Do not die from your native parental land. He stood up to defend his native land

    AGRICULTURAL - lands provided for the needs of Agriculture or intended for these...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    RECREATIONAL PURPOSE - lands allocated in accordance with the established procedure, intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population. To them …
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ENVIRONMENTAL USE - lands of nature reserves (except for hunting); prohibited and spawning protection zones; lands occupied by forests performing protective functions; other …
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    NATURAL RESERVE FUND - lands of nature reserves, natural monuments, natural (national) and dendrological, botanical gardens. The composition of Z.p.-z.f. turn on land With …
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    HEALTH PURPOSE - land plots with natural healing factors ( mineral springs, deposits of medicinal mud, climatic and other conditions), favorable...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    PUBLIC USE - in cities, towns and rural areas populated areas- lands used as communication routes (squares, streets, alleys, ...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FOREST FUND - lands covered with forest, etc. not covered by forest, but provided for the needs of forestry and forestry...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE - lands on which (and in which) historical and cultural monuments, places of interest, including those declared ...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    RESERVE - all lands not provided for ownership, possession, use and lease. include land, ownership, possession...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    RAILWAY TRANSPORT - land federal significance provided free of charge for permanent (indefinite) use to enterprises and institutions railway transport to carry out the assigned...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FOR DEFENSE NEEDS - lands provided for accommodation and permanent activities military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Armed Forces...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    URBAN - see URBAN LANDS...
  • EARTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    WATER FUND - lands occupied by reservoirs, glaciers, swamps, with the exception of tundra and forest-tundra zones, hydraulic engineering and other water management structures; A …
  • EARTH V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Old Russian regions formed near old cities. Z., often over a very significant distance from the city, was the property of its residents and always ...
  • NATIVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -aya, -be. 1. Consisting of a direct (blood) relationship, as well as general kinship. Native sister. R. uncle. Visit with…
    ? Old Russian regions formed near old cities. Z., often over a very significant distance from the city, was the property of its residents and ...
  • NATIVE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    dear, dear, I, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear th, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, ...
  • NATIVE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -"aya, -"oe 1) Being related by blood in a direct line, as well as in any relationship in general. Native father. Dear mother. ...
    Syn: see...
  • EARTH in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • NATIVE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: see...
  • EARTH in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    ‘property’ Syn: possessions, ...
  • NATIVE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    related, relative, neighbor, close, blood. Half-brothers, half-brothers. They are flesh of our flesh, bone of our bones. See close,...
    priceless, dear, precious, dearest, half-blooded, desired, blood, beloved, dear, beloved, one-uterine, fatherly, fatherly, dear, beloved, darling, kinsman, dear, relatives, one’s own, ...
  • EARTH in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    property Syn: possessions, ...
  • NATIVE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. Usage as an affectionate address to father, brother, husband, man, boy, etc. 2. adj. 1) a) Located in...
  • NATIVE in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • NATIVE full spelling dictionary Russian language.
  • NATIVE in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • NATIVE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    (in circulation) dear, dear relative by birth, by spirit, by habits, R. region. Home country. R. language (the language of its ...
  • NATIVE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dear, dear. 1. Related by blood in a direct line. Native father. Native son. Dear grandfather. Dear great-grandfather. Dear mother...
  • NATIVE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    native 1. m. Us. as an affectionate address to father, brother, husband, man, boy, etc. 2. adj. 1) a) Located...
  • NATIVE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I m. Used as an affectionate address to father, brother, husband, man, boy, etc. II adj. 1. Being in blood...
  • NATIVE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I m. Used as an affectionate address to father, brother, husband, man, youth, boy, corresponding in meaning to the words: darling, dear, beloved. ...
  • RUSSIAN PROVERBS in Wiki Quotation Book.
  • PEASANTS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Contents: 1) K. in Western Europe. ? 2) History of Kazakhstan in Russia before liberation (1861). ? 3) Economic situation TO. …
  • DIE BUT NOT NOW in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-03-13 Time: 18:40:59 * Vodka with Martini and more ice, if found. * You know, Zao, I even missed...
  • DOCTOR HOUSE in Quotation Wiki.
    and art Literature Multinational Soviet literature represents a qualitative new stage development of literature. As a definite artistic whole, united by a single socio-ideological...
  • THE USSR. NATURAL SCIENCES in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    sciences Mathematics Scientific research in the field of mathematics began to be carried out in Russia in the 18th century, when Leningrad became members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences...
  • JAPAN*
  • FRANCE* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FINLAND* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FEUDALISM in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • TRADE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (theory). ? Trading is understood as fishing activity aimed at overcoming obstacles separating producers and consumers in time and space. This …

With my native (parent) earth - die, don't go!

  • - “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, NATIVE EARTH”, youthful verse. L. . Built on the characteristic patriotic. the poet's lyrics contrast beautiful nature native land society evil and "unfreedom" ...

    Lermontov Encyclopedia

  • - 1989, 105 min., b/w, Trinity Bridge studio. genre: drama. dir. Vitaly Kanevsky, screenplay Vitaly Kanevsky, opera. Vladimir Brylyakov, artist. Yuri Pashigorev, comp. Sergey Banevich, sound. Oksana Strugina...

    Lenfilm. Annotated Film Catalog (1918-2003)

  • - Across the face of the earth. Wed. And passers-by give, give... Thus, from the contribution of labor, the temples of God grow across the face of our native land... N. A. Nekrasov. Vlas. See The Widow's Mite...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - From the tragedy “Boris Godunov” by A. S. Pushkin, words of the chronicler Pimen. Quoted: how to encourage interest in studying native history...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - UM, uh...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - DIE, die, die; died, died, died; dead; having died and died...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Wed. And passers-by give, give... Thus, from the labor mite, the temples of God grow across the face of our native land... N.A. Nekrasov. Vlas. See contribution...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Razg. Express Despite everything; Necessarily. If everyone wears such a dress, then I’ll die and wear it...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - See LIFE -...
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Zharg. they say Joking-iron. Restrain your desire to get something; don't aim at getting something. what you want...
  • - Zharg. they say The requirement to leave, to leave. Vakhitov 2003, 176...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Psk. An oath to smth. POS 3, 32...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - See: Die, my Vanka...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Psk. An oath to smth. SPP 2001, 54...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Razg. Through thick and thin. FSRY, 494...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

“From your native land - die, don’t leave!” in books


From the book Ice and Fire author Papanin Ivan Dmitrievich

THE WARMTH OF THE NATIVE LAND On the day we found ourselves on the ships, the radio brought us a greeting from I.V. Stalin: “To Papanin, Shirshov, Krenkel, Fedorov. Congratulations on your successful implementation responsible task. Our entire country is proud of your heroic work. We are waiting for your

Every inch of our native land...

From the book Know Yourself in Battle author Pokryshkin Alexander Ivanovich

Every inch of our native land... Far ahead the village appeared, near which our regiment was based. Soon I discovered camouflaged planes standing along the edges of the airfield. The intelligence officer's experience took its toll. I couldn't wait to land faster. I peer into the aircraft parking lots:

5. "A tiny postage stamp from our native land"

From Faulkner's book author Gribanov Boris Timofeevich

5. “A Tiny Postage Stamp of the Native Land” After a summer in Pascagoula, Faulkner returned to New Orleans. Here he was interviewed by a correspondent of the Item newspaper. Faulkner kindly informed him about the upcoming publication of the novel "Mosquitoes" and told him (again this ineradicable

Abroad of the native land

From the book Air Knight author Sorkin Igor Efremovich

Abroad, 1916 was a difficult year for Russian aviation and for the entire active army. General Brusilov addresses a personal letter to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich: “Having weak forces in comparison with the Germans in terms of quantity and quality of aviation

Mysteries of the native land

From the book Great Secrets of Great People author

Mysteries of the native land It turns out that 6 thousand years ago, when Sumerian civilization, as is commonly believed, the first on Earth, was just emerging, on Russian soil, on the territory of the modern Urals, our ancestors were so developed that they even knew metallurgy. Alexey


From the book Soviet Cosmonauts author Rebrov Mikhail Fedorovich

A HANDFAST OF THE NATIVE LAND Viktor Vasilievich GorbatkoPilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero Soviet Union Colonel Viktor Vasilievich Gorbatko. Born in 1934 in the village of Ventsy-Zarya Krasnodar region. Member of the CPSU. He made three flights into space: the first in 1969, the second in

Yuliy Krylov. A handful of native land

From the author's book

Yuliy Krylov. A handful of native land I had the opportunity to serve with Ivan Fedorovich Afonin for a short time. But even now I remember this sincere, cheerful person with a feeling of gratitude. If fate at the front had not brought me to him, who knows, perhaps my life would have turned out better

Chapter 4 Mysteries of the native land

From book Unknown Rus'[Secrets of Russian civilization] author Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

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He stood up to defend his native land

From the author's book

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The pain of our native land

From the book of Lomehuza author Uglov Fedor Grigorievich

The quiet voice of the native land

From book Literary Newspaper 6284 (№ 29 2010) author Literary Newspaper

The quiet voice of the native land

From the book Literary Newspaper 6285 (No. 30 2010) author Literary Newspaper

Quiet voice of the native land Joint project "LAD" Quiet voice of the native land UNION STATE PRIZE You can not only compose with two pens, but also paint with two brushes. The Tkachev brothers succeed in this. They are inseparable all their lives. The only exception was the war years, when

The quiet voice of the native land

From the book Literary Newspaper 6340 (No. 36 2011) author Literary Newspaper

The quiet voice of the native land Art The quiet voice of the native land BOOK ROW Svetlana Korbakova. Vladimir Korbakov. Landscapes. – Vologda: Polygraph-book, 2011. – 1000 copies. For a true artist, there is no such thing as age. Surprise before the limitless

“You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”

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“You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” Lermontov Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany” celebrates its glorious 75th anniversary. I have been to Tarkhany many times, and for me they have become family, like Lermontov, like great Russian poetry. “Tarkhany” is a living museum, they don’t talk to you here.

Far from my native land

From the book Notes of a Footballer author Fedotov Grigory Ivanovich

Far from our native land... For a long time we could not catch the necessary radio wave. Then suddenly the room was filled with the dull sound of an organ, coming as if from underground, then someone’s voice burst in, then applause, laughter, crackling, broken jazz music. Finally, it was possible. At first it came very

Two publications appeared in the magazine “The Sixth Sense” (2/2010), “two remarks on one topic.” And the topic itself is stated in the heading “Sense of Motherland.” The author of the first publication is Alexey Korovin, the second (opposing the first) is Arseny Zamostyanov.

What compelled me to take up the pen was a serious disagreement with the first author and some but significant disagreement with the second.

I’ll say right away that the subject of my reasoning is - how can I put it - a kind of sluggish patriotism of both authors. The phenomenon is interesting and very indicative.

But - in order.

At first I was surprised in Alexey Korovin’s article by the term “best people,” which he used several times in a small publication. Who are these best people? I remember that in the 19th century N. Chernyshevsky coined this term to define active socialists. True, F. Dostoevsky called these the best people demons and prophetically saw in them those who would “flood the world with blood.” That's what happened.

Who are the “best people” in this interpretation?

We read: “We are talking about our best people, smart people, entrepreneurs. It was they who in the 80s and 90s spun like a squirrel in a wheel, not always caring (my italics - M. Shch.) about their own pockets. May they have the strength and desire and - most importantly! - faith in Russia, they would be able to turn everything upside down and change a lot in our society. True, it cannot be guaranteed that these changes would be for the better.” Further, the author clarifies even more directly: the best people are “domestic wealthy people.”

It would seem, what is there to talk about? The term is obviously, to put it mildly, inaccurate.

A. Zamostyanov argues with reason, and I agree with him in everything (except for the last two paragraphs), but there is a feeling of reticence. Firstly, the very fact of introducing the term “best people” - is it legal? I think it simply shouldn't exist. After all, if we accept it, then we must accept another term: “ the worst people" That is, we take upon ourselves the function of judging and passing judgment on our neighbor. And having assumed the right to judge, we inevitably condemn, and this great sin, which, as we know, is a violation of the commandment “thou shalt not kill.” To some extent it is permissible for us to say “the best artist,” “the best shoemaker,” “the best businessman,” that is, to express our attitude to a person’s activities, but we are not allowed to judge the person himself. It is not given to us to judge the image of God, which is in every person. And the Lord said unambiguously: “Vengeance is mine and I will repay.” A. Zamostyanov rightly, but, in my opinion, speaks too softly about pride, about “the idea that I better country. That in general I’m better than anyone or anything.” Thus, the very reasoning about someone’s “betterness” is unacceptable for a Christian. The Lord did not wash the feet of his disciples out of whim. Secondly, it is not without interest to find out on what criteria the conclusions are based that some people are better (that is, the highest class), while others are worse (second class, and so on). Actually, Korovin indicated these criteria (and I have already quoted them). This is intelligence, enterprise, hard work, material wealth and not always caring about one’s own pocket. The best, top quality embodied in its ultimate version - ideally. For a Christian, the ideal is God, Christ.

The above-mentioned virtues of the “best people” lack such an ideal. Let's consider A. Korovin's criteria. Mind? Yes, this is a gift from God, but it is not the highest hierarchical value. The mind is an instrument that serves both good and evil equally successfully. The so-called Age of Enlightenment, in the mainstream of which Western culture remains to this day. public consciousness, deified human mind. Historical practice quickly proved the absurdity and disastrousness of this satanic idea, but the inertia of thinking is so great that this global lie continues to dwell in millions of heads.

Entrepreneurship and hard work? Yes, that's for sure good qualities, however, as in the question of intelligence, the question arises: for what? And again we can state the relativism of these virtues in a moral sense: criminals can also be enterprising, and hard work can be aimed at building another Tower of Babel. I think that, for example, the creators of television programs that corrupt people are not deprived of the quality of hard work (especially if they pay good money): the work is carried out on a very large-scale and systematic basis.

And here is the main criterion: financial solvency. If you are very smart, enterprising and hardworking man due to some reasons (he fell ill, had an accident, failed to be immoral enough to suppress a competitor, etc.) did not acquire the appropriate capital as a result of his activities, it is unlikely that A. Korovin would classify him as the “best” to people. Thus, the best people are rich people who have managed to achieve success through own merits. Well, it was said frankly and frankly, in an American way. After all, the prosperity of the United States and its constitution are based on the European Enlightenment idea: “It is not virtue that must defeat vice, but another vice.”

Sociodarwinism is the norm in Western civilization, and “best” is logically synonymous with “strongest.” But what does Christianity have to do with it? The author of the article quotes Holy Bible, as if wanting to have the right measure in hand, possessing a somewhat Christian attitude towards the Fatherland. Clearly inconsistent. F. Nietzsche was more precise: he declared himself an anti-Christian and bluntly stated: “The weak and unsuccessful must perish - this is the law of our philanthropy.”

He, Nietzsche, being after all an intelligent man, determined: all aspirations on earth are following the instinct of power. I think that for the horizontal level human existence this is true. There is administrative power, there is the power of money, there is the refined power of art, there is the power of the priesthood, etc. Today is the day when money rules. The wretched dream of a contemporary is significant: capitalism with a human face. And quite logically, a new idol (the best person) appeared - a successful bourgeois entrepreneur. The author writes that the best people “in the 80s and 90s spun like a squirrel in a wheel.” What kind of process was taking place in the country during these years? Redistribution of property. Privatization, seizure of what does not belong to you. The period of initial accumulation of capital, which, in the fair opinion of K. Marx, never proceeded without blood and crimes. This is a period of collapse of the state and its institutions. What did the “best” people do? Did they develop science, technology, strengthen the army and justice? No, they had no time for that. It was necessary to carry out primitive accumulation. This is what they did.

And this was the general general trend.

Business has become a measure of a person's merits. Now it’s somehow awkward to even express any critical attitude towards the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness. I give the floor to an outstanding businessman (I think it was Rockefeller): “Business is the ability to take money from someone else’s pocket in a legal way.” As we see, this thesis is not endowed with moral merits. And what can you object to when Christ bluntly said: “You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). The Lord said even more definitely: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25). And regarding who is the best among people, He also spoke very definitely: “...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant...” (Mark 10:43).

There is a lot to be said on this topic. But enough. I dwelled on it insofar as it implies main topic my statement.

A false premise about the “best” people inevitably dictates a false and dubious conclusion.

Actually, by arguing that Russia is not good enough for the “best” people, one can come to the logical conclusion that there is nothing wrong with leaving “this country”. “Fish looks for where it’s deeper,” writes Alexey Korovin, “and man, where it’s better. A man is not a fish, but I can’t help but condemn these people.” There is no need to condemn people, but their position can and should be. At first glance, if the country is so bad, why save it? Let him go into oblivion if he doesn’t want and doesn’t know how to live and survive!

Logical. But only externally, but in essence, deeply immoral. True, A. Korovin gives the reason why he is not leaving Russia yet: “Where he was born, he fit in.” I think that the root mistake is that the individual today has begun to perceive himself as autonomous from Russia: here is “this country” separately - but here I am (and also the “best”). I may be in this country, I may not be. I am not part of it, not its belonging, but a certain collaborator in it, a fellow traveler, a consumer. However, personality is not only today's psychosomatic unit. Personality is connecting link between the centuries-old past and, let's hope a little, a long enough future. A link that bears responsibility both to those whose blood, traditions, troubles and victories I contain within myself, and to those whom I either deprive of all this, or to whom I carefully pass on, strengthening and developing, what I received as will. By internally leaving our homeland and people, we destroy our family. Infertility is the antonym of fertility. “Honor your father and your mother, may you be well, and may you live long on earth.” After all, the Lord speaks about honoring any parents. He does not say: “Honor good parents" He directly connects the attitude towards parents with future earthly longevity. Our people, our clan, our Motherland are our parents, without whom there is no longevity for us. Let us remember the words of N. Gogol: “If you do not love Russia, you will not love your brothers, you will not be inflamed with love for God, and if you are not inflamed with love for God, you will not be saved.” Here we are talking about eternity. Gogol closely connects the idea of ​​salvation with the idea of ​​love for Russia. The path to the heavenly fatherland, according to Gogol, lies through earthly fatherland. You need to love your neighbor, family, clan, homeland, and only then will love for God be kindled. Denying the Motherland, putting forward irreconcilable claims against it, we begin to look for another homeland, someone else’s homeland, and having found it, we serve it. According to the formed public opinion, this is quite normal and acceptable.

Well, what if there is war? Going over to the enemy’s side is called the shameful word “betrayal.” And there is no need to explain anything here. “I gave birth to you, and I will kill you,” says Bulba, and the terrible truth of these words is clear to my heart.

One might argue: now Peaceful time, and therefore it is inappropriate to talk about betrayal. Is that true? I dare say that the war did not stop. She changed forms. Western politicians, especially without hiding, they say that significantly greater results can be achieved without throwing your army at the enemy. You can conquer a country without crossing borders. There is a name for this type of activity: information warfare. After the Second World War, such a war, planned as if by notes, in the famous Dulles plan, was waged against the system of socialism and ended victoriously. Now the United States has set another goal: “mutation of the Russian spirit.” And Z. Brzezinski publicly declared: “After the destruction of socialism, enemy number one is Orthodoxy.”

According to the conclusions of S. Huntington (American political scientist, author of the acclaimed book “The Clash of Civilizations”), there are three factors that shape civilization: blood, language and religion. He rightly puts religion in first place, language in second place, and blood only in third place. Mutation of the Russian spirit long time carried out through destruction Orthodox faith. Russian conciliarity is degenerating into pragmatic egoism. Sexual promiscuity is being propagated (remember the Eastern wisdom: “If you want to destroy a clan, corrupt the woman of the clan”).

Task information war the point is that a person loses himself as an integral unit, when, in particular, separation from the Motherland splits our soul, because the Motherland is in me, it is impossible to lose it, together with it we lose ourselves. Despair and disbelief in the people and the Fatherland are introduced into the consciousness. Pessimism in relation to one’s capabilities (how many disaster films are poured into the souls of television viewers! In the USA, the demonstration of such films is extremely limited). They are trying to ensure that the idea of ​​the existence of a triumphant evil in the world takes root in the consciousness and subconscious, in which, if you want to live, then live like a wolf... The information war program is well developed and paid for. Its special point is the consistent support of the comprador bourgeoisie, that is, that social layer for which the interests of business are above the interests of the Fatherland. This is a layer of traitors national interests under the conditions of the conquest of the colonial state. Yes, everything has been done and is being done to deprive the people of Russia of spirit, and therefore of life, for a body without a spirit is a corpse. Yes, the Fatherland is in danger, yes, the Russian people have degenerated and continue to degenerate, they are dying in much on a large scale than if he had been starved in concentration camps. But what follows from this? For a fish looking for a better place, the conclusion is obvious.

But those who expressed the spirit of the nation saw the problem differently:

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us,
The heart finds food in them:
Love for fathers' coffins,
Love for native ashes.

Life-giving shrine!
The earth would be dead without them
Like (...) desert
And like an altar without a deity.

Yes, of course you can say “leave” and shake hands, but why gild the pill? Betrayal is betrayal, since according to A.S. To Pushkin, without love for the Fatherland, the earth is dead.

Arseny Zamostyanov, with whom, I repeat, I largely agree, summing up my thoughts, says that in the twentieth century we defended not only minerals, but also language, literature, and songs... And further: “For me, inferior things are better, but yours." At first I didn't believe my eyes. Where does such humiliating modesty come from? Is this our language, literature, religion - “bad, but our own”? It is clear when F. Dostoevsky said that in the field of education Russia stands above other nations, because Christ enlightened it. However, there is a lot of evidence from the outside. Thomas Mann called Russian literature holy. Rilke said about Russia that it alone borders the sky... Russian culture, which is treated with respect abroad, is inferior?!

Yes, Russia is sick. Possibly fatal. But great Russia is sick, and applying the epithet “bad” to it is blasphemous. She's not even bad. She is “bad,” that is, insignificant. How is it possible? Well, there is every reason for the fish to swim to other depths. Next, Arseny Zamostyanov compares the feeling of the Motherland with an ear for music. What to do - some have it, others don't. As we see, the judgment is devoid of moral coordinates. What to do: one person has a conscience, and the other does not. This is also like an ear for music. Let's be tolerant! But tolerance towards evil is already a form of complicity and silent support for evil.

And this author concludes his article with a quote from A.S. Pushkin: “Every artist must be judged according to the laws that he himself recognizes above himself.” That is: “If you love your Motherland, I judge you according to the law of this love; if you betray your Motherland, I judge you according to the logic of your betrayal.”

I dare say that Pushkin spoke about the artist’s work. And about the laws of creativity, about its aesthetics, and not at all about the moral or civic position of a person. And, being a great patriot, he unequivocally called the slanderers of Russia slanderers.

Russia is sick. And there are really two logics possible here. One logic: free yourself from your homeland and leave, handing over, like your mother, to a nursing home, or act as Vysotsky’s friend acts towards a friend: “And when you fell from the rocks, he groaned, but held on.”

It seems that I have said everything I wanted, but I think it is very appropriate to remember today the poems of the great Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. I think that they are even more relevant today than in the year they were written:

We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now.
The hour of courage has struck on our watch,
And courage will not leave us!
It's not scary to lie down dead under bullets,
It's not sad to be homeless.
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word!
We will carry you free and clean,
We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

artistic director
Moscow Russian Drama Theater
"Chamber Stage"
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

I would like to sincerely thank you, Mikhail Grigorievich, for your strict review from an attentive reader. Your answer is full of valid arguments and personal experience.

However, the style of your comments, in my opinion, is not without some excessive harshness, bordering on prosecutorial condemnation. Either this is a peculiar surgery of Christian love, or a certain deficiency of it.

How do you think? Yes, indeed, it is difficult to distinguish between man, as the image of God, and sin. This is a great art that, alas, probably none of us have yet achieved. But this, as they say, is the work of a lifetime.

Let me make two comments. For me, patriotism, the Motherland and even the state are the most important, key concepts. But are they a moral absolute, such as conscience? Not sure. This is a long conversation in which one can recall, for example, the controversy surrounding the publications of Abbot Peter (Meshcherinov) and Archpriest Georgy (Mitrofanov). I am wholeheartedly against their anti-patriotic concept, but I cannot consider their position immoral.

I don’t know whether it’s worth uttering the scandalous word “tolerance” here, but I think we must admit that this question, given the changeability of historical circumstances, is ambiguous.

As for the expression “better than bad, but your own,” then, of course, it does not mean that we categorize Russian as “bad.” It’s simple and inferior, but it’s one of its kind for me - a bad patriot! - better than someone else's.

Someone else's soul does not accept.

Yours, Arseniy Zamostyanov

“Such as the great Prince Alexander had many brave men, just as in ancient times King David had strength and power; In the same way, the howl of Grand Duke Alexander was filled with the spirit of war: I beat their hearts like a lion, and rkosha: “O our prince, honest and drag! Now is the time to lay down our heads for you and for Rus'.” Life of Alexander Nevsky “About the Grand Duke Alexander”.

“…It’s time to “gather stones”! This year the Ring of Grace of the Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus' has closed and here is another significant project International Center development of socially significant projects "Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'" continues its implementation of the installation of foundation stones for the monument to Alexander Nevsky. Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky in the monumental appearance of monuments and his heavenly light will stand on our Russian land from Pereslavl-Zalessky to Lugansk and Donetsk. And he will protect our land from enemies and troubles, for the glory of God!..”

The minibus of the delegation of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” was rapidly heading to the south of our huge country. The magnificent M4 Don highway encircled the expanses of the Tula, Lipetsk, and Voronezh regions like a majestic ribbon. Ahead lay the lands of the All-Great Don Army. After the Moscow bad weather, we escaped from the snow captivity and capital traffic jams, passed the border of the cold front, and now with every ten kilometers it became warmer and warmer. And it was warm in my soul that we were traveling on a noble mission. On the long-suffering land of Lugansk, on November 8, at the Church of Alexander Nevsky in the capital of the Lugansk People's Republic, a foundation stone will be installed for the monument to the holy noble prince, great warrior and diplomat, man of prayer and builder of the Russian land, Alexander Nevsky.

Somewhere over the horizon to the right of our route lay the battlefields of the great victories of Russian weapons - Kulikovo and Prokhorovskoe fields. We were traveling to Donbass, which became a new battlefield for the Russian World against universal evil. The grandiose project of the International Center “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” - “The Name of Russia - Alexander Nevsky” began its procession in the year of its 70th anniversary Great Victory Soviet People above Nazi Germany. The installation of foundation stones at the sites of future monuments to Prince Alexander Nevsky, as a symbol of the unshakable Russian spirit, along the perimeter of the Russian land will become a spiritual belt guarding the Orthodox faith and a symbol of the unity of our people. According to the organizers of the project, monuments to Alexander Nevsky will be installed in places of military glory along the borders of Orthodox Rus' and this action will end in 2021, on the 800th anniversary of the great Russian prince.

Granite natural centuries-old stones from the homeland of Alexander Nevsky in Pereslavl-Zalessky, where the great saint Alexander took princely monastic vows, will be consecrated and taken in a religious procession to the places of their installation.

Then, in Star City, after the opening of the foundation stone at a solemn meeting, the director of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” Vladimir Berezovsky noted in his speech:

“…It’s time to “gather stones”! This year the Ring of Grace of the Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus' has closed and another significant project of our Center continues to be implemented. Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky in the monumental appearance of monuments and his heavenly light will stand on our Russian land from Pereslavl-Zalessky to Lugansk and Donetsk. And he will protect our land from enemies and troubles, for the glory of God!..”

A huge thickness of years separates us from the era of Alexander Nevsky. To people of the 20th century, the famous prince is better known from historical novels, fictionalized biographies, paintings by Nicholas Roerich, Pavel Korin, and the film by Sergei Eisenstein.

But it should be noted that Alexander Nevsky is a statesman and commander Medieval Rus' appeared to us God's will, as the patron and protector of our land.

“Reserve the Russian land,” wrote historian Sergei Solovyov, “from trouble in the east, famous exploits for faith and land in the west they brought Alexander a glorious memory in Rus' and made him the most prominent historical figure V ancient history from Monomakh to Donskoy."

In the chronicle tale that has reached us about his exploits it is said that he was “born of God.” Victorious everywhere, he was not defeated by anyone. A certain knight, who came from the west to see Nevsky, said that he had passed through many countries and peoples, but nowhere had he seen such a thing “neither in the kings of the king, nor in the princes of the prince.” Khan Batu himself allegedly gave the same review about him.

Alexander Nevsky was initially buried in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (from 1797 - Lavra) in St. Petersburg.

According to the results of a large-scale survey of Russians, on December 28, 2008, Alexander Nevsky was chosen “in the name of Russia.”

Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history during that dramatic period when Rus' was hit by three sides, he was seen as the founder of the line of Moscow sovereigns and the great patron of the Orthodox Church.

Alexander Nevsky, who had never lost a single battle in his entire life, showed his talent as a commander and diplomat, making peace with the most powerful (but at the same time more tolerant) enemy - the Golden Horde, and, repelling an attack from the West, at the same time defended Orthodoxy from Catholic expansion.

On Don land Our delegation made its first stop in Donetsk (Rostov). Our group included: Leonid Vasilievich Kolobov - representative of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects "Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'" in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Oleg Mikhailovich Koshelev - Chairman of the Board public organization veterans The Brotherhood of War» city of Pereslavl, Andrey Valeryevich Okhapkin - ex-mayor of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, project participant, Vladimir Kazmin - member of the Writers' Union of Russia, member of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects "Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'", Sergey Iosifovich Zalessky - representative of the support fund environmental programs“Golden Rus'” with his son, Young Army member Grigory, and our combat driver Andrei Valentinovich Petrenko - a member of the Russian Aeronautics Federation.

Ahead in the twilight of the night beyond the Izvarino border crossing lay the alarming silence of the Lugansk land. Since there was already a curfew in the Lugansk People’s Republic, we decided to wait until morning and then continue our journey to Lugansk, where Vladimir Vasilyevich Berezovsky, director of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus',” was waiting for us. The management of the International Center spent a lot of time preliminary work for the preparation of a solemn event in Lugansk, where this event in the Lugansk People's Republic was dedicated great value at the state level.

At dawn, when the sun came out from behind the horizon, illuminating with its light the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, the steppe expanses and man-made pyramids of waste heaps, we continued our journey through the war-scorched land of Lugansk. We drove through the heroic cities of Krasnodon and Molodogvardeysk, stopped in Novosvetlovka, which was shot by Bandera neo-fascists, where we bowed to the burnt tank of the militia. Here in the summer of 2014 there were fierce bloody battles, Ukrainian security forces and Bandera’s supporters tried to cut the only road that connected Lugansk with Russia - this road became the “road of life”, despite great sacrifices, then the Luhansk militias survived and won!

A peaceful but front-line city, the capital of the LPR, Lugansk, greeted us with the morning bustle and cleanliness of its streets and avenues.

The Church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Lugansk was founded in 2000 and completely completed in 2003 according to the design of the architect Anatoly Bondarev. The temple is decorated with 6 domes, four of them have bell towers, total area is 306 m². Located on Budyonny Street, on the territory of the University Park. V.I. Dalya.

Leads to the main entrance high staircase, under which on the lower tier is the entrance to the border of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow, a famous Christian ascetic of the twentieth century.

The ringing of the church bells announced the beginning of the solemn consecration of the foundation stone of the monument to the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. The solemn ceremony, in front of a large crowd of people, was attended by the head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky, the leadership of the republic, representatives of the public and the clergy. The rite of consecration of the installation site of the foundation stone was performed by Metropolitan of Lugansk and Alchevsk Mitrofan.

"Saint Alexander Nevsky occupies special place in the history of our Fatherland, because he very harmoniously combined the wonderful talents of a statesman, politician, warrior and at the same time a deeply religious spiritual person who, all his life, while ruling his people, tried to follow the commandments of God. It is no coincidence that the name of Alexander Nevsky became a symbol of Russia, because his feat, his life is an example for everyone,” said Bishop Mitrofan, addressing those present.

“His memory reminds us of the unity of the peoples of Holy Rus'. What we should pray for, ask God, so that there is no division, but unity,” the Metropolitan noted.

The monument to the great Russian prince is planned to be erected in 2017 with the direct participation of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” as part of the all-Russian action plan for the preparation of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

The head of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, in his speech at this celebration said:

“Today we have become even closer to Russia, to the Russian world. Because today on the land of Lugansk there is a foundation stone of the holy blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, which symbolizes the spiritual kinship between us and our great Motherland. Today's celebration in Once again shows that for people who follow the path of truth, faith and justice, there are no barriers...”

In his speech, the director of the International Center, Vladimir Berezovsky, noted:

“As part of the project “The Name of Russia - Alexander Nevsky”, the foundation stone came to you - my fellow countrymen - from his homeland, where he was born - the legendary city of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

In September 2015, the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” on the basis of a Presidential Decree Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Nevsky began to implement a project of installing foundation stones from the homeland of the defender of Rus' in cities where monuments and busts of the holy blessed Grand Duke will be erected.

The first foundation stone in Donbass was installed in the Donetsk People's Republic. September 8, 2015 on the day of the celebration of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon Mother of God, after the service and procession at the Alexander Nevsky Church and Vladimir Cathedral on Red Square of Pereslavl-Zalessky, a ceremony took place to consecrate the stone for the heroic Donbass.

On September 12, 2015, on the day of remembrance of the blessed prince, it was laid in place future installation monument on the territory of the Donetsk Higher Combined Arms command school(DonWOKU) .

Then in May 2016, in Pereslavl-Zalessky, a solemn ceremony of consecration of foundation stones by Bishop Theodore of Pereslavl and Uglech for Lugansk, Matveev Kurgan and Star City took place. And now we see this sacred stone here in Lugansk..."

After the solemn meeting, a flock of doves and white balloons released by young schoolchildren flew into the sky as a symbol of peace and prosperity, which is so lacking on Lugansk soil.

A reception at the state level was held in the administration of the Head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky, where issues of further cooperation were discussed. Project participants for strengthening civil peace in the Lugansk region were awarded the government award of the LPR with the anniversary medal “70 Years of Victory”. The leadership of the republic was presented with books by the project participants from the delegation of the International Center.

In the evening of the same day, our delegation set off on its way to next point our destination - the village of Matveev Kurgan Rostov region. The road went through the Lugansk cities of Krasny Luch and Miusinsk. We entered the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, the city of Snezhnoye. Here, on the legendary land of the Mius Front on the Saur-Mogila mound, as back in 1943, and in 2014, there were bloody battles with the enemies of the Russian land: in 1943 - with Hitler’s fascists, and in 2014 - with Bandera nationalists. We drove along a road distorted by shells and missiles, we drove through the groaning expanses of Donetsk, we drove through a time of pain and unfading glory that permeates this great space...

After customs formalities at the Uspenka border crossing, our minibus ran along the Rostov and Don regions.

On the ground covered immortal glory victories on the Mius front, fields and villages of the Matveevo-Kurgan region spread out.

Among the events of the Great Patriotic War, military operations occupy an important place Soviet troops on the Don. They lasted about two years, from October 1941 to August 1943.

From the chronicles of the last war we know that in February 1943 the troops Southern Front released from Nazi invaders Rostov and most Don land. The liberation of Taganrog and the southwestern part of the Rostov region occurred later in subsequent battles. Hitler's command strengthened its positions on the Mius Front. Fierce fighting lay ahead. Here, on Mius, the fascists hoped to take revenge for the defeat at Stalingrad, but they were completely defeated and after our soldiers captured the key height of Saur-Mogila, the fascists were expelled not only from the Don land, but from the Donbass.

The Matveevo-Kurgan Orthodox Parish of the Church of Blessed Paul of Taganrog was included in the project to install foundation stones from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky in those cities and towns where it is planned to erect a monument to the great Russian prince Alexander Nevsky. This temple was erected as a memorial temple to the soldiers who died on the Mius Front. On the territory of the parish it is planned to build chapel-tombs for the remains of soldiers, who are annually large quantities find search parties during the "Memory Watch".

It is necessary to tell the background story associated with the stone-laying event.

“Our temple is located on the border with Donetsk People's Republic, and we see that in modern conditions the only salvation for our people is unification based on historical memory. The personality of Alexander Nevsky, thanks to the gracious help of God, gathered scattered principalities around himself and did not allow our Fatherland to perish.

And in our years aggravated by brotherly hatred, the holy prince will strengthen mental strength, uniting fraternal peoples,” wrote the rector of the Matveevo-Kurgan deanery, Priest Igor Milyaev in his message addressed to the director of the International Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects “Holy Laurels of Orthodox Rus'” Vladimir Berezovsky with a request to include him in the project. This request was reviewed and approved. And on November 9, 2016, the magnificent event of installing the foundation stone in Matveyev Kurgan should take place.

This was done thanks to the active support of the Deputy Authorized Representative President of the Russian Federation in South Federal District Anatoly Safronov and Head of the Matveevo-Kurgan District Administration Alexander Rudkovsky.

On May 31, 2016, a meeting was held between the Head of the Administration of the Matveevo-Kurgan District, Alexander Rudkovsky, and the dean of the district, Priest Igor Milyaev, on the topic of installing a monument to the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

With the blessing of His Eminence Mercury, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk, work was carried out to design and prepare a site for the monument to the great saint and commander of the Russian land. It was decided to rename the square adjacent to the territory of the Church of the Righteous Pavel of Taganrog in honor of the Righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky and install a foundation stone in the center for the future monument, as well as combine the territories of the temple and the square. Thus, the territory of the parish and Alexander Nevsky Square will become a single pedestrian area park area the central part of the village of Matveev Kurgan.

At noon in the park on November 9, 2016, a solemn consecration of the site for the installation of the foundation stone took place.

The ceremony, together with our delegation, was attended by the head of the district administration A.A. Rudkovsky, dean Fr. Igor Milyaev, representatives of the village public and clergy.

To the sound of bells, a religious procession consisting of Cossacks and honored guests proceeded from the Church of St. Blessed. Pavel of Taganrog along the alley to the foundation stone and carefully, slowly, they removed the cover from it. Then the priests held a prayer service and consecrated a place for installing a granite foundation stone with a black slab with an explanatory inscription fixed on it. Then a rally took place, during which the significance of what was happening was especially emphasized.

“It is very symbolic that the monument to the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, the defender and collector of the Russian land, will stand between the Temple and mass grave liberators of our region,” Alexander Rudkovsky noted in his speech. “This is not just a tribute to the great past, but also a call to us and our descendants to defend Russia, strengthen the unity of its people!..”

Director of the International Center V.V. Berezovsky spoke at the solemn meeting:

“The first foundation stone began its Way of the Cross in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War, on the day of the celebration of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Then our grandiose project. And by the will of God, one of these stones found its place on the Don land, here in Matveyev Kurgan, next to the burial of soldiers who gave their lives for their friends and the Russian land in the righteous fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and officers died on the Mius Front; it is no coincidence that this is where the monument to the holy prince will be erected Great Rus' Alexander Nevsky - as the personification of the glory of Russian weapons and future victories with the enemies of our land. Holy noble prince protect us! I am confident that our common deeds will serve the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.”

The celebration ended with the sounds of the Russian Anthem and the raising of a huge copy of the Victory Banner in the park by the Young Guards - a demonstration of the connection between times and generations in the unfading glory of our distant ancestors.

It is no coincidence that the name of Alexander Nevsky, as a warrior and defender of the Russian land, flashed again on our banners.

Save, Saint Alexander, us and Orthodox Rus'!

Vladimir Kazmin, poet, member of the Russian Writers' Union