 2014 and 2013.

Read more on the official website of Rosobrnadzor:

Results of the Unified State Exam 2013

Average test score of Unified State Exam participants by general education subjects in 2013.

Source: Official informational portal Unified State Exam ege.edu.ru

Results of the Unified State Exam 2012

(based on materials from a press conference with the participation of the head of Rosobrnadzor L.N. Glebova. Source: Official website http://obrnadzor.gov.ru)

Statistics of results and features of the event:

Total mostly stage of the Unified State Exam 843,766 people took part. Of these, 712,383 were school graduates in 2011.

Didn't pass the final state certification 3.25 percent of current year graduates (25,068 people). Last year there were 2.5 percent of such guys.

The number of appeals about results has increased - more than 71,000. Of these, 40 percent were satisfied with a change in the result. However, the number of appeals about violations of the Unified State Examination procedure has decreased - only 19 cases.

Among the features of the Unified State Examination in 2012, L.N. Glebova noted the tightening of requirements for exam reception points, the introduction of a ban on the carrying and use of mobile phones, the emergence of new degrees of protection for CMMs, the organization operational control behind the Internet space, etc.

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points in 2012:

English language – 20 points;
Biology – 36 points;
Geography – 37 points;
Computer science and ICT – 40 points;
Spanish – 20 points;
History – 32 points;
Literature – 32 points;
Mathematics – 24 points;
German language – 20 points;
Social studies – 39 points;
Russian language – 36 points;
Physics – 36 points;
French – 20 points;
Chemistry – 36 points.

Scores of USE 2012 participants:


Russian language







Social science

English language




Computer science

Results of the Unified State Examination in 2011 >>

2011 Unified State Exam results by subject

Russian language

The minimum Unified State Exam score in Russian is 36.
The average Unified State Examination score in Russian is 60.02.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2011 was 760,618.
4.1% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 1437.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in mathematics is 24.
The average USE score in mathematics is 47.49.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in mathematics in 2011 was 738,746.
4.9% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 205.

Social science

The minimum Unified State Exam score in social studies is 39.
The average Unified State Exam score in social studies is 57.11.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2011 was 280,254.
3.9% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of 100-pointers is 23.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in physics is 33.
The average Unified State Exam score in physics is 51.54.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in physics in 2011 was 173,574.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 7.4%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 206.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in history is 30.
The average USE score in history is 51.2.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in history in 2011 was 129,354.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 9.4%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 208.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in biology is 36.
The average Unified State Exam score in biology is 54.29.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in biology in 2011 was 144,045.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 7.8%.
The number of 100-pointers is 53.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in chemistry is 32.
The average USE score in chemistry is 57.75.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in chemistry in 2011 was 77,806.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 8.6%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 331.

English language

The minimum Unified State Exam score in English is 20.
The average USE score in English is 61.19.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in English in 2011 was 60,651.
3.1% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of 100-pointers is 11.

Computer science

The minimum Unified State Exam score in computer science is 40.
The average Unified State Exam score in computer science is 59.74.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2011 was 51,180.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 9.8%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 31.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in literature is 32.
The average Unified State Exam score in literature is 57.15.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Examination in literature in 2011 was 39,317.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 5.0%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 355.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in geography is 35.
The average USE score in geography is 54.4.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2011 was 10,946.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 8.0%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 25.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in German is 20.
The average USE score in German is 48.99.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in German in 2011 was 2,746.
6.6% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 2.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in French is 20.
The average USE score in French is 62.97.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in French in 2011 was 1,317.
1.2% did not achieve the minimum score.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in Spanish is 20.
The average USE score in Spanish is 70.09.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Examination in Spanish in 2011 was 143.
1.4% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 0.

The score determines the possibility of admission to your chosen university, the opportunity to study at the expense of the budget, and access to other preferences. Therefore, many people are interested in what are the average Unified State Exam scores for Russia as a whole?

Average USE scores 2017 from open sources

The average score for all Russians who passed the Unified State Examination in 2017 in compulsory subjects was:
- in mathematics - 47.1;
- in Russian language - 69.06.
Average scores in additional subjects:
- in a foreign language - 70.1;
- in biology - 52.57;
- in geography - 55.15;
- in computer science - 59.18;
- in history - 56.9;
- in literature - 59.68;
- in social studies - 55.44;
- in physics - 53.16;
- in chemistry - 60.
These are the statistics from the resources of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosstat, and regional websites of educational institutions.

How USE results differ by region

According to statistics, the average score in Russia in any subject is not lower than 47, however, if we take a narrower cross-section - by region - the numbers vary greatly. The Central Federal District traditionally leads in academic performance, especially in compulsory Russian and mathematics. Taking into account the fact that Moscow and St. Petersburg have the most developed financing educational institutions and healthy competition in the field of education, metropolitan and St. Petersburg schoolchildren have much better preparation for the Unified State Exam, and the level of education itself is higher than in other cities of Russia. That is why, in the Central Federal District, the indicator for the Russian language is 74 points, and for mathematics – 53 points.

The worst results in the Unified State Examination were shown by students with Far East, average result in Russian it is 42 points, in mathematics - 32 points.

How many points do you need to get admitted to the budget?

Students enrolled in budget-funded departments of universities throughout Russia in 2017 scored 68.2 points and above; in 2016, the score was slightly lower - 66.6.
According to the Ministry of Education, to enroll in , it was necessary to score 76.2 and 75.8, respectively.

The Russian government has repeatedly announced upcoming changes in the field of education, the upcoming optimization educational process, about increased budgeting in this area. According to officials' expectations, in the regions the level of education will reach the level of the capital, which means that schoolchildren have a chance to high score in the Unified State Exam will be equal, regardless of region of residence.

In the Russian language - a mandatory and most widespread exam. The schoolchildren themselves could find out their scores on June 8, using their passport data.

Russian language showed good results. The average test score was 65.8, which is 3.3 higher than in 2014.

The department does not name the number of 100-point students, explaining that their work is rechecked. It is known that the number of students scoring from 80 to 100 points increased by 5% compared to 2014. The number of those who did not pass the Russian language has not yet been reported. Those who have not achieved the minimum score will be able to retake it on the reserve day - June 22 and in September if they show satisfactory knowledge on the second compulsory subject— mathematics.

The Education Minister attributed the improvement in exams to two factors. “The first is that this year the exam model has changed, there are no multiple choice questions where you can guess the correct answer. And in this sense, the exam is closer to the traditions of teaching Russian language and literature in our schools, where the main exercise is directly working with the text - writing, speaking, correcting mistakes, etc.,” the minister explained.

The second factor is the essay that all eleventh graders wrote in December this school year. “It is clear that when preparing for the essay, the schoolchildren additionally studied a large number of classical works of literature, and this also contributed to the success of passing the exam in both the Russian language and literature,” the minister said. He added that this year there were no leaks of tickets on the Internet, there was no Unified State Exam tourism, and in general the number of violations has decreased.
“This year there are approximately three times fewer violations at exam sites than last year,” Livanov noted.

Regions want to compete

They have emphasized more than once that they do not intend to publish an analysis of the Unified State Exam by region and, in particular, to say where graduates showed the best or worst results. However local authorities education publish their results. “It would be a competition, but everywhere has its own conditions, different from each other,” explained the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov.

However, many Russian regions freely post their results, which also indicate a positive process. In the Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol territories the average score increased from 62.9 to 65. In Penza region the average score increased from 60.9 to 64.7, in Kirov region- from 67 to 70 points, in the Perm region - from 67 to 71 points. In Tatarstan, the average score increased from 65.8 to 69. In Volgograd region the average score is slightly lower - 62.3, although still two points higher than in 2014.

Among the leaders in literature (average score - 56) are Samara Region (65,8), Bryansk region(65) and Chuvashia (63.91). At the other end of the list, in particular, are Yakutia (48.7), Komi (55.1) and Tatarstan (53.84). In terms of geography (average score 53), Tatarstan has good results (67.33), Orenburg region(65) and Nenets Autonomous Okrug (64). At the bottom of the list you can see Transbaikal region(46.79) and Sakhalin region(48). Some regions released only part of the information without an average score.

Only Dagestan, against the backdrop of statements with high numbers, was not afraid to publish statistics.

As it turned out, the average score in the Russian language in Dagestan was 46 points. This was reported to TASS by the press secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Patimat Musabekova. However, this is three points better than last year’s data. More than 13% of students (2938 people) failed to score the minimum number of points. The indicators for previous exams are also known - in literature, Dagestan graduates scored 37 points (the average score in Russia is 56). A year ago, this figure was at 32.2 points. On average, the guys wrote geography with 35 points (the average score in Russia is 53).

An indicator of the growth level of Dagestan graduates is the number of tasks that they managed to answer.

Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev said in during the Unified State Exam in social studies, that this year, when writing an exam in literature, Russian language and mathematics, 85% of Dagestan schoolchildren began completing the tasks of the second, independent part, whereas last year only 20% of those taking the Unified State Exam did this. “I’m not talking now about the quality of writing this part of the work, but about the fact that the guys have started to complete it, which is already good fact“Muzaev emphasized.

There were significantly fewer tags about phones, cheat sheets, and conversations in the audience that were placed by online observers. Last year, during the first exam, observers monitored only 30% of the audience online and then issued 700 flags for violations. This year, the picture from 80% of the audience was transmitted to the Internet, and on the first day of the exam there were about 140 marks.

Sergei Kravtsov explained that serious work had been carried out in the North Caucasus. A forum of Russian language and literature was held there, and systematic professional development of school teachers was carried out, where low results were shown. All this produced results.

Scandals, accidents, beatings and the mysterious letter Z

Since the beginning of the Unified State Exam 2015 campaign, 537 papers have already been cancelled, of which 328 were for the use of mobile phones, and 209 for cheat sheets. About 2 thousand more phones were confiscated at the entrance after the graduate passed through the metal detectors. As Kravtsov explained, most schoolchildren wanted to check whether the metal detectors were working. “So, they are working,” he emphasized. These students will not be punished.

For two groups of graduates writing the Unified State Exam started with an accident.

On May 28, a fuel truck crashed into a school bus with students from Krasnogorsk near Moscow. And on June 8th Amur region A foreign car crashed into a bus carrying schoolchildren. In both cases, the children were transferred to another vehicle and sent to write exams. Officials are not saying whether the shock from the accident affected the Unified State Exam results. “Cases are analyzed for their causes. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Everything will be done to ensure that these cases do not recur,” the Russian Minister of Education said on Thursday.

In Dagestan, the prosecutor's office suddenly announced a thousand violations. It was reported that a certain letter Z was not marked on the work. Rosobrnadzor explained that we're talking about about a sign that crosses out the remaining empty space below the text. “This is a technical failure to comply with the regulations, and it would be incorrect to present it as a violation,” explained Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev.

And in Chechnya, the mother of one of the schoolchildren reported that her son, 16-year-old Adlan Astamirov, was beaten by a security officer at the exam point.

The woman told the Caucasian Knot publication about this. The incident occurred in the village of Zakan-Yurt. The young man handed in his work and went out into the corridor. According to one version, he lingered there, waiting for a friend, and the security officer demanded to leave the premises; according to another, they did not want to let him out into the street. According to the publication, the student was beaten by seven people. He ended up with a broken nose and a cracked jaw. There were no official comments from representatives of Chechnya about this incident.

Rosobrnadzor is aware of what happened, but does not believe that the beating of the student is related to the Unified State Examination. “For more details, of course, you need to ask your colleagues in Chechen Republic. According to my information, this has nothing to do with the Unified State Examination itself. Maybe this is some kind of hooliganism, and appropriate measures have been taken. As far as I know, the situation there has now been resolved and everything is normal,” Kravtsov noted.

The results of this year's second mandatory exam, the Unified State Exam in mathematics, will be known next week.

This year, more than 750,000 thousand schoolchildren throughout the Russian Federation took the Unified State Exam. 650,000 thousand people are graduates of this year. Schoolchildren who have not passed the minimum threshold for passing the exam in specialized subjects will have the opportunity to retake the subject in 2018: either on a reserve day or at the beginning of the school year. Selected subjects can only be retaken the next year.

This year the number of canceled jobs has decreased significantly. Over the entire period of the Unified State Exam, about 400 people were removed from the exams, more than half of them tried to use a mobile phone.

Unified State Exam results in 2018

Compared to last year, the average score in the Russian language increased slightly. The average score in 2018 was 70.9. Russian language is a core subject and mandatory exam— more than 650,000 thousand graduates took it. About 4,000 people passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points, and 0.6% were unable to cross the required threshold.

Every year the number of graduates who were unable to overcome the required threshold is decreasing. Rosobrnadzor believes that these are worthy indicators, because knowledge Russian language will help you get into good university and will be useful in your future career.

In 2018, the average result in mathematics increased to almost 50 points. Compared to last year, the results increased by 2.5 points. The number of graduates who did not pass the exam has decreased significantly. 150 people recruited maximum amount points.

Mathematics is specialized subjects, about 450,000 thousand people took part in the Unified State Exam. About 420,000 thousand people graduated this year.

The Unified State Examination results in history remained at the same level. The average score in 2018 is 60 points. 130,000 thousand people took the exam, 1.5 more than in 2017. 260 people scored the maximum number of points, and 9% were unable to pass the exam.

The results of the Unified State Exam in chemistry this year were disappointing. The average score in 2018 was 60. About 15% of graduates were unable to cross the minimum threshold for passing the exam. Some 94,000 people chose chemistry this year, up 11,000 from 2017. About 40% of graduates scored 60-100 points.

The Unified State Exam in subjects such as history and chemistry took place on June 4, 2018. Early exam on these subjects took place on March 26th.

More than 130,000 people took part in the history exam. Delivery took place in 2860 establishments. The history exam consists of two sections, each part containing 25 tasks. You have 3 hours and 50 minutes to pass the exam. No materials that may help in any way may be used. The minimum passing score must be 32 points for further admission to the university. 20% of those taking the exam are graduates of previous years.

More than 94,000 people wrote the chemistry exam. Delivery took place in 2,651 establishments. The exam consists of two sections: 35 tasks in each. You are given 3 hours 30 minutes to complete the tasks. There is an opportunity to use a calculator during the exam. The minimum passing score is 36 points. 14% of those taking the exam are graduates of previous years.

The exams are monitored very carefully: there are video cameras in each classroom, as well as inspectors, the head of Rosobrnadzor and security guards with a metal detector.