Heterogeneous definition. What are heterogeneous definitions

Homogeneous definitions

Heterogeneous definitions



teacher of Russian language and literature

budgetary educational institution

city ​​of Omsk

"Secondary school No. 16"

Slide number 2:

Training session to consolidate acquired knowledge and methods of activity on the topic: “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions”

Slide number 3:

Lesson logic:
Motivation - updating leading knowledge and methods of action - constructing a model for applying knowledge in standard and modified situations - independent application of knowledge - control and self-control - correction - reflection.

Lesson type: lesson on consolidating knowledge and methods of activity.

Slide number 4:

The purpose of the lesson:

To consolidate knowledge about homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions and the practical skill of setting punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions;

Slide number 5:

Lesson objectives:

Be able to competently and consciously use constructions with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in speech;
cultivate love for the native land, respect for the historical past, moral feelings and beliefs;
develop the creative, intellectual abilities of students, skills of self-control and self-testing, peer review, and mutual testing.

Lesson equipment:computer, tables “Homogeneous members of a proposition”, “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions”; Russian language textbook (8th grade) edited by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva and others.

During the classes.

  1. Mobilizing stage:

Slide No. 1:

It's raining heavily and sporadically. A man walks slowly down the street. A passerby asks him: Why are you walking so slowly in the rain? [B] - he answers. -?-[-].

Reference: There is just as heavy rain ahead.

Why rush?

Teacher: Here is an exercise in the form of an unusually written joke and a reference for it. Formulate a task for this exercise.

Students' response: Using suggestions from the help, you need to restore the text of the joke.

Students complete the task together with the teacher.

  1. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Teacher: Read the joke sentence with homogeneous members. Say what syntactic function they perform in this sentence.

Students' response: These are homogeneous definitions.

Teacher: Along with homogeneous definitions, there are heterogeneous definitions in the Russian language. Knowing this fact, formulate the topic of today's lesson.

Slide No. 2 is displayed (lesson topic)

Students' response: The topic of today's lesson is “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.”

Teacher: Based on the topic of the lesson and taking into account that in the last lesson we started talking about homogeneous and heterogeneous members of a sentence, formulate the purpose of the lesson.

Slide No. 4 is highlighted (lesson goal)

Students' response: consolidate knowledge about homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions and the skill of setting punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Teacher: Maybe you can help me formulate the objectives of the lesson?

Students' response: Learn to distinguish between sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; be able to use constructions with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in speech.

Slide No. 5 is highlighted (lesson objectives)

  1. Updating students' knowledge:

Teacher: The task is performed by two groups.

Slide number 6:

Task for the first group:

Answer questions, select examples:

– What minor members of a sentence do you know?

– Which part of the sentence is called the definition?

– What adjectives are qualitative, relative?

– What are the signs of the subordinating connection “coordination”?

– What parts of speech words agree with the noun?

– Which coordinating conjunctions are connecting?

– What divisive and adversarial conjunctions do you know?

Assignment for the second group:

Slide number 7:

Prepare a generalization story about the homogeneous members of the sentence according to the plan:

  1. Determination of homogeneous members of a sentence.
  2. In what relationship are homogeneous members of a sentence to each other and how are they connected to each other?
  3. What part of speech words express homogeneous members of a sentence?
  4. Common and non-common homogeneous members of a sentence.
  5. The concept of series of homogeneous members of a sentence.
  6. Syntactic function of homogeneous members of a sentence.

The task will be completed on a competitive basis.

No preparation time is given.

  1. Learning new material:

We write down an excerpt from the prose poem “Russian Language” by I.S. Turgenev, which is written on the board.

Teacher: Why do you think some adjectives are written in green and one in red?

Students' response: Green – homogeneous definitions, red – heterogeneous.

Teacher: Let us once again turn to the sentence from the joke with homogeneous definitions. Read it. Determine with what intonation homogeneous definitions are pronounced.

Students' response: Homogeneous definitions are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration.

Teacher. Do homogeneous definitions allow the insertion of a conjunction? and between them?

Students' response: You can insert a conjunction between homogeneous definitions And.

Teacher. If definitions are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration and a conjunction and can be inserted between them, then these are homogeneous definitions and they relate equally to the word being defined. Try to show this diagrammatically. Correct option:

It's raining heavily and sporadically.

Teacher: Now let's change this sentence:

Students' response: There is heavy spring rain.

Teacher: Tell me which definition relates directly to the word being defined rain : nearest or farthest?

Students' response: The closest definition ( spring ) refers to the word being defined ( rain ).

Teacher: What does the other definition (strong) refer to?

Students' response: Another definition refers to the combination of the first definition with a noun.

Teacher: Are these definitions pronounced with the intonation of enumeration and is it allowed to insert a conjunction between them and?

Students' response: These definitions are not pronounced with the intonation of enumeration and it is not allowed to insert a conjunction between them And .

Teacher: These are heterogeneous definitions. Give them a full description, observing the order of our reasoning. Make diagrams of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Students make diagrams:

Homogeneous definitions –,

heterogeneous definitions –

Students' response: Students give a complete description of the signs and conditions of homogeneity and heterogeneity of definitions.

Slide number 8:

Homogeneous definitions

Heterogeneous definitions

  1. Consolidation of the studied material:

Slide number 9:

Exercise 1

1. It was a hot, windless June day.

2. Something unusually wide, sweeping and heroic stretched across the steppe instead of a road.

3. Frequent fresh tracks crossed the road every now and then.

4. A huge dark cloud was quickly approaching from the west and soon fell with warm summer rain.

5. It's nice to return to an old tried and tested place.

6. But still an old sparrow flies to the same apple tree on a nice dewy morning.

7. The exhaust gas mixed with frosty snow dust was carried away by the speed of movement.

SCHEME: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7

Teacher: Read the sentences very carefully. Consider the example diagram. Formulate the task for the exercise.

Students' response: These proposals should be divided into three groups. In two groups there are three sentences, in the third - one. Add missing punctuation marks.

Students complete the task:Three sentences with homogeneous definitions are written in one group, three sentences with heterogeneous definitions in another, and a sentence with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in the third.

Slide number 10:

Exercise 2

1. But the little cunning man knew that from his slightest touch the dog would rush at him with a squeal of joy and drown him.

2. And on a moonlit March night, an opal light floats over the snow.

3. Vaska decided to track down where this crazy scary man was sneaking.

4. Near a small factory site, near the warehouses, the lights of the night lamps flickered dimly.

Teacher: Read the sentences. Find in them syntactic constructions on the topic of the lesson. Formulate the task for the exercise.

Students offer their own options for assignments, one of them:from these definitions, exclude one with homogeneous definitions. Emphasize homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Add missing punctuation marks.

Slide number 11:

Tasks for the exercise:

  1. Do a syntactic analysis of the sentence that contains the largest number of words with an unstressed main word at the root.
  2. Make up a chain that takes into account the number of sounds in a word. Start with a word touch. Follow the principle of gradually reducing the number of sounds in words.
  1. Vocabulary and spelling work:

Teacher: Let's get acquainted with two new words. Say the first word. Its first part is the root of the word river. Add to it a word of foreign origin denoting a visit, primarily for business.

This word is a prop.

Teacher: Define the second word. Its first part is in Latin with a prefix denoting separation, removal, cancellation and movement down, reduction. To find the second part, you need from the root of the word chain remove the paired voiced consonant sound. To these two parts add the word denoting a portable radio station. Name a new word.

This word is decoration.

Teacher: Formulate the lexical meaning of the words props and decoration.

Slide number 12:

Props is a collection of objects for a theatrical production.

Decoration - the place and setting of a theatrical action established on the stage.

Teacher: Using a spelling dictionary, talk about the spelling of words. props and decoration.

Make up a sentence that includes both new words and has homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

(You can give the task according to the options: the first option makes a sentence with a homogeneous definition, and the second – with a heterogeneous one).

  1. Consolidation of what has been learned (continued):

Slide No. 13 is highlighted (text about Chinese theater)

Slide number 13:

Exercise 3

The performance did not include scenery or props. During the action, the actors played with imaginary things. Artists, with the help of makeup, certain gestures, gait, color and cut of costumes, depicted the characteristics of the characters and their social status. Musical melodies helped determine the time and place of action. A traditional theater performance could take place over several days!

Spectators came at certain hours and watched the actor play over a cup of aromatic tea. They could leave the performance at any time, going on errands or to work. Then they returned to again enjoy the beautiful play they liked.

Traditional Chinese theater is truly unique. It originates in distant folk art, from village holidays. The origins of Chinese traditional musical drama are generally dated to the second millennium BC. At this time, in numerous southern and northern provinces of China, small local theaters developed, the actors of which had to master not only the art of singing, but also be excellent readers, dancers, and acrobats. They often grew up and were brought up at the theater.

1 part BUT

Part 2 OO, BUT

Part 3 OO

Teacher: On your desk is a text, or rather parts of a text, about Chinese theater, written out of order. Read carefully and pay attention to the additional entry. Formulate the task for the exercise.

Students' response: It is necessary to restore the text by determining the correct order of its parts, focusing on the presence or absence of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. The first part contains heterogeneous definitions. In the second, there are neither homogeneous nor heterogeneous definitions. The third part contains only homogeneous definitions. Add missing punctuation marks.

Students orally compose the text, check and justify. Then write down the part in which there are heterogeneous definitions.

  1. Lesson summary:

Teacher: Explain how homogeneous definitions differ from heterogeneous definitions.
Reflection: On the board there is a poster with a drawing of a mountain of knowledge, to the top of which the children were striving today.
Teacher: Evaluate your knowledge of the topic and your activities in class.
How was your work? Easily? Interesting?
Who had difficulties?
Students place figures depicting people on the “mountain of knowledge” (poster on the board) and thereby give a self-assessment of their work.

The activities of schoolchildren in the lesson are assessed:

Homework discussed:

Teacher: Homeworkyou will be at different levels:

Slide number 14:

1. Traditional: $38, table in reference book, exercise 300

2. Creative task:do you live in a city or a rural area? Or maybe in the winter in the city, and in the summer in the village? Do you agree that “a city dweller rarely meets the earth?”
Write an essay-argument in the form of a response to the writer, using as many
homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.
Slide number 15:

I thank everyone for their work in class. The lesson is over. Goodbye.


1. Russian language textbook for grade 8 under by the editors

R.N.Buneeva, E.V.Buneeva and others. Publishing house Moscow, Balass, 2011

It's raining heavily and sporadically. A man walks slowly down the street. A passerby asks him: Why are you walking so slowly in the rain? [B] - he answers. -?-[-]. Help: Heavy rain is ahead. Why rush?

Training session to consolidate acquired knowledge and methods of activity

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Several definitions for one defined noun are not always and therefore are not always separated by commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics in the school curriculum. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; further in the section “Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions” some of them are discussed in more detail and are accompanied by examples.

Signs of homogeneity of definitions(concisely) :

  • indicate characteristics of homogeneous objects: blue, yellow, red balls;
  • denote features that are synonymous in context: powerful, violent, deafening downpour;
  • denote characteristics that are interdependent in context (= since, therefore): moonlit, clear evening(= clear, because lunar);
  • denote artistic images, metaphors: leaden, faded eyes;
  • there is a semantic gradation: joyful, festive, radiant mood;
  • the single definition is placed before the common one: empty field covered with snow;
  • located after the defined word: young woman, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming;
  • denote a subjective characteristic (optional attribute): a small, golden cloud; long, narrow carpet;
  • in the position after the word being defined: the clouds are round, high, golden-gray, with delicate white edges.

Signs of heterogeneity of definitions(concisely):

  • indicate shape and material: potbellied nut bureau;
  • indicate color and shape: white round clouds;
  • indicate size and material: large stone houses;
  • indicate quality and location: gloomy Siberian river.

Punctuation marks whenhomogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions not connected by conjunctions.

Definitions are homogeneous, If

a) indicate the distinctive features of different objects: Red, white, pink, yellow carnations made up a beautiful bouquet;

b) indicate various signs of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand: A strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river.;

c) each of the definitions directly relates to the defined noun, and therefore a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between them "And". Wed: clear, calm moonlight (pure and calm moonlight); a cup of thick, strong coffee (a cup of thick and strong coffee) and so on.


  • homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, if at the same time in context they are united by some common feature (the similarity of the impression they make, appearance, etc.): He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me; Heavy, cold clouds lay on the tops of the surrounding mountains; Gray strands glittered in his thick, dark hair; pale, stern face; cheerful, good-natured laughter; a deserted, inhospitable house; gentle, lively eyes; proud, brave appearance; dry, cracked lips; heavy, angry feeling; gray, continuous, light rain etc.;
  • as a rule, they are homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets): His pale blue, glassy eyes;
  • homogeneous also synonymous(in context) definitions: quiet, modest river; silent, timid, timid girl. In a series of such definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the characteristic they express, forming a semantic gradation: There was a joyful, festive, radiant mood; In autumn, the steppes completely change and take on their own unusual, special, incomparable appearance.;
  • the role of homogeneous definitions is usually played by adjective and following participial phrase:An elderly man with a bushy beard, beginning to turn gray, entered.;
  • As a rule, agreed upon definitions are homogeneous, coming after the word being defined: Three greyhounds are running along a boring winter road. Exception make up combinations of terminological nature: thin-walled electric-welded stainless steel pipes; late-ripening winter pear;
  • homogeneous definitions are those that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Six months later, long, cold nights give way to quiet, warm ones.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous, if they characterize an object from different sides: big stone house(size and material); white round pebbles(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous if they are united by a common feature: Our terrace now stands on new brick pillars(the unifying feature is “durable”).


  • heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives: a new leather briefcase, an interesting children's book, a warm July night, a light birch grove, transparent window panes and so on.;
  • less often, heterogeneous definitions consist of a combination of qualitative adjectives: old gloomy house, interesting rare publications.

Exercises for the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions"

Exercise 1. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which commas must be inserted.

1. He was born into a poor peasant family.

2. A clear, bright, thoughtful smile lies on the clouds.
3. The sun's rays play on the thick, lush, dewy grass.
4. She involuntarily surrendered to involuntary, selfless love.
5. Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.
6. I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman.
7. In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin.
8. Light was breaking through the small ice-covered window.
9. Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror.
10. He had big fish eyes.
11. A flat, dull steppe stretched around.
12. A sonorous child's laughter was heard.
13. The dark, unlit windows of the houses looked unfriendly.
14. Everyone fell asleep in a sound, healthy sleep.
15. It was a cold autumn evening.
16. Large heavy drops hung on the branches.
17. Memories are a living, trembling world full of poetry.
18. Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden.
19. A dry hot wind was blowing.
20. A sound pre-dawn sleep overcame him.
21. There was wet, loose and dazzling snow in the fields.
22. We walked through the quiet, star-lit taiga.
23. The young grass washed by the rain smelled intoxicating.
24. Tolstoy could not write unless he had good, clean paper in front of him.
25. On a warm summer morning I went to Lvov.
26. Red blue yellow rocky peaks rise to the sky.
27. A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest.
28. The old country park is quiet.
29. A yellow maple leaf killed in autumn slowly falls to the ground.
30. All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits.

Answers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

Exercise 2. Copy the text, adding the missing commas.
Meanwhile, the sun rose a little more above the horizon. Now the sea no longer shone entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon, a long shining strip was burning, and dozens of bright, eye-catching stars flashed in the slowly approaching waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the gentle, sad blue of the August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different, new and unprecedented. It changes every hour before our eyes. Then it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. Then it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo wool, as if it were being ironed against the pile.


  • Section “Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members” in the manual by Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section “Definitions” in the electronic manual “

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions not connected by conjunctions.

The definitions are uniform:

1) if they indicate the distinctive features of different objects, for example: A crowd of children in blue, red, white shirts stands on the shore (Gorky);
2) if they denote different characteristics of the same object, characterizing it on one side, for example: Chapaev loved a strong, decisive, firm word (Furmanov).

- Each of the homogeneous definitions directly relates to the noun being defined; a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between the definitions. Wed: empty, deserted shore; a difficult, harsh matter;
3) if they characterize an object from different sides, but according to the conditions of the context they are united by some common feature (appearance, similarity of the impression they make, causal connection, etc.), for example: One small, golden cloud melted in the sky (Gorky ) (appearance); ...Water flows over the pebbles and spins filamentous, emerald green algae (V. Soloukhin) (general external impression); spring, morning, thin ice (Tvardovsky) (general sign - “weak, fragile”); red, inflamed eyelids (“red because they are inflamed”); moonlit, clear night (“moonlit, and therefore clear”);
4) if, under the conditions of the context, synonymous relations are created between them, for example: Dark, difficult days have come... (Turgenev).
- Wed. also: complete, hopeless darkness; transparent, clean air; red, angry face, timid, apathetic character; thick, heavy oil; quiet, modest life; smooth, monotonous voice; white, strong teeth; a cheerful, good-natured smile; proud, independent appearance; remote, deserted alley; dry, cracked earth; a stern, stubborn old woman, etc.;
5) if they form a semantic gradation (each subsequent one strengthens the attribute expressed by the definitions), for example: In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and take on their own special, original, not similar to anything (Aksakov); A joyful, festive, radiant mood was spreading, and the uniform seemed to become tight (Serafimovich);
6) if a single definition is followed by a definition expressed in a participial phrase, for example: In the chest I found a yellowed hetman’s letter written in no Latin (Paustovsky); That was the first joy of discovery, unclouded by any fears (Granin); On the white, carefully ironed tablecloth appeared bear meat, dried sokhatina, fish, blueberries (Azhaev); Through the small, ice-covered window... moonlight was breaking through (Zakrutkin);
7) if they stand after the defined noun (in this position, each of them is directly related to the defined word and has the same semantic independence), for example: ... I saw a woman who was young, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming... (Chekhov).

Deviations from the rule occur in poetic speech, which is associated with the rhythm and melody of the verse, as well as in combinations of a terminological nature, where, according to lexico-semantic conditions, definitions even in the position after the defined noun can be heterogeneous, for example:

a) Hello, blue autumn days... (Bryusov);
b) late-ripening winter pear; thin-walled electric-welded stainless steel pipes; electric grab overhead crane.
8) if contrasted, with a combination of other definitions with the same defined word, for example: Recently in this area there were low, wooden houses, and now – high, brick ones.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous if the preceding one does not relate directly to the defined noun, but to a combination of the subsequent definition and the defined noun, for example: Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror that stood on the chest of drawers (Dostoevsky) (cf.: round mirror - folding round mirror - small folding round mirror); ...Can you imagine a nasty southern provincial town? (Kuprin); The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the deathly haze (Fadeev)

Heterogeneous definitions characterize the subject from different sides, in different respects, i.e. express signs related to various generic (general) concepts, for example: In the corner of the living room there was a pot-bellied walnut bureau (Gogol) - shape and material; White round clouds quietly float and quietly pass like magical underwater islands (Turgenev) - color and shape; We lived in the basement of a large stone house (Gorky) - size and material; Once upon a time I had the opportunity to sail along a gloomy Siberian river (Korolenko) - quality and location, etc. If it is possible to subsume such characteristics under a general generic concept, such definitions can become homogeneous, for example: A large, stone house is allocated for a tourist base (the unifying concept is “well-appointed”). Depending on the style of speech, some examples allow for different understandings, and therefore different punctuation.

Heterogeneous definitions are usually expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, since they denote heterogeneous characteristics, for example: The bright winter sun looked into our windows (Aksakov); The snowdrifts were covered with a thin ice crust (Chekhov); Suddenly, an alarming horse neigh was heard in the darkness (Fadeev). Less commonly, heterogeneous definitions are formed by a combination of qualitative adjectives, for example: A light, discreet whisper woke me up (Turgenev); milk jug with thick yellow cream (Kuprin); huge amazing dark blue swallowtails (Prishvin). Punctuation is not difficult for definitions expressed by relative adjectives or participles and relative adjectives alone, for example: summer sports camp, twisted iron staircase, marble quadrangular columns, unpublished author's rough sketches.

Double interpretation and double punctuation allow combinations like: other proven methods (before this there were already proven methods) - other, proven methods (before there were methods that had not yet been tested). In the latter case, the second definition acts not as a homogeneous one, but as an explanatory one (a non-coordinating conjunction can be inserted before such definitions And, and explanatory conjunctions A exactly, that is).

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Several definitions for one defined noun are not always and therefore are not always separated by commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics in the school curriculum. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; further in the section “Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions” some of them are discussed in more detail and are accompanied by examples.

Signs of homogeneity of definitions(concisely) :

  • indicate characteristics of homogeneous objects: blue, yellow, red balls;
  • denote features that are synonymous in context: powerful, violent, deafening downpour;
  • denote characteristics that are interdependent in context (= since, therefore): moonlit, clear evening(= clear, because lunar);
  • denote artistic images, metaphors: leaden, faded eyes;
  • there is a semantic gradation: joyful, festive, radiant mood;
  • the single definition is placed before the common one: empty field covered with snow;
  • located after the defined word: young woman, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming;
  • denote a subjective characteristic (optional attribute): a small, golden cloud; long, narrow carpet;
  • in the position after the word being defined: the clouds are round, high, golden-gray, with delicate white edges.

Signs of heterogeneity of definitions(concisely):

  • indicate shape and material: potbellied nut bureau;
  • indicate color and shape: white round clouds;
  • indicate size and material: large stone houses;
  • indicate quality and location: gloomy Siberian river.

Punctuation marks whenhomogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions not connected by conjunctions.

Definitions are homogeneous, If

a) indicate the distinctive features of different objects: Red, white, pink, yellow carnations made up a beautiful bouquet;

b) indicate various signs of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand: A strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river.;

c) each of the definitions directly relates to the defined noun, and therefore a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between them "And". Wed: clear, calm moonlight (pure and calm moonlight); a cup of thick, strong coffee (a cup of thick and strong coffee) and so on.


  • homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, if at the same time in context they are united by some common feature (the similarity of the impression they make, appearance, etc.): He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me; Heavy, cold clouds lay on the tops of the surrounding mountains; Gray strands glittered in his thick, dark hair; pale, stern face; cheerful, good-natured laughter; a deserted, inhospitable house; gentle, lively eyes; proud, brave appearance; dry, cracked lips; heavy, angry feeling; gray, continuous, light rain etc.;
  • as a rule, they are homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets): His pale blue, glassy eyes;
  • homogeneous also synonymous(in context) definitions: quiet, modest river; silent, timid, timid girl. In a series of such definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the characteristic they express, forming a semantic gradation: There was a joyful, festive, radiant mood; In autumn, the steppes completely change and take on their own unusual, special, incomparable appearance.;
  • the role of homogeneous definitions is usually played by adjective and following participial phrase:An elderly man with a bushy beard, beginning to turn gray, entered.;
  • As a rule, agreed upon definitions are homogeneous, coming after the word being defined: Three greyhounds are running along a boring winter road. Exception make up combinations of terminological nature: thin-walled electric-welded stainless steel pipes; late-ripening winter pear;
  • homogeneous definitions are those that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Six months later, long, cold nights give way to quiet, warm ones.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous, if they characterize an object from different sides: big stone house(size and material); white round pebbles(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous if they are united by a common feature: Our terrace now stands on new brick pillars(the unifying feature is “durable”).


  • heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives: a new leather briefcase, an interesting children's book, a warm July night, a light birch grove, transparent window panes and so on.;
  • less often, heterogeneous definitions consist of a combination of qualitative adjectives: old gloomy house, interesting rare publications.

Exercises for the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions"

Exercise 1. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which commas must be inserted.

1. He was born into a poor peasant family.

2. A clear, bright, thoughtful smile lies on the clouds.
3. The sun's rays play on the thick, lush, dewy grass.
4. She involuntarily surrendered to involuntary, selfless love.
5. Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.
6. I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman.
7. In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin.
8. Light was breaking through the small ice-covered window.
9. Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror.
10. He had big fish eyes.
11. A flat, dull steppe stretched around.
12. A sonorous child's laughter was heard.
13. The dark, unlit windows of the houses looked unfriendly.
14. Everyone fell asleep in a sound, healthy sleep.
15. It was a cold autumn evening.
16. Large heavy drops hung on the branches.
17. Memories are a living, trembling world full of poetry.
18. Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden.
19. A dry hot wind was blowing.
20. A sound pre-dawn sleep overcame him.
21. There was wet, loose and dazzling snow in the fields.
22. We walked through the quiet, star-lit taiga.
23. The young grass washed by the rain smelled intoxicating.
24. Tolstoy could not write unless he had good, clean paper in front of him.
25. On a warm summer morning I went to Lvov.
26. Red blue yellow rocky peaks rise to the sky.
27. A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest.
28. The old country park is quiet.
29. A yellow maple leaf killed in autumn slowly falls to the ground.
30. All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits.

Answers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

Exercise 2. Copy the text, adding the missing commas.
Meanwhile, the sun rose a little more above the horizon. Now the sea no longer shone entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon, a long shining strip was burning, and dozens of bright, eye-catching stars flashed in the slowly approaching waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the gentle, sad blue of the August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different, new and unprecedented. It changes every hour before our eyes. Then it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. Then it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo wool, as if it were being ironed against the pile.


  • Section “Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members” in the manual by Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section “Definitions” in the electronic manual “Russian Language Course” on the website lik-bez.ru
  • Exercises from the manual by Kazarina S.G., Milyuk A.V., Usacheva M.P. “Punctuation” (link to download the manual)

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