Characteristics for a young dow teacher are ready. Thank you letter to kindergarten teacher

Natalia Solovyova
Sample characteristics of a teacher kindergarten


on full name teacher, teacher of MBDOU No.___– kindergarten combined type ___district ___

Full name teacher, ___ the year of birth, education higher education at TSPU ___ Experience pedagogical work- ___ years. Based on the results of certification in 2007, he was awarded the highest qualification category for the position teacher. In 2012, she completed advanced training courses on the basis of ___ in the amount of 152 hours, certificate No.___ dated.

AND ABOUT teacher builds the pedagogical process according to the principle of integration educational areas , which allows her to carry out personality-oriented interaction with pupils. Provides conditions in detail - spatial environment for development preschool age, the group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped big amount development materials. Uses various methods and techniques for motivation and activation cognitive activity pupils. AND ABOUT teacher not only perfectly masters basic component preschool education, but also works in search mode for new forms, methods, techniques and strategies of organization pedagogical process, reasonable use innovative experience in working with preschoolers.

Particular attention is paid to the social and personal development of preschool children. Developed file cabinets on social and personal development "Learning to cooperate", "Play therapy", "Trainings" (work with teachers); benefits and didactic games "Emotional Rain", "Walk around the city", "I feel", "Mood Clock", "Masks". Summarized her work experience on the topic “Social and emotional development of preschool children”.

All work is based on diagnosis and study individual characteristics children. Diagnostic results pupils by main sections comprehensive program showed that 86% pupils high level program implementation, 14% average level program execution. The level of development in cognitive-speech and social-personal areas exceeds the requirements educational program by 15%, What allow pupils groups take an active part in competitions, exhibitions, open events kindergarten, district, city. AND ABOUT teacher participant:

Moscow pedagogical marathon- March 2012 ;

Second All-Russian competition decorative - applied creativity «___» - April 2012;

All-Russian project «___» 2011-2012 academic year.

Work experience Full name teacher socially emotional development children of preschool age is generalized and distributed in MBDOU.

In his work, IO teacher, uses modern information Technology and digital educational resources , effectively uses Internet support capabilities educational process.

Since 2010 he has been the head of the circle «---» according to additional education children of senior preschool age.


Full name of the teacher, teacher of MBDOU No. ___ – combined type kindergarten of ___ district of ___

Full name of the teacher, ___ year of birth, higher education TSPU ___ Experience in teaching – ___ years. Based on the results of certification in 2007, he was awarded the highest qualification category for the position of teacher. In 2012, she completed advanced training courses on the basis of ___ in the amount of 152 hours, certificate No.___ dated.

The teacher's educational process builds the pedagogical process on the principle of integration of educational areas, which allows her to carry out personality-oriented interaction with students. Provides the conditions for a subject-spatial environment for the development of preschool age; the group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developmental materials. Uses various methods and techniques to motivate and enhance the cognitive activity of students. The teacher’s AI not only has a perfect command of the basic component preschool education, but also works in the mode of searching for new forms, methods, techniques and strategies for organizing the pedagogical process, and the reasonable use of innovative experience in working with preschoolers.

She pays special attention to the social and personal development of preschool children. She developed card files on social and personal development “Learning to cooperate”, “Game therapy”, “Trainings” (working with teachers), manuals and didactic games “Emotional rain”, “Walk around the city”, “I feel”, “Mood hours”, “ Masks." She summarized her work experience on the topic “Socio-emotional development of preschool children.”

All work is based on diagnosing and studying the individual characteristics of children. The results of diagnosing pupils in the main sections of the comprehensive program showed that 86% of pupils have a high level of program implementation, and 14% have an average level of program implementation. The level of development in the cognitive-speech and social-personal areas exceeds the requirements of the educational program by 15%, which allows the group’s students to take an active part in competitions, exhibitions, and open events in the kindergarten, district, and city.

IO teacher participant:

Moscow Pedagogical Marathon - March 2012

Second All-Russian competition of decorative and applied arts “___” - April 2012

All-Russian project “___” 2011-2012 academic year.

The work experience of the full name of the teacher on the social and emotional development of preschool children is summarized and distributed in the MBDOU.

In her work, the educational teacher uses modern information technologies and digital educational resources, and effectively uses the capabilities of the Internet to support the educational process.

Since 2010, he has been the head of the “---” circle for additional education of children of senior preschool age.

Thank you letter to kindergarten teacher

Letter of thanks teacher is a business letter expressing gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for his painstaking work on raising children on behalf of the director preschool or the children's parents.

How to write a thank you letter to a teacher

A letter of gratitude to a kindergarten teacher has the same form as a regular business letter and consists of the following structural elements:

  1. Document header.
Contains the position, surname and initials of the teacher in genitive case, to whom gratitude is expressed. Optional section of the thank you letter - indicated as necessary.
  • Appeal. The teacher's full name is written in the middle of the sheet.
  • Text of a thank you letter to a kindergarten teacher. Contains words of gratitude to the teacher and wishes him all the best.
  • Signature.

    In the lower left corner of the letter is the signature of the person/persons expressing words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher. If the gratitude comes from the name of the director of the institution, his position, surname, initials and a seal are also indicated.

  • Dear Maria Ivanovna!

    Please accept my sincere gratitude for your professionalism, sensitive attitude, attention and care towards our children. Thank you for your patience, kindness, individual approach to each child, for creating a warm and comfortable environment in the group. Under your sensitive guidance, our children were able to experience the joy of friendship, independent activity and broaden their horizons.

    We wish you good health, happiness, professional success!

    A letter of gratitude to the teacher can be drawn up from the parents of children who were raised in a preschool institution, as well as on behalf of the management of the kindergarten.

    In the first case, parents can thank the teacher for warm attitude to their children, attention, care, care. In the second case, the kindergarten management can thank its employee for his responsible approach to work and professionalism.

    The thank you letter can be issued on a postcard, special printed letterhead or kindergarten letterhead (if the letter is drawn up from the management).

    Below we offer some examples of formatting a thank you letter to preschool teachers.

    How to write a thank you letter to general case, read here.

    Texts of a thank you letter to the teacher

    1. Sample text of a thank you letter to a teacher from parents


    Parents of group No. 1 of kindergarten No. 123

    1. Sample thank you letter to kindergarten teacher

    Dear Anna Ivanovna!

    We express to you sincere gratitude behind professional approach to work, sensitive attitude towards children. Thank you for your attention, care, kindness and warmth. Educational process The group is well organized, the children are happy to go to kindergarten, study with pleasure and learn a lot of new things.

    We sincerely thank you for creating a friendly and warm atmosphere in the group, thanks to which children consider kindergarten their second home.

    Thank you for teaching our children to be kind, open, honest and caring. Children grow up full-fledged individuals, know how to be friends, respect each other and adults.

    We wish you to remain the same professional at work, success, happiness and health!


    Parents of children of group No. 2 of kindergarten No. 124

    1. Text of a letter of gratitude to the team of kindergarten teachers

    The team of parents express their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of kindergarten No. 34. Thank you for greeting our children with a smile! Thanks to the professionalism and literacy of the staff, children grow up as harmonious and comprehensively developed individuals.

    A cozy and warm environment created in groups helps children quickly adapt and feel at home.

    We would especially like to thank the head of kindergarten No. 34, Anna Ivanova Ivanova, for her perfectly organized approach to raising children. Thanks to your wise leadership, educators cope well with their responsibilities, surround children with warmth and attention, teach them, develop their talents, teach them to love and respect others.

    We wish your kindergarten further development and growth!

    Parents of kindergarten No. 34.

    You may also be interested in the texts of a thank you letter for a teacher - download for a student - download. for an employee - download.




    AND ABOUT. ____ year of birth, education ____, graduated in ________ in _______, total experience ______ years, teaching experience - _____ years, in this institution -____ years.

    During her work, her full name showed herself to be a competent teacher, capable of organizing a children's team and creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in it. The teacher finds the best practical use the abilities of each child, taking into account a person-centered approach. Has a positive attitude towards innovation. Conducts continuous direct educational activities competently and interestingly using information computer technology, includes modern pedagogical programs, such as Ivanova A.I. “Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten”, program of environmental awareness of children N.N. Kondratiev “We” organizes a joint and independent activity preschoolers according to their interests.

    The teacher creates a subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal educational standard preschool education and block-thematic planning educational activities DOW.

    High-quality execution of tasks general education program preschool education make it possible to increase the efficiency of the work carried out and achieve consistently high results in mastering program material.

    AND ABOUT. accumulated and generalized teaching experience on the topic: __________, the created page on the website of the preschool institution allows you to share your work experience with colleagues and advise parents of students.

    The teacher takes part in methodological work preschool institution makes presentations at pedagogical council: “Child safety in nature” (2012), “Small steps in beautiful world"(2013), workshop within the preschool institution " Problem situations for educators in environmental issues" (2013), carries out continuity between kindergarten and school No. ___ within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (speech at the council of teachers with a report final monitoring child development with the invitation of teachers primary classes, cooperation with the school director on parent meeting, excursions to school). As part of the work resource center“Museum pedagogy in kindergarten” regularly visits with pupils organized excursions to city museums, widely used in practical activities space of the museum environment in a preschool institution.

    AND ABOUT. takes part in competitions together with students various levels: “Easter Egg” (2013), “Kosogorsky Freckles” (2010-2013), “Kindergartens for Children” (2010), “Best teaching staff"(2010).

    On this topic:

    methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Need a sample description of a kindergarten teacher

    Natali Oracle (80144) 4 years ago


    Petrova Tatyana Ivanovna, born in 1973.

    Graduated from Irbitskoe pedagogical school in 1993. In 1995 was accepted as a teacher at the “Solnyshko” kindergarten. She showed herself to be a competent specialist and defended her second qualification category teacher She worked in this position for 10 years without any complaints from the administration, colleagues and parents.

    Petrova T.I. is an active participant in amateur performances not only in the kindergarten, but also in the district. Visits in free time classes in Academic choir. She is interested in dancing, singing, and has excellent taste in interior design and decoration.

    Tatyana Ivanovna has a lot of certificates and diplomas as an active participant various kinds competitions both within the kindergarten and at the district level.

    Other answers

    Valentina Shcheglova Pro (831) 4 years ago

    Unfortunately, not specifically for the teacher.

    But the characteristics from the place of work are drawn up in accordance with the general requirements:

    The employee's characteristics are drawn up on the organization's letterhead (A4 sheet format), by his immediate superior or an employee of the personnel department and signed by the director or an authorized person.

    Characteristic writing structure:

    1. heading - details of the organization, date of writing of the characteristics are indicated, in the center is the name of the document (the word CHARACTERISTICS)

    2. personal information about the employee - this section will be the first paragraph in the document, it indicates in whose name the reference was issued (full full name of the employee). year of birth, education received by the employee

    3. characteristic labor activity- V this section you need to write the date of employment of the employee in the organization, brief information O career growth, indicate a list of the most significant results achieved by the employee

    4. evaluation different qualities employee - namely the assessment of personal, business and psychological qualities, level of performance and professional competence employee, as well as information about incentives, rewards or penalties. For example:

    * personal qualities employee can be expressed in his relationships with the workforce, in the level general culture and so on.

    * to assess professional competence, it is necessary to take into account the employee’s work experience, level of professional knowledge, ability to self-educate, knowledge of regulations and legal acts, general erudition, etc.

    * an employee’s business qualities are assessed based on his analytical skills, ability to support business relationship with colleagues, the ability to plan work, exercise leadership functions and control over the implementation of assigned work, etc.

    * when assessing an employee’s performance, his activity in performing assigned tasks, his ability to organize the work process, the quality and timing of the work performed, as well as behavior in non-standard (complex, stressful) situations, the effectiveness of decisions made, and the ability to take responsibility based on the results of work are taken into account.

  • Characteristics of a student as a class teacher sample
  • February 18, 2019

    Kindergarten- a world full of colors and vivid impressions. It always smells delicious here, and kind and smiling teachers greet the children at the door. Each kindergarten employee is an artist, an artist, a jack of all trades. But their main talent is to love children. And it is impossible to do otherwise, since it is love and patience that are the main helpers in raising children.
    Also K.D. Ushinsky said: “If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.” The profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary and in demand. This is the person who teaches children elementary ideas about life, leading them step by step to the school desk.
    From the very early morning, my pupils of the second junior group run to me with their joys and troubles. Someone fell and got scratched, someone watched a scary cartoon or went on a visit, someone bought new toy... It is me, their second mother, who the children trust with their deepest desires and secrets.
    The kids excitedly say: “I’ll soon have a brother... And Santa Claus will give me a puppy... And my dad and I bought beautiful beads for my mother as a gift. And my grandmother took pills again, when I grow up, I’ll be a doctor and everyone else.” I will cure you so that no one dies."
    “Lyudmila Viktorovna is a teacher with capital letters. She is constantly in creative search. He tries to make the lesson interesting and unusual, strives to evoke a desire to draw, explore, create... Every meeting with children is real game with travel and treasure hunting: children, together with a teacher, get to know polar bears at the North Pole or ride camels in Africa; flying into space on rockets, or swimming with dolphins across the seas and oceans... Lyudmila Viktorovna knows what to offer the baby, what to do to keep him busy so that he has no time to be capricious, play pranks and quarrels, how to help the little one show his talents and become in the future personality and just a good person.” - an excerpt from the description given to me by management.

    A little bit about yourself:
    "I started as a teacher German language At school. In 2008, she came as a temporary replacement to work at the Bee kindergarten. Yes, she stayed here forever.
    - Although by my first incomplete education I am a teacher foreign language. But I think that every person should mind his own business, there should be a calling to his work. In our profession, if you don’t have a calling, the children will feel it instantly and then there will be no return, but there should be one, this is your result. I still remember my first day in the group. These children's faces that look at you carefully, some with interest, some with wariness, and you need to find a key to every heart.
    Working with children is very interesting, they are all different in character and you need to find your own approach to each: be affectionate with some, strict with others. The teacher must be a person who has a calling for this; working with children on the principle of “come, work, leave and forget” is simply unacceptable. Pedagogical tact, knowledge of child psychology, responsiveness, kindness and love for children - necessary qualities for a preschool teacher. The teacher must be erudite. The little “why” can at any time ask a question that interests him, to which he must receive a competent answer. You need to constantly improve your skill level, master unconventional techniques, sample innovative approaches. My main assistants didactic materials, methodological developments and the Internet. I remember with gratitude the former kindergarten workers who gave wise advice and shared valuable experience.
    From the early age I teach children to be honest, hardworking, responsible, and to value their friends.
    - I like to observe the behavior of children, how they treat each other, animals, toys. Bright feelings and respectful attitude towards people must be constantly cultivated, then it will settle in their hearts caring attitude to others. They must leave the kindergarten as a united team that will come back to school. You cannot create an environment in a group that creates small groups that can compete and quarrel with each other.
    The teacher often reads books about animals and nature, and then, together with the children, draws conclusions about what he has read. They learn good, condemn evil, evaluate people's actions. During classes, walks, and excursions, she introduces students to memorable places, reads poetry, cultivates patriotic feelings for the small Motherland.
    I am currently in charge of the second junior group. Many people are surprised how it is possible to organize over two dozen noisy, active children. A competent specialist does not have problems with discipline; children understand everything at a glance.
    I have a trusting relationship with my parents. They are valued as a demanding and fair specialist in the kindergarten team.
    Like any employee pedagogical sphere, I adhere to the idea that it is important to cultivate a personality in work, to be able to sow knowledge, goodness, to make people think, reflect and believe.
    “You come for me again, mom, you came early! I haven’t had enough of playing yet, and you’re taking me home. I don’t want to! I won’t go!...” - these simple, ingenuous words of children are the most best reward teacher for his work.

    Situations arise in which kindergarten teachers may need a characteristic. This need arises when passing certification or participating in any professional competition. Parents of preschool children or the head of a preschool institution can draw up a description of this kind. To do this, they must know all the rules that need to be taken into account when writing a paper.

    Filling out documentation of this nature - common occurrence faced by specialists working in the educational field. Most often, an employee of the personnel department, a psychologist or the director of a kindergarten is responsible for writing a character reference for a teacher.

    During the document preparation process you do not need to use unified form form, because in this case there is none.

    How to write a character reference for a kindergarten teacher

    The specifications must contain the following information:

    • Full name of the teacher, general information about the teacher;
    • the specialist’s education;
    • experience;
    • the functions assigned to the employee and the quality of their performance;
    • degree professional qualifications employee, if available - examples of its confirmation;
    • personal qualities;
    • place where the document is required.

    Level of professional qualifications of a preschool teacher

    If the head of a preschool educational institution is responsible for writing the characteristics, the document must contain information about the teacher’s professionalism. In this case, the following information is indicated:

    • Availability additional education profile type;
    • the fact of completing advanced training courses, relevant trainings and seminars;
    • work experience;
    • the specialist’s attitude towards work responsibilities;
    • a list of methods used by the employee during the educational process;
    • participation in competitions and other similar events.

    General information about the teacher

    General information about a preschool employee is considered personal information. This includes the specialist’s actual address of residence, his date of birth, family composition and other information that can make significant changes in the life of a teacher.

    When writing characteristics from kindergarten, the presence of the following personal qualities is indicated:

    • initiative;
    • self-development;
    • punctuality;
    • responsibility;
    • honesty;
    • resistance to stressful and conflict situations;
    • conscientiousness.

    While studying the document Special attention A description of personal information about an employee is given if he has little work experience. This is due to the fact that the lack of experience prevents the assessment of specific achievements and successes.

    Characteristics of an assistant teacher




    In 1974 N.N. graduated from Udmurt State University majoring in physical education teacher, in 1982 - Sverdlovsk State pedagogical institute in the specialty "Oligophrenopedagogy", received the qualification "teacher" auxiliary school».

    Total work experience N.N. is 38 years old. From 1995 to 2002 he worked as deputy head of the regional center administration. While working in this position, he constantly had to hold meetings with the population and resolve issues related to landscaping, gasification and maintenance adjacent areas.

    At the Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school N.N. has been working for 25 years, since 2010 - as a teacher. In December 2011, he passed certification for compliance with the position of a teacher and took courses at IPKiPRO on the topic: “Prevention and correction aggressive behavior" Qualification of an oligophrenopedagogue and his life experience help students in determining their interaction with society. To organize activities with children and carry out evaluative and value reflection, she uses various techniques and technology. Maintains established school records on paper and electronic media. N.N. constantly working on studying forecasting techniques pedagogical results in the education of schoolchildren with special health needs.

    Systematically fills out observation diaries and, when deviations are identified, makes adjustments to his professional activities.

    The teacher is focused on creating a positive atmosphere with students, solves situations close to reality. He can identify the factors that hinder the development of students' personality and takes measures to help them various types help. N.N. is oriented in the relationships of children and acts in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    The topic of teacher self-education is “Prevention of injuries in the educational process.” Guidelines, labor safety rules were repeatedly voiced at teachers' councils, meetings, and interviews. N.N. organizes the educational work of cadet formations at school. In 2010-11 academic year in the school-wide event “Initiation into Cadets”, showed initiative, creativity and desire to make this day memorable for the students.

    Educational work The teacher is based on the principles of self-realization, humanization of relations between children and adults. Pupils N.N. are active in collective creative activities of the class and school. They are winners of drawing competitions and creative teams in fire safety (district competition “It is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it”, 2nd place, “Our friend fire”). He skillfully uses his wealth of experience in the labor field, helps to make crafts from various materials, conducts workshops on instilling sanitary and hygienic skills in children, keeping the home and territory clean and tidy.

    Interesting forms of leisure time for pupils (reader conferences, excursions to the fire department, watching videos on fire safety, theme weeks, joint events with fire brigade fighters), which is organized N.N. . Every year there are excursions into nature, fishing, and trips to the airport to watch the takeoff and landing of passenger planes. All activities of the teacher contribute to better socialization of pupils.

    Over the years of work at the school, he has proven himself to be a knowledgeable, demanding and attentive specialist. Possesses modern general scientific knowledge in pedagogy and psychology. has an individual approach to children. Graduate students often turn to him for advice during the post-school period.

    During his work, he gained respect among the school staff. N.N. was awarded with diplomas from the school administration, in 1994 with a Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science Udmurt Republic, in 2008 “Diploma of Honor State Council Udmurt Republic".

    Head teacher: