Oge biology conversion of primary scores into test scores. What is the OGE - rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points

For 9th grade students, the beginning of spring is associated with preparation for passing the main state exam. The Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has developed a detailed program for successfully passing the exam and a special scale for the distribution of marks in the score-grade ratio.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 points into grades: the most common mistakes on the OGE

When taking the OGE in the Russian language, there are many spelling errors in the written part of the exam. This mainly happens due to the inattention and confusion of schoolchildren. Before the exam, it is important to focus on reviewing your accumulated knowledge and concentrating on certain tasks.

Spelling “not or neither” in sentences is one of the main mistakes students make. It must be remembered that the difference between these two particles depends on the meaning of the phrase: “not” - denies, “neither” - strengthens.

Punctuation marks are also important. The best cure for this is to pronounce the sentence in your head. This will allow you to intuitively place all punctuation marks.

Errors when taking a math exam are also of a similar nature. All teachers focus on students’ confusion and inability to correctly apply well-known formulas.

In the section of the social studies exam “Man and Society,” words that are similar at first glance often cause confusion, but do not be misled. It will be useful to simply look through the dictionary of the meanings of certain words and build a chain of associations of these words in your head. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to pass the exam with ease.

In the “Economy” section, experts highlight terms such as extensive intensive growth. You need to remember that the prefix “ex” is associated with external indicators, and “in” with internal indicators.

The most common mistake in the legal section is the incorrect interpretation of misdemeanor and crime. You need to pay attention to these points.

From the experience of past years, three main ones can be distinguished from typical mistakes in biology and geography: the material of difficult-to-understand sections must be worked on independently at odd times; carefully read the conditions of examination tasks; You should not guess the answers to test tasks; you need to justify your choice.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 points into grades: ratio of points to grade

Passing the main state exam will confirm the certificate of ninth-graders. After the exam, you will move to grade 10 or enter a college or technical school. To pass, the student will need to pass a final test in two main subjects and three optional subjects. Points for completing assignments are converted into a grade on a 5-point scale.

In the Russian language you can score from 15 to 39 points, where 15 points will be equivalent to a mark of 3.

Results in the subject of mathematics must be in the range from 8 to 32 points.

The maximum number of points in the subject of social studies is 39 points. You must score a minimum of 15 points for a satisfactory grade in the subject.

When passing an exam in foreign languages, the required number of points varies from 29 to 70. The minimum and maximum number corresponds to marks 3 and 5.

The maximum number of points for the OGE in physics is 40, the minimum is 10.

The subject of chemistry is presented in two variations: with and without an experiment. For the first option you can get from 9 to 38 points, and for the second - 9-34 points.

For completing tasks in biology you can get 46 points. The minimum allowed number of points in this subject is 13.

To obtain a positive grade in geography, you must obtain a minimum of 12 points. An “excellent” rating will correspond to 32 points.

In history, the student will have to score at least 13 points out of a possible 44.

You will need to get a minimum of 12 points in the literature exam. The maximum number of points will be 33, which corresponds to mark 5.

The maximum in computer science will be 22 points, and the minimum will be 5 points per subject.

The final grades in subjects will be used for the subsequent enrollment of students and distribution into specialized classes.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 points into grades: the impact of OGE results on the school certificate

In 2017, it was decided that the grade for the OGE will not be displayed in the school certificate of ninth-graders, but will influence the final grade for a particular subject. Previously, in 2017, the result was taken into account only for the Russian language and mathematics, but starting from 2018, the score on the OGE will affect the score in the certificate in selected subjects. When calculating the overall score for a subject, the final grade will be rounded in favor of the student.

The main state exams in Russia have begun. For schoolchildren who have completed 9th grade, the time has come for diligent preparatory studies and, of course, stress. No one wants to score fewer points than they should.

In this article, you will find a table for converting OGE points using a five-point system. Based on it, you will know what minimum you need to score for a “three”, “four” and “five” in each subject in 2017.

Scale for converting OGE points to grades

Russian language

The mandatory exam in this subject consists of 3 parts:

  1. Presentation
  2. Testing
  3. The task consists of writing a complete and detailed answer


The second compulsory subject that you will have to pass in order to advance to 10th grade. Those wishing to continue their studies in the faculties of physics and mathematics are recommended to score the maximum score, which in 2017 ranges from 22 to 32.

The examination paper in mathematics, as well as in the Russian language, consists of 3 parts:

  • Algebra (11 tasks), tasks are divided into basic and advanced levels of difficulty
  • Geometry (8 tasks)
  • Real mathematics (7 tasks)

The recommended passing score is 30. In order to get a “C”, you will need to score at least 8 points (5 in algebra and 3 in geometry). The results will be available on June 16, 2017.

If you have completed 11 grades, then our next publication will be useful to you, in which we posted and also told you how you can find out the results by name and document number!


The exam in this subject includes:

  1. 4 tasks that require a complete answer, as well as a practical task using special equipment.

For “3” you will need to score 10. If you want to continue your studies in college in technical specialties, then the recommended number is 30 points. The results will be announced (June 13 - 14).


Work on this subject can be entirely your choice. The exam is carried out in 2 stages:

  • The test includes 19 tasks that require a short answer.
  • 4 tasks (with meaningful answer), laboratory work

Based on a five-point system, to get a “5” you will need to score from 27 to 34. For a “3” it is enough to score 9 points (or 9 to complete 9 tasks correctly). You will be able to find out the results on June 16, 2017.


The maximum score for this subject is from 36 to 46, which means that you need to correctly answer 36 questions (consisting of a test and tasks for which you need to provide a detailed answer).

If you are planning to apply to medical colleges, then you should score - 33 (recommended passing score).

Computer science

The examination paper consists of two parts (a test and 2 tasks performed on a computer).

The minimum score for “3” is 5. To pass with excellent marks, you will need to score 22. Students are given 150 minutes to complete the work.

When will the results of the OGE (State Examination) 2017 be known?

Click on the tab to view the graph.

Results announcement schedule

Regardless of the discipline you choose, prepare thoroughly. We hope that you will all score the required number of points and you will not have to retake it after September 1st.

The points received on the OGE and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate contains the average between the mark received on the OGE and the annual mark in the subject. Rounding is carried out according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4, and 4.5 to 5. In addition, the results of the OGE of students can be used for admission to specialized classes of secondary school.

Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

FIPI draws the attention of teachers and school leaders to the fact that the scales for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale for the OGE are of a RECOMMENDATIONAL NATURE.

Scale for transferring points in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Maximum points, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language


Explanation of assessment


GK1. Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 mistake was made.

2-3 mistakes were made

4 or more errors were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

There are no grammatical errors or 1 mistake made

2 mistakes made

3 or more errors were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

MATHEMATICS score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points . Of these, for the Algebra module - 20 points, for the Geometry module - 12 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 2 points in the Geometry module).

Overcoming this minimum result gives the graduate the right to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the graduate studied mathematics as part of an integrated mathematics course) or in algebra and geometry.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark mathematics:

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. Depending on the profile, guidelines for selection may be as follows:

  • for natural science profile: 18 points(of which at least 6 are in geometry);
  • for economic profile: 18 points(of which at least 5 are in real mathematics);
  • for physics and mathematics profile: 19 points(of which at least 7 are in geometry).

Scale for transferring points in PHYSICS

Maximum primary score: 40 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points (increased by 1 point)

30 points.

Scale for converting points in CHEMISTRY

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing an examination paper without a real experiment

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work with a real experiment

Maximum primary score for working with a real experiment : 38 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

Scale for conversion of points in BIOLOGY

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIAL STUDY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Scale for transferring points according to LITERATURE

Maximum primary score: 29 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 19 points.

Scale for transferring points in INFORMATION SCIENCE and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.

To help the student

Specification. OGE grade 9. Biology.

1. Purpose of work:

Interim assessment of the level of preparation of 9th grade students in biology.

Mandatory minimum content of the educational program in biology of the basic curriculum and requirements for the level of preparation of students.

1.Work structure:

Test tasks are intended for current testing of knowledge in lessons when repeating the section: “Kingdoms of Bacteria and Fungi.”

The work consists of 3 parts, including 32 tasks, A (basic level of complexity) with a choice of answers, B (increased level of complexity) to continue determining and establishing correspondence, C (high level of complexity) with a detailed answer.

Multiple-choice questions are the most numerous in the test work. They are based on material from the entire section “Kingdoms of Bacteria and Fungi”.

Completing multiple-choice tasks involves using tasks to confirm the correctness of one of the four proposed answer options.

Short-answer questions are also based on the material in this section, but unlike multiple-choice questions, they have an increased level of difficulty. This is manifested, first of all, in the fact that the implementation of such tasks involves:

a) carrying out a larger number of educational actions than in the case of tasks with a choice of answers;

b) independently formulate and record the answer.

The test paper offers the following types of tasks with a short answer:

1.Tasks to establish the correspondence of positions.

2. “Add” tasks.

Instructions for performing the work.

You are given 2.5 hours (150 minutes) to complete the biology work. The work consists of 3 parts, including 32 tasks.

Part 1 contains 25 tasks (A1 – A25). For each task there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. When completing tasks in Part 1, circle the number of the selected answer in the work.

Part 2 includes 4 short answer tasks (Q1 – Q4). For tasks in Part 2, the answer is written down in the work in the space provided. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

Part 3 contains 3 tasks (C1 – C3), to which you should give a detailed answer. Assignments are completed on a separate sheet.

I advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip tasks that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If, after completing all the work, you still have time, you can return to the missed tasks.

List of sites for preparing for the OGE

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI): http:// www.fipi.ru/. A lot of materials about the Unified State Exam and testing technologies in education in general are published here, including demo versions of the Unified State Exam since 2004 (new demo versions first appear here). Official information portal of the Unified State Exam: http:// www.ege.edu.ru/ Main portal for the Unified State Exam

Information support for the Unified State Examination and State Examination: http:// www.ctege.info/. A powerful resource, the latest news, there is a library of books on preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Examination.

Website for information support of the Unified State Exam in computer form: http:// www.ege.ru/

Teachers Self Help Community: http://pedsovet.su/. Lots of training simulators created by teachers at: http://pedsovet.su/load/62

A large collection of materials on the Unified State Examination and State Examination and preparation for them: http:// www.alleng.ru/

Unified State Exam and State Examination 2016-2017 on Yandex - http://ege.yandex.ru/

Free online Unified State Exam tests from Unified State Examination - http:// www.egeru.ru/

Free online Unified State Examination tests http:// www. egesha. ru/ OGE (GIA) in biology 2017

OGE in biology is one of the elective subjects for final exams, but is one of the most popular. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren choose either the simplest subjects or subjects that they are going to study in the specialized 10-11th grade or vocational schools.

Biology meets both requirements: by the 9th grade, the material covered is quite understandable and does not have a very large volume, at the same time, after the 9th grade, admission to medical schools is carried out, where it is necessary to take biology upon admission.

After familiarizing yourself with the general information about the exam, immediately begin preparing. This year’s exam is completely no different from previous years, so you can prepare using materials from both 2015 and 2016.

OGE 2017 points conversion table

Assessment of the OGE (GIA) in biology

The minimum threshold for biology in 2017 is 13 points. To score the required minimum, you need to correctly complete the first 13 tasks of the test.

The exam is assessed on a five-point system, depending on the points scored, an accompanying mark is assigned. The maximum score is 32.

General information about the OGE (GIA) in biology

Exam duration: 180 minutes (3 hours).
Permitted materials: none.
Maximum score: 46.
Number of tasks: 32

Structure of the OGE (GIA) in biology

The work consists of two parts and contains 32 tasks

Part 1: 28 tasks (1–28) with a short answer that is a number or a sequence of numbers.

Part 2: four tasks (29–32) with a detailed answer and a fully recorded process of solving the tasks.


There is always psychological stress during exam time. Stress is an absolutely normal reaction of the body.

Light emotional outbursts are useful; they have a positive effect on performance and enhance mental activity. But excessive emotional stress often has the opposite effect.

OGE IS ONLY ONE OF LIFE’S TESTS, many of which still have to be passed. Don't make the event too important so as not to increase the excitement.

Set a goal in advance that you can achieve. No one can be perfect all the time.



Rest assured: everyone who went to school can pass the State Examination Test. All assignments are based on the school curriculum. If you prepare properly, you will definitely pass the exam.


Before starting work, you need to concentrate, relax and calm down. Relaxed concentration is much more effective than tense, constrained attention.

Familiarization with the rules and procedure of the exam in advance will remove the effect of surprise in the exam. Training in solving tasks will help you navigate different types of tasks and calculate time. You can also familiarize yourself with the rules for filling out forms in advance.

Preparing for the exam requires quite a lot of time, but it should not take up absolutely all of your time. Attention and concentration weaken if you do monotonous work for a long time. Change mental activity to motor activity. Don’t be afraid to take time away from your preparation for walks and your favorite hobbies to avoid overwork, but don’t delay the break either! It is optimal to take 10-15 minute breaks after 40-50 minutes of classes.

Active brain function requires a lot of fluid, so it is useful to drink more plain or mineral water, green tea.

The main thing is the distribution of repetitions over time.

It is useful to repeat the material 15-20 minutes before bedtime and in the morning, with a fresh mind. With each repetition, you need to comprehend the mistakes and pay attention to more difficult places.

Repetition will be effective if you reproduce the material in your own words close to the text. It is better to refer to the text if you cannot remember the material within 2-3 minutes.

To transfer information into long-term memory, you need to do repetitions after a day, two, and so on, gradually increasing the time intervals between repetitions. This method will ensure long-term memorization.

State (final) certification of secondary school graduates in a new form is carried out in 2014 in 14 subjects. Primary points for completing the State Examination Work are converted into a mark on a 5-point scale. In this regard, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) published “Recommendations for the use and interpretation of the results of examinations for the state (final) certification of secondary school graduates in a new form in 2015” (download the document). Regional commissions are given the right to change the scale of transferring points up or down in compulsory subjects.

The points received at the State Examination Test and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate contains the average between the mark received at the State Examination and the annual mark in the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4 and 4.5 to 5.

Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

Scale for transferring points in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language


Explanation of assessment


GK1. Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 mistake was made.

2-3 mistakes were made

4 or more errors were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

There are no grammatical errors or 1 mistake made

2 mistakes made

3 or more errors were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

MATHEMATICS score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 38 points (increased by 5 points). Of these, for the module “Algebra” - 17 points, for the module “Geometry” - 14 points, for the module “Real Mathematics” - 7 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 3 points in the “Algebra” module, at least 2 points in the “Geometry” module and at least 2 points in the “Real Mathematics” module)

Overcoming this minimum result gives the graduate the right to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the graduate studied mathematics as part of an integrated mathematics course) or in algebra and geometry.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark mathematics:

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the Algebra module into a mark in algebra:

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the Geometry module into a mark in geometry:

18 points.

Scale for transferring points in PHYSICS

Maximum primary score: 40 points (increased by 4 points)

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

Scale for converting points in CHEMISTRY

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing an examination paper without a real experiment
(Demo version of the OGE in chemistry No. 1)

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work with a real experiment
(Demo version of the OGE in chemistry No. 2)

Maximum primary score for working with a real experiment : 38 points.

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

Scale for conversion of points in BIOLOGY

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIAL STUDY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Scale for transferring points according to LITERATURE

Maximum primary score: 23 points

Minimum threshold: 7 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Scale for transferring points in INFORMATION SCIENCE and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Scale for converting points in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE


Maximum primary score: 70 points

Minimum threshold: 29 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.