RGSU schedule of full-time and correspondence classes. Ifi rggu translation and translation studies

Full schedule of classes for the current semester in the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" (1-5 years), in the direction of "Applied Philology (Bachelor's Degree)" (1-4 years), in the master's direction "Philology, foreign languages, theory and practice of translation" (1-2 courses) can be found on the main page of the RSUH website:

Master's degree 1st year "Philology, foreign languages, theory and practice of translation" 2018-2019 academic year.

List of disciplines 1st semester

Compulsory disciplines

Current problems of literary criticism – 1st semester, exam, 3rd credit. units, 16 lectures (l.) 20 seminars (sem.).

Compulsory disciplines (variable part)

Translation and intercultural interaction – 1 semester, exam, 3 credits, 8 years, 28 semesters.

Philosophical concepts of translation – 1st semester, exam, 2 credits, 8 years, 16th semester.

History and methods of studying translation – 1 semester, credit, 2 credits. units , 8 l., 16 sem.

Elective courses KPV B1.V.DV.1 (1 of 2)

Practical translation course - first foreign language (consecutive interpreting): English - 1 semester, credit with assessment, 2 credits, 24 practical lessons.

*For M. Stroilova – classes on translation practice with French-1 will take place within the framework of French-2 classes

Elective courses KPV B1.V.DV.2 (1 of 2)

Translation of financial and economic texts – 1 semester, test with assessment, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

KPV B1.V.DV.3 (1 of 3)

Practical translation course - second foreign language: oral consecutive and simultaneous translation (Spanish). Part 1 – 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

Practical translation course - second foreign language: oral consecutive and simultaneous translation (German). Part 1 - 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

Practical translation course - second foreign language: oral consecutive and simultaneous translation (French). Part 1 - 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

KPV B1.V.DV.3 (1 of 3)

Practical translation course - second foreign language: written translation of texts of different types (Spanish). Part 1 – 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

Practical translation course - second foreign language: written translation of texts of various types (German). Part 1 - 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

Practical translation course - second foreign language: written translation of texts of different types (French). Part 1 - 1 semester, test, 2 credits. units, 24 hours pract.

*For A. Galitsyna – translation practice in Italian-2 will take place at the Russian-Italian Educational and Scientific Center

See the class schedule on the RSUH website: www.rsuh.ru

Stay tuned for changes!

Are you talented and ambitious? Full of ideas and desire to develop? Do you want to get a decent education that will open up many opportunities for you and help you become a good, highly paid specialist?..Then run away from the Russian State University for the Humanities and don’t look back.
Here, for a huge amount of money, they will instill in you an aversion to studying, play a polka on your nerves, make a mess in your head and turn you into an inert, tired of life and no longer wanting or understanding anything vegetable. This is the main stratum of the population of the Russian State University for the Humanities - vegetables with a taste of waste and bio-garbage. Maybe once these individuals had potential, a thirst for knowledge, dreams... Now, drowning in the swamp of degradation, they fill their heads with tons of useless and incoherent information, completely not understanding what they are spending their lives on and what to do with it further. They have no high goals, no understanding and meaning of life. They float with the flow, a dead gray mass, in the hope that a small cardboard square indicating a “higher” education will somehow increase their chance of getting a job. Their best prospect is shuffling papers in some office or frying cutlets in a diner. In the student employment department of the Russian State University for the Humanities, McDonald's and libraries are a priority.

The exception is the rare owners of bright minds who achieve success thanks to self-education or a disruptive character.

Corruption blooms and smells, shamelessly scattering its petals on the faces of students, covering the Doshirak broth on their cheeks.
Moving along the corridors and stairs of this Under-Hogwards, sometimes a convinced atheist involuntarily prays that the granite of knowledge does not fall from the ceiling of the crumbling university and crush his already depressed creature. Legend has it that if you look closely through one of the cracks in the wall, you can see Moses. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, among the local toilets, exuding grave cold and an equally grave stench, you can even notice the ghost of exciting student life and interesting events at the Russian State University for the Humanities...

There are no pluses here, but they still exist... Tasty and relatively inexpensive food in the canteen. Some really good teachers. Training good historians. Few, but they are being produced. Also, languages ​​are strong here. Perhaps that's all.

For the money that the Russian State University for the Humanities asks for, you can buy excellent courses, hire tutors and independently master almost any profession. Preserving self-esteem and nerve cells. If you want to get at least some kind of diploma, especially without straining yourself intellectually and with the opportunity to skip classes to your heart’s content, the Russian State University for the Humanities is waiting for you! You can show up once a year, have only C grades and retake subjects a bunch of times, you won’t be expelled as long as you pay.

Value your life, respect yourself and remember that life is too short to spend it on RSUH.