What does intermediate level of knowledge of English mean? Elementary level - first steps in English

A - Basic ProficiencyB - Self-ownershipC - Fluency
A1 A2B1B2C1C2
Survival level Pre-threshold levelThreshold levelThreshold advanced levelProficiency levelNative level proficiency

Do you want to know if your knowledge corresponds to the Elementary level? Take ours and get recommendations that will help you improve your English language skills.

The Elementary level of English is the foundation on which your knowledge of the English language will rest

IN European system levels of foreign language proficiency, level A1 Elementary has the same letter designation as Beginner. However, it is the level of English Language Elementary considered the survival level. That is, the knowledge acquired at this level is enough to communicate in English at an everyday level. For example, if you are abroad, you can check the direction of travel from local residents, make purchases, book a hotel room, etc.

As a rule, students come to the Elementary level with a small amount of knowledge acquired in the Beginner course, at school or another educational institution. If you have previously studied English, it means that you already have at least some basic knowledge, even if it seems to you that you studied a long time ago and don’t remember anything. In fact, you have already “become acquainted” with the English language, you know the letters and sounds, you can read, you can introduce yourself and say simple phrases about yourself, your friends, family, home. This is enough to start studying at the Elementary level.

We recommend starting to study English at the Elementary level if you:

  • have studied English a little or briefly before and have acquired basic knowledge;
  • speak almost no English, although you know basic grammar and about 300-500 words;
  • you have a vague idea of ​​English grammar and would like to understand all tenses and constructions;
  • you have basic knowledge, but do not understand English by ear at all;
  • have completed the Beginner level of training in English courses or with a personal teacher.

Material that a person should know at the Elementary level

If you think your English skills are slightly better than the categories described above, you may already be at the Elementary level. To verify this, check out the table below. It is considered that you know English at the Elementary level and can move to the level if you have the following knowledge:

SkillYour knowledge
You understand how the verb to be is used (I am a student, It is cold).

Do you know the three simple tenses (Present, Future and Past Simple), the present long time (Present Continuous), have an idea of ​​the Present Perfect tense.

Do you understand the difference between sentences in the future tense: I'm going to bake a cake (construction to be going to), I'll bake a cake (Future Simple), I'm baking a cake (Present Continuous to indicate future action) .

Do you know three forms irregular verbs(drive-drove-driven).

You can ask questions to your interlocutor (Word order in questions).

Do you understand the difference between a cat and the cat(indefinite and definite articles).

Aren't you surprised that you can say a cookie, but you can't say a toast (toast, toasted piece of bread) (Countable and uncountable nouns).

You understand what lady’s dress, James’ house (Possessive Case) means.

You know the degrees of comparison of adjectives (big-bigger-the biggest).

Do you understand the difference between that cup, this cup, these cups, those cups (Demonstrative pronouns).

You know object pronouns (me, him, her, us, them) and the rules for their use.

You know some adverbs of frequency (often, usually, always, sometimes) and manner of action (well, quickly, hard).

You know what There is no snow on the ground (There is/are/was/were) means.

You know what the sentences I can read, I can’t swim, You should work (Modal verbs can/can’t/should) mean.

You understand what I like reading, I hate shopping means (Construction like/love/hate + -ing).

Your vocabulary ranges from 1000 to 1500 words and phrases.
You know commonly used words and phrases in English.
You can introduce yourself, your family and your home in a few simple sentences.

You know how to talk about your preferences and hobbies.

You easily describe your workday and weekend rest.

You can shop in a store abroad or communicate with staff at a hotel using vocabulary that is familiar to you.

You can talk about simple everyday topics.

You can answer simple questions on topics that are familiar to you.

You understand adapted literature at your level.

You can understand signs and announcements in public places or on the street.

You can understand the essence of general news.

You understand audio recordings adapted for your level.

You understand what native speakers are saying to you if they speak slowly and use vocabulary that is familiar to you.

You can write a simple personal letter to a friend.

You can write Short text about yourself, your hobby, family, home.

You can fill out simple personal information.

If you are still not sure about the choice of level of study, we recommend testing your knowledge using ours.

The Elementary level program includes the study of such topics in the curriculum

Grammar topicsConversational topics
  • To be
  • Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
  • Future Simple + be going to
  • Past Simple (Regular / Irregular verbs)
  • Imperative
  • Word order in questions
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Object Pronouns
  • Possessive Adjectives and Possessive S
  • Articles
  • Singular and plural nouns
  • Countable and uncountable nouns
  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Adverbs of manner
  • Prepositions
  • Modal Verbs (can, can't, should)
  • Like/hate/love+Ving
  • There is / are
  • Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives
  • About myself and my family
  • Countries and Nationalities
  • Personal Preferences (likes/dislikes)
  • Daily Routine
  • Holidays
  • The weather
  • Food and drinks
  • Sports and fitness
  • Music and Films
  • Houses and Furniture
  • Places in city
  • Transport
  • In shops (clothes, coffee)
  • Dates and Numbers
  • Describing a person

How your speaking skills will develop in the Elementary course

On Elementary course As with other levels, you will work on four main skills: By speaking, Listening, By reading, By letter. You will become familiar with simple grammatical structures of the English language, expand your vocabulary with the most necessary words and phrases, and develop correct pronunciation and intonation.

Your main task at any level is to learn speak(Speaking). At the Elementary level, you will already be able to take part in small dialogues, ask questions within the framework of the topics you have studied and understand the answers to them, especially if the interlocutor does not use words that are unfamiliar to you. You will be able to tell a monologue of 5-10 sentences about yourself, your family, and hobbies.

At A1 Elementary level you will learn understand by ear (Listening) individual familiar words and simple phrases that sound rather slowly and clearly. Used as listening material simple texts and dialogues that will be fully understandable to you after a second listen.

Concerning reading(Reading), new texts in English will be present in almost every lesson. Each of these texts is a source of new words and expressions that you will learn at this level. In the Elementary course, the basic vocabulary: you learn the most necessary things in Everyday life words and phrases. Also at this stage you will memorize the reading rules. You will learn to correctly read “automatically” all the letter combinations you encounter, without consulting a dictionary. Moreover, you will do this while reading an interesting text.

Concerning letters(Writing), then the training will begin with the simplest actions. You will learn to sign postcards, fill out small forms where you need to indicate your first and last name, nationality, and so on. By the end of the level, you will be able to write short essays and personal letters.

At the level English Elementary lexicon (Vocabulary) will expand to 1000-1500 words. Level A1 is full of the most useful words and phrases that are often used in all typical communication situations (shop, airport, on the street, etc.). Most words at this level are universal and can be used in written and oral speech, regardless of style. However, the volume of material to study will be quite large, because even for simple dialogues we will need to know a lot of words. But don’t be afraid that you will be forced to learn lists of words by heart. is aimed at mastering the language in the process of communication, so you will memorize new words through dialogues on the topic being studied.

Duration of study at the Elementary level

The duration of learning English at the Elementary level depends on individual characteristics the student and his initial knowledge. Average duration The Elementary course lasts 6-9 months. Although this is one of the first levels of language proficiency, it covers a wealth of material that will enable you to express yourself in the most common everyday communication situations. At this stage of training you gain basic knowledge, which is why it is important to lay a strong foundation that will allow you to subsequently achieve high levels of English proficiency.

And for those who want to not only test their knowledge of the English language, but also improve it, we invite you to sign up for a course at our school. The teacher will determine your level, weaknesses and strong points and will help improve your knowledge.

English language levels are, in fact, a system that allows you to assess how well a person speaks the language, that is, the very result of learning. There are several classifications, they can be systematized according to:

The Russian simple version has only three levels of knowledge. This:

  • elementary
  • average
  • high

However, such a classification is rather amateurish, and it is not suitable for professionals, job seekers. The employer, reviewing all kinds of resumes, seeks to identify not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical degree of training. Therefore, the applicant usually indicates the following levels:

  1. Using a dictionary
  2. Speaking skills
  3. Intermediate
  4. Fluent
  • Basic knowledge of Business English— basic knowledge of business English

International system for determining levels of knowledge

The international version is more complicated, it has a larger number of steps, due to the additional division of middle and highest degrees English proficiency. For convenience, each category is designated by a letter with a numerical index.
English proficiency scale So, below is the table Common European Framework of ReferenceCEFR(Common European Framework of Reference)

Language level Competencies
A 1 Beginner Elementary Knowledge of simple basics of the language:
  • alphabet
  • key rules and phrases
  • initial basic dictionary
A 2 Elementary Elementary
  1. Vocabulary and knowledge of basic grammar sufficient to construct simple phrases and sentences.
  2. Ability to write letters and talk on the telephone
B 1 Lower Intermediate Lower middle
  1. Ability to read and translate simple texts
  2. Clear and understandable speech
  3. Knowledge of basic grammar rules
B 2 Upper Intermediate Above average
  1. Understanding text on the fly and being able to discern its style
  2. Large vocabulary
  3. Ability to debate with different people with the least number of lexical errors
  4. Competent writing of formal and informal letters and reviews on various topics
C 1 Advanced 1 Great
  1. “Fluent”, almost error-free speech with correct intonation and use of any conversational style
  2. Ability to write texts expressing emotions, as well as complex narrative texts (research, essays, articles, essays, etc.)
C 2 Advanced 2
(Upper Advanced)
In excellence Everything is the same, but added:
  1. Your complete confidence and knowledge of absolutely all unknown “spots” of English grammar
  2. You are able to speak, read and write like a native speaker

Using this table, you can determine which category you will be trained in. For example, in order to get a job in some Call Center, you only need to reach level A 2 - elementary. But for you to teach someone English, A 2 is clearly not enough: for the right to teach, the minimum category is B 2 (above average).

Professional language classification scale

However, more often, when compiling a resume according to international standards, the following is used professional classification, in which an elementary step serves as the initial step, and there are actually three “near-medium” ones. Other scales use a 7-level division (in this case, the initial level is without a category).

In the following table we will take a closer look at exactly Intermediate(average)

Language level Corresponding
A 1
Same as in Beginner CEFR
Same as in Elementary CEFR
Pre-intermediate Below average (pre-average) A 2 Same as in Lower Intermediate CEFR
Intermediate Average B 1
  1. The ability to holistically perceive a text by ear and identify context from non-standard text
  2. The ability to distinguish between native and non-native languages, official and unofficial speech
  3. Conducting free dialogues in which:
    • clear, clear pronunciation
    • emotions are expressed
    • expresses one's opinion and learns someone else's
  4. Ability to write sufficiently competently, namely:
    • be able to fill out various documents(forms, resumes, etc.)
    • write postcards, letters, comments
    • freely express your thoughts and attitudes
Upper-Intermediate Above average B 2 Same as in Upper Intermediate CEFR
Advanced Great C 1 Same as in Advanced 1 CEFR
Proficiency Ownership in practice C 2 The same as in Advanced 2 CEFR, with the difference that knowledge is improved not with the help of textbooks, but in practice, mainly among native speakers.

As you can see, the concept of “level” is quite subjective: for some, beginner or elementary is enough for training on an amateur scale, but for professionals Advanced may seem insufficient.
Level Proficiency is considered the highest, it is the most valuable and allows a highly qualified specialist to get a well-paid job abroad, and a student to get an education at a prestigious university or college.
In our native “penates” the average (Intermediate) is quite sufficient in order to:

  • understand language and communicate
  • watch films and read texts in English
  • conduct formal and informal correspondence

Testing your English level

How to determine what level of knowledge you are at? There are many tests, here is one of them
Testing your level of English How to climb a little higher on this ladder? Only through training!

This is a topic without borders. Visit our English Courses and Books and Textbooks sections and choose your favorite technique.

Levels of English proficiency according to the European scale

It is no secret that American and British English are somewhat different, and the international classification in to a greater extent focuses on American version, since most foreigners study this, easier, option. However, American English is foreign to Europeans. Therefore, the European English Language Framework was created.
European Framework of Reference for English Languages

  1. A1 Level of survival (Breakthrough). Corresponds to the International Level Scale Beginner, Elementary. At this level, you understand slow, clear English speech and can speak using familiar expressions and very simple phrases to everyday communication: in a hotel, cafe, store, on the street. You can read and translate simple texts, write simple letters and greetings, and fill out forms.
  2. A2 Pre-threshold level (Waystage). Corresponds to the international Pre-Intermediate level. At this level you can talk about your family, your profession, personal hobbies and preferences in cuisine, music, and sports. Your knowledge allows you to understand announcements at the airport, advertising texts, stores, inscriptions on products, postcards, you know how to conduct business correspondence, and you can also freely read and retell simple texts.
  3. B1 Threshold level. On the international scale it corresponds to the Intermediate level. You can already understand what we mean we're talking about in radio and television programs. You know how to express your own opinion, you know how to justify your views, and conduct business correspondence medium difficulty, retell the content of what you read or saw, read adapted literature in English.
  4. B2 Threshold advanced level (Vantage). According to the international scale - Upper-Intermediate. You are fluent in spoken language in any situation and can communicate with a native speaker without preparation. You know how to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of issues, convey your point of view, giving weighty arguments for and against. You can read unadapted literature in English, as well as retell the content of complex texts.
  5. C1 Level of professional proficiency (Effective Operational Proficiency). Corresponds to the international Advanced level. Now you understand various complex texts and can identify the subtext in them, you can express your thoughts fluently without preparation. Your speech is rich language means and the accuracy of their use in a variety of situations of everyday or professional communication. You can express yourself clearly, logically, and in detail on complex topics.
  6. C2 Level of mastery. According to the international scale - Proficiency. At this level, you can freely perceive any oral or written speech, you can summarize information received from different sources and present it in the form of a coherent and clearly reasoned message. You can express your thoughts fluently complex issues, conveying the subtlest shades of meaning.

Strive for perfection!

At what level do you need to speak English? Who needs this and why?

What does language proficiency at one of these levels indicate and who even invented them? Where to go to study?

How to link language proficiency levels with the international certification system?

What are language certificates and where can I get them?

This year, my colleague decided to enroll in a master's program in finance. Like all perfectionists, he made life as difficult as possible for himself: for admission he chose a serious university and a course that was taught in English.

The problem was that the university’s website clearly stated “TOEFL and professional interview”, and my colleague’s command of English, in my estimation, was at the level of “Landon from the Capital City of Great Britain”.

To find out the level, a teacher from a well-promoted language school was invited, who, after two hours of testing and interviews, pronounced “confident Intermediate”. At this point I was very surprised and once again plunged into thinking about how deeply foreign languages ​​penetrate into our lives, and not only now, and not only English. And how important it is to own at least it... At what level should you own it? What are these levels and what does language proficiency at each of them indicate? And how to link language proficiency levels with the international certification system?


We measure the immeasurable. How can you assess your level of language proficiency? By number of words? Of course it is important criterion. But Lev Shcherba and his “glok kuzdra” almost a century ago proved to the whole world that the main thing in a language is grammar. This is the backbone and the foundation. But to have a conversation, read a book or watch a movie, the basics are not enough. If you don’t know the vocabulary, the meaning of what is happening will still elude you. So again, vocabulary?

In fact, both are important, and also knowledge of the history, culture and modern realities of the country whose language you are studying - this is what your competencies are made of.

Each of us has heard something about language proficiency levels. For example, in English one of the initial levels is Elementary, in Hebrew the stages of study are named after the letters of the Hebrew alphabet (aleph, bet, gimel, etc.), and in Polish they correspond to the general European classification(from A0 to C2).

In addition to the system of divisions into levels for each separate language, there is also a pan-European classification. It describes not the amount of grammatical knowledge, but what knowledge and skills a person has, how well he reads, perceives speech by ear and expresses himself. It is impossible to formulate evaluation criteria common to all languages, such as “he knows this from grammar, but knows how to handle vocabulary like this.” European languages, although close to each other, have their own characteristics: the presence/absence of genders, cases and articles, the number of tenses, etc. On the other hand, the existing similarities are enough to create a common assessment system for the whole of Europe.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment(Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR) is a system of levels of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union. The corresponding directive was developed by the Council of Europe as a main part of the project “Language Learning for European Citizenship” between 1989 and 1996. The main purpose of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages. In November 2001, a Council resolution European Union recommended using CEFR to create national systems assessment of language competence.

Today, this classification offers us three levels, each of which has two sublevels:

Beginner (A1)

In class. The student understands and uses phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. (Remember, in foreign lessons: “Sit down, open your textbooks”? That’s it.) He can introduce himself and introduce another person, tell and answer simple questions about his family, home. Can support a simple dialogue - provided the other person speaks slowly, clearly and repeats three times.

In life. Yes, this is the level of Where are you from and London is the capital city of Great Britain. If in a foreign country you can call yourself by name, tell the cafe that you want tea, point your finger at the menu, ordering “this,” and ask a passerby where the Tower is, this is the level of survival. “Tu tickets tu Dublin,” so to speak.

Below average (A2)

In class. The student understands individual sentences and frequent expressions related to the main areas of life (information about himself and family members, purchases in a store, general information about work), and can also talk about this and maintain a conversation on everyday topics.

In life. At this level, you can already answer the standard question of the seller in the store (Do you need the package?), withdraw money from an ATM if there is no menu in your native language, clearly tell the seller at the market how many kilograms of peaches you need, instead of gesticulating expressively , you can find your way around the city, rent a bike and much more.

Free dialogue about Nietzsche is still a long way off, but, as you noted, keyword in definition this level- basic. From now on, your knowledge will be enough to survive in a foreign city.

Medium (B1)

In class. The student understands the essence of messages clearly formulated in literary language. Message topics: everything that surrounds a person during work, study, rest, etc. Being in the country of the language being studied, he can communicate in most standard life situations. Can compose a simple message on an unfamiliar topic, describe impressions, talk about some events and plans for the future, justify his opinion on any issue.

In life. The name of this level - self-sufficient mastery - suggests that you will be able to be in a foreign country and act independently in most situations. Here we mean not only and not so much shops (this is the previous level), but also trips to the bank, post office, going to the hospital, communicating with colleagues at work, teachers at school, if your child studies there. Having attended a performance in a foreign language, you are unlikely to be able to fully appreciate acting and the talent of the director, but you will already be able to tell your colleagues exactly where you went, what the play was about and whether you liked it.

Above average (B2)

In class. The student understands general content complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. He speaks quickly and spontaneously enough to communicate with native speakers without much effort.

In life. In fact, this is already the level of language that most people use in everyday life. We don’t discuss string theory or the architectural features of Versailles with our colleagues at lunch. But we often discuss new films or popular books. And the great thing is that now they will be available to you: you don’t need to look for films and publications adapted to your level - you can handle many works yourself, not only modern ones. But reading specialized literature or fully understanding the terminology of the House Doctor series is, of course, still a long way off.

Advanced (C1)

In class. The student understands large complex texts on various topics, recognizes metaphors, hidden meanings. Can speak spontaneously, at a fast pace, without searching for words. Effectively uses language to communicate in professional activities. Knows all the ways of creating texts on complex topics ( detailed descriptions, complex grammatical structures, special vocabulary, etc.).

In life. At this level, you can participate in seminars, watch films and read books without restrictions, and communicate with native speakers as freely as with your compatriots.

Professional (C2)

In class. The student understands and can produce virtually any written or oral communication.

In life. You can write a dissertation, give a lecture and participate along with native speakers in discussions on any general or professional topic.


The classification of English language proficiency levels is somewhat different. It is not always clear what English course teachers mean when they promise you to achieve the Advanced level from scratch in a year, and what the employer wants if he specifies in the vacancy announcement Upper level-Intermediate. To clarify, let’s compare the levels of proficiency in European languages ​​and English (see table).


Yes, this level is not indicated in our table. This is the beginning of the beginning. There is no talk of any language proficiency at this stage, but this is the foundation on which the house will be built - your language proficiency. And how strong this foundation is will determine how beautiful, large and reliable this house will be.

Knowledge and skills at the Beginner level. At this level you will start by learning the alphabet, English phonetics, numerals and basic

features of grammar: three simple tenses, direct word order in sentences, absence of cases and genders.

Pay special attention to phonetics, try to understand how intonation differs in interrogative and declarative sentences.

Practice your pronunciation. Once you learn a language well, a terrible accent will not only spoil the experience, but also make communication difficult. Then it will be much more difficult to correct it.

Training period. Typically, it takes about four months of group study to acquire such a wealth of knowledge. By studying with a tutor, this result can be achieved much faster.

What is the result. If an Englishman asks you on the street to help him find the embassy, ​​you will be upset, because you will still understand the word “embassy”, and he will pronounce everything else in such a way that you are unlikely to recognize him as an Englishman at all.


This level corresponds to level A1 in the European classification and is called the survival level. This means that if you get lost in a foreign country, you will be able to ask and then follow the directions to find your way (in case your phone with a navigator dies), you will be able to check into a hotel, buy groceries not only in the supermarket, but also at the market, where you will have to deal with the seller albeit in a short, but quite lively dialogue. In general, from now on you will not be lost.

Knowledge and skills at the Elementary level. If you have reached this level, you already know much more.

Our recommendations. In pursuit of vocabulary, do not try to skip over grammar - it only seems simple at first, but in fact, as the level of complexity increases, many nuances appear. If you do not pay attention to them, it will be difficult to eradicate errors in speech later.

Learn numerals and how to form them until they are completely automatic.

Write down the names of the objects that surround you in a dictionary and memorize them. So you can ask a hotel for a pen or a needle and thread, offer a guest a glass of water, or buy an avocado at the market, not just “this one,” but an avocado.

Training period: 6-9 months depending on the intensity of training and your abilities.

What is the result. Now our Englishman has a real chance to get to the embassy.


This is the “pre-threshold level”. That is, you somehow got onto the porch. Now you stand before the threshold, and your main task is to step over it. This is true in any language, not just English. At this level it suddenly becomes really difficult. A lot of new vocabulary appears, and the amount of grammar knowledge that the teacher diligently puts into your head increases significantly. New information covers you like a wave. But if you go out now, you are almost guaranteed to learn this language.

Knowledge and skills on Pre-Intermediate level. At this level, the list of your knowledge and skills is significantly expanded.

In fact, we can say that language proficiency begins at this level. Not only will you survive unfamiliar city and you will be able to make acquaintances, but you will also begin to independently improve your level of language knowledge. You will begin to understand what vocabulary is missing in the first place, you will clearly see your weak points and will already know what you need to do to improve them.

In addition, here we can already talk about the use of language in work. A secretary who speaks English at the Pre-Intermediate level may not be able to call the hotel to clarify the reservation details, but he will definitely be able to write a letter to them. He will also be able to write a message about the meeting, receive guests and engage in small talk, which is so popular in the English environment.

Our recommendations. Never give up! You can handle it. If you realize that a certain topic is not easy for you, do not be too lazy to figure it out - by contacting a teacher, or on your own, or with the help of numerous Internet resources. Without any tests, you will suddenly discover how much you already know and how much you can already do. At this moment, you can safely step across the threshold - move to the next level.

Training period: from six to nine months. And here it is better not to rush.

What is the result. Our Englishman is guaranteed to get to the embassy thanks to your recommendations. You will also be extremely pleased with yourself.


This is the first self-sufficient level. Congratulations if you speak the language at this level. This means that you have entered new world, where many amazing discoveries await you. Now boundaries are a convention for you. You can make acquaintances in all corners of the globe, read news on the Internet, understand jokes in English, comment on photos of friends from the USA on Facebook, chat in a general chat with friends from China and Peru while watching the World Cup. You have found your voice.

Knowledge and skills at Intermediate level. In addition to what is listed on previous levels you know and can do the following:

It’s not for nothing that many employers require the Intermediate level. In essence, this is the level of free communication in the office (unless, of course, you are in the habit of discussing the principle of operation of the power steering over coffee). This is the level of working with documents and maintaining a free conversation on general and general professional topics.

Yes, as long as it's not fluent. You still select words in your mind, use a dictionary when reading books - in words, until you can “think in language”. And no, it won't make it any easier for you. But it will become really interesting for you. You won't be able to stop anymore.

Our recommendations. At this level you can increase the stock professional vocabulary. A solid vocabulary on the topic of discussion automatically and very noticeably increases your level of language proficiency in the eyes of your interlocutor. If you have somewhere to apply your knowledge (work, study, hobby), do not neglect this opportunity. Remember also that language is living, it is constantly evolving.

Read not only adapted classics, but also books by modern authors in English, watch videos on topics that interest you, listen to songs.

Training period: 6-9 months.

What is the result. Perhaps you have half an hour - why not accompany this nice English gentleman to the embassy.


This is the first level of language proficiency, sufficient for trouble-free living in another country. You can chat with your neighbors, go to a party, and even go to the theater. Not to mention work. Most professionals who receive job offers in another country have at least this level of language proficiency.

Knowledge and skills at the Upper-Intermediate level. So, what new do you know and can do:

In fact, B2 is already fluent. No, of course, there are still restrictions. It is unlikely that you will be able to do "Dr. House" or "Theory big bang" - they contain a lot of special vocabulary, and even wordplay. But after watching a classic play, you will not only understand what it’s about, but you will also be able to enjoy the actors’ performances.

You'll stop listening to half your favorite songs because you'll realize how crap the lyrics are. Your world will become much larger, not to mention the fact that with this level there is a chance to go to work abroad and enroll in a foreign university.

Read as many literary texts as possible to make your speech rich and imaginative. This will also help you make fewer mistakes in writing - constantly encountering a word in the text, we remember how it is spelled.

Spend a holiday in the country of your target language and speak as much as possible there. It is best to take some kind of intensive language course, for example in Malta. But this is a very expensive undertaking. On the other hand, it is in such places that you can make useful business contacts. So consider spending on such a trip as an investment in a happy future.

Training period depends on so many factors: your efforts and abilities, as well as how intensively you study and how good your teacher is. You can do it in a year.

What is the result. While walking with the Englishman to the embassy, ​​we chatted casually and even giggled a couple of times.


This is the level of fluency in English. Above it is only the level of the carrier. That is, when you master the language at this level, there will be almost no one around you who knows the language better. After all, it’s true that 80% of your communication in English occurs not with native speakers, but with those who, like you, learned it. As a rule, graduates of the Faculty of Philology with a degree in English speak the language at this level. What does fluency mean? The fact that you can speak on any topic, even if you have almost no understanding of the subject. Yes, like in Russian. Having reached this level, you can receive one of the certificates: CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), IELTS - 7-7.5 points, TOEFL - 96-109 points.

Knowledge and skills at the Advanced level

Congratulations, you have found freedom! For everyday life and office work, this level is quite enough. You will clearly explain to your boss why you need a salary increase, and to your English husband why it seems to you that he does not love you.

Our recommendations. Having reached this level, you not only speak the language, you can think in it. Even if for some reason you do not use it for a long time, you will completely restore all your knowledge on your own in a short time.

What is the result. You had a pleasant time walking the Englishman to the embassy and chatting with him along the way. And they didn’t even notice that he had a lisp.


This is the level of an educated native speaker. Educated is the key word. That is, this is a person who graduated from a university and has a bachelor's degree. The level of Proficiency is close to the level of proficiency of a native speaker. As a rule, only people who graduated from university in the country of the language they are studying know it this way (and even then not always).

Proficiency level knowledge and skills. If you know a language so well, it means that you can take part in scientific conferences, write scientific works, you can get scientific degree in the country of the language being studied.

Yes, this is exactly the level of "Doctor House" and "The Big Bang Theory". This is the level at which you will not have any difficulties in communication: you will equally well understand a grandmother from Brooklyn, a professor from the University of Massachusetts, and an Englishman who, on the way to the embassy, ​​will tell you why he considers her to be untenable

big bang theory. Having proficiency in the language at this level, you can receive a CPE certificate, IELTS (8-9 points), TOEFL (110-120 points).

Job prospects. As you can see, if you write “fluent” on your resume, the employer will decide that you have at least an Upper-Intermediate level. The funny thing is that your level may be lower, but he will not notice it, since most often the employer needs an employee with English at the level of “Good afternoon. Would you like tea or coffee?”, but in the requirements for the applicant he writes “fluent.”

Fluency in the language is required when working as an expat or in a foreign company. Or if you are entrusted with the responsibilities of not only a personal assistant, but also a translator. In all other cases

For high-quality performance of your duties and a comfortable stay in the office, the Intermediate level is quite enough.

It is also very important to remember that even if you know English at the Upper-Intermediate (B2) level and above, when preparing for negotiations, speeches, or conversations on a specialized topic, you need to create a glossary.

Perhaps you have ever noticed that some translators do not translate some phrases during negotiations. Most often, these are irresponsible translators who were too lazy to prepare and teach new vocabulary. They just don't understand what we're talking about.

But some mining engineer at the same negotiations, who is familiar only with the Present Simple, may turn out to be much more useful professional translator. Because he works with technology, knows all the words, draws a diagram on a piece of paper with a pencil - and now everyone understands each other. And if they have AutoCAD, they don’t need a translator, or even Present Simple: they will understand each other perfectly.


What certificates are we talking about here all the time? This refers to official documents confirming your knowledge of English.

CAE(Certificate in advanced English) is an English language exam developed and administered by the ESOL (English) division for Speakers of Other Languages) from the University of Cambridge.

Developed and first introduced in 1991. The certificate corresponds to level C1 of the Common European Classification of Languages. The validity period of the certificate is unlimited. Required for admission to universities where training is underway in English, and getting a job.

Where to get a certificate: in Moscow, the CAE exam is accepted by Education First Moscow, Language Link, BKC-IH, Center for Language Studies. Other educational organizations also accept, but they work only with their students. Full list centers where you can take the exam can be found at: www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre.

CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) is an English language exam developed and administered by the University of Cambridge ESOL unit ( English for Speakers of Other Languages). The certificate corresponds to level C2 of the Common European Classification of Languages ​​and confirms highest level English language proficiency. The validity period of the certificate is unlimited.

Where to get a certificate: the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages ​​offers courses and exams: www.mosinyaz.com.

Testing and exam preparation centers in other cities in Russia and the world can be found at: www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre.

IELTS(International English Language Testing System) - international system testing to determine the level of knowledge in the field of English. The good thing about the system is that it tests knowledge in four aspects: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Required for admission to universities in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. And also for those who plan to go to one of these countries for permanent residence.

Where to get a certificate, see here: www.ielts.org/book-a-test/find-atest-location.

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language, Test of Knowledge of English as a Foreign Language) - a standardized test of knowledge of the English language (in its North American version), the passing of which is mandatory for non-English-speaking foreigners upon admission to universities in the USA and Canada, as well as Europe and Asia . The test results are also accepted in a number of other English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries for admission to universities with English as the language of instruction. In addition, the test results may be used when recruiting for foreign companies. The test results are stored in the company database for 2 years, after which they are deleted.

The certificate also assesses language proficiency in four aspects.

Where to get a certificate: www.ets.org/bin/getprogram.cgi?test=TOEFL.


This is the most important question. Of course, if you graduated from the English department of the Faculty of Philology, it is not in front of you. In all other cases, you will have to make this difficult choice.

Tutor. Courses or tutor? I'm for a tutor. Moreover, for classes in a group of two people. Three is a lot, but one is expensive and not as effective.

Why individual training? Because in this case the teacher sees all your strengths and weak sides, he does not have the task of bringing the course to an “acceptable” level for the exam and forgetting about the group, he has the task of really teaching you the language, because then, thanks to word of mouth, he will have more students and, therefore, income.

In addition, the specificity of the tutor’s profession is that every minute of his working time is paid. And when a person works in such conditions, he cannot afford to slack.

It's better to work in pairs because it disciplines. You may cancel your lesson due to bad weather or an attack of laziness - you pay the tutor wherever he goes. But my conscience will not allow me to disrupt a lesson that is planned for two.

Where to find and how to choose a tutor? First of all, on the recommendation of friends whose successes inspire you.

If you don’t have such acquaintances, you need to find courses at a reputable educational institution: university, institute, consulate. They're trying to take it there good teachers- keep the brand. And teachers go there because they view such courses as a free advertising platform for recruiting individual students. You can go there to the level you need, and there you will agree with the teacher. By the way, now language schools often present on their websites Teaching Staff, and you can search the Internet for reviews of specialists.

Language schools. If you decide to take courses at a language school, choose accredited centers where you can take an exam for one of the certificates. As a rule, such schools have a good level of teaching, there are various exchange programs, study abroad programs, and the teachers in them are native speakers.

Skype. Another option is to learn English via Skype. Why not?

This can be done at work, if conditions allow, and at home. Among international well-established schools, we recommend paying attention to Glasha: www.glasha.biz.

Study courses abroad.

If you have the opportunity (financially) and knowledge of the language is at least Intermediate level, then you can choose language learning courses abroad. For example, here: www.staracademy.ru. Yes, there is training in Australia. And there is also summer camps for adults. In Malta. And in Ireland. And many other places. It's expensive, but very effective.

Tricks and Useful Tips for Learning a Language

Learn grammar. Reading adapted literature is boring. Useful, but unbearable. Learning grammar is generally a nightmare. But grammar in language is like formulas in mathematics. Once you have learned them, you can move on and take on new heights. No - it will only get worse, and with every step there is less and less chance of getting to the top.

Use all available resources. In the pursuit of knowledge, all means are good: interactive Internet resources, comics, video games, pulp literature, beauty blogs - whatever.

The more interesting the topic is for you, the easier it will be for you to complete the training. Also, try to find or organize a conversation club (you can even create a group on WhatsApp) and discuss topics that concern you there. No, it’s not what books you liked that you read this year, but what qualities infuriate you in your partner, why you are still offended by your mother, and when the stadium on Krestovsky Island will finally be completed. When a person is interested in a subject, he will find a way to say it.

Read books. Starting from the Intermediate level, you can safely read:

Books by Sophie Kinsella;

Her own works under the name Madeline Wickham;

Bridget Jones series;

Jane Austen;

Somerset Maugham.

Choose books by modern authors that do not have a twisted detective plot, complex allegory, excessive philosophizing, large quantity special vocabulary. You need a simple narrative text: she wanted to marry him, and he wanted to become an astronaut. And so on for three hundred pages. You will get used to modern British/American/other English, learn new words willy-nilly, and at the same time you will not get confused in the twists and turns of the plot and the high feelings of the main character.

Watch movies and TV series:

Any action films, especially with subtitles - there is little dialogue, the video sequence is beautiful;

Comedies in the spirit of “Home Alone”, “We Are the Millers”, “Beethoven” - no discussions about Nietzsche’s philosophy, a simple and understandable plot, a lot of everyday vocabulary;

Melodramas of the “Eat, Pray, Love” format;

TV series “Sex and the City”, “Friends”, “The Simpsons”, etc.

Learning a language is a long and hard way. And he is also very interesting. In addition to knowing the language, you will receive a pleasant bonus - you will begin to understand how native speakers think. And it will open up another world for you. And if you lack motivation, just remember that you have no choice. Modern man must know English. And period.

Knowledge of English different people will vary. Thus, native speakers speak it perfectly, foreigners who study the language for a sufficient amount of time can speak it fluently. everyday themes, and those who have just started learning or have been learning English for a long time know the language at an elementary level. Figuring out what level a person speaks a language is not so easy. For this purpose, there are numerous tests on the Internet; they really help determine language proficiency. But they mainly check the student’s vocabulary and grammar, but knowledge of the language is not only vocabulary and the ability to understand the rules. Therefore, in foreign language courses you will be offered not only a written test, but also will talk a little with each potential student in a foreign language, will ask him various questions and invite them to speak. Only after the student has demonstrated his knowledge verbally and writing, in grammar and vocabulary, one can declare his level of language proficiency.

What levels of language proficiency are there?

Intermediate is an average level of English proficiency. There are a total of 6 or 7 such levels depending on different approaches to determine the level of language competence: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. Sometimes in foreign language courses, some of these levels are divided into sublevels in order to more accurately determine which group to enroll the student in.

What do you need to know at the Intermediate level?

At the Intermediate level, he is expected to have a good knowledge of the basic tenses of the English language and be able to use them in writing and speaking. The volume of his vocabulary is about 3-5 thousand words, which allows the student to speak well enough on everyday topics, understand English, and compose written texts of normal complexity. At the same time, such a student may make mistakes in speech, speak not too fluently, stammer a little, or take a long time to find words. He understands quite complex texts well - stories, novels, written literary language, popular science articles, can read the news, but does not always perceive them well by ear. A person with an Intermediate level is unlikely to be able to correctly maintain a conversation on specific and complex topics; he does not know business vocabulary, unless specifically trained in words and expressions with certain specifics.

In general, the Intermediate level is a fairly good level of knowledge of the English language. It may include those who are not fluent in oral speech, but are excellent at reading books in English, as well as those who speak well, but are not very well versed in writing features language. This level may be sufficient for employment with the requirement of mandatory knowledge of the English language. Good graduates show this level of proficiency regular schools or students in grades 8-9 specialized schools and gymnasiums with in-depth study in English.

Any experienced teacher will tell you that before you start learning a foreign language, you need to determine your level.

This is necessary, first of all, in order not to waste extra time on already familiar material, but to immediately move on in mastering the language. Everyone knows that there is no “final” level of English proficiency unless you live in a language environment.

Any language is a living organism that constantly changes over time, new words are added to it, and some words, on the contrary, become obsolete. Even grammatical rules change. What was considered indisputable 15-20 years ago may no longer be relevant in modern grammar.

That is why knowledge of a foreign language is never absolutely complete. Any knowledge requires constant practice. Otherwise, the level you have achieved is quickly lost.

What is "level of English language proficiency"?

But what is it, and what are the levels of knowledge of English? Let's figure it out.

The level of knowledge is understood as the degree of proficiency in four aspects of languages: speaking, reading and understanding texts, listening and writing. In addition, this includes knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and the ability to correctly use lexical and grammatical units in speech.

Testing for your level of English language proficiency is usually carried out in one form or another, wherever you go to study the language. On any training site, in courses, in private lessons with a teacher - everywhere, before determining further actions and selecting the necessary educational materials, you will be tested on your level of knowledge. Moreover, these levels are very arbitrary, their boundaries are blurred, the names and number of levels vary different sources, But common features, of course, exists in all types of classifications.

In this article we will present the levels of the English language according to the international scale, comparing it with the British version of the classification.

English proficiency levels

There are two main classifications of English language proficiency levels.

The first belongs British Council is an international organization that provides assistance in language learning and establishing intercultural communication. Most often one could find this distribution of language competencies in textbooks published in Cambridge and Oxford.

The second and main one is called CEFR or The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Translated into Russian as “Common European Scale of Language Competence”. It was created by the Council of Europe in the second half of the 90s.

Below is CEFR:

The gradation of English language levels in the table varies with British version in the following:

  • The British Council does not have a designation for Pre-Intermediate as such, it is located at the A2/B1 junction;
  • there is only 6 levels of English: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2;
  • The first two levels are considered elementary, the second two are considered sufficient, and the last two are considered levels of fluency in the language.

Table of correspondence between levels according to different assessment systems

International exams

To obtain a place at a foreign university, to work abroad or to successfully find employment in Russia, the presentation of certain certificates is required. Let's look at the two most popular and well-known of them.

TOEFL exam

With him successful completion You can enroll in educational institutions in the United States and Canada. The certificate of completion is valid in 150 countries for 2 years. There are several versions of the test - paper, computer, Internet version. All types of skills are tested - writing and speaking, reading and listening.

The main feature is that it is impossible not to pass it; a student who completes the tasks still receives a score that corresponds to a certain level:

  1. 0-39 in the Internet version and 310-434 in the paper version shows the degree of knowledge of the English language at the A1 or “Beginner” level.
  2. When receiving a result in the range of 40-56 (433-486) you can be sure that you have Elementary (A2), that is, basic English.
  3. Intermediate (translated as “intermediate, transitional”) - TOEFL scores in the region of 57-86 (487-566). Do you want to know what level this is, “Intermediate”? It corresponds to B1. You can speak on familiar topics and grasp the essence of the monologue/dialogue, you can even watch films in the original, but the material is not always fully grasped (sometimes the meaning is guessed from the plot and individual phrases). You are already capable of writing short letters and essays in the language.
  4. Upper, preintermediate will require the following points: 87-109 (567-636). Translated it means “intermediately advanced”. What level is this? Upper intermediate? The owner has access to a relaxed, detailed conversation on a specific or abstract topic, including with a native speaker. Films are watched in their original form, and talk shows and news are also well received.
  5. An order of magnitude higher, namely 110-120 for the Internet version and 637-677 for the paper version, required if Advanced English is required.

IELTS exam

The certificate is quite popular in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Also relevant in case of professional migration to these countries. The test is valid for 2 years. The range of marks that can be obtained for the test is from 0.0 to 9.0. IN A1 scores from 2.0 to 2.5 are included. IN A2- from 3.0 to 3.5. stage B assumes scores from 4.0 to 6.5, and for the level C1- 7.0 - 8.0. Language in perfection is grades 8.5 - 9.0.

What level of proficiency should I include on my resume?

When writing a resume, you must correctly indicate at what stage in language learning you are currently at. The main thing is to choose the correct English level designation. The following are usually used: Basic(basic knowledge), Intermediate(middle stage), Advanced(proficiency at an advanced level), Fluent (fluent proficiency).

If there was an exam, be sure to indicate its name and the number of points received.

Advice: There is no need to overestimate your level, because any inaccuracy can be revealed quickly enough.

Why is it important to determine your language level?

Why does a non-specialist need information about the level of language proficiency, and is it needed at all? If you are planning to start or resume learning a foreign language, then determining your level of knowledge is simply necessary, of course, if you are not an absolute beginner and have previously studied English. This is the only way you can understand at what stage you stopped and where to move next.

When choosing a course of study, you will need to focus on your level. So, for example, on the site you can go various courses: from a course for beginners - Beginner, to a course for students with an Intermediate level.

In order to find out which course to choose for training, the website provides. The system will accurately determine your level of language proficiency and offer the appropriate course so that your learning is most effective.