Examples of shooting sparrows from a cannon. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language What is shooting sparrows from cannons, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly


Wasting a lot of energy on trifles.

This implies a disproportion between the efforts expended and the results obtained. This means that a person or group of persons (X) makes great efforts to achieve goals that do not justify themselves. Spoken with disapproval or irony. speech standard. ? X shoots sparrows from a cannon.

The nominal part is unism.

Usually in the role of skaz.

The order of the component words is not fixed.

Imagine our disappointment when we ended up with approximately the same groups into which speech sounds are usually divided based on their physical properties.... So there you have it! It was worth shooting sparrows from mathematical guns! A. Zhuravlev, Sound and meaning. In simple cases, the action of the laws of social combinatorics is so obvious that it does not occur to people that there are any laws at work here at all, just like people who saw apples falling to the ground and even experienced them blows to my head, the thought of the laws of gravity did not occur to me. And even more so, in relation to such banal situations, it seems inappropriate to use highly philosophical words like “law”, “dialectics”, “opposites”, etc. - it’s like shooting sparrows from a cannon. A. Zinoviev, On the way to a supersociety.

The passage we are analyzing is part of a rather large episode with pilgrims who were swallowed by Gargantua along with the salad, but then safely escaped. This episode is really pointed against pilgrimage and against belief in the miraculous power of relics that relieve diseases (in this case, the plague).... All these motives and images have a broad universal meaning, and it would be absurd to think that they are all mobilized only for In order to ridicule the parasitism of pilgrims and their crude faith in relics, it would mean shooting sparrows from cannons. M. Bakhtin, The Work of Francois Rabelais and the Folk Culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

He was smart, soulless, empty, / Composing hollow, tight lines, / What he did and what he wanted - / It’s better to tell a lie than others. / And this, having spent so much effort, / All my life shooting at sparrows from cannons, / All Pinocchios, Matryoshkas and Parsleys, / Beloved ruined toys, / Reliably and godlessly taught. A. Mezhirov, Master.

Google introduced at the beginning of March a new technology for placing online advertising.... This has significantly increased the effectiveness of advertising, since in this case the advertiser does not shoot sparrows from cannons, working with interested users who are looking for information in the area in which it relates advertising. Journal of Russian America, 2003.

However, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, according to police colonel of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anatoly Pascal, the fight against organized crime comes down only to the elimination of organized crime groups, that is, Konovalenko’s department hits the bottom, without affecting either the middle or the top of the pyramid indicated above. Figuratively speaking, he shoots sparrows from cannons. Krasnoyarsk Gambit, 2001.

There is an opinion that brains overloaded with information more often choose patterned paths and... shoot sparrows from cannons. This is especially true for such a formal, logical, algorithmic science as mathematics. V. Peklich, Memoirs on descriptive geometry.

I think you should end this conversation, it will lead nowhere. You talk in vain, you shoot sparrows from cannons. (Speech)

Of course, the official path is much simpler, and it may seem that we are shooting at a sparrow with a cannon. Just think, some guy in a white shirt! Is it worth starting such a complex combination for him? A. Adamov, Loop.

Shooting cannons at sparrows

Large phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: AST-Press.

E.N. Telia.

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What is “shooting cannons at sparrows”? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

shooting sparrows from cannons that a waste of effort is obviously a lost cause. It means that someone's activity (p) obviously cannot bring a significant result. ? P - shooting sparrows from cannons. unism. Usually as a nominal part of a tale. or subject An assassination attempt for the purpose of ransom is a cheap hobby, shooting sparrows from heavy cannons, a thing of the past. A. Avdeenko, In the footsteps of the invisible. “Speaking of benefits,” Zhenya said angrily. - You, Yura, really like to talk about benefits. Meanwhile, there are unimaginably complex cyber-janitors, cyber-gardeners, cyber-fly-and-caterpillar-eaters, cyber-ham-and-cheese-sandwich-makers running around. After all, this is wild. This is not even shooting cannons at sparrows, as they used to say in our time. This is the creation of one-room individual apartments for ants. A. and B. Strugatsky, Return. Observers note that the inspection did not achieve its main goal, revealing only some of the violations, and the most obvious ones at that. The main accused were people who had previously been repeatedly involved in scandals, including land scandals. “We are firing cannons at sparrows, which will not bring any significant results,” Oleg Gabrielyan commented on the results of the inspection in Crimea. Business information agency "Context", 2003. cultural commentary: phraseology. in general, it is formed according to the model of expressions similar in meaning to a mosquito with a horn (to go), to run after a mosquito with an ax; You chase a fly with a butt; You can’t chase after every fly with your butt. (Melerovich A.M., Mokienko V.M. Phraseological units in Russian speech. M., 2001. P. 552.) Phraseological component. shooting correlates with the anthropic, i.e., cultural code associated with human life. The sparrow component correlates with the zoomorphic code of culture and acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​small birds. The cannon component correlates with the artifactual material code of the culture. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. guns were the most powerful artillery piece, and therefore a formidable weapon. Image of phraseology. in general, it is perceived against the background of the opposition of two unequal “things” belonging to different spheres of life - military and everyday - which creates the effect of a pun. phraseol. in general acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​a goal that does not correspond to the means of achieving it. Other European languages ​​have similar figurative expressions; for example, in it. - mit Kanonen nach Spatzen schiessen. In Polish, the expression translated as shooting sparrows with a crossbow has been known since the 16th century. The examples given demonstrate the universality of this image.

With little birdie after birdie.

On a mosquito with a horn.

Wed. Instead of battles, often with an abusive spirit...

Chasing a fly with a butt.

We run after the mosquito with an axe,

I.S. Aksakov. "Weary forces."

Wed. We shouldn't use steam engine so that pick up a straw.

Book V.F. Odoevsky.

Wed. Magno jam conatu magnas nugas.

Big efforts for big trifles.

Terent. Heautont. 4, 18.

Cm. you chase a fly with your butt.

Cm. after a mosquito, not with an axe.

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"shoot sparrows from a cannon" in books

Do not shoot!

From the book Raisins from a Bread author Shenderovich Viktor Anatolievich

Do not shoot! By the end of the seventies, Tabakov’s studio was at its first peak of popularity: hucksters in the gateway were selling passes to graduation performances for five rubles! Tabakov pressed all the levers so that the kure became a theater - and one fine day in our

August 11, 1925 (“At the sparrows from the cannons: boom and bang…”)

From the book Tenderer than the Sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

August 11, 1925 (“To the sparrows from the cannons: boom and bang...”) To the sparrows from the cannons: boom and bang, Exhausted from the multitude of quotes, With the commendable constancy of a parrot, Averbakh repeated the same thing. Lelevich picked his teeth with a match, blinking his eyes approvingly, and in the air, fellow travelers


From the book Once Taking the Oath... author Vladimirov Vladlen Nikolaevich

ORDERED NOT TO SHOOT We arrived at outpost 14 in the evening and literally plunged into work. The command had information that in this area in the next 24 hours an attempt could be made from the adjacent side to violate the State Border of the USSR.

Document No. 30 “After the infantry took the height, our guns did not retreat. I forced two Kazakhs to drag guns...” From a conversation with junior lieutenant Vasily Yakovlevich Boltenko, platoon commander and deputy battalion commander for the combat unit of the 347th regiment.

From the book Every nation has a homeland, but only we have Russia. The problem of the unity of the peoples of Russia in extreme periods of history as a civilizational phenomenon author Sakharov Andrey Nikolaevich

Document No. 30 “After the infantry took the height, our guns did not retreat. I forced two Kazakhs to drag guns...” From a conversation with junior lieutenant Vasily Yakovlevich Boltenko, platoon commander and deputy battalion commander for the combat unit of the 347th regiment. To battle

12. Guns on the field of the Sicilian battle and guns on the Kulikovo field

From the author's book

12. Guns on the field of the Sicilian battle and guns on the Kulikovo field 12.1. Logs, wooden cars and huge flames We have talked many times about the use of firearms in the Battle of Kulikovo, thanks to which Donskoy won. The question is whether the guns were reflected in

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To shoot or not to shoot?

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When the guns shoot at the sparrows

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When guns shoot at sparrows If a lot of remedies are offered against a disease, this means that the disease is incurable. Anton Chekhov The magazine “Der Onkologe” expresses the opinion that such tests can have a very serious negative potential, which doctors

May 11: “We shot sparrows from cannons!”

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May 11: “We shot sparrows from cannons!” On 11 May, in the north, the 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions, part of Hoth's XV Motorized Corps, advanced on Dinan; The 6th and 8th Panzer Divisions of Reinhardt's XLI Motorized Corps moved towards Monterme and Nuzonville; XIX motorized

Without warning - do not shoot!

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What should shoot


What should shoot They say: since then, military equipment has become more complicated. Moreover, it should be easier to handle. To move a car from the beginning of the century, two dozen operations were required; the current one is from two to five (depending on the model). If a new gun or

Who should shoot

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Tsar Cannon on Sparrows

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Learning to shoot

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