Interesting adventure stories. Jack Kerouac "On the Road"

Take it for yourself so you don’t lose it!

1. Jack London - "White Fang".
Father white fang- wolf, mother - half wolf, half dog. He soon learns the "Law of Prey": eat - or you will be eaten. The world around is harsh and cruel, and the white fang has no illusions about this. Devotion to a person becomes a law for him, and a wolf cub born in the wild produces a dog in which there is much of the wolf, and yet it is a dog, not a wolf.

This story by J. London has been filmed many times, and is rightfully considered one of the best works about animals in world literature.

2. Jules Verne - "5 weeks in a balloon."
“Five Weeks in a Balloon” is one of the most fascinating works of the great Jules Verne, which once enjoyed enormous popularity, and in recent decades has served as the basis for numerous, but very far from the text of the novel, film adaptations. The story of the dangerous adventures of a trio of balloonists who decided to travel in a balloon is told in this stunning novel against the backdrop of exotic pictures of Africa - the amazing animal world, the bizarre rituals and beliefs of the tribes inhabiting it.

3. Alexey Tolstoy - "Aelita".
The novel, which became a classic of Russian science fiction and excited more than one generation of readers with dreams of Mars, now appears in its original form - in the first edition of 1922-1923, without cuts and changes made by the author subsequently for ideological reasons. The open sensuality, symbolism, philosophical depth and ideological ambiguity of the early version of "Aelita" take it beyond the usual boundaries of romantic adventure literature for young people. And thanks to the artistic interpretation of Igor Oleinikov, not only the heroes of the novel and the mysterious Martian landscapes take on visible form, but also the great force itself that leads “Through Fire and Struggle, Past the Stars, Past Death” and calls through the universe with the voice of eternity: “where are you, where you, love 4. Robert Stevenson - "Treasure Island."
Robert Louis Stevenson - famous English writer, literary critic, poet, founder of neo-romanticism, author of the fascinating and beloved works “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde,” “Black Arrow,” “Suicide Club,” “The Rajah’s Diamond,” “The Castaways.” However, the most famous novel Stevenson, who brought him world fame, is "Treasure Island" (1883.

This adventure novel, rightfully considered one of the best in its genre, was born from the game. To entertain his twelve-year-old stepson Lloyd Osborne, to whom the work is dedicated, Stevenson drew a map of a fictitious treasure island and began to tell its story, making the same boy the main character. From its inception to today Featuring a gripping plot and vivid, memorable images of the pirates Captain Flint and John Silver, the novel is popular with readers of all ages.

5. Arthur Conan Doyle- "Marakot's Abyss".
The creator of the series of detective works about Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, made a significant contribution to the science fiction genre. Bold hypotheses about the legendary Atlanteans living in the depths of the ocean acquired an amazing reality under his pen. Together with the brave scientist Maracot, readers go to dangerous journey to the bottom of the ocean in search of the unknown. This volume presents the author's complete version of the novel, which is not included in the classic collected works of the author in our country.

6. i. A. Efremov - "Shadow of the Past".
A collection based on early stories Ivan Efremov from a three-volume collection of works published by the publishing house "Young Guard" in 1975-76: "sublunar char", "shadow of the past", "lake of mountain spirits" and others. Written back in the 40s, the stories have not yet lost their appeal. Romance, the spirit of adventure, search and discovery are inherent in each of these small works. Ivan Efremov is rightly considered one of the founders of modern science fiction. Already during his lifetime, his work was classified as a “Phenomenon”.

7. Mine Reid - "The Headless Horseman".
"The Headless Horseman" is a gem creative heritage Mine Rida. The exciting story of the beautiful Louise Poindexter and the noble Irishman Maurice Gerald, the proud Mexican Isidora Covarubio, the cruel captain Cassius Colhoun, the brave hunter Zeb Stump and the dashing bandit El Coyote is considered a real standard of adventure prose and is endlessly loved by both foreign and domestic readers.

8. Jack London - "Hearts of Three".
"Hearts of Three" is a pearl of London's creative heritage.
The fascinating story of cousins ​​Francis and Henry Morgan, distant descendants of the great pirate captain, who went in search of the treasures of their legendary ancestor, and the beautiful Leoncia, with whom they are both in love, has been filmed more than once - both in the West and in our country.

But even the most successful film adaptations still failed to fully embody all the charm and fascination of Jack London’s immortal novel.

9. Henry Rider Haggard - "Moctezuma's Daughter."
The English writer and publicist Henry Rider Haggard was an avid traveler and meticulous researcher, so his novels are based on personal impressions and real historical facts. The combination of a fascinating plot and dynamic narrative, an abundance of reliable details and the author’s rich imagination - all this makes Haggard’s works in demand today.

The fate of the hero of the novel "Moctezuma's Daughter" by Thomas Wingfield is a continuous chain of surprises. He intended to become a doctor, but was declared supreme god Aztecs; Instead of a peaceful life in his father’s estate, he fought against the conqueror of Mexico, Cortez. He repented of his love and loyalty to a girl named Lily, but became the husband of Princess Otomi.

10. Robert Shtilmark - "The Heir from Calcutta."
“The Heir from Calcutta” (1950-1951) is a legendary historical and adventure novel by the wonderful Russian writer Robert Aleksandrovich Shtilmark (1909-1985. Written in Stalin’s camps, it saw the light and attention only in 1958 and immediately became a bestseller. Set in 18th century unfolds. Pirate ship Captain Bernardito is captured in the Indian Ocean by a ship with passengers: Fredrick Ryland, heir count's title, and his fiancee Emily. Further events take place in England, Africa, Spain, Italy, and North America. The exciting plot of the novel and its bright characters, adventures in exotic countries and the fight for justice - all this makes you read the book without stopping.

The publication is accompanied by an afterword by F. R. Shtilmark, the son of the writer, which tells about the life and work of R. a. calmmark and the creation of it itself famous work. The book publishes full cycle illustrations for “The Heir from Calcutta”, created by the famous St. Petersburg artist Oleg Yudin.

Nowadays everything more people strive to get away from traditional types of recreation, they want new adventures, risks, find an opportunity to overcome themselves, learn the rules of survival in extreme conditions and much more.

Tourists are already tired of the usual amenities, tired of lying on the beach and doing nothing. I want something new! And here the right decision will engage in adventure tourism.

Adventure tours are popular with those who, as children, read books about pirates and treasures and dreamed of being a part of these events.

The goal of this type of tourism is to enable tourists to experience incredible adventures, discover the world of wild nature, learn new things about other peoples.

Anyone can go on such a tour, regardless of their level physical training. And this is the main difference from extreme tourism. But extreme tours are usually carried out by people who, as a rule, have certain knowledge and skills.

A simple example: you are going on an extreme diving tour. So, before you dive, you must undergo diving training not only in theory, but also in practice.

Extreme tourism may include rafting or boating on mountain rivers, diving, jeep safaris through the deserts or sailing. Tourists may be offered horses, camels or dog sleds as means of transportation.
For each person, the choice of one or another type of recreation that will be interesting to him is strictly individual. Some people consider river cruises on a flat river an adventure, while others want to travel on North Pole or climbing the volcanoes of Kamchatka. All people are different!

Thus, adventure tourism is a journey in natural conditions, which only sets itself the goal of finding new experiences.

People can go on such trips different ages. This could be one person or a young couple, or maybe a group of friends.

Some tours also include accompaniment by local guides who know the route and are well versed in the area, hotel accommodation, tent rental, hiking equipment, nutrition.

If we talk about the cost of this tourism product, it is not cheap. All over the world, such tours cost quite a lot of money, because this includes transport, equipment and service.

What is adventure sport? 5.6. Adventure tourism

Adventure tourism can be divided into two parts: adventure sports and adventure travel. Currently, in addition to traditional sports, new ones related to adventure have emerged and are included in tourism activities. Among them are:
- balloon tourism: a trip in a hot air balloon that combines tranquility, emotion and entertainment;
- “Bus-bob” - a descent down the river on a special boat of a special shape, on which all participants are located;
- "Cars" in the mountains - descent from the mountains along the slopes, in the summer on the grass, in the winter on the snow;
- "Rappels" - downhill in the mountains;
- rock climbing - participants train on artificial wall before going on a real climb into the mountains;
- parachute jumping - parachute descent in the mountains or into the sea;
- hang gliding - descent from the mountains on a hang glider or a special parachute;
- "Puenting" - jump from a bridge with a rope attached to the belt;
- "Rafting" - a collective descent down a stormy river;
- water skiing;
- windsurfing - sailing on a board in the sea or lake;
- traveling on horses and motorcycles across the plains and mountains;
- archery;
- Asian parks - various exotic games can be held in these parks.
Traveling on foot, "trekking" - such excursions last from one day to several weeks, with various competitions, acquaintance with nature, etc.
Adventure tourism is not only about sports activities with a greater or lesser degree of risk, but also on various trips whose routes take place in difficult geographical or natural conditions. For example: the Amazon River, the Sahara Desert, the Himalayas, etc. In addition, the possible difficulties of the route may depend on vehicles, places of residence, and type of food.
Tourist areas where adventurous travel is practiced are African savannas and deserts, mountainous areas South America and Asia. These trips cost much less than other types of combined services.
There are special travel agencies that cater mainly to young people who prefer risky sports and adventure to other types of recreation.

Adventure tourism - traveling with active ways movement that combines being in nature, physical activity, cognition. An obligatory element of such a holiday is participation in ongoing events, bringing vivid emotions. Night in a tent for modern man in itself can become an adventure, add to this extraordinary situations on the route, natural or artificial obstacles, communication with new people, lunch cooked over a fire - and you will be amazed at the new facets of a seemingly long-familiar world. Such a vacation will be a useful change of activity, being in nature will help you relax, and even one day in new environment It will allow you to look at your life from a new angle and will certainly be remembered for a long time. Safety issues are also important: before the start of the tour, all participants undergo detailed instructions and are equipped with a full set of personal equipment, and during the hike the group is accompanied by an instructor.

Diverse and picturesque nature - Naroch, Braslav, Ushach lakes, national parks, dense forests, impenetrable swamps, steep hills and flat plains- as well as the existing rich cultural and historical traditions make it possible to successfully develop adventure tourism in Belarus. Adventure tours in our country are available to people who do not have special training, although there are special routes designed for experienced travelers. IN winter time when due weather conditions The choice of adventure tours is limited; we offer organization of corporate tours, children's and family holidays with quests and animation. We will develop a program to suit every taste, so that every participant in the event has fun and comfort. In the summer, the choice of adventure tours is very wide - this is a passage ecological trails and water routes of various lengths in national parks, helicopter rides over the Naroch region, costumed excursions to places of life famous people Belarus, safari tours, “guerrilla” hikes through low-lying swamps, mystical excursions to castles and estates.

A scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, staged at a Disney theme park.

An adventure film (also an Adventure film) is an action-packed type of feature film, corresponding to an adventure novel in literature. Unlike action films, in adventure films the emphasis is shifted from brutal violence to the ingenuity of the characters, the ability to outwit and deceive the villain. In adventure films, the heroes have to extricate themselves in an original way. difficult situations. A happy ending is also very likely.

There are 8 subgenres of adventure films: costume adventure, family film, fantasy, romance, sea adventure, space trip, the adventure of a swashbuckler, a military adventure.

Species adventure genre are:

  • The gangster film originated at the end of silent films and actively developed in the United States with the advent of sound films. The paintings were intended to prove the power of law and order over organized crime. Examples: Underground (1927) by Joseph von Sternberg, The Public Enemy (1931) by William Wellman, Scarface (1932) by Howard Hawks and the 1983 remake, Little Caesar (1931), I Am an Escaped Convict "(1932). IN post-war period gangster films are being revived, and the image of gangsters is being romanticized, as, for example, in “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967) by Arthur Penn, “The Godfather” trilogy (1972-1990) by Francis Coppola.
  • The police film replaced the gangster film in the mid-1930s. Examples: Jim Men (1935), The Maltese Falcon (1941) by John Huston, The Deep Sleep (1946) by Howard Hawks.
  • film of a cloak and a sword (if the action takes place in Europe). Examples: The Count of Monte Cristo (1954), Orpheus (1950).
  • Western (if the action takes place in the Wild West). Examples: "The Great Train Robbery" (1903) by E. Porter.
  • disaster movie
  • and etc.
  • Adventure literature
  • List of adventure films
  • Quest

20 Best Travel Books: Adventures on the Couch

Firstly, in the fall you remember that there are such pleasant things in the world as sofa cushions, hot cups and fascinating books. Secondly, I want to rush somewhere into the distance after flocks of wild geese.

Here you have two options: a) read books about paths and roads - and with fresh inspiration and motivation, take off from a low start somewhere in the Himalayas; b) read them and visit distant, amazing places without looking up from the sofa!

1. Gregory David Roberts “Shantaram”

One of the most deservedly beloved books of the beginning of our millennium. Escape from prison and roofless Bombay, life in the slums, scams and adventures, mafia and drugs, mujahideen and gurus... And crazy love, where without it. And philosophical reflections at the same time. A hot, spicy dish that's hard to put down. It’s interesting that all this is not fictional: the book is autobiographical.

2. Thor Heyerdahl “Kon-Tiki”, “From “Kon-Tiki” to “Ra””

This man pulled off probably the most breathtaking adventure of the 20th century! And not just one. Sailing across the ocean on a papyrus boat to test the hypothesis about the settlement of Polynesia is super cool, making another similar journey is cool squarely. And he also wrote about it. Cool in a cube!

3. Jules Verne “Around the World in 80 Days”

An imperturbable and eccentric Englishman travels around the world on a bet with his temperamental French servant. The situation is complicated by many dangers, and an overzealous detective is hot on the heels of the funny couple. Every day something happens to them: either they save someone, or they themselves barely escape last second. Rereading Jules Verne even for the third time is like going back to childhood with ice cream and board games.

4. Marina Moskvina “Road to Annapurna”

Moskvina has more than one cool book about her own travels (with her artist husband). In “Bedboard of Grass” and “Heavenly Slugs,” she talked about how they were carried around Japan and the foothills of the Himalayas in India. Now they were carried to the kingdom of Nepal, and there they were carried all the way to the great Mount Annapurna. “Well, you are complete crazy,” as their son Serenya said. It is an avid read, because it is written easily, funny and inspired.

5. Jack Kerouac “On the Road”

Two antisocial friends travel around America, leading an unhealthy but very inspired lifestyle. One knows how to live, the other knows how to write. “Really, this is the story of two Catholic friends traveling around the country in search of God. And we managed to find him.” A cult thing, a classic not only for antisocial descendants of beatniks, it is a must read.

6. Mark Twain “Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrims’ Progress”

At first old light discovered the New World. And then, many years later, a guy from America went to discover Europe and Palestine. Along the way, I became better acquainted with myself, looking from the outside, with my critical and ironic eye, at my compatriots with their signature “cockroaches”. Anyone who sits in one place will never properly understand the world, other people, and himself! The moral is clear, but it is also true.

7. Arto Paasilinna “Year of the Hare”

The main character unexpectedly gives up his established life and begins to wander around Finland. Not alone, but in the company of... a hare. The most literal and natural. Wherever they took them! Some unusually touching book that evokes a whole bunch of feelings. From sympathy for the hero (“How I understand him!”) to bewildered laughter (“What are they doing, it’s crazy!”).

8. Louis Boussenard “The Diamond Thieves”

Three French friends travel across Africa, while being constantly exposed to mortal danger. Against them are the poisoned arrows of the natives and crocodiles, local bandits and, oddly enough, the police. Stormy rivers and roaring waterfalls flash by, friends escape - and again fall into traps, suffer from malaria, and fall into slavery. The landscapes of the hot continent and the characters of the friends are perfectly described. In the end, they will discover the treasures of the ancient Kaffir kings, which will eventually go to... Remember who? ;)

9. Ivan Goncharov “Frigate “Pallada””

A few very classic classics in our traveling ocean. Goncharov was the secretary of the expedition that set off across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans to the lands of Japan. For him it was a new life, “in which every movement, every step, every impression was unlike any before.” And for Russian literature it is a valuable gift.

10. Ilf and Petrov “One-story America”

America is made up of more than just skyscrapers. Ilf and Petrov realized this in the thirties when they went on a trip to the States by car. Together with them we arrive in Chicago, Las Vegas, Washington and many other cities, stop at the Grand Canyon and an Indian village, get acquainted with Hemingway and Ford - that is, we ride in a time machine. And we learn many things that surprise even today.

11. David Byrne “Notes of a Cyclist”

David Byrne is known to the cultural community as a musician. Talking Heads, Oscar, Grammy, everything. But it turns out that musicians can not only scream in trees! People like Byrne can travel around the world on a bike – and it’s also fun to write about it.

12. Jon Krakauer “Into the Wild”

Like “On the Road,” written in real events. And also about hitchhiking. And also in America. Only in Alaska. Only towards not unhealthy entertainment, but wild nature and strange people. Both the film based on the book and the original source itself are very impressive - and will not be released soon.

13. James Clavell “Shogun”

Perhaps this book does not quite fit into the framework of “travel books,” but it is very good. The story takes place in 1600, an English sailor, after a shipwreck, ends up in Japan, which at first is another planet for him. And gradually - a second home. Even dearer than the first. And the homeland of great love...

14. Gerald Durrell “Hounds of Bafut”

The travel notes of trapper Darrell are written with indescribable, purely English humor. It is impossible not to fall in love not only with himself, the author, but also with Von Bafut - the childishly touching, naive and at the same time harsh leader with his subordinates, as well as the hunters and every animal caught. As soon as the weather turns bad both inside and outside, pick up this book and several hours of refreshing joy await you.

15. John Steinbeck “Charlie's Journeys in Search of America”

Steinbeck lived too long in New York and felt that something was missing in his life. He lacked horizons. Which he found while wandering around the country in a truck called “Rocinante”, and we found in his book. And Charlie is the hero's friend. Only he's a poodle.

16. Peter Weil “Genius loci”

A book of traveling around the world not alone, but together with a genius of literature or art. Imagine how great it is to see London through the eyes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Paris through the eyes of the creator of the Three Musketeers, Dumas! Byron will whisper about Istanbul in one ear, and Brodsky in the other. Velazquez will open Madrid for you, and you will explore New York with O. Henry. And that's not all! Along the way, the author takes you around the markets, and you will understand: not only geniuses unite with their creativity different countries and cities, but also gastronomic pleasures.

17. Karen Blixen “Out of Africa”

Critics will say that this thing has everything “from thriller to travel notes, from philosophical prose to lyrical comedy.” Fans of authority will remember that the book was nominated for a Nobel, and the film based on it received a bouquet of Oscars. We'll just open it and enjoy. There is Africa, it is bright, incomprehensible and magical.

18. Yuri Koval “The lightest boat in the world”

Traveling through the lakes, meadows, rivulets and streams of the middle zone - that's what this book is about. But not only. It is about how to find bamboo in the middle of winter, what is more important - a gramophone or a future boat, about a flying head and an invisible terrible Daddy... But in fact, it is about the eternal choice: how many friends can you put in the small boat of your life, and about what All the most important things are shown to us in the corners of our eyes. We warn you: be careful, the book is addictive and permanently addictive!

19. Orhan Pamuk “Istanbul. City of Memories”

A person who has lived in the city for half a century becomes one with it. He knows everything about it, knows everyone in it - and can navigate the most non-tourist streets so that you can only look and listen excitedly. It’s a difficult book, very difficult – and yet, without it, traveling around Istanbul will not be nearly as bright and meaningful as with it.

20. Denise Woods “Night Train to Innsbruck”

Richard and Frances meet on the train to Innsbruck. Accidentally. But they were going on a journey through the desert of Sudan. Together! For both, the unexpected separation along the way was a shock. Both are sure that the other is to blame. Both have experienced such things that now there are enough memories for two lives. Both are sure that the other is lying. There is exoticism and a puzzle here... And life, and tears, and love.

Julia Sheket

Want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

With numerous "top tens" loaded into this reader.
I reached a wonderful genre that I once loved more than Stratosphere candies. Once, with my first scholarship, I bought a whole kilogram of these sweets (they didn’t give more to one person), gobbled it up, and since then I can’t stand the chocolate soufflé.
About the same thing happened to me with adventure books. When I got hold of them no longer as a reader, but as a writer, and realized all my dreams about all the adventurous novels that I would like to read, but no one wrote them for me, I got tired of the genre. I overfed them. Now I'm drawn to the boring: the history of the Russian state and aristonomy.
Alas. Old love rusts.

The beginning of my writing career. Me and my heroes adventure novels

I am still convinced that it is very important for a person to read as many adventure novels as possible in childhood. Then the habit of reading will become lifelong, because the process of reading itself will be associated with adventure. For me, for example, it has remained this way forever. I have had the most exciting adventures when reading good books. I wish the same for all of you. In the sense - so that you encounter dangerous adventures only in literature, and not in life.
Here are ten of my favorite adventure novels from childhood and adolescence. Alas, not a single domestic one. Not our Russian forte. I think the heavy blood gets in the way, the “forest” pedigree.
The list includes six English-language books and four French. As usual, I give them in alphabetical order.

Richard D. Blackmore. Lorna Doone

This is a very teenage read. Reassuringly English - when you know that love will be difficult, enemies will be treacherous, difficulties will be almost insurmountable, but everything will end as it should. We will get married, we will defeat our enemies mentally and physically, and difficulties will only make us stronger. Nothing more worthwhile in its long life literary career Blackmore, it seems, did not write.

Being good is good, being bad is bad. And Good will win because it is right.

Théophile GAUTIER. Captain Fracasse

When I first opened the novel, I wanted to throw it away, because it begins tediously and is all composed of elephantine phrases, which in Gautier's time were considered a sign of refined taste.
But when you get through the endless descriptions, you find yourself in a wonderful and touching variation of “Lorna Doone” about the fact that good people everything will definitely be fine. Only here the texture is not baggy, like Blackmore’s, but elegant and elegant in a French way. The latest age to read this book is fourteen years old.

And our captain Fracasse is the most beautiful of all

Alexandr Duma. Three Musketeers

I won’t be original: this is the best adventure novel of all time. Because all the characters are alive. And because adventure is not the main thing there. And the main thing is determined by each reader himself. For me, the key scene is the picnic on the Bastion of Saint-Gervais. The idea of ​​defeating a hundred thousand enemies while drinking and eating fascinated me for the rest of my life.

Ivan Kuskov’s illustrations remain the best for me.

Alexandr Duma. Countess of Monsoreau

The plot is perhaps even more interesting than “The Musketeers”. The “supporting actors” are very good: Chico, Navarre, Henry III. The main characters are more cliched. But still - an excellent thick book...

Chicot is a character no worse than D'Artagnan

Alexandr Duma. Forty five

...Especially if immediately after “The Countess of Monsoreau” you read “Forty-Five,” the third part of the trilogy. Unfortunately, the beginning - “Queen Margot” - is somehow not very good for me. La Mole is such a campy bore. And I feel sorry for Coconnas. One disorder. That’s why I’m giving the trilogy without the first part.

And again the wonderful Chicot works. A historical character, by the way.

James Clavell. Shogun

I read this novel when I was twenty, while in Japan. And I saw it with different eyes, although Clavell, of course, is full of all kinds of spreading cherry blossoms. My “Diamond Chariot” is an homage to this wonderful huge novel. Only the Russian translation I came across was unimportant, all the beauty leaked out somewhere. Much better in English.

The series was much worse than the book. But still good.

Joseph CONRAD. Duel

About what idiots men are. And that women mainly love them for this.
This means they are not very smart either.

Rafael SABATINI. Captain Blood's Odyssey

In the third "A" there was a waiting list for this book by appointment. The day it was my turn, I got sick and didn’t go to school. It was one of the most severe traumas of my life. I didn't want to live straight. My mother got me a copy somewhere and brought it to me. I began to read - and I recovered. This is what a book is.

The same book

Robert L. Stevenson. Treasure Island

I recently wrote about this novel. That he is not what he seems at first glance. Certainly not about treasures. As you remember, most of them remained on the island, and the hero is not going to return there (brrrr).
In my opinion, this is a book about the charm of Evil (John Silver) and the charm of Good (Dr. Livesey). Moreover, without playing giveaway: Silver is more interesting and brighter. And for him, let’s pay attention, everything ends with a happy ending. “The disgusting one-legged sailor is gone from my life forever. He probably found his black woman and is living somewhere for his own pleasure with her and Captain Flint. Let’s hope so, because his chances for a better life in the next world are very slim.”

The last sentence of the novel seems to be written about me:
“I still dream at night of breakers crashing against its shores, and I jump out of bed,
when I imagine Captain Flint's hoarse voice:
Piasters! Piasters! Piasters!

Henry Rider Haggard. King Solomon's Mines

For a long time I couldn’t decide what to give from Haggard – this or “Montezuma’s Daughter”. Both novels did not fit into the top ten. Still, I chose “Kopi”. Because of Gargoula and the Portuguese and Silvestra. That's when it really took my breath away - that's when I realized that Gagool...

Wow, that was scary

I won’t tell anyone who hasn’t read what’s going on there. I feel sorry for you who didn’t read King Solomon’s Mines as a child.

Now you share. Your turn.

Cecil Forester: Midshipman Hornblower

Young Horatio Hornblower was very unlucky. A midshipman with no experience ended up in a society of salty sea wolves. At seventeen, the young officer was too serious, but timid by nature and did not easily get along with people. A monstrous despotism reigned on the ship, immediately reminding Hornblower of the classic images of degenerate Roman emperors. More and more often the young man began to think about death, and even more often about escape. He had no idea what an extraordinary fate the ocean was preparing for him.

Bogdan Sushinsky: Captain Scott's Pole

Action novel famous writer Bohdan Sushinsky is dedicated to the majestic and tragic event in the history of civilization - the campaign in 1911-1912. English polar explorer Captain Robert Scott to the South Pole of the Earth. The ascent to the polar summit of the planet turned into not only a disastrous struggle with natural conditions Antarctica, but also in no less destructive competition for the laurels of the discoverer.

Henry Haggard: King Solomon's Mines. The Adventures of Allan Quartermain. Benita

The mysterious treasures of King Solomon... They say these diamonds are cursed and bring only misfortune. Many searched for them, but no one came back - like Sir Henry's brother, who disappeared without a trace in an unknown direction. In search of him and in the hope of getting rich, three desperate daredevils set off to the Kukuana Country, lost in the heart of Africa...

Oleg Ryaskov: Notes of the forwarder of the Secret Chancellery. Adventures of a Russian princess in the New World

Events take place after the death of Peter the Great. Naval officer Semyon Plakhov, accused of murdering a fiscal official, unexpectedly gets a chance to escape if he fulfills one mysterious order. Together with the forwarder of the secret chancellery Ivan Samoilov, the magician Van Hoover, the young poisoner Fekla and the pupil Liza, Plakhov goes to London and the New World.

Curwood, Kipling, Rousselet: Grizzly

In the north of Canada, in a harsh and deserted region, the orphaned bear cub Muskwa meets the huge wounded bear Tyra. Incredible adventures and discoveries await them, but touching friendship will help them overcome all dangers! And the collection also included adventure stories and stories by various authors: “Wolf Hunters” (J. Curwood), “The Adventures of the Young Rajah” (W. Kingston), “The Snake Charmer” (Rousselet), “Coral Island” (Ballantyne), “ Little Toomai” (Kipling).

James Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans, or a Narrative of 1757

The novel tells the story of the struggle and death of the Indians North America under the onslaught of modern civilization. The main character of the novel is the hunter and tracker Natty Bumppo. Stern and fair, brave and noble, Bumpo is one of Cooper's most beloved heroes.

Robert Stilmark: Heir from Calcutta

The events of the novel develop rapidly. Courageous and noble heroes enter into a daring battle with vile villains, seductive women, thrown by fate into a stormy whirlpool of events, overcome tragic circumstances. Readers can expect earthquakes and storms, fights with predators and deadly poisons...

Wilbur Smith: Those in Danger

Oil. They kill and die for him. The daughter of Hazel Bannock, a woman who runs a giant oil corporation, has been kidnapped. The criminals demand that a controlling stake be transferred to them as a ransom. Is there any confidence that, having received what they want, the bandits will release the girl? The police are unable to help. Intelligence services too. And then Hazel decides to seek help from a very dangerous people. Officially, they are employees of a security company, but in reality they are real “soldiers of fortune.”

Reed Mine: White Chief

Myne Reid's books attracted and continue to attract people with their romance. This is the romance of the struggle for a just cause, the romance of feat in the name of a high idea, the romance of courageous overcoming of obstacles that people and nature put in the way brave hero. The style of narration is also romantic, rich in colorful descriptions, intense dialogues...

Bogdan Sushinsky: Rommel's Gold

By order of Field Marshal Rommel, in 1943, the Nazis removed treasures from Africa, but they failed to deliver them to their intended destination, and the convoy was forced to scuttle them off the coast of Corsica. The novel takes place in post-war years, when a real “gold rush” began around the disappeared treasures. Saboteurs are taking part in the search operation - a former “Fuhrer agent for special assignments“Otto Skorzeny and the leader of the Italian combat swimmers Valerio Borghese.

Mikhail Churkin: Through the taiga to the ocean

On April 4, 1918, two Japanese employees of a commercial company were killed in Vladivostok. The next day, without waiting for the case to be investigated, the Japanese landed troops in the city under the pretext of protecting Japanese citizens. A long-term foreign intervention on Far East. Japan cherished the hope of capturing all of Primorye and Eastern Siberia all the way to Lake Baikal. But she stood in the way of the interventionists Far Eastern Republic and its People's Revolutionary Army.

James Curwood: Ramblers of the North

The best adventure novels The famous American nature writer and traveler James Oliver Curwood is dedicated to animals and the harsh nature of Northern Canada and Alaska, which the author loved very much. Under the cover of thisbookscollected five amazing stories about incredible friendship, loyalty and courage: “Ramblers of the North“, “Kazan”, “Son of Kazan”, “Golden Loop”, “Valley of Silent Ghosts”.

Emilio Salgari: Black Corsair. Treasure of the Blue Mountains

The vile Spaniards killed the brave brothers of the Black Corsair, and now only revenge will bring him peace. To defeat a powerful enemy, he must team up with legendary pirates Caribbean Sea– François Olonnet and Henry Morgan himself.. The shipwrecked captain Fernando de Belgrano miraculously survived. Once captured, he managed to win their trust and become the leader of the tribe. Years later, he sent his children a letter in which he pointed out the path to the treasure...

Paul Sussman: The Vanished Oasis

The sister of the famous mountaineer Freya Hännen is a famous Egyptologist and former agent intelligence services Alex is dead. The police have no reason to consider the incident a murder. But the Bedouin, who hands over a bag with mysterious maps and films to Freya, who has arrived in Egypt, transparently hints: her sister was killed. And danger threatens anyone who takes possession of these materials. At first, Freya simply brushes off his words, but soon realizes: he was not lying.

Robert Stevenson: Kidnapped. Catriona

The “Kidnapped” and “Catriona” duology tells the story of the extraordinary adventures of the young Scottish nobleman David Balfour. Battles on land and sea, bloody battles and chases, conspiracies and rebellions, love adventures described by the unsurpassed master of intrigue - Robert Louis Stevenson, will not leave the reader indifferent... Reproduced in the publication full set from 80 illustrations by Louis Reed and William Hole.

Henri Charrière: The Moth

AuthorIn this story, Henri Charrière, nicknamed the Moth (Papillon), at twenty-five years old, was accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. But then the most fantastic of his adventures began. At hard labor in French Guiana, he went through incredible trials, more than once coming close to death. The survival instinct and an indomitable desire for freedom helped him eventually be released.

Arthur Doyle: The exploits of Brigadier Gerard. The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard

The cavalry officer Gerard is an adventurer and adventurer, of which there were indeed many in the army of Emperor Napoleon, which marched victoriously across Europe. He is frivolous, but noble, loves women, and is equally ready to risk his life for the sake of France, for the sake of the next lady of his heart - or just for the sake of thrills. Together with this charming Frenchman, the reader will experience many dizzying adventures - sometimes funny, and sometimes deadly...

Gilles Weber: Fanfan-Tulip

The novel introduces fascinating world love affairs and the military adventures of the protagonist during the time of Louis XV. Fanfan-Tulip is a brave and resourceful Frenchman, defeats the enemies of France, saves his beloved girl and finds his brother.

Henry Haggard: Sacred Flower. Court of the Pharaohs

Together with his partner, the famous adventurer Allan Quartersine goes to the heart of Africa in search of a unique orchid. But the hunt for an orchid is full of dangers - in the native tribe it is considered a Sacred Flower. To get it, you will have to face a fierce faith that only a white man can defeat. One day, in a museum, John Smith saw a statue of the ancient Egyptian queen Ma-Mi. Captivated by her image, he vowed to find the tomb of the one he loved...

Vakhtang Ananyan: Prisoners of the Barsov Gorge

The story tells about schoolchildren who got into trouble in the Caucasus mountains. Finding themselves captive to the elements, they bravely endure the trials. Friendship, mutual support and fortitude help them overcome difficulties, and sometimes even mortal danger.

Robert Stevenson: The Adventures of Prince Florizel

Stevenson can be called one of the outstanding masters of adventure and genres. His works are full of all kinds of conspiracies, duels, kidnappings, murders, sensational revelations, secrets and other adventurous events. These are the two famous novelistic cycles of the classic English prose Stevenson - “The Suicide Club” and “Raja's Diamond”, united by the eccentric figure of Prince Florizel of Bohemia.

Wilbur Smith: Blue Horizon

Young Courtney sets out to conquer a rebellious continent. But, at first sight, falling in love with a captive of Dutch sailors, he risks his life for the sake of the girl’s freedom. Now Jim is alone against the whole continent, which is fraught with a lot of dangers. Now he and his beloved face seemingly inevitable death. But Jim Courtney is not afraid of danger. He is ready for a lot, and if he has to, he will risk his own life!

Albert Piñol: Pandora in the Congo

London, 1914. Marcus Harvey is accused of murdering two English aristocrats, with whom he went in search of gold and diamonds in the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa, in the Congo. Aspiring writer Thomas Thomson, commissioned by Harvey's lawyer, is working on a book designed to restore the truth and save the alleged murderer from the gallows. But the book tells not only the story of an expedition that cost the lives of many people, but also an absolutely incredible love story.

Olga Kryuchkova: Captain of the Marauders

14 rules that will help you be yourself Rules that will help you be yourself in the best version of yourself possible, not on someone else’s terms, but on your own. Be yourself. By trying to be someone else, you simply lose yourself. Preserve your individuality - your ideas, beliefs, beauty. No one else has it, so why lose it? Be who you know yourself to be – the best version of yourself possible, and not on someone else’s terms, but on your own. And above all, be true to yourself.Get started today...1. Set your priorities correctly. In fact, in twenty years it will not matter at all to you what shoes you wore, what your hair looked like, or what brand of jeans you bought. What will really matter is how you loved, what you learned, and how you applied that knowledge.2. Take responsibility for your goals. If you want good things to happen in your life, you must help make them happen. You can't sit still and hope for someone's help. Do not think that your destiny depends on the activities of other people. Undoubtedly, there is a connection, but only we ourselves decide our future.3. Know your worth. Some people may view others as tools to solve their problems. Behind the request for help lies a desire to relieve oneself of tasks or obligations. That is why you need to look closely at people to understand whether you mean as much to a person as they mean to you. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Don’t be afraid to refuse - this is not pride, but self-respect. If you surround yourself with selfish people, negative people- do not wait positive changes in life. Know the value of yourself and what you offer to people. Never settle for less than you deserve.4. Choose the right perspectives. There is perspective in everything. A good example: We often encounter long queues and long traffic jams. Waiting all this time, a person can go in two ways. The first option is to become upset, disappointed, or even angry. The second option is to take this situation as a reason to think about your life, dream, or simply concentrate on contemplating the world around you, because in the daily bustle it’s not so often possible to admire the same clouds. As a result, in the first case, a person’s blood pressure will rise from negative emotions, and in the second - the mood, at the same time the consciousness will expand.5. Don't let old problems get in the way of your dreams. Learn to give up what you can't control. Avoid outbursts of anger - rash spontaneous actions can ruin your dreams forever. Every time you feel like thinking about an unfair situation, try to redirect your thoughts in a different direction. Don't let problems overwhelm you, and you will be on a straight path to a bright future.6. Focus on what really matters. Some things don't really have the importance that we might attribute to them. For example, the contents of the car we drive. Does it play any role in your life plan? Not at all. What about the contents of your heart? Playing. And so it is in everything. The problem with most people is that, although they understand what is really important in life, they do not attach any importance to it. Instead, they concentrate on trifles and are distracted from real life.7. Love yourself. Let them love you for who you are. People often mistakenly consider themselves unattractive and feel that they are unworthy of anyone's attention. No matter what shortcomings you have, remember - you are worthy of love. Let someone give it to you. At first, this someone will be you yourself, then the circle of fans will expand 8. Accept your strengths and weak sides as is. Don't be afraid to be yourself. We often spend time analyzing other people and comparing ourselves to them, wanting to become someone we are not. Every person has both advantages and disadvantages, so there is no need to look for the ideal in someone. You yourself must become an ideal, but this will only succeed after you accept yourself as you are.9. Rise up for yourself. You were born to be real, not perfect. Each of us is here to be ourselves, not who others want us to be. Don't let others change this setting. Don't be afraid to stand up and fight back. Feel free to look your enemies in the eyes and say: “Don’t judge me until you know me. Don't underestimate me until you challenge me. Don't talk about me until you talk to me."10. Learn from others and move on when necessary. Never expect people to change. You either accept them as such or start your life without them. Don't be afraid to end a relationship. If something ends in life, then so it should be. Don't be sad about it - rather see it as a valuable experience. Any event, whether good or not, enriches you with experience and makes you wiser. It’s the same with people: someone comes into your life to bless you, and someone to teach you a lesson.11. Be honest in your relationships. Don't cheat. When you are truly in love, fidelity is not a sacrifice, but a pleasure. If you are unhappy, have the courage to say so directly - this is the only true way.12. Learn to find a way out of uncomfortable situations. Everyone knows that life is unpredictable and can change dramatically at the most unexpected moment. Communication without foreshadowing warm relations, can develop into a strong friendship, a career, which occupies the most important place in life, can be lost along with the hope for rehabilitation. Some situations may make you feel uncomfortable, frustrated and devastated, but remember, this is temporary. You won't always feel out of place, but it takes effort to get rid of it. Don’t be afraid of change, get rid of what causes you discomfort and your life will be transformed.13. Be who you were born to be. It is important to understand as early as possible that the path of life has not only length, but also width. No matter how many years we live, long life It won't make sense if it's empty. In order not to regret later about wasted years, do not deny yourself your desires. Live the way you want. It's better to live short life according to your own rules, rather than long according to others. Follow your heart, but don't forget your mind.14. Never give up. This is your life and you can only live it once. So why let someone else decide for you? Be strong and stand up for your interests. Strength isn't just about holding on to your dreams and goals. Strength also lies in the ability to start over if previous attempts have failed. It is very important to find the strength within ourselves and take revenge, since everything we dream of is achievable. Realizing your dreams is only a matter of time, so don’t give up, citing failures, bad luck or “old” age. Remember: it’s never too late to become who you could be. Continue to study, work, fight every day, every minute. You may not immediately reach your goal, but you will be closer to it than you were yesterday.