How long can a person live? Who wants to live? Generally accepted classification of risk factors

It is now generally accepted and considered normal that when a person lives a life of 70-80 years, 90 is already considered longevity. But how long should and can a person actually live, how long does his genetics allow? Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, great Russian physician, laureate Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine (1908) was absolutely sure that the natural duration human life is 140-150 years old, and death at 70-80 years old is undoubtedly violent. Alexander Bogomolets also agreed with him. In his “Etudes of Optimism” Metchnikoff pointed out that “in 1902 in Paris, out of 1000 deaths between 70 and 74 years, only 85 people died of old age. Most of the old people died from contagious diseases: pneumonia and consumption, from heart disease, kidney disease or cerebral hemorrhage.” Even the famous long-livers, the Englishman Thomas Parr (152 years old) and the Turk Zara Aga (156 years old), died not from age, but from disease (the first from pneumonia, the second from uremic coma caused by prostate disease). The famous medieval physician Paracelsus believed that a person could live 600 years. Albrecht von Haller and Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (scientists of the 18th century) considered the age of 200 years to be the limit of human life.

But in order to draw clear conclusions, it is necessary to turn to the facts, how long do real centenarians live, and how many of them are there on the planet! Li Qingyun was born in 1677 in Qijiangxiang, Sichuan Province. Most He spent his life in the mountains of Sichuan, collecting medicinal herbs and comprehending the secrets of longevity. In 1748, when Li Qingyun was 71 years old, he moved to Kaixian to join the Chinese army as a martial arts teacher and military advisor.

In 1927, Li Qingyun was invited to Wanxian to visit the governor of Sichuan, General Yang Sen. The general was delighted with Lee's youthfulness, strength and skill despite the latter's incredible age. During this visit, the famous photograph of the supercentenarian was taken. After this meeting, Li Qingyun returned to his native land and died 6 years later. There is a legend that before his death he told his friends, “I have done everything I had to do in this world. I’m going home” and then gave up the ghost.

After Li's death, General Yang Sen decided to find out the truth about his life and age. He made recordings that were later published. In 1933, people interviewed Lee's relatives and children. Some said that he had always been old, as long as they could remember, others said that he was friends with their grandfathers. Other most famous centenarians:

Zoltan Petridzh (Hungary) – 186 years old.

Peter Zortai (Hungary) – 185 years old (1539–1724).

Cantigern is the founder of Glasgow Abbey. Known as Saint Mungo. Lived 185 years.

Tense Abziva (Ossetia) – 180 years old.

Huddiye (Albania) – 170 years old. His offspring numbered 200.

Hancer Nine (Türkiye). Lived 169 years. Died in 1964.

Sayyad Abdul Mabud (Pakistan) – 159 years old.

Mahmud Bagir ogly Eyvazov (151 years old, 1808-1959) lived the longest in the USSR. A trademark was issued in his honor. Colombian Javier Pereira lived to be 169 years old, and in his honor, as well as in honor of the aforementioned citizen of the Soviet Union, his country issued postage stamp. A certain Jean Terel joined French army in the 17th century, and retired in the 19th century. It seems incredible: he served in the army for three centuries. So how long did he live? Not as little, although not about three hundred, as it might seem. Jean Terel was born in Dijon in 1684, and joined the army at the age of sixteen, in 1699, at the end of the century. Participated in more than a hundred battles. In 1777, when he was 93 years old, the king Louis XIV awarded the old servant the rank of captain. In 1802 (Terel was already 118 years old), Napoleon found out about him. Contrary to the reluctance of the long-lived veteran, he gave him an honorable discharge, assigning him an annual pension of 1,500 francs. Jean Terel died in 1807, at the one hundred and twenty-third year of his life. Interesting case describe English historians. In 1635 The peasant Thomas Parr came from the provinces to London to appear before King Charles as a miracle of longevity. Parr claimed that he had outlived nine kings and was 152 years old. In honor of the long-liver, the king threw a magnificent feast, after which Thomas Parr suddenly died. It was opened by a famous English doctor William Harvey, who discovered blood circulation. According to V. Harvey, Parr died of pneumonia, but, as legends say, the cause of his death was the rich treat at the king's table. Parr was buried with honors in Westminster Abbey. In 1654, Cardinal D'Armagnac, walking down the street, noticed an 80-year-old man crying. When the cardinal asked who had offended him, the old man replied that his father had beaten him. The cardinal decided to look at this man. He was presented with an old man, 113 years old, very vigorous for his age. “I beat my son,” said the old man, “for disrespecting my grandfather. He walked past him without bowing.” The cardinal also saw his 143-year-old grandfather. Another extremely interesting fact is that in Abkhazia, almost 3% of the population are centenarians, whose age exceeds 100 years. In 2000, there were an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 people in the United States aged 100 years or older. In Cuba, for the country's 11 million population, there are about 3 thousand people who have crossed the century mark. In Taiwan, as of October 2009, there were 1,223 people over 100 years of age living in the country. Europe - according to the French weekly Pouin, France currently leads Europe in the number of centenarians. There are 2,546 centenarians who are over 100 years old. Following France with a slight lag is Great Britain - 2,450 people, then Germany - 2,197 people. If we take percentage indicators, the number of centenarians per 100,000 people, then the championship here belongs to Greece (18%). Second and third places belong to Portugal (6.3%) and Denmark (6%). What about Russia? 200-300 years ago there were many centenarians in Russia. Now there are few of them in our country and in terms of life expectancy we occupy one of the last places in Europe. If you look into history, you can find quite a lot interesting facts about the centenarians of our country. Captain Margeret, who hired himself to serve Tsar Boris, in his book “The State Russian state"(1606) wrote with surprise: “Many Russians live to be 90-100 and 120 years old and only in old age are they familiar with diseases. With the exception of the king and the most important nobles, no one recognizes medicine. Feeling sick, a commoner usually drinks a good glass of vodka, pouring a charge of gunpowder into it, or mixing the drink with crushed garlic, and immediately goes to the bathhouse, where he sweats in extreme heat for two or three hours.”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his memoirs talks about a meeting with a 160-year-old Cossack, which took place in the steppes of the Orenburg region. The Cossack perfectly remembered the uprising of Stepan Razin (1667-1671), in which he himself took an active part.

Even now in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra you can find the graves of people distinguished by unusual longevity: the silent monk Patermufius, who died at the age of 126, the grave of the monk Abraham, who lived for 115 years, and the famous Elizabethan and Catherine hero, 107-year-old V. R. Shcheglovsky , exiled to Siberia by Potemkin out of jealousy.

At the beginning of our century, when the 100th anniversary of the defeat of Napoleon near Moscow was celebrated, the Russian press wrote about eyewitnesses and participants in the events of 1812 who continued to live and thrive in 1912 - 108-year-old sergeant-major Ivan Zorin, 111-year-old Nadezhda Surina, 139-year-old Rodion Medvedev.

Much available evidence suggests that in those distant times the population of Russia, due to its genotype, natural conditions And healthy eating had the opportunity to live healthy and long life, living to an unusually old age, and at the same time maintaining clarity of mind and peace of mind. And today's sad state of affairs is obviously the result of a completely unnatural, destructive way of life in an extremely aggressive artificially created habitat. In the photo - Li Qingyun, he has been here for more than 200 years.

Even in ancient times, people passionately dreamed of a long life and preservation in old age of the fullness of mental and physical strength. The medieval legend about Doctor Faustus, who, having sold his soul to the devil, received new youth, is an echo of the same, seemingly unrealizable dream. The relative shortness of life of the vast majority of people (60-70 years), the severe infirmities of old age - this is the evil against which the human mind has involuntarily rebelled at all times.

One of the founders of the science of longevity, I. I. Mechnikov, wrote: “Our desire to live is in conflict with the infirmities of old age and the brevity of life. This is the greatest disharmony human nature" At the same time, Mechnikov did not consider life extension to be a groundless dream. On the contrary, he argued that “human life has gone crazy halfway, and our old age is a disease that needs to be treated, like any other.”

More than half a century ago these words, full of scientific optimism, were written. Over the years, a new, rapidly developing industry has emerged science-age physiology and biochemistry (ontophysiology). In its development big role played a role in the research of a number of domestic biologists and physiologists - I. I. Mechnikov, I. P. Pavlov, A. A. Bogomolets, A. V. Nagorny, A. V. Palladin and others.

Indicators of average life expectancy in the world (history, statistics)

Life expectancy is determined by many, often still poorly understood, reasons. It mainly depends on social and biological factors.

Many researchers, based on large material came to the conclusion that death from normal physiological, rather than painful (pathological) old age is either extremely rare or does not occur at all.

Average life expectancy is not an indicator of all possibilities for longevity. This is also evidenced by the fact that with the growth of public hygiene, the development of medicine, and with the increase in the cultural level of the population, the average duration of human life increases.

IN Ancient Greece the average life expectancy of a person with constant epidemics and primitive damage to the development of medicine, with frequent wars between city-states (policies) even for free people(excluding slaves) was 29 years. Even lower, barely reaching 21, she was in Europe XVI century with its horrors of feudal fragmentation and wars, epidemics, social oppression and the tyranny of small and large feudal lords, the decline in the level of science.

In the 17th century, the average human life expectancy increased to 26 years, and in the 18th century it reached 34 years. Pastor's remarkable discoveries, the widespread introduction of vaccinations against many dangerous diseases, and the growth of sanitary culture led to an extension of human life by 8-10 years at once. These scientific successes in prolonging life, however, were reduced by the conditions of a class-antagonistic society.

IN Tsarist Russia The average life expectancy in 1896-1897 barely reached 32 years. After October, in 1926-1927, it immediately increased to 44 years; in 1958, life expectancy exceeded 68 years.

According to RIA-Novosti in 2015, average duration The life of Russians is 71 years!

Examples of longevity: names and ages of centenarians

Biological and medical sciences However, a lot of work still needs to be done to increase the human lifespan to 150 years, which I. I. Mechnikov spoke about.

Long-livers are people aged 90 years and older.(Wikipedia).

There are many known cases of long life expectancy individuals And examples of longevity. Some of them are given in the book by A.V. Nagorny “The Problem of Aging and Longevity” (1940), names of centenarians:

“Akhmedov Paul Akhmed from Dagestan was born in 1830. Shepherd. Quite healthy and cheerful. Retained an excellent memory. Remembers the war with Shamil. My wife is 99 years old...

Katau Khasa was born in 1820. Healthy and strong. Works. Youngest son 12 years old. On regional Olympiad amateur artist received an award as a good dancer...

Tishkin Vasily Sergeevich, born in 1806, died in 1951, having lived to 145 years. He was a fisherman in the Caspian Sea for 30 years and a cooper for 80 years. Until his death he remained able to work and worked more than 200 workdays in the year before his death. V. S. Tishkin’s father died at the age of 137 years, his mother - 117 years ...

Titov Ilya Gavrilovich was born in 1800 and was, therefore, a contemporary of A.S. Pushkin. He served as a soldier under Nicholas and then worked for many decades as a cemetery watchman in the resort town of Essentuki. He died in 1949, having reached the age of 149. While still vigorous, he fell ill with an acute, untimely recognized gastrointestinal disease (he sought medical help late, since he had not been ill all his life), from which he died.”

According to Mechnikov, in Georgia in 1904 (near Gori) there lived an Ossetian Tense Abalva, whose age was estimated at 180 years. She could still do sewing and housework.

In the village of Merzhay-Beram, Chuzhichinsky village council, Ach-khoy-Martakovsky district, Grozny region, in 1940 lived Khazitov Arsgiri, who was 180 years old. The greatest longevity was achieved by the Englishman Thomas Carne, who was born in 1588 and died in 1795, i.e., having lived 207 years.

Is it possible to increase human life expectancy?

Surveys of centenarians (macrobiots, that is, whose life expectancy exceeds 90 years) lead to important age physiology conclusions.

A study of the living conditions of macrobiots shows that even in the most seemingly unfavorable conditions a person can reach a very old age. In this regard, the biography of the Dane Chr. J. Drakekberg (born in 1626, died in 1772). Until the age of 91 he served as a sailor in harsh conditions work on sailing ships. He spent 13 years in Turkish captivity, was a galley rower, performing truly hard labor. At the age of 111 he married a 60-year-old woman, but soon became a widower and at the age of 130 he was going to marry a young peasant woman. Lived to be 146 years old.

Almost without exception, long-livers are less susceptible to disease and rarely get sick. They are distinguished by their cheerful character and the absence of gloomy, decadent moods. Thus, 140-year-old Tlabagan Ketsba said during an examination by a commission of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR: “I was always cheerful, calm, and at weddings no one but me was chosen as toastmaster.”

Longevity is associated with a moderate life, full of work and reasonable rest. Even X. Gufelyand (XVIII century) argued that “not a single lazy person has achieved old age; all those who achieved it led a very active lifestyle.” This is closely related to the pattern established in the laboratories of A.V. Nagorny: hard-working body tissues are renewed and restored faster.

In light of this, it becomes clear how great the importance of physical labor (especially in the fresh air), physical education, walking, etc. is for longevity and full self-renewal of our body. It should be recalled that mild and moderate heart disease is treated not only with rest, but also with moderate functional stress.

Observations of long-livers have shown that, in addition to pathological (painful) old age, normal, physiological old age, which I. I. Mechnikov and A. A. Bogomolets dreamed about so much, is already occurring. Such old age is accompanied by a gradual, harmonious attenuation of life processes, a decrease in costs for the body’s secondary needs, a slow weakening of muscles and their relatively not very deep senile degeneration (atrophy) with an even greater usefulness of the nervous system.

Life expectancy is determined by many of the hereditarily transmitted characteristics of the body. In longevity important role the conditions of a person’s individual life play, layering and “overlapping” hereditary influences. But there is still some relationship between the life expectancy of parents and children.

With the disappearance of diseases, life expectancy will increase immeasurably, not only because they will disappear premature deaths from them, but also because these diseases will not leave their heavy mark on the vitality of the body.

A very important prerequisite for longevity is proper work, harmonious education from childhood, correct formation all systems of the child's body.

Already the research of C. S. Minot has led to a seemingly paradoxical conclusion: we change (“grow old”) most quickly in our youth. Exactly at early childhood the foundations of increased or decreased viability are laid, the greatest biochemical changes occur in tissues, which play a primary role in subsequent age-related changes body. Full physical education and hardening of children, proper nutrition, normal formation childish character- all these are important prerequisites for longevity.

I would like to think that human life expectancy will increase in the future and most people will be able to reach the age of centenarians, when one of the greatest disharmonies of human life - its brevity and decrepitude of old age - will disappear. Science is working in this direction.

From an old magazine from USSR times.

How long can a person live? Seventy, eighty years? According to the calculations of biologists, the lifespan of any organism can range from 7 to 14 periods of time during which this organism reaches maturity. A person reaches maturity at 20-25 years old, therefore, his life could last up to 280 years. Some gerontologists believe that a person can live longer.

For example, Dr. Christopherson from London expressed the following idea: “A person can live 300, 400 or even 1000 years if his body is provided with all the substances necessary for life.” This opinion was also shared by the famous English naturalist Roger Bacon, who studied the problems of longevity: the normal human lifespan is 1000 years.

How can you calculate how long you have left to live?

The test was developed by Canadian scientists. The age of 76 years was taken as the reporting point. When answering questions, add or subtract from this number corresponding number years. The result is a forecast of your life expectancy.

You are a man -3 Do you play sports:
You are a woman 4 a) 5 times a week for 30 minutes 4
Live in a city with 1 million inhabitants -2 b) 2-3 times a week 2
Live in a city with less than 1 million inhabitants 2 Sleep >10 hours daily -4
One of the grandparents lived to be 85 years old or > 2 Irritable and prone to aggression -3
All grandparents lived to be 80 years old 6 Calm, self-possessed character 3
One parent died before age 50 from a heart attack or stroke -4 Do you consider yourself happy? 1
One of the parents under the age of 50 developed cancer, had heart problems, or had diabetes since childhood -3 Do you consider yourself unlucky? -2
Earn more than 50,000 per year -2 This year we were fined for speeding -1
Complete secondary education 1 Smoke per day:
Higher education 2 a) more than 2 packs of cigarettes -8
Over 65 years old, but still working 3 b) from 1 to 2 packs of cigarettes -6
Have a family 5 c) from half to a whole pack of cigarettes -3
You live alone (alone) -3 Drink more than one glass of beer or glass of wine a day
Age from 30 to 50 years 2 Your excess weight is:
Age from 51 to 70 years 4 a) more than 20 kg -8
You work primarily at a desk -3 b) from 15 to 20 kg -4
Engaged in physical labor 3 c) from 5 to 15 kg -2
Get a full medical examination once a year 2

First of all, it should be considered that it is not unusual to live to be 180 years old. Scientists say that protoplasm does not contain anything that could age. And, as you know, the human body consists of protoplasm. There is protoplasm, which is called Paramecium Aurelia (immortal protoplasm). In 1911, L. Woodroof and R. Erdman began to explore it. By 1928, 8,000 generations of this protoplasm had been recorded, and it did not change, there were no signs of destruction or aging. There are many long-livers in nature. An orange tree planted by Eleanor of Castile grows in the greenhouse of the Palace of Versailles. In Mexico there is a cypress tree that is contemporary with Cortez. Baobabs growing in African savannas reach an age of 5,000 years. Some fish (carp, pike), as well as animals such as wild boar, live about 300 years; turtles - several centuries; monkeys, swans, some types of parrots - 100 years.

As for people, then, according to Old Testament, Methuselah almost reached the limit of longevity determined by Dr. Christofferson - he died at the age of 969 years. Joseph lived 110 years, Sarah - 127, Abraham - 175, Moses - 120. The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that dying at 70 was almost the same as dying in the cradle. According to ancient Greek writers and historians, the life expectancy of the Pelasgians was at least 200 years. At the same time, until the end of their days they retained vitality and their hair did not turn gray.

Some interesting examples from history. Midwife, cared for Maria Henrietta, wife of Charles I, lived 103 years. In 1500, a man named Jenkins was born in Yorkshire and lived to be 170 years old. Thomas Parr, born in London in 1588, died aged 152. Known record married life(147 years), three years were not enough to celebrate the third golden wedding. The husband lived 173 years, the wife - 184 years. They say that at the age of 150 these people looked like 50 years old. In the 60s of the 20th century, a man named Seyd Ali, 195 years old, lived in an Iranian village. According to him, he got married in 1790. His eldest son died young - 120 years old, but Ali has four more children: two sons (105 and 90 years old) and two daughters (110 and 80 years old). Seyd Ali saves vital activity, he has excellent eyesight. There are cases where a 75-year-old woman gives dance lessons. She is as flexible as a 20-year-old girl, but she looks no more than forty. Her body is elastic, there are no wrinkles on her face, there is no gray hair, her teeth are beautiful and perfectly preserved. A woman, slim, fit and active. At the age of 85, he has a wonderful figure and light brown hair. I have received three marriage proposals, but I am still single because I am in no hurry to do so. final choice. Miss Marion Jones wrote her autobiography when she was 100 years old. At the same time, neighbors began to complain about the noise in her apartment created by big amount guests. In order not to disturb the peace of her neighbors, Miss Jones moved to new apartment, where she could have fun without disturbing anyone. There is nothing strange in the fact that a person can live his full biological life. People who succeed in this do not lose their minds and do not become helpless.

I returned home from one anniversary and could not sleep for a long time, remembering the previous evening. “Your life is up to a hundred years!” - they wished the hero of the day. He smiled gratefully, but clearly did not believe that this was possible. “I wish I could make it to seventy,” he said quietly, so as not to disturb the solemnity of the moment.

I have often thought about why we limit ourselves so much in our desire to live. Is a hundred years really such an unattainable figure?

It must be said that there is no scientific systematic recording of centenarians in the world. Even in the Guinness Book of Records, the article on life expectancy is accompanied by a note that no other section of statistics contains so many inaccuracies. However, the scant information that exists on this matter gives reason for optimism.

There are tens of thousands of people in the world who have crossed the century mark. The United States ranks first in the number of centenarians, with more than 54 thousand people over one hundred years old. In Japan, 3 thousand residents are registered who have crossed this threshold, slightly less than in Vietnam. In Europe, France holds the lead, where more than 2.5 thousand people celebrated their centenary. The UK is slightly behind, followed by Germany.

What about Russia? Alas, we are one of the last in Europe in terms of life expectancy. If our ancestors knew about this, they would be very surprised. Living a hundred years in Rus' was considered common. It is not for nothing that the Slavs called the century “the century of human life.” But even today there are long-livers in Russia.

When the conversation turns to “exorbitant” age, the question arises: “How many years can a person live?”

The record holder for longevity is the Chinese Li Chuang-yan, who lived 253 years - he was born in 1680 and died in 1933. Hungarian Zoltán Petraž lived 186 years, and his compatriot Petr Zortai lived a year less. The founder of Glasgow Abbey, Lord Cantigern, has died aged 185. And the leader of one of the Pakistani tribes named Mohammed Afzia lived to be 180 years old.

In the USSR, according to the 1970 census, the oldest people lived in Azerbaijan. These are Sh. Muslimoe, who was 164 years old, Sh. Gazanov - 153 years old, and G. Gazalov - 145 years old. Azerbaijan continues to maintain the tradition of longevity. Last year, a man who lived there for 168 years died there.

Gerontological scientists are convinced that a person can live up to 200 years, and not just live out his life, but work fully, love, and give birth to children. Abkhazian friends told me about their fellow countryman who got married in last time when he turned one hundred years old. He had a son, and he managed to raise him, living to be 140 years old. And in Abkhazia there is even a museum where information is collected about all the long-livers of the republic who died at the age of 140-160 years. Almost all of them lived in mountain villages.

Mountain villages are a special world. Mamalyga, suluguni, vegetables, fruits and herbs - that’s all the simple food of the mountaineers every day. Meat food is also eaten here, but not often - when guests come. On holidays they drink natural grape wine. Highlanders get up with the first rays of the sun and work 14-16 hours a day. Life away from the hustle and bustle big cities, clean mountain air and physical labor create that very unity of man with nature, without which the “thread of life” is lost.

And yet, in big cities there are also long-livers. I had the chance to meet one of them two years ago. This is the Moscow artist Igor Konstantinovich Zinoviev. He is now 105 years old.

He lives in a small apartment and travels by public transport. He was lucky enough to talk with Leo Tolstoy and study painting with Polenov. Igor Konstantinovich doesn’t look like the elder at all. This is an energetic, fit man. During one of the meetings, I inquired about his lifestyle, believing that this was the reason for his longevity.

Zinoviev's daily routine has not changed for many years. He gets up at seven in the morning and immediately gets down to business. According to Igor Konstantinovich, nature taught him this. The morning cannot start later or the sun can set earlier. In addition, he was physically active all his life.

My morning work-out“, - says Igor Konstantinovich, - even now, at one hundred and five years old, it lasts, depending on how you feel, from thirty to forty minutes. And the main criterion for assessing well-being for me is pleasure. Having finished the gymnastics, after a short rest I always do acupressure massage of the arms and legs, and three times a week I also massage the head and face. Then I take a warm shower. I believe that in old age cold water not very useful. Millions of people usually complete their morning preparations for an active day with a shower. I get down to business only after standing on my head, in which I remain for at least five minutes.

Out of a hundred people, maybe only one in five will agree to stand on their heads. Of these, perhaps one in ten does this regularly. Igor Konstantinovich stands on his head every day. And this at the age of 105. Zinoviev began training in his youth and does not change this habit, because he is convinced that headstand is an excellent prevention of stroke and other diseases associated with the blood vessels of the brain.

Igor Konstantinovich eats very simply - vegetables, dairy products, black bread, porridge. He practically doesn’t eat meat, doesn’t drink tea or coffee, preferring herbal infusions. She especially loves the infusion of currant leaves, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries and mint.

There is so much talk about the dangers of smoking, but smokers continue to smoke. Looking at a youthful 105-year-old man who has not taken a single puff in his entire life, you begin to understand that you need to say goodbye to this bad habit once and for all. But Igor Konstantinovich loves to drink a little and does not hide it. We drank a glass of Smirnovka to his health.

It is generally accepted that a person's character largely determines his life position, affects success in business, affects health and, as a result, life expectancy. Igor Konstantinovich is an organized person, strong-willed. How, for example, do most retirees spend their leisure time? Some people like to sleep or read while lying down, others can’t tear themselves away from the TV, and still others sit for hours in the clinic. Zinoviev has been at the easel since early morning, but even while doing his favorite thing, he does not stand still, tries to move, even dances slightly.

Many people shorten their lives by being weak-willed. By moving little and avoiding physical activity, they give their muscles and organs the opportunity to become decrepit ahead of time. Zinoviev always lived “in spite of”. Contrary to life circumstances, difficulties, desire to pamper yourself.

If Igor Konstantinovich does not want to go to the bakery, he will definitely go there. If it's hard to climb the stairs, you won't wait for the elevator. Let him slowly, but he will rise to the ninth floor on foot. There seems to be nothing special about this, but who does the same? Which of the elderly and even young people would climb to the ninth floor for training? Igor Konstantinovich has been doing this for many years.

TO modern medicine he is somewhat skeptical and, unlike most older people, does not rush to see doctors for any reason, relying more on his everyday experience and some knowledge in folk medicine. Igor Konstantinovich remembers and approves of the tradition of family doctors who knew their patients from childhood. On his rare visits to the clinic, doctors, looking at the medical record, are first speechless, and then usually ask questions on a burning topic: how to live long?

Zinoviev also does not like to resort to medications. For headaches, massage and smell essential oils. For a runny nose, inhales streptocide, ground into powder. And when he presses his heart, he rubs the little fingers of both hands for a long time and carefully, massaging the points at the base of the nail phalanges until it hurts.

Those interested in gerontology argue that centenarians usually work until the very end of their lives. For Zinoviev there is no life without his favorite work. Not long ago he worked on a project for the reconstruction of the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate near Moscow. Now he writes old Moscow for Historical Museum. Just imagine: Igor Konstantinovich remembers what the capital was like at the end of the last century!

Ignat Smirnov

A man, but his path is still closed. But why not prolong the pleasure? We do not propose to deceive nature. On the contrary, we need to cooperate with her, listen, and then she will allow us to enjoy earthly life longer.

How many years does a person live

Almost everyone is interested in how long a person lives? How to achieve the maximum possible duration active phase your life and not fade over time? Everything is individual and depends on a number of factors.

Some people's health allows them to live to be a hundred years old, while others die at forty. If we talk about averaged figures, then in in this case there will be a division into categories according to geographical basis, after all climatic conditions, economic level and life conditions different everywhere.

The same plants do not grow in different areas. In some there are many nutrients and due to this local population blooms and smells for many years. And someone is forced to be content with food that contains a lot chemical substances who are not the most in the best possible way affect health status. If we compare how many people live in cities and how many in close proximity with wildlife, the inevitable jump in numbers will also be evident.

Environmental influence

IN European states where capitalism reigns - such as Italy, France, England, plus the USA - the picture is not the most positive. Despite the high technological development of these countries, people in them die already at the age of forty in overwhelming numbers. Medieval, one might say, numbers. Evolution has brought us far ahead in technology, but what's the point if you can't stop and enjoy the world a little longer?

How many years does a person live in normal conditions? By modern standards, this should be an average of 75 years. So what led to such a rapid mortality rate? Our living environment directly affects our health. How long do people live in the so-called developed countries, we already see. Perhaps they were developing in the wrong direction.

How many people live under constant control and pressure, being a cog in the capitalist system?

An integral condition for a long life is peace of mind, the absence of fears and anxieties, which our time and society obviously lack. Working for unloved job, devoting all his strength to a cause that is contrary to the soul, being in poverty, a person simply cannot live long. Not to mention epidemics and military operations.

Modern medicine boasts that it has learned to cure many diseases of past centuries. And how long do people live? Much longer? A great achievement against the background of the emergence of new epidemics, such as AIDS. The icing on this sweet cake is that some diseases are discovered by scientists themselves. In such conditions it is simply impossible to live to be a hundred years old.

Probably everyone has heard that the overwhelming number of diseases stem from nervous disorders. Nowadays, excellent soil is created for this kind of weeds, which is fertilized painstakingly and with care. The media is full of negativity, the news spreads panic and anxiety. Therefore, you understand perfectly well how long the average person lives, whose nerves are like a taut cable along which an electric current scurries.

Advantages of the socialist order for life expectancy

During the reign of the socialist system, citizens lived much longer. Let's figure out how long people live under this regime of power and why this is so.

The laws and morals of socialism go against the exploitation of humanity. The likelihood of crises is excluded, because the cause of any socio-economic unrest is precisely social inequality. Every person has the opportunity to earn money, everyone will find a use for it natural abilities. There is also no need for war.

After the victory that ended the fight for socialism, a decree was established promoting peace. The USSR government carried out a peaceful foreign policy, helped developing countries, contributed to the unity of people within their own state. The Soviet Union really had bright ideas, which, if properly implemented, would have resulted in a happy nation. How long do people live when there is peace in their hearts, when the emphasis is on positivity and not on threats and panic? Obviously it's a long time.

in Japan

In matters of longevity, it is worth paying attention to Japan and thinking about what exactly gives its residents the opportunity to live somewhat longer than in a number of other countries. How many days does a person live in the Middle Kingdom? Definitely more than a European or a Slav.

At one time, 50,000 people were counted who were over a hundred years old in this amazing country. The UN claims that in the middle of this century these indicators will double. Today, the oldest resident of Japan is 115 years old. Kimura Ddiroemon is the oldest not only in the country, but throughout the world.

Women live longer

Wide known fact is that the fair sex clings to the earth more tightly and does not want to leave it longer than men. 90% of centenarians in Japan are ladies. Of the 2,900 souls of the population, at least one in this amazing country has lived on earth for over a hundred years.

Can the West boast of such indicators? Long years provides Fresh air and Okinawa. The incentive for a long life is not only the pleasure of being part of our magnificent world, but also gifts from the authorities to long-livers; they are honored and taken care of, trying to increase their number.

In other countries

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain the results are slightly worse, but the country takes pride of place in the ranking. 9 thousand people have lived here for more than 100 years. As we mentioned earlier, in Europe the rates are indeed much lower than in the East.

How to live longer?

If we take into account the Japanese standard, it is worth mentioning that such a favorable picture was not always observed. Medieval standards were also applied to this country. People lived on average to only 40 years.

In the second half of the last century, a breakthrough occurred, as a result of which the situation changed radically. The point here is the Japanese diet. They eat seafood: fluoride, soy, and iodine enter the body, strengthening bones and preventing heart disease from developing.

Do you want to live as long as the Japanese? Drink green tea. Of course, this wonderful drink alone will not be enough, but it can lay a brick in the wall that protects you from impending old age. Metabolism becomes faster.

Unlike Europe and America, there are no fat people in Japan. Excess weight has a detrimental effect on health and literally drags a person into the ground. Gastronomic excesses are not typical for the Land of the Rising Sun.

Cold and sport are friends of the body

Let's move to I think you've heard the phrase that a person is better preserved in the cold. That's clear example. People here live on average 70-80 years. And all because a lot of fish products are consumed as food. It contains the necessary for human body fat along with protein. Thus, a sufficient amount of useful substances enters the heart, joints and blood vessels.

These countries also actively promote sports. More than two-thirds regularly exercise and strengthen their bodies through a variety of sporting activities.

Take care of yourself, appreciate yourself. After all, life is so beautiful and flies by so quickly that you should give yourself only the best. It is then that you will feel good both physically and mentally, and live long and with pleasure.