Open Library - an open library of educational information. Requirements for the design of an abstract message and presentation

Papilloma is expressed as a small wart, without discoloration, and not harmful. However, if you leave everything to chance and do not attach importance to the disease, papillomas can turn into cancer that requires quick treatment.

Condylomas are also small tumors that are characterized by inflammation. The places where they most often appear are skin folds, as well as areas prone to friction and irritation.

Papillomas and condylomas are non-cancerous warts on the skin surface that do not cause any harm to health other than discomfort. Their manifestation is caused by the human papillomavirus. However, such neoplasms are dangerous due to changes over time. They can turn into cancer, so it is necessary to control the growth and manifestation of warts. In general, papillomas and condylomas are overgrown skin cells and mucous membranes that do not cause significant harm to their carrier.

At the same time, they need to be constantly monitored to avoid a precancerous condition. The shape of the formations is directly related to the type of virus obtained. They can appear on any surface of the body.


The formations are divided into wide plaques and pointed growths. Wide ones are attached to the skin with a wide leg, fitting tightly to the surface. The pointed ones tend upward and are fixed on a thin stalk. Pointed ones can bring significant discomfort and inconvenience to the wearer, protruding above the surface of the integument.

The location and shape of the wart contributes to their division into:

  • Ordinary. Warts are convex in shape, small, 2-15 mm in diameter, covered with keratinized skin.
  • Filiform. Caused by types 2 and 7 of the virus. The back, neck, and face are susceptible to their manifestation. They appear as a yellow spot, which becomes convex over time. Attachment occurs due to a thin stalk.
  • Flat. Caused by types 10, 28 and 49 of the virus. They often have a massive accumulation on the face, for example, in the mouth area. They are round growths, 1-2 mm behind the surface of the skin.

Reasons for appearance

There is only one factor in the manifestation of warts - the human papillomavirus. The wearer does not always notice the formation of warts on his body. They may not exist. The immune system is able to cope with manifestations and suppress formations.

Manifestations are detected in the following cases:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • flu;
  • stressful situations;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • chronic hypovitaminosis;
  • genital infections in chronic form(chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
  • herpes type 2 disease.

Methods of infection

HPV can be congenital or acquired. Congenital is often transmitted from mother to baby during the process of delivery. The main method of transmission is unprotected sexual intercourse. The virus is able to penetrate through various wounds and damage to the skin; less often, the virus can be acquired through contact in a household way. For example, when several people use the same razor, body sponge or towel. It is important to treat wounds in a timely manner and disinfect them, preventing the virus from infecting the body.

Features of HPV

Both men and women are susceptible to the virus. Representatives of the fair sex who are sexually active and prefer to have sex without a condom are especially susceptible to the effects of the virus.

The type of virus with increased oncogenicity is considered the most dangerous. Women are at risk of developing cancer of the cervix, vagina, and vulva. The danger lies in the absence of manifestations of the disease on initial stages. In addition, it is almost impossible to cure it.

Men are often prone to rashes in the genital area. The growths do not bring any inconvenience to their carrier, however, discomfort may be felt during sexual intercourse. Men are also at risk of developing cancer. As a rule, neoplasms undergo surgical intervention and are removed, and the person is prescribed antiviral drugs.

Papillomas and condylomas are formed depending on the type of virus on any area of ​​the skin.

Places of formation are conventionally divided into several zones:

  • natural (armpits and various folds);
  • face, arms and torso;
  • internal organs(intestines, bladder);
  • feet.

HPV can form both on the surface of the body and inside. For example, on the surface of the trachea, larynx, throat, blocking the lumen of the canal and preventing a person from breathing normally. In such a situation, immediate surgical intervention is required.

Papillomas and condylomas: what are the differences and similarities between neoplasms

Tumors are a consequence of HPV disease. This fact is the similarity of the two neoplasms. However, if there are similarities between papilloma and condyloma, what is the difference between them?

The difference is not only external manifestations. As mentioned above, papillomas are rounded skin growths that are pink or yellowish color. Condylomas are more convex growths that look like a nipple. The difference between one and the other is the type of virus that affects the body.

Different types of HPV have different manifestations And external signs. One can be absolutely safe and become a purely cosmetic defect, the other can penetrate DNA cells and contribute to the development of cancer. Papillomas are removed only in exceptional cases when the growth interferes with normal life activities. It is recommended to get rid of condylomas immediately after detection due to the risk of proliferation cancerous tumor. Often, condylomas are transmitted by sexual partners to each other. Papillomas are also transmitted through household means, through personal hygiene devices.


Diagnosing papilloma or condyloma is not difficult. Gynecologists easily diagnose neoplasms when examining women; men usually turn to urologists or dermatologists. However, diagnosing the growth is not the most important thing to do. It is important to understand whether the neoplasm is benign.

If the growth is malignant, its removal and surgical intervention is decided with the participation of a professional oncologist. In addition to a visual examination, the doctor must perform a colposcopy and take smears to exclude the possibility of developing a cancerous tumor. Men may be prescribed endoscopy if condylomas in the urinary system are suspected.

What is the danger

As already noted, the danger of the disease lies in the oncogenic ability of the formations. In addition, until a certain time, the disease may not manifest itself at all until the onset of favorable circumstances. A person with good immunity will not notice the progression of the disease, since the growths do not appear. But the virus continues to live inside, waiting for the moment when the immune system weakens.

This gives an impetus, and papillomas appear and grow. HPV is dangerous for both men and women. A woman carrying a child and infected with the virus must understand that the virus can easily be transmitted to the baby during childbirth. Infected people should also always remember that unprotected sexual intercourse and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can cause the spread of the virus.


Today, several techniques for removing tumors are known. The method is chosen based on the characteristics of the infected person’s body and the presence of concomitant diseases. The location of the tumors also plays an important role when choosing the method of removal.

Main methods:


It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. HPV, like other diseases, can be prevented through prevention. A healthy lifestyle and strong immunity are the key to health.

Maintaining personal hygiene and sexual life with a single trusted sexual partner will allow you to be sure that HPV will bypass you. In addition, you can vaccinate, ignore visits to wet areas, exclude stressful situations, follow the regime proper nutrition, lead healthy image life and control your health.


Today, vaccination against papillomas can be done in any clinic in the country. It is injected strictly intramuscularly into the thigh or shoulder. The vaccination is easily tolerated and rarely causes any complications. To form full immunity, it is necessary to use three doses of the vaccine at a certain interval, depending on the drug.

The form of a public scientific presentation can be a report or an abstract message. They differ in the nature of the information prepared and the way it is presented. Not only the content of the report is important, but also oratorical skills speaker. In an abstract presentation, attention is concentrated on the material selected for discussion.


Report– independently prepared and compositionally designed material scientific content containing analytical information on the topic covered, presented in the form of abstracts and evidence.

Abstract presentation – public speaking or printed text, the content of which is a generalization of previously published scientific, theoretical or research information corresponding to a certain scientific topic.


The report is based on the principle of defining a circle problematic issues indicating the method of solving them, proof scientific hypotheses, lighting current topics or the results of scientific research. The structure and stylistic design of the report must correspond to the official nature of the message. To substantiate the topic, the speaker can use scientific confirmed facts and own observations of interest to specialists scientific field which this topic concerns.

The basis of the abstract presentation is the abstract - summary scientific work or review of published materials thematically related to one scientific problem. The abstract cannot reflect author's position or Critical Assessment information provided.

The form of preparing a report can be a thesis. In this case, the speaker’s speech is structured as a logically and compositionally organized speech using oratory techniques.

The abstract must contain full text New material with obligatory links to the information source.

Conclusions website

  1. Report – independently prepared analytical material. The abstract presentation is prepared on the basis of the abstract.
  2. The report contains new information O scientific problem, its research and solutions. The abstract presentation systematizes published specific topic scientific materials.
  3. The report can be compiled in the form of abstracts. The abstract speech contains the full text of the message.

Oral speech, including oral scientific speech, is spoken speech. Therefore in it big role intonation plays (melody of speech, volume and duration, tempo and timbre of pronunciation). Location is also important logical stress, degree of clarity of pronunciation, presence or absence of pauses.

Perception oral speech occurs simultaneously through the auditory and visual channels. In this regard, such non-verbal means communication, as facial expressions, gestures, gaze, spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener carry a certain semantic load, making the content of the sounding text more information-rich.

Since oral speech is characterized by irreversibility, progressive and linear development, the speaker must ensure that his speech is logical and coherent, and choose the appropriate words to adequately express thoughts. TO linguistic features oral speech include

smaller lexical accuracy(compared to written speech);

short sentence length;

limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences;

absence of participial and participial sentences;

dividing a single sentence into several independent communicative units.

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation, etc.).

Oral scientific speech is to a greater extent prepared, informative speech. Oral scientific information genres include abstract communication, lecture, report.

Features of the abstract message

An abstract message is an oral public presentation during which the content of a written abstract prepared by the student is briefly summarized. The duration of the performance is 5-10 minutes. During this time, the speaker must report on the purpose and objectives of his research, reveal the main points of the abstract plan, and introduce the conclusions presented in his work. It is also assumed that the referent must be able to answer questions from the teacher and students regarding the content of his speech.

An abstract message differs from the abstract itself primarily in the volume and style of presentation, since the features of oral communication are taken into account. scientific speech And public speaking generally. IN abstract message the content of the abstract is presented in detail (or briefly) and, as a rule, without evaluation, that is, the presentation acquires a review character and decides communicative task(transfer to orally information that should be perceived by listeners).

Considering the public nature of the abstract message, the speaker must:

Draw up a plan and abstract of the speech;

Briefly introduce the issues, purpose, structure, etc.;

Ensure a portioned supply of material not in accordance with parts, sections and paragraphs, but segment it depending on the novelty and importance of the information;

Maintain clarity and precision of expressions and their pronunciation; pay attention to intonation, tempo, volume, etc. features of public speaking;

Demonstrate the prepared nature of statements, allowing, as in any other oral speech, verbal improvisation.

The abstract report sets out in detail (or briefly), usually without evaluation, the content of one or more book sources.

The information that the listener receives in response to his question is absorbed better (that is, in the process of dialogue).

Lecture- oral presentation academic subject or any topic, as well as a recording of this presentation.

The lecturer must rework the content of the subject, i.e. change the form of presentation - composition, style, language of content.

It is necessary to distinguish educational lectures (for future professionals) and popular lectures for people who have a need to receive

certain information on the issue of interest.

Scientific report this is a message about the statement of the problem, the progress of the research, its results. This scientific communication contains objectively new information.

Written speech it is speech recorded in writing. Unlike the speaker, the writer has more possibilities choose language means.

Written scientific speech – this is the speech of monographs, scientific articles, textbooks, reference books, dissertations.

The scientific style has a significant variety of speech genres. Among them: scientific monograph, scientific article, dissertation, textbooks, educational and teaching aids, scientific reports.

Research Articlecomposition small size, in which the author presents the results of his own research.

Monograph – treatise dedicated to the study of one topic, one question. Scientific article and monograph original compositions research nature. They are written by specialists for specialists. This group of genres can include coursework and diploma work.

The scientific style of speech has its own varieties (substyles):

– strictly scientific (monograph, article, report, course work, graduate work, dissertation);

– scientific and informative (abstract, annotation, synopsis, theses, patent description);

– scientific reference (dictionary, reference book, catalogue);

– educational and scientific (textbook, dictionary, methodological manual, lecture, abstract, abstract, explanation);

– popular science (essay, lecture, article).

The most important task scientific style speech – explanation of the cause of phenomena, message, description essential features, properties of objects scientific knowledge. The named features of the scientific style are expressed in its language characteristics and determine the systematicity itself linguistic means this style

Scientific style is a type literary language, its functional-style subsystem, which consists of units of various language levels: vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax. Like anyone functional style, the scientific style has its own characteristics in the use of elements of these levels and in the choice of linguistic means.

Lexical features. A characteristic feature of the style scientific works is their saturation terms . Average terminological vocabulary is 15-20% general vocabulary. In scientific speech, three types of terms are used: general scientific, interscientific and at highly specialized (term is this a word or phrase scientific language, accurately and unambiguously naming any special concept and its revealing content). The term tends to be unambiguous, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral: radar, symptom, range, atrophy and etc.

Scientific style has its own phraseology , which includes compound terms, for example: magnetic storm, inclined plane, vacuum measurements, voiced consonants, participial phrase, right angle, solar plexus, thyroid, intersection point and so on.

IN lexical system scientific style manifests a desire for generalization, for abstraction ( Bird cherry blossoms in May). Abstract vocabulary prevails over the specific. For example, factor, development, problem, creativity, self-awareness, comprehension, movement, duration, intensity and so on.

Used in scientific speech and various kinds cliche :consists of, consists of, constitutes, is used for and etc.

Morphological features. Scientific text is, as a rule, nominal in nature. There is a quantitative predominance of nouns, adjectives before the verb, the use various kinds verbal-nominal constructions. For example: influence(to influence), new equipment is being tested; calculating devices are used, there is an increase in temperature, there is an increase (instead of growing), to make calculations (to calculate). Adjectives that clarify concepts are widely used. Pale green, deep green, grayish green, golden green, turquoise green.

Real and abstract nouns are often used in the form plural: lubricating oils, deep depths.

Denominative adjectives are used in - ic, -atic,

-al: dynamic, statistical and etc.

Among the nouns, the designations of the concepts of attribute, movement, state stand out, namely: words in - nie, -ost, -stvo, -ie, -ka: radiation, condition, control, observation, conditionality, porosity, strength, interpretation and etc.

There is borrowing of word-forming elements - suffixes, prefixes ( -ism, -ist, anti-, poly-, -er), For example: polyunsaturated, fitting and etc.

In terms of frequency of use, it comes in first place Genitive: decision making, Newton's law, rock water content, mixture of hydrogen and hydrocarbon components and so on. IN passive designs common forms instrumental case: The project was proposed by engineer Sayakhov; Periodic table elements discovered by D. I. Mendeleev and so on.

The scientific style is characterized by the lack of subjectivity of presentation, which is expressed in the absence verb forms 1st and 2nd person units. numbers. In the vast majority of cases, verbs are used in the 3rd person plural form of the present tense indicative mood Not perfect form (observed, exists, occurs, is discovered, differs and so on.): Carbon makes up the most important part plants.

Derivative prepositions and conjunctions are common in science: during, in connection with, in accordance with, as a result and so on.

Mostly imperfective verbs are used, and many of them do not have paired perfective verbs, for example: Aluminum is easy to cut.

From syntactic features scientific style, one should note the tendency towards complex constructions. Scientific speech is characterized by the predominance of complex sentences with compound subordinating conjunctions, characteristic of book speech at all: due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, meanwhile, despite the fact that, due to the fact that, while and etc.

Widely distributed in scientific style impersonal offers With modal words and infinitive, with impersonal verbs and personal in the sense of impersonal. Vaguely personal and generalized personal sentences are used when introducing terms, deriving formulas, and explaining material in examples: Consider the following example. Let's do this experiment.

Sentences with homogeneous members and a general word.

Simple sentences may be complicated dissociated members, expressed by participles and participial phrases, introductory constructions.

To combine parts, in particular paragraphs, words and their combinations are used that indicate this connection: therefore, in this case, first, then, in conclusion, thus, so, therefore.; also used introductory words: firstly, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand.

Scientific style texts may contain various formulas, symbols, tables, graphs, diagrams.

Composition of a scientific text. A scientific essay is characterized by a harmonious composition. Composition – this is the structure, relationship, and mutual arrangement parts of the work. Compositionally, any scientific work, regardless of the field of science and genre, contains two interconnected parts: a descriptive (overview), which includes an introduction, and a main one, which includes a conclusion.

In the descriptive (overview) part the progress is reflected scientific research, while the introduction provides a rationale for the relevance of the scientific research, formulates the subject and chosen research method, the purpose of the work, sets out the history of the issue and the expected result. The introduction should be short and precise. When formulating a goal, you can use the following stereotypes : reveal the specifics; identify patterns (identifying patterns); create a typology (creation of a typology); explain the phenomenon; describe functions (description of functions); develop a model (model development); characterize the system; summarize the facts; systematize elements (systematize elements).

Scheme of construction of the introductory part:

  • justification of the relevance of the problem;

· characteristics of works, theories available on this topic, historiography of the issue;

· selection specific issue(subject of research);

· putting forward a hypothesis ( scientific assumption);

· justification for the use of the chosen theory;

  • preliminary formulation of conclusions.

In the main part the research methods and techniques and the achieved results are covered; arguments, illustrations, examples confirming theoretical positions - the content of the main part. Heading(title) of a scientific work is an information unit; it usually reflects the theme of this text and must be consistent with the content of this text. There are several types of headers:

1) names general (Conversations about mechanics; Introduction to ecology; Totalitarian language);

2) names specifying questions of theory: ( Biosphere as a planetary organization of life);

Conclusion has the form of conclusions corresponding to the stages of the study, or the form of a short summary.

Outward expression compositional structure of a scientific work is rubrication.

Categories – this is the division of text into component parts, graphic separation of one part from another, as well as the use of headings, numbering etc. The rubric reflects the logic of scientific research.

Paragraph division text is often combined with numbering - a numerical (as well as alphabetic) designation of the sequence of arrangement components text.

When using signs different types The system of digital and letter designation is built in a descending manner:

A B C D. …

I. ... II. ... III. ... IV. … .

1. ... 2. ... 3. … .

1)…; 2) …; 3)… .

A) …; b)…; V)… .

Accepted serial numbers parts indicate in words ( Part one), sections - in capital letters of the Russian alphabet ( section A), chapters - Roman numerals ( Chapter I), paragraphs – in Arabic numerals (1).

Capital letters and Roman numerals A. B. C. G. and I. II. III. IV) are used as top level divisions, after them there is a period. Arabic numerals (1. 2. 3. 4. etc.) – as an average level of division, after them there is also a dot. Arabic numerals with brackets and lower case with brackets – 1) 2) 3) 4) and a) b) c) d) etc. - as lower level divisions, there is no period after them.

When categorizing with brackets, parts of the text are separated either by commas or semicolons. A period is placed at the end of headings formatted without brackets. Capital letters begin the text of headings,

formatted with letters and numbers with dots, lowercase ones are used after headings formatted with numbers and letters with brackets.

In scientific and technical literature, a digital numbering system is often introduced, according to which the numbers of the most large parts scientific work (first or highest level divisions) consist of one digit, the numbers of the component parts (second or middle division degree) - of two digits, the third division stage - of three digits, etc.

Scientific work consists of three sections: 1. 2. 3. The section is divided into chapters: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1., 2.2., 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc. The chapter is divided into paragraphs: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, etc.

(Balykhina T.M., Lysyakova M.V., Rybakov M.A. Learning to communicate: training course Russian language and speech culture for higher education students educational institutions Russia. – M.: RUDN Publishing House, 2004. – 488 p.)

Qualifying work Bachelor:

Municipal educational institution

Eastern European Lyceum

Watercress as a test object for evaluation

soil pollution

Abstract message

students of 11th grade "F"

Takhtamysh Olga


Pavlova Larisa Sergeevna


Introduction…………………………………………………….………….3 Chapter 1. Biological features watercress.........................7 Chapter 2. Establishment of experience…………………...………….… ……….9 Chapter 3. Experiment and conclusions……………………………..10 Abstracts………………………………………………………… …..….12 Dictionary………………………………………………………………14 List of used literature……………………………..15


IN modern conditions the natural environment is subject to combined technogenic pollution.1 In connection with life activities human civilization new ones are synthesized and released into the environment chemical compounds with unclear toxicological characteristics. Various compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin, accumulating in the soil, cause its pollution and toxicity. The degree of soil toxicity can be determined using biotesting.

I chose this topic because I was interested in the level of soil pollution in the Volzhsky district of Saratov.

Biotesting methods are increasingly used to determine toxic properties the environment around us: air, water, soil, industrial waste, materials, etc. This is explained by a number of circumstances. Firstly, specified objects usually contain a large number of ingredients whose toxicological properties are not always characterized by the sum of the properties of each of them, taking into account the quantitative composition determined analytical methods. Secondly, the number of people present in environment of pollutants significantly exceeds the number of satisfactory physicochemical methods of analysis that allow monitoring their content at the MPC level. Biotesting makes it possible to obtain an integral toxicological characteristic natural environments regardless of the qualitative and quantitative composition of pollutants.

Bioindication is an assessment of the state of the environment using living objects. Living objects (or systems) are cells, organisms, populations, communities. They can be used to assess how abiotic factors(temperature, humidity, acidity, salinity, pollutant content, etc.), and biotic (well-being of organisms, their populations and communities). The term "bioindication" is more often used in European scientific literature, and in American it is usually replaced by the similar name “ecotoxicology”.

The question is often asked: “Why do we have to use living objects to assess the quality of the environment, when it is easier to do this using physical and chemical methods?” According to Van Straalen (1998), there are at least three cases where bioindication becomes indispensable.

1. ^Factor cannot be measured. This is especially typical for attempts to reconstruct the climate of past eras. Thus, the analysis of plant pollen in North America behind a long period showed a change in warm humid climate dry cool and then replacing forest communities with grass ones. Otherwise, the remainder diatoms(the ratio of acidophilic and basophilic species) allowed us to assert that in the past the water in the lakes of Sweden had an acidic reaction for completely natural reasons.

2. ^Factor is difficult to measure. Some pesticides degrade so quickly that their original concentration in the soil cannot be detected. For example, the insecticide deltamethrin is active only for a few hours after it is sprayed, while its effect on fauna (beetles and spiders) can be observed for several weeks.

3. ^ The factor is easy to measure but difficult to interpret. Data on the concentration of various pollutants in the environment (if their concentration is not prohibitively high) does not answer the question of how dangerous the situation is for wildlife. Indicators of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) various substances designed only for humans. However, obviously, these indicators cannot be extended to other living beings. There are more sensitive species, and they may be key to maintaining ecosystems. From the point of view of nature conservation, it is more important to get an answer to the question of what consequences a particular concentration of a pollutant in the environment will lead to. Bioindication solves this problem, making it possible to assess the biological consequences of anthropogenic environmental changes. Physical and chemical methods provide quality and quantitative characteristics factor, but only indirectly judge it biological action. Bioindication, on the contrary, allows you to obtain information about biological consequences change the environment and do only

Indirect conclusions about the characteristics of the factor itself. Thus, when assessing the state of the environment, it is advisable to combine physico-chemical methods with biological ones.

The relevance of bioindication is also due to the simplicity, speed and

Cheapness of determining the quality of the environment. For example, when the soil in the city is salinized, the edges of linden leaves turn yellow even before the onset of autumn. You can identify such areas simply by examining the trees. In such cases, bioindication makes it possible to quickly detect the most contaminated habitats.

Bioindicators are biological objects(from cells and biological macromolecules to ecosystems and the biosphere), used to assess the state of the environment. When they want to emphasize that bioindicators can belong to different levels of organization of living things, they use the term “bioindicator systems.”

Criteria for choosing a bioindicator:

Quick response;

Reliability (error<20%);


Monitoring capabilities (an object that is constantly present in nature).

Types of bioindicators:

1. Sensitive. Reacts quickly with significant deviations from the norm. For example, deviations in the behavior of animals and in the physiological reactions of cells can be detected almost immediately after the onset of the disturbing factor.

2. Rechargeable. Accumulates impacts without manifesting disturbances. For example, a forest at the initial stages of its pollution or trampling will be the same in its main characteristics (species composition, diversity, abundance, etc.). Only after some time will rare species begin to disappear, the predominant forms will change, the total number of organisms will change, etc. Thus, the forest community as a bioindicator will not immediately detect a violation

Bioindicators are usually described using two characteristics: specificity and sensitivity.

With low specificity, the bioindicator reacts to different factors, with high specificity, only one (see examples on specific and nonspecific bioindication).

At low sensitivity, the bioindicator responds only to strong deviations of the factor from the norm; at high sensitivity, it responds to minor deviations.

Test organisms are bioindicators (plants and animals) that are used to assess the quality of air, water or soil in laboratory experiments.

Examples of test organisms:

Single-celled green algae (chlorella, treboxia from lichens, etc.);

Protozoa: slipper ciliates;

Arthropods: crustaceans Daphnia and Artemia;

Mosses: mnium;

Flowering: chaff grass, watercress.

One of the main requirements for test organisms is the ability to obtain cultures from genetically homogeneous organisms. In this case, differences between experiment and control are more likely to be attributed to the disturbing factor rather than to individual differences between individuals.

Bioindication can be carried out at all levels of organization of living things: biological macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs, organisms, populations (spatial grouping of individuals of the same species), communities, ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. Recognition of this fact is an achievement of the modern theory of bioindication.

At lower levels of bioindication, direct and specific forms of bioindication are possible, at higher levels only indirect and nonspecific forms are possible. However, it is the latter that provide a comprehensive assessment of the influence of anthropogenic impacts on nature as a whole.

Features of the current state of bioindication

Currently, the state of bioindication is characterized by the following most important features:

Recognition of the importance of using bioindicators at all levels of the organization of living things;

Preference for integrated indicators of the state of biological systems;

The growth of research scales due to the understanding that a local threat can become regional and biosphere;

Moving from the view that the optimal state of nature is before human intervention, to recognizing many “acceptable” states under human influence;

Understanding the need to recognize early symptoms of impairment before the costs of recovery become too great.

Biological features of watercress
Watercress is an annual plant of the cabbage family, which is highly sensitive to soil pollution with heavy metals, as well as to air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles. The stem is branched, reaches a height of 1 m. The basal leaves are petiolate, the subsequent ones are pinnately dissected. The flowers are numerous, small, white. Blooms in May - June. The fruit is a pod with oval-ovoid wings. The seeds are very small, oblong. The plant is cross-pollinating. This is a cold-resistant crop, the optimal temperature for its growth is about 15...18°C. Watercress has moderate requirements for moisture, but a good harvest is obtained only on moist soil. Lack of moisture in the soil and dry air contribute to the rapid formation of shoots, bypassing the rosette phase. During the hot summer months, plants quickly begin to shoot.
The plant loves light, especially in the early stages of development, although it grows well in partial shade. With a short day, watercress produces better quality products and does not form flowering stems longer, but with a long day and high temperatures, the plants shoot quickly.
Its growing season until technical ripeness is 15-25 days, until seeds ripen - 165 days. Light fertile soils (pH 6.5-6.8) are most suitable for watercress.


Morphological changes in plants used in bioindication:

1. Changes in leaf color (nonspecific, less often specific, reaction to various pollutants):

Chlorosis is a pale coloration of leaves between the veins. It was noted with an excess of heavy metals in the soil and with gas and smoke air pollution.

Yellowing of leaf areas. Typical for deciduous trees when the soil is salinized with chlorides.

Redness associated with anthocyanin accumulation. Occurs under the influence of sulfur dioxide.

Browning or bronzed. Often means the initial stage of necrotic lesions.

The leaves seem to be saturated with water (as with frost damage). Occurs under the influence of a number of oxidizing agents, for example, peroxyacetyl nitrate.

Silver coloring of leaves. Occurs under the influence of ozone on leaves

2. Necrosis – death of sections of leaf tissue, their shape is sometimes specific.

Dotted and spotted. Silver spots on the leaves of Bel W3 tobacco appear under the influence of ozone.

Interveinal – necrosis of tissue between the lateral veins of the 1st order. Often observed with exposure to sulfur dioxide.

Regional On linden leaves under the influence of salt (sodium chloride), which is sprinkled on city streets in winter to melt the ice.

“Fish skeleton” – a combination of interveinal and marginal necrosis.

Apical necrosis. In monocotyledonous angiosperms and conifers. For example, fir and pine needles become brown at the top after exposure to sulfur dioxide; the tops of gladioli leaves become white after fumigation with hydrogen fluoride.

3. Premature withering. Under the influence of ethylene in greenhouses, carnation flowers do not open, and orchid petals wither. Sulfur dioxide causes reversible wilting of raspberry leaves.

4. Defoliation - falling of leaves. Usually observed after necrosis and chlorosis. For example, shedding of spruce and pine needles due to gas and smoke pollution of the air, leaves of linden and horse chestnuts - from salt for melting ice, gooseberries and currants - under the influence of sulfur dioxide.

5. Changes in organ size are usually nonspecific. For example, pine needles near fertilizer plants lengthen due to nitrates and shorten due to sulfur dioxide. In berry bushes, smoke causes the leaves to shrink in size.

6. Changes in the shape, number and position of organs. Abnormal leaf shapes have been noted after radiation exposure. As a result of local necrosis, swelling or curvature of leaves occurs, fusion or splitting of individual organs, and an increase or decrease in parts of the flower.

7. Change in the life form of a plant. The bushy or cushion form of growth is characteristic of trees, especially linden, with strong persistent air pollution (HCl, SO2).

8. Change in vitality. In the presence of many pollutants, the quality of trees decreases from class 1–2 to 4–5. This is usually accompanied by thinning of the crown and a decrease in growth. Changes in growth are nonspecific, but are widely used because they are more sensitive than necrosis. The radial growth of trunks, the growth in length of shoots and leaves, roots, and the diameter of the lichen thallus are measured.

9. Change in fertility. Found in many plants. For example, under the influence of pollutants, the formation of fruiting bodies in fungi decreases,

The productivity of blueberries and spruce is decreasing. Some species of lichens do not form fruiting bodies in heavily polluted air, but are able to reproduce vegetatively.

Monitoring soil pollution using watercress. Seeds are germinated in Petri dishes on filters or test soil.

Observation lasts 10 days. In the presence of harmful substances, the percentage of seed germination decreases and the growth rate of embryonic roots decreases. In plants planted in open ground in urban centers with heavy traffic, under the influence of gas emissions, the length of the seedlings is clearly reduced.

^ Chapter 2

Bookmark experience. 10/25/2009

Soil sampling points.

Soil samples were taken using standard methods in four locations in the city of Saratov:

point No. 1 – territory of the highway, st. Myasnitskaya;

Point No. 2 – territory from the dacha, village. Pristannoe;

Point No. 3 – territory of Glebuchevo ravine;

Item No. 4 – soil for flowers “Torfpredpriyatie”;

Point No. 5 – tap water.

To begin with, we weighed 100g of soil and added another 100ml of water. To prepare aqueous soil extracts, one part of dry, sifted soil was shaken with four parts of distilled water for 15 minutes. The resulting mixture was periodically shaken and left for two days, shaken again and filtered through the entire thickness of the soil on a folded paper filter, and the jars with a hood were numbered. The extract was used for biotesting.

To germinate watercress seeds, 5 Petre cups were filled with the substrate under study, and the cups were numbered. In each cup, 50 watercress seeds were placed on the surface of the filter. The seeds were covered with the same filters. The upper layers of the filters were moistened to a moisture content of the lower ones using an extractor of 25%.

^ Chapter 3

Experiment and conclusions

The level of germination was studied on the seventh day after the establishment of the experiment on November 1, 2009, after which the length of the roots was measured using a ruler (with an accuracy of 1 mm). The results are recorded in the form of a graph.

On November 5, 2009, water was added, and on November 7, 2009, a repeat study was carried out, which is presented in the form of a graph.

Conclusion based on the results of the charts on November 1, 2009:

No. 1 – soil for flowers “Torfpredpriyatie”;

No. 2 – tap water;

No. 3 – soil from the highway area;

No. 4 – soil from. Pristannoe;

No. 5 – soil from the territory of Glebuchevo ravine.

At the initial stage of development, we noticed that the soil for flowers “Torfpredpriyatiye” corresponds to the quality guaranteed by the manufacturer. And the extraction from the soil of the Glebuchevo ravine reduced the germination of seeds. No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 are average germination rates.

^ Conclusion based on the results of the graphs 11/7/2009:

No. 1 - soil from the territory of Glebuchevo ravine;

No. 2 - soil for flowers “Torfpredpriyatie”;

No. 3 - soil from the territory of the highway;

No. 4 - soil from. Pristannoye;

No. 5 - tap water.

Please note that the best result was shown by soil from the territory of Glebuchevo ravine. This can be explained by the fact that there is a large amount of humus in this area. The soil for flowers "Peat Enterprise" contains many specially improved fertilizers. In the soil from the highway area, the nutrient layer is not damaged, but gas contamination and toxicity of wastewater reduce the nutritional value of the extract. And the soil from the dacha, apparently, is not processed correctly; deep digging, especially with the help of mini-tractors, worsens the structure of the soil, since a fertile layer of 10-15 cm is formed very slowly.

We will take soil samples from possibly dangerous areas of our city:

No. 1 – Akkumulyator plant;

No. 2 – Nitron plant;

No. 3 – land from the Lukoil gas station.

I would also like to know whether object No. 4 – Embankment – ​​is actually a park area;

No. 5 – City Park.


Bioindication is an assessment of the state of the environment using living objects.

Pollutant is a pollutant.

Monitoring - in a broad sense - specially organized, systematic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their assessment, control or forecast.

Bioindicators are biological objects (from cells and biological macromolecules to ecosystems and the biosphere) used to assess the state of the environment.

Chlorosis is a pale coloration of leaves between the veins.

“Fish skeleton” is a combination of interveinal and marginal necrosis.

List of used literature

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2. Guide to methods of hydrobiological analysis of surface waters and bottom sediments. L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 2008.

3. Bogach J., Sedlacek F., Shvetsova Z., Krivolutsky D. Animals - bioindicators of industrial pollution // Zhurn. General biology, 2007, No. 5.

4. Bagdasaryan A.S. // Efficiency of using test systems in assessing the toxicity of natural environments / Ecology and Industry of Russia, 2007. – P. 44-48.

5. Olshanskaya L.N., Tarushkina Yu.A., Sobgaida N.A. Study of the dynamics of accumulation of zinc, copper and cadmium from highly concentrated solutions by aquatic plants // Ecology and industry of Russia 2008. September.

6. Kravu V.V., Accountant L.B., Akolzin A.P. Higher aquatic vegetation as an element of wastewater treatment // Ecology and industry of Russia 2008. August.

7. Protasov V.F. Ecology, health and environmental protection in Russia. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007.

8. Bioindication of pollution of terrestrial ecosystems / Ed. R. Schubert. M.: Mir, 1988.

9. The influence of anthropogenic factors on populations of terrestrial insects // Results of Science and Technology. Ser. Entomology. T. 13. M.: VINITI, 2007.

1Bagdasaryan A.S. // Efficiency of using test systems in assessing the toxicity of natural environments / Ecology and Industry of Russia, 2007. – P. 44-48.