History Test 8. “Land Rush” is

Test 8th grade.

    summarize and systematize students’ knowledge in certain courses in the history of modern times;

    check the level of knowledge of the material and mastery of basic skills in the subject;

    determine the quality of acquired knowledge;

    identify the level of development of skills and abilities.

Final Verification work in the course “History of modern times 1800-1913.”

Option 1

1. Which of the following countries was the first country to complete the industrial revolution?

1) England 2) France 3) Germany 4) Italy

2. Forms of industrial monopolies

1) Cartel 2) trust 3) phalanstery 4) syndicate

3. Modernization is a transition

1) from manufactory to factory

2) from traditional society to industrial

3) from Antiquity to the Middle Ages

4) from manual labor to machine

4. Which of the named persons developed the ideas of socialism in the 19th century?

1) J.J. Rousseau 2) B. Constant 3) K. Metternich 4) R. Owen

5. Social and political doctrine of the 19th century, which recognized the stability of the existing world as the main values public order, traditions and religion

6. The result of modernization is:

A) transition to a traditional society B) equalization of the level of development of countries C) renewal of all aspects of life D) creation of huge colonial empires

7. As a result of the industrial revolution

A) the role of the bourgeoisie is increasing B) the number of peasants is increasing C) they are being torn apart economic ties D) East Asian countries are emerging as leaders

8. J. Stephenson, K. Benz, F. Zeppelin were

A) artists B) inventors C) writers C) politicians

9. Striving for national independence and the creation of an independent state was one of the reasons for the revolution of 1848-1849.

1) in France

2) in Hungary

3) in the Czech Republic

4) in Italy

Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list.

10. Which of the named dates reflect history? civil war in USA?

1) 1861-1865

2) 1846-1848

3) 1864-1866

4) 1870-1871

11. Features economic development France in the last third of the 19th century.

1) active export of capital in the form of government loans

3) lagging agriculture

4) the highest rates of industrial development in Europe

Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list .

12. The Entente included:

A) England, France, Russia B) Japan, Germany, Italy C) Germany, France, Russia C) Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

13. In the British Parliament of the last third of the 19th century. parties were presented

1) liberals and conservatives

2) Labor and Conservatives

3) Labor and Liberals

4) liberals, labor and conservatives

14. Which of the following was the predominant form of monopoly in the United States?

1) cartel

3) concern

4) syndicate

15. Result of the American Civil War

A) development farm B) the preservation of slavery in the South C) the complete abolition of racial discrimination D) the elimination of large land ownership in the South

16. Place in correct sequence reasons causing economic crises. Write your answer as a sequence of letters.

A) decline in production B) increase in production of goods C) desire for profit D) violation of proportional development

17. What social strata of the population are formed in the era of industrialization


A) proletariat B) peasantry C) colonialists D) aristocrats E) middle class

18. New feature in the development of capitalist production of the second half XIX century? A) the emergence of factories B) the creation of monopolies C) the revival of craft guilds D) the emergence electronic systems management

19. Match

20.About what event we're talking about? Since ten o'clock the king had been watching the mathematically precise, inexorable advance of his armies. The troops walked and walked along the planned paths, completing the encirclement, step by step closing a wall of people and guns around Sedan.

Final test work for the course “History of Modern Times. 1800 -1913."

Option 2

1. Social and political doctrine of the 19th century, which recognized the basic values ​​of individual rights and freedoms, personal initiative and individualism

1) Liberalism 2) conservatism 3) socialism 4) anarchism

2. The first crisis of overproduction occurred

1) in England 2) in France 3) in Germany 4) in the USA

3. A form of monopoly, the participants of which agree on prices and markets

1) Cartel 2) cartel 3) concern 4) syndicate

4. The transition from a traditional society to an industrial one is:

1) industrial revolution

2) industrialization

3) modernization

4) concentration

5. Striving for state association was one of the reasons for the revolution of 1848-1849.

1) in France 2) in Hungary 3) in Austria 4) in Germany

6. As a result of industrial production

A) manufactures arise B) the pace of development of society slows down C) a system of world economic relations is created D) the main industry is agriculture

7. The result of modernization political sphere is:

3) the unification of the three branches of government in one hand 4) the establishment of the principles of the rule of law and civil society

8. The movement for universal suffrage in England in the 30s and 40s. XIX century

1) Chartism 2) anarchism 3) Blanquism 4) Jingoism

9. Development of metallurgy in the 19th century. contributed to the creation of:

Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list.

10. Which of the following is a result of the American Civil War 1861-1865

1) abolition of slavery

2) creation of the Confederacy of the Southern States

3) the split of the country into the slave-owning South and the capitalist North

4) abolition of slavery only in the northern states

11. Which of the following is a feature of the economic development of Germany in the last third of the 19th century?

1) weak state participation in industrial development

2) militarization of industry

3) the predominant development of light industry

4) slowing down economic growth compared to the middle of the 19th century.

12. Features of the economic development of England in the last third of the 19th century.

1) commitment to the principles of free (duty-free) trade

2) formation of the first monopolies

3) export of capital for construction industrial enterprises in the colonies

4) acceleration of economic growth rates

Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list.

13. The emergence of monopolies on turn of the 19th century V. - XX century was caused by:

1) Increased government intervention in the economy

2) At great expense when introducing new technologies

4) Reduction of natural resources

14. Ford, Edison, Marconi were:

A) artists B) inventors C) writers D) politicians

15. A new feature in the political development of countries Western Europe in the second half

1) multi-party system

2) two-party system

3) one-party system

4) parliamentary republic

Find and indicate the number of the position that is superfluous in this list.

16. Common Cause revolutions of 1848-1849 in Europe 1) foreign oppression 2) interethnic disagreements 3) political fragmentation countries 40 deterioration economic situation population

17. The result of the American Civil War A) the elimination of slavery in the south B) the development of the plantation economy c) the establishment of economic dominance of the south D) the provision of voting rights to Indians and slaves

18.V Triple Alliance included 1) England, Russia, France 2) Japan, Germany, France 3) Germany, France, Italy 4) Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

19. Match

20.What is it called international congress, which is discussed in the excerpt from the document.

When the “Corsican monster” finally appeared. In safe confinement, a large congress of large and small despots was immediately convened in order to divide the stolen goods and cash bonuses and find out to what extent the pre-revolutionary state of affairs could be restored. Nations were bought and sold, divided and united, based on what best suited the interests and intentions of their rulers.”

Keys to tests

Option 1

19-a2; b4;c1.

20-Franco-Prussian War.

Option 2

19-a4; b2; at 3

20th Congress of Vienna

Evaluation of results test work on history:

    "5" - 100-90% correct answers

    "4" - 89-71% correct answers

    "3" - 70-60% correct answers

    "2"- 0-59% correct answers

2. The Chartists demanded:

XIX in typical:


XIX in meant:

XIX characterized by:
1) frequent revolutions
2) maintaining absolutism


1. Trade unions in England were called: option 1
1) trade unions 2) residents of “rotten towns”
3) members of the Conservative Party 4) participants in the Chartist movement

2. The Chartists demanded:
1) destruction of machines 2) liquidation of the monarchy
3) liquidation private property 4) introduction of universal suffrage

3. Use of English ships foreign countries for the carriage of goods indicated that:
1) the continental blockade remained
2) the English fleet was sailing
3) England refused to conduct maritime trade
4) England occupied a monopoly position in the world market

4. For the political development of EnglandXIX in typical:
1) existence large number political parties
2) the use of compromises in political life
3) lack of population political rights and freedoms
4) conflict resolution through revolutionary means

5.The main task of England’s foreign policy isXIX V
1) expansion colonial empire 2) creation of an anti-French coalition
3) cancellation of decisions Congress of Vienna 4) active participation in " Holy Alliance»

1. They called “rotten towns” in England: option 2
1) marshy places in the north of the country
2) colonies located in Asia and Africa
3) working districts of large industrial cities
4) depopulated towns that had seats in parliament

2. The reason for the appearance of Chartism:
1) economic crisis 2) deprivation of Queen Victoria's power
3) lack of universal suffrage 4) creation of the British Congress of Trend Unions

3. Transformation english pound sterling to world unit of accountXIX in meant:
1) the emergence of a single European currency
2) the emergence of international trade
3) an increase in the issue of money by the government of England
4) turning England into a world leader Finance center

4. Political development in EnglandXIX characterized by:
1) frequent revolutions
2) maintaining absolutism
3) lack of political rights and freedoms among the population
4) the influence of the labor movement on political life countries

5. The main direction of British foreign policy inXIX V:
1) declaration of neutrality 2) active participation in military alliances
3) maintaining European balance 4) fighting for the prohibition of biological weapons


Option I “Formation of an industrial society”

a) trust

b) bourgeoisie

c) monopoly

2. Who built the railway in 1825:

a) Trevithick c) Montgolfier brothers

b) J. Stephenson d) G. Ford

3. The first country to complete the industrial revolution was:

a) England c) Germany

b) France d) Italy

4. Who made the first flight in a glider equipped with a gasoline engine

a) Montgolfier brothers c) A. Popov

b) K. Maxim d) Wright brothers

5. The creator of dynamite was

a) S. Colt c) H. Shrapnel

b) K. Maxim d) A. Nobel

6. Communist ideas in the 19th century were developed by:

a) K. Marx c) D. Diderot

b) B. Constant d) J. de Mester

7. Main features of industrial society

a) migration c) complication of class structure

b) urbanization d) collapse of colonial empires

8.Determine which statement is correct.

a) The main forms of business associations (monopolies) that arose in industrial developed countries at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there were cartels and syndicates

b) The main forms of economic associations (monopolies) that arose in industrialized countries at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries were cartels and syndicates, trusts and concerns.

9.Are the statements true?

A. The completion of the industrial revolution dates back to the 17th century

B. The completion of the industrial revolution is characterized by the fact that machines are created using machine tools.

10.The economic crisis is...

A) the process of decline in economic growth and the forced restoration of disturbed proportions.

B) the struggle between entrepreneurs for the most profitable terms production and marketing of goods.

C) a special stage in the development of capitalism, characterized by the spread of dominance in all areas of social life.

11.Are the statements true:

A. Industrial Revolution The 19th century covered all countries of Western Europe and the USA

B. Along with conservatism, which still occupied a dominant place in ideology, liberal and socialist movements took shape in the 19th century.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both options are correct 4) both options are incorrect

12. Relate the concepts




1) Wilhelm Roentgen

A) fine arts

A) “Notre Dame Cathedral”

2) Victor Hugo

B) music

B) X-rays

3) Georges Bizet

B) science (biology)

C) "Carmen"

4) Edouard Manet

D) literature

D) microbiology

5) Louis Pasteur

D) science (physics)

E) "The Jungle Book"

6) Rudyard Kipling

E) cinema

F) "Breakfast on the grass"

13. Give a detailed answer:

1.What conditions made the victory of the industrial revolution possible?

Independent work on world history №1

Option II “Formation of an industrial society”

1. Define the concepts:

a) capitalism

b) syndicate

c) competition

2. What industry appeared in the 19th century?

a) mechanical engineering c) chemical industry

b) instrument making d) light industry

3.Match famous figures and their occupation:

1. Giuseppe Verdi A. Scientist

2.Victor Hugo B. Painter

3.Louis Pasteur V.Musician

4. Claude Monet G. Writer

4. At what time did the first steam-powered cars appear in England?

a) in the first quarter of the 19th century c) in the third quarter of the 19th century

b) in the 2nd quarter of the 19th century d) in the 4th quarter of the 19th century

5. The transition from a traditional society to an industrial one is called:

a) industrial revolution c) modernization

b) industrialization d) concentration

6. Social and political doctrine of the 19th century, which recognized the stability of the existing social order, traditions and religion as its main values:

a) liberalism c) socialism

b) conservatism d) anarchism

7. Find the odd one out. Countries that were abandoned in the 19th century a large number of emigrants

a) USA b) England

c) Italy d) France

8. Eliminate unnecessary things:

A.1.Charles Fourier. 2. Robert Owen 3 Henri Saint-Simon 4. Emile Zola

B. 1. liberalism. 2 conservatism. 3 capitalism.4 socialism

V. 1production 2 scientific and technological revolution. 3 subsistence farming. 4 social mobility.

9 Women’s desire for freedom and independence, the struggle for equal rights is

a) urbanization c) migration

b) emancipation d) emigration

10. What new female profession appeared in the 19th century?

a) seamstress b) photographer

b) typist d) postman

11. What attribute men's clothing was considered in the 19th century the highest sign elegance

a) top hat b) three-piece suit

b) tuxedo d) cane

12. Relate the concepts

Socio-political movement

Leaders of the movement

1) liberalism

A) M. Bakunin, P. Proudhon

2) conservatism

B) K. Marx, F. Engels

3) socialism

B) W. Gladstone

4) Marxism

D) O. Bismarck, B. Disraeli

5) revisionism

D) C. Fourier, R. Owen

6) anarchism

E) E. Bernstein

13. Give a detailed answer:

1.Specify the most important signs traditional society:


1 option







Option 2

1c, 2d, 3a, 4b






1 option


Trust one of the forms of enterprise associations, in which the enterprises included in it completely lose their commercial independence and are subject to a single management

Bourgeoisie dominant Class capitalist society, which owns the means of production and exists through the exploitation of wage labor.

Monopoly – exclusive, monopoly right in any field of activity of the state or organization; a large economic association concentrating in its hands most production and marketing of any product, thereby establishing its state in a certain sector of the economy

No. 13 What conditions made the victory of the industrial revolution possible?

transition from manufactory to factory, from manual labor to machine labor, machines are created using

help from machines

Option 2


Capitalism - an economic system of production and distribution based on private property, universal legal equality and free enterprise.

Syndicate - One form of monopoly isUnion entrepreneurs who carries out all commercialactivity (definition prices, sales of products, etc.) while maintaining the production and legal independence of its constituent enterprises.

Competition – the struggle between entrepreneurs for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods, ensuring the highest profits

No. 13 Indicate the most important features of a traditional society:

agricultural production predominates, employing almost the entire population of the country; subsistence farming dominates; exists class inequality, enshrined in law; the individual is completely subordinate to society (the state); unlimited power belongs to the monarch; authorities and management regulate public and cultural life in accordance with traditions.

1. “Land rush” is

a) earthquake

b) soil erosion

c) grips land plots migrants.

2. Industrial Revolution in the USA was slowed down due to

a) Indian resistance

b) absence natural resources

c) qualified care work force to the west

3. The most major uprising led the slaves:

a) Abraham Lincoln

b) Nat Turner

c) Martin Luther King

4. The nickname “honest Abe” was:

a) Abraham Lincoln

b) Nat Turner

c) James Cook

5. The American Civil War ended:

a) in April 1865

b) in September 1945 c) in June 1863

6. Place in chronological sequence events.
A) formation of the Confederation
B) adoption of the US Constitution
B) passage of the law abolishing slavery
D) the end of the American Civil War

Tasks B (explain terms)

IN 1. 1. "Black Belt" 2. Homestead Act 3. "King of the South"

1.Why did the northerners win the civil war?

(full answer)

1. A person who has no owner was called

a) a freed slave

b) a freedom-loving Indian

c) a farmer in the USA

2. They were called abolitionists

a) artists

b) religious figures

c) supporters of the abolition of slavery

3. In 1854, the following was created in the USA:

a) Republican Party

b) Ku Klux Klan

c) homestead law.

4 Which crop became known as the “King of the South”

1 sugar cane

5. What is the year that slavery was abolished in the USA?

6. Establish a correspondence between the names and positions (activities) of these persons


1. John Brown A. 16th President of the USA

2. Abraham Lincoln B. farmer, abolitionist

3. Cyrus McCormick W. general, military leader of the army of the northerners

4. Ulysses Grant G. inventor who designed the reaper Tasks B (explain terms)

1.Ku Klux Klan. 2Farmer. 3 "Land Rush"

B-2 1.Cause of the American Civil War (full answer)

1. In May 1849, to suppress the revolution, Russian troops entered the territory

1) Prussia 2) France 3) Hungary 4) Saxony

2. What territories were included in Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century?

1) Central Asia 2) Belarus 3) Finland 4) Bessarabia 5) Crimea

3. Match dates and events

A) 1803 1) Built Railway from Moscow to St. Petersburg

B) 1813-1814 2) A decree was issued on “free cultivators”

B) 1826 3) The third department was created and a decree on censorship was issued

D)1837-1841 4) Heroic Defense Sevastopol

D) 1851 5) Reform of state peasant management

E) 1854-1855 6) Foreign trip Russian army

4. Establish a correspondence between the names of artists and their field of activity.

A) O. A. Kiprensky 1) Sculptor

B) A.D. Zakharov 2) Composer

YOU. Dargomyzhsky 3) Architect

D) P.K. Klodt 4) Artist

5. Complete the sentence.

A. Medical assistance wounded over the years Crimean War provided by nurses under the direction of a surgeon….

V. The third department under Nicholas I was headed by......

6. In 1813, in the “Battle of the Nations,” Napoleon’s army was completely defeated. Where did it happen?

A) near Austerlitz; B) near Paris;

B) near Leipzig; D) near Waterloo.

7. The first railway in Russia connected:

A) Moscow and St. Petersburg; c) Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo;

B) St. Petersburg and Warsaw; Kyiv City.

8. Indicate the dates of the war with Turkey, which resulted in the annexation of Bessarabia to Russia:

A) 1805-1807 B) 1812-1813; B) 1806-1812 D) 1801-1825

9. Head of the Third Department, created in 1826. became:

a) Arakcheev; b) Menshikov; c) Benckendorff; d) Kiselev.

9. Mark with number 1 the reforms carried out during the reign of Alexander I, 2 - during the reign of Nicholas I:

a) transformation of the state village

b) decree on “free cultivators”

c) creation of a system of military settlements

d) replacing banknotes with credit notes

e) creation of the State Council

f) creation of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

g) creation of a system of ministries

h) decree “on obligated peasants”

i) start of railway construction

10. Which of the specified population groups were affected by the P.D. reform? Kiseleva?

1) serfs 3) residents of military settlements

2) assigned peasants 4) state peasants

11. Match historical figures with their achievements.

A) Alexander I; 1) reform of state peasants;

B) E.F. Kankrin; 2) abolition of serfdom in the Baltic states;

B) P.D. Kiselev. 3) introduction of the “silver ruble”.

12. Write down the reasons for the defeat of the Decembrists

13. Characterize foreign policy Alexandra I.

10. Place the following events in chronological order:

A) expulsion of Napoleonic troops from Russia;

B) establishment of the State Council;

B) decree on “free cultivators”

D) the creation of Southern and Northern societies.

11. Match surnames historical figures and developed by them program documents, projects:

A) P.A. Pestel; 1) “Introduction to the Code of State Laws”

B) M.M. Speransky; 2) “Charter of the Russian Empire”

B) A.A. Arakcheev; 3) “Russian Truth”

D) N.M. Muravyov; 4) "Constitution"

5) “Decree on the establishment of military settlements”

12. Write down the reasons for Russia’s defeat in the Crimean War.

13. Characterize domestic policy Nicholas I.