E reference book of the deputy headmaster. Handbook of a modern school deputy director for educational work

“An annotated bibliographic list of literature of the lyceum library for the class teacher.”

Volkov G.N. Pedagogy of love. Selected ethnopedagogical works: In 2 vols. – M.: Publishing House Master-Press, 2002.

The optimism and humanism of G.N. Volkov’s ethnopedagogical system rests on love and example. What is education? Example and love are the symbol of the teacher’s faith. For him, love is a goal, a result, a method, an organization, and even a process of education.

G Alkina T.I. Modern reference book class teacher 10th – 11th grades/T.I.Galkina. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 314 p. – (With our cool – life is wonderful!)

The book is a universal practice-oriented reference book for the class teacher of grades 10-11, which includes most of the necessary program, reference, methodological and sociological materials.

G Alkina T.I. Handbook of a modern deputy school principal educational work : practical guide/T.I.Galkina. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 379 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

The directory presents modern approaches to the organization and content of the activities of the deputy director of the school for educational work in the conditions of modernization of education, the implementation of priority ideas national project"Education".

G Alkina T.I. The Art of Management great team: practical guide / T.I.Galkina. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 218 p. – (With our cool – life is wonderful!)

The book is a universal practice-oriented reference book for the class teacher, which includes most of the necessary reference and teaching materials on classroom management.

D ik N.F. Fun class hours for 7th – 9th grades/N.F.Dick. – 5th edition. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. – 346 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

The book offers new fun classroom hours in three areas: spiritual, moral, civil and legal education of schoolchildren and the basics of education for safety and security. healthy image life. More than 30 scenarios cool hours and family holidays contain non-traditional material for the teacher.

D ik N.F. Fun class hours and parent meetings in grades 1-2/N.F.Dick. – 4th edition. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 347 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

The book presents fun classroom hours for grades 1-2. And family holidays using situational, gaming and humorous techniques. About 30 detailed scenarios contain practical material for teachers: description non-traditional lessons, classes, competitions, holidays. The proposed 11 scenarios for parent meetings reflect three the most important areas in working with parents: teaching them communication techniques and the art of conflict resolution, increasing legal culture, ability to provide real help younger schoolchildren in acquiring knowledge and understanding the world.

D ik N.F. Fun classroom hours for 2nd and 3rd graders/N.F.Dick. – 5th edition - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 331 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

The book features fun classroom activities for 2nd and 3rd graders; family holidays. About 30 detailed scenarios contain practical material for teachers: descriptions of non-traditional lessons, class hours, competitions, and holidays.

D ik N.F. Educational work with high school students/N.F.Dick, T.I.Dick. – Ed. 2nd - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 349 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

The book reveals the main directions of educational work with high school students: the concept educational system, accounting psychological characteristics older teenagers and youth, methods of working with parents, forms of organization student government, methods of work of the class teacher in high school. Feature this edition is the presence of scenarios for more than ten parent meetings, legal and cultural and leisure events.

TO Oroteeva L.A. Cinderella Becomes a Princess: A Book for Girls.– M.: Pedagogy, 1992. – 288 p.

The author conducts a confidential conversation with teenage girls about the problems of their age, how to properly build relationships with elders and peers, how to prepare oneself to fulfill the responsibilities of a mother and housewife, etc.

L Opatina A., Skrebtsova M. Gifts of the Earth.– M.:Sfera, 1999. – 576 p. – (Series “Book for classes on spiritual education”)

The book includes collections of spiritual and moral materials with didactic instructions and developments for teachers. These materials are widely used by teachers of any general education subjects, as well as for conducting classroom hours and other extracurricular activities.

M Akeyeva A.G. Prevent trouble: Ped. Prevention of drug abuse among schoolchildren: Teacher's Guide: An image to help. Institution: “Prevention of abuse psychoactive substances"/ A.G.Makeeva; Ed. M.M. Bezrukikh; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation. – M.: Education, 2003. – 191 p.

The book is dedicated to one of the most serious problems today. It examines the nature of drug addiction and the reasons why children use drugs. Methods for preventing drug addiction are proposed, practical advice How to help schoolchildren who have experience with drug addiction. Options for training sessions are offered, role playing games that can be used when working with children.

P Lotkina, E.K. Merry school holidays / E.K.Plotkina, G.M.Plotkin. – M.: Bustard, 2007. – 122 p. – (Evenings at school)

Given Toolkit will help teachers and methodologists in organizing and conducting school evenings.

P last call/ Comp. S. Zavelskaya. – M.: Mol.Gavrdia, 1979. – 112 p. – (Our holidays).

The repertoire collection is dedicated to a traditional holiday - the end of school. The collection gives director's advice on how to celebrate the holiday.

WITH Gibneva E.P. Class hours in 10th – 11th grades/E.P.Sgibneva, T.B.Soldatova. – Ed. 8th. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. – 313 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

IN this manual presented various forms classroom activities include tests, conversations, discussions, dramatic skits, quizzes, etc. Everything that will be useful for young, creatively minded teachers. The author provides materials that will help teachers in promoting a healthy lifestyle to schoolchildren.

Shmakov S.A. Unconventional holidays at school.– M.: New school, 1997. – 336 p.

IN this book is the first time in the domestic pedagogical literature presents holidays for schoolchildren who long time were beyond the interests of the school: international children's holidays, Orthodox holidays, which are recognized by the state, and other holidays that have not yet fit into the context of educational work. The author has developed original scenarios for these holidays and revealed their nature.

On the website of our lyceum, class teachers will find lists of books recommended for family reading and material for conducting parent meeting on the problem of children's reading.

No. 6/June/2015 Editorial Board Anishina T.P. – leading expert of “MCFER Education” Bogdanova E.V. – Chief Editor Publishing house MCFER Vorovshchikov S.G. – Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow Pedagogical State University” Gubanova E.V. – Professor of the Department of Economics of Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow Institute of Open Education” Logvinova I.M. – Deputy Director of the Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of Strategic Research in Education” Russian Academy Education" Rytov A.I. - Rector of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education" Taradanova I.I. – Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere general education Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Chernobay E.V. - doctor pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Educational Development of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers" Expert Council Gulidov P.V. – lawyer, expert “MCFER Education” Lushpaeva N.V. – Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 402, Moscow, E.L. Rachevsky. – Director of State Autonomous Educational Institution Center of Education No. 548 “Tsaritsyno”

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Normative base presented as of 05/08/2015 Current topic 5 Theater project “Classics in the classroom” Interview with V.S. Spesivtsev, theater director, teacher, artistic director of the Moscow Youth Theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist RF about the theatrical project “Classics in the Classroom”, the development of interest in Russian and world literature and the specifics of integrating literary text into the life of a modern high school student Organizing teaching activities Vodyanitskaya O.I. 11 Software and methodological support academic subject“Physical Education” Features of the academic subject “Physical Education”. Education in the field physical culture. Interaction of subjects of educational relations in a physical education lesson. Goals of teaching physical education. Implementation educational programs in the field of physical education and sports. Textbooks and teaching aids. Educational results of students. Professional competence teachers Applying pedagogical innovations Zhemchuzhnikov D.G. 24 Methodology for using the online universal designer didactic games classtools.ru Problems of using didactic game designers. Russian resource for creating educational games. Instructions for using the online constructor. The use of didactic games in the educational process. Educational and logical skills developed using classtools.ru Tymko O.Z. 40 Web quest technology based on web 2.0 services Features of web quest technology. Types of tasks for webquests. Organization of a web quest: a line of historical web quests, preparation of tasks based on web 2.0 services, criteria for assessing the success of completing tasks

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We work with personnel Drobot A.A., Maryufich T.V. 48 Model of innovative methodological work of an educational organization Cognitive, activity and personal aspects professional activity of a teacher. Organization of innovative methodological work and its main directions. Content and form of presentation of individual results professional development teacher Evaluation of the results of innovative methodological work Forming professional competencies Patricova T.S. 64 Internal corporate system for training teachers for professional competitions A program for preparing teachers for participation in professional competitions. Technological maps for classes with teachers as part of in-house professional development: “Chasing a star”, “Modern pedagogical technologies”, “What is a master class?”, “Modern approaches to certification teaching staff", "I can do anything! I can do anything!”, “Fair of ideas for a support group.” Evaluation paper quality of preparation and conduct of the master class. Master class analysis table We are conducting a master class Astashkina L.A., Bauer L.I. 77 Formation of students’ regulatory learning skills through extracurricular activities at the “Young Chemist” circle The “Young Chemist” circle for 6th grade students as a form of organizing extracurricular activities. Fragment thematic planning program of the “Young Chemist” circle. Examples educational and practical tasks in a lesson on the topic “Carbon and its properties.” Instructional card. Self-assessment sheet for the instructional card Metelkina L.A. 86 Design Bureau as a form of educational interaction within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education Modular course “Design Bureau”. Structure and content of the course for 5th grade students. Practical work students in the form of short-term interdisciplinary projects. Organizational maps for the implementation of short-term interdisciplinary projects “Autumn fun in the city of craftsmen”, “Me and my land”

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Electronic system "Education" 96 Assessment of the quality of education Materials electronic system“Education”, which will help the deputy head of a public organization in the organization independent assessment quality of education and development internal system assessment of the quality of education. Document template “Content of assessment of meta-subject results of students mastering the main educational program” 101 The deputy director asks the Problem of expulsion and enrollment of a foreign student in an educational organization Regulatory regulation of the educational process 104 About the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work per salary wages) teaching staff and on the procedure for determining the teaching load of teaching staff specified in the employment contract Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601

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Hot topic In 2015, a comprehensive Government program“Year of Literature”, aimed at promoting reading and book culture in all its manifestations, developing interest in Russian and world literature. Among the main events are the international writers’ forum “Literary Eurasia”, projects “ Literary map Russia", "Library Night 2015", "Summer with Books", "World Book Day", "Living Classics" and "ReadRussia / Read Russia", competition "Literary Capital of Russia". Vyacheslav Semenovich Spesivtsev, theater director, teacher, artistic director of the Moscow Youth Theater, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, told us about how to integrate the text of a classic literary work into the life of a modern high school student. Theater project “Classics in the Classroom” Vyacheslav Semenovich, please tell us about the project “Classics in the Classroom”. Since 2009, the Moscow Youth Theater has been implementing the “Classics in the Classroom” project - a theatrical literature lesson for students and teachers, which is held both on the stage of the theater and in any school, that is, on a completely non-theater stage. The uniqueness of the play-lesson is that the students themselves take part in the theatrical production. They become immersed in the text of a work of fiction when characters from famous classics walk right into the classroom. Any high school student can, together with Lopakhin, delineate a cherry orchard into summer cottages, learn with Repetilov the immortal lines of A.S. Griboyedova... A theater lesson is not just a performance, it is a unique production, rich in elements of role-playing game. “Classics in the Classroom” includes 17 performances based on the works: “The Minor” by D.I. Fonvizin, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedova, “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin, “The Inspector General” N.V. Gogol, “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” N.A. Nekrasova, “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev, “The Thunderstorm” and “Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, " The Cherry Orchard» A.P. Chekhov, “At the Bottom” by M. Gorky, “My dear good ones...” by S.A. Yesenin, “The Pit” by A.I. Kuprin, “Farewell to Matera” by V.G. Rasputin, “Romeo and Juliet” by W. Shakespeare*. * For more information about the Moscow Youth Theater, see: www.spesivcev.ru. № 6 2015 5

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How did the idea for the theater project “Classics in the Classroom” come about? The “Classics in the Classroom” project is based on the idea of ​​an inextricable connection between art and life, embedding text into a person’s daily existence. This idea makes sense, starting from Ancient Greece and until now. On certain holidays, the ancient theater gathered the entire population of the city and surrounding area. For ten days, residents of Greek city-states watched the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the understanding of which was necessary for the construction of democracy. In a democratic polis, for example in Athens, state issues were resolved people's assembly, equality of citizens before the law and freedom of speech were respected. It was in such a polis that the theater developed, which addressed the problems political system, foreign policy, youth education, etc. Without theater it was impossible to imagine the life of both an individual and society as a whole. Literature is a spiritual building that determines the existence of a person in culture, gives him the opportunity to understand who he is. But it is impossible to force a child to read. And one can understand schoolchildren who do not want to read texts or analyze complex structure a work of art, because these texts are written for the theater, that is, they are initially intended for the perception of the viewer, and not the reader. One of the performances-lessons was staged based on the text by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Studying this novel in class, in the very best case scenario Students follow the plot by finding out who married whom. And the whole philosophy of L.N. Tolstoy's ideas about war and peace often remain unknown and incomprehensible to them. Therefore, in the play “War and Peace,” the heroes’ philosophical discussions about war and peace are necessarily included in their monologues. And the thoughts of L.N. Tolstoy's war stories seem so modern. For example, that “war is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and we must understand this and not play at war...”*. Therefore, if what is written by L.N. Tolstoy makes the viewer think about the present day, about contemporary history, and ask himself the question “What is this about?”, then the “Classics in the Classroom” project fulfills its main purpose and all its tasks. How can theater influence interest in reading if a student is not interested in either theater or literature? A modern young man, a school graduate, perceives the model of the world somewhat differently than his peer in the 20th century. This world is syncretic: it unites real and virtual space. And a classical literary text in such a model of the world, firstly, is difficult to perceive, and secondly, most often it does not find ways to communicate with the reader at all. It is difficult to imagine the four volumes of War and Peace as the main components in the life of an Internet user or professional blogger. In my opinion, a person goes to the Internet when he has spent all the potential of communicating with friends, and the potential of communicating with culture, language, literary text I didn’t discover it in myself. Today it’s easier and faster not to write comments, for example, on a photo, but to like it, and that’s it - attention to yourself is guaranteed. And like this virtual life a work of classical literature should also come, and with it the theater. Like * Andrei Bolkonsky: “War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and we must understand this and not play at war. The purpose of war is murder, the weapons of war are espionage, treason and its encouragement, the ruin of the inhabitants, their robbery or theft to feed the army; deception and lies, called stratagems. All kings, except the Chinese, wear a military uniform, and the one who killed the most people is given a large reward... They will come together, like tomorrow, to kill each other, kill, maim tens of thousands of people, and then they will serve thanksgiving services for that they beat many people (whose number is still being added), and proclaim victory, believing that the more people are beaten, the more credit. » // Tolstoy L.N. War and Peace. T. III. Part II. XXV. 6 Directory of the Deputy Director of the School

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Hot topic is this happening? The Moscow Youth Theater, together with the “Classics in the Classroom” project, is implementing the international theater project “Online Theater”. An actor from the Moscow Youth Theater (for example, Semyon Spesivtsev) comes to the page on a social network of a user still unknown to us and offers to talk about the theater, and then take part in a theatrical production of a play by William Shakespeare. We recruit a “team” of Romeo and Juliet and conduct rehearsals via Skype. Not everyone who wants to participate in such a performance has theater training or theater education. This is not the main condition. In order to act in the play, you must read the play. Therefore, along with the offer to participate in the “Online Theater” project, the Internet user naturally needs to read William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. At the same time, no one forces him to read Shakespeare. The events of the play take place over four acts (acquaintance, wedding, separation, death of the main characters), and each act plays new couple from different countries(Russia, Lithuania, Gabon, Kazakhstan, Austria, Nigeria, Belarus, Georgia, Greece). There may be not four pairs of main characters, but eight or more (as many as we can collect). All Romeo and Juliets perform their roles in their native languages. On February 14, 2014, this performance was held on the stage of the theater with great success. We plan to continue the Online Theater project. The question arises whether a performance-lesson is a substitute for studying a literary work? How is the performance-lesson different from the collection “Works of Russian Literature in Brief Summary”? The main purpose of the performance is to motivate any child to read a literary work, and not to replace its study or to theatricalize the collection “Works of Russian Literature in Brief Summary.” One student who has never read or felt the need to read The Cherry Orchard can be motivated by asking him to participate in the action on stage. Another child who diligently studies in literature lessons, reads consciously and thoughtfully, can be made to think about a phrase and read it again literary work. After one of the theater lessons “The Cherry Orchard”, one student came up to me and asked if it was true that the author of the artistic image “people - trees” from the cherry orchard* was A.P. Chekhov. She was surprised and decided that she needed to read “The Cherry Orchard” again. It is at this moment that you realize that the main task performance-lesson - to stir up the an ordinary person thinking reader - achieved. Vyacheslav Semenovich, when designing a performance-lesson, how do you choose techniques that will definitely interest a modern high school student? The most important technique is to “include” the viewer in the events taking place on stage. In a literary work, there are many layers of the author’s narrative, meanings associated with different characters: main characters, secondary characters, the image of the author, the image of races* Dialogue between Anya and Petya Trofimov at the end of Act II of The Cherry Orchard: “Think, Anya: your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serf owners who owned living souls, and don’t human beings look at you from every cherry in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, don’t you really hear voices... Owning living souls - after all, this reborn all of you who lived living before and now, so that your mother, you, and uncle no longer notice that you are living in debt, at someone else’s expense, at the expense of those people whom you do not allow further than the front hall...” № 6 2015 7

The program is designed to obtain the information necessary for payroll calculation in the form of a summary table for a period of time selected by the operator. In addition, the program allows you to statistical analysis missed and substituted lessons by grade, subject and individual subject teacher.

The program allows you to quickly process and analyze the results of the academic year or quarter by class. To do this, you need to enter student data (last name, first name), names of subjects, grades five-point scale and, if necessary, designations: osv. (released) or n/a (not certified). Extra rows (if the number of students is less) and columns (subjects) can be deleted.

The target audience: for the class teacher

A program that allows you to monitor one of the criteria of the internal system for assessing the quality of education - the level of accessibility of universal education for students in grades 5-10 based on the results of the quarter or year. You only need to enter the initial data: the number of lessons the children missed in the quarter. Next, the program itself will calculate the total number of missed lessons for the quarter and year, the number of lessons missed without good reason; will calculate the proportion of lessons missed without a good reason and build a summary graph for the school and for each class, which will allow you to track and analyze the level of access to universal education for children from grades 1 to 10. Using this table can significantly reduce the time for processing statistical data.

Target audience: for head teachers

A program that allows you to monitor one of the criteria of the internal system for assessing the quality of education - the percentage of completion curriculum(grades 5 - 10). You only need to enter the initial data: the number of hours according to plan and actual. The program will do everything else (% completion, dynamics, plotting graphs) itself, which significantly reduces the time for processing statistical data.

Target audience: for head teachers

Electronic journal"Extracurricular and professional achievements» designed to organize accounting of extracurricular and professional achievements of students and teaching staff. Log done in environment spreadsheets MS EXCEL. Designed in the form of a book with sheets, each of which contains certain information. The magazine contains 6 sheets:

  • Sheets academic years, in which information is entered about the award received, its level, date of receipt, full name of the student and full name of the teacher.

At the bottom of the magazine, the number of awards and the level of awards received are automatically calculated.

Application of this magazine will make the work of the deputy director easier, as it allows you to automatically count the number of awards in the school of students and teachers of the school. All sheets have a certain level protection, which will not allow the head teacher to make changes that would lead to incorrect calculations

Target audience: for head teachers

Electronic journal " Long-term plan Certifications" is intended for organizing accounting of certification of teaching staff of an educational institution. The journal was created in the MS EXCEL spreadsheet environment. Designed in the form of a book with sheets, each of which contains certain information. The magazine contains 3 sheets:

  • The title page contains information about the educational institution
  • The PLAN contains information about teachers, category, date of receipt of category, course preparation. At the bottom of the page, the categorization of teachers and course preparation is automatically calculated
  • DECODING THE PLAN contains information about the topic of advanced training, location and volume of hours. At the bottom of the page there is a diagram of course preparation by year.

The use of this journal will make the work of the deputy director easier, as it allows you to automatically calculate the categorical composition of the school’s teachers. All sheets have a certain level of protection, which will not allow the head teacher to make changes that would lead to incorrect calculations.

Target audience: for head teachers

The journal is intended for monitoring student learning outcomes and is necessary for monitoring educational achievements students.

To facilitate the labor costs of teachers and administration in our educational institution, it was developed and implemented electronic monitoring As a result of many years of testing in the development of working programs, it was possible to develop a program that would satisfy the needs of both teachers and school administration. Electronic working programm performed in MS EXCEL spreadsheet environment. It is designed in the form of a book with sheets, each of which contains certain information.

Target audience: for head teachers

IN new version The program is simplified for the inexperienced user to use it. In particular, the renaming of class sheet labels has been automated, the control sheet for providing information on attendance by class leaders has been changed, and the ability to operate the program on a local network has been introduced.

Monthly magazine on issues of organizing educational, methodological, innovative work and coordination of the work of public education teachers. Practical approach for the submission of materials, recommendations from leading education experts on education quality management, technology for organizing the Unified State Examination, specialized training, optimization of student workload. Systematized presentation of the requirements of inspection bodies. Consultations with lawyers and psychologists.

"Handbook for the Deputy Director of the School" - daily regulatory and legal support for the Deputy Director in organizing educational work.

Published since 2008 Published monthly Volume: 112 pages.

An approximate list of the schedule of events, preparation of documentation and reporting for the head of the school for the academic year

A unified assessment method is not provided for by law. Assessment is provided only from the outside independent organizations, as well as in the event of public accreditation and professional and public accreditation of organizations.