Project on water filtration. Water purification at home

People use different methods to purify water at home. However, not everyone knows how to carry them out correctly and what side effects may arise.

All methods of water purification can be divided into two groups: purification without the use of filters and purification using filters.

Purifying water without using filters.

This option is the most common and affordable, since water purification does not require the purchase of additional devices other than ordinary kitchen utensils. The most common methods include:

  • Boiling
  • Advocacy
  • Freezing


We all know from childhood that we cannot drink raw water, but only boiled water. Boiling is used to destroy organic matter (viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.), remove chlorine and other low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia, etc.). Boiling does help purify the water to some extent, but this process has a number of side effects. The first is that when boiling, the structure of water changes, i.e. it becomes “dead” as oxygen evaporates. The more we boil water, the more pathogens die in it, but the more useless it becomes for the human body. Secondly, since water evaporates during boiling, the concentration of salts in it increases. They are deposited on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and lime and enter the human body upon subsequent consumption of water from the kettle.

As you know, salts tend to accumulate in the body, which leads to a variety of diseases, ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and liver fossilization (cirrhosis), and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack and many others. etc. In addition, many viruses can easily survive boiling water, since much higher temperatures are required to destroy them. Also note that boiling water only removes chlorine gas. Laboratory studies have confirmed the fact that after boiling tap water, additional chloroform is formed (causes cancer), even if the water was cleared of chloroform by purging with an inert gas before boiling.

Conclusion. After boiling, we drink “dead” water, which contains fine suspended matter and mechanical particles, salts of heavy metals, chlorine and organochlorine (chloroform), viruses, etc.


Sedimentation is used to remove chlorine from water. Typically, this is done by pouring tap water into a large bucket and leaving it there for several hours. Without mixing the water in a bucket, the removal of chlorine gas occurs from approximately 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water, therefore, to obtain any noticeable effect, it is necessary to follow the developed settling methods.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of this method of water purification leaves much to be desired. After settling, it is necessary to boil the water.


This method is used for effective water purification using its recrystallization. This method is much more effective than boiling and even distillation, since phenol, chlorophenols and light organochlorines (a number of chlorine-containing compounds are the worst poison) are distilled together with water vapor (we will note the latter for fans of distilled water).

Many people understand this method as follows: pour water into a dish and put it in the refrigerator until ice appears, then remove the dish from the refrigerator and defrost it for drinking. Let us immediately note that the effect of water purification using the above method is zero, since freezing is a very complex and lengthy process, the effectiveness of which entirely depends on strict adherence to the developed methods.

This method is based on the chemical law, according to which when a liquid freezes, first the main substance crystallizes in the coldest place, and lastly, in the least cold place everything that was dissolved in the main substance solidifies. This phenomenon can be observed in the example of a candle. In an extinguished candle, away from the wick, you get clean, transparent paraffin, and in the middle, where the wick was burning, soot collects and the wax turns out dirty). All liquid substances obey this law. The main thing here is to ensure slow freezing of water and to conduct it so that there is more of it in one place of the vessel than in another. Since this method takes several pages, we will not present it here. (you can find out more from the book: Caution! Tap water! Its chemical contamination and methods of additional purification at home./ Skorobogatov G.A., Kalinin A.I. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House , 2003.) Let us only note that preparing water using the freezing method can last several hours with constant monitoring of the process. Otherwise, efficiency decreases sharply.

We had the opportunity to test water that housewives spent several hours trying to prepare by freezing. It was slightly better than tap water. This once again confirms that freezing is a difficult process, which has its own subtleties and not all recommendations here lead to the expected effect.

Water purification using filters

Various filters are used to remove harmful impurities from water. In everyday life, various jugs and faucet attachments are widely used.

Tronina Sofia, 3rd grade student

The work tested different methods of water purification at home and compared their effectiveness.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Igrinskaya secondary school No. 5

Children's Association of Additional Education

"I am a researcher"

Water purification at home

3rd grade student

Head: Averyanova

Nadezhda Petrovna,

Geography teacher



Introduction page 2

1.Methods of water research. p.3

1.1. Determination of the smell and taste of water. p.4

1.2. Determination of water color. p.4

1.3. Determination of water hardness. p.5

2. Results of water research, p.6

3.Water purification at home p.8

3.1. Advocacy p.8

3.2. Freezing. p.8

3.3. Boiling. p.8

Conclusion. p.10

Literature. p.11


Water is the most common substance on Earth. In its pure form, it has no smell, no taste, no color. But in reality, water is never like this. This happens because it surprisingly actively absorbs into itself, dissolves in itself, and itself penetrates almost everything that surrounds it. Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, streams and... puddles are filled with water. There is also water in the air, which makes up the huge air ocean of the Earth - the atmosphere. Life originated in water; We ourselves are largely composed of water, and without water the existence of all living things is impossible. Traces of water are found even in stones and minerals.

Water for drinking and cooking must be clean, otherwise you can get seriously ill. But natural water comes in different qualities. Scientists have proven that water obtained from various sources can contain up to 650 species of different harmful substances and microorganisms. Water from public wells and springs does not have reliable protection from pollution and the occurrence and spread of human intestinal infections.

What kind of water is of high quality, healthy and suitable for consumption? How can you check the purity of water at home and, if necessary, purify it? This is what became purpose my research work.

Tasks posed in my work are as follows:

1. Study literary and Internet sources on the topic of the research work.

2. Select the simplest methods for testing water quality and apply them to study several types of water.

3. Practically familiarize yourself with methods of water purification.

1.Water research methods

In accordance with hygienic requirements, the suitability of water for drinking consists of three components:

  • its epidemiological safety (water should not be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, protozoa, helminth eggs, etc.);
  • harmlessness in chemical composition;
  • good organoleptic properties.

Water quality for most indicators can only be tested in a laboratory. But is it possible to conduct some research ourselves? .To study the quality of drinking water, I identified available methods for testing water at home:

1. Appearance (transparency, absence of sediment, flakes, characteristic color of water, absence of a reddish-greenish tint).

2. Odor (bleach, hydrogen sulfide or other chemicals).

3. Taste (no taste, salty or bitter).

4. Stiffness. Water hardness will show the presence of lime and salts (using a soap solution)

For the study, I took water from several sources: tap water, water from the Loza River, spring water from a spring on Shkolnaya Street, bottled water “Silver Keys” became the standard, 4 samples in total.

I poured the same amount of water from different samples into clean laboratory beakers. She assigned each sample its own number, then conducted experiments in which she determined: appearance, smell, taste of water and hardness.

Before conducting research, I filtered the water using cotton pads to remove unwanted large particles. The water from the Loza River turned out to be quite dirty (see photo 1, sample No. 1).

Photo No. 1

1.1. Determination of the smell and taste of water.

At home with your own hands and at the same time quite objectively you can determine such organoleptic properties of water as its taste and smell.

Testing can be done solely using the senses. To do this, you need to heat the water to 20 degrees Celsius, and then begin diagnostics.

Experts have developed a five-point scale, according to which:

0 points – water has no taste or smell;

1 point – the taste or smell is so mild that it can only be noticed by a specialist;

2 points – very slight taste or smell that can be detected by an ordinary person;

3 points – obvious smell or taste;

4 points - pronounced taste or smell that makes a person refrain from drinking;

5 points – extremely pronounced odor or taste, making the water unsuitable for internal consumption.

I used this scale in my research.

To test the taste and smell, I poured water into glasses. In order not to be mistaken, I compared the taste and smell with the standard - water “Silver Keys. During this study, the water from the Loza River, which was seriously polluted, aroused suspicion, so I tasted it. The results of the taste and smell study are presented in Table No. 1.

1.2. Determination of water color.

Groundwater is rarely completely colorless. Much more often they have a slight brown or yellowish tint, since they are saturated with iron compounds. Sometimes they can be contaminated by the ingress of frozen water, peat bog water, or primer into them.

In laboratory conditions, to determine color, water is mixed with reagents, and then its color is compared with reference samples. At home, of course, there is no such scale, but to a first approximation, this indicator can still be determined by pouring water into a glass container and examining it under the light. Before assessing, you must first place a white sheet of paper behind a glass of water.

We note the color: colorless, yellowish, greenish, grayish and other shades. For groundwater, light coloration of water is acceptable. If water is taken from surface sources, even slight coloration of the water indicates its unsuitability for consumption.

The results of determining the color of water are presented in photo 2 and table No. 1

Photo No. 2

1.3. Determination of water hardness.

Calcium and magnesium salts add hardness to water. If soap does not lather well in water, vegetables take a long time to cook, if after the water has boiled, there is

A large amount of scale remains - the water has increased hardness.

To determine water hardness, you can use a soap solution made from laundry soap. A piece of soap neatlydissolve in water to prevent foam from forming. Pour the solution in equal quantities into glasses with water samples and stir. Let it sit. Flakes should appear on and in the water. The more flakes, the harder the water. I determined the hardness on a scale: hard, medium hard, slightly hard and soft if no flakes formed. The results of the rigidity study are clearly visible in photo 3 and are presented in table No. 1.

Photo No. 3.

2. Results of water testing

As a result of my water research, the following results were obtained:

Table No. 1


Water sample


Smell (points)





Light yellow

Medium hardness








No color


When filtering the water, the dirtiest water turned out to be from the Loza River (see photo 1). A sediment consisting of particles of sand and peat remained on the cotton filter. The rest of the water is quite clean and has no sediment.

Color studies have shown that water from the Loza River and spring has a color of shades of yellow, tap water has a slight grayish tint, while bottled water is colorless.

Examination of water for smell: the smell of water from the Loza River is quite pronounced - slightly swampy, water from a spring has a weak smell - it was not possible to determine what it smells like, and tap water has a sour smell. And only bottled water has no odor.

When determining the taste, I did not dare to try the water from the Vine, since the color and smell are quite pronounced. The taste of spring water is slightly astringent and metallic. Tap water has a bitter aftertaste, although initially it has no taste. And only “Silver Keys” water has no taste.

When determining hardness, spring water turned out to be the hardest, and a large number of flakes formed in the water, which were distributed throughout the entire water column from the surface to the bottom. Flakes also formed in river water, but in small quantities. But in samples of tap water and bottled water there were no flakes; on the contrary, foam formed on the surface, which indicates that this water is soft.

By testing the quality of water at home using various methods and rating it using a five-point system, I determined the highest quality water of all the samples participating in my research.

This water turned out to be bottled water “Silver Keys”. In terms of organoleptic indicators, tap water received a good result. The worst result is for water from an open reservoir - the Loza River. But the results obtained do not guarantee that the water is free of bacterial contamination, so additional measures are required to disinfect it. Thus, the question is to determine priorities - what is better: drinking tap water or high-quality purified water. And from a medical point of view, water must be safe for consumption, tasty and stable.

Having examined the water samples, I was faced with the problem of how to further purify it, other than filtration. The most accessible methods for me turned out to be settling, boiling and freezing. I did not consider methods of water purification using chemicals - special tablets for water disinfection (Aquasept, Clorsept, Aquatabs, Pantocid), as well as potassium permanganate and iodine. Since this is more suitable for use in field conditions - during hiking, it may cause an allergic reaction.

3.Water purification at home.

3.1. Advocacy

The easiest way to purify water is by settling. To do this, pour tap water into a vessel or glass jar with a capacity of 3-5 liters and keep it this way for 24 hours. The water can then be used for cooking. But drinking this water raw is not recommended! Moreover, you need to use 3/4 of water, because various salts, bleach and other harmful substances settle to the bottom of the vessel. The last quarter of the settled water must be poured out.

3.2. Freezing.

Freezing can remove salt impurities from water.

During the freezing process of untreated water, the salts and harmful impurities contained in it are concentrated in the remainder of the liquid - clean water freezes first, and the freezing temperature of the solution with salts is below 0 oC. To freeze the water, I used plastic containers that do not burst when the water freezes and expands. The ice turned out to be two-colored: part of the ice remained transparent, like water, and part became milky. It is this cloudy ice that contains salts dissolved in water. The least amount of salts appeared in the spring water - very little milky ice formed in the lower part of the container. The ice from the spring water and from the Vine was almost completely milky in color and had a slightly porous structure. Tap water, having frozen, formed pure transparent ice along the walls of the vessel, and milky ice concentrated in the center. The method of purifying water from dissolved salts by freezing has been known for a long time and was even used to desalinate salt water.

3.3. Boiling.
The simplest and most common way to disinfect water is boiling. To be sure of the quality of boiled water, you need to let it boil for at least five minutes and then cool it. In appearance, boiled water is no different from raw water. But after settling, a sediment formed at the bottom, which settled on the filter during repeated filtration (see photo 4).

Photo No. 4

This method of purifying water from bacterial contamination is the most effective, but the water is deprived of oxygen and some substances beneficial to the body.


During the preparatory stage for research work, I studied many information sources (dictionaries, books, Internet articles). Based on the knowledge gained, I chose the methods of research and water purification that were most acceptable to me. I not only talked about this in my work, but also conducted research following these methods. Water is an amazing substance without which a person cannot live. It was not immediately that water was the same as we know it now, its properties and quality. Now I know what kind of water is high-quality, healthy and suitable for consumption; bottled water turned out to be such water. Our tap water also has good results. This result made me happy, because in most cases, at home, such water is used for drinking and cooking. Not everyone has the financial opportunity to buy a filter for water purification. In my work, I also shared my personal experience of determining the quality of drinking water at home.

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Water purification at home

Purpose of the work: How can you check the purity of water at home and, if necessary, purify it?

Objectives: 1. Study literary and Internet sources on the topic of the research work. 2. Select the simplest methods for testing water quality and apply them to study several types of water. 3. Practically familiarize yourself with methods of water purification.

Methods for checking water quality at home: 1. Appearance (transparency, absence of sediment, flakes, characteristic color of water, absence of a reddish-greenish tint). 2. Odor (bleach, hydrogen sulfide or other chemicals). 3. Taste (no taste, salty or bitter). 4.Rigidity. Presence of lime and salts (using a soap solution)

Water samples were taken No. 1 - river (Loza River) No. 2 - tap water No. 3 - spring water (Shkolnaya St.) No. 4 - bottled

Water filtering

Definition of color

Determination of hardness

Research results Sample No. Water sample Color Smell (points) Taste (points) Hardness 1 River (Loza River) Light yellow 3 3 medium 2 tap grayish 1 1 soft 3 Rodnikovaya (Shkolnaya St.) yellowish 2 2 hard 4 bottled colorless 0 0 soft

Purifying water at home: 1. Settling 2. Boiling 3. Freezing

Filtration results after boiling

When spring water was frozen, milky, porous ice formed from the Loza River. This indicates the presence of salts. The bottled water ice was clear, but the tap water had milky ice in the middle of the sample.

Conclusions on water quality Bottled water turned out to be of high quality, healthy and suitable for consumption. Our tap water also had good results. Spring water turned out to be too hard, contains a lot of salts and will form scale on the walls of the kettle. But I don’t recommend drinking water from the Loza River without boiling, re-filtering and freezing.

Today we’ll talk about ways to purify water at home and find out which water is better to drink, because only clean water, free of harmful impurities, can be truly beneficial for humans. We talked about how important water is for health and how much you should drink it in the article.

Unfortunately, the state of the ecology on earth is such that there is almost no absolutely clean water suitable for drinking left in nature. Probably the purest water is in mountain springs, as it is given by nature itself without the harmful influence of man. But its availability is very limited.

The majority of the country's population uses tap water. I think there is no need to say that often this water is not ideal and needs additional purification. Of course, at water intakes, drinking water is purified and disinfected from microorganisms that can cause the development of intestinal infections and other diseases. However, the cleaning system itself is far from ideal: in order to save money, chemical reagents such as chlorine are used, which is harmful to health. Chlorine destroys the intestinal microflora, harms the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, washes calcium from the bones, and causes allergies.

Maybe these diseases are a lesser evil than getting dysentery or more terrible diseases such as hepatitis, typhoid or cholera, but the benefits, taste, and most importantly the delayed harmful effect of these impurities on our health make us think. The fact of the condition of the pipes of urban Russian water supply systems makes one shiver: settled and accumulated dirt from the water itself, plus rust from the pipes - pre-purified water passes through such a tunnel to our taps.

Which water is best for drinking?

And yet, let’s try to figure out what to choose from all the evils for a city dweller.

Distilled water

The water is passed through a special installation, where it is completely purified from impurities and all salts, but the purest H2O cannot be recommended for drinking due to the fact that it is devoid of micro and macroelements and salts beneficial to the body. So the need for calcium is met by 30% with water.

Bottled water

Manufacturers of bottled liquid extract this water from deep wells, further purify it, add the necessary minerals and sell it to us. Water should not be stored in a plastic container at all and it is necessary to control its shelf life, which is not always observed by the retail chain. If water is stored in glass containers, there is no doubt and such water can serve as an example of purity and usefulness. This method has practically no complaints and is considered good, but it is expensive and it is not possible to buy such water everywhere.

Although violations and high-profile revelations occur here, the results of inspections turned out that more than half of the popular brands of bottled drinking water contain a large number of various microorganisms that exceed permissible standards several times. Therefore, sanitary doctors say that it is safer for human health to drink ordinary tap water of proper quality.

Boiled water

The oldest, most reliable and accessible method of cleaning is boiling tap water that has been standing for several hours. We kill all the microflora at once, it is important not to boil the water so that salts of harmful heavy metals, if they are in the water, do not turn into even more harmful compounds. However, such water is dead because its structure is damaged, the microelements necessary for the body have precipitated and there is practically no benefit from it. There is a danger that chlorine, when boiled, turns into an even more harmful compound, chloroform, which is a carcinogen. Therefore, it is important not to boil water for a long time.

Systems and filters for water purification

Today, the most recognized methods of water purification are household filters.

Reverse osmosis systems

The most advanced and capable of purifying water to a crystal spring state is a reverse osmosis system, which contains membrane purification technology. Water passes through a multi-stage membrane system and each time it loses its mineral composition. The output is almost pure H2O or distilled water, which is not the healthiest and therefore requires mineralization. This is the downside of cleaning. In addition, the system is very expensive and requires constant replacement of filters, so it is not yet affordable for most residents of our country.

Filter jugs

More accessible today and in almost every home there are filters that retain all kinds of harmful impurities dissolved in water. A filter jug ​​is capable of retaining dirt and impurities and removing chlorine, but heavy metal salts will remain in the water.

Three-stage water purification system

There are stationary filters that are embedded in the water supply; they are simpler and therefore cheaper. They are able to partially purify water, which does not require further mineralization.

The only downside of this system is the additional financial cost of the system itself and the periodic replacement of cartridges.

On my own behalf, I can say that in my house there is one of these budget options for the three-cartridge Aquaphor systems: stage 1 - pre-cleaning, stage 2 - water softening and stage 3 - deep sorption cleaning. There are no complaints about the system, but Aquaphor cannot cope with softening our water. Since water, when boiling in a kettle, forms the same precipitate of calcium salts in the form of scale on its walls, of course less than it would have been without a filter.

Unconventional methods of water purification

In addition to the main methods of water purification listed above, non-traditional methods can be used in everyday life:

  • Cleansing with minerals: shungite, silicon, mountain quartz, which with their surface absorb harmful impurities, bacteria, microorganisms and increase the transparency of water, making it tastier, because they change its structure and recharge. Water purified in this way improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and.
  • Silvering of water- the oldest and long-known cleaning method. Clean silver coins or objects sink to the bottom of the jug, and thanks to silver ions, the water is purified from pathogenic microflora.
  • Activated carbon used as an excellent absorbent and used in industrial filters. It is enough to wrap a few coal tablets in a clean cloth and place them in water for 10-12 hours. The coal will absorb all the dirt, the sediment will settle at the bottom and the water will become cleaner.

  • Water purification weak acid solution: vinegar, lemon, ascorbic acid are acceptable in everyday life. The method is based on the ability of acids to bind elements that are excessively harmful to our body.
  • Mineral cleaning shungite found my supporters. Shungite- a unique ancient mineral mined only in Karelia. It has a special rare formula of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Water infused with shungite self-purifies and becomes not only clean, but also healthy.

All these methods of cleaning have the right to exist, because we find ourselves in various life situations. Sometimes no stationary system, no matter how good it is, can be used, but these are the methods that will begin to work.

And although science does not confirm or offer us an evidence base for the results of such cleaning, as well as guarantees of its effectiveness, it is still important to know these unconventional methods.

There is another way to purify water -. Such water is not only clean, but also healthy.

That's all for today. Drink clean water - the source of health and longevity.

And in conclusion, advice: do not forget about, even if there are any bacteria and microorganisms in the water - this is also good for us, thereby strengthening the protective functions of the body. After all, you cannot live in a completely sterile environment, eat and drink perfectly clean, focusing only on the benefits of everything. The human body must be prepared for all the adversities that life presents to us.

People use different methods to purify water at home. However, not everyone knows how to carry them out correctly and what side effects may arise.

All methods of water purification can be divided into two groups: purification without the use of filters and purification using filters.

Purifying water without using filters.

This option is the most common and affordable, since water purification does not require the purchase of additional devices other than ordinary kitchen utensils. The most common methods include:





We all know from childhood that we cannot drink raw water, but only boiled water. Boiling is used to destroy organic matter (viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.), remove chlorine and other low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia, etc.). Boiling does help purify the water to some extent, but this process has a number of side effects. The first is that when boiling, the structure of water changes, i.e. it becomes “dead” as oxygen evaporates. The more we boil water, the more pathogens die in it, but the more useless it becomes for the human body. Secondly, since water evaporates during boiling, the concentration of salts in it increases. They are deposited on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and lime and enter the human body upon subsequent consumption of water from the kettle.

As you know, salts tend to accumulate in the body, which leads to a variety of diseases, ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and liver fossilization (cirrhosis), and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack and many others. etc. In addition, many viruses can easily survive boiling water, since much higher temperatures are required to destroy them. Also note that boiling water only removes chlorine gas. Laboratory studies have confirmed the fact that after boiling tap water, additional chloroform is formed (causes cancer), even if the water was cleared of chloroform by purging with an inert gas before boiling.

Conclusion. After boiling, we drink “dead” water, which contains fine suspended matter and mechanical particles, salts of heavy metals, chlorine and organochlorine (chloroform), viruses, etc.


Sedimentation is used to remove chlorine from water. Typically, this is done by pouring tap water into a large bucket and leaving it there for several hours. Without mixing the water in a bucket, the removal of chlorine gas occurs from approximately 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water, therefore, to obtain any noticeable effect, it is necessary to follow the developed settling methods.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of this method of water purification leaves much to be desired. After settling, it is necessary to boil the water.


This method is used for effective water purification using its recrystallization. This method is much more effective than boiling and even distillation, since phenol, chlorophenols and light organochlorines (a number of chlorine-containing compounds are the worst poison) are distilled together with water vapor (we will note the latter for fans of distilled water).

Many people understand this method as follows: pour water into a dish and put it in the refrigerator until ice appears, then remove the dish from the refrigerator and defrost it for drinking. Let us immediately note that the effect of water purification using the above method is zero, since freezing is a very complex and lengthy process, the effectiveness of which entirely depends on strict adherence to the developed methods.

This method is based on the chemical law, according to which when a liquid freezes, first the main substance crystallizes in the coldest place, and lastly, in the least cold place everything that was dissolved in the main substance solidifies. This phenomenon can be observed in the example of a candle. In an extinguished candle, away from the wick, you get clean, transparent paraffin, and in the middle, where the wick was burning, soot collects and the wax turns out dirty). All liquid substances obey this law. The main thing here is to ensure slow freezing of water and to conduct it so that there is more of it in one place of the vessel than in another. Since this method takes several pages, we will not present it here. (you can find out more from the book: Caution! Tap water! Its chemical contamination and methods of additional purification at home./ Skorobogatov G.A., Kalinin A.I. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House , 2003.) Let us only note that preparing water using the freezing method can last several hours with constant monitoring of the process. Otherwise, efficiency decreases sharply.

We had the opportunity to test water that housewives spent several hours trying to prepare by freezing. It was slightly better than tap water. This once again confirms that freezing is a difficult process, which has its own subtleties and not all recommendations here lead to the expected effect.

Water purification using filters

Various filters are used to remove harmful impurities from water. In everyday life, various jugs and faucet attachments are widely used.

Water treatment methods and water purification methods

A lot of water treatment methods and water purification methods have already been invented. There are many reasons for drinking water contamination. However, they are all, in one way or another, connected to water sources. Each type of source has its own characteristic causes of water pollution.

The solution to problems associated with water pollution is its purification. Today, there are a number of water treatment methods and water purification methods that make it possible to obtain high quality drinking water from almost any source.

Various options for obtaining guaranteed high quality drinking water from a variety of sources:

Precipitation methods

Water clarification

Membrane methods

Chemical reagents for oxidation


Deferrization of water

Water softening

Desalination of water

Water conditioning

Water disinfection

Removal of organic contaminants

Dechlorination of water

Nitrate removal