Is the date of death inevitable? Is it possible to avoid premature death?


The fear of death is the strongest in the entire range of fears that accompany the life of every person. Therefore, people have always been interested in the question: is it possible to somehow delay the onset of death? Are prayers, medications, nutrition systems, physical exercises or any special practices capable of this? Is the date of death an inevitable predetermination or a point that can be moved along the line of life?

The question is philosophical and there are as many answers to it as there are philosophers. The range of opinions is very wide: from “man is the architect of his own destiny” to “everything is destined and you cannot escape fate.”

Of course, while working on a big book about fate, happiness and the meaning of life (), we could not ignore this issue and took the following position in it:

“...the lifespan is a program point and is outside the corridor of the will. Both prayers and medicines will be useless to change it. To prove this, we cited sessions of regressive hypnosis, clairvoyant predictions and various stories from people’s lives, confirming information from the Subtle World...

Many people live with a feeling of guilt for the death of a loved one or with the idea that someone else is to blame for this death: they did not look after them, they loved them little, they cared for them poorly, they treated them incorrectly, etc.

Since time immemorial, people have been looking for means to prolong life: the philosopher's stone, the elixir of youth, longevity pills. Many people have spent their entire lives searching for means that will grant immortality or at least longevity.

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that most of humanity is gripped by the desire to prolong their life and the fear of losing it prematurely. And with such feelings, life itself becomes qualitatively worse.

Therefore, let us emphasize not simple thought, but the Truth: a person’s life span is measured before his first breath and is not subject to revision under any circumstances.

Let's remember again clairvoyant Vanga. Often she “saw” the imminent death of her visitors. Knowing well that nothing could be changed, Vanga sometimes tried to do it, and warned the person about the fateful day and hour for him. But even with such information, all attempts by people to avoid death were unsuccessful.

Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the famous prophetess, wrote the book “The Truth about Vanga”, in which she gives the following dialogue:

If it so happens that you see an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do anything to avoid misfortune?

No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

And if troubles or even a disaster threaten an entire city or state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

It's useless.

“The Washington Pythia,” as Jane Dixon was called in the United States, accurately predicted the dates of death of many prominent figures - Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi and John Dulles (US Secretary of State), Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Iraqi King Faisal and Secretary General UN Dag Hammerskjöld, Apollo 1 astronauts- Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee (seven days before their death during the tests), and many other lesser-known personalities. In some cases, she indicated the specific circumstances under which death would occur. The clairvoyant did not hide her visions and even tried to save many from death by passing on her information to them, but everything turned out to be in vain: everyone died exactly then and as predicted.

Nemtsov also had his own oracle.Here's what the World News agency reports about it:

“An interview with the former secretary of Boris Nemtsov, who was killed on Friday evening, appeared in the media. A woman who worked with the politician for many years said that his death was predicted by a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” several years ago.
According to the former secretary, Nemtsov was always interested in all kinds of clairvoyants, psychics and other sorcerers. “He, like any sane person, of course did not believe in them,” she said. - Moreover, I have always been in favor of any initiatives to ban alternative medicine and other magic. But whenever possible - for example, when I encountered psychics on the set or at some event, I did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes and ask about my fate - but not seriously, as if as a joke.”
A few years ago, Boris Nemtsov met Alexander Agapit, a participant in the 4th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” at the television center, who himself approached the politician and warned that he would not die “a natural death in 2015.”
Nemtsov laughed and clarified what “not by his own death” meant, to which he was told: “because of a woman.”
It is premature to talk about those who ordered the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but according to one version of the investigation, the murder could have been committed by a killer hired by the former lover of Anna Duritskaya - the same fashion model who left him for Nemtsov, who, as has already been established and officially announced, did some time ago abortion from Nemtsov and who was with him at the time of his death.
By the way, this version is also supported by the fact that the killer’s bullets (they shot at the politician 7-8 times) did not hit the girl.” (World of news)

For many years we have been collecting stories about incredible rescues and ridiculous deaths. Today, a thick book can be compiled from them and they all confirm the Truth:for outwardly ridiculous or incredible events there is a Plan of earthly life with the date of its end written in it. If “the hour has struck,” nothing will stop death, and if it has not struck, no circumstances will lead to death.

The great French scientist Pierre Curie, laureate Nobel Prize in physics, once wrote down in his diary the prediction he received of “death from the crew.” He accompanied this prediction with the following comment: “Of course, I couldn’t believe it. My mind does not allow me to believe in such absurdities.” But on a rainy day on April 19, 1906, “absurdities” still happened: while crossing the street, Pierre Curie slipped on the wet road and fell, and a passing carriage crushed his head with its wheel.”

We will not retell in detail the contents of Chapter 8, from which the above lines are taken (almost all visitors to our site are well acquainted with this book), but we will jump straight to the news that has excited the public in many countries - the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

“Who killed?”, “Why?”, “For what?” “Who benefits?”... The Internet is replete with versions, conjectures, assumptions, statements... The only thing that hasn’t been voiced is simple truth: “The hour has struck.” Everything else - customers, inspirers, directors, performers, circumstances - are just details of the painting “The Death of Nemtsov,” written before his birth.

Of course, now investigators will intensively search (and will find, of course!) logical explanations for Nemtsov’s death - fortunately, there are enough witnesses and specialists in the investigation of such cases. Surely they will put forward and prove a version that is understandable and convincing both for the court and for the average person.

And few people will understand that it’s just overa chain of cause-and-effect relationships that stretched from the date of birth of Boris Nemtsov, and on the evening of February 27 he set off across the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge not for a walk, but towards his death. “Annushka has already spilled oil” (Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”) and this event, already recorded in the Akashic Chronicles, manifested itself in our reality.

Is it possible to change the date of death?

This issue has already been discussed several times, and, nevertheless, it was covered very fragmentarily. Firstly, who is subject to such an action? Most likely you mean yourself. Secondly, if by date we mean a point vital (that is, a situation in which death does not occur from natural (aging of the protein system) or obvious (illness, hunger, thirst) reasons) moment, and by death we mean the end of the existence of the physical body, and this is exactly what you usually mean when asking us about death, then, in principle, it is possible to change this moment.

But this does not mean that this can happen all the time and that there is a certain mechanism that allows one to constantly avoid the pattern of event series.

So, let's pay attention to the event series. Any event, as has been said more than once, develops with signs. That is, it does not happen “by itself,” but has reasons. It is the same with the vital moment, at which the “physical” death of the human protein body occurs. One way or another, the reasons for the occurrence of this moment have their own patterns. It is on the knowledge of these patterns and the possibility of changing them that the mechanism for correcting the series of events that leads a person to an unexpected lethal ending is based.

How can a person change the date of his death? Just follow the known and basic rules. “Don’t cross the road at a red light”, “Don’t stand under an arrow”, “Don’t get in - it’ll kill you” - the most famous and intelligible safety slogans, from many of which a person constantly uses and... continues to live. It's up to you to judge whether this changes the date of someone's death? These rules are certain signs, fruits sad experience͵ which a person arranges for himself. And if he follows or ignores these signs, then the probability of the occurrence of a vital moment changes one way or another.

Everything that has been said is illustrated visually for you general principles operation of the mechanism to prevent the moment of death. Signs (situational signs) always exist, but you do not always notice them properly.

In order for a person to effectively not only perceive event signs, but also be able to use them, he must be connected to Information Field Earth (within the framework of which issues relating to his life and death are “considered”) and be in constant “connection” with his Patron.

You must realize that correction of event chains in order to change the spatial position of the physical body based on the chosen probabilistic position is possible. It is assumed that a person who is aware of the extreme importance of his own safety or the preservation of the life of his fellow man has the following skills:

1. Have the ability to make an effective probabilistic assessment of the surrounding reality.

2. At maximum possible extent reflect the probabilistic scheme of the Universe (know how everything works).

3. Be aware of the conditions for the possibility of “bypassing” or avoiding certain reference points at which the danger of the existence of one’s own physical body is critical, as well as neutralize some energetic influences.

4. Critically analyze probabilistic assessments of ongoing phenomena.

To answer the current question, I will limit myself to the following.

A person, in order to “survive” at some critical reference point (reference points are marks on which the observation scale is based - approx. qsec) of his life process, must himself become the initiator of the generation of some control signal to change certain event chains leading to fatal outcome for him or anyone else.

In most cases, as a result of the receipt of such a signal, a mismatch will occur in the previous dependency diagram and a new scheme, excluding the possibility of threats to the considered human life. It's not that simple. And there are quite a lot of conditions for such a mechanism to work, but it is within your power.

The methods for generating such a control signal are varied, but the basis of any of them is a fairly powerful energy message from the Hierarch, who general scheme The Hierarchy of Metacosmos occupies a relatively low level of subordination of planetary bases, but sufficient for such actions. For this reason, your volitional or emotional effort does not require a response far in the Metacosmos. They will “hear” you, “understand” and help you. But it is a purposeful effort, and not just an intention to survive, that must be properly realized, otherwise the desire will remain only in your consciousness.

Analyze the behavior of people in critical situations, see what qualities appear in a person who wants to live, what strength he gains by “collecting himself” under the threat of death. Not everyone, not always, not everywhere, but there is one reason - some were able to do it, and some were not. But there are situations when a person has long passed the point of no return, which we talked about in the previous dialogue, and here it is too late to ask for help and calling for the attention of the Patron is useless.

Understanding the further logic of your intentions to understand the topic, I will say that

Yes, the variability of the Universe presupposes the possibility of adjusting event processes and preventing contract killings and disasters.

The energy message in such cases must be developed by a person initiated into the corresponding “algorithms” with the permission of his Leader. (At this point, you need to pay attention to the fact that the Patron named the Leader, and not the Patron - ed.)

Is it possible to change the date of death? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Is it possible to change the date of death?" 2017, 2018.


>Very often, after the death of loved ones, what prevents us from returning to normal life is not only the pain of loss as such, but also the feeling of guilt that haunts us. Almost everyone without exception goes through this - it seems that we did not do everything we could to prevent this death, or that we did not behave well enough towards the deceased during his lifetime, were bad daughters, wives, sisters, that we could treat the deceased better, show him more attention, take care of him more, and then he would be alive...

The feeling of guilt, on the one hand, is quite natural, because it goes back to childhood. On the other hand, there is no feeling more harmful and more unfair to oneself. As adults, we can understand the falsity of our ideas about our own guilt. After all, the truth is that in fact we are not to blame for anything!

Life and death are two phenomena that probably only God can truly control. No mere mortal simply has the power to influence in any way such an event as the death of another person.

After all, a person’s death does not come just like that, out of the blue. This only happens in bad detective stories. In life, everything is completely different. The reasons for a person's death are always great and serious - although they are often not obvious.

So, if the reasons for death have already matured within the person himself, then another person, be it you or someone else, does not have such power to add to them some other decisive, fatal reason from which he will die. No, you do not have such power - and your influence on this person is no longer able to change anything.

Therefore, now all you have to do is come to terms with it and get rid of the unjustified feeling of guilt, which has no real basis and which completely needlessly ruins your life.

"Getting rid of guilt"

Find an hour when no one will disturb you. Sit in a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to relax. Think about the deceased, remember him, imagine him in front of you as vividly as possible. Remember how you treated this person when he was alive, what you felt and thought when he died. You will feel some painful memories and sensations come up. Gently, calmly, without aggression or anger towards yourself, without self-blame, ask yourself the question: were you really somehow responsible for the death of this person? Take your time with the answer, wait until it appears as if by itself, rises to the surface of your consciousness.

If it turns out that you feel some kind of guilt, your responsibility for the death of this person, remember again all the circumstances of his departure. Now mentally talk to yourself - as if the adult part of you is talking to the child part. Yes, talk to yourself the way an adult talks to a child. Ask yourself: did you really think badly of this person, did you wish him death? Even if it turns out that this is so, do you really think that your thoughts have such power that they are capable of killing? Do you really think that you could make a person sick, that you caused him to get cancer, that you were the reason that he had a heart attack? If it happened that your loved one committed suicide, explain to your childish part that his death occurred because deep down in his soul he did not love, even hated himself, and not because what happened before his death -events that could provoke death. No, these events have nothing to do with it, the reason was ready long before them! Just like the cause of any death was ready long before those events, or your words, or your behavior, which, as it seems to you, could provoke a sad outcome. No, it would have happened anyway. Even if you quarreled the day before, one single quarrel cannot cause death. He did not die because of this; the reasons for his death matured much earlier. Explain all this to yourself as an adult explains to a child.

Now imagine this person again, think about his life. Did you really have such a gigantic, inhuman influence on him that he could even die because of you? Are you exaggerating your capabilities? Do you think someone could force you to die - would you really allow someone to take such enormous power over you?

Convince the childish part of your soul that no one can be to blame for the death of another - convince until you feel that the feeling of guilt recedes and your mind and your soul calm down.

For some reason, it is sometimes believed that it is better to avoid grief in silence - many are afraid that such conversations will only cause unnecessary pain to the grieving person. In fact, a person grieving a loss needs such conversations very much. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to talk about the deceased, to remember him. For this purpose, you can even specially gather guests - those who knew the deceased closely - and organize an evening of remembrance: talk about him, remember all the good things that were connected with him, and if necessary, even the bad ones, there is no need to be afraid of this. The main thing is that these feelings are “spoken out”, released, and do not settle in your soul as a heavy burden.

All kinds of ceremonies and rituals are a good way to honor the memory of the deceased and say goodbye to him. Here is one such ritual that can be performed both in the cemetery and at home.


If you are at home, sit back in a cozy corner, light a candle, relax, close your eyes. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Imagine that in front of you is a painting, canvas or sheet of paper that depicts a funeral stone, a monument on the grave of your loved one, or another symbol of his memory. In front of this stone or monument you see a lit candle. Mentally reduce the size of this image so that it occupies only a small part of your imaginary canvas and leaves plenty of space for the landscape that opens behind the monument. But contrary to reality, this is not a cemetery landscape at all. Behind the monument, forests and meadows open up, and in the distance - high mountains. A whole huge world lies before you in your picture. The sun is shining brightly in the clear blue sky. You can clearly see the light of its rays streaming onto the earth.

Now bring your attention back to the candle light that you placed in front of the funeral stone with the power of your imagination. Look again at the falling rays of the sun. Now concentrate and mentally connect the light of the candle near the funeral stone with the sun's ray falling from above.

So you connected the memory of a departed person with the symbol of eternal life - the sun. Say three times out loud or to yourself: " Everlasting memory". You placed a person close to you into eternity itself! Now his home is there.

He is there, and you remain here. Therefore, you need to mentally separate yourself from the resulting picture. To do this, in your imagination, place the picture you have drawn in a frame. Try to imagine this frame in all its details - what color it is, what wood it is made of, varnished or not, simple or with curls... Now the picture in the frame is reduced in size to such an extent that you can hold it in your hands. Imagine imagine that you are hanging this picture on a nail in a museum. This is not an ordinary museum - it is a museum of your heart, your memory. You hang the picture, look at it for a few moments, then turn and leave, closing the door behind you. Mentally place this museum in your heart. Now you can go there at any time to pay tribute to your memory. But in your Everyday life pain and suffering will no longer haunt you. The image of the deceased person has finally become your memory, your past. This is how you reconcile the past with the present and gain strength. to move on with life.

Open your eyes, look for a few moments at a real lit candle, you can cry if you have tears, you can pray if you know prayers. Mentally say goodbye to the departed person, tell him that you will never forget him, he will live in your memory, but you leave him in eternity, and you yourself go into your earthly life. Ask him for forgiveness and tell him that you forgive him too. You can wait until the candle burns out, or you can blow it out earlier, depending on how you feel and how you feel inside.



After your loved one leaves, it can hurt not only you, but also, strange as it may sound, your home. In fact, you may come across things in the house that belonged to the deceased and feel streams of pain coming from them. The walls themselves seem to radiate sadness - this can be felt especially strongly if a person died at home. Therefore, after the death of a loved one, it is necessary to free not only your soul, but also your home from pain and revive it to a new life.

What needs to be done for this?

First of all, you need to free the house from things that are in Lately used by a deceased person. And first of all, from the things that he directly came into contact with before his death - the bed, blanket, pillows, bed linen, towels, from the things that he wore - slippers, a robe, as well as from the things that he loved and to which was tied. Do not give in to the temptation to keep something as a souvenir, no matter how much you want it - along with the memory you will leave yourself endless pain. The kind of pain that can lead to the destruction of your soul and your health. After all, a thing that has witnessed the death of its owner literally absorbs the very spirit of death, a kind of deadly program. The person is no longer there, but his thing still carries this disastrous program and passes it on to the one who inherits this thing and puts it on after the deceased person. So this program begins to work in relation to its new owner, inevitably leading him to death.

Remember this and never wear things that once belonged to deceased people, do not sleep on the bed on which a person died, do not use his things. If your health and your life are dear to you, do not regret old things, take them out of the house, do not keep them for yourself.

In memory of a departed loved one, you can leave photographs (but do not rush to hang them on the walls, it is better to store them in a secluded place, in a separate album), jewelry, personal items (but not clothes, but, for example, equipment, stationery, badges , awards, any special things - such as an icon, or peculiar “amulets”, which may include antiques, various kinds valuable, antique things) with which the deceased did not come into direct contact last moments life.

Having freed yourself from old things, you must definitely do a wet cleaning and carry out a ritual of cleansing the house, which is necessary in order to free the house from the energy of death. A powerful natural purifier such as fire is suitable for this.

"Cleansing by Fire"

First you need to do a wet cleaning of the house, then take a candle, preferably a church candle, stand at the threshold of your apartment, light the candle. If you know the prayer, it’s good to pray while looking at the flame, if not, just ask the Higher Powers for help. Then you need to go around the entire apartment, each room, clockwise, simultaneously crossing the walls with a candle flame, and crossing the corners, windows, doors, mirrors and sleeping places three times. Then you need to go to the place where the deceased was most often located before death, and if he died at home, then to the place where the death bed was. In this place you need to put a new lit candle - let it burn until it is all burned out. After that you need to light it new spark plug and do it circular movements clockwise, as if you are burning out a dark spot of negative energy remaining in this place. Then place a candle nearby and make movements with your hands as if you were grabbing handfuls of flame and filling an imaginary hole with it in the place where the person died. Mentally and with the help of your hands you need to level this hole, fill it with the light energy of fire.

When you feel that the hole is full, sit near this place, look at the flame of the candle, waiting for it to burn out, you can simply pray at this time, you can remember the good things about the deceased that connected you during his life.

It is advisable to carry out such cleansing several times with breaks of several days, until you feel that the energy of the apartment itself has become lighter, that the walls have stopped pressing.



It is very important that depression after the loss of loved ones - such a natural state in such circumstances - does not become our constant companion and does not drag on for a long time. Depression can also set in if you are left alone for other reasons, not just because of the death of a loved one. Divorce, betrayal of loved ones, grown-up children who have started their own lives - these are some possible reasons depression. But we have the power to prevent depression from becoming the mistress of our lives. It is in our power to curb it.

To do this, do not forget to take care of yourself, help yourself survive stress, and use all possible means to get out of depression.

To fight the enemy, you must first recognize him. How to recognize depression, how to understand that it has already entered your life? Here are some signs that can tell you how depressed a person is.

The most typical sign of depression is a sad mood, depression and apathy, loss of interest in everything that happens around. A person in a state of depression can be tearful without any obvious reason or, on the contrary, becomes as if insensitive - cannot cry even in difficult circumstances when tears are natural. Other signs include insomnia or other difficulty sleeping, such as waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep; lack of appetite or unhealthy excessive appetite, while most often the taste of food is not even felt, the person eats automatically, without understanding what he is eating; constant fatigue. In a state of depression, a person often has a negative view of himself - he considers himself worthless, weak, helpless, bad and useless, and punishes himself even for the most insignificant mistakes.

How can you help yourself get out of depression? First of all, you need to understand that depressive state based on a distorted view of reality. A sad event happened in your life, and it made you perceive your whole life as a continuous sad event. Your consciousness simply began to ignore, to let positive moments pass by, of which, of course, there are a lot in life, and they constantly come across your path - but the “black glasses” of your sadness do not allow you to see this positive.

This means that the main thing for you now is to take off these “dark glasses” and try to look at life more objectively, to see the positive, the good that is in it.

Here's how you can help yourself with this.

First of all, create your daily routine as carefully as possible. Think about and plan your whole day so that every minute you have something to do. Don’t come up with very complex tasks for yourself - start with the simplest ones: washing, cleaning, going to the store, visiting a friend, reading an exciting book... Make a plan for your affairs literally for every minute every day, draw it up in in writing, point by point, indicating time.

At the end of the day, be sure to check what you accomplished and what you didn’t. Check the boxes to see what you accomplished.

Now, again look through the list of things you have completed with a different goal - to note what you consider to be, at least small, your achievement. For example, for a long time you didn’t get around to washing the windows, but today you gathered your courage, planned to wash the windows and did it. Or, finally, they rented a cassette and watched a masterpiece of world cinema, which they should have known a long time ago. Or they simply overcame their apathy and went for a walk, although the weather was not at all conducive to this. Anything that you consider to be at least a small achievement, mark it in your routine with the letter “D”.

Now try, remembering the events of the day, to note what YOU did with at least barely noticeable pleasure. Let you experience, in the process of completing this task, even the smallest hint of pleasure, even a barely perceptible pleasant sensation - especially note this: you received positive emotions. Mark this in your routine with the letter “U” - pleasure.

Do this every day. Don’t forget to mentally praise yourself for your achievements and for everything you do for pleasure.

Try following tips that will help you overcome depression.

During this period, do not set yourself very difficult tasks and do not take on too much responsibility.

Don't make very big decisions like moving or changing jobs. Try to postpone making decisions on important issues until you get out of depression.

Try to communicate with other people whenever possible, do not isolate yourself and your grief.

Choose activities that improve your mood at least a little: exercise, go to the cinema, theater, go out into nature, take water treatments. Sports activities in the fresh air they give very serious positive effect in the fight against depression!

Eliminate caffeine and refined sugar from your diet. Their use contributes to deepening depression.

Watch your diet, try not to overeat or refuse food.

Try to avoid overusing various medicines- antidepressants and tranquilizers. The fact is that these means, although they provide quick sedative effect, but in the future, taking them can do you a disservice: medications only help relieve the external symptoms of grief, they do not eliminate the feeling of grief itself, but only suppress it, and, driven inside, it can cause chronic depression.

Avoid taking strong medications, limiting yourself to harmless valerian, and use natural, natural means of overcoming depression. Such as, for example, soothing baths and contrast showers. One should not ignore such a wonderful, centuries-proven remedy as meditation.

Soothing baths

Bath with sea salt. There are many varieties of sea salt - choose the one you like best. About 40 minutes before bed, immerse yourself in a warm bath with sea salt dissolved in it. You need to stay in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Sea salt will help you relax, calm you down, relieve fatigue. After such a bath, you will feel that irritation has gone away, sadness and melancholy have dulled - salt has the wonderful property of absorbing everything negative.

Pine bath. You can buy pine extract at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to collect pine needles, branches, cones, chop it all, add cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for half an hour. Afterwards, the decoction should steep for 12 hours. Then it is filtered and added to the bath with warm water- approximately 1.5 liters of decoction per bath. A pine bath not only helps with insomnia, but also calms the nerves and strengthens the heart.

Bath with valerian. Having bought valerian roots and leaves at the pharmacy, prepare about half a liter of decoction from them and add them to a bath with warm water. This bath relaxes muscles, calms nerves, and normalizes heartbeat. But if you have a low arterial pressure, taking such a bath is not recommended.

Combined bath. Take 50 grams of calendula flowers, string grass, mint and oregano. Pour three liters of boiling water over all this and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then let it brew for 45 minutes, strain and add to a bath with warm water.

Please note: when taking a soothing bath, there is no need for a washcloth or shampoo. Now your goal is different: to calm down, relax, escape anxiety and insomnia. You just need to lie quietly in the bath for 15-20 minutes, trying to drive away worries and worries, and think only about pleasant things. The water in the bath should in no case be either hot or too cool - it is best if it is a comfortable temperature for you, slightly warm, approximately corresponding to body temperature - about 37-38 degrees. There is no need to rinse after a bath. When you get out of it, pat your body dry with a dry towel - there is no need to rub yourself too hard either.


Meditation - excellent remedy to relieve tension, stress, anxiety, it increases vitality and improves sleep. Now we will learn how to conduct the simplest meditation.

Find a calm, quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least twenty minutes. Sit in a comfortable position, without tension, so that your back is absolutely straight. Now choose a word that you would like to focus on - let it denote the state that you would like to achieve: “love”, “rest”, “peace”.

Close your eyes. Now you need to free your body from tension. To do this, start breathing calmly, measuredly, focusing on your breathing: inhale - hold your breath slightly - exhale - inhale - hold - exhale, and so on. Concentrate your attention on the soles of your feet, and as you exhale, release all tension from them. Feel your feet relax and become warm. Do a few more of these inhalations and exhalations until you feel that your feet are sufficiently relaxed. Next, in the same way, release tension in your ankles and knees, while exhaling, imagining how the tension goes away and these parts of the body relax.

Then focus on the tension in your hips and release it. Now move your attention up your body, continuing to breathe steadily and simultaneously releasing tension in your stomach, chest, back, arms, shoulders, neck, face, and head as you exhale. Then, with a quick mental glance, take a quick look at your entire body and exhale, releasing any remaining tension from it. Enjoy the feeling of comfort and relaxation that you yourself have created in your body.

Continue focusing on your breathing. As you exhale, mentally repeat your chosen word. Breathe through your nose, slowly and naturally. If extraneous thoughts appear, just let them float freely from your consciousness, go to the side, do not try to drive them away by force. Remember to mentally say the word you have chosen with each exhalation. If you find it difficult to concentrate, if you are distracted or feel some kind of anxiety, say the word you have chosen both as you inhale and as you exhale. Gradually, you will find that there are fewer and fewer extraneous thoughts, and the state indicated by the word you have chosen enters your being, fills you from the inside and you feel more and more comfortable. The best duration of meditation is 15-20 minutes. Come out of it slowly, gradually, do not try to get up too quickly. Enjoy the state of rest, then stretch your muscles by stretching, then slowly open your eyes and sit still for some time. Get up carefully, calmly, no need to jump up suddenly. Before returning to everyday worries, you can think about something good for another five minutes, or look at a beautiful picture, or remember your favorite poem. This way you will be filled with positive feelings.

If you do meditation twice a day, you will very soon see how your condition changes for the better.

If, despite all the measures you take, your depression deepens and drags on, do not refuse to visit a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. It is possible that you need help to get out of depression, because it is not always possible to cope with this condition alone.

Vera, with whose story this chapter began, managed to help without the intervention of specialists, although this turned out to be not so easy. Now she is coming back to life, realizing that she is young and that her husband would only be glad if she were happy and not burying herself alive. After experiencing grief, rediscovering the colors of the world is not a real miracle?

Is it possible to change the date of death? This issue is far from the last for systemic constructions of ensuring personal safety. All fundamental security systems are built specifically for the purpose of changing situations in order to avoid negative manifestations, although it is formulated verbally and documented differently. In historical practice, these tasks have been worked on from time immemorial, but to this day they are implemented by various forces and means and, as a result, too often world means mass media and mournful melodies announce that not all systems perform their function effectively.

The strategy for ensuring personal safety fundamentally depends on the answer to the question: is it possible to change the date of death? The overall security of society depends on the safety of the individual. No matter how quantitatively this is determined.
If it is possible to change the onset of a sudden lethal ending, then it is possible that the system itself should be built on different principles. Protected persons, on whose actions development largely depended international relations ended their lives in a specific place and at a specific time.

Not only fatal coincidences of circumstances, as in the case of or with, but also the killers overtook their single and numerous victims by first answering the questions Who? Where? When and how?

With fatal logic, fatal series of events are associated with a certain universal algorithm that is directly related to the date of death. But if this algorithm, even associatively or presumably, exists, then theoretically, anyone can use it to their advantage.

Only personal interest determines the image concrete actions. Someone protects, and someone kills. And speaking of any murder, disaster or tragic case we are always faced with the fact that all this happens in certain time and in a certain place. But what, and how, determines the victim, the place, the time, and most importantly, the mode of action of the vital terminator?

Is it possible to predict such events and change the negative course of events for a certain person, leading him to accidental or violent death? To answer this question, we must have certain information and understand it correctly. What are the signs of impending trouble? What should be the actions of a victim of circumstances moving towards the abyss of eternity, so that the irreparable does not happen?

What might the libretto of an oratorio called “Life and Death” look like?

Where and how to get information about the sudden end of the tragedy? How is such information distributed? Why, even having signals of an approaching tragedy, are the vast majority of people unable to adequately respond to it? What is the interdependence between personal behavior and character public relations that determine fate specific person? What does this mean? Is it possible to translate this data into the language of numbers and entrust the calculations to computers? The answers to these questions always lie beyond the realm of knowledge and require the use of certain technologies to obtain and analyze them. You also need to learn not only to understand the data received, but also to use it effectively.

Today, the practice of obtaining information by a person in a state of altered consciousness has turned from a theorem into an axiom. How it works and how reliable this information is remains a matter of individual perception. But there are things that are difficult to dispute, or the rejection of which removes an individual from the category of those capable of thinking logically. If there is a certain volume known knowledge, then it is quite logical to assume that there is knowledge that lies beyond them. If a person does not believe in a particular statement, this does not mean that it is false. In the practice of professional security structures, a very simple rule works - if it is stupid, but it works, then it is not stupid. And everything that works can and should be used to achieve the goal. But not everything is taken for granted. The main evaluation criterion is sustainable practical result from the use of this or that technology or knowledge.

By turning to specialists in the field of obtaining information in a state of altered consciousness, we pursue one goal - to obtain reliable information for its practical application in our own rational or humanistic aspirations.

Axiomatic positions

Responses regarding Metacontact technology were received in mid-2008.

Is it possible to change the date of death?

The vector of social orientation determines the fate of each of you. And only due to the weakness or power of their psychological properties and qualities a person achieves his ultimate goal– the direction of this vector. But a person’s life cycle cannot always achieve its purpose. If he finds himself in an alien social environment, refuses harmony, the whole and healthy image life, then a decline occurs, the personality dies before all its unrealized interests and goals. The soul is losing a number of information arrays and blocks that it needs to live more clearly in this world.

Because the world is woven from the fabric of ethical concepts and therefore one must always think about what is moral in this life and what is immoral. Only resonance with the spiritual gives moral strengthening and overall strength. The degree of humanity and reluctance to harm when choosing a life goal is a form that automatically includes all the positive energies of the universe in resonance with a person. The absence of conflict with the environment allows a person to receive proactive information at the level of intuition, allowing him to avoid all the bumps and downturns in life in a timely manner.
Therefore, the death of a person is his free choice. There are a number of conditions and deadlines for their implementation. This is where the date of death comes from, associated with billions of combinations various interactions energies, thoughts and ways of acting.
And there are about 15 more possible options for the development of an individual in his physical body. You didn’t ask about other options for leaving life.

According to what pattern is this date determined?

This is a different case. All violent and random event combinations stem from a certain mood of the individual. If there are any factors in his existence that force him to go out of life, then circumstances at the level of behavior programming move him to one point or another.

What is the algorithm for the pattern of death?

This is multi-variant. Everyone has an individual case, unique to him.

Is it possible to avoid sudden death, which is not associated with natural causes?

When there is a moment of choosing the so-called return point, for greater understanding. If this point has been passed, such as, for example, a person throwing himself out the window, then it is no longer possible to stop him, but if he is in thought about whether to stand on the windowsill or not, then this is the opportunity to avoid something until the moment he gets up. There are always chances and they are not literally predetermined.

But there are periods of critical living, when, wittingly or unwittingly, the situation develops in such a way that a person risks dying due to an incorrect worldview. Moreover, this incorrect understanding of the world at that particular moment has an overflowing critical character, that this cannot continue to be the case, it is necessary either to change something serious in life, or to leave it.
There are certain life patterns that were brought to you in an allegorical and intelligible form in the form of widely known folk proverbs and sayings, you just need to understand them well and try to follow what is said, for example:

- “the head will be further away from the kings”
- “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.”
- don’t spit in the well – you’ll need to drink some water
- don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf
- bad world better than a good fight
- the elbow is close, the tongue is short, etc.

This one folk wisdom you should have included it in the fundamental law of the country, maybe then people followed the right choice, thereby prolonging their lives.


It is very difficult to draw quick and unambiguous conclusions from the answers received. It takes time for comprehension and collective analytical work of specialists who, having experience of rational perception, are guided by the nuances of the arrangement of words and the construction of figures of speech of higher intelligence.
We are just beginning to comprehend the basics of knowledge that cannot be explained in terms of basic sciences. But the path to the professional world lies only through expanding consciousness and understanding the information received.

to be continued

At first it will not be easy to accept the loss, but you have the opportunity not to plunge deeper into your condition and try to cope with stress.

The most terrible test in life is death and the pain of loss.

As practice shows, it is impossible to fully prepare for the death of a loved one, even if he was sick, and such an outcome has already been determined by doctors. Such a loss usually results in serious emotional distress and depression. After this, the grieving person himself may, as it were, “fall out of life” for a long period of time.

Unfortunately, it doesn't exist fast way to get out of the depressed state provoked by the death of a loved one, however, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that this misfortune does not result in a severe form of depression for you. Typically after death close relative or a friend, people begin to feel guilty, feeling that they did not do all the good for the deceased that he deserved. Many thoughts related to the deceased person scroll through the head, which causes general depression.

4 stages of grief

1. Shock and shock. For some, this stage may last a few minutes, while others plunge into a similar state for many days. A person cannot fully comprehend what has happened; it is as if he is in a “frozen” state. From the outside it may even seem that the tragic incident did not have much impact on him, but in fact he is simply in the deepest shock.

2. Rejection and complete denial, depression. The person does not want to accept what happened and think about what will happen next. The realization that life will never be the same again seems terrible to him, and he tries in every possible way to forget himself, just not to think about what happened. From the outside it may seem that the person is numb. He either avoids or does not support all conversations about loss. However, there is another extreme - increased fussiness. In the second case, the mourner actively begins to engage in some kind of business - sorting through the things of the deceased, finding out all the circumstances of the tragedy, organizing a funeral, and so on. As a result, sooner or later the understanding comes that life has changed dramatically, which leads to stress, and then to depression.

3. Awareness of loss. The full realization of what happened comes. It can happen completely suddenly. For example, a person involuntarily reaches for the phone to call a relative or friend, and suddenly understands why this is no longer possible. Also, awareness can come gradually. Having passed the stage of denial, a person begins to replay in his head many events related to the deceased.

This stage may be accompanied by outbursts of anger and resentment. What is happening seems unfair and nightmarish, and the awareness of the irreparable situation angers and worries. Many options are being considered in which the outcome could have been different. The person begins to get angry with himself, believing that it was in his power to prevent the misfortune. He also pushes other people away, becoming irritable and depressed.

4. Acceptance and mourning. This stage usually occurs within a few months. In particular difficult cases the situation may drag on. Having gone through the most acute stages of grief, a person begins to come to terms with what happened. His life has been flowing in a different direction for some time, and he is beginning to get used to it, gradually “rebuilding.” Memories of the deceased make him sad, and periodically he mourns a dear person.

How to help someone cope with the death of loved ones

Trying to help their neighbor better bear the loss, many try to find a way to completely distract him from what happened, avoiding conversations on this topic. But this is not always correct. Check out general recommendations regarding assistance in such situations.

Don't ignore conversations about the deceased

If less than six months have passed since the tragedy, then you should understand that the thoughts of your friend or relative most often revolve around it. Sometimes it is very important for him to speak out, and sometimes to cry. Do not fence yourself off from these emotions, do not force a person to suppress them in yourself, remaining alone with their experiences. Of course, if a lot of time has passed and all conversations are about the deceased, then they should be dosed.

Distract the bereaved from their grief

At first, the mourner will not be interested in anything - he will only need moral support from you. However, after several weeks, it is worth periodically giving a person’s thoughts a different direction. Persistently invite him to interesting places, sign up for exciting courses together and the like.

Redirect the sufferer's attention

Often people are somewhat distracted from the events that have happened when they realize that someone else needs their help. Show the mourner that you need him in a given situation. Taking care of yourself can also significantly speed up the process of getting out of depression. pet. If you see that a person has a lot of free time, which results in immersion in his own experiences, then give him a puppy or a kitten, or simply give him a “temporary” foster care, saying that there is nowhere to place him yet. Over time, he himself will not want to give up his new friend.

1. Don’t refuse help from loved ones

Don't push away people who seek to support you in your grief. Share your experiences with them, take an interest in their lives - communication will help you not to lose touch with the outside world and not become immersed in your own state.

2. Take care and take care of yourself

Many people experiencing the pain of loss give up on their appearance and in general – for any kind of self-care. And yet, this is the necessary minimum that you should not forget about - washing your hair, bathing, brushing your teeth, washing things. The same applies to eating. It’s clear that you don’t need any of this right now, and all your thoughts are occupied with other things, but still don’t ignore your needs.

3. Write a letter to the person who has passed away

Surely, you believe that you didn’t have time to tell your loved one a lot, you didn’t confess a lot. Spit out all the unsaid things on paper. Write how much you miss this person, what you would do if he were around, what you regret, and so on.

4. Don't suppress emotions

Perhaps it seems to you that if you suppress the external manifestations of grief in every possible way, then in this way you will quickly cope with the misfortune that has fallen upon you. However, you simply “lock” your emotions and experiences and do not allow them to break free. It’s better to cry out your grief - it will be easier for you.

5. Try to distract yourself

Of course, right now there is nothing more important to you than your loss, but do not forget that your life goes on, as do the lives of those who are dear to you. Undoubtedly, many of them also experience better times and need your support. Communicate with your loved ones, together it will be easier for you to survive this pain.

6. Help from a psychologist

Some find it very difficult to come to terms with their new situation on their own. If you realize that the situation is getting worse and your depression has dragged on, make an appointment with a psychologist - he will advise you on how to cope with the bitterness of loss.

How to accept the departure of a relative to another world

What does the church and Orthodoxy say about this?

To facilitate afterlife the deceased, the church teaches to believe in the mercy of God, light candles in the temple for the repose of the soul and read prayers for the deceased. You should also make a bloodless sacrifice - we are talking about alms and helping the suffering. It is believed that God will be able to hear your prayers if you honor his commandments. You should especially not neglect this in the first forty days after the death of a loved one. If you are not sure how to do everything correctly, go to the nearest church and consult with the priest.

Is it possible to prepare for the death of a loved one?

If a person is terminally ill, spend more time with him

If the person is unconscious, provide full care for him, and still spend a lot of time with him. Talk to the patient, talk about your fondest memories connected with him, say everything you wanted to say, but didn’t have time. It is likely that the person will actually hear you - many patients who have emerged from a coma have admitted that they remember everything that was said to them while they were unconscious.

Work involves constant risk - appreciate every moment you live

The best thing you can do is to convince him to change jobs, even if it brings a high income. In the event of an irreparable situation, you will certainly blame yourself for not insisting on changing jobs. Consider with him other options for earning money, but be sure to convince him to change his field of activity, because even if nothing terrible happens, this will not save you from constant stress and experiences.

An elderly relative returns - accept the inevitability of imminent death

It is important for both you and him to spend more time together. Older people often like to remember stories of their youth; they are interested in everything that happens in the lives of their children and grandchildren, and they are very happy when people ask for their opinion. It is in your power to make the final stage of your loved one’s life happy and bright.

The death of a beloved pet - how to overcome mental anguish

1. Accept the inevitability of what is happening. Of course, you understand that quite a few animals have a lifespan comparable to that of a human. If your cat, dog or other pet is seriously ill or is elderly, be sure to consult a doctor who will tell you how you can improve your pet’s life. Also ask if your four-legged friend is suffering and how you can help him in his situation.

2. Take a photo for memory. The first time after the death of a cat or dog, it will not be easy for you to look at this photo, but some time will pass, and the image of your beloved pet, as well as the memories of it, will be able to bring a smile to your face.

3. Be there often. Pamper the animal, allow it to play pranks, feed it its favorite foods, take care of it, pet it more often. Make sure that he is happy and in the most comfortable situations for himself. Tell other family members about what may soon happen - prepare them, and give them a similar opportunity to enjoy "communication" with your pet.

4. After death. No matter whether the death was predictable or sudden, coping with it is equally difficult.

  • Don't bottle up your emotions and let your emotions out as often as you need. This is a natural human reaction to the loss of communication with a dear being. Share your experiences with loved ones - they will probably want to hold you.
  • This is a big test for all family members - perhaps some of them need your support.
  • Many owners feel guilty after the death of a pet if it occurred prematurely. Don’t blame yourself or a loved one for what happened.
  • Tell people you care about about your experiences. Surely, they will want to support you, and this will make it easier for you to cope with the loss.
  • Help other suffering animals. Undoubtedly, there is more than one shelter in your city, and in general there are many animals on the streets that need protection. It is possible that you will eventually become attached to one of them and want to bring it into your home. Undoubtedly, he will never replace your beloved four-legged friend, but you can save the animal from adversity and find another comrade among “our little brothers.”

What to do if you are depressed after the death of a loved one?

Every day on Earth, for various reasons, a huge number of people die, leaving behind loved ones who sincerely mourn them. Experiencing bereavement in the form of depression or even deep grief after the death of a loved one (for example, a mother or husband) is an absolutely normal reaction to such a loss. And people feel especially acutely about the death of a child (son or daughter).

However, for some people, natural symptoms of grief such as guilt, insomnia, numbness, and sobbing can lead to more serious symptoms, including grief (deep grief) and depressive disorder (Major clinical depression).

Symptoms of natural grief

Grief differs from natural grief in its duration and intensity. People experiencing normal grief can often explain why they are sad. They continue to function normally in society, and are usually able to overcome their intense sadness within a relatively short period of time (usually within a month or two).

Typically, after the death of a very close person (husband, mother, son or daughter, brother or sister), strong feelings such as grief or depression may intensify over several days, weeks or even months. And sometimes such depression can develop even after the death of a beloved animal.

Almost every person, faced with the death of a loved one (especially a child, mother, beloved husband), will experience the following natural symptoms:

  • feeling of guilt for what they did (or did not do) before the death of a loved one. So, a mother can reproach herself for not saving her son;
  • obsessive thoughts, like this: “It would be better if I died instead of my husband!” Thus, parents may regret that death did not take them instead of the child;
  • imaginary feeling that they see or hear the deceased;
  • sleep problems;
  • changing eating and exercise habits;
  • desire to be socially isolated.

Stages of Loss and Grief

To understand how real clinical depression can develop from ordinary grief, you need to know what stages people go through after the death of a loved one (husband, mother, child, etc.). In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross presented 5 stages of grief after the death of a loved one in her book On Death and Dying. These stages of grief are universal and are experienced by people from all walks of life.

In the event of loss, a person spends a different amount of time in each stage. In addition, each stage may differ in intensity. These five stages can occur in any order. We often move between these stages until we come to terms with death. Everyone grieves differently. Some people are outwardly very emotional, while others will experience grief internally, perhaps without even crying. But, one way or another, all people go through the five stages of grief:

The first stage is denial and isolation;

The second stage is anger;

The third stage is bargaining;

The fourth stage is depression;

The fifth stage is acceptance.

While all the emotions that people experience during any of these stages are natural, not everyone who grieves goes through all of these stages—and that's okay, too. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to go through all these stages in order to move on with your life. In fact, some people are able to grieve without going through any of these stages. So don’t worry about how you “should” feel or what stage you should be in right now.

When does Grief become Depression?

All of the above symptoms and stages of grief are completely normal. They help people adapt to loss and accept new living conditions after the death of a loved one.

The difference between grief and clinical depression is not always easy to discern because they share many symptoms, but there is a difference.

Remember, grief comes in waves. It includes a wide range of emotions and a mix of bad and good days. Even when you are grieving greatly, you can still have moments of joy or happiness. And with depression, the feeling of emptiness and despair is constant.

If a grieving person is experiencing significant symptoms of depression, it is time to seek help. This must be done in cases where the grieving person has:

  • lack of concentration and complete inability to concentrate;
  • unusually thrill own worthlessness or guilt;
  • anxiety or depression that does not go away, but only gets worse over time;
  • sleep problems that last more than six weeks;
  • intrusive memories during the day and nightmares at night, which constantly keep a person in suspense;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • unexplained physical symptoms, such as unreasonable pain in one or another part of the body, rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, digestive problems or difficulty breathing;
  • thoughts that the deceased continues to be nearby, visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • strange or antisocial behavior;
  • thoughts of suicide, which can only be stopped by very serious arguments (for example, the mother has another child);
  • breaking all social contacts.

All of these symptoms may indicate the onset of clinical depression following the death of a loved one. If any of these symptoms last more than two months after the death of a loved one, it is a signal that the person needs professional help.

Symptoms of depression or post-traumatic shock will be most severe if a person witnesses the sudden death of a loved one, or is close to the death of a loved one, such as a child.

Depression as a complication of grief

Such negative feelings how hopelessness and helplessness are part of the normal mourning process, but they can also be symptoms of depression or other mental disorders. But sometimes grief, which is normal in this situation, turns into a mental disorder. Depression is just one of a number of mental health conditions that may be associated with the death of a loved one. Other disorders include generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is not without reason that one of the proposed future changes in the classification of mental illnesses proposed by American psychiatrists is the introduction new category mental illness- burdened experience of grief. The burdened experience of grief, which is also sometimes called traumatic or prolonged grief, is proposed to be considered a complex mental disorder. It will be diagnosed if general symptoms of severe grief, such as sadness after the death of a loved one (husband, child or other relatives), difficulty moving on, depression or anger after such a loss, last more than six months.

Diagnosis of complicated grief disorder is expected to be made based on two criteria:

First criterion. The grieving person yearns for the deceased daily and very intensely.

Second criterion. A person must experience, and also interfere with their normal functioning, at least five of the following symptoms:

  • the impossibility of accepting this death;
  • feeling overwhelmed or shocked after the death of a loved one;
  • anger or bitterness experienced after the death of relatives (for example, anger at a husband for leaving his wife);
  • numbness or stupor (this happens especially often after the loss of a child);
  • difficulty defining a purpose in life after loss;
  • extreme uncertainty of one's role in life;
  • avoidance of everything that is a reminder of death;
  • inability to trust people, because such a person believes that a loved one betrayed him with his death;
  • the feeling that life has lost all meaning.

Preventing Depression After Loss

Once grief becomes clinical depression, it can no longer be overcome by ordinary mourning, so in this case it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. Treatment for such depression usually includes antidepressants and interpersonal or cognitive behavioral therapy.

However, there are ways in which people themselves can prevent grief from turning into depression.

Live in reality, accept the reality of loss and realize that even in grief it does not cease to be a part of everyday life. Connect with family and friends more often.

Take a different route. Try to adapt to new reality by doing things differently. For example, take up a new hobby, or give up activities that are painful reminders of your loved one. Move forward - force yourself to move, communicate and participate in pleasant events.

Regular exercise stress: Exercise at least 30 minutes every day, learn how to relieve stress deep breathing or meditation, sleep at least 7-9 hours a day.

Proper Diet: Make sure your diet is healthy. Stop destroying yourself - give up alcohol, sleeping pills and caffeine.

The death of someone you loved and cared for is always very painful. You may experience all kinds of negative emotions, including heartache and sadness. This is a completely normal reaction to such a significant loss. Know that there is no right either the wrong way getting rid of depression caused by the death of a loved one, but there is effective ways cope with the pain in order to move on in life.

All information provided on this site is for reference only and does not constitute a call to action. If you notice any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose.

Is it possible to prevent the death of a loved one?


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    Harbingers of death: a parapsychologist on whether it is possible to avoid one’s own death

    Is it possible to predict the date of your death, feel that the end is near and change the course of fate? Is it possible to avoid “accidental” death? iReactor correspondents asked this exciting question magician, psychic, doctor of metaphysical sciences, parapsychologist and winner of the “Best Esotericist” award Anton Malinor.

    “The phenomenon of premonition of death has been known since ancient times. Many great people predicted their life span shortly before its end, and most esotericists specifically recognize this date in advance, such as the famous hypnotist and telepath Wolf Messing. However, ordinary people also have this ability if their consciousness is sufficiently open to the sensation of probabilities in time. And this ability extends not only to loved ones, but also to the premonition of parting with loved ones - many sense the departure of relatives and friends in advance, when nothing foretells it yet.

    Long before a person completes his earthly journey, his higher, spiritual self begins to leave material reality, cutting off energetic connections with it, which is very noticeable for clairvoyant and extrasensory-sensing people. You can develop the ability to magically perceive the future and correct it in authoritative schools of magic, for example, in seminaries under the Church of Magic and its exarchates in the Russian Federation and different countries. However, I would not recommend anyone to develop one-sidedly, trying only to find out the life spans of people - those who have such a gift by nature consider it a curse! Always learn to accept both the flow of time and the inevitability of transition from material condition existence, to a true free state of spiritual life.

    In addition, it is worth adding that very often, having foresight, you can save a person from accidental death (a moment of entropy in which there is no conscious choice to leave the material world, but the decision is made by other forces), and also, having certain knowledge, if desired the person himself who is in danger can not only postpone the moment of physical death, but even return the soul back to earthly existence.

    People often ask about whether there are harbingers of death, any signs and omens. The clear answer is yes, they exist. But they are known, as a rule, only to initiates, and are the secret of occult orders. Although history has plenty of evidence of various warnings about unexpected deaths- from announcements by angels and prophetic dreams, to the simplest. For example, a dog howls in front of the house of the future deceased. But these signs are not very accurate, and must be confirmed by other signs; the same dog can, with its howl, notify not of the visit of the demons of death, but of the presence of simply malicious creatures from the other world.

    A premonition of the death of loved ones manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of a feeling of melancholy, pain of loss, a desire to protect from an unknown threat at any cost, a feeling of sharply cold alienation, with outwardly unchanged relationships (tearing energy channels). If such sensations are repeated frequently and over a period of time, then at this time it is too late to rush to learn extrasensory perception; you need to turn to an experienced magician for prediction and help.”

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    Sooner or later, everyone has to face the pain of loss. Any death is always unexpected and brings a lot of emotions and grief, especially if we are talking about the loss of a loved one. This is a great shock and test that not everyone can cope with. Many people, having experienced grief, continue to live, but there are also those who fall into deep despair and depression after the death of a loved one. How to survive this difficult period and is there a chance to return to normal life?

    Stages of Grief

    Depression after the death of a loved one is first accompanied by denial, and then comes the realization that you will never see him again, never hug him, or tell him how much you love him. These thoughts do not allow a person to adequately react and perceive other information.

    Psychologists have determined that depression after the death of a loved one is accompanied by several stages, which are experienced by a person who has experienced extreme stress and loss. However, there is no specific sequence in them, and they can manifest themselves differently for everyone.


    The man cannot believe what happened. And even if the deceased was sick, and everyone knew about his imminent death, nevertheless, there is always hope in the heart that everything will work out. And after the death of a loved one, we cannot believe that this still happened. Shocked by grief, a person is unable to accept his loss. The main reason for this behavior is fear. Fear of how to continue living and how to cope with depression after the death of a loved one.

    Sometimes it happens that after grief a person ceases to adequately respond to the world around him. He doesn’t understand where he is, who he is, what happened. This mental disorder, if it is short-lived, is a completely natural phenomenon. At such moments, it is very important to provide support to the person and help him get out of this state. And under no circumstances should you leave him alone with his thoughts. The denial stage is a kind of fuse that protects the human psyche and helps not to go crazy. However, gradually the realization of what happened comes to him, which brings the person to another stage.

    The person begins to blame himself or others for what happened. He is angry that this happened to him. Some may feel deep resentment at such injustice. This stage of depression after the death of a loved one occurs differently for each person. Someone is more emotional, so they throw out all their pain and anger on others. And someone may experience a stage of depression after the death of a loved one, alone with themselves, angry at the whole world, including themselves.


    The person blames himself for not saving, for not doing, not saying, not forgiving. He plays out different scenes and variants of events many times in his head: if he had acted differently, would it have been possible to avoid death.


    It is more likely to affect people who are used to experiencing everything within themselves and hiding their feelings from others. However, in the end, a person becomes exhausted from strong experiences and gives up. A person loses hope that he can survive grief. This condition can lead to complete alienation. Trying to suppress his emotions on his own, a person refuses to communicate with others and becomes even gloomier, which can lead to more serious consequences.

    Acceptance of what happened

    After some time, relief comes. The person realizes everything that happened and accepts it. Having come to terms with the loss, he eventually begins to think about how he can continue to live. Over time, a person learns to manage his grief, and perceives the deceased as alive, remembering and telling bright memorable moments from life.

    Revival and building a new life

    Often a person wants to start new life, make friends, move, change environment or change jobs. However, it may take a long time to make such a decision. For some it takes several months, for others the recovery process takes several years.

    Treatment for depression after the death of a loved one

    Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that grief does not go away, and a person sinks deeper and deeper into himself. Heartache and the longing for the deceased continues to torment. This condition is called “complicated grief,” and a person in this case needs qualified help from a specialist.

    It is not always easy to determine this condition, however, the following symptoms will help identify deep depression in order to consult a specialist in time.

    • Sadness and longing for a loved one that does not go away for several months.
    • A person is haunted by images of the deceased, hallucinations and visited by obsessive thoughts.
    • Refusal to accept reality.
    • Abuse of alcohol or psychotropic drugs.
    • A person consciously avoids those things that remind him of the deceased.
    • Feeling of emptiness and loss of meaning in life.
    • Deep, persistent feeling of guilt.
    • Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.
    • Lethargy and inability to perform daily activities.
    • The belief that the deceased is alive.

    How to cope with depression after the death of a loved one?

    There is always a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it may be.

    1. You need to try to solve the problem yourself (without refusing the help of family and friends). Accepting the death of a loved one is not at all easy, but life is always unpredictable, and no one knows how long he has in this world. The main thing is not to close yourself off, but to allow people who love you to help you. Their support and love will be the most the best medicine. Don’t hide your pain from others, don’t accumulate bad emotions in yourself, cry, speak out, and relief will definitely come.

    No matter what happens in life, remember, there is always a way out! Having started a new life, you will not betray or forget your loved one. On the contrary, the person you had to part with will remain in your heart and in good memory. And you must continue to live for the sake of those dear people who are next to you.

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    The fear of death is the strongest in the entire range of fears that accompany the life of every person. Therefore, people have always been interested in the question: is it possible to somehow delay the onset of death? Are prayers, medications, nutrition systems, physical exercises or any special practices capable of this? Is the date of death an inevitable predetermination or a point that can be moved along the line of life?

    The question is philosophical and there are as many answers to it as there are philosophers. The range of opinions is very wide: from “man is the architect of his own destiny” to “everything is destined and you cannot escape fate.”

    Of course, while working on a big book about fate, happiness and the meaning of life (“Nectar for the Soul”), we could not ignore this issue and took the following position in it:

    “...the lifespan is a program point and is outside the corridor of the will. Both prayers and medicines will be useless to change it. To prove this, we cited sessions of regressive hypnosis, clairvoyant predictions and various stories from people’s lives, confirming information from the Subtle World...

    Many people live with a feeling of guilt for the death of a loved one or with the idea that someone else is to blame for this death: they did not look after them, they loved them little, they cared for them poorly, they treated them incorrectly, etc.

    Since time immemorial, people have been looking for means to prolong life: the philosopher's stone, the elixir of youth, longevity pills. Many people have spent their entire lives searching for means that will grant immortality or at least longevity.

    It is probably not an exaggeration to say that most of humanity is gripped by the desire to prolong their life and the fear of losing it prematurely. And with such feelings, life itself becomes qualitatively worse.

    Therefore, let us emphasize not a simple thought, but the Truth: a person’s life span is measured before his first breath and is not subject to revision under any circumstances.

    Let us remember once again the clairvoyant Vanga. Often she “saw” the imminent death of her visitors. Knowing well that nothing could be changed, Vanga sometimes still tried to do it, and warned the person about the fatal day and hour for him. But even with such information, all attempts by people to avoid death were unsuccessful.

    Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the famous prophetess, wrote the book “The Truth about Vanga”, in which she gives the following dialogue:

    If it so happens that you see an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do anything to avoid misfortune?

    No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

    And if troubles or even a disaster threaten an entire city or state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

    “The Washington Pythia,” as Jane Dixon was called in the United States, accurately predicted the dates of death of many prominent figures - Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi and John Dulles (US Secretary of State), Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Iraqi King Faisal and Secretary General UN Dag Hammerskjöld, Apollo 1 astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee (seven days before their deaths during testing), and many other lesser-known personalities. In some cases, she indicated the specific circumstances under which death would occur. The clairvoyant did not hide her visions and even tried to save many from death by passing on her information to them, but everything turned out to be in vain: everyone died exactly then and as predicted.

    Nemtsov also had his own oracle. Here's what the World News agency reports about it:

    “An interview with the former secretary of Boris Nemtsov, who was killed on Friday evening, appeared in the media. A woman who worked with the politician for many years said that his death was predicted by a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” several years ago.

    According to the former secretary, Nemtsov was always interested in all kinds of clairvoyants, psychics and other sorcerers. “He, like any sane person, of course did not believe in them,” she said. - Moreover, I have always been in favor of any initiatives to ban alternative medicine and other magic. But whenever possible - for example, when I encountered psychics on the set or at some event, I did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes and ask about my fate - but not seriously, as if as a joke.”

    A few years ago, Boris Nemtsov met Alexander Agapit, a participant in the 4th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” at the television center, who himself approached the politician and warned that he would not die “a natural death in 2015.”

    Nemtsov laughed and clarified what “not by his own death” meant, to which he was told: “because of a woman.”

    It is premature to talk about those who ordered the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but according to one version of the investigation, the murder could have been committed by a killer hired by the former lover of Anna Duritskaya - the same fashion model who left him for Nemtsov, who, as has already been established and officially announced, did some time ago abortion from Nemtsov and who was with him at the time of his death.

    By the way, this version is also supported by the fact that the killer’s bullets (they shot at the politician 7-8 times) did not hit the girl.” (World of News)

    For many years we have been collecting stories about incredible rescues and ridiculous deaths. Today, one can compile a thick book from them, and they all confirm the Truth: behind seemingly absurd or incredible events there is a Plan of earthly life with the date of its end written in it. If “the hour has struck,” nothing will stop death, and if it has not struck, no circumstances will lead to death.

    The great French scientist Pierre Curie, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, once wrote down in his diary the prediction he received of “death by crew.” He accompanied this prediction with the following comment: “Of course, I couldn’t believe it. My mind does not allow me to believe in such absurdities.” But on a rainy day on April 19, 1906, “absurdities” still happened: while crossing the street, Pierre Curie slipped on the wet road and fell, and a passing carriage crushed his head with its wheel.”

    We will not retell in detail the contents of Chapter 8 of “Nectar for the Soul”, from which the above lines are taken (almost all visitors to our site are well familiar with this book), but will jump straight to the news that has excited the public in many countries - the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

    “Who killed?”, “Why?”, “For what?” “Who benefits?”... The Internet is replete with versions, conjectures, assumptions, statements. Only the simple Truth was not heard: “The hour has struck.” Everything else - customers, inspirers, directors, performers, circumstances - are just details of the painting “The Death of Nemtsov,” written before his birth.

    Of course, now investigators will intensively search (and will find, of course!) logical explanations for Nemtsov’s death - fortunately, there are enough witnesses and specialists in the investigation of such cases. Surely they will put forward and prove a version that is understandable and convincing both for the court and for the average person.

    And few people will understand that the chain of cause-and-effect relationships that stretched from the date of birth of Boris Nemtsov simply ended, and on the evening of February 27 he set off across the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge not for a walk, but towards his death. “Annushka has already spilled oil” (Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”) and this event, already recorded in the Akashic Chronicles, manifested itself in our reality.