Genrikh Hasanov is the general designer of nuclear engines-reactors of sea ships. Genrikh Hasanov - general designer of nuclear engines-reactors of sea ships Henry III the Black - Henry II the Holy

(1973-05-28 ) (62 years old) A place of death: A country:


Scientific field: Place of work: Academic degree: Academic title: Alma mater: Awards and prizes:

Genrikh Alievich Gasanov(-) - shipbuilder, Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialist in the field of shipbuilding and design of ship steam boilers and steam generators, general designer of nuclear engines-reactors of sea ships.


After graduating from school, in 1927 he entered (Leningrad), but in 1929 he was demobilized due to illness and began working as a mechanic at the Dagrybtrest cooperage factory. In 1930 he entered AzNI, in 1931 he transferred to.

After graduating from the institute in 1935, he was sent to work at the Central Design Bureau of the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. In 1938 he headed a group of designers of ship steam boilers. During the Great Patriotic War, he continued to work at TsKB-17, which specialized in the creation of warships.

Since 1946 - chief designer and head of the central design bureau at the Baltic Shipyard. In the 1950s, under his leadership and with his direct participation, a number of new boiler plants were created. In 1958 he was awarded the Lenin Prize (in particular, for the development of nuclear reactors for submarines).

Since 1959 - Associate Professor of the Boiler Department of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Since 1966 - Doctor of Technical Sciences in the theory and design of ship steam generators, professor.

Genrikh Hasanov belongs to a dynasty of Russian scientists, philosophers, writers and musicians, grandson of the famous philosopher Hasan-Effendi of Alkadar, brother of the composer Gottfried Hasanov, cousin (maternal) of the writer Alexander Beck.

Prizes and awards


In 1976, the name of Genrikh Hasanov was assigned to a Project 1559-B tanker.
One of the streets in the city of Derbent bears the name of Hasanov.

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  • Alkadarskaya N. I.. Lezgi kim with Mayrudin Babakhanov (February 4, 2010). Retrieved June 3, 2012. .
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary. - 2009.
  • . People of St. Petersburg (May 29, 2011). Retrieved June 3, 2012. .
  • Deinega A.// Dagestan truth. - 2008, April 24.

Excerpt characterizing Hasanov, Genrikh Alievich

At the beginning of winter, Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky and his daughter arrived in Moscow. Due to his past, his intelligence and originality, especially due to the weakening at that time of enthusiasm for the reign of Emperor Alexander, and due to the anti-French and patriotic trend that reigned in Moscow at that time, Prince Nikolai Andreich immediately became the subject of special respect from Muscovites and the center of Moscow opposition to the government.
The prince grew very old this year. Sharp signs of old age appeared in him: unexpected falling asleep, forgetfulness of immediate events and memory of long-standing ones, and the childish vanity with which he accepted the role of head of the Moscow opposition. Despite the fact that when the old man, especially in the evenings, came out to tea in his fur coat and powdered wig, and, touched by someone, began his abrupt stories about the past, or even more abrupt and harsh judgments about the present, he aroused in all his guests the same feeling of respectful respect. For visitors, this entire old house with huge dressing tables, pre-revolutionary furniture, these footmen in powder, and the cool and smart old man himself from the last century with his meek daughter and pretty French girl, who revered him, presented a majestically pleasant sight. But the visitors did not think that in addition to these two or three hours, during which they saw the owners, there were another 22 hours a day, during which the secret inner life of the house took place.
Recently in Moscow this inner life has become very difficult for Princess Marya. In Moscow she was deprived of those best joys - conversations with God's people and solitude - which refreshed her in Bald Mountains, and did not have any of the benefits and joys of metropolitan life. She did not go out into the world; everyone knew that her father would not let her go without him, and due to ill health he himself could not travel, and she was no longer invited to dinners and evenings. Princess Marya completely abandoned hope of marriage. She saw the coldness and bitterness with which Prince Nikolai Andreich received and sent away young people who could be suitors, who sometimes came to their house. Princess Marya had no friends: on this visit to Moscow she was disappointed in her two closest people. M lle Bourienne, with whom she had previously been unable to be completely frank, now became unpleasant to her and for some reason she began to move away from her. Julie, who was in Moscow and to whom Princess Marya wrote for five years in a row, turned out to be a complete stranger to her when Princess Marya again became acquainted with her in person. Julie at this time, having become one of the richest brides in Moscow on the occasion of the death of her brothers, was in the midst of social pleasures. She was surrounded by young people who, she thought, suddenly appreciated her merits. Julie was in that period of the aging society young lady who feels that her last chance for marriage has come, and now or never her fate must be decided. Princess Marya remembered with a sad smile on Thursdays that she now had no one to write to, since Julie, Julie, from whose presence she did not feel any joy, was here and saw her every week. She, like an old emigrant who refused to marry the lady with whom he spent his evenings for several years, regretted that Julie was here and she had no one to write to. Princess Marya had no one in Moscow to talk to, no one to confide in her grief, and much new grief had been added during this time. The time for Prince Andrei's return and his marriage was approaching, and his order to prepare his father for this was not only not fulfilled, but on the contrary, the matter seemed completely ruined, and the reminder of Countess Rostova infuriated the old prince, who was already out of sorts most of the time . A new grief that had recently increased for Princess Marya was the lessons that she gave to her six-year-old nephew. In her relationship with Nikolushka, she recognized with horror the irritability of her father. No matter how many times she told herself that she shouldn’t allow herself to get excited while teaching her nephew, almost every time she sat down with a pointer to learn the French alphabet, she so wanted to quickly and easily transfer her knowledge from herself into the child, who was already afraid that there was an aunt She would be angry that at the slightest inattention on the part of the boy she would flinch, hurry, get excited, raise her voice, sometimes pull him by the hand and put him in a corner. Having placed him in a corner, she herself began to cry over her evil, bad nature, and Nikolushka, imitating her sobs, came out of the corner without permission, approached her, pulled her wet hands away from her face, and consoled her. But what caused the princess more grief was her father’s irritability, which was always directed against his daughter and had recently reached the point of cruelty. If he had forced her to bow all night, if he had beaten her and forced her to carry firewood and water, it would never have occurred to her that her position was difficult; but this loving tormentor, the most cruel because he loved and tormented himself and her for that reason, deliberately knew how not only to insult and humiliate her, but also to prove to her that she was always to blame for everything. Lately, a new feature had appeared in him, one that tormented Princess Marya most of all - it was his greater rapprochement with m lle Bourienne. The thought that came to him, in the first minute after receiving news of his son’s intentions, that if Andrei marries, then he himself would marry Bourienne, apparently pleased him, and he stubbornly lately (as it seemed to Princess Marya) only in order to insult her, he showed special affection to m lle Bourienne and showed his dissatisfaction with his daughter by showing love for Bourienne.

To the glorious cohort of those whose names have become immortal belongs Genrikh Alievich Gasanov, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, grandson of the famous scientist and philosopher Hasan Apkadari, brother of the composer, laureate of the USSR State Prizes Gottfried Alievich Gasanov . Genrikh Alievich was born on July 8, 1910 in Derbent, in the family of employee Ali Gasanovich Gasanov. Mother - Elena Vladimirovna Bek - Gasanova.

For many years G.A. Gasanov and his family lived in Buinaksk, then in Makhachkala. In 1927, after graduating from labor school, he entered the Leningrad Naval School. Frunze, where he studied with his childhood friend Magomed Gadzhiev, was demobilized from school in 1929 due to illness, returned to Makhachkala and went to work as a mechanic at the Dagrybtrest cooperage factory.

In 1930, Genrikh Alievich, as the best worker, was sent to study at the Azerbaijan Oil Institute. In 1931, from his second year, he transferred to the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. After graduating in 1935, he was sent to work as a design engineer at the central design bureau of the Baltic Shipyard.

G.A. Hasanov began working in the design department of marine boilers and in a short time became a leading specialist in this field, and in 1938 he headed the design group. Genrikh Alievich devoted forty years of his bright life, always full of creative ideas, to the formation and development of domestic marine energy. Even before the war, he created a test bench on which options for ensuring the survivability of ship power plants were tested. The foresight and scale of his forecast made it possible to reduce fleet losses. In 1942, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, G.A. Gasanov was awarded the USSR State Prize of the first degree for his accumulated experience, embodied in a number of scientific works. Considering that the main task of design work is to provide technical assistance to the personnel of Navy ships in real operating conditions (mainly in the adjustment and repair of ship installations) and intending to conduct research that would help determine the correct path of technical development of the domestic shipbuilding boiler industry, Hasanov conducted 1943 -1944 on ships of the Black Sea, Pacific and Northern fleets. For this responsible and skillful work, he was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and a number of medals.

Love for the job is exactly what drove G.A. himself. Hasanov's life stages. Possessing inexhaustible energy, he captivated enthusiasts, talented and simply hard-working people who, like him, were passionately devoted to engineering activities.

After the war, the requirements for boiler installations increased. To create new boilers that meet high requirements, it was necessary to create a creative, strong, efficient team. And here Genrikh Alievich acted as an organizer. In 1946, he was appointed head and chief designer of the bureau at the Baltic Shipyard named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Colleagues said about Hasanov that in his work he is first of all a chief designer, and then a boss. He had extraordinary courage in solving the most complex scientific and technical problems, excellent intuition and scientific insight. In the post-war period, under the direct leadership of G.A. Hasanov and with his personal participation, a number of boiler structures were created, for which in 1958 he was awarded the Lenin Prize, and in 1970, for new discoveries in the field of marine energy, G.A. Hasanov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Being engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, G. A. Gasanov made a great personal contribution to the training of marine mechanical engineers. In 1959 G.A. Hasanov was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission as an associate professor at the boiler department of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, and in 1966 he was awarded a doctorate in the theory and design of ship steam generators, which are closely related to practice and were received with great interest by students. Under his scientific guidance, many dissertations were prepared and successfully defended. G.A. Hasanov actively participated in the work on the scientific and technical councils of the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry.

A prominent designer, a talented leader, a great scientist and an experienced teacher G.A. Hasanov had excellent human qualities. His warmth and responsiveness, his willingness to share his experience with young colleagues earned him exceptional respect.

Anatoly Petrovich Aleksandrov, former president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who worked with Genrikh Alievich for many years, in his congratulatory address on the designer’s 60th birthday, gives him the following assessment: “... during our long and very fruitful (on your part) joint activities, we knew you As a creator of original and progressive designs, you fully deserved your unofficial name “Iron Heinrich” and it was fully confirmed, although recently you should more accurately be called “Heinrich the Polymetallic”. Recently, your tireless ingenuity has given a new bright flash. turn everything upside down and build on new principles. We rushed after you and now we are moving with hope to the time when the decisive result will be obtained. We are confident that your vigorous energy and fruitful activity will give more than one completely new proposal."

The newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" dated September 15, 1988 tells how "for a whole month without leaving the office, without answering calls, three prominent scientists N.I. Dolizhal, V.N. Peregudov and G.A. Gasanov - a prominent specialist in ship energy, they set up a drawing board, from morning to night they calculated, drew, drew and calculated again. Gradually they determined the weight of the nuclear power plant, its dimensions. They created a nuclear reactor for nuclear submarines."

Genrikh Alievich Gasanov(1910 - 1973) - shipbuilder, Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialist in the field of shipbuilding and design of ship steam boilers and steam generators, general designer of nuclear engines-reactors of sea ships.


Born on July 8, 1910 in Derbent (now Dagestan) into a mixed family of employees - Lezgin Ali (Alimirza) Gasanovich Gasanov and half-German, half-French Elena Vladimirovna Bek.

After graduating from school, in 1927 he entered the Higher Naval School named after M.V. Frunze (Leningrad), but in 1929 he was demobilized due to illness and began working as a mechanic at the Dagrybtrest cooperage factory. In 1930 he entered AzNI, in 1931 he transferred to the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute.

After graduating from the institute in 1935, he was sent to work at the Central Design Bureau of the Baltic Shipyard named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. In 1938 he headed a group of designers of ship steam boilers. During the Great Patriotic War, he continued to work at TsKB-17, which specialized in the creation of warships.

Since 1946 - chief designer and head of the central design bureau at the Baltic Shipyard. In the 1950s, under his leadership and with his direct participation, a number of new boiler plants were created. In 1958 he was awarded the Lenin Prize (in particular, for the development of nuclear reactors for submarines).

Since 1959 - Associate Professor of the Boiler Department of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Since 1966 - Doctor of Technical Sciences in the theory and design of ship steam generators, professor.

Genrikh Hasanov belongs to a dynasty of Russian scientists, philosophers, writers and musicians, the grandson of the famous philosopher Hasan-Effendi Alkadar, brother of the composer Gottfried Hasanov, cousin (maternal) of the writer Alexander Beck.

Prizes and awards

  • Stalin Prize, first degree (1942) - for the development of warship projects
  • two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (12.5.1956; 14.5.1960)
  • Lenin Prize (1958)
  • Hero of Socialist Labor (30.3.1970) - for new discoveries in the field of marine energy
  • two orders of Lenin
  • medals.


In 1976, the name of Genrikh Hasanov was assigned to the Project 1559-B tanker. One of the streets in the city of Derbent bears the name of Hasanov.

Gasanov Genrikh Alievich - head and chief designer of the bureau of the Baltic Shipyard named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze of the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry (Leningrad).

Born on July 8, 1910 in the city of Derbent (now the Republic of Dagestan) into a family of employees. Hasanov's father is Lezgin, his mother is German.

As a child, he lived with his family in the city of Buinaksk, then in Makhachkala. In 1927, he graduated from labor school (now Derbent Secondary School No. 1) and entered the Leningrad Naval School named after M.V. Frunze (now Peter the Great Naval Corps - St. Petersburg Naval Institute). Two years later, in 1929, due to illness, he was dismissed from military service. He returned to Makhachkala and went to work as a mechanic at the Dagrybtrest cooperage factory.

In 1930, as the best worker, he was sent to study at the Azerbaijan Oil Institute. In 1931 he transferred to the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute (now St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University).

After graduating from the institute in 1935, he was sent to work as a design engineer at the central design bureau of the Baltic Shipyard. He began working in the marine boiler design department and in a short time became a leading specialist in this field. In 1938 he headed a group of designers of ship steam boilers. During this period, he created a test bench on which options for ensuring the survivability of ship power plants were tested. These studies made it possible to reduce fleet losses.

During the Great Patriotic War, he continued to work at TsKB-17, which specialized in the creation of warships. In 1943-1944, he repeatedly went on business trips to ships of the Black Sea, Pacific and Northern Fleets, carrying out work to improve the reliability of power plants, assisting fleet personnel in setting up and repairing ship power plants.

In 1942, for a series of works to improve the reliability of power plants of surface ships, G.A. Gasanov was awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st degree.

In 1946, he was appointed head and chief designer of the bureau of the Baltic Shipyard named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where he worked until the end of his life. In the post-war period, under the direct leadership of G.A. Hasanov and with his personal participation, a number of boiler plants were created for surface ships of the USSR Navy, as well as for steam generators for nuclear torpedo submarines of projects 627, 627A, 645, nuclear missile submarines of projects 658, 658M.

Since 1953, he combined work in the design bureau with scientific and teaching work at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Under his scientific guidance, many dissertations were prepared and successfully defended. He actively participated in the work of scientific and technical councils of the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry.

In 1958 he was awarded the Lenin Prize (for the development of power plants for submarines).

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 30, 1970, for outstanding services in the creation and production of new equipment Gasanov Genrikh Alievich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), Associate Professor (1959), Professor (1969).

Awarded the Order of Lenin (03/30/1970), 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (05/12/1956; 05/14/1960), medals, including “For Labor Valor” (08/15/1951) and “For Labor Distinction” (10/02/1950) .

In the name of G.A. One of the streets of Derbent is named after Hasanov; a large sea tanker of Project 1559-B, which is part of the auxiliary ships of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy (launched on July 28, 1976), bears his name.

GASANOV Genrikh Alievich (1910-73) - shipbuilder, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Chief designer of ship steam boilers and steam generators. Lenin Prize (1958), USSR State Prize (1942).

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