Lesson on the topic of complicated sentences. Lesson plan in the Russian language (9th grade) on the topic: Simple complicated sentence

Public lesson Russian language in 6th grade

Teacher: Kosheleva L.P.

Topic: Simple complex sentence. Introductory words.


Subject (educational):

    develop the ability to see introductory words in a sentence;

    develop the ability to construct sentences with introductory words;

    develop the ability to highlight introductory words in writing with commas;

    correction and training of learned concepts and algorithms.

Meta-subject (developmental):

    development cognitive interest to language and cognitive activity students during the lesson;

    development of attention, memory, logical and creative thinking;

    development of students' speech;

Personal (educational):

    nurturing interest in the subject and attention to the word;

    fostering curiosity and creative activity;

    developing the ability to select information and think critically about it.

Lesson type: reflection lesson

Lesson type: lesson-research.

Equipment for the lesson: computer presentation, cards.

1Motivation to educational activities

Conscious entry of the student into the space of educational activity in the lesson.

What do you know about the proposal? "Beads"

2.Creating a learning situation

Updating knowledge (Work in the zone current development students)

Today we will continue to study the topic “Simple complex sentence”Let's write down the date and topic of the lesson.

But first you must tell us what we already know about him?

I offer you a task. What are these words?


Introductory words.

Setting a learning task

What do we already know about introductory words? Forgot?Problem?

What do we need to know to solve the problem?

Using the supporting words, formulate the purpose of our lesson.

Learn about..., identify them... and their role in...

(Goal: learn about introductory words, determine their characteristics and role in a sentence.)

And today we have to find out...

To solve our problem we must remember

what are introductory words,Conduct research and answer questions:

3. Obtaining missing knowledge

So, let's begin the research. Take a look at the screen. Before us individual words. Try to make a sentence out of them.

everyone strives for happiness Prove that this is a real offer Undoubtedly, probably, perhaps, to joy. Let's try to introduce one of these words into this sentence, for example,Maybe Where do you think we can introduce it, in what part of the sentence? Let's try to put it in the middle. (Suggestions ahead)Look how the members of the sentence behave in relation to this word?Why do you think?Encouraging dialogueLet's explore our proposal. Let's analyze it by members of the sentence What have we found out? We especially emphasize it. (+++). Introductory words can have another meaning, for example, indicate the sequence of presentation. Introductory words likefirst of all e firstly, secondly, thirdly etc. One wise man said that in order to be happy, a person needs wealth. What do you think a person needs to be happy? Try to bring each other as much as possible more examples what makes a person happy, using introductory words firstly, secondly. Sit facing each other. Let's start!So, what do you think a person needs for happiness: firstly..., secondly..., thirdly....Thank you, I heard a lot of interesting things. Like you, I believe that a person will be happy when he is healthy. I wish you to be healthy and literate. But in any case, people strive for happiness.Let's return to our proposal.All people strive for happiness. We found out that the wordfortunately here is a member of the sentence.Is it possible to make a sentence such that it contains the wordfortunately was it introductory? At this time I also made a proposal and this is what happened.Fortunately, we quickly solved the difficult problem. After all, we are skilled proposal designers!What does this introductory word express? (feeling of joy). Absolutely right, this word expresses the speaker’s feeling of joy. Now try to reconstruct this sentence so that it matches these patterns, using other introductory words:[ _________ , +++, ====== ]. [ _________ =======, ++++ ]. Has the meaning of the sentence changed?So, our research comes to an end. Let's conclude

What difficulties are you experiencing?

Primary consolidation

And you have tables on your tables. I will read the sentence. If they contain an introductory word, then you put a plus under the word “YES”, and if there is no introductory word, then you put a minus under the word “NO”.

    The world seems like a book to me.

    With his eyes, it seems like he would like to eat everyone.

    The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.

    He looks, however, unimportant.

    Misha will undoubtedly solve the problem. (confidence)

    Luckily the bell rang (joy)

    Late in the evening, mountain goats probably came to the spring to drink. (assumption)


Thank you, you did your job well.


Exercise: Insert appropriate introductory words into the text using the reference material.

What's good about a car? ___________, it’s comfortable to ride in.
_____________, he moves quickly. ____________, there are different types of cars: trucks, cars, fire engines.
All this is good, but when you inhale a cloud of black exhaust from a powerful dump truck, you won’t clear your throat.

_______________, you can no longer do without cars, and ____________, - in addition to the benefits, they also cause a lot of harm.
______________, where is the exit? The solution is to look for completely new means of transport.

What's good about a car? _Firstly__________, it’s comfortable to ride in.
Secondly____________,he moves quickly.Third____________, there are different types of cars: trucks, cars, fire engines.
All this,
Certainly, good, but when you inhale a cloud of black exhaust from a powerful dump truck, you won’t clear your throat.
The car also has other disadvantages: it burns expensive gasoline, it can get into an accident and injure an innocent pedestrian. This is where you start to think about it.
On the one side______________,You can’t do without cars anymore, but _Withanother_______, - in addition to the benefits, they also cause a lot of harm.
Means_________, where is the exit? The solution is to look for completely new means of transport.


Tasks e: find introductory words, determine the group by meaning, place punctuation marks.

    It started to rain and I was definitely soaked to the skin.

    June may be warm.

    To my surprise, he did not get angry, but laughed.

    Fortunately, a light flashed in the depths of the forest, and we came out into a wide clearing.

    It seems that the ears of corn are whispering to each other: “We are bored listening to the autumn blizzard.”

    We wandered through the forest for a long time, but unfortunately we didn’t find any mushrooms.

    They say man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight.

Let's conclude

"Introductory words".

What are introductory words

Introductory words are those words with which the speaker expresses his attitude towards what is being said (confidence, uncertainty, joy).”

whether they are members of the proposal or not,in which part of the sentence they can be located,do they stand out? punctuation marks,

does the meaning of the sentence change if we introduce such words into it.

4.Independent activity

From these sentences, select those that are complicated by introductory words (1st row), addresses (2nd row), comparative phrases (3rd row). Write the sentences in your notebook. Highlight introductory words, appeals, comparative phrases. Explain orally the use of punctuation marks.

1). Fence please answer are you planning to mature? (M. Yasnov)

2).The cloud has a pink belly and lies in the water like a pig. (M. Yasnov)

3).Yesterday some bird probably said goodbye to us..forgive us.. (R. Mukha)

4).Hey Baran Baranych, did you wash yourself for the night..? (M. Yasnov)

5). A huge container stands at the gate and is all tied up with ribbons like a cake. (A. Usachev)

6). In my opinion, I’m no longer the same icicle that melted. (R. Mucha)

7).It doesn’t solve...the whole problem - for the life of me! Think, think quickly!

(M. Boroditskaya)

8).Seeing its tail, the snake was surprised. Could it be that my friend...am I still me? (M. Boroditskaya)

9).I left a hand mirror in the garden so that fairies could skate under the moon as if on ice. (M. Boroditskaya)

Teacher: Let's check.

1st row – 1, 3, 6 sentences.

2nd row – 1, 4, 7, 8 sentences.

3rd row – 2, 5, 9 sentences.

What spellings did you encounter?

BSPU (wanted, lies, flew in, whispered...)

Roots with alternation (getting ready)

TSY-TSYA in verbs (to say goodbye, doesn’t dare...)

b after hissing, separating b...



Reflection Digital dictation

1-Sentences with homogeneous members.

2-Sentences with appeals

3- Sentences with introductory words

4- Offers with comparative turnovers

4. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight.

2. Why are you, my old lady, quiet at the window?

1. Villages, fields and forests appear before me.

2. You were created by the sun, Altai, live and prosper.

3. Altai is undoubtedly the most beautiful mountainous country.

1. The Katun rushed past the towers, idols, and tombs like a wide avalanche.

4. The month, like a white bear cub, extended its paw through my window.

3.Mount Belukha, of course highest peak Altai.

3. Maybe you will remember this lesson.



A simple sentence can be complicated

Comparative turns Homogeneous members


Introductory words

Homework: individual cards.

Lesson No. 51. Complex simple sentence

The purpose of the lesson:

    to activate students’ knowledge about minor members of a sentence;

    improve students’ skills in identifying secondary members and giving them syntactic characteristic;

    to activate students’ knowledge about ways to complicate a simple sentence;

    consider the distinctive features of homogeneous/separate members of the sentence;

    improve the ability to determine the method of complication of a sentence;

    improve the ability to correctly formulate complicated sentences in writing with punctuation;

    develop linguistic competence of students;

    improve spelling skills.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, notebook, handouts.

Lesson plan:

Lesson stage

Time (min.)

Organizing time

Focus students on the lesson

Examination homework

Assess students’ ability to identify and characterize the main members of a sentence, as well as to analyze sentences syntactically; update and systematize students’ knowledge about types minor members offers

Work on spelling and punctuation

Practice spelling skills and abilities, evaluate punctuation skills(dash between subject and predicate)

Frontal conversation

To update students’ knowledge about ways to complicate a simple sentence

Observation of language material

To update students’ knowledge about homogeneous members, about the distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Recording from dictation

To develop the ability to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions and punctuationally arrange them in writing

Individual work students from handouts

To develop the ability to identify a way to complicate a simple sentence and punctuate it in writing, the ability to find and correct punctuation errors in a simple complex sentence

Independent work

Improve spelling skills, develop the ability to syntactically analyze a simple complex sentence

Verification work

Improve your ability to do parsing simple complex sentence

Summing up the lesson

Summarize the theoretical information received in the lesson

Homework message

Explain the content of homework

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

Prepare students for writing the Unified State Examination

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Checking homework

The teacher checks the execution of the exercise along the chain with comments. 240 (1-3). At the same time, on the board, as a test, two students highlight the grammatical basics and characterize the main members of sentences No. 5, No. 8, No. 9 of the same exercise.

    Indicate the minor members of the sentence.

    Syntactically characterize each minor member of the sentence.

    Review the table and prepare coherent answers about the minor members of the sentence.


Secondary members of the sentence




this is a minor member of a sentence that denotes the subject and answers questions indirect cases

This is a minor member of the sentence, which denotes a feature of the subject and answers the questions: Which? whose?

this is a minor member of a sentence that denotes a sign of an action or a sign of another sign





1) Arr. valid, measures and degrees: How? In what degree? How many?

2) Time: When? how long?

3) Places: Where? Where? where?

4) Reasons: Why?

5) Goals: For what?

6) Conditions: under what condition?

7) Concessions: no matter what?

Type of connection: connection, control

refer to transitional chapters.

Communication type: control


acc. with def. word in gender, number and case

Type of communication: approval

Doesn't agree with def.

Type of connection: control, connection


1) noun in V. p. without preposition;

2) noun in R. p. when negated or if it indicates a part of the whole

Expressed adjective, definite, indicative, possessive. Pronouns, order. number, participle, participial phrase

Expressed by nouns. with preposition, adverb, infinitive, combination of nouns. with adj. or number

expressed by noun. in space pad., adverb, gerund, participial phrase, comparative turnover

III. Work on spelling and punctuation

    Write down the sentences. Explain the spellings and punctograms in them.

1. To speak without thinking means to shoot without aiming. 2. Horse, sleigh, trees, bull, etc.And elmNN towards the post - everything was white and seemed soft and fluffy. 3. Small, swollen, gloomy eyesunderside foreheads looked around then at the squareO mud, then into two sheds with sheds, then into old ones,nope Sticky willows. 4. We climbed onto the bridge sluggishly, exhaustede people suffering from the heat. 5. Drenched donkeyse nourishing sunshine, the waters of St.e roar like melting waterNN oh se Re bro.

IV. Frontal conversation

    Determine the structure of the written sentences. (Simple sentences)

    Parse sentence No. 3 into sentence parts.

3. Small, swollen(homogeneous according to definition, cause-and-effect relationship, expressive adjective and adverb) eyes(subject, express. noun) sullenly (situation of action, express. adv.) from under their brows (situation of action + places, express. adv.) looked (reg. gl. sk.) around (obv. obs. action., express. noun with pr. in P. p.) then to the dam, then to two barns (homogeneous indirect. additional., express. noun. in V. p. with preposition. + number of names with a divided repeating conjunction that...that...that) with canopies (inconsistent definition, expressed noun in the right case with a sentence), then into old, clumsy (homogeneous acc. definition, cause-and-effect relationship, expressive adj.) vetla (homogeneous indirect adjunct, expressive noun in V.p. with preposition).

    Indicate ways to complicate these proposals 1) by isolated circumstances, expressed gerunds(pr. No. 1), comparative phrase (pr. no. 5), 2) homogeneous members of the sentence (pr. no. 2, no. 3, no. 4), 3) separate definitions expressed participial phrases(Project No. 5).

    In your notebook, indicate ways to complicate a simple sentence.

Simple complex sentence

Homogeneous members

Separate members

Introductory structures







    composition conjunctions or absence (can be inserted)

    cash / lack of generalization words

    single PL/DP after defined next.

    distribution PL/IF:

    after def. Sl.;

    if def. sl. express. personal places;

    with remote Position in relation to to def. Sl.;

    if it matters causes

    single DP

    compare about.

    Prepositional case combination (except..., without more..., according to..., etc.)

Not appearing member of the proposal

Not appearing member of the proposal

Not appearing member of the proposal

This, brother, oh, how bitter and, oh, how mean!

PL – adjective; PC – participle; DP – gerund.

    What is the syntactic feature of homogeneous members of a sentence? (They refer to the same word, answer the same question, and are the same part of the sentence.)

V. Observation of language material


    Place punctuation marks where necessary.

1. In the evenings, fog rose across the river. 2. He pondered and caressed the question of a duel for a long time from all sides. 3. A broad-shouldered man in a sweatshirt quickly came out onto the platform from behind the snowy spruce trees. 4. There was determination and firmness in his gait and movements and in the sound of his voice.

    Why are the circumstances in sentences No. 1 and No. 3 not homogeneous? (Answer to various questions, are different types circumstances: rose When? evenings – obst. time, rose Where? behind the river - obst. places; came out Where? on the platform - obst. places, came out where? because of the fir trees - obv. places.)

    How are they connected? homogeneous members in these sentences? (Through enumerative intonation and coordinating conjunctions.)

    What types of coordinating conjunctions do you know?

    What types are they divided into? coordinating conjunctions by structure? (Singles, repeats and doubles.)

    Explain punctuation between homogeneous parts of a sentence with connecting unions/ divisive / adversative.

    Explain punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members in the presence of a generalizing word standing: 1) before homogeneous series, 2) after a homogeneous series.

    List the conditions under which definitions not related to op. unions will be homogeneous.

    Review the table and formulate a rule for distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.


Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions



    come after the word being defined: on the winter, boring road...;

    single def. + dist. definition: clear, spring-like bright sky...

    indicate signs homogeneous objects: yellow, white, pink flowers...;

    def. are means of expression (epithets, metaphors): the mysterious, witchcraft power of the whirlpool;

    one group def. opposed to another group defined: the voice is not hoarse, tired, but cheerful and joyful;

    there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the definitions (you can insert That's why or because): gullible, loving heart(gullible, because loving; loving, therefore gullible)

    quality adj. + rel. (possessive): gray small house, fluffy hare tail;

    distribution def. + one. def: a barely audible drawn-out song, the last school bell;

    places + adj. (but! I read another scientific bookalready read the scientific one; I read another, scientific book - before that I read a non-scientific book);

    characterize the subject with different sides: big shiny eyes

VI. Recording from dictation

Narrow rope ladder; at work there is glitter and movement, roar and thunder; dull, subconscious pain; huge old garden; fluffy, spreading branches; I was either shy or self-important; crystal, gilded, silver sets; naive, childish questions; the singer is good, but arrogant; the dense green, heavy surface of the pond; in a young pine grove; sofa with a high soft back; no knocking, no shouting, no bells; a table with a table lamp tightly screwed to it; had neither brother nor sister; antique silver candlestick; he turned out to be not tall and thin, but small and well-fed; there were not only rifles, but also machine guns; black, green, blue spots ran before his eyes; their faces expressed, if not fear, then anxiety; first youthful love.

    Select homogeneous members of the sentence and indicate their syntactic function.

VII. Individual work of students with handouts

Exercise 1. Arrange necessary signs punctuation. Justify your actions graphically. Indicate ways to complicate a simple sentence.

1. The windows of the outer huts, the birdhouse on the poplar tavern and the church cross are all burning with a bright golden flame. 2. These were long, gloomy marble concrete buildings. 3. Local fevers are similar to Crimean and Moldavian ones and are treated in the same way. 4. Smiling, rubbing his hands and winking his eyes, Ivan Karlych tiptoed and without looking back went up to the door leading to the bedroom and carefully, fearing to creak, opened it... 5. Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society and perhaps thanks to him, barely made ends meet . 6. There is a strange mixture of sounds in the air, a monstrous crackling sound, the flapping of a flame similar to the flapping of a thousand bird wings human voices bleating, mooing, creaking wheels. 7. Large wet snow lazily swirls around the newly lit and faintly flickering lanterns and falls in a thin soft layer on the roofs of the horses’ backs and shoulders of their hats. 8. Despite the winter, an incredibly bright azure calm stretched over the sea.

Task 2. Correct mistakes, justify your actions.

1. We must know and love and take care of our land. 2. He did not fall, but, showing dexterity, held on by grabbing a branch and climbed higher. 3. He was a jack of all trades: a mechanic, a carpenter, a carpenter and even a mechanic. 4. On certain days, on the occasion of certain performances, cars were delivered to the theater building for a specific purpose. 5. Beams, dark corners, chimneys, the smell of dust, strange, earthy soil underfoot - give her the impression of a fairy-tale decoration. 6. The doorman lit a candle and walked around the green and orange halls, and calmed down. 7. The radiant sun seemed to slide over the tops of the trees. 8. Only in mature age we comprehend an amazing combination of simplicity and complexity, transparency and depth in Pushkin’s poetry and prose. 9. She seemed to be satisfied and happy. 10. There was no one on the right, nor on the left, nor on the water, nor on the shore.

VIII. Independent work

    Execute ex. 232.

IX. Verification work

    Do a full parsing of the sentences.

1. And the river, smoking below, and the gray endless forest on the sides, and shaggy dogs, barking hoarsely from behind the creaking gate - everything seemed very familiar, as if it had come from scary tales. (1 option)

2. With his hands in his pockets, his head thrown back, every now and then running ahead of his mother, he seemed like a very young man who had finally waited for this meeting. (Option 2)

X. Summing up the lesson

    Give a syntactic description of the secondary members of the sentence?

    List ways to complicate a simple sentence.

    Talk about punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members.

    What distinctive feature isolated members? (Separation involves isolating a member of a sentence on both sides.)

    Talk about punctuation in sentences with separate definition/ circumstance / addition.

    What types of linking verbs are compound nominal predicate do you know?

    Specify syntactic feature proposals complicated introductory constructions, appeals or interjections.

XI. Homework message

    Prepare coherent answers on the topics: “Homogeneous members of a sentence”, “Isolated definitions”, “Isolation of circumstances”, “Isolation of additions”, “Introductory words and their semantic groups”, “Clarifying, explanatory and affiliate members offers".

    Do the exercise. 230, ex. 233.

XII. Preparation for the Unified State Exam

1. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence.

In the distance stood the slender sails of fishing boats, slightly pink in the sun.

    The comma is placed because it separates homogeneous compound nominal predicates.

    A comma is placed because when combining adj. + dist. Adj. definitions are considered homogeneous.

    There is no comma, since between the definitions. slim And pink there is no causal relationship and these definitions are heterogeneous.

    There is no comma, because when combining adj. + dist. adj. definitions are considered heterogeneous.

2. Provide the correct explanation for placing a dash in a sentence.

Everywhere, above and below, larks sang.

    between subject and predicate;

    after a generalizing word before a homogeneous series;

    after homogeneous members when continuing a sentence;

    in a non-union complex sentence when explaining.


The flame spread to the spruce (1) and pine (2) and (3) fanned by the wind (4) flared up with a groan (5) and a whistle.

4. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Several times he put down the spoon and coughed (1) wanting to start talking (2) but (3) looking intently at his father (4) he again started eating (5) which already seemed tasteless to him.

5 .

Fulfilling the requirements

    good results were achieved;

    the work was a success;

    It’s difficult for me to write an essay quickly and efficiently;

    visitors filled out forms.

6. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Leaving from hometown

    I feel sad;

    the heart begins to ache;

    Even my hands began to tremble;

    everyone experiences anxiety.

(Answers: 1. 2; 2. 3; 3. 4; 4. 2; 5. 4; 6. 4.)

Subject: Simple complicated sentence

Goals: 1 . systematize knowledge about a simple complicated sentence with separate homogeneous members, with separate definitions, with separate circumstances, additions;

2 .strengthen the ability to distinguish a simple and complex sentence from a simple complex sentence; the ability to find them in the text, explain the placement of punctuation marks, correctly intonate sentences with isolated parts of the sentence and convey semantic relations between parts of a sentence;

3 . consolidate the ability to correctly place punctuation marks in simple complex sentences; use the studied constructions in your own speech, observe literary norm when constructing a simple complex sentence

4 . promote the development of students' aesthetic taste.

Equipment: cards with text for analysis, rebus card, projector, screen, computer, presentation.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time. Reflection.
  2. Updating the subjective experience of students. Preparation for work at the main stage.

There is a text on the board - place punctuation marks and explain their placement.

She spoke, singing the words in a special way, and they easily became stronger in my memory, like flowers, just as affectionate, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light, her smile cheerfully revealed white, strong teeth, and, despite the many wrinkles in the dark skin of her cheeks, her whole face seemed young and bright.

(M. Gorky. Childhood.)

How complicated simple sentences, included in complex (sentences contain homogeneous members of the sentence, separate definitions and circumstances)

So, what should we repeat with you, be able to see and use. Determine the goals of our lesson.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity.

  1. Repetition of theory with accompanying consolidation of material:

(A simple sentence is considered complicated in cases where it contains:
1) homogeneous members of the sentence;

2) separate members offers;

3) input and plug-in structures;

4) appeals

1) homogeneous members of the sentence:

Which parts of the sentence are called homogeneous?

What words are called generalizing?

What are the rules of punctuation for homogeneous terms?


In sentences with homogeneous members, fill in the missing punctuation marks and make diagrams.

1. The only thing that remained unchanged was the spirit of the team: dedication to the fight and faith in victory. 2. She looked at him and smiled, but not a cheerful and joyful one, but a frightened, pitiful smile (L. Tolstoy). 3. Short velvet grass grows green near the spring (Turgenev). 4. The train car was crowded with backpacks and skis and noisy (Kazakov). 5. They slowly walked past the blank log walls of fences and baths, came out to a cliff above the lake and sat down on a bench under a birch tree (Kazakov). 6. And the air and water and trees all already smell like the first snow.

(children go to the board one by one and draw diagrams)

2) introductory words and plug-in constructions:

What can they do? indicate introductory words, introductory combinations words and introductory sentences? (Introductory words can express the speaker’s attitude to what he is communicating, indicate the sequence of presentation, and the source of the message)

- How do introductory words and introductory combinations of words differ from sentence members? (they are not members of the sentence)

- What are the punctuation rules for introductory words) (The letter is highlighted with commas, less often with a dash)

A task to distinguish between introductory words and sentence members:

Fill in the table with examples. Give your arguments. (There is no punctuation. Sentences are displayed on the screen.)

1. It seems the ears whisper to each other. (N. Nekrasov) 2. Seems an endless book to me. (R. Gamzatov) 3. You right are you going to Stavropol? (M. Lermontov) 4. Problem solved right. 5. Undoubtedly a cucumber and a house-sized curiosity. (I. Krylov) 6. Your right to vacation no doubt. 7. Truth Over the years, my poems became less elegant. (K. Paustovsky) 8. Is it true does not burn in fire and does not drown in water (proverb). 9. He's definitelya little strange, but he spent his whole life reading books, you can excuse him. 10. Seifulla conducted trains all three times exactly Scheduled. 11. Rain it seemed charged for a long time. (I. Turgenev) 12. The sea is hundreds of miles around it seemed deserted. (V. Kataev)

(Answers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 in sentences, highlighted words are introductory words. 2,4, 6,8, 10, 12 are members of the sentence)

(Members of the sentence have grammatical meaning, and introductory words express an attitude towards what they communicate)

3) separate definitions and circumstances:

What is separation? Which parts of the sentence are called isolated? (Separation is the semantic and intonation highlighting of minor members of a sentence to give them greater independence in comparison with other members of the sentence.)

What are the conditions for separating minor members of a sentence?

What are the rules of punctuation when separating definitions and applications?

What are the rules of punctuation when isolating circumstances?

Which parts of the sentence are called clarifying?

With what intonation are the isolated parts of the sentence pronounced?

1. Checking homework:

Open home text No. 17, name sentences with isolated definitions and explain the conditions for their isolation.(children read and explain)

2. Tasks related to participial and participial phrases.

A. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Our ship (1), cleverly perched (2) between the giant ships (3), stood in the harbor for a long time.

1) 1;

2) 1,2;

3) 1,3;

4) 1, 2, 3

B. Which answer option correctly indicates and explains all the commas?

The sky (1) completely strewn with (2) winter stars (3) sank onto the tops of (4) sleeping fir trees.

1) 1, 3, 4 – two participial phrases are distinguished;

2) 2, 4 - two participial phrases are distinguished;

3) 1.3 - the participial phrase stands out;

4) 1, 2 - the adverbial phrase stands out

(answers A-3; B – 3)

3. Reading the text “The Birth of Music” and analyzing it.

Listen to the text and determine its topic.

State the main idea of ​​the text.

Task by options: Option 1 finds sentences with separate definitions and writes down their number, second option - sentences with separate circumstances.

Sensitivity to music is a huge power that ennobles spiritual world person, and in this sensitivity one of the sources human culture. The pride of any nation in its monuments, literature, and music is legitimate. What does music mean to you?

(oral answers-reasonings of students, students are given the task of observing the use of oral speech well-built complicated structures)

  1. Homework information

1. Write an essay-discussion based on the text “The Birth of Music” by A. I. Nemirovsky. Myths of Ancient Hellas

2. Prepare a message on the topic “Punctuation marks in complicated simple sentences”

3. Compilation test tasks on the topic “Simple complex sentence.”

  1. Summing up the lesson

In what cases is a simple sentence considered complicated?

List words that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.

What meanings do introductory words bring into the text (in sentences)?

When are participial and adverbial phrases separated and when are they not separated?

  1. Reflection

Lesson-workshop on the Russian language “Russian tea”


    Educational: generalization of knowledge on the topic “Simple complicated sentence”, consolidation of spelling and punctuation rules.

    Developmental: promote development comprehensive analysis text, improving students’ abilities to construct an answer in the form of a connected statement.

    Educational: to foster a culture of communication, to promote education positive emotions in the process of studying the topic, to interest in healthy way life.

Lesson type: workshop lesson.

Rationale: carried out at the end of studying the 8th grade material in order to systematize the generalization of knowledge. In preparation, students read the material they have covered at home and prepare to perform practical tasks. The teacher selects didactic material on the theme "Russian tea". The lesson uses cards with texts and tasks, reference diagrams. Work in this type of lesson can be organized in different ways: independent, paired, in groups, collective.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, using cards, independent, collective, in groups.

Lesson Plan:

    Organizing time.

    Motivation and goal setting.

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Repetition theoretical information to the topic

  1. Repeating execution algorithms various kinds practical tasks.

    Control task for the whole class (according to options).

    Auditory dictation.


    Homework assignment.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Motivation and goal setting: Today in class we will continue the conversation about the sentence as a unit of syntax: a) generalize knowledge on the topic; b) we will repeat several rules of spelling and punctuation, c) we will fulfill different kinds analysis, d) find out where tea came from in Russia, about its beneficial properties.

3.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Tea drinking fits seamlessly into ancient traditions Russian hospitality. And these traditions are wonderful. Each era brought something of its own, the forms of hospitality and the rules of etiquette, the utensils and assortment of dishes for the table changed, but the commandments of hospitality remained unchanged, requiring that guests be greeted with bread and salt and kind attitude. According to ancient custom You weren’t supposed to even ask about his name without giving him food and rest. IN folk art There are many proverbs and sayings about this.

4. Questions for conversation:

A) What proverbs about hospitality do you know?

B) Among many peoples of Russia, hospitality is expressed through an invitation to drink tea. What kind of drink is this? Why is he so popular? We will find the answer to this question in text 1.

Let's read the text expressively

First of all, the tea has a very soft unique aroma,

incomparable taste.

But to say about the taste and smell of tea means to say very little. Tea is the richest pharmacy.

The tea leaf contains a stimulating substance, acids that are beneficial for the stomach, essential oils, creating a unique aroma 4 . IN fresh leaves vitamin teaCfour times more than in lemon, and in green tea ten times more than in black tea. Thanks to so many vitamins, tea has a beneficial effect on the body beneficial influence: increases mental activity, eliminates fatigue, improves digestion. Among medicinal plants, tea occupies one of the most honorable places.

Execute parsing offers.

Describe the proposal, why it is complicated this proposal?

Tell us about ways to isolate the definition. Build a support - an assistant.

IN) Which country is the birthplace of tea? (China).

There is a legend: once (this was many centuries ago BC) the Chinese emperor was boiling water, several leaves from a tea bush fell into the vessel, and the water darkened, a subtle pleasant aroma emanated from it. We tried the infusion and admired it. This was the world's first tea party.

G) We will learn about how tea came to Europe from text 2, which we will work on.

The journey of tea to Europe was long and difficult. Not all Europeans knew how to handle tea.There is a story about an English sailor who sent his mother a gift that was valuable at that time - a pound of tea.She invited the guests to an exquisite overseas dish. She boiled the entire pound of tea in a bowl, poured out what she thought was unnecessary brown bitter water, and laid out the boiled tea leaves into portions. Fill them with sour cream and serve them to the table.

Assignments to the text:


2. In the highlighted sentence, replace the verb with a participle and write it down in your notebook.

3. Find an offer with isolated circumstance and tell us about the rules for separating circumstances. Build a support - an assistant.

D) When did tea become famous in Russia? We learn about this from text 3

The people of Siberia were the first to discover tea in Russia.It penetrated there from Mongolia and gradually spread throughout the country. In 1638, tea appeared at the royal court under the name “Chinese grass”. He was brought by the boyar's son Vasily Starkov, who was sent with gifts to one of Mongol khans. In exchange for sables, the Russian diplomat was forced to supply quite a significant supply of tea - 64 kg. At the court of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the drink was tried, the Tsar and the boyars liked it, and later it came into use. In 1665, an agreement was concluded for the supply of tea from China.

Assignments to the text:

1. Read the text expressively.

2. Write down words with missing spellings, highlight morphemes.

3. Oral task. In the highlighted sentence, replace the verb with a gerund and explain the punctuation marks.

5. Repetition of algorithms for performing various kinds of practical tasks.

Many peoples have developed and practice their own national methods of preparing tea. These rules are quite strict. They must be performed carefully, accurately, accurately and quickly. This is the basis of the secret of successful brewing.

6. Control task for the whole class. Based on the material in the instructions “How to brew tea”, complete the tasks (according to options). After completing the tasks, a representative from each group talks about how to brew tea.

Option 1.

Assignments to the text:

    Read the text expressively.

How to brew tea

Tea should be brewed with freshly boiled water, but the drink should not boil violently - such water can kill the aroma of the best tea;

The teapot, preferably porcelain, is rinsed with boiling water;

After pouring in the tea, pour boiling water 2/3 full and cover with a towel. If foam is released during brewing, it means the tea is brewed correctly;

You should not skim off the foam - this tea is the most aromatic.

The best tea after the first infusion.

Option 2.

    Assignments to the text:

    Read the text expressively.

    Find one-part sentences with the main member – the predicate. Indicate what these proposals are.

    Highlight the grammatical bases of the sentences.

    Indicate a sentence with a separate definition. Emphasize.

Indian way of brewing tea

The national drink in India is the so-called iced tea. It's being prepared in the following way: 3 teaspoons of the best tea are added to 300-350 grams of water, which is brewed in the usual way for 5 minutes and cooled. Then a special glass with a capacity of 0.5 liters is filled with several ice cubes, all the cooled tea is poured into it, sugar and lemon, cut into slices, are added, about half the fruit, and sometimes the juice of the whole fruit, which is squeezed into a glass, after which the tea is drunk in extremely small sips .

Option 3.

    Assignments to the text:

    Read the text expressively.

    Comment on the rule for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate, and draw up an outline of the sentence.

    Find one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate. Indicate what these proposals are.

    Highlight the grammatical bases of the sentences.

English way of brewing tea

The British are one of the most tea-consuming nations in the world. The British drink black teas, mostly South Asian (50% Indian and 30% Ceylon). The cult of tea dominates almost every English family. The British drink tea with milk or cream, preheating a dry kettle. Then tea is poured into it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of water plus 1 teaspoon “per teapot”. The kettle is immediately filled with boiling water (twice) and left to steep for 5 minutes. While the tea is infusing, warmed but unboiled milk is poured into very hot cups - 2-3 tablespoons and then tea is poured into the milk. The British drink tea at strictly defined hours: in the morning at breakfast, during lunch (13 o'clock) and in Fife o , shred", i.e. afternoon tea (5 p.m.).

7. – How many peoples, so many forms of tea drinking. But it is impossible to imagine Russian tea drinking without a samovar. How they drink tea and what is served with it is a separate story. big talk. I would like your home to be cozy and joyful, so that our traditions of hospitality continue. I hope that you will take care of your health, know a sense of proportion in everything, even in brewing tea.

-Auditory dictation.

Lastly, listen helpful advice, after listening, write down verbs with unstressed personal endings.

If illness happens to anyone,

You can drink tea

Tea is the healthiest of all medicines.

Tea refreshes us in the heat,

And in cold weather it warms you,

And the drowsiness will overcome,

And he will argue with fatigue,

Will crush any illness

Tea for health best friend!

8. Summing up.

9. Homework assignment. Study texts about how to drink tea and what to serve with tea.


To introduce students to the concepts of “simple and complex sentences"; teach to recognize simple and complex sentences, determine their main features, construct simple and complex sentences; develop speech, phonemic awareness, memory, attention;

Cultivate interest in the Russian language through linguistic means.

Lesson objectives through planned results:


Creation value guidelines and meanings of educational activities.

Creating conditions for the development of respectful attitudes among students towards each other.


Recognize simple and complex sentences; types of complex sentences by means of communication.

Construct complex sentences independently.


To develop the ability to formulate the topic of the lesson, the goals of the lesson, the ability to accept and maintain a learning task.


Develop the ability to work with information in class and express thoughts coherently.

Maintain and develop the ability to cooperate with classmates and the teacher. Answer questions, listen and hear.

Formulate, express and justify your point of view.


Understand and integrate information into the existing stock of knowledge, transform, structure and apply taking into account the tasks being solved.

Retrieve the necessary information.

Lesson type: Lesson on developing skills and abilities.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

Teacher: Good morning, guys and dear adults! I'm glad to see you in our lesson today. I wish you all lucky day, and you guys successful work in class and good grades. Don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out for someone today, remember the words of the hero of the fairy tale “Cinderella”: “I’m not a wizard, I’m still learning.” If it doesn't work today, it will definitely work tomorrow. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and everything will be fine!

Let's smile at each other, friends,

We will give smiles to the guests,

Are you ready for the lesson?

Then get to work, I wish you good luck!

II. Checking homework completion.

III. Updating basic knowledge.

Linguistic dictation.(Slide 1)

The branch of linguistics that studies speech sounds is phonetics.

A branch of linguistics that studies stress placement and pronunciation rules - orthoepy.

A branch of linguistics that studies the rules for designating sounds with letters - graphics.

Branch of linguistics that studies lexical meaning words - vocabulary.

A branch of linguistics that studies the rules of writing words - spelling.

The branch of linguistics that studies the norms of the modern Russian language is the culture of speech.

The name of which section of linguistics can we add to our linguistic dictation? Syntax.


Phonetics, spelling, graphics, vocabulary, spelling, speech culture, syntax (Slide 2)

What does it mean the last word? (Syntax)

Name the smallest syntactic unit.

What is a phrase?

Consolidating knowledge about the phrase

Guys from another school, also fifth graders, completing their teacher’s assignment, write out from the sentence Yesterday's snowfall covered the animal paths in the forest. (Slide 3) all phrases, wrote down the following:

Yesterday's snowfall, the snowfall fell asleep, fell asleep in the forest, in the forest, covered the paths, animal paths.

Carefully study the recording and answer the question: Did the guys complete the task correctly or did they forget something? (grammatical basis, a word with a preposition cannot be a phrase)

What other words are not a phrase . (homogeneous members of the sentence)

(Slide 4) Write down the phrases in a notebook, analyze them with a detailed explanation.

Yesterday's snowfall fell asleep in the forest, covered the paths, animal paths.

Exercise " Find out the word" (Slide 5)

  1. The root is the same as in the word EXPOSURE
  2. Prefix, as in the word BACKGROUND
  3. Ending, as in the word AT DAWN
  4. Suffix, as in the word ESSAY

Answer: proposal.

In which section of the Russian language are SENTENCES studied? (Syntax).

Grammar tale(Slide 6)

Now listen to the story:

Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. They could not live without each other and very rarely they parted. True, their activities were different: The King answered the questions Who? What? And the Queen was a terrible talker and answered several questions: What is she doing? What are they doing? What? And they also dressed differently. The King loved a camisole made from a noun and a robe made from a pronoun; the Queen most often wore a dress made from a verb.

Who is the story about? (About subject and predicate)

What are subject and predicate?

Vocabulary work (Slide 7)

You came across unfamiliar words in the text of the fairy tale. Let's get acquainted with their meaning.

Camisole- antique short men's clothing, sewn at the waist, usually sleeveless, later replaced by a vest.

Mantle- wide and long clothes in the form of a raincoat. Royal robe.

An exercise in finding the grammatical basis of a sentence

Find the grammatical basis in the sentence and write it down in a notebook, make an outline of the sentence..
Large snowflakes fall to the ground. (Slides 8, 9)

Snowflakes are falling

Preparing to study the topic of the lesson(Slides 10)

Read the sentences.

Can this group of sentences be called a text? Why?

Solve spelling problems.

Divide the sentences into two groups.

Snow covered the ground, and real winter set in. I struggled for a long time with this (?) autumn. The cold wind howls in the field and blows towards the south. Autumn has given way.

Difficulty? (Slide 11). Why did this task cause you difficulty? (Lack of knowledge)


Then let's speculate. Count the quantity grammar basics in every sentence. (Slide 12)

Writing the lesson topic in a notebook

Topic: Types of sentences according to the number of grammatical bases: simple and complex sentences. (Slide 13)

Staging educational tasks lesson.(Slide 13)

1) Formulate the purpose of the lesson based on its topic. Use the following support words 1) get to know... and...;
2)learn to distinguish between... and...;
3)learn to put...

4) That's right, guys. We will get acquainted with simple and complex sentences; we will learn to distinguish between simple and complex sentences; learn to put punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Physical education minute.

Now we will have a physical education session with you. Since today we are working on the topic “Syntax”, the warm-up will be related to knowledge of the terminology that we use in our lessons.

(Rules of the game. Students get up from their seats, hands on their belts. The teacher calls various terms. If the terms relate to syntax, raise your hands up; if they refer to other sections of the language, lower your hands down.)

Prefix, grammatical basis, phrase, root, word stem, comma, circumstance, suffix, sentence, address, letter, subject, noun, period.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Reading theoretical material in the textbook, p. 129.(Slide 14)

Conversation on issues(Slide 15)

What sentences are called simple?

What sentences are called complex?

What is the difference between non-union and allied complex sentences?

Try to list the conjunctions from memory and special words, which are used to connect parts of a complex sentence.

Performing training exercises:

1) What unites the sentences recorded on the screen? (Slide 16)


The boys are enjoying the winter snow.

(Simple sentences)

2) Work in pairs: put together sentences from cards

3) Examination:

What suggestions did you receive? Read them.

What are they like in terms of the number of grammatical bases in them?

Write down one of them from dictation on the board and in your notebook, highlight the grammatical basics.

The sky slowly became clouded and snow began to fall in thick flakes.

4) Make a simple sentence based on the picture. Write it down in your notebook. (Slide 17)

1) The snow sparkles and sparkles.

2) The river was touched by the first ice.

3) There is fluffy snow on the tree branches.

4) Nature froze in anticipation of frost.

5) Snow-covered trees are reflected in the water.

Summing up the lesson.

What did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like about the lesson?

What new discoveries have we added to our “treasury” of knowledge?

What theme were all the sentences in today's lesson united by?

Guys, do you like winter? For what?

Winter is not only a beautiful and cheerful time of year, but also harsh. Why do you think? Who has a hard time in winter?

Homework: theoretical material, p. 129, ex. No. 287 (Slide 18)

On the table is a sheet of paper with three stripes. If you liked the lesson, you are satisfied with your result, then color the first stripe red; if you doubt some questions, then the second stripe - green; if nothing is clear, then the last stripe - blue.

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