We teach English via Skype. English via Skype – my experience of learning and practicing

Today there are such a huge number of different schools that provide educational opportunities English language via Skype, what to do right choice becomes almost impossible. Some institutions have a reputation and a more extensive training system, but the cost of their services cannot be called affordable. For others, the price for studying is much lower, but there is a risk of getting low quality services. Therefore, to exclude for you possible risks, and also save time, the portal site presents the first objective rating of the best online English language courses.

Learning English via Skype: pros and cons

Today, Skype as a means of communication is no longer something exotic. Like any other method, learning English via Skype has its pros and cons. But because out of the unusual this method has quickly become quite common, most people find themselves at a crossroads, choosing between online and offline activities. To help you accept final decision, consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of online learning

  1. Saving time and money- the quality of teaching depends entirely on the teacher. But renting a space more than doubles the cost of classes. Also included here are purchasing books, printing handouts, expenses for transportation, lunch and other household items. Training via Skype, with electronic educational materials, removes all these costs, as well as travel time.

  2. Convenience and practicality- studying via Skype is especially suitable for people who do not like to leave home or are extremely busy with business, as well as those who do not live according to standard schedules. Now there is no need to stand in traffic jams, jostle in public transport, overcome snowfalls or wild heat. In the office, at home, in the country and in any other place, according to your own schedule, you can conduct classes with the teacher you like. Even night owls who lead a nocturnal lifestyle can find a teacher or native speaker on another continent, with a time zone suitable for learning.

  3. Extensive Features in studying- unlike in the classroom, during training via Skype you personally choose your teacher. You can also learn from a person with a pronunciation that interests you, common, for example, in a certain region of the UK or a specific state in America.
    Well, on my own colloquial form learning used via Skype is much more effective for language acquisition than classical memorization of rules.

Disadvantages of Skype Training

  1. Only high-speed Internet is required
  2. Minimal knowledge of using a computer
  3. No possibility of personal contact
  4. When teaching children online, the teacher will not always be able to control their perseverance.

Where to start online learning English

Are you interested in learning English online? Then let's look at where to start learning. The portal's rating indicates best schools, which were selected according to certain indicators. But in order not to waste a lot of time on choosing, you should initially look at the indicated cost of training and the programs offered. Having chosen the option you are interested in, it makes sense to visit the website of the school itself.

Today Fluency foreign language, and sometimes more than one, is a necessity that helps facilitate understanding not only between representatives different countries, heads of state, but also helps to establish business communications, resolve business issues, and provides the opportunity to travel carefree. The most prestigious modern companies require English language skills from their employees.

Today all over the world international language English is considered.

You can start learning English at any age. And given modern capabilities distance education, you can learn a language from the comfort of your own home.

Our online school offers you English language courses in the form of webinars and individual lessons.

It has already been proven that learning English via Skype is often effective best effect than traditional types of training.

English via Skype is effective method, V short time learn a language and get good results in your studies. And a professional English tutor will select individual program, taking into account various features and language learning goals.

Leading English teachers on Skype

Irina Amina Tatiana Anastasia

On this topic: How are English lessons conducted on Skype?

Special courses:

  • Classes for schoolchildren from 10 years old

Benefits of learning English via Skype

Learning English via Skype is, first of all, saving time and money. You will not need to waste time traveling to the courses and back, or overpay for room rent. Anyone can learn, regardless of their level of training.

In addition, you can study in convenient time. Classes are available to everyone. You choose the time yourself. You can devote even 2 free hours a week to new knowledge.

Our school employs highly qualified and experienced specialists via Skype. Many of them have passed foreign training, improved their qualifications. First-class tutors are waiting for you!

Online training can be group or individual. Depending on your goals, you can choose the best option for studying the program. Individual lessons via Skype will allow you to do exactly what you need. Vocabulary, grammar, exam preparation, knowledge restoration - the teacher will give you the knowledge that is necessary.

Teachers teaching English via Skype

For online classes You can independently select a teacher who teaches English via Skype. All teachers are selected and also have proven diplomas language universities, CELTA and DELTA certificates. High level knowledge is confirmed by international certificates CPE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL. Teachers also have methodological literacy so that students speak as quickly as possible and get the required result.

On the site you can find both native and Russian-speaking tutors. Russian-speaking teachers teaching English on Skype are best suited for people with minimal knowledge and Elementary levels, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate. For those who have perfectly mastered any topic or have a level Advanced knowledge, a native speaker would be best. There are combined classes with different teachers, which in some cases give excellent results!

A teacher can be selected based on interests, of any gender, even according to character compatibility. If you feel comfortable during classes, this will already be half of your success!

Our promotions and prices for English lessons on Skype

1) “English from scratch.” By paying for 8 lessons of 45 minutes at a time, you get a total cost of 3,200 rubles. The price of 1 lesson is 400 rubles.

2) Many people appreciate the 5% discount, namely promotions for English lessons on Skype when paying for 20 lessons of 45 and 60 minutes and a course for travelers.

3) If you pay for 35 lessons of 45 and 60 minutes for a general or travel course, you will receive a 10% discount. The action is multiple, classes are taught by Russian-speaking teachers.

4) By paying for ten lessons of 45 and 60 minutes, a business course and exam preparation, you receive a 5% discount. After the day of payment, the promotion for English lessons on Skype is valid for three months.

5) By paying for twenty exam preparation lessons and a business course, you receive a 10% discount. The lessons are taught by a Russian-speaking teacher, after payment the promotion is valid for six months.

Important technical point courses via Skype

Please note that English courses via Skype will be a full replacement full-time classes under certain conditions. The main one is technical side, high Internet speed is important here so that video communication is without delays, there is no sound distortion, and file exchange occurs quickly enough. You can test the quality of the connection and get to know the teacher during a trial lesson.

We offer webinars and individual English lessons for all levels:


The first level of learning English is intended for students who have not studied English and have a weak understanding of it.


This is the next level of learning English, here students learn key grammatical structures and simple speech patterns. After completing this level, students confidently possess the basic skills of initial colloquial speech.


Here students learn to practice key grammatical structures English grammar, perceive speech by ear, without difficulty, and successfully read and parse adapted literature.


A training course for students whose English proficiency is at an intermediate level. At the end of courses at this level, students have an in-depth knowledge of grammar. They are able to formulate and defend their point of view on a fairly significant range of issues.


The level of learning English in which students acquire the skills of free, relaxed communication, which are reinforced deep knowledge grammars. Also, special emphasis is placed on increasing vocabulary.


English lessons via Skype at this level, designed for students trying to pass preparatory Course for delivery of various international exams and certificates in English.

We also offer online English language learning in the following areas:

Spoken English on Skype

The purpose of the study this course the English language is the development of correct, correct speaking skills, an increase in the current vocabulary, achieved through the use of not just new words, but grammatical structures, which simulate possible situations from life.

Business English on Skype

The primary goal of a business English course is to teach the student to skillfully use the language in business communication. The emphasis here is on developing communication skills that may be encountered in different situations business communication. This includes:

  • organization of presentations;
  • preparation and holding of meetings;
  • business correspondence;
  • conducting negotiations with foreign partners;
  • independent business conversation by phone;
  • preparation of documents, certificates, certificates international standard etc.

Preparing schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam remotely via Skype.

Studying English in preparation for the Unified State Exam in English contains all types of improvement of all aspects of the language. Here the emphasis is on the level of speaking, listening, the process of reading and writing, the tutor works on the exercises required for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.

Oksana Podgrushnaya

financial investment

Having studied with Tressa for almost 2 years, I feel fluent in spoken English. Very fun to analyze with the teacher actual news and world events, taking into account our territorial and national differences. She always gives interesting videos, interviews on topics that are useful to me and with the vocabulary I need. It’s great when the teacher feels the student and adjusts the classes to his interests and goals.

Arthur Latyshev

lead developer

Mega is pleased with his teacher Ksenia V. The classes are dynamic, with excellent explanations, the teacher encourages and does not let you give up. I study at a time convenient for me. All good. Actually, I doubted that online training will be effective, but I’ve only completed 11 lessons and I’m already feeling progress. All doubts are gone! An excellent website complemented my lessons. Works on a tablet, you can perform homework not including laptop.

Alena Mishkina

student, web developer

I have been studying with EnglishDom for the 5th month, my English is gradually becoming more confident and confident. The lesson consists of several sections; during the lesson we manage to improve both grammar and spoken English, which is important. In fact, each lesson is unique, since new topics are covered from lesson to lesson, and I always find some interesting points to discuss with the teacher. Because of this, the lesson flies by. Finally, I began to enjoy English :)

Ksenia Nazimko

I came to school with Upper-Intermediate level. She spoke confidently, quickly, but incorrectly. The main problem was with the grammar. Together with the teacher, we found a way out. The result was not long in coming. Classes fly by quickly. Of course, the topics of the lesson set the tone. They are really useful, and the dictionary always contains a selection of the most the right words. And what is equally important is the variety of tasks. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. I walked, I walk and I will walk!

Karina Kosenko

I have been studying at EnglishDom for only 3 months and I already see real results. The speaking skill has especially improved - it is especially important to me. During the lesson we have time to work with different tasks, including outside the learning platform. By the way, about the platform - it is constantly developing, new tasks are added there. You can choose a schedule that suits you and study from home without any problems. I plan to continue studying at school further!

Alexander Paramonov

I have been studying at EnglishDom school for about a year. English has always been difficult for me to learn. Everything went smoothly, and every time I had to force myself. I think my main achievement is that this moment I'm not afraid to talk to a foreigner on the street. I know that I will be able to find out what interests me and will be understood correctly. Special thanks to professional teachers. I recommend!

Alexey Belyaev

the chief of development

I joined EnglishDom last summer. I wanted to update my English skills and to prepare for IELTS. To tell the truth, I always wait for my English class to see my teacher. She is a very nice specialist and I’m satisfied with her lessons. Having detected my weak skills the teacher started to work hard with them. I already feel my English came to the next level and my vocabulary varied. EnglishDom is a very good way to study and improve your English.

Lyudmila Shkuratova


I am glad that I contacted EnglishDom school and my experienced teacher with experience. I love following the program and seeing my progress in learning the language. I’m very glad that I have the opportunity to practice my speaking skills in class, which is also important for me. Lessons are always held in a comfortable atmosphere. A big advantage in training is the opportunity to seek help from your supervisor, who will advise you on any issue.

Maria Kuklina


EnglishDom is my first experience of learning a language via Skype. I'm very pleased with it! Despite doubts and fears, studying via Skype is just as interesting and useful as in face-to-face lessons. The school has a super-loyal approach to students, and all educational issues are resolved promptly and always with positive attitude. After classes on the platform at EnglishDom, I began to recommend this format of training to all my friends who want to know English.

Yaroslav Bodrov

Lead Engineer

I have been studying at EnglishDom school for over a year and have significantly improved my English language skills. The school has cool apps that can be used to learn words, practice grammar, and also has a bunch of programs for you to go through on your own. online course. I was also very lucky with my teacher. She was able to motivate me when I had defeatist thoughts about English. Thank you EnglishDom!

Elena Bachinskaya

I met EnglishDom when I had a goal to improve my level of English. The curator helped me select a teacher for individual lessons via Skype on the platform. Plus, I downloaded the ED Words app to learn words. I was pleasantly surprised. A schedule is assigned, the curator controls the “visit”. Thanks to an excellent teacher and good organization educational process, I achieved desired results! Thank you, EnglishDom!

Natalia Raikova

travel agency director

I have already forgotten how many years I have been studying at EnglishDom. This was my first experience with online learning and it turned out to be very successful. There is no need to take a break during vacations and vacations; you can always change the schedule or reschedule classes. Over the years of my studies, I have recommended the school to many people, and many successfully study here. The school is developing, a convenient platform for classes, a mobile application, was invented. I recommend to everyone!

Magento backend developer

“I am studying English at EnglishDom for about one year. This is very comfortable service with flexible schedule and number of options for practicing the language. Specially, I would like to note my teacher Nataly F. She is a very good professional. Our lessons are always interesting and productive. I would recommend this service to everyone who is going to learn English language.”

Victor Sarmin

Project Manager Skylum Software

I started studying at EnglishDom more than 2 months ago. I chose a convenient way to study remotely. Currently on the Intermediate course. Basically, over these couple of months I improved my grammar. I'm gradually building up lexicon, which is convenient to practice with mobile application ED Words. My teacher Oksana is full of enthusiasm and explains to me several times the rules, material I have already covered and forgotten. Thank you very much, Oksana! EnglishDom rules!

Today it is difficult to find an Internet user who would not know about the existence of such a program as Skype. This application is usually associated with free Internet communications and video conferencing. In addition to free Internet telephony, group chats and file sharing, the Skype program also has other useful features that are not known to all users.

For example - study English via Skype with a native speaker for free. How can this be implemented in practice? After all, it is not very polite to directly contact any English-speaking Skype user and demand communication.

How to find an English-speaking interlocutor on Skype

This opportunity has already been provided and all problems have been solved! Proceed according to the following plan.

There, in the Skype community, you can find a native speaker of the language you are studying, and there are also special language clubs. You will learn the language with an Englishman, and in gratitude this foreigner will study your language - after all, you are also a native speaker of your native language? And someone in other countries is very interested in your ability to speak your language perfectly and absolutely without an accent.

Alternative language teaching via Skype

If you just ask the phrase in Google search English via Skype, then you will be offered other options for learning languages ​​outside the Skype community. These are various online language schools or courses where you will be offered a limited number of Skype lessons for free. After graduation free course you may want to continue your studies for money.

Advantage paid training The point is that they take things seriously here. You can chat on Skype for free for years with an English-speaking interlocutor and still not master fluent speech. A vocational schools apply special techniques allowing you to master the language in the shortest possible time. In general, the choice is huge and, if desired, you can find courses suitable for your level of knowledge for communicating the language with minimum costs or even completely without payment.

Video communication has long ceased to be a curiosity, and now it has become commonplace to study English not only in courses, but also via Skype. I have extensive experience in learning English using Skype. Moreover, it was when I started practicing English on Skype that I managed to move forward with dead center, which I was stuck on at the time. The reason was, of course, not some kind of magic Skype programs, but conversational practice, which I lacked. Well, I was lucky with the teacher. Later, I no longer studied with a teacher, but simply practiced speaking, and also taught lessons myself several times.

In this post I will talk about online learning English, about speaking practice on Skype and how the English teacher performed a Skype experiment on me.

My first English lesson on Skype

Note: I write “Skype” with a small letter, meaning any program similar to Skype: with the ability to make free audio and video calls over the Internet.

Classes with an emphasis on speaking practice

The second lesson format is suitable for students who generally do not need teacher-led learning, but do need help with speaking skills, pronunciation and general literacy speech. They already know at least the basics of grammar, the vocabulary is sufficient for the lesson to be taught entirely in English, but they speak with long pauses, frequent mistakes, have difficulty constructing phrases.

The teacher refers less to the textbook, classes take place with the student actively involved in the conversation. My first lesson on Skype, described above, took place in exactly this format. We never looked at the textbook, but the benefit from just one lesson was enormous.

In this case, it is better to study with a native speaker. The active, conversational format of lessons is the “strong point” of a popular language site all over the world, designed to find teachers of foreign languages ​​(not only English) and partners for practice. On Italki, teachers are divided into two categories:

  • Professional teachers- This certified specialists with extensive experience in offline and online language teaching. You can study with them both in a conversational format and in a strict academic format. The latter is familiar to them well: many of them are university teachers.
  • Tutors– amateur teachers without a linguistic diploma (usually) who will help you talk, point out mistakes, and help improve your speaking skills.

As a rule, “tutors” have lower prices. Despite the lack of a specialized diploma, they are sometimes more experienced and simply more interesting than their certified colleagues. Unlike many online English schools, italki allows you to pay for lessons one at a time rather than in packages. The calculation is carried out in a special currency of the ITC website (italki credits), 100 ITC are equal to 10 dollars.

Pros and cons of learning English on Skype with a teacher


  • There is no need to go anywhere or travel. Classes right at home at a convenient time. In conditions big city it sometimes means saving several hours in a day.
  • As a rule, reasonable prices with good qualifications and experience of the teacher.
  • In small towns it is often difficult to find any tutor at all, but via Skype you can take lessons from an experienced and qualified teacher.
  • The opportunity to learn from native speakers is problematic offline, even in big cities.
  • Opportunity to find a teacher of a “rare” language. If you can find an English teacher almost everywhere, then with a little less popular languages, for example, French, Spanish, Japanese have problems in many cities. Many online schools specialize in English, but teachers (and just communication partners) in many languages ​​can be found on.


  • An inexperienced teacher may have a lot of problems with how to show something in a textbook or give an exercise to a student. When I tried to teach lessons via Skype, I had exactly these difficulties. More experienced teachers can easily cope with this difficulty with the help of pre-prepared materials. At school, this problem has been solved with the help of a convenient virtual classroom.
  • If you have a very unstable slow connection, a bad microphone, or a glitchy computer, part of the lesson will be spent on “can you hear/see me?”
  • If you are not comfortable with a computer, have never used Skype and do not know, for example, how to send a file, how to move a file from one folder to another, how to answer an incoming call, what a “login” and “password” are, then you will have to learn this on the go, again wasting lesson time. Instead of English lessons, there will be computer literacy lessons. Skype lessons require that you have at least basic computer skills.

Method 2: Conversation practice

If in “Method 1” the teacher teaches the student, then practice is no longer study. This live use language, in fact, what we teach it for.

It's simple. We go to some language social network, find people who want to communicate in English, exchange contacts and chat! For example, partners for practice can be found in the already mentioned. The mechanism is simple: the more we speak English, the better it gets. Eaning and mooing during pauses will gradually be replaced by speed and ease of speech, especially if studying is not limited only to speaking practice, and is supported by reading, listening and, very preferably, writing in English.

Pros and cons of free conversation practice.


  • Opportunity to practice English with native speakers for free.
  • Conversation skills develop very well because you speak a lot and with enthusiasm.
  • And all this without leaving home, at any convenient time.


  • This is not a lesson, but a conversation. A simple guy from Texas or Delhi is unlikely to want to explain to you the difference between and, and if he wants to, he won’t always be able to. Likewise, you are unlikely to immediately be able to explain in detail how “to drive” differs from “to go” or why a firm sign is needed.
  • It’s not easy to find native English speakers on language social networks. They are in great demand. They are sorted out very quickly, and they simply physically cannot communicate with everyone.
  • There are some inappropriate people, be careful when communicating with strangers via the Internet.

Is it necessary to talk to native speakers?

But if you need to improve, rock it speaking skills, that is, learn to speak fluently, without pausing or choosing words, without thinking about it, without turning it over in your mind, then it makes no difference who you talk to, as long as the interlocutor has good enough English. It’s very cool, by the way, to practice with your compatriots - it’s easier to find mutual language, topics for conversation. True, there is a risk of adopting the mistakes of the interlocutor, for example in the construction of phrases.

Personally, I spoke with everyone on Skype: with a student from Puerto Rico who suddenly fell in love with the Russian language, with a polyglot from Hungary who spoke five languages, with pensioners from the USA, students from Brazil and Bangladesh, but most of all I spoke in English with Russian student Svetlana, who studied in Germany and needed to practice English. Her German was fine, but her English was forgotten due to lack of use. Played a role important factor: I found it interesting to talk to her. When you speak English with interest, forgetting that you have switched to another language, your skill grows by leaps and bounds (the same goes for reading, listening, writing).

With native speakers, you will develop not only speaking skills, but also listening comprehension of English. Of course, there is a difference between native and native, some cannot connect two words, but if the interlocutor speaks competently native language, you will better understand living, real English speech, with all its linguistic and cultural subtleties. In most cases, the difference between the speech of a native speaker (literate) and a foreigner is very strong.


  1. Study remotely with a teacher without leaving your home. There is no need to follow the convoy to the capital in search of knowledge.
  2. To practice oral speech with other language learners - no matter how far apart you live.
  3. Communicate in English with British, Americans, Canadians and other native English speakers.

All these three possibilities just 20 years ago were simply didn't exist. We live in the golden era of language learning, when literature, audio and video materials and even communication in foreign languages. Take advantage of this and good luck in learning the language!