Correct intonation. Reflection of intonation in writing

Intonation is the rhythmic and melodic aspect of speech, which serves in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotional and expressive coloring. Intonation is a mandatory feature of oral speech. In writing, it is conveyed to a certain extent by punctuation marks.

In a narrow sense, intonation is understood as “movement of vocal tone” and coincides with the concept of speech melody. In a broad sense, the term “intonation” denotes a complex phenomenon that is a combination of the melody of speech (i.e., raising or lowering the fundamental tone within the utterance), intensity, tempo of speech and pauses. Additional components of intonation are the timbre of speech (when expressing irony, doubt, inspiration, etc.) and rhythm.

The main role in intonation is played by melody, and the main intonation means are tonal means.

The melody of speech serves not only to organize the phrase, but also to differentiate meaning. Statements consisting of the same words can have different grammatical (syntactic) meanings depending on their melodic side, that is, by raising and lowering the fundamental tone of the voice, different purposes of the statement are expressed: message, encouragement to action, question, exclamation, request, reprimand, etc. For example, Shut up! (an energetic, brief pronunciation of a stressed vowel and a sharp drop in tone expresses a categorical order) and Keep quiet?! (prolongation of a stressed vowel in combination with a rise in vocal tone expresses a threat; intonation in this case interacts with emphatic stress).

Intonation is primarily a means of delimiting syntactic units, so it is discussed in more detail in syntax. In the Russian language, there are six main types of intonation structures, each of which has its own center - a syllable on which the bar, phrasal or logical stress falls, as well as pre-central and post-central parts, which in some cases may be absent. Of the many types of intonation, the intonations of narration, question and exclamation stand out especially.

Narrative intonation is characterized by a calm, even pronunciation of the entire statement: The grass is turning green. The sun is shining. A swallow with spring in the canopy is flying towards us.
Interrogative intonation is expressed by raising the tone at the beginning and lowering it towards the end of the statement: When will you be back? Has your child done his homework?

Exclamatory intonation, on the contrary, is expressed by raising the tone towards the end of the sentence: What a night! How she sings!

Thus, intonation distinguishes sentences of different types, reflects a neutral and subjective attitude to the content of the statement, and conveys various shades of emotions. Timbre means of intonation are different qualities of the voice, determined by the state of the vocal cords: neutral voice, breathy, hoarse, tense, creaky, relaxed, tense, etc. Quantitative-dynamic means include: increasing or decreasing the volume and changing the tempo of pronouncing individual speech beats

The tempo of speech is its speed. A fast pace is usually characteristic of excited speech, and a slow pace is characteristic of solemn speech.

Pauses are breaks in speech of varying duration. Pauses serve not only to divide speech into phrases and beats, but also to express the speaker’s emotions. In the absence of pauses between speech beats, intonation is the main means of combining phonetic words into speech beats. In combination with the movement of the vocal tone, pauses often serve to distinguish the meaning of statements: Execute cannot / cannot be pardoned and Execute / cannot be pardoned.

Skripnik Ya.N., Smolenskaya T.M.

Phonetics of the modern Russian language, 2010.

He once said a wonderful thing: “There are 50 ways to say “yes”, and the same number of ways to say “no.” But there's only one way to write it down." We are talking about intonation here. After all, with its help you can not only express a thought, but also convey your attitude to what was said. What is intonation? Why is it so necessary?


Intonation is a change in the strength, pace and tone of speech. In other words, it is a variation in the sound of the voice. The main types of intonation are: narrative, exclamatory and interrogative. The first option is characterized by an even and calm pronunciation, but the last syllable is pronounced slightly lower than the rest. For example, the phrase “You took a ticket to Hawaii” is simply

A bright emotional color and highlighting the most important word in a higher tone - this applies to the exclamatory type of phonetic organization of speech (“You took a ticket to Hawaii!”). In sentences of the latter type, the question word is emphasized with increased intonation. This is done regardless of whether it is at the beginning or the end of the phrase (“Did you take a ticket to Hawaii?”).

Why change intonation?

The human voice is a wonderful instrument. If you use it correctly, you can use it to enliven your performance, touch your audience, and even bring tears to your eyes. And the most important thing is to encourage action. In everyday speech this usually does not pose a problem. But as far as this is concerned, certain difficulties may arise here.

Speech, even very meaningful, but without any changes in intonation, is similar to the work of a typewriter, which mints letters at the same pace. Ideally, the sound of the voice should resemble a melodic playing of a musical instrument. Some speakers, due to excitement or the fact that they are trying to read an already written text, forget about what intonation is. Therefore, their speech sounds really monotonous. Such performances lull you to sleep. In addition, if the speaker does not change the strength, pitch or tempo of his voice, then it is impossible to understand his personal attitude towards his own words.

How to do it?

But this cannot be achieved with the help of some technical techniques. For example, mark in the outline of a speech where you need to increase the strength of your voice and where you need to increase the tempo. Such a report will confuse the audience. Experienced speakers say that the secret of their success is that they try to understand the ideas they want to convey to their listeners. And then the intonation of speech does not sound artificial, but sincere.

Changing voice strength

This technique does not come down to a simple periodic increase or decrease in volume, which occurs with boring monotony. First of all, it would distort the meaning of what was said. On the other hand, too frequent and unjustified amplification of the voice would hurt the ear. It would look like someone was turning the radio volume up and down every now and then.

The strength of the voice is mainly determined by the material itself. For example, if you need to express an order, condemnation or deep conviction, then increasing the volume of speech would be very appropriate. Also in this way you can highlight the main points of the statement. Secondary thoughts must be expressed by lowering the volume and speeding up the tempo of speech. A tense and muffled voice conveys excitement and anxiety. But if you always speak too quietly, the audience may perceive this as uncertainty or indifference to your own words. Sometimes, through unjustified use of the intensity of the sound of speech, one may not achieve the final level. This happens in cases where words need not strength, but warmth.

What is intonation: changing tempo

In everyday conversations, words flow easily and spontaneously. If a person is excited about something, he speaks quickly. When he wants his listeners to remember his words well, he slows down the pace. But in public speaking this is not always easy. Especially if the speaker has memorized the text. In this case, his intonation is cold. He is focused only on not forgetting something. Accordingly, the pace of his speech will most likely be the same throughout the entire speech.

To avoid making such mistakes, you need to learn the basic techniques of competent conversation techniques. You should speed up your speech on unimportant details or insignificant details. But the main thoughts, significant arguments or climactic points must be voiced slowly, clearly, with arrangement. Another important point: you should never babble so fast that your diction suffers from it.

What is intonation: pitch

Without (modulation) speech would be devoid of euphony and emotionality. Joyful excitement and zeal can be conveyed by raising the tone, anxiety and sadness - by lowering it. Emotions help a speaker reach the hearts of his listeners. This means it’s easier to prompt them to take certain actions.

True, there are tonal languages ​​(for example, Chinese) in which changing the pitch of the tone affects the meaning of the word itself. Therefore, there is a different concept of what intonation is. The Russian language is not one of these. But even in it, with the help of modulation, you can express different thoughts. For example, to turn it into an interrogative, its final part is pronounced with a rising intonation. As a result, we perceive the spoken phrase differently.

Intonation for any statement, be it everyday conversation or public speaking, is like spices for a dish. Without them it is tasteless. True, you need to use it wisely so as not to overdo it. In this case, the speech will look feigned and insincere.

The main role in intonation is played by melody, and the main intonation means are tonal means.

The reader's eyes are stricter judges than the listener's ears. Voltaire

Intonation is the rhythmic and melodic aspect of speech, which serves in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotional and expressive coloring. Intonation is a mandatory feature of oral speech. In writing, it is conveyed to a certain extent by punctuation marks.

Intonation is primarily a means of delimiting syntactic units, so it is discussed in more detail in syntax. In the Russian language, there are six main types of intonation structures, each of which has its own center - a syllable on which the bar, phrasal or logical stress falls, as well as pre-central and post-central parts, which in some cases may be absent. Of the many types of intonation, the intonations of narration, question and exclamation stand out especially.

What is intonation? Types of intonation

The tempo of speech is its speed. A fast pace is usually characteristic of excited speech, and a slow pace is characteristic of solemn speech.

In a narrow sense, intonation is understood as “movement of vocal tone” and coincides with the concept of speech melody. In a broad sense, the term “intonation” denotes a complex phenomenon that is a combination of speech melody (i.e., raising or lowering the fundamental tone within the utterance), intensity, tempo of speech and pauses. Additional components of intonation are the timbre of speech (when expressing irony, doubt, inspiration, etc.) and rhythm.

Pauses are breaks in speech of varying duration. Pauses serve not only to divide speech into phrases and beats, but also to express the speaker’s emotions. In the absence of pauses between speech beats, intonation is the main means of combining phonetic words into speech beats. In combination with the movement of the vocal tone, pauses often serve to distinguish the meaning of statements: Execute cannot / cannot be pardoned and Execute / cannot be pardoned.

Skripnik Ya. N., Smolenskaya T. M.

Exclamatory intonation, on the contrary, is expressed by raising the tone towards the end of the sentence: What a night! How she sings!

Phonetics of the modern Russian language, 2010.

The melody of speech serves not only to organize the phrase, but also to differentiate meaning. Statements consisting of the same words can have different grammatical (syntactic) meanings depending on their melodic side, that is, by raising and lowering the fundamental tone of the voice, different purposes of the statement are expressed: message, encouragement to action, question, exclamation, request, reproach, etc. For example, Be silent! (an energetic, brief pronunciation of a stressed vowel and a sharp drop in tone expresses a categorical order) and Keep quiet?! (prolongation of a stressed vowel in combination with a rise in vocal tone expresses a threat; intonation in this case interacts with emphatic stress).

Narrative intonation is characterized by a calm, even pronunciation of the entire statement: The grass is turning green. The sun is shining. A swallow with spring in the canopy is flying towards us.

What is intonation? Types of intonation

Thus, intonation distinguishes sentences of different types, reflects a neutral and subjective attitude to the content of the statement, and conveys various shades of emotions. Timbre means of intonation are different qualities of the voice, determined by the state of the vocal cords: neutral voice, with - respiratory, hoarse, tense, creaky, relaxed, tense, etc. Quantitative-dynamic means include: increasing or decreasing the volume and changing the tempo of pronouncing individual speech beats

Interrogative intonation is expressed by raising the tone at the beginning and lowering it towards the end of the statement: When will you be back? Has your child done his homework?

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Intonation is the rhythmic and melodic aspect of speech, which serves in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotional and expressive coloring. Intonation is a mandatory feature of oral speech. In writing, it is conveyed to a certain extent by punctuation marks.

In a narrow sense, intonation is understood as “movement of vocal tone” and coincides with the concept of speech melody. In a broad sense, the term “intonation” denotes a complex phenomenon that is a combination of the melody of speech (i.e., raising or lowering the fundamental tone within the utterance), intensity, tempo of speech and pauses. Additional components of intonation are the timbre of speech (when expressing irony, doubt, inspiration, etc.) and rhythm.

The main role in intonation is played by melody, and the main intonation means are tonal means.

The melody of speech serves not only to organize the phrase, but also to differentiate meaning. Statements consisting of the same words can have different grammatical (syntactic) meanings depending on their melodic side, that is, by raising and lowering the fundamental tone of the voice, different purposes of the statement are expressed: message, encouragement to action, question, exclamation, request, reprimand, etc. For example, Shut up! (an energetic, brief pronunciation of a stressed vowel and a sharp drop in tone expresses a categorical order) and Keep quiet?! (prolongation of a stressed vowel in combination with a rise in vocal tone expresses a threat; intonation in this case interacts with emphatic stress).

Intonation is primarily a means of delimiting syntactic units, so it is discussed in more detail in syntax. In the Russian language, there are six main types of intonation structures, each of which has its own center - a syllable on which the bar, phrasal or logical stress falls, as well as pre-central and post-central parts, which in some cases may be absent. Of the many types of intonation, the intonations of narration, question and exclamation stand out especially.

Narrative intonation is characterized by a calm, even pronunciation of the entire statement: The grass is turning green. The sun is shining. A swallow with spring in the canopy is flying towards us.
Interrogative intonation is expressed by raising the tone at the beginning and lowering it towards the end of the statement: When will you be back? Has your child done his homework?

Exclamatory intonation, on the contrary, is expressed by raising the tone towards the end of the sentence: What a night! How she sings!

Thus, intonation distinguishes sentences of different types, reflects a neutral and subjective attitude to the content of the statement, and conveys various shades of emotions. Timbre means of intonation are different qualities of the voice, determined by the state of the vocal cords: neutral voice, breathy, hoarse, tense, creaky, relaxed, tense, etc. Quantitative-dynamic means include: increasing or decreasing the volume and changing the tempo of pronouncing individual speech beats

The tempo of speech is its speed. A fast pace is usually characteristic of excited speech, and a slow pace is characteristic of solemn speech.

Pauses are breaks in speech of varying duration. Pauses serve not only to divide speech into phrases and beats, but also to express the speaker’s emotions. In the absence of pauses between speech beats, intonation is the main means of combining phonetic words into speech beats. In combination with the movement of the vocal tone, pauses often serve to distinguish the meaning of statements: Execute cannot / cannot be pardoned and Execute / cannot be pardoned.

Skripnik Ya.N., Smolenskaya T.M.

Phonetics of the modern Russian language, 2010.