What to do if the place on the buttock after an injection hurts very much: how to effectively eliminate the pain? Purpose of drug administration. Factors contributing to the appearance of swelling

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In addition to the formation of unpleasant sensations directly during intramuscular injection of drugs into the buttock, a person may develop various local complications after some time. One of them is the appearance of cones. How to treat lumps and lumps after injections on the buttocks? What to do if a lump on your butt hurts after injections? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Why do bumps form after injections on the buttocks?

A lump on the buttock after an intramuscular injection is an obvious pathology, regardless of the type of drug administered, injection technique, and so on. It can form for a number of reasons:

  • Allergic reaction. It develops as a consequence of an overactive immune response to the components of the drug. Usually accompanied by edema, local hyperemia and other secondary manifestations;
  • Consistency of the drug. A number of medicines have an oily and thick consistency, which takes an extremely long time to dissolve in soft tissues;
  • Severe muscle tension. Occurs in cases where a person does not normally relax before an injection and, during the process of administering the drug, tenses the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Incorrectly selected needle. A device that is too long, inserted almost completely, causes the drug to enter the deep layers of soft tissue outside the muscle structures. A very short needle may not reach the muscles and the fluid accumulates in the fatty surface layer;
  • Consequences of an incorrect injection in the buttock. Incorrect technique for performing intramuscular injections can lead to the appearance of lumps. This includes introducing fluid into the buttock too quickly, getting the needle into nerve endings or blood vessels, and other errors.

It should be noted that the cones can be of different natures, although they look similar in appearance.

Lumps after intramuscular injection of drugs into the buttock there are the following:

  • Hematomas. Local hemorrhages that form when they enter a blood vessel. Treatment requires drug therapy to speed up the healing process;
  • Infiltrates. Accumulations of lymph and cells in soft tissues are dissolved under the influence of heat in the form of dry compresses;
  • Abscesses. Formations with purulent contents. In most cases, surgical intervention is required to eliminate them.

How to remove bumps after injections on the buttocks

There are quite a large number of techniques that help effectively, quickly and easily get rid of lumps after injections in the buttock. In most cases, modern doctors recommend drug treatment for lumps and lumps from injections on the buttocks, but folk remedies and physiotherapy also give good results.

Drug treatment

Conservative therapy to eliminate compactions after injections is prescribed only in cases where hematomas or infiltrates are involved. Abscesses cannot be eliminated solely by treatment; therefore, surgical intervention is necessary.

The main forms of medicines for combating bumps after injections are local ointments, gels, and compresses.

Systemic drugs (antibiotics, corticosteroids, etc.) are used only in cases of severe complications associated with autoimmune processes, secondary bacterial infections spreading beyond the gluteal region.

Effective absorbable ointments for bumps and lumps after injections:

  • Heparin ointment. Actively resolves bumps from injections on the buttock by thinning the blood in the vessels. The product is rubbed into the skin up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • Vishnevsky ointment. In modern domestic practice, it is used as a basis for compresses applied to seals. A prerequisite is the absence of signs of secondary bacterial infection. Sterile gauze coated with Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the problematic location for 4 hours, after which it is removed. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 7 days;

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  • Troxevasin. If, after an injection in the buttock, a lump appears inside, a complex multicomponent ointment with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect will help get rid of it. Troxevasin is applied to the problem area 2 times a day until the space-occupying formations disappear;
  • Dimexide. Effective against hematomas and infiltrates. It has an anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effect, promotes the resorption of blood clots. It is convenient to use dimexide as the basis of a compress solution. The preparation recipe is simple: 1 part of the medicine in liquid form is mixed with 10 parts of clean water at room temperature. A gauze bandage is soaked in the solution and applied to the area around the bump, avoiding direct contact with the injection point. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. The event is repeated twice a day for 10 days;
  • Lyoton. The gel is effective against seals after injections. Actively resolves hematomas, has a pronounced anesthetic effect, reducing pain intensity. The product is applied up to 5 times a day for a week and a half.

Traditional methods

Any folk remedies used to combat lumps after injections can be an addition to basic drug therapy, but not a full replacement for it. Regardless of the situation, you should always consult with your doctor before using the measures described below.

The best recipes for treating lumps and bumps after injections on the buttocks:

  • Honey promotes the resorption of seals. It has a moderate warming effect, improving the condition of the skin. As part of the procedures, it is necessary to use only natural, fresh honey. It is applied in a thin layer to problem areas, after which it is slowly rubbed into the skin;
  • Aloe helps fight bruises and infiltrates after an injection in the buttock. One fresh aloe leaf is ground in a meat grinder. The resulting substance is wrapped in gauze and applied to the bump for several hours as a compress;
  • Cabbage to get rid of bumps on the butt from injections. According to many alternative healers, fresh cabbage leaves have antiseptic properties, partially reduce the intensity of inflammation and help get rid of lumps on the butt after injections. It is necessary to take the freshest possible ingredient, then mash it in your hands until juice forms and apply it to the problem area as a compress, covering it with a diaper or other dense material;
  • Potatoes will help dissolve bumps from injections on the buttocks. It contains a high concentration of starch, which reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and improves the resorption of infiltrates in soft tissues. Take one large fresh tuber and peel it. Rinse thoroughly under running water and grind on a fine grater to a paste. Use as a base for a compress.


Physiotherapeutic procedures help remove bumps and bruises after injections on the butt under the following circumstances:

  • An addition to the main drug treatment of hematomas and infiltrates formed after intramuscular injections;
  • The rehabilitation period after surgery to remove abscesses and treat other complications.

Typical events:

  • Massotherapy. This can be done manually or using automatic massagers;
  • Paraffin therapy. A classic form of heat therapy, in which heated paraffin is applied to problem areas;
  • UHF. Training of cones with continuous or pulsed ultra-high frequency electric field;
  • Diadynamic therapy. Treatment of seals with low-frequency pulsed currents;
  • Electrophoresis. Extraction of medicinal preparations into the skin and soft tissues;
  • Phototherapy. Irradiation of problem areas with ultraviolet light in a narrow or wide range.

When should you see a doctor?

In the absence of obvious complications, bumps and various lumps after injections should disappear within 8-10 days. It is imperative to consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • The appearance of pronounced redness of the skin in the injection area with the development of itching;
  • Formation of swelling and pain at the site of intramuscular injection that does not go away for 7 days or more;
  • A general increase in body temperature, indicating the development of systemic bacterial infections;
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the area of ​​intramuscular injection;
  • Lack of effectiveness of home therapy for more than 1 week.

The main specialist who carries out diagnosis and treatment in the event of pathological complications after injections is the surgeon.

Preventive measures

Basic preventive measures to reduce the risk of bumps appearing after injections:

  • Proper execution of the event. Intramuscular injection must be performed by a person with appropriate skills and experience;
  • Relaxation is a must. During the process of performing an intramuscular injection on the buttock, the patient should be calm and his muscles should be relaxed;
  • Determining the possibility of using drugs. A person is sometimes diagnosed with allergic manifestations to individual components of the administered drug.

How to give injections in the butt correctly

Intramuscular administration of drugs should be carried out by a nurse or a person with experience and skills in such activities. Main stages:

  • Preliminary preparation. The necessary tools are prepared in advance. A comfortable workplace must be organized;
  • Correct choice of injection site. Intramuscular administration of drugs is carried out in the upper outer square of the left or right buttock;
  • Consistent execution of the procedure. The medicine is carefully drawn into the syringe, excess air is released, and the needle is placed in the cap. The person takes a comfortable position, the injection site is treated with medical alcohol using sterile cotton wool. The skin at the injection site is stretched, a needle is quickly inserted there, immersed 3/4 of its length, after which the medicine is slowly injected and the working instrument is quickly removed from the muscle. Dry sterile cotton wool is applied and pressed to the injection area.

You can read more detailed information about how to properly give injections in the buttock.

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How to inject yourself: we treat ourselves

There are times in a person’s life when emergency medical care is required on their own. And then such skills as injecting yourself, giving an enema, and rinsing your stomach will come in handy. Therefore, do not be afraid to study, especially when you have any chronic disease that requires frequent courses of injections. The same diabetes mellitus of the insulin-dependent type. There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed: the ability to give an intramuscular injection will help you when you need to carry out a course of drug treatment at home, but there is no great desire to visit the clinic every day, or pay a nurse to visit you regularly.

Learning how to give intramuscular injections is not difficult at all. But if you need intravenous injections, then it is better to contact specialists and undergo treatment in a hospital setting. If an intramuscular injection is done incorrectly.

» How to give an injection correctly

How to give an intramuscular injection yourself, but correctly

Often practiced types of injections are intravenous or intramuscular. The first should definitely be trusted only to professionals, the second, if necessary, can be entrusted even to people far from medicine. You can give yourself an ordinary intramuscular injection, even if you have little knowledge of this topic. The main condition is to know how to perform the actions correctly.

Advice: before you start giving an injection, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of the procedure, the technique and safety rules so that the injections do not harm the patient.

The essence of an intramuscular injection

In order to administer the medicine, a syringe needle is used to pierce the subcutaneous fat layer; when the needle enters the muscle area, the medicine is injected. The injection sites should have the maximum amount of muscle mass, as well.

Almost everyone knows what intramuscular injections are. Almost everyone has experienced this at least a few times in their childhood on their buttocks or other places. Many doctors prescribe this procedure. Everyone’s options are different: trips to the clinic several times a day, nurse visits home, giving injections to yourself.

An intramuscular injection can be given in the buttock, thigh or arm. During the injection, the needle pierces the skin and subcutaneous tissue and enters the muscle. Thanks to the large number of muscle fibers, the drug quickly spreads throughout the tissues. An injection into the buttock should be carried out using a deep injection into the muscle, in a place where there are no major nerves or blood vessels. It is best to prick the outer upper quarter of the buttock. Injections into the buttocks are recommended to be given with syringes with a volume of 5 milliliters. The syringe with two cubes has a short one.

Today we went to the children's clinic and got Artemka vaccinated against diphtheria, measles and tetanus. Surprisingly, the baby tolerated it perfectly! And I was so afraid of my friends’ stories that the vaccine caused a high fever that I completely forgot to ask the doctor what can be done after the vaccination and, in general, is it possible to bathe the child after the injection?

It’s good that I have the phone number of our district nurse. We were consulted and now everything is fine. I’ll tell you what to do in such cases.

After all, when asking such a question, mothers by “injection” mean a vaccination, an injection of a drug, and a Mantoux tuberculin test. Let's figure it out.


It is necessary to vaccinate yourself and your baby not only for reasons of your own health, but also for the formation of collective immunity of the country. It was he who protected us from the epidemic of smallpox, measles, polio and so on all these years.

Ten years ago, after every manipulation associated with skin damage.

1.Wash your hands and then wipe them with alcohol.

They are characterized by the fact that when palpated there is a hard seal, which causes pain when touched. And quite often after such injections, especially after the administration of vitamins or antibiotics, one or several lumps appear at the injection site. Every person, be it an adult or a child, has undergone such a necessary but unpleasant medical procedure as injections at least once in his life.

Reasons for appearance

Theoretically, a number of drugs can be administered in this way, but the likelihood of complications remains and is reduced.

But I still give myself intravenous injections. Try not to inject in the same place more than 2 times a week. The syringe must be in the correct direction when injecting.

1. Before an injection in the buttock, the patient should lie on his stomach or side so that the muscles relax. 4. Then take the syringe in your right hand. If you are injecting an adult, stretch the skin at the injection site with your left hand (in children, on the contrary, the skin should be folded).

Why learn to give injections?

The logic “I inject myself, and all my germs are familiar to me” does not work in the case of injections - there are known cases of very sad consequences when using syringes repeatedly! Hello, I gave my mother an injection for the first time. Out of lack of experience, I pulled it out and injected it again. Maria, we sincerely wish you to have to do injections as rarely as possible.. Be healthy! I always gave injections whenever anyone asked, but I never gave them to myself, I read the article and plucked up the courage.

Now I made it for myself. Please tell me why after.

» How to do it right

How to give an intramuscular injection correctly?

Among the various methods of introducing medications into the human body, intramuscular injections are in second place (after tablet forms) in terms of frequency of use. This is due to the fact that the technique for performing such injections is as simple as possible compared to other injections, and the injected medicine quickly enters the bloodstream without the development of many side effects.

It is known that when taking some tablets (for example, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs based on diclofenac), there is an irritating effect on the stomach or the proliferation of beneficial intestinal microflora is inhibited, and when these drugs are administered intramuscularly, such side effects are minimized.

Where can I inject medications for intramuscular administration?

The medicine is administered intramuscularly only into large muscles.

Can I swim after an intramuscular injection?

It all depends on the type of injection. If you inject any antibiotic, you can swim almost immediately. But if it is a serum or a vaccine, then it is better not to risk it and wait at least a day before swimming. It is also better to be careful with other drugs. If the water is cold or, conversely, too hot, there can be adverse consequences.

Remember that God protects the careful!

After some vaccinations, the doctor says not to swim, and if he doesn’t, then swimming is allowed. It is better to check with the doctor who prescribed the vaccine for you.

If the child’s health is good, then you can bathe him, but it is advisable to wash him cleanly in the shower, without sitting in the bathtub with water for a long time.

In principle, there is a practice that after any injection it is advisable not to wet the injection site for two hours, and some injections have restrictions on wetting, for example, an injection for the Mantoux reaction, it is forbidden to wet it for a couple of days..

There is a way by which you can swim in water without wetting the injection site) it is advisable to treat it with hydrogen peroxide before swimming) but I’m not talking about this method) Take a regular condom, cut off both ends, put it aside, wrap the injection site with a cloth and then pull it on put a condom in this place) don’t be afraid it won’t break, latex can withstand great tension) this method works if the injection was given in the arm or leg) but if it’s in the butt, nothing will happen if you’re wearing swimming trunks) the arm or leg will not get 100 percent wet!

How to treat bruises and swelling on the butt after injections

Treatment of many diseases is impossible without intramuscular injections. As a side effect of such manipulations, bruises, bumps and hematomas on the butt from injections occur, which we will discuss below.

Causes of bruises on the butt

Bruises on the buttocks are a consequence of damage to blood vessels. There are several reasons why bruises remain on the buttocks after injections:

  1. Excessively tense buttock muscles. Fear of the syringe causes the whole body to shrink, as a result of which the drug administered intramuscularly cannot be evenly distributed.
  2. Injury to blood vessels. The needle, getting into small capillaries, injures them. The blood spreads through the thickness of the skin, forming a bruise.
  3. A very short needle for intramuscular injection. Insufficient needle length does not allow the medicine to be delivered to the muscle layer. A painful lump of undissolved medication and a bruise form at the site of intramuscular injection.
  4. This administration technique is called cotton injection. Inserting the needle sharply at a ninety-degree angle does not allow the medicine to be evenly distributed under the skin. This explains why bruises remain on the butt after injections.
  5. Bleeding disorders are a common cause of bruising after injections in the buttock.

Factors contributing to the appearance of swelling

Swelling and bruising from injections on the buttocks most often occur due to a violation of the technology for intramuscular administration of the drug.

Actions that provoke compaction at the injection site:

  • very fast drug administration;
  • incorrectly selected needle;
  • incorrectly selected area for needle insertion;
  • administration of an excessive amount of medication;
  • swelling as an allergic reaction to the injected drug;
  • needle and injection site insufficiently treated with antiseptic.

In addition to bumps and swelling, characteristic symptoms of a violation of the technology of intramuscular injection of the drug into the muscles of the thigh and buttocks are: fever, lower back pain, loss of sensitivity.

It is important to eliminate the negative consequences of intramuscular injections as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the risks of developing an abscess and damage to the sciatic nerve increase significantly.

How to give an injection correctly to avoid lump formation

By following a clear sequence of intramuscular administration of drugs, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences (swelling, contusions, bruises) of injections in the buttock:

  1. Prepare all the necessary equipment for the injection (syringe, medicine, alcohol, cotton wool). Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Inspect the ampoule, shake it so that the medicine is at the bottom.
  3. Draw the medicine into the syringe and push the air with the piston.
  4. Visually divide the buttock into four sectors. For injection, you must select the upper right sector.
  5. Disinfect the injection site well.
  6. With a confident movement, insert the needle 3⁄4 of its length.
  7. Gently and slowly press the plunger of the syringe with your finger.
  8. After injecting the drug into the buttock, press the injection site and lightly massage it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, thereby preventing the occurrence of bruises and bumps.

You can take a shower or bath two to three hours after the injection. Before administering the drug, the buttock is wiped with an alcohol-containing solution. Such actions will help avoid the negative consequences of incorrect injections.

Allergic reaction

Allergy is a local reaction of the body, manifested in the form of inflammation of the buttock at the injection site.

At the injection site, a swelling of the gluteal muscle occurs, which very quickly increases in size and itches.

Attention: the inflammatory process that develops on the buttocks at the site of vaccination can be considered normal if the body temperature remains normal and the patient’s general condition has not worsened.

Treatment of bruises with medications

Drug treatment is indicated in the case of:

  • extensive bruising at the injection site on the buttocks;
  • sensations of pain, itching and burning at the injection site;
  • swelling and compaction on the buttocks develop against a background of high body temperature and general malaise.

Important: only a doctor, based on the examination and the results of the research, can determine how to cure bruises from injections on the buttocks.

Vishnevsky ointment

Antiseptic liniment (Vishnevsky ointment) is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, the use of which allows you to speed up the process of treating bumps, hematomas and lumps after injections on the buttocks. The ointment can not only be applied to the problem area, but also used as an element of a compress.

A contraindication to the use of ointment is the presence of purulent lesions at the site of lump and hematoma formation.

Heparin ointment for bruises

When choosing how to treat hematomas and bruises from injections on the buttocks, special attention should be paid to heparin ointment. The main active ingredient of the drug is benzocaine, which will quickly soothe irritation, soften the seal, and reduce the inflammatory process.

A contraindication to the use of heparin ointment is hemophilia.

Gel Troxevasin

Another way to treat lumps on the buttocks is to use Troxevasin gel. A special feature of the drug is its ability to dissolve not only new, but also old formations.

Compress dimescid, ceftriaxone, hydrocortisone

You can quickly relieve the inflammatory process, reduce swelling and remove hematomas using a combination of several medications: dimexide (40g), ceftriaxone (1gram) and hydrocortisone (1 ampoule). After drawing up the medicine with a syringe, dissolve all three drugs in three tablespoons of water. This creates a solution with which we impregnate the bandage. Apply a compress to the area of ​​swelling and bumps for one hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Contraindications for use: nephropathy, angina pectoris, individual intolerance to the drug, children.

It is strictly forbidden to: warm the site of swelling, use untested methods of treatment, try to squeeze out the contents of inflammation at the injection site, and give injections (painkillers or antibacterial drugs) inside the lump.

Folk remedies for bruises after an injection

One of the options for removing bruises from injections on the buttocks is traditional medicine. Many years of practice have proven their effectiveness in combating swelling on the buttocks after injections.

Iodine mesh

An iodine mesh will help to quickly get rid of a bruise at the injection site on the buttocks. Iodine has a unique absorbent and warming property. It is applied to the affected area for at least three days, after which positive changes can be visually assessed.

Cabbage leaves

A very popular folk remedy for bruises after injection is cabbage leaves. They are cut from the head of cabbage, washed, cut with a knife over the entire surface and applied to the site of the bruise. The resulting compress is kept for a day, after which it can be repeated as necessary.

Honey cake

Honey, butter, egg and flour - these are the main ingredients of the compress, using which you can quickly remove bruises and hematomas from injections on the buttocks.

Clean aloe leaves are ground and placed on cheesecloth. The resulting compress should be applied to the sore spot and secured with a band-aid, left for twelve hours.

Salt and clay

It would seem that such incompatible ingredients as salt and clay can also be used in the treatment of bruises on the buttocks from injections. Make a compress: mix salt and clay in equal proportions and add water. You should get a fairly thick plastic mass, which is applied to the sore spot and left for twelve hours.

Preventive measures

You can avoid complications of intramuscular injections in the buttock (swelling, lumps) by following certain rules:

  • for injections, choose only thin and high-quality needles;
  • before the injection, the body should be as relaxed as possible;
  • several hours before the injection you should not take blood-thinning drugs;
  • the injection site should be well treated with alcohol-containing solutions;
  • after the injection, hold the cotton wool at the injection site for another five minutes;
  • inject the drug very slowly and smoothly;
  • After an intramuscular injection, you need to walk a little.

A competent approach to the treatment of bumps and bruises on the butt after an injection, alternating traditional methods and drug treatment will help quickly eliminate the negative consequences of violating the technology for administering intramuscular injections.

Question answer

What is the danger of not completely removing air bubbles from the syringe? What are the consequences of introducing several air bubbles into a muscle or under the skin?

If in the syringe, in addition to the drug for intramuscular administration, there was a drop of air, such an injection will not pose a health hazard. The air that gets into the muscles is absorbed in a short period of time, and the patient feels almost nothing. However, such violations of technology should not be abused, since the regenerative forces of the patient who requires an injection will be spent irrationally.

Is it permissible to administer several drugs with one needle? For example, if you make one puncture, inject the first drug, disconnect the needle, attach another syringe and inject the next drug, so as not to make an extra puncture.

Theoretically, a number of drugs can be administered in this way, but there is still the possibility of complications, and the reduction of pain is also questionable.

In any case, such injections can only be done with 100% confidence in the compatibility of the injected drugs, since using one needle is equivalent to mixing two drugs in one syringe. In this situation, you need to consult your doctor about the compatibility of the drugs.

In addition, the level of pain when a needle is left in the muscle can be much higher than as a result of an “extra” puncture. The reason for this is that the needle injures the muscle during such manipulations, which will cause pain even after the injection.

Drugs administered using this method will create additional stress on the punctured area, increasing the likelihood of its hardening, which will subsequently negatively affect both the condition and appearance of the muscle.

Are there methods for getting rid of bruises on the buttocks left after iron injections that have not gone away for more than a year?

Some drugs, unfortunately, are very poorly absorbed and leave bruises that do not go away for a long time. Such formations do not pose a significant danger, being purely a cosmetic defect.

To eliminate old bruises at home, it is recommended to try compresses with the drug “Lioton” or “Dimexide”. In a clinic setting, physical procedures (ultraphonophoresis with potassium iodine, heparin or electrophoresis) are indicated. If this does not work, it is recommended to consult a surgeon.

Is it possible to take a bath or shower during a course of intramuscular injections?

You can take a hygienic shower or bath as often as necessary, and especially before injections. The only point is that this can be done an hour or two after the next injection, and before that the punctured area must be pressed with cotton wool soaked in alcohol to prevent infection.

Is it dangerous when blood comes out after an injection, and why does this happen?

The appearance of blood after the injection indicates that a blood vessel was damaged during the procedure. This is not dangerous! If blood appears, treat the injection site with a cotton swab containing alcohol and hold it there for 5 minutes. Blood that does not leak out, but under the skin, will contribute to the formation of a bruise, to which it will be necessary to apply ice, and the next day a heating pad, so that it resolves faster.

Is it worth replacing the needle on the syringe before the injection after taking the drug from the ampoule? And why is this being done?

After drawing the medicine into the syringe, which is in a container with a rubber cap, the needle should be replaced. This necessity is explained by the fact that after the needle has pierced the lid, it becomes dull, which leads to a more painful injection. In addition, there are certain categories of medications whose instructions include a “change the needle” note, such as insulin. In such cases, replacement is mandatory. Another situation that requires replacing the needle is if you touch it after taking the medicine. In this case, such a requirement is due to measures to prevent infection from entering the injection site.

An ampoule that crumbles when opening causes fragments to get into the syringe along with the medicine. What happens if they get into a vessel or muscle?

The likelihood of glass chips from the ampoule entering the body is extremely low, which is why there is no reason to worry in this situation. You are more likely to cut yourself on the sharp edges of the ampoule. Nevertheless, crumbled ampoules must be thrown away according to the injection rules.

If we consider the situation with glass inside the syringe, we can come to the conclusion that it is quite difficult for it to get there. The fact is that the diameter of the injection needle is extremely small, so the fragment should be less than half a millimeter in size. If, nevertheless, the need to give an injection is very high, try to take the medicine not from the bottom of the container, but from above, since with a high degree of probability the fragments will precipitate. And even if microparticles get into the syringe, and from there into the patient’s muscle, the foreign body inside the body will be delimited by the tissues, and a small compaction will form, which will be invisible to the patient.

Is there a possibility of the needle getting into the bone during an intramuscular injection?

This probability is extremely low, especially if the injection site was chosen carefully enough. If the injection was made in the upper part of the buttock, which is considered to be the farthest from bones, nerves and blood vessels, then hitting the bone is excluded.

Is it necessary to massage the injection site after the injection?

Unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the drug, massage after an intramuscular injection is required. It will help distribute the medicine in the tissues and improve blood circulation. In addition, for disinfection, it is necessary to wipe the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

How to give injections without pain?

Minimizing pain is possible if the following measures are taken:

  • good syringes with sharp disposable needles will be used;
  • the injection will be given in a lying position, provided that the gluteal muscle is completely relaxed (for this it is recommended to turn the patient’s feet with their toes inward). Some patients, in order to maximize relaxation, prefer to remove all clothing below the waist;
  • the muscle before the injection will be sufficiently massaged by intensively rubbing the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol;
  • the drug will be administered smoothly and slowly to make it easier for the muscle to accept it. Slow administration is ensured by using a three-component syringe with a rubber seal on the piston;
  • Injection of the medicine and removal of the needle will be carried out with the syringe positioned at the same angle, in order to avoid “picking” the muscle with the needle.

The buttock hurts after injections: what to do?

An injection into the buttock is a fairly common medical procedure that each of us has to go through from time to time. It is better, of course, to carry out the procedure in a special medical institution, where there are qualified personnel who can give the most painful injections almost imperceptibly.

However, patients often prefer to save their own time and perform the injections themselves. Before starting self-medication, we recommend that you clarify what will happen if the injection is given incorrectly.

For most patients, such treatment passes without consequences, however, if the injection is performed incorrectly, a large number of procedures are prescribed, or, due to individual characteristics, the nerve is located close to the skin. In this case, the procedure can cause very painful sensations: it becomes difficult to sit, the leg goes numb, unpleasant sensations reverberate in the lower back, and other complications appear. We suggest you figure out why this happens, what to do in such a situation and how to relieve the pain.

You can alleviate your condition, reduce discomfort, if the injection site hurts a lot, if you understand the cause of these sensations. Most often there are two of them:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • the appearance of cones. They are an extremely unpleasant and painful type of lump that appears as a result of the slow resorption of the medicine. They occur mainly when many injections are taken. How long the lump lasts depends on the measures you take.

It is important to know! If both buttocks are punctured, it is better to give intramuscular injections in the thigh or shoulder than to continue to injure the butt.

It is recommended to wipe the injection sites daily with a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol, and at the first signs of lumps, use absorbable ointment. It is better to find out what to smear with your doctor; most often in such cases, “Alor”, “Delobene”, etc. are prescribed.

When a lump forms, massage and iodine mesh will help get rid of it. And at night it is recommended to apply all kinds of compresses. For example, a magnesium or alcohol compress, or apply a leaf of fresh cabbage (not cut). To prevent the formation of abscesses, Solcoseryl cream is used.

If the gluteal muscle at the injection site turns red, the patient’s temperature rises, but there is no lump, most likely a purulent process has begun in the body. This phenomenon indicates that an infection has entered the injured area. Eucabol (an antibacterial agent) and the already mentioned Solcoseryl jelly help relieve inflammation.

It is important to know! All of the symptoms mentioned above, plus severe pain and a feeling like someone is cutting you, may indicate the onset of an abscess.

Is it possible to swim after an injection in the buttock?

The question of whether it is possible to wash after an injection so as not to increase the likelihood of infection worries many patients. It all depends on the type of intramuscular drug being injected. These kinds of restrictions should be clarified with your doctor, he will tell you whether you should swim after this medicine, limit yourself to taking a shower, or completely refrain from import procedures.

Consequences of self-injection in the buttock

If you overcome the psychological barrier, giving yourself an injection yourself is not difficult. You just need to wipe the injection site with medical alcohol or peroxide, confidently insert the needle at an angle of 45⁰, and slowly inject the drug. However, if at least one of these actions is done incorrectly, complications can be very dangerous.

Negative consequences that occur if an intramuscular injection into the buttock hits a nerve:

If the injection is given properly, then the negative consequences of an injection into the buttock inside appear extremely rarely, although they should not be completely excluded. If you suspect that you have performed a medical procedure incorrectly, be sure to contact your doctor so that an unsuccessful injection does not affect your health.

Let's find out why the consequences of injections are dangerous.


A lump or lump at the injection site is a dense, painful swelling. It usually occurs after intramuscular injections, if the injected drug is not absorbed. You are probably wondering why such phenomena are dangerous? If appropriate measures are not taken and the lump remains 1-2 months after the end of treatment, an abscess and damage to the sciatic nerve may develop.

Reasons why seals appear:

  • high-speed drug administration;
  • short or poor quality needle;
  • excessive muscle tension by the patient;
  • injection in the middle of the buttock;
  • an excessive amount of medication was administered;
  • injection with air into the buttock;
  • infection;
  • allergy.

You will recognize that a lump has appeared by the following signs:

  • in case of infection: swelling, temperature, redness, pain in the lower back, buttock, pus is released;
  • in case of nerve injury: numbness, the injection site loses sensitivity, pain “shoots” into the lower extremities;
  • if air gets into the buttock during an injection (air infiltration): formation of a lump or lump.

It is important to know! Immediately after the injection, be sure to wipe the injured area with a cotton swab and alcohol, this will reduce the risk of infection.

Folk remedies that will tell you what to do if a lump forms and how to remove its consequences:

  • An iodine mesh applied for 3 days will help to dissolve the seal;
  • placing half a fresh potato on the compaction ball;
  • compress of chewed rye bread with sugar;
  • applying gauze made of alcohol or magnesium will help soften and remove old formations;
  • an ordinary fresh cabbage leaf helps to remove even old bumps if it is stuck with an adhesive plaster overnight;
  • It is recommended to apply aloe juice if there is a large lump;
  • kefir compress.

A qualified doctor will tell you how to treat such formations. Usually prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment is an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, applied for 3-4 hours. Not used when spawned;
  • heparin ointment. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • troxevasin – relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • demexide solution - helps to dissolve and remove blood clots, reduce inflammation.


If the needle gets into a vessel when injecting into the buttock, it is injured and a bruise forms.

Why, after treatment, blood accumulates in the tissues at the injection site, and painful bruises remain (reasons for this phenomenon):

  • incorrect insertion of the needle, as a result of which the walls of blood vessels are punctured;
  • poor quality syringe;
  • poor blood clotting in the patient;
  • individual characteristics (close location of blood vessels to the surface);
  • surface input;
  • using an insulin syringe.

It is best for your doctor to tell you what to do and how to treat the bruise. Special drugs (troxevasin, heparin ointment, traumeel and others) help to get rid of this phenomenon. There are also folk recipes that tell how to remove painful formations (the same cabbage leaf, honey or rye compress). However, they can only be used if a bruise just appears, but the following symptoms are not observed:


This phenomenon is one of the most dangerous post-injection complications. What an abscess looks like can be seen in the photo below. It is an inflammatory, purulent formation, the treatment of which is an extremely responsible and important step.

How to determine that you have an abscess (complication symptoms):

  • increased sweating;
  • weakness;
  • body temperature up to 40⁰ C;
  • loss of appetite;
  • painful redness and swelling at the injection site.

Because of the danger of such a phenomenon, rather than treating an abscess after an injection, it is better to check with a qualified physician, whom you should contact after detecting symptoms. Self-medication in this case is not acceptable.


A slight hardening that forms at the injection site is quite common. As a rule, no special treatment is required if it appears. It is recommended to simply inject into the other buttock until the lump goes away.

The tips below will tell you how to remove hardening after injections:

  • iodine mesh is the most popular way to cure compaction;
  • vodka compress on skin previously lubricated with cream;
  • cabbage leaf and others.

In addition to folk remedies, traditional medicine will also tell you how to treat such problems. The doctor explains what to do and how the lumps dissolve; usually in this case, ointments for inflammation and swelling that have antiseptic and analgesic properties are prescribed.

Numbness of the buttock

When the buttock and thigh go numb after an injection, many do not take this phenomenon seriously. However, if the feeling appears and does not go away for a long time, you should sound the alarm, asking your doctor what to do and how to treat this phenomenon. After all, a numb thigh or numb leg may indicate an abscess or nerve injury.


A most dangerous symptom indicating the onset of suppuration; when it appears, mandatory treatment is required. Only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, after conducting an appropriate examination and taking the necessary tests. Based on them, the physician determines how to treat the patient.

Purulent inflammation symptoms:

  • red spot on the skin;
  • the injection site becomes hot, body temperature rises significantly;
  • painful sensations when pressing;
  • External and internal fistulas are formed (in advanced cases).
  • How to relieve inflammation:
  • stop administering the injectable medication until the complication is treated;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • dynamics control;
  • use of specialized medications.


Infiltration is a hardening formed at the injection site due to improper injection, violation of hygiene rules, or for other reasons. Treatment in this case occurs as with the appearance of cones (seals).

Why does blood bleed after an injection in the buttock?

If after performing the injection blood starts to flow (sometimes it flows quite strongly, like a stream). Why is this happening? Most likely, a needle inserted under the skin made a hole in the vessel.

This phenomenon may be an accident or caused by the individual characteristics of the body (close proximity of blood vessels to the skin). When injecting the corners, it is recommended to pull the syringe corkscrew slightly towards you; if blood is drawn in, you should not continue the injection.

Allergic reaction to an injection in the buttock

If the patient is allergic, administering an allergen drug to him can have the most dire consequences, including anaphylactic shock.

You should immediately seek qualified help if:

  • a burning sensation appeared after an injection in the buttock;
  • the injection site in the buttock itches;
  • Itching appeared on the buttocks after injections.

What will happen to the person to whom this happened? The consequences can be very serious, including disability.

Impacts other than the syringe needle are not considered because the sciatic nerve is located under the gluteus maximus muscle, which is an ideal area for this type of injection.

You can only pierce the thickness of this muscle enough to reach the nerve fiber with a thin long needle, and even then you need to try.

With other deep wounds, penetration to the nerve trunk is also possible (bullet wounds, stabbing wounds, cutting wounds, etc.), but this is a completely different degree of injury.

Causes of possible injury

There are two reasons for a needle getting into a nerve fiber:

  • the needle in the syringe is too long;
  • incorrectly chosen injection site.

All nurses are taught at the very beginning of their training how to choose the right place for an intramuscular injection so as not to inject into the sciatic nerve.

Along the area of ​​the buttock, you need to draw two imaginary lines - vertical and horizontal, so that they divide this area into four parts. The area suitable for intramuscular injections is the upper outer one, which is called the upper outer quadrant.

If you aim at the intersection of imaginary lines, at the very center of this coordinate axis, then there is a very high probability of hitting a nerve.

The more inexperienced the person giving the injections, the more likely it is that the needle will hit the nerve trunk.

For example, very often mothers give injections to their children themselves, so as not to call a nurse to the house or not to take the child to procedures every time - especially if the child must remain in bed.

Therefore, if there is a need to do intramuscular injections yourself, you should definitely consult a medical professional about how to give injections correctly. It is very undesirable to inject children with a long needle. The smaller the child, the shorter the needle should be.

For adults, experienced nurses say it's better to use a needle that's shorter than needed rather than one that's too long.

There is no harm from a short dose, except that the medicine may take longer to dissolve if it does not reach the muscle fiber through the thickness of the fat layer (this can be observed in patients with significant fat deposits).

Signs of an incorrect injection

The symptoms are pronounced and appear immediately after entering the nerve trunk.

Subjective sensations can be compared to those that occur when a dentist’s instrument enters the nerve canal of a living tooth.

The pain is very intense, sharp, burning, piercing the entire lower limb from the side of the injection, from the buttock to the foot.

Subsequently, the pain gradually subsides, but does not stop at all, its character simply changes: it becomes aching, tingling, the leg “pulls,” and paroxysmal pain may appear.

At the same time, due to a violation of the innervation of the leg, numbness develops, the person complains of pins and needles in the leg, the foot is less responsive when walking, and may even hang.

In this case, the nature of the pain may not depend on whether the patient is moving or at rest. But, as a rule, when walking, piercing pain occurs when stepping on the affected limb.

How to help?

If such a complication does occur, the first thing to do is to immediately remove the needle without injecting the medication. The pain simply from inserting a needle cannot be confused with pain when it hits the sciatic nerve.

Then you should definitely consult a doctor. If a person experiences unbearable pain, it is necessary to make a blockade to avoid painful shock.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the sciatic nerve is touched by a needle, the patient needs conservative complex treatment, which includes:

Drug treatment includes the use of the following drugs:

If you have a hanging foot that doesn't work, an orthopedic specialist may prescribe the wearing of special orthopedic devices.

Parents often ask: if an injection hits the sciatic nerve, can it be treated using traditional medicine at home? All treatments must be agreed with a doctor, but therapeutic exercises are mandatory, especially if there is numbness in the foot.

Without motor load, the normal functioning of the limb may not be fully restored.

Exercises in the pool are very useful: the aquatic environment will make it easier to perform the exercises, and the pain will be less intense. At home, you can take medicinal baths with various herbal remedies. It's better to do this before bed.

The prescribed course of treatment must be completed completely, without abandoning medications or procedures, as soon as there is noticeable relief of the condition. After completing the course of prescribed therapy, you should see your doctor.

If necessary, he may prescribe a repeat course. Untreated sciatica can become chronic or even cause disability.

By the way, now you can get my free e-books and courses that will help you improve your health and well-being.


Get lessons from a course on treating sciatic nerve entrapment for FREE!

The buttock hurts after injections: what to do?

An injection into the buttock is a fairly common medical procedure that each of us has to go through from time to time. It is better, of course, to carry out the procedure in a special medical institution, where there are qualified personnel who can give the most painful injections almost imperceptibly.

However, patients often prefer to save their own time and perform the injections themselves. Before starting self-medication, we recommend that you clarify what will happen if the injection is given incorrectly.

For most patients, such treatment passes without consequences, however, if the injection is performed incorrectly, a large number of procedures are prescribed, or, due to individual characteristics, the nerve is located close to the skin. In this case, the procedure can cause very painful sensations: it becomes difficult to sit, the leg goes numb, unpleasant sensations reverberate in the lower back, and other complications appear. We suggest you figure out why this happens, what to do in such a situation and how to relieve the pain.

You can alleviate your condition, reduce discomfort, if the injection site hurts a lot, if you understand the cause of these sensations. Most often there are two of them:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • the appearance of cones. They are an extremely unpleasant and painful type of lump that appears as a result of the slow resorption of the medicine. They occur mainly when many injections are taken. How long the lump lasts depends on the measures you take.

It is important to know! If both buttocks are punctured, it is better to give intramuscular injections in the thigh or shoulder than to continue to injure the butt.

It is recommended to wipe the injection sites daily with a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol, and at the first signs of lumps, use absorbable ointment. It is better to find out what to smear with your doctor; most often in such cases, “Alor”, “Delobene”, etc. are prescribed.

When a lump forms, massage and iodine mesh will help get rid of it. And at night it is recommended to apply all kinds of compresses. For example, a magnesium or alcohol compress, or apply a leaf of fresh cabbage (not cut). To prevent the formation of abscesses, Solcoseryl cream is used.

If the gluteal muscle at the injection site turns red, the patient’s temperature rises, but there is no lump, most likely a purulent process has begun in the body. This phenomenon indicates that an infection has entered the injured area. Eucabol (an antibacterial agent) and the already mentioned Solcoseryl jelly help relieve inflammation.

It is important to know! All of the symptoms mentioned above, plus severe pain and a feeling like someone is cutting you, may indicate the onset of an abscess.

Is it possible to swim after an injection in the buttock?

The question of whether it is possible to wash after an injection so as not to increase the likelihood of infection worries many patients. It all depends on the type of intramuscular drug being injected. These kinds of restrictions should be clarified with your doctor, he will tell you whether you should swim after this medicine, limit yourself to taking a shower, or completely refrain from import procedures.

Consequences of self-injection in the buttock

If you overcome the psychological barrier, giving yourself an injection yourself is not difficult. You just need to wipe the injection site with medical alcohol or peroxide, confidently insert the needle at an angle of 45⁰, and slowly inject the drug. However, if at least one of these actions is done incorrectly, complications can be very dangerous.

Negative consequences that occur if an intramuscular injection into the buttock hits a nerve:

If the injection is given properly, then the negative consequences of an injection into the buttock inside appear extremely rarely, although they should not be completely excluded. If you suspect that you have performed a medical procedure incorrectly, be sure to contact your doctor so that an unsuccessful injection does not affect your health.

Let's find out why the consequences of injections are dangerous.


A lump or lump at the injection site is a dense, painful swelling. It usually occurs after intramuscular injections, if the injected drug is not absorbed. You are probably wondering why such phenomena are dangerous? If appropriate measures are not taken and the lump remains 1-2 months after the end of treatment, an abscess and damage to the sciatic nerve may develop.

Reasons why seals appear:

  • high-speed drug administration;
  • short or poor quality needle;
  • excessive muscle tension by the patient;
  • injection in the middle of the buttock;
  • an excessive amount of medication was administered;
  • injection with air into the buttock;
  • infection;
  • allergy.

You will recognize that a lump has appeared by the following signs:

  • in case of infection: swelling, temperature, redness, pain in the lower back, buttock, pus is released;
  • in case of nerve injury: numbness, the injection site loses sensitivity, pain “shoots” into the lower extremities;
  • if air gets into the buttock during an injection (air infiltration): formation of a lump or lump.

It is important to know! Immediately after the injection, be sure to wipe the injured area with a cotton swab and alcohol, this will reduce the risk of infection.

Folk remedies that will tell you what to do if a lump forms and how to remove its consequences:

  • An iodine mesh applied for 3 days will help to dissolve the seal;
  • placing half a fresh potato on the compaction ball;
  • compress of chewed rye bread with sugar;
  • applying gauze made of alcohol or magnesium will help soften and remove old formations;
  • an ordinary fresh cabbage leaf helps to remove even old bumps if it is stuck with an adhesive plaster overnight;
  • It is recommended to apply aloe juice if there is a large lump;
  • kefir compress.

A qualified doctor will tell you how to treat such formations. Usually prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment is an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, applied for 3-4 hours. Not used when spawned;
  • heparin ointment. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • troxevasin – relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • demexide solution - helps to dissolve and remove blood clots, reduce inflammation.


If the needle gets into a vessel when injecting into the buttock, it is injured and a bruise forms.

Why, after treatment, blood accumulates in the tissues at the injection site, and painful bruises remain (reasons for this phenomenon):

  • incorrect insertion of the needle, as a result of which the walls of blood vessels are punctured;
  • poor quality syringe;
  • poor blood clotting in the patient;
  • individual characteristics (close location of blood vessels to the surface);
  • surface input;
  • using an insulin syringe.

It is best for your doctor to tell you what to do and how to treat the bruise. Special drugs (troxevasin, heparin ointment, traumeel and others) help to get rid of this phenomenon. There are also folk recipes that tell how to remove painful formations (the same cabbage leaf, honey or rye compress). However, they can only be used if a bruise just appears, but the following symptoms are not observed:


This phenomenon is one of the most dangerous post-injection complications. What an abscess looks like can be seen in the photo below. It is an inflammatory, purulent formation, the treatment of which is an extremely responsible and important step.

How to determine that you have an abscess (complication symptoms):

  • increased sweating;
  • weakness;
  • body temperature up to 40⁰ C;
  • loss of appetite;
  • painful redness and swelling at the injection site.

Because of the danger of such a phenomenon, rather than treating an abscess after an injection, it is better to check with a qualified physician, whom you should contact after detecting symptoms. Self-medication in this case is not acceptable.


A slight hardening that forms at the injection site is quite common. As a rule, no special treatment is required if it appears. It is recommended to simply inject into the other buttock until the lump goes away.

The tips below will tell you how to remove hardening after injections:

  • iodine mesh is the most popular way to cure compaction;
  • vodka compress on skin previously lubricated with cream;
  • cabbage leaf and others.

In addition to folk remedies, traditional medicine will also tell you how to treat such problems. The doctor explains what to do and how the lumps dissolve; usually in this case, ointments for inflammation and swelling that have antiseptic and analgesic properties are prescribed.

Numbness of the buttock

When the buttock and thigh go numb after an injection, many do not take this phenomenon seriously. However, if the feeling appears and does not go away for a long time, you should sound the alarm, asking your doctor what to do and how to treat this phenomenon. After all, a numb thigh or numb leg may indicate an abscess or nerve injury.


A most dangerous symptom indicating the onset of suppuration; when it appears, mandatory treatment is required. Only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, after conducting an appropriate examination and taking the necessary tests. Based on them, the physician determines how to treat the patient.

Purulent inflammation symptoms:

  • red spot on the skin;
  • the injection site becomes hot, body temperature rises significantly;
  • painful sensations when pressing;
  • External and internal fistulas are formed (in advanced cases).
  • How to relieve inflammation:
  • stop administering the injectable medication until the complication is treated;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • dynamics control;
  • use of specialized medications.


Infiltration is a hardening formed at the injection site due to improper injection, violation of hygiene rules, or for other reasons. Treatment in this case occurs as with the appearance of cones (seals).

Why does blood bleed after an injection in the buttock?

If after performing the injection blood starts to flow (sometimes it flows quite strongly, like a stream). Why is this happening? Most likely, a needle inserted under the skin made a hole in the vessel.

This phenomenon may be an accident or caused by the individual characteristics of the body (close proximity of blood vessels to the skin). When injecting the corners, it is recommended to pull the syringe corkscrew slightly towards you; if blood is drawn in, you should not continue the injection.

Allergic reaction to an injection in the buttock

If the patient is allergic, administering an allergen drug to him can have the most dire consequences, including anaphylactic shock.

You should immediately seek qualified help if:

  • a burning sensation appeared after an injection in the buttock;
  • the injection site in the buttock itches;
  • Itching appeared on the buttocks after injections.

How and where correctly to give an injection in the buttock yourself?

Every person in his life has encountered a situation when it is necessary to give an intramuscular injection to himself or his loved ones, since this method of introducing a drug into the body is the simplest and most accessible. However, this procedure is not recommended for those who have not encountered similar situations before and do not know how to give an injection. Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you how to choose the right place for an injection in the buttock so that the help is effective and does not cause complications.

Intramuscular injections are the most effective option for delivering the required dose of medication. At the same time, if you become familiar with the basics of such procedures, you can carry them out at home without calling a nurse every time.

Truth! You can just call an ambulance, they should give you advice!

With the needle that is usually used to prick children, you couldn’t hit a bone, you couldn’t be sure, but you’re your own doctor, you probably determined the size of the needle yourself, go to the hospital, of course, and not look on the help site, everything can be in such cases

The main thing is that the needle was not broken. Next time, consult with specialists on how and where (in what area) to inject.

Most likely, an ordinary (standard) 5 cc syringe, if I had thought to buy insulin and change the needles, this would not have happened, the size and length did not allow this to happen.

So I don’t understand - what the hell, when you give an injection, push the whole needle into your butt? Moreover, this is a child! And how she, without special education and experience, dared to give injections to the baby. I understand that situations are different, but in this case it is better to go to a hospital with a child for the period of treatment. Or take courses so as not to find yourself in such situations.

Thanks for the advice, I determined that I felt something hard with the tip of the needle, it twitched and the whole needle got through, and the syringe was an ordinary 5 cc. We were put in the infectious diseases ward, but there was measles throughout the quarantine, so we didn’t go to bed.

In this case, you can call your sister from the clinic. She will come and give injections. For example, I do it to myself, but I don’t raise my hand to my child. The injections are given by specialists.

Good question, but only she knows why the answer (at her age). Although it's not difficult to guess.

For intramuscular injections in adults, 5 ml syringes are used, even if the amount of medication administered is less. A 2 ml syringe has a shorter needle and may not reach the muscle.

injectionsPreparation for

  • Time intervals. Injections can only be given in the same place twice a week. Violation of this rule can lead to consequences in the form of swelling and the formation of unnecessary hematomas. If a course of injections in the buttock is prescribed, then you should choose two or three main places that are not too close to each other and alternate them;
  • Oil solutions. Injections with oily solutions differ from conventional ones, so containers containing the drug must be preheated. This can be done by holding the ampoule for several seconds over an open fire, without bringing it closer to the heat source than four to five centimeters.

How to give an injection in the buttock: process

Corticosteroid injections, also known as steroids, are sometimes used to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve and relieve pain when it is pinched. These injections are given directly into the epidural space, the outer lining that covers the spine. Typically the injection is given fairly close to the site of injury to the nerve roots. Corticosteroids can reduce inflammation. Research that determines the effectiveness of steroid injections for sciatic nerve inflammation and low back pain is somewhat inconsistent.

Some reports suggest that steroid injections provide pain relief for about a couple of months. Other studies suggest that steroid injections provide consistent pain relief compared with other conservative treatments. It is worth remembering that steroid injections for a pinched sciatic nerve caused by spinal stenosis do not generally improve a person’s condition, do not help avoid surgery, and only improve the condition for a short time.

Injections in the buttock can have the following consequences and complications:

How to choose the right syringe and needles? This is what the professional, chief nurse of the Federal State Institution “GNITS PM Rosmedtekhnologii” Yulia Arkhangelskaya advises:

● the volume of the syringe should be slightly larger than the volume of the prescribed single dose of the drug;

● the thickness of the needle should depend on the physical properties of the drug: the higher its viscosity (for example, an oil solution is prescribed), the larger the needle diameter should be;

● for subcutaneous injections a needle 20–25 mm long can be used, for intramuscular injections the length of the needle depends on the injection site: if it is done in the thigh, 25 mm is enough, if in the buttock, a needle 30 mm long is needed;

● if the patient is overweight, that is, his body mass index (weight divided by height squared) is above 30, the needle length should be at least 40 mm.

Thus, if you take a good modern three-component syringe, with a sharp thin needle of the correct length, and follow all the rules for preparing for the injection, then the likelihood of complications will be close to zero.

According to reviews from people who had to take injections for health reasons and chose BogMark syringes for themselves, undesirable consequences occur extremely rarely.

We wish all site visitors good health and only invisible injections!

Not enough information? Something is not clear? Read FAQ: popular questions about syringes and injections.

In addition, the website offers online consultation:

The best doctors of the Healthy Family family medicine clinic and specialists from the site bogmark.com.ua answer questions about syringes and injections.

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Discussion of the article

Hello. At the hospital, a nurse tried to place an IV in the vein area. I pierced the vein through and began to inject sodium (or potassium) chloride; a bubble from the medicine formed. The nurse simply pulled out the syringe and did nothing. Now on the 14th day I have a hematoma from my wrist to my armpit, terrible pain, especially at night. The doctor said that everything will resolve. Could necrosis or an abscess develop?

Good evening! After the injection into the vein of the leg, a large blue spot appeared, it does not hurt. What is this?

Good afternoon After the iron injections, 3 days passed and swelling began. Spreads upward along the lower back, compaction.

Ekaterina, please ask individual questions about your health in consultation - http://bogmark.com.ua/online

It is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician in person: we are categorically against correspondence treatments, especially at that age. Please invite your local pediatrician for an examination. We wish your baby good health!

Hello. The baby is 1.5 months old, from the month onwards a small blue spot (like a bruise) and a small lump appeared on the back, just below the neck. The baby is not bothered. Tell me, please, what can it be? Thank you.

Assistant editor of the site bogmark.com.ua


Hello, I was unsuccessful in placing Amelotex intramuscularly, probably got into a vessel, the next day my leg hurt, completely, my toes went numb in the morning. Tell me how dangerous is this?

Julia, This form is intended to discuss an article from the current page. You can ask a question about specific medications or your state of health in the Online consultation section: http://bogmark.com.ua/online

Briefly regarding your question, we can report the following: injecting the contents of an ampoule that has been left open for a day is a violation of the rules of sterility and infection is possible. Observe the injection site, the child’s condition, and if there are any alarming symptoms (the list is in the article), show the baby to the doctor in person.

Hello, we gave a child an antibiotic injection with sodium chloride 0.9%, but by mistake we took an ampoule that had been open for a day, could there be any consequences?

Tatyana, this form is intended to discuss an article from the current page. You can ask a question about specific medications or your state of health in the Online consultation section: http://bogmark.com.ua/online

or rather on VOLTAREN 5 ampoules. the same injections

Hello!.Please tell me. I was given diclofenac injections, a girdling pain appeared in the stomach area, they replaced it with diclofenac suppositories. They also caused constipation and stomach pain. They replaced it with the medicine VOLTAREN, my husband bought it... an expensive medicine. and there is also diclofenac. Is it really so necessary? and there is nothing else to replace it with... I have an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, and I don’t want to experiment anymore. I can barely leave him. thank you in advance

Christina, general information about what can be done if a lump forms after an injection, read here: http://bogmark.com.ua/kak-lechit-shyshki-ot-ukolov/

This form is intended to discuss an article from the current page. You can ask a question about specific medications or your state of health in the Online consultation section: http://bogmark.com.ua/online

Hello! Please tell me, I mixed 2 medications in one syringe, Mydocalm Richter and Ketorol. I gave myself an intramuscular injection on the evening of January 24th and on the night of January 25th I developed a very large lump, one might say a huge lump and chills. What should I do? Was it possible to mix them? Thank you!

Olga, the answer to your question is here: http://bogmark.com.ua/faq/

Hello, please tell me what complication may arise if air is injected intramuscularly?

Ekaterina, general principles of \"work\" with seals - on this page: http://bogmark.com.ua/kak-lechit-shyshki-ot-ukolov/

Hello! Somehow, 4 months ago, a nurse from the ambulance gave me an intramuscular injection; unfortunately, she didn’t even ask what kind of injection they gave me. Since then, pain has appeared in the buttock. There are no bumps, just a slight compaction. Please tell me how to deal with this.

Editor of the site bogmark.com.ua

This form is intended to discuss an article from the current page. You can ask a question about specific medications or your state of health in the Online consultation section: http://bogmark.com.ua/online

Hello! Help me to understand. After 9 days of taking alfarequin intramuscularly, severe pain in the buttocks, swelling of the buttocks and thighs, bruising, redness and itching appeared. This does not go away within three days and has also spread to the lumbar region. The hip circumference increased by 10 centimeters. What could it be?

This form is intended to discuss an article from the current page. You can ask a question about specific medications or your state of health in the Online consultation section: http://bogmark.com.ua/online

The principles of \"handling\" with cones after injections are set out in this article: http://bogmark.com.ua/kak-lechit-shyshki-ot-ukolov/

Good afternoon. After the injection, the lump frosted over very small and sat without disturbing for 10 years, but now it has increased in size, swollen, reddened, and hurts. What to do?

Editor of the site bogmark.com.ua

Dear site visitors,

Timur, Ilyana, Elena, Svetlana, Natalya, your questions are of a private nature, the answer to them will probably be of little interest to other site visitors: please use the online consultation bogmark.com.ua/online

A 6-month-old child was given injections in the hospital. after them, when she lies on her back, she begins to bend her legs in a cross and begins to groan. This is not observed when crawling and standing. Tell us what to do, we went to a traumatologist, but she said that there were no pathologies and nothing more.

During intravenous injection, cytoflavin went under the skin. what to do? Tell me please

after the injections, large lumps formed in the gluteal muscle. Tell me how to cope with the problem at home? Thank you. I need to continue the injections, but there is no place to inject

Hello, after intravenous injections, a vein under my armpit has become very stretched and I cannot raise my arm high. Tell me, what could it be?

Hello! Such a problem. In the morning we gave a Piracetam injection (intramuscularly). The injection was quite unpleasant and seemed to “dry” the muscle for a long time. But by the evening everything seemed to have passed and I went to play tennis. After training, I felt approximately the same unpleasant sensations in the same buttock. Especially when lifting the hip (when climbing stairs). With the cessation of training, the pain slowly goes away. In training, it resumes. Could this be due to a botched injection or did I just pull my gluteal muscle? And what is the best way to treat? Thank you.

Hello! After the blockade (3 injections into the seminal canal), a bruise appeared in the groin area and today - a lump. The pain is terrible and I can barely walk. Tell me what can be done?

Editor of the site bogmark.com.ua

Dear site visitors,

Here we leave comments and questions about the article on the current page.

Tatyana, Alena, Anna, your questions are of a private nature and require a personal consultation with a doctor.

Your questions have been moved to the On-line consultation section, and specialists from the Healthy Family clinic will answer them. (Your questions are here: http://bogmark.com.ua/online/)

We also suggest watching a video that clearly shows how to properly give an injection in the buttock.

What happens if you give an intramuscular injection incorrectly?

I don’t have a medical education, but I had to give injections to more than one person more than once. I even inject myself with injections myself. A medical worker taught me when there was a need.

The consequences of an incorrectly administered intramuscular injection may not be so terrible, but unpleasant. A bump, a bruise, these are just the ones I know about.

But fortunately, I have never encountered these unpleasant consequences.

Giving an injection is not difficult; to do this, you just need to insert the game into the desired area. And before you do, you need to make sure that there is not a single bubble in the syringe with the drug.

Injecting air into a muscle also has consequences.

The consequences of an incorrect intramuscular injection can appear in the form of a lump from the injection. These bumps become denser over time. And over time they can become inflamed. I read that there were even cases where bumps from incorrect injections were removed surgically - they were simply cut out. What a horror, such a thought gives me goosebumps.

Another consequence of an incorrect injection is that the needle can hit a nerve ending. Then after the injection there will be spasms and the buttock will seize. This is a very painful and unpleasant sensation.

You need to give injections like this. We take the buttock, conditionally divide it into 4 parts, like 4 square parts. We select the upper right part, clamp it, smear it with a cotton swab (disinfect the injection site) soaked in alcohol, and give a sharp injection. Why sharp? Because if you insert the needle smoothly, it will be painful and unpleasant. The most important thing is to survive that unpleasant crunch when the needle pierces the skin. The first time I gave my wife an injection, I slapped her on the butt for half an hour. I still couldn’t tune in. Well, how can you poke a needle into a living person, and even a loved one, and hurt? In the end, I did it carefully, and now she doesn’t trust anyone with injections except me.

Let's start with the fact that a doctor should treat. At a face-to-face appointment, visually examining the patient, interviewing, and so on.
And the purpose of this article is not to replace consultation with a specialist, but to provide information for thought, to suggest when there is no reason to worry, and when a “bump” from an injection has become a problem for which it is time to run to the doctor.

Intramuscular injection is the injection of a drug into a muscle using a syringe (usually a few milliliters). The drug injected through a needle into a muscle area should “disperse”. If for some reason this does not happen promptly (too fast injection, spasmodic muscle, etc. - read here), a lump will form at the injection site.

If, in addition to a palpable bump, a bruise is visible, this means that a certain amount of blood has leaked under the skin from a blood vessel damaged during the injection.

Is it dangerous?

There is no reason to worry if the bump (with or without bruise)
- doesn't bother
- can be felt, but does not hurt
- the injection site did not turn red
- the injection site is not hot
In a word, it does not interfere, does not bother.
As a rule, such cones disperse on their own within a period of several days to several weeks.

You can help the lump resolve with the following means:
1) iodine mesh: Apply several times daily
2) cabbage leaf: cut well with a knife (option: beat off), apply with or without honey
3) honey cake take 1 egg, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. butter, add flour (by eye) - knead a soft dough. From such a cake you need to pinch off a portion sufficient to make a circle with a diameter 1 cm larger than the existing seal and a thickness of 0.5-1 cm. Apply the cake to the area of ​​concern, fix it in a convenient way, and leave it overnight. (One of the fixation options: cover the cake with a bandage, put on tight-fitting underwear). In the morning, remove the cake; if it is possible to attach a cake for the day (for example, if you plan to be at home all day), do this; if this is not possible, draw an iodine mesh. At night, apply a new portion of the cake.
4) heparin-containing gels

Traumeel helps some patients.
You can make a compress with heparin-containing gel (for example, Lyoton) and dimexide: apply the gel to the surface, and on top of it a folded bandage moistened with dimexide diluted 1:5.

Be careful:

If you observe the following signs at the injection site, you need to be wary and double your observation:

  • slight redness at the injection site
  • slight increase in temperature at the injection site
  • slight pain when pressed
  • slight numbness of the skin

If such symptoms do not go away within a day or two, and everything only gets worse, consult a doctor.

Or maybe it's an allergy?

If the drug was administered for the first time, and after the injection you observe redness and itching - this may be an allergic reaction. Discuss it with the doctor who prescribed the drug. The medication may need to be changed.

Numb skin at the injection site

Numbness may be an individual reaction to the injected drug. If it doesn’t bother you too much, your condition improves in a couple of days - there’s no reason to worry.
Numbness can also be a consequence of injury to the nerve ending. In general, nothing terrible, but it takes a long time.
If at the injection site something “shoots”, “pulls the leg”, “gives” and other strange sensations - this is already a reason for examination and consultation with a doctor. For example, a neurologist.


If the rules of asepsis and antisepsis were not followed during the injection, and the wound becomes infected after the injection, a complication such as an abscess may develop.
This is probably the most serious complication of the “bump” and there is no point in delaying treatment: it rarely goes away on its own, but it happens that you have to wait until you need to “cut it out.”

To the doctor!

If after the injection you observe
- increased temperature (at the injection site and/or general body temperature)
- pronounced redness of the injection site
- severe pain
- swelling
- pus is released
please see your surgeon immediately! The doctor, unlike the surgeon from the joke, is unlikely to cut right away (he has a set of conservative treatment methods in his arsenal), but the later you contact him, the higher the likelihood of the need for surgical intervention.
A visit to the doctor is all the more necessary because the “bump” may turn out to be a deep abscess or infiltrate, and treatment tactics will be different.

In general, cones are a completely optional accompaniment to injections. By choosing the right syringe, making an injection without deviating from the instructions, seals can be completely avoided - for many years, readers of the Site about syringes and injections have known that an injection can be invisible, and have learned to give intramuscular injections without pain and consequences.

The article will tell you about the reasons for the appearance of lumps and lumps at injection sites, as well as how you can quickly get rid of them.

The appearance of lumps after intramuscular injections is a common phenomenon in therapy. Their formation on the buttocks causes a lot of trouble. However, there is no need to get too upset and worry - it is easy to treat and quickly enough if you contact a specialist in time.

Why did a lump form and remain after the injection?

Swelling and hardening of the needle insertion site is due to certain reasons. During the procedure, the substance intended for injection must enter the muscle layer, dissolve there and go further through the tissues of the body.

But if this did not happen, it means that the standards of the procedure were violated and, as a result, a lump formed. What did the nurse do wrong?

  • Very quickly administered the drug, especially having an oily structure, and the medicine did not have time to spread throughout the muscle tissue. In the West, this problem does not exist, since they use special syringes with which the drug can be injected slowly and evenly
  • Used short needle, since the myth that a short needle will cause less pain is quite common among medical staff. Such a needle does not even reach the muscle layer, the medicine gets into the subcutaneous fat and accumulates there
  • Damaged a vessel during the injection, and the leaked blood formed a compaction, turning it burgundy. It turned out to be a kind of swollen hematoma
  • Touched a nerve ending, damage to which caused inflammation accompanied by swelling. Sometimes there may even be numbness at the injection site.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes the patients themselves are the culprits of the problem if during the procedure they could not overcome their fear and relax or preferred to give the injection while standing. Only muscle tissue that is not tense has a structure that allows the injected drug to be absorbed quickly and effectively.

Why does the lump turn red and itch after the injection?

However, it happens that the nurse did not violate the standards of the procedure in any way, but a lump with redness and itching appeared at the injection site.

This only means one thing: you have a hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, that is, simply put, an allergy.

IMPORTANT: To prevent this from happening, you must do a test for the prescribed medication. To do this, a small amount of the drug is injected subcutaneously and the result is assessed after 10 - 15 minutes.

To exclude an allergic reaction, which may result in the formation of bumps from injections, preliminary tests should be carried out

What to apply to the bumps after injections?

You need to get rid of the consequences of unsuccessful injections in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations.

However, the simplest and surest way is to apply an iodine mesh to the tumor site. By warming the sore spot, it dilates blood vessels and accelerates metabolism at the site of the tumor, which, with regular use (2-3 times a day), will disappear within 3-5 days.

Iodine mesh will get rid of bumps and lumps at injection sites

You can also use various ointments (Vishnevsky, heparin) and compresses.

Heparin ointment for bumps after injections

An effective remedy for eliminating post-injection seals - heparin ointment. The benzocaine contained in this product has a calming and analgesic effect, and heparin will relieve inflammation within 3-14 days (the period depends on the degree of neglect) provided that the ointment is used at least 2-3 times a day. Apply the product only in the direction of the muscle.

Consumer reviews on forums are very optimistic, and the price is reasonable: from 25 to 30 UAH. for 25 grams.

Vishnevsky ointment for cones after injections

  • This remedy, created by the famous Russian surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky is almost a hundred years old, but its popularity and effectiveness, despite the very specific smell, does not decrease
  • The xeroform included in the ointment makes it a strong antiseptic, birch tar warms up, increasing blood flow, and castor oil facilitates penetration deep into the skin
  • You need to use the ointment in the form of a compress: apply it to a bandage and apply it to the sore spot, securing it with an adhesive plaster, for 3-4 hours. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day

Vishnevsky ointment for cones after injections is used in the form of compresses

Compress for bumps after injections

There are enough options in this method of treatment so that everyone can choose the most acceptable one for themselves.

Recipe No. 1. Indispensable for inflammation, a cabbage leaf, smeared with honey or aloe, is attached to the site of post-injection infiltration overnight. You can use a regular piece of cling film instead of cabbage.

Recipe No. 2. An alcohol compress (one aspirin tablet is diluted in two tablespoons of alcohol) must be used very carefully, as you can get a burn.

  • To do this, the area where the bandage is folded several times and soaked in the resulting solution must be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline.
  • Then cover it all with cling film, insulate it and go to bed quietly
  • If your skin is hypersensitive, you can replace alcohol with vodka. After 3-4 days of such procedures, the bumps disappear without a trace

Recipe No. 3. If there is no purulent inflammation (abscess) on the lump, you can use laundry soap: you need to moisten the area of ​​the lump and massage with light pressure with the end of the soap. After 5-6 procedures, the “bumpy” problem disappears.

Magnesia for cones after injections

A medicine such as magnesia has been used in medicine for a long time and is either a white powder or a solution with magnesium sulfate as the main component.

Magnesia compresses are rarely used in therapy, but in some cases they can show good results.

To get rid of infiltration (compaction), you need to moisten the bandage in a magnesium solution, squeeze it out lightly, apply it to the sore spot, cover it with film, insulate it with cotton wool and secure it with an adhesive plaster.

However, you need to remember that this medicine is effective when wet, so you need to systematically change the compress (every 2-3 hours).

There are also side effects: an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible.

Dimexide is a fairly serious drug with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

It is produced in the form of a concentrated solution, and from it, according to the instructions, a solution of the “strength” required for the compress is prepared.

RECIPE: A bandage soaked in the resulting medicine is applied to the area of ​​the seal, covered with plastic wrap, insulated with cotton wool or flannel cloth and secured with a band-aid. The procedure should be carried out twice a day and keep the compress for at least 30 minutes. It is necessary to apply the compress until the seals disappear completely, which should occur in 3-4 days.

With all the “advantages” of this product, you need to remember the contraindications:

  • cannot be used by children under 15 years of age and people over 60
  • for allergy sufferers
  • stroke survivors and heart patients
  • pregnant women

The bumps do not go away for a long time after injections, what should I do?

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • contact a specialist
  • use traditional methods

The doctor may prescribe you one or more of the above methods of drug treatment, as well as send you to physiotherapeutic procedures, which include heating with disinfecting lamps and using various electric massagers.

You, in turn, in order not to end up under the surgeon’s knife, can try several proven “grandmother’s” recipes.

Recipe No. 1. A compress consisting of rye flour and honey, taken in a one to one ratio, is applied at night for seven days.

Compresses with honey help get rid of bumps after injections

Recipe No. 2. A honey cake, made from two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of butter and two raw egg whites, is applied overnight and covered with cling film secured with adhesive tape.

Recipe No. 3. A curd compress, for which the curd is heated in a water bath, is applied overnight, covered with film and secured either with a band-aid or a gauze bandage.

Recipe No. 4. A white clay compress applied for two hours is also effective in combating old seals.

Recipe No. 5. A panacea for chronic injection infiltrates, according to many people, is a compress consisting of honey, alcohol and aspirin. Alcohol and honey are taken in a 1:1 ratio, one finely ground aspirin tablet is added, all ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. The compress is placed warm overnight, the application site is pre-lubricated with greasy cream or Vaseline.

The inexperience of the nurse is one of the reasons for the formation of lumps at injection sites

The main thing to remember is that the bumps will not disappear overnight; you need to be systematic and regular in applying the procedures.

Video: How to treat bumps after injections? How to treat bumps after injections with folk remedies?