Sanya University. Study in China, universities and schools, Chinese language

Getting into Hainan University is not as easy as it seems

The new academic year is approaching, and the closer it gets, the more questions they ask about admission to school. There are a variety of questions asked, but I would like to focus on one.

It turns out that people simply do not know the official website of Hainan University and do not know where to send their applications.

For some reason they send me links to incomprehensible sites, as well as groups on the VKontakte social network and ask: To enter Hainan University, do you need to contact them and send them an application?

In order not to answer everyone separately, today I will explain everything in this article.

The official website of Hainan University is located at:

The version of the site for international students is located at:

There you can select several sections depending on the language you speak.

For those wishing to enroll in this university this is the only reliable source of information. Yes, there is not as much of it on it as we would like, but what can you do. You can open the Chinese version of the site - there is more information there.

To contact official representatives of Hainan University, please use these contact details:

Contact details of Hainan University in Russian:

Reception room No. 206 of the International and Cultural Exchange College of Hainan University. 570228, People's Republic of China, Hainan Province, Haikou, st. Zhenmin 58

Tel: +86-898-66286676, +86-898-66286673

Contact details of Hainan University in English:

Enrollment Office, Section of International Students’ Affairs, College of International Cultural Exchange, Hainan University, No. 58, Renmin Avenue, Haikou, Hainan Province, 570228, P.R. China

Tel: +86-898-66286676

Contact details of Hainan University in Chinese:

地址:中国海南省海口市人民大道58号海南大学国际文化交流学院 邮编:570228

电话:86-898-66286676 传真:86-898-66263581 E-mail: [email protected]

All contact details are taken from the official website of the university and areonlycorrect.

Please pay attention to your email address! Before sending a letter or application, check it carefully! The “Abibas” principle (when everything seems to be similar to the original, but the letters are different) has not yet been canceled in China.

It is better to send letters with questions about admission in English if you do not know Chinese. Of course, if you send a letter in Russian, they will answer you, but after a much longer period of time, since only a few people in the office can translate from Russian and they may simply not be there. So write letters in English and you will be happy, since almost everyone understands it.

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that all other sites, email addresses, phone numbers of the VKontakte page, even with the prefix official group (in the office of foreign students at Hainan University, they have not even heard of this social network) are false and by contacting them, you become a potential victim of scammers. Think with your head and check your contact information several times.

There are cases when scammers register an email very similar to the real email address of Hainan University (the aforementioned “Abibas”), the difference is only in one or several letters, which, usually, those eager to learn Chinese do not pay attention to, but in vain.

And so, those who want to enroll find some kind of left-wing intermediaries on the Internet who promise to arrange everything for them and help them with enrollment in the university. You just need to send copies of your passport and fill out a form, and whatever other documents you have! And most importantly, people, without realizing it, get hooked and send documents! I repeat, think with your head, don’t fall for the scam!

By turning to intermediaries who are so eager to help you, you run the risk of not only not getting into the university of your choice, but you can also overpay a decent amount of money, because they will try to make money on you by issuing additional bills for every little thing. In a word, take care of your nerves and wallet - contact the university directly, where they will always help you, advise you and - most importantly - correctly and quickly enroll you in Chinese language courses or a specialty.

Everyone is relaxed at Hainan University, but it’s too early for you to relax!

This article is applicable not only to Hainan University, but also to any other university in China.

The entry was published by the author in the category tagged , .

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Who should I contact when applying to Hainan University?: 34 comments

  1. Radik

    Hello! First of all, thank you for a very interesting blog! secondly, if you can tell me what to do, I’ll write to you by email [email protected], an automatic response comes that everyone is on vacation, and they will only leave on August 26, is it possible to immediately come to Haikou without an application form and decide everything about admission there?

  2. Irina

    Thank you for the article!! NOW I realized that I was messing with the wrong people!

  3. Ekaterina

    Good evening (for now). I have a number of questions for you. I’ve read your blog many times and you explain everything perfectly, but still, could you summarize the information in a nutshell, please.
    1. I plan to come to the university on 26/08 and immediately pay for my studies, how many days will it take me for a medical examination and re-issuance of a visa from a tourist to a student? And when will I be able to understand whether I will have a room in the dorm or not? Will the room be available on 1/09 for example, or will I be able to check in on 28-29/08? This is simply about how many days should I book a hotel in Haikou)) and if I bring them my Russian diploma without translation, will they send me back with it? There are so many questions, but I just want to take Chinese language courses)))
    Sorry, perhaps for stupid and repetitive questions, but sitting in Sanya at the moment, I begin to digest the information and understand that there are a million questions in my head... Will there be holidays in the fall??)))))

  4. Valeria

    Thank you so much for your blog! He was very helpful in preparing for the trip in advance and finding out information!
    It's already the 5th day in Haikou. School starts soon, we are absolutely delighted!

    True, NOBODY speaks English in the city, so we met Russian-speaking Chinese students, they are the only ones who save us)

  5. Leah

    Dear Yuri! I read with great interest your article about a smartphone with a high-capacity battery (5000 mAh). Do you have any new information about the availability of this model for sale? I really want to buy a smartphone, but I am not satisfied with the relatively small battery capacity. Sorry, thanks! Leah.

  6. Anastasia

    Good night!
    You are late with your answer to Ekaterina, but the question remains relevant) Do you check into the hostel on the first day of school (March 1) or earlier? And when, in principle, they inform me that I am occupied or there are no places. The question of temporary hotel accommodation also arose.
    Another question about the 12 photographs, on the official Russian-language website of the university the format is written in inches (3x4), is this a typo and we are talking about centimeters?) And do you need to have any original documents with you (original diploma, etc.)?
    I’m planning to go alone to China for Chinese language courses and therefore I’m a little afraid about formal things, you can’t put the burden of responsibility on anyone)
    And, of course, thank you very much for the blog! He helps a lot)

      Usually when registration begins, then they begin to move into the hostel. At registration you will be told that you will be checked into a hostel or not (usually they check you in without any problems).

      If you are going to arrive before the registration deadline, understandably consider the option of a hotel or hostel. No one has yet canceled the 24-hour registration for foreigners upon arrival in China. Why take on additional headaches? And it will be easier to resolve issues with the office without suitcases and after a normal rest.

      Photos are regular, not in inches.

      The documents needed are those required by the university, also, of course, originals.

      No one will need your diploma, especially in Chinese language courses. My delivered diploma is still covered in mold (in the literal sense of the word) somewhere in the boxes.

      In fact, everything is easier than it seems))

      1. Anastasia

        Thanks for the answer)
        Of course, as soon as I arrive, I’ll go straight to the hotel. And I know about registration and I don’t want to drag around with a suitcase.
        I sent a letter to the university, and received an automatic notification that from today until February 28 they are on vacation(
        Here the question immediately arises: if I arrive earlier (on the twentieth of February) to reissue a tourist visa to a student visa, where should I go and is the office even open at this time?
        And I read that at Haikou airport they issue some kind of visa, but for it you need a hotel voucher, an air ticket with closed dates and some other documents (application form, photo, etc.). Voucher - ok, I will have a hotel reservation for a week. But I’m only going to buy a one-way ticket, since I don’t know where I’ll fly next from China. Please tell me how this whole procedure is carried out? What should you have on hand at the airport? And where to go after locating and registering at the hotel?
        The university has already sent me some documents.
        I’m really, really looking forward to your answer) I would like to provide for everything, but I don’t even know who to consult with)

        1. Well, by law, you must initially have a study visa when you enter the country. For this purpose, the university sends out documents so that you, with a set of these documents, receive a student visa in your country.

          Upon arrival on the island, they do issue a special tourist visa, but with it you can only “be a tourist.” This visa cannot be exchanged for a study visa. After it ends, you will have to leave the country. Therefore, you don’t even have to think about a visa on arrival.

          If you arrive earlier, you will have to wait until the office opens.

          1. Anastasia

            Below is the information presented on the official Russian-language website, in fact, which I was guided by + Vasilisa’s blog describes this procedure in some detail. I have a tourist visa in my hands, but I wouldn’t have time to get a student visa in my country. Don't scare me like that

            2. Apply for a tourist visa form L, valid in the territory of the PRC for 1 month. Already in Haikou you will be issued a student X visa
            3. Arrive at the university at least a week before the start of your studies. If you arrive later, we do not guarantee accommodation in the hostel.
            4. You will need to have 12 color photographs of 3x4 inches without white corners.

            I think if the visa system changed, there would be some kind of official statement. And so, now I focus on this information. I just don’t understand where I should go upon arrival to start re-issuing a visa and booking a dorm room, if they only start working in March

  7. Anastasia

    Thank you very much for your answers!

    I didn’t know that the island had such a simplified regime for tourists, so the question arose whether there would be anything additional, in addition to the visa already received. So, thanks for clarifying. Of course, I started making the tourist L way in advance.
    What confused me was that the instructions say to arrive at least a week before the start of school, and the letter states that the office is closed until February 28th. Actually, why come in advance then.. Or maybe this only applies to the fall semester
    What about the medical examination? Do you need to get some kind of direction from the institute?
    In general, my question is rather this: before the opening of the office (i.e. until March 2nd), I don’t have to come to the office/institute/hospital/consulate, etc., but just quietly travel around the island, right?)

  8. Sophie

    Good afternoon, tell me, is there a faculty of arts at Hainan University (more specifically painting - oil painting or design)? Because on one Russian intermediary website it is indicated that such disciplines exist, but I did not find them on the site.

  9. Elena

    Hello, Vasilisa!
    Please tell me the terms of the semesters: autumn and spring. I'm going to study Chinese. Everything is clear with the start dates, but with the duration of the semesters, not so much. If I start a year of study in March, when will I finish and how long will the holidays last? Is it possible to fly to Russia on vacation?

Name in Chinese: 海南大学
Pinyin name: Hainan University

Address: in Pinyin: Office of International students, College of International Cultural Exchange, Hainan University, No. 58, Renmin Avenue, Haikou, Hainan Province, 570228, P.R. China, Tel: +86-898-66286676 66286673 Fax: +86-898-66286672 E-mail: [email protected] website:

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Description of the educational institution

Hainan University was founded in 1983 and has been one of the leading universities on Hainan Island from the very beginning, and then became a leading university at the provincial level. By decree of 2007, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Hainan University went through a merger with another large university in the province, but with a richer history, Hainan South China Tropical Agricultural State University, founded in 1958. The Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China and the government of Hainan Province took part in the creation of what is now Hainan University.

Today the university has three branches on the island. The head office is located in the city of central subordination -, and there is also one institute from the university located in the city. The entire university occupies an area of ​​more than 4,500 hectares (for ease of movement within the territory of the head office, small buses with electric motors operate on three routes). More than 1,400 qualified teachers work here, 550 of them have a higher academic degree, teaching in more than 20 scientific fields. Since 2007, the university has operated 75 undergraduate, 77 master's and 12 doctoral programs. There are 7 large laboratories and 5 research centers. The library has more than 3 million books (including more than 1 million books in electronic format). Hainan University is the only university in Hainan province that has the right to issue letters of recommendation to the best graduates with the right to further education in higher educational institutions without entrance exams. Hainan University actively develops cooperation with foreign universities and institutes, drawing up and acting on the basis of long-term targeted programs and agreements. Every year, the institute selects the best students and sends them to continue their education abroad, for example, in France, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan, etc.

Hainan University is one of the first applicants for participation in the “211” program (100 best universities in China in the 21st century). This program is designed to finance the modernization of participating universities.

By order of the Ministry of Education of China, a center for teaching Chinese as a foreign language has been established at Hainan University. Over the years, extensive experience has been accumulated in the field of teaching Chinese to foreign language students. Teaching is conducted exclusively in Mandarin. All teachers are from provinces located on the north side of the Yangtze River, and passed the examination for the purity of Mandarin pronunciation. In 2006, the university opened a college for international cultural exchange, in which foreign students also have the opportunity to take the state certification exam for knowledge of the Chinese language (HSK), followed by the issuance of certificates of Chinese language proficiency. Teaching in Russian is now actively practiced. Since 2010, Group A (initial group for people with zero knowledge of Chinese) has been opened for Russian speakers, in which calligraphy and reading are taught in Russian. Currently, more than 1,300 students from around the world have successfully completed Chinese language training at Hainan University International Cultural Exchange College.

  • founded in April 2005 by Hainan Airlines Group ("HNA Group"), the fourth largest airline in China.
  • Sanya Institute of Aviation and Tourism It is designed not only to train airline personnel, but also trains personnel for work in the hotel industry, in the field of exhibitions and conferences, for work in the golf industry, and there is also a faculty of social psychology.
  • Currently, about one hundred foreign students study at the Institute of Aviation and Tourism (including several Russian students), and there are about 90 teachers on staff.
  • The Institute of Aviation and Tourism is located in the southernmost city in China. It is the only international-level tropical seaside resort in China. Sandy beaches, sea water and a favorable climate all year round attract more and more tourists to Sanya every year.
  • Since 2010, the Institute of Aviation and Tourism received permission to teach Chinese to foreign students and opened the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Programs and prices at the Sanya Institute of Aviation and Tourism

Program name Duration Language in which training is conducted Cost of education
From 1 semester Chinese
3 years Chinese 15,000 yuan per year

Chinese language program

Program description The Chinese language course is designed for foreign students with or without knowledge of the Chinese language, regardless of education and age. The course is focused on teaching the Chinese language and Chinese traditional culture.
Duration of training From 1 semester
Registration fee 500 yuan
Cost of education 7,500 yuan per semester, 15,000 yuan per year
Requirements for applicants Age over 18 years, completion of high school
Document submission deadline July 30 – for the fall semester, January 30 – for the spring semester

Diploma "Specialist" training in Chinese

Specialties The Sanya Institute of Aviation and Tourism includes five faculties: aviation, navigation, tourism, aircraft engineering, and foreign languages.
Duration of training 3 years
Registration fee 400 yuan
Cost of education 15,000 yuan per year
Requirements for applicants Age over 18 years, completion of high school, HSK 3 (without certificate, entrance exam possible)
Document submission deadline 30 June

Accommodation at the Sanya Institute of Aviation and Tourism

Accommodation is possible in a comfortable dormitory on the territory of the Institute. Double occupancy, each room has a TV, air conditioning, Internet access.

Cost 90 yuan/day.

Payment for electricity, water, telephone and Internet is made separately.