How to find out a group at the institute. What are the responsibilities of a group leader at the university? Don't give up on joint events

Published 08/07/2013 (6465 reads)

Dear freshmen! Many of you ask questions about your future student life, scholarships, living conditions, terms and procedures for settling into dormitories. We answer some of your questions about studying, living in a dormitory, etc.

First-year student's memo

Dear freshmen! Many of you ask questions about your future student life, scholarships, living conditions, terms and procedures for settling into dormitories. We answer some of your questions.

When will we receive an acceptance notification?

A postcard - notification of enrollment as a 1st year student was sent to you after the release of the order of enrollment to the address that you indicated in the application. It says about the time of arrival at the university for classes .

How can I find out the group number and class schedule?

At a meeting with deans September 1 You will be given student cards . Besides:

· will announce the distribution into groups,

· will tell you about the procedure for obtaining plastic cards (for transferring scholarships),

· will explain how to use the electronic schedule on the TSU website.

· They will explain when and where young men must come to register for military service.

· They will introduce you to how the educational process will take place, the rules of living in the dormitory and behavior in the academic buildings of the university.

Who is eligible to receive the scholarship?

Academic scholarship in the first year (first semester) all students receive full-time budget education. The amount of the academic scholarship is about 2000 rubles. The scholarship in the second semester is assigned based on the results of the session.

First-year students who received a score above 90 points on the Unified State Examination, as well as winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads enrolled at the university on the basis of benefits provided by the decision of the TSU Admissions Committee, receive an increased scholarship by decision of the TSU Academic Council.

Social scholarship is assigned additionally to persons entitled to receive it. You can learn more about the registration procedure and the necessary documents.

Who has the right to live in a dormitory? Who gets a place in the dormitory?

The student dormitory is intended for non-resident undergraduate and graduate students. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to stay in student dormitories.

How do you check into a hostel?

To move into a dormitory for 1st year students you must:

1. Statement, endorsed by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty and direction for settlement indicating the hostel number and room number. These documents are presented to the commandant of the hostel.

2. Medical certificate . Before moving into the dormitory you must undergo a medical examination (lichen, pediculosis, fluorography). Inquiries from clinics at the place of residence are not accepted .

3. 3 photos - 3x4 without a corner (for issuing a personal card, registration sheet and pass to the dormitory).

4. Citizens of the CIS need to pay a state fee . You can obtain information about the amount of the state fee, bank details, and travel to the clinic directly from the commandant of the hostel.

5. After completing the documents with the commandant, the student receives a set of linen and keys.

Additional Information:

· August 28The dormitories will be ready for freshmen to move in, but freshmen from different faculties move in at different times. The period and procedure for checking into the dormitory is determined by the faculty (check with the faculty dean's office).

· If you have the opportunity to come only on a weekend, you will definitely be accommodated (without a certificate or referral), and on Monday you must go through the doctors and receive a referral to the hostel.

· You can undergo a medical examination for free only at an interuniversity hospital; in other clinics you can pay for it. You cannot have a certificate from your city (except for a certificate of fluorography for 2013), because on the way to g .Tomsk you could get sick. The certificate is issued within 1 day.

· There are no “workshops” for freshmen. You may (with your consent) be invited to participate in the improvement of your room.

· The cost of living in a hostel is 3203.20 rubles. per year + payment for the use of electricity.

Do I need to leave my permanent place of residence to move into a dormitory?

You do not have to leave your permanent place of residence to move into a dormitory. Young men need to be removed from military registration.

A student living in a dormitory is provided with: furniture, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, and a set of bed linen.

To set up in a dormitory, you can bring with you: your own set of bed linen. Set of dishes

How and by whom are places in the dormitory allocated for students of 2nd and subsequent years?

The distribution of places is made by the deputy dean for educational work and the chairman of the student council of the faculty in accordance with the submitted applications of students (except for the 1st year). Applications must be submitted no later than May 1 to the student council president.

Who should I contact if I have questions related to living in a dormitory?

For all questions regarding living in a dormitory, as well as to resolve controversial situations, a student should contact the dean for educational work, the chairman of the student council, the chairman of the faculty trade union bureau or the campus director.

Where can I find out about the Rules for living in the hostel?

You must be familiarized with the Rules for living in a hostel when you check into a hostel. For violations of the Rules for living in a dormitory, a student may be denied the right to live, and may also be reprimanded by order of the dean, up to and including expulsion. If a student causes material damage, he is obliged to pay a fine in the amount established by order of the campus director.

Does a student have the right to stay in the dormitory during the summer holidays?

The student has the right to stay in the dormitory for the summer period at the request of the faculty due to employment student in public work (for example, in the admissions committee, in the faculty archive, in a military detachment, in practice). The remaining students are subject to temporary (summer) eviction: it is necessary to hand over the room and keys to the commandant.

Can relatives or guests visiting a student live temporarily in the dormitory?

Accommodation of guests of students living in the dormitory is carried out in accordance with the rules, which can be obtained from the commandant of the dormitory. Close relatives have the right to stay in the dormitory (in agreement with the campus administration) subject to availability.

What to do if during the course of studying a student’s place of residence or passport information changes ( for example, last name )?

In case of changes in passport data, you should immediately inform the dean of the faculty in writing: write an application to change your last name with a document confirming it, submit a photocopy of a new passport, marriage certificate, etc.

Medical care for students.

Student clinic and interuniversity hospital serve students of all universities in Tomsk (Kyiv St., 74). To register with an interuniversity clinic, you must have a health insurance policy and vaccination card with you.

TSU dispensary (etc .Lenina, 49), where students can improve their health, receive treatment and relax.

Psychological help (TSU main building, room 025 a). Psychologisthelps to understand a difficult situation and find ways to solve the problem

For admission to physical education classes, do you need a certificate in form 086-U indicating the medical group?

IN the first week of September at all faculties are held freshman meetings with deputy Dean for Sports and Mass Work, where you will receive answers to your questions. On September 5, a medical examination of all first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education begins (free of charge). Bring with you a vaccination card, fluorography results (if available), and a medical card (if necessary, if there are special diseases or health problems). The medical examination takes place in the sports building; for 2 days (all doctors are present in the sports building), there is no need to go to hospitals.

How will the relay race take place on the first of September? What should freshmen do?

The traditional relay race is held in 6 stages for boys and girls. It is attended by 2nd-4th year students, as well as first-year students who have a sports rank and have expressed a desire to take part in the relay. Bring your sports uniform with you (who wants to participate), but first you need to go to the sports building of the FFK dean's office.

Dear freshmen!

For all questions, you should contact the dean's office of your faculty/institute.

“A university is the same as a school, only textbooks are more expensive.”

Not really. Textbooks here are given out free of charge and in huge quantities (especially if you are a humanist), but where a university is really similar to a school is in its structure. The university also has a certain hierarchy, at the top of which is the dean, the academic department, teachers and sometimes the university elite. Then there are the excellent students from the budget, the athletes who get away with anything (but only if the team wins that semester), the rest of the students and staff who usually go unnoticed. Do you want to know how to charm them all and be the center of attention? Then read our article.


People meet you by their clothes, and that’s true. But don't think that if you're done with below-the-knee plaid skirts, it's time to wear minis and stilettos. Your dress code has become looser, but this is not a reason to go all out. Yes, yes, we know that you can easily walk in high heels no worse than any model. But leave the high-hills, smoky-eyes and party-dress for the dedicated party, where they will come in handy, and for the first day something in the smart casual style is also suitable. You must look stylish, neat and confident if you want to avoid surprised glances and caustic comments from teachers.

By the way, it’s also better to leave bitch face at home. It may have worked in the case of Blair Waldorf, but in life the best way to the hearts of classmates is a smile, friendliness and sociability. The worst thing you can do on your first day is sit on the sidelines and stare at everyone. This will not make you seem mysterious, but it may scare away potential friends, so it’s better to take the initiative yourself and get to know someone.

Advice: Most likely, you will be assigned to groups in mid-August, so don’t be lazy, find your future classmates on VKontakte and offer to organize a meeting. They are unlikely to refuse, and you will be able to get to know everyone in advance and determine who is who, and in September the first day of school will be much easier.



As soon as you have met your classmates and realized which of them you can sign up as friends, start looking closely at other guys and making useful contacts. Observe what groups the students are divided into and how each group behaves. Who does everyone know, who knows everyone? Who has the coolest parties, who is responsible for amateur performances? Who is on the student council - no, these are not slackers who, with the permission of the educational department, skip classes and do who knows what, get to know their representative, and you will understand everything yourself. And who is better not to mess with?

And most importantly – don’t be afraid! The university, of course, has its own hierarchy, but the advantage of universities is that no one here wears pink on Wednesdays, pours yoghurts on the heads of unwanted people (if you don’t make them too angry ;)), and everyone is willing to make contact. And if you also have a creative specialty, then the age limit simply disappears. So don’t be afraid to meet older students, it’s only in university publics that they like to make fun of the freshmen, but in real life they are very nice guys.

Advice: Moreover, senior students are a treasure trove of information that may be useful to you, and they definitely still have cheat sheets from previous years! Do you dare?



You may think that the opinion of teachers is not so important, and you yourself know perfectly well who you are and what you are capable of. But it is the teachers who will decide whether you close the session or retake the same subject eight times. No matter how you feel about them, they are the boss at the university, which means it’s better not to quarrel with them (unless, of course, you want to get a scholarship at the end of the semester).

What to do? Study! No, you don’t have to know everything perfectly, but show interest in the subject – yes. Do your homework, don’t skip class, and, if possible, sit in the first row of lectures: some teachers have visual memory, and if during the test they remember that you didn’t sleep in their subject, then the chances of a good grade will increase.

Also, don’t be afraid to express your opinion and be active, just remember that you need to speak calmly and in no case be rude. Sarcasm is unlikely to help you gain the respect of your teacher.

Advice: if suddenly the teacher dislikes you for no reason (and this also happens), there are two options:

  • talk to him and find out everything, maybe you really did something wrong,
  • do not give in to provocations and know his subject well, then very soon he will get tired of putting pressure on you.



Don’t rush to return home after class and sit in your room with pizza, a cat and your favorite TV series, you haven’t completed the maximum program yet! The next step is to join the team. But in order to join it, you need to act wisely. In every educational institution there are guys whom everyone talks about, but who do not accept anyone into their company. If you still plucked up the courage and tried to make friends with them, but nothing worked out, and you weren’t invited to the coolest party, it’s time to fix it.

First, find out what interesting things your university has besides lectures: student theater, clubs, sports sections, fans club. If you don’t know where to start, start with the student council (yes, this is the one that doesn’t do anything). It is these guys who organize all the holidays, from dedication and playing Secret Santa to Valentine's Day, Halloween and March 8th.

Perhaps someone from the “elite” is a director of a university theater, and by signing up for an audition, you will get an excellent opportunity to communicate in an informal setting. Start being friends with one, and soon he will introduce you to his friends, and when others notice, your social status will increase dramatically.

Advice: find out who the student council cooperates with. Most often, they have free tickets to fashion exhibitions, private shows, and quite possibly to a concert of your favorite band!

The entrance exams are behind us, and along with them all the worries and worries about choosing a suitable educational institution have gone away. And then, finally, September 1st arrived, and a newly minted student with a sinking heart entered an auditorium full of newcomers just like him.

It's no secret that student life for the majority of the population is more likely associated with fun and carefree days in the company of best friends, rather than with active and intense study, which opens the way to a bright future. If you were often connected with your classmates from school exclusively geographically, then at the university, as a rule, people who are closest to you in views, interests and level of education gather. It is among them that there are those who can become the most reliable, closest and understanding friends who accompany you throughout your life. In addition, university acquaintances are also your possible future employers, clients, competitors, as well as simply people who may be useful. Therefore, the importance of the procedure of meeting and establishing relationships with classmates is difficult to overestimate.

How to overcome fear and get to know your classmates?

  • First, you need to remember the most important thing: sitting in the audience are exactly the same people as you, who know few people at the university, who just entered and have not had time to get used to it. Most of them, with rare exceptions, also want to make a good impression on everyone (including you, yes).
  • Secondly, within the newly created team at the first stages of study, separate closed societies have not yet emerged, therefore, theoretically, you can approach almost any person who catches your eye. The exception is for groups of people who got to know each other before admission, from school or from preparatory courses. However, even people who already know each other and find themselves in a new team are unlikely to behave hostilely.
  • Thirdly, at the university no one is yet familiar with you and your oddities, because of which, perhaps, you could experience discomfort and receive ridicule at school. Studying at a university is like a blank page, another chance to show yourself as a good (or not so good) person, to step over yourself, or even radically change your style of communication and life.

In fact, there is nothing easier than making friends in your first years at university. At this age, most young people have a desire to communicate, as well as a disposition to make new acquaintances due to their flexibility of character. Sometimes a fleeting conversation at a desk, in the hallway or on the way home is enough to understand a person and trust him. Therefore, do not hesitate to approach people and talk to them, chat with a random neighbor at a lecture. Even if in the first days of meeting you did not find common topics for conversation, you can always discuss entrance exams and impressions from your studies and teachers.

The age of information technology will also help you in meeting and establishing connections with classmates. Most students at any university can easily be found on popular social networks. Therefore, if at first you are embarrassed to communicate with a person in person, write to him via the Internet. As a rule, even the most shy and secretive people support this method of communication.

Below are a few rules that, if followed, will increase your chances of winning over new group members:

Don't be afraid to experiment

It’s rare that you can predict in advance which of a group of people will understand and support you. Therefore, feel free to approach even the most unfriendly characters in your opinion; it is quite possible that behind the external rudeness and silence lies a kind, shy and sympathetic person. Scary? Then imagine that you are 10 years old and you still don’t know what embarrassment and failure are. In any case, even if you do something stupid, hardly anyone will remember it except you.

Don't give up on joint events

Do not refuse under any circumstances if you are invited to a movie, a cafe, a concert, or just for a walk. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks, you risk being isolated, since that part of the group that attended these events will become a kind of closed society. But presence will not only bring you closer to the group, but will also allow you to get to know your surroundings better. In addition, you will have common memories, and perhaps vivid photographs. If you’re not shy, you can even organize the event yourself, but be prepared for the fact that at first you’ll have to carry on the conversation between the participants exclusively.

Don't be afraid to talk about yourself

When meeting new people, don't be shy about talking about yourself. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for a closed person, dissatisfied with life, who is not happy to meet new people. The main thing in this matter is to observe moderation.

Be interested in people

All people, with rare exceptions, love when people are interested in them. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask about hobbies, interests and opinions - this will place the interlocutor in your favor.

And finally, it is worth noting that university is the best of the few opportunities in life to make friends. After graduation, situations conducive to the emergence of friendship will become less and less, so do not waste such a wonderful chance and enjoy your youth at the university to the fullest.

Gladkova M.P., Volga State Technical University, PrIn-5 group (2011)

It is customary at the university that the highest digit of a three-digit student group number indicates the faculty number, the middle digit the last digit of the year of admission, and the lowest digit the serial number of the group. Duration of training is no more than 6 years. The student's group number and current year are given. Print what year he entered and what faculty he studies at. The department numbers are as follows: 1 - history, 2 - economics, 3 - legal, 4 - mathematical, 5 - physical, 6 - chemical, 7 - biological, 8 - philological, 9 - geographical, 10 - sociological. Provide for impossible situations, for example, 521 group, 2001.

Code for the problem: “Given the number of the student’s group and the current year. Print what year he entered and what faculty he studies in.”

Textual program praktika1; uses crt; var x1,y2,y,x,x2:integer; begin clrscr; begin writeln("vvedite nomer gruppi"); readln(x); writeln("vvedite tekushiy god"); readln(y); end; begin x1:=x div 100; x2:=x div 10 mod 10; y2:=y div 10 mod 100; end; case y2 of 1:writeln("god 201",x2); 0:writeln("god 200",x2); 9:writeln("god 199",x2); end; begin case x1 of 0:writeln("sociolog"); ... 9:writeln("geograf"); end; end; end.