Brief wise sayings. Quotes from the wisest as a guide to understanding your life

Truly wise sayings about life and love, said by famous representatives of humanity, as well as unknown authors on completely different topics:

  • I cry without tears and without sounds - this is such a special breathing system when you just suffocate. Quiet and without drama.
  • The struggle for existence is the most effective distraction from the flow of life.
  • What is history? Variability is its essence.
  • In the modern world, you need to be a terrible cynic to be an optimist.
  • We would like to live better and better, but we are forced to live more fun...
  • All the best memories in my life begin with the words: - We shouldn’t do this... - The soul wouldn’t have a rainbow if the eyes didn’t have tears. Thought is material, and the most incredible desires can be fulfilled. Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe in. When you feel like a goal is unattainable, don’t change the goal—change your action plan.
  • Those who wait patiently do get something eventually, but it's usually WHAT'S left over from the people who didn't wait.
  • You can take a girl out of the village, but you can’t take the village out of the girl.

  • Advice is like castor oil: easy to give, unpleasant to take.
  • Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.
  • A dog needs a dog's life, and a person needs a human life. The main thing: do not confuse...
  • If a man needs only one thing from a woman, then she is only capable of one thing.
  • Now there is no need to torture people with hot iron, because there is a huge amount of noble metals.
  • If you want to become happy, learn to suffer first. I. S. Turgenev
  • Records are there to be broken.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what's inside.
  • Forgiveness is not difficult. It’s harder to forget what you forgive for.
  • Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future. Allen Saunders
  • He did not drink, did not smoke, rode a bicycle, lived frugally, saved every penny and died at a flourishing age, surrounded by greedy relatives. This was a big lesson for me. John Barrymore
  • Life can be delicious if you know how to cook it A. Maksimov
  • You don't need to waste time, but invest in it.
  • Remember, you can always find something to do. Well, life is a thing that has an ending.
  • You can’t stop living a fun life, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh.
  • And most importantly, don’t stop dreaming before going to bed!
  • Don't tell God you have a problem, turn to the problem and say you have God.

  • Each of us crosses the bridges of life, burning them behind us and carrying with us the smell of smoke and the bitterness of tears.
  • I need such closeness that it penetrates under the skin - straight into the brain, like going into the astral plane.
  • When you do anything, it's best to rely only on yourself. Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  • I love! Let it be stupid and funny. Let there be no hope. Love you! Now I don't care. Now you are even more precious to me...
  • The beauty of a woman is an attraction. The main thing is in her heart.
  • There must be two loves. Then they will intertwine and it will not be clear where the beginning is and where the end is.
  • Beauty is power, as is money, and so is a loaded gun...
  • Love is all. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson
  • When you start opening people's eyes, they close their ears.
  • Shut up! And you don’t have to scream, never, beg anyone for anything... Just straighten your shoulders and go into silence... The one who loves you will not leave you alone.
  • The history of humanity is the history of a fairly small number of people who believed in themselves.
  • It is impossible to “drink little,” “smoke rarely,” “cheat on your wife within reason.” There is no “golden mean” when determining the degree of depravity.
  • You know, dear, for a man to understand a woman is very rare. And while a woman finds the one, she will try a bunch of other rotten, and maybe not so rotten, men.
  • Well, everyone already has modems, but there is still no happiness...
  • Life is a chain of successive stages of creating a picture, and not a desire for the moment of its completion.
  • A person's character can be judged by how he behaves with those who cannot be of any use to him, as well as with those who cannot fight back.

Winged expressions, great sayings, quotes, wise sayings.

Anything can be a teacher

    The only real courage is to be yourself.

    To become a blacksmith, you need to forge.

    The best teacher in life is experience. Charges a lot, but explains clearly.

    Learn from your mistakes. This feature is the only thing useful about them.

Through thorns to the stars, drawing:

    Courage, will, knowledge and silence are the assets and weapons of those who follow the path of improvement.

    When the disciples' ears are ready to hear, lips appear ready to fill them with wisdom.

    The mouth of wisdom is open only to the ears of understanding.

    Books give knowledge, but they cannot tell everything. First seek wisdom from the scriptures, and then seek Supreme guidance.

    The soul is a prisoner of its ignorance. She is chained by the chains of ignorance to an existence in which she cannot control her destiny. The purpose of every virtue is to eliminate one such chain.

    Those who gave you your body endowed it with weakness. But EVERYTHING that gave you a soul armed you with determination. Act decisively and you will be wise. Be wise and you will find happiness.

    The greatest treasures given to man are judgment and will. Happy is he who knows how to use them.

    Anything can be a teacher.

    The "I" chooses the "I"'s method of teaching.

    Giving up freedom of thought may mean losing the last opportunity to understand the laws of the Universe.

    True knowledge comes from the highest path, which leads to the eternal Fire. Delusion, defeat and death arise when a person follows the lower path of earthly attachments.

    Wisdom is the child of learning; Truth is the child of wisdom and love.

    Death occurs when the purpose of life is achieved; death shows what the meaning of life is.

    When you meet an arguer who is inferior to you, do not try to crush him with the force of your arguments. He is weak and will give himself away. Don't respond to evil speeches. Don't indulge your blind passion to win at any cost. You will defeat him by the fact that those present will agree with you.

    True wisdom is far from stupidity. A wise man often doubts and changes his mind. A fool is stubborn and stands his ground, knowing everything except his ignorance.

    Only one part of the soul penetrates into the earthly chain of time, while the other remains in timelessness.

    Avoid talking to many people about your knowledge. Don’t keep it selfishly for yourself, but don’t expose it to the ridicule of the crowd. A loved one will understand the truth of your words. The distant one will never be your friend.

    May these words remain in the casket of your body and may they keep your tongue from idle talk.

    Be careful not to misunderstand the teaching.

    The spirit is life, and the body is needed in order to live.

Life is movement, photo

Great Sayings of the Sages

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Confucius

    What you believe in is what you will become.

    Feelings, emotions and passions are good servants, but bad masters.

    Those who want, look for opportunities, those who don’t want, look for reasons. - Socrates

    You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem. - Einstein

    Whatever the life around us, for us it is always painted in the color that arises in the depths of our being. - M.Gandhi

    The observer is the observed. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

    The most important necessity in life is a feeling of being in demand. Until a person feels that someone needs him, his life will remain meaningless and empty. - Osho


    To be conscious means to remember, to be aware, and to sin means not to be aware, to forget. - Osho

    Happiness is your inner nature. It does not need any external conditions; it simply is, happiness is you. - Osho

    Happiness is always found within yourself. - Pythagoras

    Life is empty if you live only for yourself. By giving, you live. - Audrey Hepburn

    Listen, how a person insults others is how he characterizes himself.

    No one leaves anyone, someone just moves forward. The one who lags behind believes that he was abandoned.

    Take responsibility for the results of communication. Not “I was provoked”, but “I allowed myself to be provoked” or succumbed to provocation. This approach helps to gain experience.

    A touchy person is a sick person and it is better not to communicate with him.

    Nobody owes you anything - be grateful for little things.

    Be clear, but don't demand to be understood.

  • God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to heal from our shortcomings. - Simeon of Athos
  • A married man's happiness depends on those he is not married to. - O. Wilde
  • Words can prevent death. Words can bring the dead to life. - Navoi
  • When you don’t know words, you have no way to get to know people. - Confucius
  • He who neglects the word harms himself. - Proverbs of Solomon 13:13


    Horatio, there are many things in the world that our sages never dreamed of...

    And there are spots in the sun.

    Harmony is the union of opposites.

  • The whole world is a theater, and people are actors. - Shakespeare

Great Quotes

    Time doesn't like to be wasted. - Henry Ford

    Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.- Henry Ford

    Lack of self-confidence is the cause of most of our failures. - K.Bovey

    The attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of the spiritual dignity of people. - Ya.Bryl

    Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise, the more often and longer we reflect on them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. - I. Kant

    If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it. - Dalai Lama

    Knowledge always gives freedom. - Osho


About friendship

A true friend is known in misfortune. - Aesop

My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything. - V.G. Belinsky

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. - La Rochefoucauld

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can. - J. Rousseau

Friedrich Nietzsche

  • A woman is considered thoughtful, why?
    Because they can’t find out the reasons for her actions. The reason for her actions never lies on the surface.

    The same affects in men and women differ in tempo; That’s why a man and a woman never stop misunderstanding each other.

    Everyone carries within himself the image of a woman, received from his mother; this determines whether a person will honor women in general, or despise them, or, in general, treat them with indifference.

    If spouses did not live together, good marriages would occur more often.

    A lot of short madness - you call it love. And your marriage, like one long folly, puts an end to many short follies.

    Your love for your wife and your wife's love for her husband - ah, if only it could be pity for the suffering hidden gods! But almost always two animals guess each other.

    And even your best love is only an enthusiastic symbol and painful ardor. Love is a torch that should shine for you on higher paths.

    A little good food can often make the difference between whether we look at the future with hope or despondency. This is true even in the most sublime and spiritual realms of man.

    Sometimes sensuality overtakes love, the root of love remains weak, unrooted, and it is not difficult to pull it out.

    We praise or blame, depending on whether one or the other gives us a greater opportunity to discover the brilliance of our mind.

for reference

Aphorism (Greek aphorismos - short saying), a generalized, complete and deep thought of a certain author, predominantly of a philosophical or practical-moral meaning, expressed in a laconic, polished form.

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updated 04/08/2016

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What is called a topic that will change your life. Under pleasant music, you will read quotes taken from the speech of the Dalai Lama on the eve of 2009.

“In reality, everything is completely different than in reality.”

Antoine de Saint Exupery

“It takes two to tell the truth - the storyteller and the listener.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Human disputes are endless not because it is impossible to find the truth - but because those arguing are not looking for truth, but for self-affirmation.”

“God does not send us despair to kill us - He sends it to us to awaken new life in us!”

Hermann Hesse

He who has many vices also has many rulers.

F. Petrarch

“No matter how many mistakes you make and no matter how slowly you move forward, you will still do it faster than those who don’t even try.”

“People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the other way around.”

Dalai Lama

“Action is everything; reputation is nothing."

“Theory, my friend, is dry, but the tree of life is ever green.”

Johann Wolfang von Goethe

“To see the World in a Grain of Sand,
Heaven is in the Wild Flower,
Squeeze Infinity in the palm of your hand
and Eternity is in an hour.”

“Truth is rarely pure - and never simple.”

Oscar Wilde

You should not confuse loneliness and solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, mental concept, while solitude is physical. The first dulls, the second calms.

Carlos Castaneda

“There are no stupid people in the world. There are those who see the truth and those who use it..."

Anita Joan Smith

“Giving - do it easily, losing - do it easily, saying goodbye - do it easily
When giving, losing, saying goodbye, don’t be sad about the future, but give thanks to the past.”

Ancient Chinese wisdom

F. Bacon

“Be a friend of truth to the point of martyrdom, but do not be its defender to the point of intolerance.”


“Avoid people who consider impudence to be courage, and soft-heartedness to be weak-willed. And avoid those who believe that chatter is wisdom and silence is ignorance. Don’t you see, lions are silent, but they are feared, and dogs bark loudly, but they are driven away with stones.”

Imam al-Shafi"

“The truth, which has become the property of the crowd, very soon becomes distorted beyond recognition.”
Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc

“The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. A lie is always complex, elaborate and verbose.”

L. Tolstoy

“A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.”

I.A. Krylov

One woman had a dream that the Lord stood behind the store counter instead of a salesman.
- God! It's you!
“Yes, I am,” God answered.
– What can I buy from you?
“That’s it,” was the answer.
– Then, I would like to buy health, happiness, love, success, and a lot of money!
God smiled and went to get the ordered goods. Soon He returned with a small cardboard box.
- This is all?! - the woman exclaimed.
“Yes,” God answered calmly, “didn’t you know that I only sell seeds?”

“During his lifetime, Chen Zhen often said that he was not like others. But then he died, and his grave is no different from the others. »

Ba Jin

“All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

L. Tolstoy

“The great science of living happily is to live only in the present.” “Take care of the tears of your children so that they may shed them at your grave.” “Do great things without promising great things.” "Friendship is equality."

“When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are."

“Life is like games: some come to compete, others to trade, and the happiest come to watch.”


“Happy is the one who is prevented from cheating by love, not morality.”

“Think, look for a reason, find a way when faith would make you different - not in external differences, by putting on a badge, which is petty absurdity”

Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Any person, without explaining anything to him, can be put in prison for ten years, and somewhere in the depths of his soul he will know why.”

Friedrich Dürrenmatt

“A domestic quarrel is a family dispute, as a result of which the wife tells her husband that she has nothing more to say, and he is obliged to listen to it for an hour.”

Evan Ezar

“Make sure you get what you want, otherwise you'll have to love what you get.”

George Bernard Shaw

“If you are in your right mind, do not dream that the one who fell into your arms so quickly will be faithful to you.”


“Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that it can be preserved for life, if only you do not try to borrow money.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“If a woman hates you, it means she loved you, loves you or will love you.”

German proverb

“There is no woman who could say “goodbye” in less than thirty words.”

George Bernard Shaw

“There is only one path to happiness - to stop worrying about things that are beyond our control.”


“Self-indulgence is accompanied by predation on others.”

Gennady Malkin

“From the point of view of youth, life is an infinitely long future; from the point of view of old age - a very short past.”

A. Schopenhauer

“Heroes are not born. Heroes die..."

“Do not judge a man by his friends; do not forget that Judas had impeccable friends.”

“You don’t need to peer into the abyss very often, otherwise the abyss will begin to peer into you.”

“I never resist temptation, for I know from experience that what is harmful to me does not tempt me.”

George Bernard Shaw

Who does not know the value of silence,
He doesn't know the value of words.
Can't be heard in noisy companies
Words that are full of meaning

E. Pomytkin

“Life is a mystery that you must be able to accept and not torment yourself with the constant question: “What is the meaning of my life?” It’s better to fill your life with meaning and things that are important to you.”

P. Coelho

“He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings.”


"Don't speak unless it changes the silence for the better ».

Chinese folk wisdom

“True words are not graceful. Fine words are not trustworthy. Kind is not eloquent. An eloquent person cannot be kind. He who knows does not prove, he who proves does not know. The sage does not accumulate anything. He does everything for people and gives everything to others. The Heavenly Dao benefits all beings and does not harm them. The Tao of the perfect sage is action without struggle.”

Zhang 81 from the Book of Path and Power.

In the struggle the shield and spear will be exhausted
Each of us will die in the struggle.
You went out to look - so look for yours! -
no one else will give up theirs. You wanted to say the right thing,
but I hurt other people with my words, -
you knew, but they didn't want to know
no one's borrowed ideas. No exit. But where is the entrance
you can just leave the light on
and if someone comes there -
he will know that there is no way out. Then without words, without your ideas,
without persuasion to go forward, -
a lot of very kind people
will follow you silently. They will go without asking -
are you enlightened or in darkness,
just everyone is ready to find
the most important thing on earth. ABOUT! How simple it is - not to suffer!
Silence and give wisdom to the path,
After all, the most important thing is to become a light!
And you can immediately see where to go.

The true calling of everyone consists of only one thing - to come to oneself, to find one’s own, and not a loved one’s, destiny and to surrender to it internally, completely and unshakably.

Hermann Hesse

“And yet death remains forever and ever the only predetermined event for each of us.”

“What would we do if we built the world, brought into being a great being and saw that here something has failed, there is only half in order, and here both are out of place? Now they would intervene, tear it out, destroy it, right?

We would not notice the value contained even in the imperfect, the spark of true light in the failed, we would forget how important it is.”

"Only one step between me and death"

“What is the longest word? Eternity. The shortest now. It doesn't even last a second. Think that now this is the time during which we must prepare for eternity.”

“One should be extremely humble and have nothing to defend, not even one’s own personality. One's own personality must be protected, but not defended.

“If you ignore the enemy and yourself, then you are a complete fool and will definitely be defeated in every battle.
If you know yourself but don't know the enemy, for every battle you win you will lose the next.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you will win every battle."

Sun Tzu

“Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.”

Henry Ford

“If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it.”

Dalai Lama

“Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won’t get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.”

Warren Buffett

“Our big flaw is that we give up too quickly. The surest path to success is to always try again.”

Thomas Edison

“The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness.”


“A smart person loves to learn, a fool loves to teach.”

Bulat Okudzhava

“The best that we are capable of manifests itself in us when we are backed against the wall, when we feel the sword raised above our heads! Personally, I wouldn’t want it any other way!”

Carlos Castaneda

“Do not be timid before the enemy: man’s fiercest enemy is himself.”

Kozma Prutkov

“Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to battle for them every day...”

I.V. Goethe

“Truth is not transmitted, truth is perceived.”

“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. But they make the best of what they have.”

“If you are upset about something, then you are living in the past; if you are worried about something, you are living in the future; if you are experiencing bliss and lightness, you are living in the present.”

Where are you now?

“We don’t see everything as it is - we see everything as we are.”

“No matter what the rake teaches, the heart believes in miracles”

“Most people are only as happy as they decide to be.”


“Sometimes it’s good to be silent so that you can be heard. And disappear to be noticed"

Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective."

“Real men have a happy woman, others have a strong woman”

“If you managed to kick the ass of the person responsible for most of your troubles, you would not be able to sit for a week.”

“The downside of loneliness is that after a while you start to enjoy it, and you simply don’t let anyone into your life.”

“Courage is not in the strength of the hand or the art of wielding a sword, courage is in self-control.”

“Each of us has only one true calling - to find the path to ourselves.”

Hermann Hoesse

“There are no unattainable goals, there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.”

“You shouldn’t waste time on a person who doesn’t want to spend it on himself.”

Gabriel Marquez

“Where there are few words, they have weight”


“There is a Sun in every person, just let it shine”

“Follow your desire and it will follow you. The universe will open doors for you where there used to be walls.”

Joseph Cambale

“The less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods”


“Take care of those who love you: they usually come suddenly and leave quietly”

“Don’t lose the worthy... for the sake of the affordable”

“Life begins where your comfort zone ends”

Napoleon Hill

“It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop.”


“Any goal will be achieved by the one whose deeds, thoughts and words are united!”

“When we lose our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable.”

“Everyone knows from childhood that such and such is impossible. But there is always an ignoramus who does not know this. He makes discoveries."


“Life is not a property to be protected, but a gift to be shared with other people.”

William Faulkner

“Dreams are reality waiting in the wings”

“The temptation to give up is especially strong shortly before victory.”

“The greatest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do.”

“There are no hopeless situations, unnecessary people, random meetings and wasted time.”

“Ancient Wisdom is learned not in order to dominate and command over someone, and not in order to be proud of other Clans. Ancient Wisdom has always been learned in order to understand one’s Life Path, and in order to pass it on to Descendants.”

“When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”


“If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it.”

Dalai Lama

“Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on every person’s door, but at that time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock.”

Mark Twain

“Our big flaw is that we give up too quickly. The surest path to success is to always try again.”

Thomas Edison

“The poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow.”

Robert Kiyosaki

“Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.”

Henry Ford

“Hard work is the accumulation of easy things you didn’t do when you should have done them.”

John Maxwell

"I used to say, 'I hope things change.' Then I realized that the only way for everything to change is for me to change.”

Jim Rohn

“Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live as others cannot.”

Methuselah lived 969 years. You, dear boys and girls, will see more in the next ten years than Methuselah saw in his entire life.

Mark Twain

If you hate, it means you've been defeated


Life itself is a blank canvas, and it will become the way you paint it. You can paint suffering, or you can paint bliss. In this freedom is your greatness.

“Bliss is not something that can be achieved.
It already exists - you are born with it.”

“There are things that can only appear thanks to you,
and there are things that can only appear when you are not there.

The collection includes quotes from sages and intelligent people from different fields of activity:
  • I was an ardent Slavophile. And only a thorough study of history saved me from this and made me a true patriot. Sergei Mikhailovich Solovyov.
  • Good intentions are thoughts not spoiled by actions. Evgeniy Khankin
  • Gluttony mercilessly drowns in an insatiable thirst for poison. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • God fights on the side that, other things being equal, has more troops. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Humanity is drowning in its own shit. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Big words should not be thrown into the wind. Lenin Vladimir Ilyich
  • He was an atheist by the grace of God, however. Sergey Fedin
  • Dejection is a web that completely immobilizes the body. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • A person who doesn’t knit with bast puts anything in line with those who don’t knit with bast. Sergey Fedin.
  • Lived in laziness! Alive in laziness! I will live in laziness! Sergey Fedin
  • It's hard to think of anything more disgusting than most. Goethe.
  • In Russia there are offices and barracks. Everything moves around the whip and rank. Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich
  • Those who went through the war are very sincerely happy at its end, but in their creativity they cannot go beyond the military theme. Frantisek Kryshka
  • Do flies bite you? They're probably disdainful. Sergey Fedin
  • By improving the stagecoach, you can create the perfect stagecoach; but a first-class car - hardly. Edward De Bono
  • Thoughtful man resting alone. Omar Khayyam
  • Modesty is decorative. But somehow modestly. Sergey Fedin
  • The great misconception is about the wisdom of old people. Old people are not wise. They are just careful. Hemingway Ernest
  • Variety kills variety. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Faith questions, reason discovers. Augustine Aurelius
  • The play and the role are only text for the actor. The distance from the text to the game is enormous. Gustav Gustavovich Shpet
  • The supreme power in the state is a collection of government officials. Aristotle
  • To attach one good deed to another so closely that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life. Marcus Aurelius
  • War is one of the greatest sacrileges against man and nature. Vladimir Mayakovsky
  • You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen. Nekrasov Nikolay Alekseevich
  • All global problems are born because of a small whim, in small minds. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Retirement: rest forced on you when all you can do is work. Georges Elgozy
  • Anger destroys even the smartest. Solomon
  • A couple of experienced observers are sometimes enough to cure a person in love. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Homosexuals, sexists, feminists, Nazis, and fascists are the scum of society who are killing the human race. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • The fundamental virtue of a citizen is distrust. Maximilian Robespierre

  • Democracy is fooling the people, with the help of the people, for the good of the people. Wilde Oscar
  • He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown. Omar Khayyam
  • Long and great suffering brings up a tyrant in a person. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Loneliness is the true road to heaven. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • The only way to live is to let others live. Mahatma Gandhi
  • Education cannot create abilities, it only develops them. Voltaire
  • If you want to change the world, change yourself. Mahatma Gandhi
  • Never quarrel without a good reason. Solomon
  • If I saw further than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants. Newton Isaac
  • There is no envy in the world, since all people stand on the same row, on the same rung of the ladder of happiness. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • You have to live with hopes, but live with losses! Michelle Emelyanov
  • Misfortune makes a person wise, although it does not enrich him. Samuel Johnson
  • Sometimes even those who don't deserve it become famous. G. Lessing.
  • It is impossible to desire something that has not been known until this moment. Aquinas
  • Fame is a payment for merit and labor, as well as a punishment for ability and talent. Nicola Chamfort.
  • Don’t close your eyes when you want to sleep without remembering all your decisions for the past day. Pythagoras
  • Art is a mystery! Edvard Grieg
  • Our mind is the metal extracted from the form, and the form is our actions. Henri Bergson
  • What difference does it make for the dead, orphans and homeless people in the name of what tyranny and destruction are happening - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism? Mahatma Gandhi
  • Put on the brass knuckles of nobility, destroy evil. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Selfishness makes the same miracles out of a person as love. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin
  • We admire antiquity, but we live in modernity. Ovid (Publius Ovid Naso)
  • A chicken's brains can only be compensated by a lion's heart.
  • To remain silent is to believe in yourself. Albert Camus
  • Laziness is the destructive fire of dreams. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • People are like plants that do not grow well unless they are well cared for. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself. Augustine Aurelius
  • People live in the nature they deserve. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Love, being the strongest passion of a person, captures the heart, body and head. Voltaire
  • People of the same profession rarely get together even for fun, but their meetings end in a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase prices. Adam Smith
  • Laziness seems to slow down time and space. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Dream big: only big dreams have the power to touch people's souls. Marcus Aurelius
  • Laziness is insomnia Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Wisdom is a set of truths obtained by the mind, observation and experience and applied to life - it is the harmony of ideas with life. I. A. Goncharov
  • He who does not ask anything will learn nothing. Thomas Fuller
  • We die exactly when we cease to be needed by the world. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • A deceitful heart will find no good, and a wicked tongue will fall into trouble. Solomon
  • We must strengthen our defenses in the West and look for friends in the East. Alexander Nevskiy
  • Seek joy and peace only in moving from social action to public action... Marcus Aurelius
  • Do not confuse a great city with a densely populated one. Aristotle
  • The one who hides his talent most skillfully is the one who has nothing to hide. Edmund Burke (Burke)
  • If you don’t have time, others will do it. Robinson A. William
  • A significant feature of antiquity is that its writings are the only ones that many modern people read with care. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Some individual considerations strike us to the heart. Wilhelm Dilthey
  • Misconceptions that contain some truth are the most dangerous. Adam Smith
  • There are no more obnoxious people than celebrities from the provinces. A. Chekhov.
  • Life without sin is so sad that you will inevitably fall into the sin of despondency. Sergey Fedin
  • Never do anything shameful, either in front of others or in private. The first rule is to establish self-respect for yourself. Pythagoras
  • If you say something stupid, sing it. Voltaire
  • Nothing encourages idleness more than empty talk. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich
  • The only poison for the mind is passion. For false reasoning will quickly change if passion passes. Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury
  • One good friend is worth more than all the blessings in this world. Voltaire
  • A friend should be able to solve problems and help: You should not expect everything from him. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • He did not change his views - on the contrary, his views changed him. Wieslaw Brudzinski
  • For language learning, free curiosity is much more important than formidable necessity. Augustine Aurelius
  • An optimist is an insufficiently hackneyed pessimist. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
  • Even in the most terrible things, there is something funny. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Wise Sayings - Don't rely too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.

Forgiveness is not difficult. It’s harder to forget what you forgive for.

Those who want, look for opportunities, those who don’t want, look for reasons. - Socrates.

And although the temptation is great to take two roads at once, you cannot play with both the devil and God with one deck of cards...

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it. - Dalai Lama.

Calmness and control will give you strength. Strength and intelligence will give you freedom. Will and perseverance will allow you to get what you want!

There are roads that you need to travel alone... There are moments where you need to put an end... There are situations when you should say goodbye... And people to whom it is better not to return!

There is no need to drown yourself in melancholy... Get up! Straighten up! And write down all your grievances on the sand, all your victories on granite!

Two wisest teachers: Life and time. On the one hand, life shows how to value time, and time shows how to value life...

If you hate, it means you have been defeated. - Confucius.

I’m not upset if people don’t understand me, I’m upset if I don’t understand people.

It always seems to us that they love us because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good. - L.N. Tolstoy.

If you have love, then you don't need anything else. If you don't have love, it doesn't matter what else you have!

You shouldn’t reproach everyone for loneliness, Look for the blame in yourself, not outside - One is not the one who is forgotten by everyone, But the one who no longer needs anyone. - El Tweet.

How long to wait for changes for the better? - If you wait, it will be a long time!

Never expect anyone else to change. Change always needs to start with yourself.

If you have lost something, be glad that it is not much! If you have lost a lot, be glad that you have not lost everything! If you have lost everything, rejoice, there is nothing more to lose!

If you want to praise someone, do it immediately, but if you scold, put it off until tomorrow: you may think that this is not worth doing.

Life is a tricky thing. When I have all the trump cards in my hands, she suddenly invites me to play checkers.

Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice. - Osho.

Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly. - Paulo Coelho.

Have courage if you want to change something. Be patient if something cannot be changed. And be wise to know when courage is needed and when patience is needed.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning. - Paulo Coelho.

Beautiful wise sayings - Someone else's sky will never become your own... Someone else's woman will remain a stranger. And know that if someone else’s things attract you... One day, someone else will take yours with them...