Italian language courses via Skype. Italian tutors on Skype - Italian language

The rhythm of modern life does not always give us the opportunity to spend time traveling to a foreign language learning center. We offer you to learn Italian via Skype - it is convenient, efficient and saves time.


Make sure that learning Italian on Skype is convenient and easy! First trial lesson 30 minutes - free. You choose the duration of subsequent lessons yourself.

Important: Prices are for basic courses for entry-level students. Specialized and preparatory courses for certification are charged separately. View the full price list.

Our teachers

  • All teachers have higher linguistic or philological education.
  • Everyone has extensive experience in teaching, which will allow you to quickly find a common language and choose an individual program that is most effective for you.
  • Our teachers travel frequently; many have lived and trained in their favorite countries for years. Communication with native speakers allows, in addition to academic knowledge, to replenish the baggage of jargon and learn features of the language that are not published in textbooks.
  • List of teachers: photo, education, characteristics, reviews, confirmation of qualifications

Class format

Classes are held via video (or audio) call with a teacher.

You will need a microphone, headphones or speakers. If you have a laptop, then all this is already present in it. Install Skype to learn Italian, and that's it - you're ready for your first lesson. You can create a schedule that suits you and save time. After all, to attend classes you don’t have to leave home and spend precious minutes and hours on the road.

Often this method of training with native speakers via Skype is used to overcome the language barrier. In other words, you can learn to speak and understand Italian by ear. Tutors offer various areas: it could be business, preparing for exams, etc.

Who benefits from lessons with native Italian speakers on Skype? Online learning is recommended for those who are planning to move to Italy or just go on vacation. This is the optimal solution for businessmen and students seeking to learn Italian.

Benefits of classes with native Italian speakers via Skype

By studying online with a native Italian speaker, the user receives many advantages:

Thanks to such communication, the student can acquire an Italian accent, get used to speech and master the correct pronunciation.

You can gain conversational communication skills;

- Lessons via Skype will make the learning process comfortable and effective;

To gain knowledge, your place of residence does not matter. You save time and money. The user gains knowledge while being thousands of kilometers from the teacher;

You can undergo training at any age, and the knowledge and ability to assimilate information does not matter;

Lesson times may vary. The student manages his own time. Study materials when it is convenient for him;

The user independently determines the frequency of lessons and the intensity of classes;

In order to get started, you need to have a device that supports the program, as well as access to the Internet.

Benefits of studying with a native Italian speaker obvious. However, much depends on the goals and objectives that the listener has set for himself. But in most cases, such communication with the carrier is effective. Lessons can be conducted individually or in groups. Italian online is a new approach to learning languages ​​that brings the necessary results in a short time!

Have you always wanted to learn Italian? Have you heard that it is the easiest of all European languages, so would you like to add it to your collection? Are you going to Italy and want to understand what people around you are saying? Yes, in the end – you just love this beautiful language! Then this is the place for you – Italian language courses via Skype.

What could be better than learning a foreign language with a native speaker, when you can’t even make a joke in Russian, because they won’t understand you and the joke will have to be translated. When even “hello” you have to say it in Italian, otherwise you will be considered impolite.

Our best Italian tutors on Skype

But you will be indignant: “How to start learning a language in such conditions, this is not suitable for beginners.” And you'll be right. Therefore, for beginners, a teacher who knows Russian is provided. You will be able to communicate with him in the way you are accustomed to. But you won't be able to learn an incorrect pronunciation or an outdated rule. will help with this too, because only an Italian knows exactly how to speak their native language correctly.

“Such courses are very expensive,” you say. To do this you need to go to Italy. And you will be wrong. There is another option - an Italian tutor on Skype. Just imagine your personal teacher from Italy, because in essence it will be exactly like this. You will be his only student, this is a distance analogue of individual lessons that are so valued. He will explain all the grammatical rules only to you, analyze only your mistakes and grade only your pronunciation. And if you don’t want to study alone, you can join the whole family in learning Italian.

And most importantly, you don’t have to go to Italy to practice your language, it’s already here. If one interlocutor is not enough for you - Skype does not limit the number of friends, please communicate for fun. Italian via Skype will also help overcome the so-called “language barrier”, because, unfortunately, it often happens that a person has been studying a foreign language for a long time and speaks it well, but is afraid to start speaking it. In this case, you will have to speak from the very beginning, so the fear of not being understood will pass without a trace.

An online Italian tutor will wait at a time convenient for you, regardless of whether you live in Moscow or Irkutsk. Moreover, your individual classes will take place at home, in a familiar and relaxed environment, you will not have to rush anywhere or be nervous, which is also not unimportant.

And as an addition, you can learn everything about this country and its emotional inhabitants, about delicious Italian food, wonderful literature and centuries-old culture. For those who are not used to being content with little, films in this language, radio, music, folk songs and fairy tales will be available - in general, everything your heart desires. Such methods of immersion in a language and its culture greatly help to quickly get used to foreign speech, begin to understand it, quickly translate and understand the meaning of the text.

– these are free consultations on the forum, an Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian dictionary, a phrasebook, transcriptions, idioms, sayings and much more.

Stop learning the language - get in touch with it, feel the Italian language, because only living speech will help you penetrate its depths. And you already know that the most suitable way for this is Italian via Skype.

The Italian language is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful, euphonious and melodic languages ​​in the world. It is the language of music, opera, art, poetry, architecture, cooking. It is spoken in sunny Italy, San Marino, and the Vatican. You can talk endlessly about the beauty and grace of Italy. Italy is the heir to the great Roman Empire, it is museums, it is the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, it is al dente spaghetti, pizza and tiramisu, it is Adriano Celentano and Tiziano Ferro, it is Blooming Florence, Refined Venice and Eternal Rome. Do you love this country and visit it often? Do you like Italian songs and want to know what they say? Are you planning to study or travel in Italy? Do you need Italian for work? Do you have many Italian friends? Or do you just like Italian? Thanks to our Italian for Beginners course...

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  • Business Italian from Skype-Language

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  • Features of the general language course

    Today, there are several programs and directions for learning Italian via Skype. The most common, perhaps, is the general Italian language course. This program involves comprehensive language teaching, focusing on the general features of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Thus, the curriculum will allow you to master all the necessary skills (vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension) in the shortest possible time.

    Familiarization with the general Italian language course will allow you to acquire a sufficient amount of knowledge for everyday communication at work or on vacation, as well as will enable you to achieve some goals:

    • Acquire speaking skills and pronunciation features;
    • Learn reading and writing;
    • Overcome difficulties in understanding;
    • Master the application of theoretical rules of grammar in practice;
    • Acquire a vocabulary that allows you to communicate freely and express your thoughts.

    A variety of methods used in lessons and developed in accordance with European standards will allow you to choose the most suitable option for everyone.

    for travelers

    To visit Italy means to be immersed in an incredibly rich and exciting history, to plunge into a world of unique emotions and sensations.

    However, before planning a vacation to Italy, it is worthwhile to stop learning Italian. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to have a vacation if the “language barrier” makes it difficult to order dinner or buy a ticket. To prevent this from happening, a travel course will allow you to quickly master the required amount of information, taking into account all the features and nuances of the trip.

    The communicative teaching method consists of mastering active vocabulary and the basics of grammar, learning through role-playing games and practicing standard life situations, and composing dialogues. Moreover, During the lesson, the student will be able to prepare for communication on the following topics:

    • Basic phrases for meeting people and communicating;
    • Travel, air travel, luggage;
    • Hotel, room reservation, check-in and check-out;
    • Visiting a restaurant, cafe;
    • Currency exchange, visiting a bank;
    • Health problems, hospital;
    • Traveling in public transport, taxi;
    • Order tickets by phone;
    • General questions about the city, location, searching for objects on the map, and so on.

    Conversational Italian on Skype, course features

    This course involves teaching students who have some basic knowledge of a foreign language.

    With a conversation course, you can acquire the skills necessary to conduct meaningful dialogue and increase conversation topics. The student will be able to expand his vocabulary and will be able to freely express his thoughts in Italian.

    Thus, among the prospects that open up to students of the conversation course, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

    • Development of confidence and meaningfulness of speech;
    • Ability to conduct constructive dialogue on a variety of topics;
    • Expansion of vocabulary;
    • Getting the most effective speaking practice, both with the teacher and with other students.

    Having examined these methods and training programs, I would like to dwell on the characteristics of the levels of knowledge of the Italian language:

    • The initial course (A1/Principianti) involves familiarization with the language, its elementary rules and lexical materials. At the end of the course, you will use the simplest expressions in speech, understand common phrases, be able to briefly tell about yourself, ask and answer simple questions;
    • The basic course (A2/Elementare) consists of intensive vocabulary replenishment and study of language grammar. After completing this program, you will be able to fluently conduct dialogue on general topics, comprehend by ear and read simple texts in Italian;
    • The course for advanced students (B1/Pre-intermedio) is based on improving speech and consolidating existing knowledge. So, after completing the program, you will be able to familiarize yourself with a wide range of topics (the culture and history of Italy, for example), expand your vocabulary, learn to apply theoretical rules of grammar in practice;
    • The course for the intermediate level (B2/Intermedio) consists of consolidating the material acquired at previous levels and putting theory into practice. At this stage, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the Italian language, which will bring your level of knowledge closer to perfection. Communication skills and conducting constructive dialogue on various topics are developed in a special way;
    • The advanced level (C1/Avanzato) allows you to understand information from any source, be it dialogue or books, films and television shows. You will feel confident in an Italian-speaking environment and will be able to successfully put your knowledge into practice. The knowledge gained at this stage will allow you to pass the international exam CILS 3;
    • The course of language proficiency in perfection (C2/Livello di padronanza) involves the complete consolidation of the entire volume of knowledge. At this stage, speech is improved and all grammatical rules are systematized. At the end of the course, the CILS 4 exam is taken, the successful completion of which gives the right to teach or engage in translation.