Basic spoken English. Basic Unified State Exam in English (fipi demo version)

On June 7, 2018, it became finally clear that the mandatory Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​will be held in 2022, no matter what. During the Direct Line with President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin a 9th grade graduate from Lobnya asked a question about the introduction of two compulsory exams in 11th grade, the head of state forwarded the question to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva.

From her quite substantive answer, it became clear that the decision to introduce a compulsory Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​was finally made. About mandatory exam on history, the introduction of which in 2020 the minister personally announced several times in various media, she answered evasively, saying that this issue was still being discussed.

Exactly in a month informational portal newspapers "Izvestia" invited to a press conference the Head of FIPI Oksana Reshetnikova, chief developer of instrumentation Unified State Exam materials specialized exam in foreign languages Maria Verbitskaya and Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Irina Rezanova. This was also a fateful moment, since they described in some detail what it would look like updated Unified State Exam in foreign languages.

The main points of the press conference with the developers of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages:

1. The Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​will have two levels of difficulty: basic and specialized. Analogies with the mandatory Unified State Examination in mathematics are quite appropriate. Each graduate will be able to choose the difficulty level.

2. The basic level of the Unified State Exam will be in the range from A2+ to B1. Profile exam – up to level B2. This refers to the 6 levels of foreign language proficiency approved by the Council of Europe. B2 just corresponds to 100 points on the profile Unified State Examination in a foreign language.

3. The profile exam will be fully consistent with the existing exam. The developers do not plan any changes either in tasks or in minimum threshold points.

4. The basic Unified State Exam in a foreign language will correspond to the basic level of knowledge in this subject. The most great attention will be devoted to speech practice: listening, reading, speaking, as well as language competence (language knowledge and skills).

5. VPR-2018 in foreign languages ​​- this is it real tasks, which will be on the basic Unified State Exam. In order to understand what the demo version of the basic level of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language will look like, just look at the FIPI website demo version of VPR(All-Russian test work) for 11th grade. The developers have officially confirmed that the demo version of the FIPI VPR in foreign languages ​​is the prototype of the future basic Unified State Exam.

Let's take a closer look at the demo version of the VPR, and in fact at the demo version of the basic Unified State Examination in foreign languages. For example, let’s take the English language exam, since the vast majority of graduates pass it.

The basic Unified State Examination in English (as well as in other foreign languages) will consist of two parts - oral and written. Each part is checked and evaluated separately. In 2018, 11th grade students can complete either both parts or just the written part if they wish. Oral part The exam is carried out using special equipment. The duration of the entire exam is 1 hour (60 minutes).

Let's look at the real ones VLOOKUP tasks in English language.

Oral part of the basic Unified State Exam in English (15 minutes)

The oral part of the work contains 2 tasks, each of which requires a free answer. The time to complete two tasks is 15 minutes.

Reading text (10 minutes)

The first task requires you to read aloud a fragment of text. Here it is checked whether the student can understand the content.

Description of the photo (5 minutes)

In the second task, you need to describe a photograph based on the plan. The graduate must choose one of the three proposed photographs and complete the task only based on this photograph.

Written part of the Unified State Exam in English (basic level) – 40 minutes

Listening (10 minutes)

Audio text for tasks 1-5

Now we are ready to start.

Ann: Hello, Steve, how are you?

Steve: Hi, Ann, I’m well, thanks, and you?

Ann: Fine, thank you. Listen, have you've been to the new downtown library yet? It's absolutely amazing.

Steve: I haven’t been down there yet. Why is it so amazing?

Ann: Um... it’s got shelves of books everywhere, cozy armchairs with lamps, new tables. There is this awesome smell of books in the air, you know.

Steve: I see. But I’ve really never quite understood how some people say they love the smell of books. I am not much of a reader really, Ann, so I don’t go to libraries. I don't read much.

Ann: Oh, Steve, really? I’ve always read a lot since I learned how to. In fact, I’d say reading is my favorite pastime, especially on rainy days or cold winter nights.

Steve: Are you one of those people who like to sit on the sofa on a rainy day with a cup of tea and a good book?

Ann: Yes, there is nothing I love better. How do you spend your time, Steve?

Steve: I don’t know … on rainy days I usually play computer games online. My friends and I love network strategy games like World of War Craft.

Ann: I bet three-four hours go by really fast when you are in the game!

Steve: Um... True but in winter I play hockey when I have time. Our hockey rink’s got lights, so we can play when it’s dark. Most of my friends play hockey too.

Ann: Are they the same friends you play your online games with?

Steve: Yeah, they are, mostly.

Ann: I see. But don’t you think reading is an important part of learning? I think it’s important to read a lot to be able to speak better, write better and even think better. Good books raise really good questions about life. Don't you think?

Steve: Maybe … but I find books that ask thought-provoking questions are always so depressing. I don’t like to be depressed, I like to think that life is easy and fun, that’s why I enjoy playing games rather than asking philosophical questions.

Ann: Hmm... Have you read any fantasy books? Have you read Harry Potter books or The Lord of the Rings? Those are really fun and there are still some deep thoughts in them.

Steve: I haven’t read those, Ann but I’ve watched the films, so I don’t think there is any need to read the books now.

Ann: Oh Steve! Films made from books are not nearly as exciting as books themselves! But… I’ll stop being a bookworm now and let you go play your computer games.

Steve: Thank you! I was starting to get afraid you’d lecture me on films vs books now.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

(Pause 15 seconds.)

This is the end of the Listening test.

The time allotted for completing tasks has expired.

You must listen to the dialogue and complete 5 written tasks.

Reading task #6 (15 minutes)

Lexico-grammatical tasks (15 minutes)

Answers to tasks:

CEFR is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. According to this scale, knowledge of languages ​​can be divided into six levels: A1 - Beginner, Elementary (survival), A2 - Pre-Intermediate (pre-threshold), B1 - Intermediate (threshold), B2 - Upper-Intermediate (threshold advanced), C1 - Advanced ( professional proficiency), C2 – Proficiency (native speaker level). Elementary or basic level of English is considered the minimum required to solve simple problems at the level of tourism, going to the store and having a simple conversation in an English-speaking country.

What is a basic level

This level is also called Elementary, and according to the CEFR scale it is level A1. In other words, a basic level of knowledge of the English language is the first level of language proficiency on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. With this level, the student can meet his basic communication needs. Determining whether a student has this level can be determined by using the Placement Test or EF SET and TOEIC. The results of a level test depend on each particular case, since tests can be constructed in different ways. However, EF SET and TOEIC set very specific criteria. You can confirm the Elementary level in EF SET by scoring from 31 to 40 points, in TOEIC Reading - from 115 to 270, in TOEIC Listening - from 110 to 270.

The basic level of English, as the name suggests, provides a certain “base”, it is enough for travel and simple communication, but for more friendly contact you will need a higher level. With this level, you can maintain contact with your English-speaking colleagues, communicating on non-professional topics. But not everything can be discussed simple themes– they should be familiar to the student. Therefore, television programs or newspapers will be challenging because they use unfamiliar vocabulary and complex grammatical structures.

Readiness to learn at the Elementary level

Learning English at the Elementary level assumes that the beginner level has already been mastered. The difference between Beginner and Elementary is that at the first level the student literally encounters the language for the first time. Of course, he can know a few words and even introduce himself, but nevertheless, he does not know the system of language and much more.

Signs indicating that a student can begin learning English at a basic level:

  • has basic knowledge or has completed training at the Beginner level;

  • knows up to 500 words, although he does not speak or speaks with difficulty;

  • does not perceive or has difficulty perceiving speech by ear;

  • English grammar is already a little familiar, but knowledge needs to be deepened and systematized;

  • introduces himself and is able to construct several sentences using personal data;

  • answers to simple questions(What is your name? How old are you?);

  • counts to 100;

  • knows the alphabet and can spell a word (How do you spell it?);

  • understands simple sentences.

The basic level can be mastered in 200 study hours. The course lasts from 6 to 9 months. As a rule, this process is individual; someone may need much less or, on the contrary, more time. The intensity and frequency of training plays an important role. The main thing is practice and immersion in the language, then learning will be more interesting.

Topics for the Elementary program

Grammar studies are planned on the following topics:

  • verb to be (Present, Past, Future);

  • imperative mood;

  • three aspects of the present tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect);

  • future tense: Future Simple and to be going to;

  • past tense: Past Simple;

  • irregular verbs;

  • word order for questions;

  • pronouns: demonstrative and objective;

  • adjectives;

  • degrees of comparison of adjectives (Degrees of Comparison);

  • possessive(Possessive Case);

  • plural of nouns;

  • indefinite and definite articles;

  • countable and uncountable nouns (Countable/Uncountable);

  • adverbs of frequency and manner of action;

  • prepositions;

  • modal verbs: can and should;

  • gerund after verbs (like, love, hate);

  • turnover there is/are.

The order of topics may vary depending on the textbook or the teacher’s methodology; in any case, all this base must be mastered by the end of the course.

How are things going with vocabulary:

  • about yourself and family;

  • countries of the world, languages ​​and nationalities (Spain – Spanish);

  • personal preferences (I like...);

  • work and working day;

  • dates and numbers;

  • holidays and festivals;

  • weather;

  • food and drinks;

  • sports and healthy image life;

  • transport;

  • city ​​and attractions;

  • music and cinema;

  • houses and furniture;

  • shop and shopping;

  • description of a person.

In general, the topics relate to the main areas of life. By the end of the course, the student will be able to communicate on any of these topics, constructing simple sentences and understanding commonly used expressions.

Learning outcomes for the Elementary level

The basic level of English is a level (like any other) that involves the development of four basic skills - Listening(speech perception by ear), Reading(reading), Writing(letter), Speaking(oral speech). To understand what a student will be capable of, we can identify the necessary characteristics based on basic skills and two more criteria.


With a basic level, the student understands common phrases and expressions. This could be information about family, work, location, appearance. The student understands audio recordings adapted to his level and is able to grasp the main idea of ​​the audio text. The speech should be built from short phrases, without ambiguity or complex vocabulary, and the pace is not too fast.


The basic level of English is a level that is sufficient to understand short simple texts. The student can easily understand a menu, a sign on the street, a simple announcement or schedule and can easily highlight the information that interests him. A personal letter with simple vocabulary will also be within his capabilities. The student can read adapted literature - fairy tales and simple stories. At this stage, the dictionary is the student’s faithful assistant.


The student can write short notes, messages and simple personal letters. He also fills out forms without any problems. Care must be taken to ensure that the student is following correct sentence structure, it is vital that he is able to construct sentences correctly at this level. In any case, mistakes cannot be avoided, but you need to remember that knowledge comes with practice.


The student can introduce himself, name his age and field of activity, talk about his family and his hobbies. When describing a working day, the student easily uses the names of the days of the week and names the exact time. He can talk about his vacation plans, and while at the hotel, communicate with the staff or make purchases in a foreign store. The student is able to maintain a dialogue in simple situations if the topic is familiar to him. As a rule, the dialogues are short, and the student answers questions more than asks them.


Vocabulary at Elementary is 1000-1300 words and expressions. Basically, they are used frequently and an interlocutor with the same level or higher will easily understand them.


Grammar is perhaps the broadest spectrum to define the basic level and includes many topics.

Grammar at the Elementary level assumes that the student:

  1. Understands how to use the verb to be. For example, what do these sentences mean? - I am happy. She is twenty-one.

  2. Knows the tenses Present, Future and Past Simple, Present Continuous and is familiar with the Present Perfect. What is the difference between these offers? – She writes books. She wrote two books last year. She is writing a book about our city.

  3. Understands the difference between various forms of the future tense - Future Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to, for example: I’ll go to Turkey next summer. I'm going to fly to Turkey. I'm going to Turkey soon.

  4. Knows irregular verbs in three forms, for example: think – thought – thought.

  5. Able to ask a question to the interlocutor, paying attention to the correct word order. Which of the sentences is correct? – Do you have a job? Do you have a job?

  6. Understands why articles are needed and what the difference is between definite and indefinite articles: There was a cat. The cat was white and fluffy.

  7. Knows the difference between Countable and Uncountable nouns. Which of the sentences is correct? - I have a lot of money. I don't have much money.

  8. Understands the possessive case, for example, parents’ house and mother’s car.

  9. Knows degrees of comparison of adjectives, for example, easy – easier – the easiest, but beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful.

  10. Understands the difference between demonstrative pronouns. What is the difference between this refrigerator and that refrigerator? And these houses and those houses?

  11. He knows object pronouns and has no questions about why “I like him” is translated as “I like him.”

  12. Knows adverbs of frequency/manner and knows how to use them. Which of the sentences is correct? – I often go shopping. She goes sometimes to the cinema.

  13. Knows what the phrase there is/there are means, for example: There is an apple on the table. There are oranges in the refrigerator.

  14. Knows modal verbs and knows how to use them. What is the difference between: I can read books. I should read books.

  15. Knows the gerund and when to use it. Which is correct? – I love watching Netflix or I like watching cartoons.

Basic level of English is the level at which a student can speak clearly on the simplest topics. Knowing simple conversational vocabulary can be useful for many things, for example, to travel to another country you need to have at least a basic level of English. It's like opening the door to English-speaking culture - opening it completely and immersing yourself in this world will help more deep knowledge language.

Starting to teach foreign language, many people wonder: How to learn a language quickly?

Indeed, how can one learn such a rich language, for example, English, whose vocabulary includes more than 500,000 words? An incredibly huge number! In response to this question will: Reduce the vocabulary of the language you are studying to the required minimum!

This can be done and is even easier than it seems at first glance. I will try to convince you of this.

Learn English with Basic English

Just 40 correctly identified, high-frequency words cover about 50% of word usage in everyday speech in any language! And 400 words will cover about 90%.

This is not just idle chatter, these statistics were revealed by the famous Swedish polyglot and author of the book “The Art of Learning Languages” E.V. Gunnemark.
Nevertheless, when we begin to learn a language that is still unfamiliar to us, the need arises to choose this basic dictionary. There are several options on how to do this:

  • look into the frequency dictionary
  • use phrase books
  • resort to computer training programs, etc.

When learning English, you won't need to do any research on your own, because there is already a wonderful dictionary called "Basic English" by Charles Ogden.

The history of the creation of the Basic English language

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the need for international communication prompted the idea of ​​​​creating a language that would be understandable and easy to learn for everyone. Thus, British linguist Charles Ogden created a new artificial language by simplifying existing English, which was called Basic English(Basic English). Basic is translated as “basic”, but there is another interpretation of the choice of such a name - the decoding of each of the letters, which in translation means British American Scientific International Commercial.

Grammatically new language practically no different from the standard British one. But his vocabulary is only 850 tokens!

Basic English vocabulary

The dictionary includes

  • 600 nouns, of which:

    Act - action
    Answer - answer
    Belief - faith
    Earth - earth
    End - end, etc.

    • 200 words - descriptive, that is, those that help describe what surrounds us, such as:

    Baby - child
    Bridge - bridge
    Door - door
    Moon - moon
    Tree - tree, etc.

  • 150 adjectives, including:
    • 100 common adjectives, for example:

    Automatic - automatic
    Complex - complex
    Possible - possible
    Medical - medical
    Wise - wise, etc.

    • 50 – adjectives-opposites:

    Bad - bad
    Cold - cold
    Different - unlike
    Small - small
    Wrong - erroneous, etc.

  • 100 other parts of speech

These 100 words included only 18 verbs, and the remaining 82 were prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and adverbs.

You are rightly wondering how it is even possible to reduce the English vocabulary so much, turning 500,000 into 850. The answer lies in the fact that in English 300,000 words are terms. Indeed, practice shows that these 850 words of Basic English are enough to express and understand an English speaker when it comes to everyday speech. You won't be able to understand well literary texts, but the first stage of language learning does not require this. The main thing is to start speaking English and understanding it, and this is the first obstacle that needs to be overcome.
Also interesting are the modern revisions, in which the main drawback of Ogden’s dictionary, such as some spontaneity and unsystematic nature, is corrected. Recently, categorized Basic-English dictionaries have appeared.

Basic English program for language learning

Nowadays, computerization has taken root in the areas of human activity, it is not surprising that it also affected the learning process. I lead to the fact that the Basic English program was created.
Basic English is a program for learning the basic 850 English lexemes; it makes it possible to learn them quickly and efficiently. Today there are already several versions of the program: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0.
When opening the program, you choose which section of the dictionary you want to learn:

  • Objects and phenomena (600 nouns)
  • Words that convey qualities (150 adjectives)
  • Words expressing actions and movements (100 different parts of speech)

Having chosen a section, you begin directly to study. After each word there is a transcription, Russian translation and its correct audio pronunciation below.

After studying, you can also take a test to check your accumulated knowledge. Your choice will be offered testing with or without prompts. You have the opportunity to choose the type of verification between three options: “English-Russian”, “Russian-English” and mixed.
This way of learning starter vocabulary is very effective and fun.
Good luck!

Download the basic dictionary Basic English dictionary Basic English

Video: Replenishing vocabulary

English language levels are, in fact, a system that allows you to assess how well a person speaks the language, that is, the very result of learning. There are several classifications, they can be systematized according to:

The Russian simple version has only three levels of knowledge. This:

  • elementary
  • average
  • high

However, such a classification is rather amateurish, and it is not suitable for professionals looking for work. An employer, reviewing all kinds of resumes, seeks to identify not only theoretical knowledge, but also a practical degree of training. Therefore, the applicant usually indicates the following levels:

  1. Using a dictionary
  2. Speaking skills
  3. Intermediate
  4. Fluent
  • Basic knowledge of Business English— basic knowledge of business English

International system for determining levels of knowledge

The international version is more complicated, it has a larger number of steps, due to the additional division of middle and highest degrees English proficiency. For convenience, each category is designated by a letter with a numerical index.
English proficiency scale So, below is the table Common European Framework of ReferenceCEFR(Common European Framework of Reference)

Language level Competencies
A 1 Beginner Elementary Knowledge of simple basics of the language:
  • alphabet
  • key rules and phrases
  • initial basic dictionary
A 2 Elementary Elementary
  1. Vocabulary and knowledge of basic grammar sufficient to construct simple phrases and sentences.
  2. Ability to write letters and talk on the telephone
B 1 Lower Intermediate Lower middle
  1. Ability to read and translate simple texts
  2. Clear and understandable speech
  3. Knowledge of basic grammar rules
B 2 Upper Intermediate Above average
  1. Understanding text on the fly and being able to discern its style
  2. Large vocabulary
  3. Ability to discuss with by different people With least amount lexical errors
  4. Competent writing of formal and informal letters and reviews on various topics
C 1 Advanced 1 Great
  1. “Fluent”, almost error-free speech with with the right intonations and using any conversational style
  2. Ability to write texts expressing emotions, as well as complex narrative texts (research, essays, articles, essays, etc.)
C 2 Advanced 2
(Upper Advanced)
In excellence Everything is the same, but added:
  1. Your complete confidence and knowledge of absolutely all unknown “spots” of English grammar
  2. You are able to speak, read and write like a native speaker

Using this table, you can determine which category you will be trained in. For example, in order to get a job in some Call Center, you only need to reach level A 2 - elementary. But for you to teach someone English, A 2 is clearly not enough: for the right to teach, the minimum category is B 2 (above average).

Professional language classification scale

However, more often, when writing a resume according to international standards, the following professional classification is used, in which the elementary level serves as the initial level, and there are actually three “near-intermediate” ones. Other scales use a 7-level division (in this case the initial stage goes without category).

In the following table we will take a closer look at exactly Intermediate(average)

Language level Corresponding
A 1
Same as in Beginner CEFR
Same as in Elementary CEFR
Pre-intermediate Below average (pre-average) A 2 Same as in Lower Intermediate CEFR
Intermediate Average B 1
  1. The ability to holistically perceive a text by ear and identify context from non-standard text
  2. The ability to distinguish between native and non-native languages, official and unofficial speech
  3. Conducting free dialogues in which:
    • clear, clear pronunciation
    • emotions are expressed
    • expresses one's opinion and learns someone else's
  4. Ability to write sufficiently competently, namely:
    • be able to fill out various documents (forms, resumes, etc.)
    • write postcards, letters, comments
    • freely express your thoughts and attitudes
Upper-Intermediate Above average B 2 Same as in Upper Intermediate CEFR
Advanced Great C 1 Same as in Advanced 1 CEFR
Proficiency Ownership in practice C 2 The same as in Advanced 2 CEFR, with the difference that knowledge is improved not with the help of textbooks, but in practice, mainly among native speakers.

As you can see, the concept of “level” is quite subjective: for some, initial or elementary is enough for training on an amateur scale, but for professionals Advanced may seem insufficient.
Level Proficiency is considered the highest, it is the most valuable and allows a highly qualified specialist to get a well-paid job abroad, and a student to get an education in prestigious university or college.
In our native “penates” the average (Intermediate) is quite sufficient in order to:

  • understand language and communicate
  • watch films and read texts in English
  • conduct formal and informal correspondence

Testing your English level

How to determine what level of knowledge you are at? There are many tests, here is one of them
Testing your level of English How to climb a little higher on this ladder? Only through training!

This is a topic without borders. Visit our English Courses and Books and Textbooks sections and choose your favorite technique.

Levels of English proficiency according to the European scale

It's no secret that the American and British variants English languages ​​are somewhat different, and the international classification is more focused on the American version, since most foreigners study this easier version. However, American English is foreign to Europeans. Therefore, the European English Language Framework was created.
European Framework of Reference for English Languages

  1. A1 Level of survival (Breakthrough). Complies with the International Scale Beginner levels,Elementary. At this level you understand slow clear English speech and can speak using familiar expressions and very simple phrases for everyday communication: in a hotel, cafe, store, on the street. You can read and translate simple texts, write simple letters and greetings, and fill out forms.
  2. A2 Pre-threshold level (Waystage). Compliant international level Pre-Intermediate. At this level you can talk about your family, your profession, personal hobbies and preferences in cuisine, music, and sports. Your knowledge allows you to understand announcements at the airport, advertising texts, store texts, inscriptions on products, postcards. You know how to conduct business correspondence, and you can also freely read and retell simple texts.
  3. B1 Threshold level. On the international scale it corresponds to the Intermediate level. You can already understand what is being discussed in radio and television programs. Do you know how to express own opinion, know how to justify your views, conduct business correspondence medium difficulty, retell the content of what you read or saw, read adapted literature in English.
  4. B2 Threshold advanced level (Vantage). According to the international scale - Upper-Intermediate. Are you fluent spoken language in any situation, you can communicate with a native speaker without preparation. You know how to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of issues, convey your point of view, giving weighty arguments for and against. You can read unadapted literature in English, as well as retell the content of complex texts.
  5. C1 Level of professional proficiency (Effective Operational Proficiency). Corresponds to the international Advanced level. Now you understand various complex texts and can identify the subtext in them, you can express your thoughts fluently without preparation. Your speech is rich in linguistic means and the accuracy of their use in a variety of situations of everyday or professional communication. You can express yourself clearly, logically, and in detail on complex topics.
  6. C2 Level of mastery. According to the international scale - Proficiency. At this level, you are fluent in any spoken or written speech, you can summarize information received from different sources and present it in the form of a coherent and clearly reasoned message. You know how to fluently express your thoughts on complex issues, conveying the subtlest shades of meaning.

Strive for perfection!

So, you have started learning English. If your goal is to gain speaking skills, then you have come to the right place. Here are the most commonly used English words. In the end, everyone needs to start somewhere. Learning English words without knowing which way to approach it is not an easy task. This lexical minimum you may also need it for further study of grammar. And this is undoubtedly a big plus for you.

I bring to your attention a list that includes basic English words that are most often found in everyday communication. This includes nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions that Americans and English use a hundred times a day and even more. By learning these words, you will not only be able to grasp the essence of the conversation, but maybe even support it.

100 English words is the minimum we recommend starting with. If you find yourself in a foreign country, you will most likely be understood, even if you simply say the word “time” to a passerby in order to find out the time. Believe me, this is much better than if you start piling incomprehensible verbal structures one on top of another.

All words are spoken

The suggested words are the most commonly used words in the English language. They are found in almost all frequency dictionaries. To improve perception, they were divided into small groups.

Each group includes one dozen words and is accompanied by an audio recording, where they are voiced by professional speakers with correct pronunciation, who are native English speakers. This way you will learn to pronounce words clearly and almost without accent.

Trans... what? Transcription

Since you are just starting to learn English words, most of them are given a transcription, i.e. a graphic recording of the sound of the words. Transcriptions help beginners correctly pronounce individual sounds in words. Don't be alarmed when you see these unfamiliar and unfamiliar icons to your eyes. Soon you will learn to distinguish between them and understand how much easier they make life.

Practice for your health

However, in order for these basic knowledge firmly ingrained in your memory, you must definitely use them in communication. Your interlocutor can be your friend, colleague, or even yourself (why not try conducting a monologue?). The important thing is that you often use the learned words in your speech. Some of them can even be written out on adhesive pieces of paper (stickers) and pasted on the corresponding objects in the apartment.

And most importantly, repeat the words until you memorize them. Repetition is the mother of learning. Remember that knowledge does not come easy, which means that you will have to work hard to achieve good results. The proposed 100 words are the most popular and most used in the English language. Based on them, you can already build proposals. It is impossible to start learning a language without resorting to new vocabulary.


Thus, based on the above, we can note the following: if you decide to learn English from scratch, then the presented list, which includes the basic and most popular English words, will undoubtedly help you. Each word is voiced, translated and provided with transcription.

All you have to do is learn them, remember them correct pronunciation and practice more often. Of course, we cannot say that we should limit ourselves to this list only. The 100 words presented are a base that will allow you to navigate the further process of learning English.

№ 1
I - I you - you, you he - he his - him
it - he, she, it (about inanimate objects)
they - they
is - is, is located
was - was, was, was
are - we are, are, are
and - and
/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Basic-English-words-1-10.mp3 № 2
as - how, since, when
for - for, for the sake of, because of
in - in, during, through, on of - something (with a noun in the genitive case)
on - on, in that - that, that, that, then with - with, together with to - to, in, on the - definite article - this, this, this
a— indefinite article before singular noun

№ 3
word - word
all - everything, everything, all, all
this - this, this, this
one - one, unit, someone
we - we your - yours, yours, yours, yours
be - to be, to be
have - to have
had - had
were - were, were

№ 4
can - be able to, be able to, be able to
said - said, said, said
at - at, with, on, in from - from, from, with or - or, nor by - at, about, to, past, with the help
but - but, but, except, however
not - not, nor what - which, how much
when - when, while

№ 5
use - use, application, benefit
many ["mænı] - many, many
other [Λðə] - other, different
each - everyone, everyone
she [∫i:] - she
their [ðεə] ​​- theirs, belonging to them them [ðəm] - them/them
these [ði:z] - these
which - which one
do - do, carry out

№ 6
will - will, firm intention + auxiliary verb to form the future tense
how - how, how much
so - thus, so, also, therefore
then [ðen] - then, then
there [ðεə] ​​- there, there, here
about [ə"baut] - around, about, about, approximately
if [ıf] - if
out - outside, behind, outside, beyond
up [Λp] - up, along, at the top, above
an [ən] - indefinite article a + letter n, used before vowels

№ 7
time - time, period
number ["nΛmbə] - number, quantity, figure
way - road, way, direction, opportunity
people - people, population
her - her, her, hers, belonging to her him - to him, to him
some - which, some, some, some, several
more - more
would - used as an auxiliary verb when forming the future in the past tense, when forming conditional mood, also a modal verb to express a polite request, opportunity or desire
make - do, create, force

№ 8
like - like, love, want, similar, equal
has - has, possesses
look - look, glance, look
write - write, write
go - go, walk, go, leave
see - to see, examine, know, understand
could - could/could
no - no, no, no
two - two, deuce
into ["ıntə] - into, inside

№ 9
day - day, day
oil - oil, grease, petroleum
part - part, share, participation, role, separate, part
water ["wo:tə] - water, moisten, water
long - long, long, slow
my - mine, mine
its [ıts] - his, her, yours
who - who, which
been - past participle of the verb be “to be”
call - to call, call, hail, call, visit

№ 10
find - find, acquire, count
did - did, did
get - receive, achieve, become
come - to come, to arrive, to happen
made - did, did, created, created
may - be able, have the opportunity
now - now, now
first - first
down - down, below
than [ðən] - than