Mister creepypasta story. Mr. Gluskin

Does anyone remember an old computer game from the early 1990s called "Mr. Mix"? It's basically a typical 8-bit game, just like Mario, where you have to enter words to get the chef (Mr. Mix) to put ingredients in a bowl. Unlike most games, this game was prized for its insane difficulty curve. The game has a difficulty level in which a "words per minute" column appears and this requirement increases for each level, starting from 1 and increases three times up to level 5. And the words are becoming more and more difficult. By the last levels, all this reaches 500 characters per minute, which makes the game impossible to complete. One of the main things people noticed right away was the background music. The music on the first level was disturbing, the picture "growled", which began to progress in volume towards the end of the level. This usually resulted in damage to the speakers, which were not designed for such loud and distorted 8-bit sound. There was no music on the second level, and the third was distinguished by the background sound of some old hair dryer, recorded in terrible quality. The remaining two levels were remembered for the extremely loud ringing throughout the entire level and damage to the eardrum of those who reached this horror. Another very disturbing aspect of the game was Mr. Meeks himself. He was a large, round-faced, fat man with large beady eyes and a red crimson on his cheeks. Most of the children who played this game reported that they were tormented by vivid nightmares in which Mr. Meeks, speaking to them in a low and raspy voice, ordered them to remain silent about something. However, not a single child could remember what they were asked to remain silent about. One psychologist who saw many of these children reported that the children's faces were filled with horror as soon as they began to talk about the details of their nightmares. Many of the children were crying, begging their parents to save them from this Mr. Mix. However, there was an unconditional direct connection to this game, since the children suffered from the same forms of psychological disorders. For obvious reasons, this game was not in great demand. It remained in relative obscurity until a few years ago when hackers obtained images of the game and started poking around. Using all the possibilities, they managed to crack the game code and bypass the impossible fifth level. What they found, however, was very disturbing and caused many of them to abandon this "expedition". According to reports, these hackers left everything behind because... The game behaves very strangely. When bypassing the fifth level, the game crashes and closes all active windows. New files appear, which are written in a matter of seconds and run until the computer's RAM is completely loaded. These files are reportedly photographs of people with horribly deformed faces. All this is accompanied by the fact that all the people in the photographs begin to scream in pain and agony, their tear ducts secrete blood and they all tear the skin off their faces. If the user tries to delete these files, the computer will violently give you a Blue Screen of Death, causing irreversible damage to the user's hard drive. Hackers discovered that this was all caused by a lone byte in the game's ROM that appeared when completing the fifth level. After removing this byte, they were able to move on to the sixth and final level. Unfortunately, all of these hackers refused to discuss what they saw in the final level of the game. They all became extremely paranoid schizophrenics. They refused to talk about anything related to the game, displaying surprisingly extreme symptoms of PTSD. Most of them are no longer able to form coherent sentences. After their arrival at the psychiatric hospital, they disappeared without a trace within a month. All copies of this game have been destroyed. To this day, no one knows what was in that game that caused such psychological damage to those hackers. Maybe it's better this way. Two years after this incident, a man was arrested after attempting to kidnap an eight-year-old girl from a grocery store. DNA analysis and fingerprints showed that the man was one of the hackers who viewed the final level of the game. He was wearing a white chef's hat. His whole appearance shone with indescribable malice, and only the emotions of madness appeared on his face. During interrogation, this man could only say one thing: "I'm Mr. Mix. Shhh..."

creepy stories) became widespread in 2006 thanks to the English-language imageboard 4chan. Most of the “classic” stories, written on behalf of an anonymous author and positioned as stories from the lives of imageboard users, were published in the section /x/ dedicated to paranormal phenomena. Threads dedicated to such stories are called creepy threads. Creepypasta quickly became one of the most popular genres of online folklore.

A separate popular subgenre has become stories that, first of all, cause a smile, rather than horror. These include stories written ridiculously poorly or written deliberately poorly for the purpose of trolling, parodies, stories at the intersection of the humorous genre, etc. In RuNet, the term NPCHDH arose to name them - an abbreviation for the phrase “so bad that it’s even good.” Russian parody creepypastas often exploit cliches of horror stories from children's folklore of the second half of the 20th century. In the English-language segment, “Soviet (Russian) creepypasta” is widespread, parodying at the same time classic creepypasta plots and the so-called. “cranberry” - exaggerated stereotypes of anti-Soviet and anti-Russian propaganda.

Despite the fact that creepy stories were initially distributed completely anonymously, in the 2010s, in both the English and Russian segments of the Internet, many authors appeared who used a permanent pseudonym, and sometimes did not even hide their real name.

Currently, there are separate sites on the Internet that are collections of creepy stories. On some of them, in addition to samples of online folklore, you can also find stories by modern professional writers in the horror genre and works of classical literature that foreshadowed horror literature.

Examples of characteristic characters and phenomena

Typically, creepy stories take place in urban settings, and paranormal phenomena are not associated with traditional mysticism. Readers are also interested in stories in which the mystical element is kept to a minimum, which allows the story to be close to realistic. Some stories are completely in the style of splatterpunk and do not contain a paranormal component at all.

Some famous creepypasta characters

Frequently occurring phenomena in creepypastas

  • Anomalous video games: indie game "Theater" (eng. The Theater), NES Godzilla - a pirated version of the NES game Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (English), Sonic.exe - a hacked PC version of the 16-bit game Sonic the Hedgehog from 1991, Toonstruck 2 - a real-life unreleased continuation of the Toonstruck quest (English), mod Jvk1166z.esp of the game The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, location “Lavender Town” in Pokémon Red and Green, etc.
  • TV channels and websites containing snuff videos: Caledon Local 21, “Where the Bad Kids Go,” “Normal Porn for Normal People,” etc.
  • "Lost Episodes"(eng. Lost episode) - lost or removed from public access images, audio and video materials or applications that contain anomalous or extremely scary materials: the TV show “Candle Cove”, the unreleased episode “Squidward’s Suicide” ( English Squidward's Suicide) animated series "SpongeBob SquarePants", unreleased Disney cartoon "Suicide Mouse" about Mickey Mouse, videos "Grifter" and Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv, application BarelyBreathing.exe, etc. . .
  • "Don't look back"- stories in which there is a “breaking the fourth wall” effect. For example, the narrator suddenly informs the reader that under no circumstances should he turn around at the moment, otherwise something irreparable will happen.

Related Settings

Creepypasta as a fandom

In the early 2010s, variations secondary to the original creepypastas began to actively spread - additions, sequels, prequels, reworkings, etc. Against this background, a fandom emerged on the Internet associated with human and anthropomorphic creepypasta characters. Thanks to him, a specific interpretation of the term “creepypasta” arose, meaning precisely such characters, and not the genre of Internet folklore that gave birth to them. A large amount of fan art, including fan fiction, has been created within its framework. The most popular characters were Jeff and Slenderman. However, this fandom has gained notoriety as a refuge for mentally unstable teenagers and is considered “toxic” both in Western countries and in Russia.

Negative attitudes towards both the fandom and the term “creepypasta” are also fueled by media publications in which creepypasta is mentioned in the same breath as “groups of death” and the game “Blue Whale”. At the same time, publications may contain gross factual errors: for example, creepypasta can be called a type of anime.


see also


  1. What Does copypasta Mean? | Slang by Dictionary.com (English) , Everything After Z by Dictionary.com. Retrieved October 21, 2018.
  2. Jessica Roy. Behind Creepypasta, the Internet Community That Allegedly Spread a Killer Meme (English) , Time(3 June 2014).
  3. In the black-black city: What is creepy and what do you eat it with? (undefined) . Habr(October 7, 2011).
  4. E. G. Matveeva. When the soul is in the heels and the eyes are on the forehead: markers of fear and modes of involvement in children's scary stories // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “History. Philology. Culturology. Oriental Studies: magazine. - 2017. - No. 12 (33). - pp. 120-129.
  5. Darcie Nadel. A Brief History of Creepypasta(English) . TurboFuture - Technology(1 November 2016).
  6. (undefined) . Creepypasta - Paranormal stories and short horror microfiction.
  7. T. A. Mirvoda. Children's scary stories as an object and form of parody in Runet folklore // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. Philology: magazine. - 2018. - No. 4. - pp. 206-214.
  8. T. A. Mirvoda. Parodies of creepypasta as a component of terrible online folklore // Bulletin of Perm University. Russian and foreign philology: journal. - 2018. - T. 10, No. 3. - pp. 138-148.
  9. Lucia Peters. (undefined) . Bustle(25 December 2015).
  10. Category:Stories of participants (undefined) . .
  11. Category:Literature (undefined) . Darkopedia - Encyclopedia of Horror.
  12. (undefined) . 4stor.ru - Scary stories.
  13. 10 creepily believable internet horror stories (undefined) . Pabli - daily selections.
  14. Arseny Krymov. Creepypasta: legends and horrors of the Internet (undefined) . Fantasy world(May 20, 2013).
  15. Annalee Newitz. Who is "Jeff the Killer"? And is his picture haunted by a real death?(English) . Gizmodo - We come from the future.(5 August 2013).
  16. Polina Kormshchikova. . 10 most interesting horror stories on the Internet (undefined) . Private Correspondent(November 18, 2014) .
  17. Maxim Staborn. Rake is a creature discovered in the vicinity of Birobidzhan. Rake Man (undefined) . fb.ru(April 23, 2015).
  18. Mark Hill. The lingering appeal of Pokémon's greatest ghost story(English) . Kill Screen(25 February 2016).
  19. Patricia Hernandez. NES Horror Legend Is Turning Into A Real Game(English) . Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide(5 June 2015).
  20. Grant Pardee. How Sonic.exe went from a terrifying tale to the butt of furry jokes(English) . The Daily Dot(29 May 2017).
Creepypasta about Mr. WideMouth


Mister WideMouth

When I was a child, my family moved often. We never stayed in the same place for long and it seemed like we were always moving. Because of this, many of my first memories remained fuzzy and unclear.

However, there is one period of time that I remember very clearly, as if it all happened just yesterday. I often tell myself that these memories are just hallucinations caused by the long illness I suffered that spring, but deep down I know that it really happened.

We lived in a big house on the outskirts of the city. We were a family of three, and we didn't really need such a big house, and it was full of rooms that we didn't use during the five months we lived there. In some ways it was a waste of space, but at that time it was the only house we could find close to my father's work.

The day after my birthday I came down with a terrible fever. The doctor said that I should lie in bed for three weeks and think only about recovery. It wasn't a good time to be bedridden because we were getting ready to move again and all my toys were already put away in boxes. My room was almost empty and I had nothing to do with myself.

My mother brought me ginger ale and some books several times a day. At other times I had nothing to do. I was always bored, and every day I became more and more unhappy.

I don't remember exactly how I first met Mr. Wide Mouth - I think it was a week later, when I was diagnosed with a fever and bedridden. My first memory of him is when I asked him what his name was. He told me that we should call him Mr. Wide Mouth because he has a big mouth. In fact, everything about him was big compared to his body... his head, his eyes, his crooked ears... but his mouth was simply huge.

“You look just like Farby,” I said as he leafed through one of my books.

Mr. Wide Mouth stopped and looked at me, puzzled.

Farby? What kind of Farby? - he asked.

I shrugged:

You know, a toy. A small furry robot with big ears. You can pet him and feed him, he is almost like a real pet.

Wow,” Mr. Wide Mouth replied. - You don't need any Farby. No toy compares to a real friend.

I remember Mr. Wide Mouth would disappear every time Mom came into the room to look at me.

“I’m hiding under the bed,” he explained to me later. “I don’t want your parents to see me, because I’m afraid they won’t let us play together anymore.”

In the first days we didn't do anything like that. Mr. Wide Mouth simply looked at my books, admiring the stories and pictures that were in them. And on the third or fourth morning after we met, he greeted me with a big smile on his face.

“I have a new game we can play,” he said. “We have to wait for your mom to leave after checking on you because she shouldn’t see us playing.” This is a secret game.

At the usual time, my mother brought me a few more books and left. Mr. Wide Mouth slid out from under the bed and pulled me by the arm.

We should go to the room at the end of the corridor,” he said.

I objected at first because my parents forbade me to get out of bed without permission. Mr. Wide Mouth coaxed me until I gave in.

The room at the end of the corridor had no furniture or wallpaper. The only thing in this room was a window. Mr. Wide Mouth ran across the room and pushed the window open. Then he called me over and told me to look down. We were on the second floor of the house, but the house was on a hill, and therefore the height here was more than two floors.

I like to play the "Imagine" game, Mr. Wide Mouth explained. - I imagine that there is a large soft trampoline below, and I jump. If you imagine it strongly enough, you will fly back like a feather. I want you to try.

I was a five-year-old with a high fever, so I wasn't thinking much when I looked out the window.

It’s a long flight here,” I said.

But it's fun, he replied. - It wouldn't be so much fun if it wasn't high here. You can jump on a real trampoline this way.

I imagined myself cutting through the air, falling down, but then being pushed off by something invisible and flying back into the window. But the realist in me won out.

Maybe another time, I said. - I don't know if I have enough imagination. I might get hurt.

Mr. Wide Mouth's face twisted into a grimace of rage, but only for a moment. Anger immediately gave way to disappointment.

Whatever you say,” he sighed. He spent the rest of the day under my bed, as quiet as a mouse.

The next morning Mr. Wide Mouth came with a box.

“I want to teach you to juggle,” he said. “Here are some things you can practice on before I start teaching you.”

I looked into the box. It was filled with knives.

My parents will kill me! - I exclaimed, horrified that Mr. Wide Mouth had brought knives into my room. My parents never let me touch them. - They will spank me and put me in a corner for a whole year!

Mr. Wide Mouth frowned.

They are fun to juggle. I want you to try.

I pushed the box aside:

I can't. I'll get into trouble, it's dangerous to throw knives into the air.

Mr. Wide Mouth frowned even more and took on a sullen appearance. He took the box of knives and then slid himself under my bed. He remained there until the end of the day. I wondered how often he crawls under my bed.

I started having problems sleeping after that. Mr. Wide Mouth often woke me up at night - he said that he put a real trampoline under the window, large and invisible. He told me that he could be seen in the dark. I always brushed him off and continued to sleep, but Mr. Wide Mouth insisted. Sometimes he stood next to my bed until the morning, urging me to jump.

I didn't have fun with him anymore.

One morning my mother came to see me and told me that I was well enough to go outside for a while. She thought the fresh air would have a positive effect on me, especially after I had been in the room for so long. Delighted, I put on my sneakers and ran to the exit, trying to feel the sun on my face.

Mr. Wide Mouth was outside, waiting for me.

It's safe, I promise.

I followed him, and he led me to a path that went into the forest behind the house.

This is an important path,” he explained. - I had many friends your age. When they were ready, I led them along this path to a special place. You're not ready yet, but one day I hope I'll take you there.

I returned home intrigued, wondering what this special place was.

Two weeks after I met Mr. Wide Mouth, we packed the last of our belongings, moved them into the truck, and prepared to leave on our next long trip to our new home. I wanted to tell Mr. Wide Mouth that I was leaving, but even though I was five years old, I began to suspect that he might be working against me, despite his statements. For this reason, I decided to keep my departure a secret.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning when we left the house. My mother helped me into the car and my father took the wheel. I pressed my head against the glass, hoping to get some sleep before the sun rose.

As we pulled into the driveway, I looked up at the house and saw the silhouette of Mr. Wide Mouth in my bedroom window. He waved at me. In his other hand he held a knife. I didn't wave back.

Years later, I was passing through these places and decided to visit that house. I found that piece of land, but the house was no longer there. Only the foundation remains. The house burned down a few years after we left.

Out of curiosity, I followed the path that Mr. Wide Mouth had once shown me. Part of me expected Mr. Wide Mouth to jump out from behind the bushes and scare me until my stomach hurts, but another part of me was sure that Mr. Wide Mouth was no longer there, since he was somehow connected with burnt house.

The trail ended at a small cemetery.

I noticed that many of the gravestones in it belonged to children.

When I was a child, my family moved from place to place all the time, like a drop of water in a huge river. When I was eight, we settled in Rhode Island, where we remained until I went to college. Most of my memories are connected with Rhode Island, but some corners of the attic of my memory are devoted to our houses where we lived during my very early childhood.
Most of these memories seem incomprehensible and meaningless - here I am running after some boy in our yard in North Carolina, here I am trying to build a raft to cross a stream in Pennsylvania, and so on. But there are things that I remember as clear as glass, as if it all happened yesterday. I often think that these memories were just vivid dreams that visited me that spring when I was sick for so long. However, deep down I understand that all this really happened.
We lived in a suburb of the bustling metropolis of New Vineyard, Maine. The house where we lived was very large, especially for three people. During the five months that we spent there, I never saw some of the rooms. You could say that there was too much space for us, but at the time it was the only house for sale, which was only an hour's drive from my father's workplace.
The day after my fifth birthday, I developed a fever. The doctor said I had mononucleosis, which meant no play and three more weeks of bed rest. I got sick at the worst possible time - we were packing up to move to Pennsylvania, and most of my toys were packed into boxes. Several times a day my mother brought me books and ginger ale; in those days I had no other entertainment. Boredom reigned around literally every corner, making me even more unhappy.
I don't remember exactly when I first met Mr. Bigmouth. I think it happened a week after the doctor made his diagnosis. I remember the first thing I did was ask this little creature if it had a name. He told me to call him Mr. Big Mouth because his mouth was very big. Everything about him was larger than his body: his head, his eyes, his crooked ears, but his mouth was the biggest.
“You look a bit like a furby,” I said as he tumbled over one of my books.
- What is Furby? - Big Mouth asked me with a look of amazement on his round face.
“A toy,” I said, shrugging, “a small robot with big ears.” They can be fed and watered like a real animal.
“Oh,” said Mr. Big Mouth. “You don’t need toys, you have me.” They are nothing like a real friend.
I remember that Big Mouth would disappear whenever my mother came into my room. “I’m hiding under the bed,” that’s how he explained it to me. “I don’t want your parents to see me, otherwise they won’t let us play with you.”
The first few days we didn't do anything special. Mr. Big Mouth was simply looking at my books, apparently he was very fascinated by the colorful pictures. On the third or fourth day he appeared with a huge smile on his face.
“I came up with a new game,” he said. “You just have to wait until your mother leaves, because she shouldn’t see us play.” This is a secret game.
After my mother brought me a new book and a drink as usual, Mr. Big Mouth slid out from under the bed and tugged at my arm. “We have to go to that room at the end of the corridor,” he said. At first I objected because my parents forbade me to leave the bed without their permission, but Mr. Bigmouth was persistent and I gave in.
There was no furniture or wallpaper in that room. There was only a window opposite the doorway. Mr. Bigmouth ran across the room and gave the window a good push, opening it wide open. Then he called me to look outside.
We were on the second floor of the house, but the house itself was on a hill, so a fall from that window would have been much more serious than a jump from the second floor. “I like to play here,” said Mr. Big Mouth. - I imagine that there is a big soft trampoline down there, and I jump. If you pretend very well, you will bounce back like a feather. Come on, try it.
I was only five years old, and I had a fever, so only a hint of disbelief flashed through my head. I looked down and appreciated the opportunity. “It’s high here,” I said.
- But this will only make it more fun. What's the point of jumping where it's low? It would be the same as jumping on a regular trampoline.
I really liked the idea that I could jump out of a window and bounce off something invisible to human eyes. However, I was already a realist then. “Maybe another time,” I said. “I don’t know if I have enough imagination.” I might get hurt.
A grin appeared on Bigmouth's face, but only for a second. Anger gave way to disappointment. “Well, if so,” he said only. This creature spent the rest of the day under my bed. He was as quiet as a mouse.
The next morning Mr. Big Mouth came to me with a small box. “I want to teach you to juggle,” he said. - Take this, you can try it before I start the lesson.
I looked into the box. There were a lot of knives there. - My parents will kill me! – I screamed, frightened that Mr. Big Mouth had brought knives into the room, which my parents forbade me to even touch. “They’ll flog me and won’t let me go out for a whole year.”
“This is so much fun,” Mr. Big Mouth frowned. - Come on, try it!
“I can’t,” I pushed the box away. “I’ll have problems.” Knives must not be thrown into the air.
Bigmouth furrowed his brows. He took the box of knives and ducked under the bed, where he spent the rest of the day. I still don't know how long he spent under me.
After that it became difficult for me to sleep. Mr. Bigmouth often woke me up at night, saying that he had put a real trampoline under the window. According to him, it was a big trampoline, I just couldn’t see it in the dark. Each time I refused and tried to go back to sleep, but Big Mouth insisted. Sometimes he stayed with me until the morning, persuading me to jump.
It was no longer fun to play with him.
One morning my mother said that I could go out for a walk. She thought the fresh air would be good for me, especially after spending so much time in my room. To celebrate, I put on my sneakers and jumped out onto the porch, eager to feel the rays of the sun on my face.
Mr. Bigmouth was already waiting for me. “I want to show you something,” he said. My face must have seemed frightened to him, and he added: “It’s safe, I assure you.”
I followed him along the deer path that led into the forest behind the house. “This is an important road,” he said, “I had many friends your age.” When they were ready, I led them all along this road to one special place. You are not ready yet, but one day I will bring you there too.
I returned home wondering what kind of place lay beyond this path.
Two weeks after my first meeting with Big Mouth, our things were finally packed into the truck. I sat in the cab next to my father, we had a long road ahead of us to Pennsylvania. I was going to tell Mr. Big Mouth about our departure, but at the age of five I began to realize that the creature's plans might not be so well-intentioned. So I decided not to say anything.
At four in the morning my father and I were already sitting in the truck. He hoped to reach Pennsylvania by lunchtime, with a stockpile of coffee and energy drinks. He looked more like a marathon runner than a man who had to sit in one place for two whole days.
- Isn't it too early for you? - he asked.
I nodded and turned to the window, hoping to get some sleep before the sun rose. My father put his hand on my shoulder. - This is the last move, son, I promise. I know it’s hard for you after your illness. It’s okay, dad will get a promotion, we’ll settle down, and you’ll make friends.
As we drove onto the road, I opened my eyes. In my bedroom window I saw the silhouette of Mr. Big Mouth. He stood motionless until the truck turned onto the highway. He waved sadly at me, clutching the knife in his other hand. I didn't wave back.
Years later, I returned to the New Vineyard. Where our house once was, only the foundation remained - a few years after we left, everything burned down in a fire. Out of curiosity, I decided to walk along the path that Mr. Big Mouth showed me. Part of me expected him to jump out from behind the tree and scare the hell out of me, but I felt like Mr. Bigmouth was gone forever, along with the house he was somehow connected to.

Many Internet users have already heard about the so-called “Creepypasta,” but most know practically nothing about it. Some people may assume that this is connected with some scary stories, but they do not know the details. Today, “Creepypasta” is an integral element of the Internet community, which is constantly growing, developing and, naturally, frightening. If someone thought that this term was associated with horror, they were not mistaken. The fact is that “Creepypasta” is a word that includes a full-fledged sphere on the Internet. But it all started with one community in which users came up with their own scary stories and illustrated them, and other readers could complement them, improve them and make them even scarier. This is how “Creepypastas” appeared - stories about some creatures that terrorize civilians, scare, kill, torture, and so on. Everyone knows that this is fiction, but this does not make it any less scary - this is such “Creepypasta”. The characters of this genre are particularly cruel, scary in appearance, frightening details, and so on. Therefore, next we will consider the most famous of the heroes, who already instill fear in a huge number of people of all ages.


Most likely, the most popular Creepypasta character today is Slenderman. Several third-party projects have already been created about him, including full-fledged video games - this is a great achievement for the Creepypasta genre. Characters in this genre most often remain confined to the Internet, but Slenderman turned out to be so unusual and impressive that he was able to break into other areas. What is he like? Initially, he was depicted as a very tall and thin man in a formal suit. What distinguished him from a real person was his face, or rather, the absence of it. Slenderman lures small children out of the house, and then kills them or subjugates them, making them his assistants. Naturally, this character has undergone numerous changes from various authors. Not many of them have taken root - for example, now Slenderman is very often depicted with tentacles growing from his back. The Thin Man is the most popular and successful "Creepypasta", the characters of other stories, of course, also create horror, but it is Slenderman who does it best. But it's time to talk about other popular heroes.

Jeff the killer

“Creepypasta” is famous for its many interesting characters; the characters of this genre very quickly gain universal love. This happened with Jeff, who was nicknamed the killer. In fact, he is the real killer, who sneaks into the house and watches the sleeping person until he notices him. Then Jeff orders the man to continue sleeping, and if he listens, he may survive. If not, then Jeff immediately attacks him with a knife and kills him. Outwardly, this character is in many ways similar to an ordinary person, only his eyes are definitely wild, and his mouth is huge and constantly stretches into a terrifying, sinister smile. Jeff may die, but he is always reborn into one of his victims, which makes him even more terrible, which is what any “Creepypasta” achieves. The characters and their stories are breathtaking and also make you forget about sleep. After all, at any moment you can feel Jeff’s gaze on you.

Jane the Killer

This story is directly related to the previous one, which is quite typical for the genre called “Creepypasta”. Characters and their stories often intertwine with each other, creating an incredible world full of horror and fear. So, Jane is the girl who lived next door to Jeff when he started killing and became a monster, not an ordinary boy. And one day Jeff came for Jane, who sympathized with him, while everyone else hated him. So he came not to kill her, but to play a perverted game with her. Jane tried to defend herself with a knife, but it didn't work, and Jeff doused her with gasoline and set her on fire, disfiguring her beautiful face. After that, he sent her a mask and her knife, saying that he hoped that she would find her beauty. After this, Jane vowed that she would dedicate her life to finding and killing Jeff while she hides her disfigured face behind a mask - this is exactly the story Creepypasta offers players. Pictures of the characters are in the article, so you can look at both Jeff and Jane at any time.

Eyeless Jack

The next character who has become everyone's favorite is Eyeless Jack, a very entertaining "Creepypasta". The pictures of the characters, including Eyeless Jack, perfectly complement the stories, making the story more vivid. So, Jack received the nickname Eyeless for the reason that he was born with completely black eyes. For this he was hated and despised, mocked at him. As a result, it all ended with his parents being killed, so Jack put on a mask, took his father's scalpel and began performing operations on those who did this, as well as those who bullied him all these years. For some time he did this with his friend Justin, until he committed suicide, unable to bear such a life. The list of Creepypasta characters is constantly updated with such interesting heroes. Each of them has its own story, which can both captivate and frighten.

Ben the Drowned

The story of one gamer who mysteriously became a participant in a computer game on the verge of virtual and real realities is quite relevant. The list of Creepypasta characters even includes such heroes, so if you are not yet familiar with this direction, then you should definitely read the notes and look at the images and videos. In this case, the story is about a game that transported the main character into a virtual world that seemed real. The intricate events ultimately add up to a single terrifying picture that can frighten even the bravest readers of the Creepypasta genre. The characters, whose photos are on many relevant resources, are the most impressive. And in this regard, Ben is amazing, since he has the appearance of the famous hero of the game “The Legend of Zelda” Link.

Tim Muskie

The story of Tim Mask, a teenager who decided to star in an amateur horror film in a deep forest, looks quite interesting and fresh. At first glance, this is a fairly ordinary “Creepypasta”, characters, photos and stories are publicly available, but something in this story looks strange and incomprehensible. The gist of it is that he was unable to meet the friends with whom he planned to make the film. But the forest attracted him, lured him and did not allow him to leave, run away, hide. All his attempts to get away failed, and in the end the forest swallowed him up, turning him into something other than a person - this is how the characters in “Creepypasta” are. Absolutely all stories are available in Russian, so you can easily read the full version of any of them.


Hoodie is another maniac who did not want to become one, but conditions turned him into a monster. He lost his parents, his older sister and her husband took custody of Alex (Hoodie) and his sister. The stepfather beat his wife, and when she was not there, he took care of the children, and one day he accidentally killed Sandra, his younger sister. Alex took a knife and cut his throat, but his older sister immediately returned and accused him of killing both relatives. At this point, Hoodie had to get rid of her too, and then burn the house down and go kill, wearing a mask and his sweatshirt.

Ticky Toby

Toby is another boy who killed his own father and then tried to cover it up by committing arson. This character has something in common with Slenderman, because it was he who subjugated Toby to his will and made him his servant.