Foreign language higher education. Pre-university preparation for foreign citizens

A specialist who has received a higher linguistic education can become a regular teacher in an educational institution, a translator, or an expert in intercultural communication. This profession opens up a lot of opportunities - work in joint ventures, diplomatic missions, expeditions to different parts of the globe, studying ancient manuscripts. Great linguists rediscovered entire civilizations for the world: Egyptian - thanks to Jean Champollion's deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Maya - thanks to the works of Yuri Knorozov. Without linguists, the work of archaeologists, ethnologists, historians, businessmen and politicians is impossible. And therefore, devoting your life to this profession means, through knowledge of the past and creating mutual understanding between peoples in the present, to build our future.


According to the List of areas of higher education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, there are 9 types included in the section of the humanities, which are two main specializations: and:

  • philologist - with bachelor's or master's qualification:
  • philologist-teacher;
  • - Bachelor or Master;
  • linguist in the field of intercultural communication;
  • linguist-teacher of foreign cultures and languages ​​(theory and teaching methods);
  • linguist-translator and specialist in translation studies;
  • linguist specialist in the field of intercultural communication;
  • linguist - specialist in applied and theoretical linguistics;
  • linguist - specialist in new information technologies.

In addition, 4 pedagogical specialties are classified as linguistic:

  • Bachelor or Master of Philology;
  • teacher of Russian language and literature;
  • teacher of native languages ​​and literature;
  • foreign language teacher.

It will be difficult to compile a TOP 5 from such a number of specialties. However, the most popular and in demand were and remain translators and linguists who are fluent in several languages ​​(at least three: English, some second European and, preferably, one of the rarer languages ​​- most often the Eastern group). Since the demand for the production of multilingual technical documentation, blogging in foreign languages, website content, etc. Nowadays it is only growing).

Where to get an education

There are as many as 380 universities in the Russian Federation that provide linguistic education (both specialized and those with linguistic departments). Of course, the level of teaching, prestige, demand for specialists in the labor market after graduation and other comparative characteristics of each such higher educational institution differ quite significantly. It is difficult to list all institutions in one article, and therefore, it probably makes sense to highlight only the TOP 5, whose graduates have the highest rating among and even abroad:

  1. (MSPU). Theoretically, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​trains personnel for secondary schools - but almost 50% of graduates are accepted with a bang by serious travel agencies and companies that are in need of high-level translators.
  2. (MSLU) named after Maurice Thorez and especially its translation department. The demand for its graduates is almost as high as No. 1 on the list.
  3. Famous in every way. Linguists - specialists in international communication here are considered the best in the Russian Federation, primarily due to the unsurpassed fundamental base obtained thanks to the country's teaching elite.
  4. (RUDN University) and graduates of its linguistics department have no competitors in the fields of international relations, cultural studies and intercultural communication. The reason is, of course, the contingent that consists of citizens of foreign countries.
  5. (NGLU) named after Dobrolyubov. The only provincial university that, in most indicators, has been ahead of even all St. Petersburg universities without exception and most of the Moscow “higher schools” for more than a dozen years. A clear confirmation of his class is his stable presence in the top five of all the best universities in Russia in the ranking of the Potanin Charitable Foundation, at the top of the ranking of higher educational institutions included in the Federal Scholarship Program, the ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the “European Quality” competitions under the auspices of the European Commission and “ 100 best universities in Russia."

The new Federal State Educational Standard-3 provides hours for linguistic students in the following subjects:

  • foreign languages ​​and cultural features of the countries in which they are native;
  • translation and translation studies;
  • theory of intercultural communication;
  • theory of foreign languages ​​being studied;
  • methodology and theory of teaching foreign languages ​​and their cultures;
  • linguistic components of electronic information systems.

Forms of training

Education at linguistic universities is carried out in all forms permitted by law - including full-time, correspondence, distance learning and evening (full-time and part-time). There is also (with different proportions for each university) a division into budget and paid forms.

Second higher

Obtaining a second higher linguistic education is exclusively paid - but there are no other restrictions or differences from obtaining the first in universities of this focus.

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 3


1.1 Linguistic culture as an integral and essential part of human culture as a whole. ........................................................ ............................... 5

1.2 Specifics of a foreign language as an academic subject. .................... 7

1.3 Goals of studying a foreign language subject.................................................... 9


2.1 Place of the subject in the basic curriculum.................................................... 14

2.2 Lesson outline................................................................. .................................. 16

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ .. 19

List of references and Internet resources.................................................... ........ 21


Modern society is characterized by cooperation and exchange of achievements in various fields of activity. Contacts between countries are becoming closer, so knowledge of a foreign language is increasingly important. Without knowledge of foreign languages, global cooperation is impossible. Currently, various forms of international communication are developing: international meetings, exhibitions, sporting events, joint business. Exchange of schoolchildren and students also applies here.

In the new 21st century, the entire civilized world strives for openness and mutual understanding. In this regard, the role and importance of studying foreign languages ​​is increasing. The dialogue of different cultures poses the task of educating an individual who will be able and willing to participate in intercultural communication in a foreign language. A foreign language, as an academic subject, has very effective means in educating a person of culture. It is important to use the full educational potential of a foreign language as an interdisciplinary discipline that helps familiarize students with world culture and thus, to a better understanding of their own culture.

Object The research of this work is the system of teaching a foreign language at school.

Item research – the role and place of a foreign language as a status of a school subject.

Target This work is to explore the role and function of a foreign language as an academic subject.

Based on the goals of the course work, we needed to solve the following tasks :

Consider language education as one of the components in the school education system;

To clarify the place of a foreign language as a school subject among other subjects of the educational cycle;

Present the goals of the academic subject ²foreign language²

The research carried out as part of the course work was based on the following methods:

1. analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic;

2. observation of the educational process;

3. expert method.

The practical significance of the research conducted as part of this course work:

1. clarified the place of the subject “Foreign language” in the school education system;

2. Coursework materials can be used in seminar classes on the subject “Theory and Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language”.

Approbation of work: defense of course work ²___² ________ 2010


1.1. Linguistic culture as an integral and essential part of human culture as a whole

On the threshold of the new century, the sociocultural context of learning foreign languages ​​in Russia has changed significantly. The educational and self-educational functions of foreign languages, their professional significance at school, at university, and in the labor market as a whole have increased significantly, which has led to increased motivation in learning languages ​​of international communication.

In Russia and in most European countries, over the past years, language education has been at the center of educational policy, which is focused on the following:

1. preservation and support of linguistic diversity in a multilingual and multicultural society;

2. reasonable relationship of the state language as the main language of instruction with other languages.

A foreign language as a school subject contributes to the language education of students. A foreign language can also be a second language of instruction in other subjects at school, and then the result will be bilingual education. Currently, there are textbooks that are designed to develop bilingual skills when learning English. Expanding the range of cultures through the entry of students into the sociocultural space when communicating in two or more languages ​​contributes to the socialization of the individual, while doing the following:

1.2. accumulation and assimilation of knowledge about the culture of the country of the language being studied and the native culture;

1.3. formation and development of communicative, cognitive, cognitive and creative skills and abilities;

1.4. formation of orientation values ​​and development of the learner’s personality culture in the surrounding world.

The last point includes the development of the culture of the individual himself (culture of attitude, culture of self-regulation), the development of a culture of activity (culture of intellectual activity, culture of objective activity), as well as the development of a culture of social interaction of a person with other people in different countries and on different continents.

1.2. Specifics of a foreign language as an academic subject

The concept of a “foreign language” as an academic subject arose in the second half of the 78th century as a result of the increase in the number of scientific publications in national languages ​​and the loss of the status of the language of education in connection with the Latin language. Since that time, languages ​​began to be studied with practical tasks related to the need to be able to read in the languages ​​of different peoples.

The specific features of the subject “foreign language” lie primarily in the area of ​​goal setting. The difference from other academic disciplines is that most disciplines are aimed at mastering the scientific knowledge of certain phenomena, the laws governing these phenomena, while a foreign language as an academic subject does not have scientific knowledge of the language and especially the science of language.

The general educational goals of teaching a foreign language are realized directly in the process of achieving a communicative goal, while the communicative goal of teaching a native language is to improve the skills of oral speech and learning to write and read, as well as to master the ability to accurately select means of transmitting information.

There are other attempts to highlight what is specific in the academic discipline “foreign language”. For example, both in the psychology of teaching foreign languages ​​and in the methods of teaching the subject it is noted that, unlike other academic subjects, a foreign language is both a goal and a means of learning. Moreover, as specific features of the academic subject “foreign language”, such qualities as “non-subjectivity”, “infinity”, “heterogeneity” are also highlighted. So I. A. Zimnyaya writes that the “pointlessness” of a foreign language is due to the fact that its acquisition does not give a person direct knowledge about reality. “The pointlessness, in her opinion, is due to the fact that when studying a language, a person cannot know only the vocabulary without knowing the grammar, or the “gerund” section without knowing the “tense” section. In turn, “heterogeneity” is explained by the appeal of this educational subject to both the “linguistic system,” and “linguistic abilities,” etc.

Thus, a foreign language as a school subject is characterized by the following features:

Interdisciplinary (the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge);

Multi-level (on the one hand, it is necessary to master various linguistic means related to aspects of language: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and on the other, skills in four types of speech activity);

Multifunctionality (can act as a learning goal and as a means of acquiring information in a wide variety of fields of knowledge).

A foreign language is an essential element of the culture of the people who are native speakers of a given language and a means of transmitting it to others; a foreign language contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in schoolchildren. Proficiency in a foreign language increases the level of humanitarian education of schoolchildren, contributes to the formation of personality and its social adaptation to the conditions of an ever-changing multicultural, multilingual world.

A foreign language expands the linguistic horizons of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, and promotes the overall speech development of students. This reveals the interaction of all language academic subjects that contribute to the formation of the foundations of philological education for schoolchildren.

1.3. Goals of studying the subject foreign language

Solovova E.N. identifies the following main goals of teaching a foreign language at school:

Formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, which includes: the formation and development of linguistic, speech and sociocultural competence, necessary and sufficient for communication within the threshold and advanced threshold level; teaching the norms of intercultural communication in a foreign language (foreign language); development of a culture of oral and written speech in a foreign language in conditions of official and informal communication;

Sociocultural development of students, i.e. co-study of the native language and native culture and foreign languages ​​and cultures of other peoples, development of schoolchildren’s abilities to represent their country and culture in the conditions of foreign language intercultural communication;

On this page you will find more than 30 foreign language institutes and foreign language departments in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia and neighboring countries. This will allow you to choose the language university that is most conveniently located and offers exactly the profile of language education that you need.

As for ratings and preferences, it is still considered that the highest level of language teaching and translation is at the Moscow State Linguistic University (formerly Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University - Moscow Inyaz). Indeed, Inyazov’s traditions and methods remain. But the teaching staff has changed a lot over the past 40 years. Teaching at a university, even one as seemingly elite as MSLU, has generally ceased to be prestigious and profitable.

Not to mention the fact that the former Inyaz itself has transformed in post-Soviet times from a fairly compact targeted university into a kind of all-encompassing monster, where they teach everything, not just languages ​​(the status of a “university” is obligatory). Such omnivorousness and universalism have both their pros and cons.

As for the level of training of specific students, it depends on your luck. Much will depend on the composition of teachers (and turnover is very high now: it doesn’t happen from year to year). And we must not forget that when teaching languages ​​and translation, 70-80% depends on the learner himself: on his efforts, on how much time and effort he spends on mastering the language.

Foreign language and translation are applied disciplines. No knowledge of theory will help here. You either know the language or you don’t. Therefore, the final criterion for the level of language knowledge acquired at a university will be practice. Even the best language knowledge acquired at the best specialized university will disappear in a year or two if it is not consolidated in practice. Yuri Novikov


Belgorod State National Research University
Faculty of Foreign Languages


Ural State Pedagogical University (USPU)


Izhevsk State University


IGLU - Irkutsk State Linguistic University
Official website of IGLU (


KIYA - Kirov Institute of Foreign Languages, Kirov (formerly Vyatka) - founded in 1998



LSPU - Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
Faculty of Foreign Languages


NSPU - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University


OIFL - Omsk Institute of Foreign Languages

Specialties and areas of study at the Institute of Foreign Languages: translation and translation studies, qualification Linguist, translator. Linguistics, academic degree Bachelor. English, German, Spanish. Full-time day and evening courses. Second higher professional education. Additional professional education. Foreign language courses, Russian language center, faculty of additional higher professional education, translation school, translator in the field of business communications, school of translators and referents.

The Russian language is a great asset of both domestic culture and world culture as a whole. And our university pays primary attention to participation in Russian state policy on supporting the Russian language abroad, on admission to education in Russian, on popularizing Russian culture in the global educational space through the “great and mighty” Russian language.

The structural divisions of MGOU, specializing in teaching foreign citizens the Russian language, are the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Speech Culture, Faculty of Russian Philology and.

MGOU provides training for foreign citizens in the Russian language within a wide range of basic and additional educational programs, which, in particular, includes:

  • , implemented at the center of international education in additional general education programs:
    • “Pre-university preparation: Russian language and general education subjects for foreign citizens”;
    • “Pre-university preparation: Russian language and scientific style of speech for foreign citizens”;
    • "Russian language for foreign citizens."
  • :
    • Under the bachelor's program: direction of training - Pedagogical education, profile "Russian as a foreign language",

direction of training - Pedagogical education, profile "Literature and Russian as a foreign language", direction of training - Pedagogical education, profile "Geography and Russian as a foreign language", direction of training - Philology, profile "Russian as a foreign language";

  • According to the master's program: direction of preparation - Philology, program “Russian as a foreign language”.
  • , including the summer school “Modern Russian Language” (additional educational program).

Pre-university preparation of foreign citizens

MGOU teaches foreign citizens the Russian language from scratch and, within one academic year, prepares them for admission to bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs.

Additional educational programs are focused on teaching foreign citizens whose native languages ​​are a variety of languages ​​that are not similar to each other.

“Pre-university preparation: Russian language and general education subjects for foreign citizens”

“Pre-university preparation: Russian language and scientific style of speech for foreign citizens”

"Russian language for foreign citizens"

Citizens of different countries, including Turkmenistan, China, the Republic of Korea, Syria, Pakistan, and Iraq, study in pre-university training programs at the center for international education.

The problems of teaching foreign citizens the Russian language at the preparatory department are regularly discussed with colleagues from other universities in the country and from foreign countries. In particular, MGOU specialists in Russian as a foreign language have constant scientific contacts with the Department of Russian Philology for Foreign Citizens of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Almaty), which is a MGOU university. In addition, a cooperation project between Moscow State University and universities of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is currently being developed on joint scientific research in the field of teaching Russian to speakers of other Slavic languages ​​(Prof. Markova E.M.)

For all questions regarding admission to the pre-university training program for foreign citizens, please contact: