Making a list of references. Design of periodicals

There are strict requirements for graduate qualified work. The thesis must be formatted exclusively in accordance with GOST. Next, we’ll look at how to obtain a diploma in accordance with GOST.

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • Font color. It must be exclusively black.
  • Selection. According to GOST, chapters and sections cannot be distinguished. Subparagraphs can only be highlighted in bold, not italics.
  • Volume. Many universities require a certain number of pages. It all depends on the faculty and specialty of the student. As a rule, the minimum length of a thesis is 60 pages. Notes and attachments are not included in this amount. Basically, pages are counted from contents to bibliography. The maximum volume must be clarified at your department.
  • Page numbers. They are marked exclusively at the bottom center with Arabic numerals of 11 point size. Numbering cannot be placed on the left, right or top. It is necessary to take into account that the first page begins with the title page, but is not numbered. Also, pages with a table of contents and bibliography are not numbered.
  • Line breaks. As a rule, words are transferred themselves. However, there are exceptions. For example, after the title. You cannot move lines using the “Tab” or “space” buttons, as later the work will look sloppy.

The entire project must be written (printed) on A4 sheet. Plus, only one-sided printing is needed, since the work is then stapled.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the following parameters:

  • font. You must select "Times New Roman". The font size for text and subheadings should be 14 point, and the first level headings should be 16 point. The second level is 15 pt, and the third is 14 pt.
  • intervals. According to GOST, one and a half intervals are provided.
  • fields. Since the diploma is sealed on the left, on this side the margin indentation should be 2 cm. The indentation of the top and bottom margins is 2 cm, and the margin on the right is 1 cm.

However, there are universities that deviate from GOST standards, then such details need to be clarified with your supervisor. The text itself is best aligned in width.

How to design a title page

The title page is the main part of the diploma, thanks to which the commission’s opinion is drawn up. Therefore, you need to arrange it neatly and beautifully according to all GOST standards. The main aspects to consider are:

  • Maintain the correct margin sizes (top and bottom are 2 cm, left is 2 cm, and right is 1.5 cm.
  • print in black, font 14;
  • align text centered (except for information located on the right). This is the data of the student and the supervisor.

Example of title page design

How to correctly format the contents (table of contents) in a diploma

For this design, since 2001, GOST 7.32 has been established, which states that the title of the content is written in capital letters. The content consists of an introduction, titles of chapters, paragraphs, conclusions, references, and appendices. It is not difficult to draw up the contents of the diploma; the main thing is to adhere to the necessary GOSTs.

According to GOST 2.105, you need to write the word “TABLE OF CONTENTS” or “CONTENTS” in capital letters. However, there is the latest version of GOST 7.32 for 2001, according to which there are no clear instructions for the design of content. Therefore, the author can choose the size of the letters at his own discretion.

An example of formatting content in a thesis

1.Theoretical foundations of accounting in retail trade...5
1.1 Concept and features in retail trade...5
1.2 What is included in the costs of a trading enterprise...8
1.3 How the goods are registered...10
2. Accounting activities at the enterprise IP Kalinina A. S...25
2.1 Economic characteristics of the organization...25
2.2 Primary documents for the movement of goods…35
2.3 Accounting for sales expenses...45
3.Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise according to the balance sheet...56
3.1 Internal audit of sales expenses...56
3.2 Analysis of sales expenses...62
3.3 Recommendations for improving accounting...69
List of used literature...83

The authors print the titles of chapters exclusively in capital letters and underline them; sentences are not acceptable, they can only be highlighted in bold. Headings and subheadings are centered on the page and there is no period at the end of the sentence. If there are two sentences in the title, then they need to be separated by a period. Headings are a clear and concise title that explains what the text is about. This is the content, introduction, structural part (chapters and subsections), conclusion, list of sources used. Presentation of chapters and subheadings in a concise, concise form is important, since the commission often has questions on these points.

Each chapter should be started on a new page and printed in Times New Roman 16 point font. Also, chapters must use numbering, but for structural elements, headings may not be numbered.

When designing, three styles of writing chapters and subsections are used:

It is allowed to divide chapters into paragraphs, and those, in turn, into subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are identified by numbers, which consist of the chapter and paragraph numbers, which must be separated by a period. For example, 2.2.1 – practical activities of primary documents for the movement of goods. Here the first number “2” is the chapter number, and 2.1 is the paragraph.

The title of a paragraph and its subparagraphs cannot begin on a new page. For this purpose, there is a paragraph indent of 1.5 or 1.7 mm. Also, as in other headings, there is no period at the end of the sentence, but the text begins on a new line.

How to arrange drawings in a diploma

Drawings in the thesis can be graphs, diagrams, illustrated examples, etc. GOST 7.32-2001 states that illustrations must include references to the source. Also, graphic materials are located after the text and signed. Below we will look at how to arrange drawings in a diploma.

Images must be numbered in Arabic numerals. This also includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, subparagraph. For example, the picture refers to the second paragraph, then the first number is put “2”. Then it is calculated what the serial number of the illustration is. For example, 2.3, where “2” is the chapter number, and “3” is the number of the drawing.

The drawing is signed at the bottom and aligned to the center of the line. There is no need to put a period at the end of the signature. The word “Drawing” is written in full, and “FIG.” signing is unacceptable.

Sample design of drawings and diagrams

Formatting tables in the diploma

You need to compare indicators using tables, which can be located either in the text or in the appendices section. Throughout the text, references to tables must be placed, as specified in GOST 7.32-2001.

The tables are placed immediately after the text, where the link is indicated and the obligatory condition is continuous numbering of the tables. First, the section number is put, and then the table sequence number. The numbers are separated by a dot. For example, Table 3.4, where “3” is the number of the chapter or section, and “4” is the serial number of the table.

The tables in the appendix are numbered separately with Arabic numerals. The first letter indicates the name of the application (B.2). The word “Table” cannot be abbreviated. The table name itself is written at the top, aligned to the left and without indentation, as shown in the example below. There is no period at the end of the title.

If the table is large and does not fit on the page, then it is worth moving it. In this case, a horizontal line is not drawn at the bottom, as it is carried over to the next page. Also, the title is written only above the first part of the table, and on the second page it is written, for example, “Continuation of table 3.4.”

A large table with many rows and columns can be divided into parts, but you need to make sure that the frames do not go beyond the boundaries. If it so happens that the table goes beyond the A4 sheet format, then the sides are allowed to be divided. Just make sure that the part that was in the previous line is repeated.

According to GOST 7.23-2001, the names of rows and columns in the table begin with a capital letter, and in subheadings all letters are lowercase. You can put a period only if there is an abbreviation. Also, headings and subheadings of rows (columns) cannot be separated by oblique lines.

If the table was calculated by a student, then under it you need to indicate on what data the calculations were made.

Sample table design

Table 3.2 – Assessment of the organization’s solvency

Sample table design with subheadings

Table 3.3 – Indicators of costs for the manufacture of products that make up group A products

How to write formulas and equations in a thesis

In complex mathematical calculations, formulas or equations are always given. Therefore, students need to know how to correctly format them in their diploma. According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas and equations are written on a separate line, and between them and the text there should be indentations both above and below.

Sometimes the equation doesn't fit on one line. In such cases, it must be moved to the next line after the mathematical sign. These could be: division, multiplication, equals, etc.

Formulas must have continuous numbering, which indicates the section number or simply the serial number of the formula within the same paragraph, which is placed exclusively in Arabic numerals in parentheses.

A consistent explanation for the symbols or coefficients should be given below the formulas. The word “where” is written at the beginning of the line. For example, given the formula:

F = m*g (3.4) (1)

where, F – force;

m – mass;

g – free fall acceleration.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas are allowed to be written manually, but only with black paste.

How to provide links to sources

It is mandatory to provide references to the source, since a student who indicates the literature he has read in his thesis demonstrates his knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, according to GOSTs 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic description of electronic resources” and 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation" there are requirements according to which it is necessary to provide a link to the source of information within the text.

It is also necessary to provide the page number, formula, image where the information was taken from. For example, where “3” means the serial number from the bibliographic list, “35” is the page from which the information was provided and “5” is the table number. As you can see, the link is in square brackets.

Formatting transfers: bulleted and numbered lists

Marked and numbered lists should be in the diploma, as thanks to them, the student’s work looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing. Listings of any kind can be in each section, and even in subparagraphs.

If the listings contain a bulleted list, then a semicolon is used, and a numbered list with a period at the end of each sentence. If the previous line contains a semicolon, the sentence below begins with a lowercase letter. Accordingly, after the period, the word in the new line begins with a capital letter.

Registration of the conclusion

The volume of the results should not exceed 3 A4 pages. Here you need to write conclusions and summaries of the work done. Scientific research should be present not only in the text itself, but also at the end. The font and its size should not be changed.

The margins and spacing in the conclusion should be the same as throughout the thesis. There is no need to insert tables, graphs and other illustrations here. You need to put thoughts from each section into 3 pages.

Application design

Applications are an additional part to the thesis. These are visual materials that show the author’s work. According to GOST 7.32-2001, references to applications must be indicated throughout the text and they must be numbered so that there is something to refer to while working on the diploma.

Applications do not have to be continued in the diploma, since according to GOST 7.32-2001 they can be issued as a separate independent document.

Applications begin on a new A4 sheet, on which “APPENDIX” is written at the top center. As you can see, the word is written exclusively in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The name of the application itself can be indicated in Latin letters or Arabic numerals, if this is appropriate in meaning. Each application must start on a new sheet.

If there is only one application in the document, then it is designated by the letter “A”. For example, "APPENDIX A". Additional pages are numbered using regular Arabic numerals. Applications must be written in the same way as the text, that is, they may have paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Registration of the list of references: structure of the bibliography

Teachers pay special attention to the sources used and their formatting, because for incorrect spelling, the commission may reduce the grade at its discretion. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when designing your bibliography.

According to GOST 7.80-2000, general requirements for the title and full description of sources are studied. GOST 7.82-2001 tells how to describe a bibliography of electronic resources, and GOST 7.05-2008 describes general rules and requirements for bibliographic references.

Sequence of sources in the bibliography

As a rule, the sources of the literature used are written in alphabetical order and if the sources consist of normative acts, then they are indicated before the bibliography.

So, the bibliography consists of:

  1. Regulatory acts.
  2. Constitutions of the Russian Federation.
  3. Scientific and educational literature.
  4. Reference literature.
  5. Foreign literature.
  6. Electronic media. These are disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc.

After the acts, literature is written in alphabetical order, and then printed periodicals. Electronic resources are indicated at the very end of the bibliography.

Author's name or source name: what to include at the beginning of the description

Before describing any quote, you must indicate the name of the author, and if there are several of them, then it is enough to write only one. If there are more than four authors, then the title is written first, and then, after an oblique line, the authors are listed, starting with the last name.

Formatting the names of sources

The main title may be alternative. This name can be combined with the conjunction “or”. For example, Botany or the science of flowers.

The material is indicated in square brackets and written after the main title with a capital letter. For example, Accounting and Auditing [Text]. The source area is separated by a dot and a dash. If you need to give information regarding the title, then you need to put a colon before the description.

First, the title proper of the source is written, and then the general designation of the material is indicated in square brackets. A parallel title is written after the equal sign “=”, and information that relates to the title after “:” (colon). The first information about responsibility is indicated after one oblique line “/”. Further information is written after the semicolon “;”.

Source publication area

Information about the source of information must be written in the same wording and sequence as described in the literature used. Also, we must not forget about the publication area, where the first information is written through one oblique line “/”, and parallel information is indicated after the equal sign “=”. All subsequent information is written after the semicolon “;”.

The serial number is written in Arabic numerals or words. For example, .-7th ed.., .- Ed. 5th, .- 3rd ed. The region or city of publication includes only information that pertains to a specific issue. They are written down exclusively after the basic information relating to this source. For example, .- Ed. 3rd/reworked From 2nd ed. E. V. Lysenko.

How to format output data

First, write the place of publication or distribution, and if there are several of them, then you need to write separated by a semicolon “;”. The name of the source publisher or distributor appears after the colon ":".

Any information about the functions of the publisher (distributor) must be enclosed in square brackets “”, the date of publication can be indicated after a comma, and the place of production of this literature must be closed in parentheses “()”. The manufacturer's name must be indicated after the colon.

How to design an area of ​​physical characteristics

According to GOST 7.1-2003, you need to provide a specific designation of the material and its volume. This is followed by a colon and other information about the physical characteristic. Next is a semicolon “;” and the dimensions (volume) of the material are written. A plus “+” is placed before information about the accompanying material.

Design of the series area

The main title of the series is written in parentheses, and the parallel title is indicated after the equality “=”. Information that relates to the title is written after the colon “:” and the first information is written after the oblique line, and the subsequent information after the semicolon “;”.

How to design multi-volume publications

A volume is a separate physical unit and can be designated as an issue, collection, or part. If the literature consists of several volumes, then the general title is described.

In the case when the volume does not have a common title, all parts are called differently and are constantly changing, then the title proper is a constant part. In these weekends, you must indicate the first volume and the last, and they must be separated by a dash.

Design of periodicals

First, the main title is written, and then, in square brackets, the general designation of the material. The parallel title is indicated after the equal sign, and the information provided regarding the title must be written after the colon.

One oblique line is placed and the first information is indicated, and the subsequent ones separated by a semicolon. Then information about the publication area is written with an equal sign and the following information is indicated. Additional information about the publication is written separated by commas.

After the output data area, a semicolon is placed and then the next place of publication is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher is written, information about it is enclosed in square brackets.

How to format electronic sources (links)

Back in 2001, GOST 7.82 was developed, which specifies the requirements for the design of electronic resources. These are disks, the Internet, floppy disks and other electronic media. The general title of the material is written at the beginning, then the parallel title is written through an equal sign. Next, a colon is added and information regarding the source is indicated.

After the dash sign the place where the source was published is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher (distributor) is indicated in parentheses. Next is a dot, a dash and the main title of the series, and then an equally parallel title. Then, after the colon, information that relates to a specific source is indicated and an oblique line is placed, after which information about responsibility is written.

Example of bibliographic list design

The article describes how a diploma should be issued in accordance with the relevant GOSTs. They will help you understand all the intricacies. Moreover, considering that this is the student’s last project and it must not only be protected, but also properly formatted.

How to properly issue a diploma according to GOST updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Rules for preparing the bibliography of the thesis

How to compose and correctly format the list of references for coursework and dissertation work? What are the rules for preparing a list of references in 2014 - 2015? Is there a GOST for formatting a list of used literature?

Hooray! The diploma is almost ready and all you have to do is “quickly” submit a list of references. But how to do that? And how to formalize it correctly?

We want to warn you right away. It will not be possible to create a list of references “quickly”.

You must be very responsible when preparing your list of references, as it shows the level of your preparedness on the chosen topic. Here you can immediately see the relevance of the chosen topic and its novelty of the thesis, practical developments and its analysis. Moreover, you must understand that it is impossible to know everything, and at the university you are taught, first of all, to work with information, to be able to search for it, select it, analyze it, process it and apply it. Therefore, a graduating specialist must be able to practically master it.

When preparing theses, the following names of this list are found in the methodological recommendations of different universities:

1.List of used literature;

2. C list of used literature;

3. Bibliography;

4. Literature;

5. Bibliography;

6. Bibliographic list.

And why all? The answer is: each university has its own requirements for the preparation of diploma diplomas. I really want to believe that someday Russia will adopt uniform requirements for the design of diploma theses. In the meantime...


An “experienced eye”* can immediately see how well your thesis is made, if he just looks at the introduction, conclusion and list of references in the thesis.

* Member of the certification commission

Literature should be:

  1. Modern (preferably the last 3 - 4 years, i.e. 2011-2014);
  2. Correspond to the topic of your diploma (course) work;
  3. Sources from the 1990s. years should be at a minimum (for example, if you have a chapter that is devoted to history, then the presence of literature from the last century is normal, but again, no more than 30%).
  4. Each literary source must be mentioned in footnotes in the text of the thesis;
  5. The thesis work should use textbooks and teaching aids to a minimum. The main emphasis should be on scientific articles in magazines and special publications, monographs, statistics, etc. Accordingly, the list of references used should be compiled in this ratio. This will increase the scientific value of your thesis.
  6. If you indicate laws and regulations in the list of used literature, then they must be used and, accordingly, drawn up in the most recent edition (+ date and source of its first publication).

The literature in the list of the thesis is given in the following order:

1. Regulatory acts (International legal acts signed and ratified by the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, by-laws (decrees of the President, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders, letters);

2. Scientific and educational literature (books, monographs, teaching aids, teaching aids, reference books, lecture courses) are usually arranged in alphabetical order. When using inline bibliographic references, use the last names of the authors in the order they were mentioned. When authors with the same last name are mentioned, they are listed in alphabetical order of their initials. Scientific works of one author are arranged alphabetically by their titles. Literature sources are numbered in order. These are general requirements, the same for everyone.

Usually in methodological recommendations for diploma work examples are given down to the dot and dash how to “correctly” format a bibliography. If for some reason you do not have it, then see the corresponding GOST.

Examples of formatting a reference list for a thesis according to GOST

Let's say you used a college textbook by a specific author, from which you took several key terms and provisions. Then his work will be presented in the list as follows:

Ivanov, K.I. Fundamentals of Law [Text]: textbook for universities / K.I. Ivanov. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 256 p.

If you have a textbook of several authors in your hands, then you can write like this:

Petrov, Yu.V. Economic theory [Text]: textbook / Yu.V. Petrov, A.V. Sidorov. St. Petersburg: Astrel, 2010. - 391 p.

If you used a textbook edited by one author who combined the works of many scientists, then you need to format it as follows:

Economics of Enterprise [Text]: textbook. aid for students universities / ed. R.P. Viktorova. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 327 p. Or:

Economics of Enterprise [Text]: textbook. aid for students universities / A.V. Petrov, D.I. Ivanov, S.I. Sidorov; edited by R.P. Viktorova. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 327 p.

If you used one book from a multi-volume publication in your work, then in the textbook view you need to indicate the specific volume:

Sviridyuk, A.U. Economics T.2. Microeconomics [Text] /A.U. Sviridyuk. - M.: Yurayt, 2012. - 674 p.

Articles from journals are formatted as follows:

Boyartseva, V.K. Factors of economic growth [Text] / V.K. Boyartseva // Economic Bulletin. - 2010. - No. 5 (12). - P. 15 - 20. The author is indicated here, the title of the article, the year of publication, the number and pages of the journal on which the article is posted are given.

Dictionaries are designed like this:

Vlasov, O.I. Explanatory dictionary [Text] /O.I. Vlasov. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 1020 p.

Electronic resources look like this in the bibliography of the thesis project:

Dictionary of legal terms [Electronic resource]. -http://….

Economic Dictionary [Electronic resource]. -http://…

Vodyanets, P.L. Planning at the enterprise [Electronic resource]. -http://… - article on the Internet.

Gromova, S. V. Study of the influence of wage growth on the standard of living of the population [Electronic resource]: author. diss... Ph.D. —http://… - link to the dissertation abstract.

Remember that the thesis project bibliography should not consist primarily of electronic resources. Some universities require that the bibliography contain 1/3 or 2/3 sources from the Internet.

When writing your thesis project, try not to completely copy material from the network, pass it through yourself, write in your own words as close as possible to

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Registration of the list of references [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Nowadays, every student knows that it is possible to write an excellent coursework or dissertation and not receive a high grade, since the list of references is not formatted correctly. Drawing up a list of references in accordance with GOST is the most important component of the successful defense of any student work.

Registration of the list of references is a necessary and far from the most pleasant action in the process of writing a thesis or term paper. At the moment when it seems that the main work is finished and only a little remains, namely to draw up a list of references, you understand that a lot of perseverance and patience is required to ensure that the list of references looks in accordance with the requirements. And then THEY come... FOOTNOTES!

At this stage of completing a thesis, coursework or other student work, a number of problems arise. It turns out that numbering books in a bibliography is not enough. It’s good if there are methodological instructions, but what if they were “not given”? In this case, it is important to follow certain rules for preparing a list of references and then there will be one less problem.

And the thesis must be worked out from the first to the last page.

Why include a list of references in an essay, coursework, or dissertation?

List of used literature in an abstract, coursework, diploma work, as well as in a report on practice, it is drawn up in accordance with methodological instructions, which, in turn, are based on GOSTs.

A bibliography is a prerequisite for creating a full-fledged scientific work. The list of used literature is intended to show how deeply the research was carried out, what kind of areas of a particular science were used to reveal the topic of the essay, practice report, coursework or diploma. In addition, the correct design of the list of references is an indicator of a serious attitude towards the learning process and the student’s perseverance, since modern GOSTs will make even the most patient researcher sweat. Currently, the following GOST standards apply:

  1. Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 28, 2008 No. 95-st “On approval of the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “System of standards for information, library and publishing.” Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules compilation";
  2. GOST 7.1-2003. No. 332-st "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation", introduced by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2003.

In other words, the list of references must be drawn up in accordance with the rules specified in certain regulatory legal acts. Most often these are GOST 7.1-2003 and GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

Regardless of which GOST the list of references is drawn up, the student must follow certain rules, which are equally important for each type of student work.

How to create a bibliography

Now let's move directly to how to create a bibliography. In modern Russian universities, a number of serious requirements are imposed on the list of references:

  1. Reference list accuracy
  2. Completeness from the literature
  3. Reliability and validity of bibliographic information

All of the above requirements can be met through the use of unification and standardization, namely with the help of certain GOSTs. The GOST recommended for preparing a list of references is indicated in the methodological manual for performing a specific student work. Summarizing all of the above, it can be argued that the key to successfully preparing a list of references is to follow the requirements specified in the methodological manual. However, the necessary training manual is not always available.

Let's consider the design of the list of references in accordance with the requirements of each individual GOST.

Registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003

Process registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 occurs taking into account many nuances. It is important to remember that when preparing a list in accordance with GOST 2003, the subject-thematic principle is applied in the case when the array of sources is divided into several subject-thematic sections, each of which has its own heading. Within these sections, alphabetical placement of entries is maintained.

Registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 allows the use of a chronological principle in its formation. This principle is most often used in dissertation research. Based on this, the literature that is the subject of the study is arranged in the order in which they were written or published. The chronological sequence gives an idea of ​​how the study of a particular part of a branch of science, a separate issue, etc. developed.

At registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 special attention must be paid to the correct compilation of bibliographic descriptions of sources. Of particular interest is the design of a journal article depending on the number of authors. If you want to include an article with one author in the list of references, then it must be formatted as shown below.

Registration of articles in the list of references (1 author):

Nikonorov, N.N. Problems of management [Text] / N.N. Nikonorov // Management. – 2003. – No. 4. – P.34-39.

Regarding the design in the bibliography articles with up to 4 authors, then it looks like this:

Kokhanov, I.V. Classification of new management theories [Text] / I.V. Kokhanov, A.I. Grudyanov // Management. – 2012. – No. 5. – P.45–47.

When to include in the list of references article by four authors, then you need to format it like this:

The importance of microcirculation control during millimeter wave therapy of acute destructive pancreatitis [Text] / B.S. Briskin, O.E. Efanov, V.N. Bukatko, A.N. Nikitin // Issues. balneology, physiotherapy and medical treatment. physical culture. – 2002. – No. 5. – P.13-16.

Features of the design of articles in the bibliography when indicated more than 4 authors are presented in the example below:

Modern SWOT analysis [Text] / A.I. Volozhin, G.V. Poryadin, A.N. Kazimirsky and others // Modern management. – 2011. – No. 3. – P.4 –7.

Particular attention must be paid to the design of multi-volume publications. There are certain nuances when adding them to the bibliographic list for coursework, etc. An example of how to prepare a multi-volume publication in accordance with GOST 2003 is presented below.

Galperin, V.M. Microeconomics [Text]: in 3 volumes: textbook / V. M. Galperin, S. M. Ignatiev, V. I. Morgunov; ed. V. M. Galperin. – Moscow: Omega-L; St. Petersburg: Economicus, 2010 – T. 3: Collection of problems: textbook. – 2010. – 171 p.

Let us separately highlight the specifics of the design of electronic sources. The question is how to properly format a bibliography is familiar to everyone and most often mistakes are made when entering into the bibliographic list of sites on which the information used is located. The design of electronic sources according to GOST 2003 is as follows:

Emelyantseva, M.V. Concession agreements - a new type of cooperation with the state [Electronic resource] / M.V. Emelyantseva. - Access mode:

Students often have a question: how to formalize the law in the list of references. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 2003, regulatory legal acts are drawn up as follows:

Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2009. – N 4. – Art. 445

Another way to draw up a regulatory legal act looks like this:

About precious metals and precious stones: federation. Law of 04.03.1998 No. 41-FZ [Electronic resource] / Legal server "Consultant Plus". - Access mode:
Vishnyakov, I.V. Models and methods for assessing commercial banks under conditions of uncertainty [Text]: dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences / Vishnyakov Ilya Vladimirovich. – M., 2002. – 234 p.

Methodological guidelines often indicate GOST 7.1.2003 - this is a synonym for GOST 2003, so don’t be afraid. The list of references is prepared according to GOST 2003.

It is important to remember that since 2009, another GOST has been in force - GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 “Bibliographic reference”, developed by the Federal State Institution “Russian Book Chamber” of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. This GOST imposes “general requirements and rules of compilation”, which specifically distinguish between a list of references and a list of references. At the same time, GOST R 7.0.5-2008 does not provide instructions for preparing a list of references. Thus, today, the question of preparing a list of references (or a list of used sources) remains open, in other words, at the discretion of the university, i.e. either this is GOST 2001, or this is GOST 2003. Or the list of references is drawn up in accordance with the university’s teaching aids, which may combine requirements from different GOSTs.

Example of a list of references

If the guidelines do not contain a strict requirement to draw up a list of references in accordance with all the standards of GOST 7.1.2003, then you can resort to drawing up a list of references with a slightly simplified presentation of sources.

  1. Bazanova, A.E. Literary editing. / A.E. Bazanova. – M.: RUDN, 2006. – 105 p.
  2. Vishnevsky, Yu.R. Sociology of youth. / Yu.R. Vishnevsky, V.T. Shapko. – Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2010. – 311 p.
  3. Kozlova, N.N. History of Russian journalism. Part 1. 1703 - February 1917: Course program and seminar plans. / N.N. Kozlova. – Voronezh: VSU, 2004. – 25 p.
  4. Mass media // Big encyclopedia in 62 volumes. T. 47. – M.: Terra, 2006. – 592 p.
  5. Greenberg, T.E. Interactive journalism: the path to the future / T.E. Greenberg, V.M. Gorokhov. // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 10. Journalism. - 2000. – P.80
  6. Zaznobina, L.S. Living life and “virtual reality” / L.S. Zaznobina. // Public education. – 1996. – No. 9. – pp. 17-21.
  7. Koptyug, N.M. Internet lessons as auxiliary material for English teachers / N.M. Koptyug. // Foreign languages ​​at school. – 2000. – No. 4. - With. 57.
  8. Anderson L. & Krathwohl D. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives / L. Anderson & D. Krathwohl. - New York: Longman, 2001. - 352 p.
  9. Information war against Russia - Russian expert [Electronic resource] / Patriot's Handbook. – Access mode:
  10. Kirdina, S.G. Theory of institutional matrices (an example of Russian institutionalism). [Electronic resource] / S.G. Kirdina. – Access mode:
  11. Analytical data of the World Bank [Electronic resource] / World Bank. – Access mode:

To put it even more simply, it is drawn up without specifying additional information about responsibility, i.e. So:

Bazanova A.E. Literary editing. – M.: RUDN, 2006. – 105 p.

In this case, there is also no comma after the surname.

Rules for preparing a list of references

Registration of the list of references has a number of common features for all GOSTs. These rules remain unchanged, as they are aimed at creating a correct and competent list structure. When starting to compile a bibliography of any scientific work, it is important to remember the following:

  1. All sources in the bibliography are presented in alphabetical order;
  2. The list of references includes all authors listed on the cover of the publication;
  3. The surname of the author of the book is written first, and then the initials. For example: Kostomarov A.K. Management theory, not A.K. Kostomarov Control theory;
  4. When compiling a list of references, regardless of the GOST number, a clearly regulated order of sources is adopted, shown in the figure below;
  5. In each section, first there are sources in Russian, and then in foreign languages.
  6. In the bibliography, as well as in the entire text of the course work, essay, etc. grammatical errors and typos are not allowed.

By following these simple rules, you can carefully compile a list of used literature and maintain a good impression of the work. However, each GOST for preparing a list of references contains certain differences from the previous and subsequent GOST.

In any case, when preparing a list of references, first of all, you need to check the guidelines. Often there is even an example of a list of used literature.

At the end of the work it is necessary to provide a bibliographic list of references. All cited literary sources must be given references in the work, enclosed in square brackets and corresponding numbers in the bibliographic list of references, For example: .

It is allowed to arrange the literature alphabetically or systematically. It is recommended to include literature in foreign languages ​​at the end of the list. The practice of performing academic work allows us to recommend to students as a model the structure of a bibliographic list, consisting of three sections with independent systematization within each, but united by continuous numbering.

1) Regulatory acts, which are ranked by legal significance (5-10 sources):

International legal acts (conventions, treaties of the Russian Federation, etc.)

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Constitutional Federal Laws;

Federal laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Acts of ministries and departments;

Decisions of other state bodies and local governments;

Regulatory acts of foreign countries.

2) Scientific literature (15-25 sources) is arranged alphabetically by the names of the authors (as well as titles of books and articles, if the author is not indicated). Included:



Collections of scientific papers;

Scientific articles from specialized journals and collections;

Review literature.

3) Materials from network resources (5-7 sources).

Let's consider the basic rules of bibliographic description in relation to the design of the bibliographic list of academic papers.

Mandatory elements of any bibliographic description, including monographic ones, are:

Title (title) of the description;

Title information;

Information about the publication;


Volume of publication.

In the title descriptions provide the name of the individual author (authors), or the name of the collective author (name of the organization), or the designation of the type of publication, or the name (title) of the document. Examples:

Shevtsov A. A.

Makarenko M.V., Makhalina O.M.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

RF. Laws

Civil law

Title information, reveal and explain the title, and also clarify the purpose of the book. This information appears after the title and is separated from it by a colon (:). Example:

Makarenko M.V., Makhalina O.M. Civil law: Textbook for universities.

Disclaimer contain information about persons, institutions (organizations) involved in the creation and preparation of the book for publication and are separated from the title or additional information (if any) by a slash (/). Example:

Civil law / Ed. E.L. Sukhanova

Publication information are necessary to distinguish this publication from other publications (reprints, reprints, special purpose of this publication and special forms of its reproduction) and are separated from previous elements of the description by a (–) sign. Example:

Civil law / Ed. E.L. Sukhanov. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional

Imprint– this is information about where, by whom and when the work of print was published. The output information is separated from the previous text by a sign (. –).

When indicating the place of publication, the locality is indicated in full, with the exception of the names Moscow (the abbreviation “M” is used) and St. Petersburg (the abbreviation “SPb” is used).

The name of the publisher (publishing organization) is given after a colon (:). Then, separated by a comma (,), the year of publication is indicated. Example:

Civil law / Ed. E.L. Sukhanov. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2011

In the volume information indicate the actual number of pages (sheets) in the publication in Arabic or Roman numerals, depending on the numbering used in the publication, For example:

Volume information is separated from the previous text by a sign (. –).

A. Example of a monographic bibliographic description separately published book, including all required elements:

Dedkov V.K. Reliability of complex technical systems. Methods for determining and ensuring the reliability of industrial products: Textbook. allowance / Ed. G.I. Ivanova. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Nauka, 2011 – 120 p.

In a monographic bibliographic description of a separately published volume or issue of a multi-volume publication, the volume (issue) number is additionally given after the imprint. Example:

Civil law / Ed. E.A. Sukhanov. – Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2011. – T.1. – 784 p.

b. Summary bibliographic description multi-volume or
serial publications consists of a general part and a specification.

In the general part of the consolidated bibliographic description of a multi-volume publication, bibliographic information that is common to all or most volumes is provided (see clause 7.6.4). The description, consisting only of the general part, is compiled for the publication as a whole - if all its volumes are available.

Additionally, in the information related to the title, data is provided on how many volumes the publication was published or is being published, if this is indicated in the book, For example:

Savelyev I.V. Course of general physics: Textbook. manual for university students: in 3 volumes.

This information is required if the summary bibliographic description consists only of a general part.

The output data shows the years of publication of the first and last volume, For example:

M.: Nauka, 2011-2012

If the publication set is incomplete, give the earliest year of publication and a dash (–) after it, For example:

M.: Nauka, 2011 –

The total volume of the multi-volume book is not indicated in pages.

An example of the general part of a summary bibliographic description:

The specification includes bibliographic information of a private nature related to individual volumes.

The specification is usually written after the general part on a new line. When recording in selection, the specification is preceded by a dot, a space and a dash (. –).

The composition of the bibliographic elements of the specification corresponds to the elements of the bibliographic description of the general part. The description in the specification begins with the volume designation.

Example of a summary bibliographic description:

Ivanov I.V. Economics: Textbook. manual for university students: in 3 volumes - M.: Nauka, 2011-2012.

T. 1: Economic theory. – 432 p.

T. 2: Microeconomics. – 496 p.

T. 3: Macroeconomics. – 304 p.

V. Analytical bibliographic description consists of two
parts: information about the component part of the publication and information about the publication, in
which it was published.

The first part of the description provides basic information about the component part of the publication (article, abstract, review, section, chapter, etc.). As a rule, this is the name of the author and the title of the work, or just the title, as well as other information available on the document: number, date of approval (acceptance) or writing of the work. For example:

Petrov D. V. Land relations in civil law

Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ

The second part of the analytical description provides bibliographic information about the publication, a component of which is described.

Instead of the total volume of the publication, the pages on which the component part is published are given.

Parts of the analytical description are separated by two forward slashes (//)

Examples analytical bibliographic description:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Banks and Banking Activities”. – Ed. 1996 (Feb. 3) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 2. – S.

Petrov D.V. Land relations in civil law // State and law. – 7999. – No. 9. – P. 14-16

The case is based on the claim of Agapov A.F. to Tibet LLC for the issuance of a duplicate work book with the removal of entries discrediting it from it // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. – 1999. – No. 1. – 6.

Examples A bibliographic description of the use of network resources is presented below.

8. Windows on Wall Street. – “Title of the article” –

9. International Monetary Fund: publications and statistics for all developing countries. – “Title of the article” –

10. Stock quotes and the latest news from the European stock market. – “Title of the article” – – Easdag.

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design of the list of references according to GOST 2015 - 2017 example Correct preparation of the list of references according to GOST is one of the most important tasks in writing coursework and dissertation work. The requirements for this section are clearly regulated in the relevant regulations.
The list of used sources and literature must be drawn up in accordance with the rules specified in: When preparing a list of references for each publication, the surname and initials of the author (authors), exact title, place of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication, number of pages are indicated. For a journal article, the surname and initials of the author, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the journal number, and the pages occupied by the article in the journal are indicated. The list of references should include only publications used in the work, i.e. those that were quoted, referenced, or that served as the basis for articulating the student's point of view. All figures, quotes and drawings borrowed from literary sources should be provided with mandatory links to the source with a full description of the publication in the list of references.
The list of used literature is compiled in strict priority order, starting with regulatory legal acts at the federal level, individual and collective monographs, scientific articles, etc.

Example hierarchy of reference list sources:
1. Regulatory acts;
2. Practice materials;
3. Literature and periodicals;
4. Literature in foreign languages;
5. Internet sources.

If you did not use any type of source in your work, you can skip it. For example, if the test paper does not contain practice materials, then the literature comes immediately after the normative legal acts.

Regulatory legal acts are placed in the bibliography by legal force:

· international legislative acts - chronologically;
· Constitution of the Russian Federation;
· codes - in alphabetical order;
· laws of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
· decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
· acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
· acts of ministries and departments in sequence - orders, resolutions, regulations, instructions of the ministry - in alphabetical order, acts - in chronology.
· Laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
· Decisions of other state bodies and local governments.

Resolutions of the plenums of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation are included in the section of judicial practice.

It should be taken into account that the ones used in the work international legal regulations(conventions, treaties, etc.) in which the Russian Federation participates are located at the beginning of the list of normative legal acts, BUT after the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Regulatory legal acts of foreign states (international conventions, treaties), in which the Russian Federation does not participate, are located separately after the list of acts of judicial bodies.
Legislative acts that have lost force are located at the end of the list of normative legal acts, also in order of importance. In this case, it must be indicated in brackets that the normative legal act has lost force.
Documents with equal legal significance are grouped in chronological order according to the dates of their publication.

Example of registration of regulatory legal acts in accordance with GOST, 2015:

1. “The Constitution of the Russian Federation” (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ, dated February 5, 2014 N 2-FKZ) // “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, 04.14.2014, N 15, Art. 1691.
2. “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, December 10, 1998.
3. “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2014) // “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, January 13, 1997, No. 2, Art. 198.
4. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 776, Ministry of Defense of Russia N 703, FSB of Russia N 509, FSO of Russia N 507, FCS of Russia N 1820, SVR of Russia N 42, FSIN of Russia N 535, FSKN of Russia N 398, IC of Russia N 68 dated 27.09. 2013 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for presenting the results of operational investigative activities to the body of inquiry, investigator or to the court” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5, 2013 N 30544) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, N 282, 12/13/2013

The list of normative legal acts in the bibliography is followed by a list of specialized literature and periodicals.

The list of references is compiled directly from the printed publication or extracted from catalogs and bibliographic indexes in full, without omitting any elements, abbreviating titles, etc.

Based GOST list of references is formalized by indicating the required elements of the description of the bibliographic source.
The main elements of the description of a literary source are:

  • Full name of the author (authors/editor);
  • Title of the work (book title);
  • Publisher's name;
  • The year of publishing;
  • Number of pages in the publication.
GOST also provides optional elements, the use of which is not always necessary.

Optional elements of a bibliographic source description include, for example:

Parallel title
Title information
Information about the function of publisher, distributor, etc.
Other physical characteristics
General designation of the material.

Last point - General designation of material- deserves special attention. Depending on its application, we can see quite different visual ways of designing a bibliography.
The fact is that this optional element is used in cases where the characteristics of the physical medium of the document are not visible from the available elements of the bibliographic record (for example, a description of a database located on a local computer, etc.). The element is indicated in square brackets immediately after the title without any prescribed punctuation marks (for example: [Electronic resource], [Audio recording], etc.).
For regular books, a corresponding mark is provided: [Text].
If it is clear from other elements of the bibliographic record which physical medium is being referred to, it is acceptable to omit this element.
In these instructions we will not use this element, but if you need it, then simply supplement the following rules for preparing a list of references by mandatory inclusion of this element in square brackets after the title of the book.

Sometimes, as a mandatory element of the description of the source of literature, it is given ISBN, which is mentioned in GOST.
But here you need to understand that the inclusion of certain description elements depends on the intended purpose of the list.
Where there is no need to identify a literary source in the international documentary flow, it is not necessary to indicate the ISBN. This applies to lists of coursework and diploma papers, dissertations, etc.
Thus, an ISBN is not needed in the reference list of a course work (similarly in a thesis).

The procedure for documenting a literature source depends on the number of authors who took part in its writing. Separate rules are provided for books with 1, 2-3 or more authors.
Consider the order registration of the literature list according to GOST to include books with different numbers of authors.

Design of books with 1 author

For books written by one author, the author's surname and initials are indicated at the beginning. In this case, a comma is placed after the surname and after it the initials are indicated, separated by dots. Then follows the full title of the book, followed by a “slash” (slash “ / “) and then the author’s full name is repeated, but first the initials are indicated, and then the last name. After the surname there is a dot, followed by a dash. After the dash the following is indicated: city, colon, name of the publisher, comma, year of publication, period. After the period we write a dash, followed by the number of pages in this book, the letter “c” and a period.

Schematic example:
Ivanov, I.I. Book title / I.I. Ivanov. - City: Name of publisher. - 552 s.

Real example:
Zhabina S.G. Fundamentals of economics, management and marketing in public catering / S.G. Zhabina. - M.: Academy, 2016. - 336 p.

Let us immediately explain how cities are designated. In practice, abbreviations for large cities (usually capitals and regional centers) have developed.
Here are the transcripts:

City name Designation in the list of references A comment
Moscow M.
Saint Petersburg St. Petersburg
Rostov-on-Don Rostov n/a. RnD or R/nD is often found - this is not true.
Nizhny Novgorod N. Novgorod.
Leningrad L. For literature published in the USSR.

Likewise for foreign cities:
Paris - R., New York - N.Y., Berlin - W., London - L.

Please note that a period is immediately placed after the abbreviated name. After her without space is immediately written colon and the name of the publisher is indicated.
M.:_______ St. Petersburg:_____, etc.

For other cities, the list of references indicates their full names, followed immediately by a colon (and not a period, as is the case with abbreviated names).

Design of books with 2 and 3 authors

If a book was written by a team of authors of 2-3 people, then the surname and initials of one (first) author are indicated at the beginning of the bibliographic description. There is a period after the surname. The full title of the book follows. Then a “slash” is added and the author’s data is repeated, but first the initials are indicated, and then the surname. After the last name there is a dot, followed by a dash. After the dash the following is indicated: city, colon, name of the publisher, comma, year of publication, period. After the period we write a dash, followed by the number of pages in this book, the letter “c” and a period.

Volkov, M. IN. Modern economics/ M. IN. Volkov, A.V. Sidorov. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2016. - 155 With.

Decorated no books with 4 or more authors

For books with 4 or more authors, a special design procedure applies. In general, it is similar to what is used in books with 2 and 3 authors, but with one exception:
When listing authors again, after the book title and the slash, not all authors are indicated, but again only the first one. At the same time, his full name is supplemented with a postscript [etc.] enclosed in square brackets.

Korobkin, M.V. Modern economics / M.V. Korobkin [and others] - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014.- 325 p.

Design of textbooks and teaching aids

If the list of references contains teaching aids, textbooks, educational and methodological complexes and other types of specialized literature, it is necessary to supplement the general design rules with an element indicating the type of publication. To do this, in the above book design rules, immediately after the name of the publication, put a colon and write the type of publication.

Volkov, M. IN. Modern economics: textbook / M. IN. Volkov. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2014. - 225 With.

Or if a general material designation is used

Volkov, M. IN. Modern economics [Text]: textbook / M. IN. Volkov. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2014. - 225 With.

Design of textbooks and teaching aids edited by

To format a textbook edited by one author, combining the works of several authors, you must first write the name of the publication, then a colon and the type of publication (textbook / study guide), then a “slash” and the phrase “edited.” After this, the initials and then the surname of the editor are indicated first. The following is the standard registration procedure given above.

GOST list of literature

Pharmaceutical chemistry: studies. allowanceForstudio. universities/ underedit. AND. N. Sovenko. - M.: Rior, 2014. - 323 With.

Pharmaceutical chemistry: studies. allowanceForstudio. universities/ L. N. Protasova., M. AND. Ivanov, A.A. Sidorov; undered. AND. N. Sovenko.. - M.: Rior, 2014. -323 With.

For multi-volume books It is necessary to indicate the volume number that was used in the work. To do this, immediately after the title of the publication, a postscript “T.1.” is made, where 1 is the volume number.

Bokov, AN. EconomyT.2. Microeconomics[ Text] / A.N. Bokov. - M.: Norm, 2015. - 532 With.

Registration of articles from magazines and periodicals in the bibliography

To describe articles from periodicals, the following order of indicating elements of the bibliographic source description applies: surname and initials of the author; article title; “slash” and again the author’s full name, but first the initials, and then the surname; then two forward slashes; the name of the periodical or collection in which the article is published (quotes are not used); dash, year of publication; followed by a period, number (sometimes the month of publication may be indicated in brackets); dot, dash; then the numbers of the first and last pages of the article.

Bokov, IN. TO. Causes of the crisis of the US economic model / IN. TO. Bokov// RBC. -2014. - 4 (11). - WITH. 32-36.

Design of electronic sources

Krokhin, E. E. Restoration of architectural monuments[ Electronicresource], -http:// www. architechos. ru/ restovrat. htm- article on the Internet.

Equivalent sources are located in list of references according to GOST in alphabetical order.
At the same time, publications in foreign languages ​​are placed at the end of the list after Russian-language sources in order of the Latin alphabet.

Lecture, abstract. GOST design of the list of references - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

GOST 7.1 2003 and GOST R 7.0.5-2008 - read / download

Upon registration bibliography are used GOST 7.1 2003 " Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up" And GOST R 7.0.5-2008"Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation".
Both GOST data can be read and download below.

GOST 7.1 2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. open close


GOST 7.1-2003

System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing


General requirements and drafting rules

ISS 01.140.20

Date of introduction 2004-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Intelligence about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Book Chamber of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications, the Russian State Library and the Russian National Library of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization TC 191 "Scientific and technical information, library and publishing"

2 INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 12 of July 2, 2003)

Short name of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

By MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national authority

on standardization





State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia




Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"




Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated November 25, 2003 N 332-st, the interstate standard GOST 7.1-2003 was put into effect directly as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2004.

5 INSTEAD GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.18-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic description of a document, its part or group of documents: a set of areas and elements of a bibliographic description, the sequence of their arrangement, the content and method of presenting elements, the use of prescribed punctuation and abbreviations.

The standard applies to descriptions of documents compiled by libraries, scientific and technical information bodies, state bibliography centers, publishers, and other bibliographic institutions.

The standard does not apply to bibliographic references.

This standard uses references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 7.0-99 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions

GOST 7.4-95 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Imprint

G OST 7.5-98 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Magazines, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials

GOST 7.9-95 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements

GOST 7.11-78 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages ​​in bibliographic descriptions

GOST 7.12-93 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words in Russian. General requirements and rules

GOST 7.59-2003 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Indexing documents. General requirements for systematization and subjectization

GOST 7.76-96 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Collection of documents. Bibliography. Cataloging. Terms and Definitions

GOST 7.80-2000 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules

GOST 7.82-2001 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules

GOST 7.83-2001 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Electronic publications. Basic views and output information

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replaced (changed) standard. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, terms according to GOST 7.0, GOST 7.76, GOST 7.83 are used.

4 General provisions

4.1 A bibliographic description contains bibliographic information about a document, given according to certain rules that establish the content and order of areas and elements, and are intended for identification and general characteristics of the document.

The bibliographic description is the main part of the bibliographic record. A bibliographic record may also include a title, indexing terms (classification indexes and subject headings), annotation (abstract), document storage codes, certificates of additional bibliographic records, the date of completion of document processing, and official information.

The formation of the title of a bibliographic record is regulated by GOST 7.80. Formation of classification indices and subject headings - according to GOST 7.59. Abstract (abstract) - according to GOST 7.9.

4.2 The objects of compiling a bibliographic description are all types of published (including deposited) and unpublished documents on any media - books, serials and other ongoing resources, musical scores, cartographic, audiovisual, visual, regulatory and technical documents, microforms, electronic resources, other three-dimensional artificial or natural objects; components of documents; groups of homogeneous and heterogeneous documents.

4.2.1 Based on the number of parts, a distinction is made between description objects consisting of one part (single-part objects) and description objects consisting of two or more parts (multi-part objects).

A single-part object is a one-time document or a separate physical unit of a multi-part document on one physical medium: a single-volume document or a separate volume (issue) of a multi-volume document, a separate component of a complete document, serial or other ongoing resource.

Multipart object - a document representing a collection of individual physical units on the same or different physical media - a multi-volume document, a complete document, a serial or other continuing resource.

4.2.2 An object can also be a component of a single-part document or a unit of a multi-part document.

4.3 Depending on the structure of the description, single-level and multi-level bibliographic descriptions are distinguished.

4.3.1 A single-level description contains one level. It is compiled for a single-part document, a completed multi-part document as a whole, a separate physical unit, as well as a group of physical units of a multi-part document (see section 5).

4.3.2 A multi-level description contains two or more levels. It is compiled for a multi-part document (multi-volume or complete document as a whole, serial or other continuing resource as a whole) or for a separate physical unit, as well as a group of physical units of a multi-part document - one or more volumes (issues, numbers, parts) of a multi-volume, complete document , serial or other continuing resource (see section 6).

4.4 The bibliographic description includes the following areas:

1 - area of ​​title and information about responsibility;

2 - area of ​​publication;

3 - area of ​​specific information;

4 - output data area;

5 - area of ​​physical characteristics;

6 - series area;

7 - note area;

8 - area of ​​standard number (or its alternative) and availability conditions.

4.5 Description areas consist of elements that are divided into mandatory and optional. The description can contain only mandatory elements or mandatory and optional elements.

4.5.1 Mandatory elements contain bibliographic information that provides identification of the document. They are given in any description.

If a mandatory element, common to the descriptions included in the bibliographic manual, is included in the title of the bibliographic manual or its sections, then, as a rule, it is not repeated in each description (for example, the name of the author in the index of works of one author, the name of the publisher in the publishing catalogue, date of publication in the chronological list of works, etc.).

4.5.2 Optional elements contain bibliographic information that provides additional information about the document. The set of optional elements determines the institution in which the description is compiled. It must be constant for a certain information array.

Optional elements are given in the greatest completeness in descriptions for state bibliographic indexes, library catalogs (in card and electronic form), databases of large universal scientific libraries and state bibliography centers.

4.6 Areas and elements are given in the established sequence, which is presented in the list of section 5. Individual areas and elements may be repeated. Bibliographic information related to different elements, but grammatically related in one sentence, is written in the preceding element.

GOST 7.0.5 2008 Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules open close


System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing
Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules

System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing.
Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making

OKS 01.140.30
Date of introduction 2009-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic Provisions”

Intelligence about the standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Institution "Russian Book Chamber" of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications
2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 191 "Scientific and technical information, library and publishing"
3 This standard has been developed taking into account the main normative provisions of the international standard ISO 690:1987 "Documentation. Bibliographic references. Content, form and structure" (ISO 690:1987 "Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Content, form and structure") and the international standard ISO 690-2:1997 "Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof", NEQ
4 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 28, 2008 N 95-st

1 area of ​​use
This standard establishes general requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic reference: main types, structure, composition, location in documents.
The standard applies to bibliographic references used in published and unpublished documents in any media.
The standard is intended for authors, editors, and publishers.