Modern continuous education and innovative development. “modern continuous education and innovative development

  • Kuznetsova Olga Vasilievna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • South Federal University

This article examines the trends in the development of lifelong education in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, including pedagogical education, identifies the problems that exist today, and outlines possible ways to solve them. Continuing education provides for compensation for the lack of knowledge, skills, abilities among working specialists, makes new demands on teachers - regular revision of the content of education, creation of new adaptive-compensatory programs for working specialists and students.

  • Innovative ways of developing modern higher education in Russia
  • On the issue of professional and personal development of a teacher
  • Convergence of educational content options in the digital space
  • Comparison of programming languages ​​using the example of array sorting

Streamlining the diversity of educational structures that exist today, basic and additional, alternative, compulsory and optional, public and private, traditional forms of education and innovative, formal and informal, ensuring their interaction, interconnection, cooperation at all levels, working to identify optimal learning technologies in in the light of the ideas of lifelong education, they contribute to their integration into a single system, preventing the fragmentation of educational structures and the omission of basic programs and training standards created by generations of researchers.

Modernization of education does not at all deny the inclusion of traditional, time-tested learning technologies in unified knowledge packages, forming on their basis those predictive models that are designated as the most promising today.

One example is the rapid development of a distance form of education, which has a number of advantages for students, such as: cost-effectiveness, the ability to receive education remotely, the ability to choose a training schedule and the absence of the need to attend classes according to an established and approved schedule, as with full-time education. The following modern forms of education are essentially modernized versions of traditional ones:

  • organizing and conducting webinars (online seminars),
  • organizing and conducting open lectures by leading experts in various fields,
  • conducting chat sessions,
  • organizing and conducting teleconferences, Internet conferences,
  • ensuring communication between students and teachers via e-mail,
  • ensuring communication between students and teachers via Skype,
  • forums.

For example, as an alternative to seminars, webinars are offered, attracting a large number of visitors, suggesting a multiple increase in target audiences.

Classes via Skype and other forms of organizing classes listed above can serve as an addition to the usual ones.

On the platforms of traditional full-time education and distance education, a predictive model of education, defined as the most promising to date, emerged - full-time, but also involving remote classes, for example, in the format of webinars, open lectures, chat classes involving interactivity, teleconferences, classes on Skype in real time, for example, if teachers and students are unable to travel to their usual place of classes due to weather conditions or if additional consultations are necessary. Telepresence technologies are also improving today. The variety of technical means that provide additional options for organizing and conducting classes is supported by the demands of modern society. Providing equal opportunities to everyone is ensured by the concept of lifelong education.

Continuous updating and replenishment of knowledge, skills and abilities is defined today not only as a true indicator of a specialist’s professional development. The purpose of lifelong education is primarily the formation and development of personality. Continuous education today serves:

    a mechanism for preserving and reproducing the cultural potential of modern society;

    a mechanism for preserving and reproducing the professional potential of modern society;

    one of the determining factors in the development of production;

    activator of accelerating scientific and technological progress;

    one of the regulators of global and local socio-economic development (possessing powerful adaptive and compensatory reserves).

Continuing education is defined as one of the ways to preserve the world cultural heritage, interrelation, interaction, mutual enrichment of different national cultures, strengthening and development of international cooperation in the field of culture and education, successful cross-cultural communication, development of tolerance in society, designation of common universal values.

For professionals, lifelong education today serves as a kind of mechanism for establishing communication at various levels, promotes the effectiveness of interaction and cooperation between students, teachers, employment centers and employers, a vector in transnational education and a coordinating parameter for solving local and global challenges.

Actually, the term lifelong education is completely or partly synonymous with the following: “continuing education”, “lifelong education”, “lifelong learning”, “permanent education” ( permanent education), etc.

Relatively synonymous with the term “lifelong education” is the concept of “renewable” education, which implies a format of informal learning.

Renewable education refers more to the system of institutes and various advanced training courses for working specialists who need regular replenishment and updating of the package of knowledge and professional competencies.

Renewable education is more of an applied nature; the continuous is humanistic. The goal of renewable education is rather to provide working specialists with a certain set of necessary professional tools; Continuous education calls its goal to ensure the maximum development of human abilities.

The system of lifelong education requires, in addition to the variability of forms of education, a variety of types of educational institutions, pedagogical technologies, forms of management, monitoring, control and coordination of tasks.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the teacher in the education system as a whole. A teacher today has to solve a number of problems that are inextricably linked with the concept of continuity of learning, including:

    carry out regular review of the content of educational programs, bringing them into full compliance with the latest, continuously expanding and changing requirements of the modern labor market, presented to future graduates of the educational institution - their students;

    continuously improve your own level of computer literacy, timely study the programs and technical innovations necessary for work;

    work proactively, tracking the direction of development of requirements for training specialists in the modern labor market;

    to provide and guess the directions of development of requirements for the training of specialists in the modern labor market.

Carrying out a regular review of the content of educational programs, bringing them into line with the latest, continuously expanding and changing requirements of the modern labor market for future graduates of an educational institution - their students - is one of the most difficult adaptive-compensatory tasks that a teacher has to solve today. Regularly changing requirements for the content of training programs require the refinement, processing or creation from scratch of educational and methodological complexes, including work programs, thematic plans, lesson plans, tests, tests, laboratory work, as well as everything necessary to ensure the educational process teaching aids, workbooks, reference books, textbooks, etc.

At a secondary or higher educational institution, the future teacher receives a fundamental education, which serves as a platform for all his further professional and pedagogical activities. However, the process of acquiring the necessary professional competencies cannot be considered complete with the receipt of a diploma in the formal education system. The adaptive-compensatory orientation of lifelong education, including pedagogical education, involves the identification of mechanisms for monitoring the development of modern society, the development of control and evaluation parameters and the procedure for implementing adaptive training programs using all the capabilities of currently existing means of communication.

Professional development is necessary for a teacher, perhaps to a greater extent than for a representative of any other field, since it is the teacher, as already indicated, who is a kind of transmitter of knowledge, who is called upon to model the standards of continuous professional and general cultural development, to anticipate changes in the requirements for the professional competence of future specialists and the requirements for their general cultural training.

Teachers today need to be able to conduct continuous monitoring of the labor market in order to identify and anticipate employers’ requests and reflect them in training programs, for example, timely adjustment of courses and areas of training for future personnel within the master’s program.

General cultural training today involves, in addition to traditional components, a process of humanization of education, designed to serve mutual enrichment, continuous and effective interaction of various areas and programs for training future personnel, to integrate these programs, affirming the principles of uniformity and universality of general cultural modules for domestic educational structures of all levels.

For a specialist in any field of knowledge, it is necessary to continuously replenish the basis of theoretical training and practice with new, relevant units for today; it is the teacher who is called upon to develop adaptive programs and teaching technologies at all levels and replenish pre-existing ones, taking into account the needs of society, be it early child development programs or master's degree programs.

The teacher’s understanding of the need, first of all, for continuous development, his willingness to constantly update, replenish, improve his knowledge, work for the future, develop educational programs and educational standards, to a certain extent manage the situation in today’s labor market, as well as his ability to effectively coordinate the activities of students, organizing the educational process using modern technical means and types of communication often largely determines the success of the application of knowledge by its students, serves as a prerequisite for strengthening and developing their motivation and interest in studying compulsory disciplines, which helps determine the target audience, for example, students choosing one or another speciality.

Ensuring high quality adaptive courses in various areas, creating modern teaching aids and complexes that meet the requirements of modern society and the challenges of today's labor market, capable of fulfilling the compensatory role inherent in the idea of ​​continuous learning, organizing the educational process using modern technical teaching aids and types communications that exist today, the variety of forms of knowledge acquisition by students, their successful mastery of course modules, the definition of uniform training standards, the development of teaching aids and educational complexes constitute a far from complete list of issues from the area of ​​today's tasks of a teacher.

Continuously improving one's own level of computer literacy, timely studying programs and technical innovations necessary for work is quite a difficult task for many teachers if the teacher solves issues of this nature independently. The optimal choice for educational institutions to resolve this issue may be either the inclusion of special courses of study in teacher education programs, including renewable ones, as part of advanced training courses, or the organization of classes for teachers in the format of regular lectures and workshops during the academic year, mandatory visiting.

Working ahead, tracking the direction of development of requirements for the training of specialists in the modern labor market is not quite the same as anticipating and guessing the direction of development of requirements for the training of specialists in the modern labor market. The second is more difficult; however, with favorable developments, it can attract a large number of students.

Ensuring and maintaining the standard of living of people in modern society is, by definition, associated both with the implementation of their continuously growing needs, and with the need for constant revision of the content of educational and methodological complexes and adaptive-compensatory programs in various specialties in accordance with the changing requirements of today's labor market. One of the most important tasks of the teacher in this case, as mentioned above, is to work proactively, including monitoring the continuous fluctuations of the labor market, and providing students with an optimal set of educational materials in a particular specialty, including innovative content, the ability to manage the educational process, ensuring the transformation of new knowledge into innovations demanded by society, as well as the generation of innovations, which also includes the search for ways to solve possible problems in the implementation of innovations.

It is also necessary to maintain a balance of theoretical and practical training of future teachers, focusing the teacher’s attention, among other things, on the adaptive-compensatory role of lifelong education. The expected actions of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge consist primarily of assisting students in acquiring professional competencies in accordance with the program of the discipline being studied, indicating directions and possible ways of applying and replenishing fundamental knowledge, assisting in mastering all the nuances and preparing students for further independent continuous updating of knowledge and skills, what constitutes the essence of a specialist’s professional success, the key issue of professional activity.


  1. On the implementation of state policy in the field of education in the 2013/14 academic year. //http:Ministry of Education and Science.rf. - 2014.

The idea of ​​lifelong education arose as a response to dynamic changes in science and production. In most countries, it was associated primarily with education, but already the first generalizations and conceptual understanding of this idea were put forward as an equal idea about the need for personal development in the process of lifelong education. As the subjectivity of a person was established in his socialization and professionalization, as individuality in the choice of means of self-realization increased, the goal-determining role of the individual in building a life educational strategy increased.

Based on an analysis of the social role of lifelong education in human life, domestic researchers define education as a factor of social development, as a condition for production activity, a condition for enriching a person’s spiritual life, the development of self-awareness and mental development, and also as a factor promoting communication through the development of speech, expanding the circle of friends .40

The development of a system of continuous education is one of the important areas of innovative educational activity, which implies the continuity of processes in the systems of general secondary, primary, secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional professional education. The effectiveness and possibility of educational activities are determined by direct and reverse systemic connections between the various stages of the innovation cycle, producers and consumers of services; firms, the market, the state and other social partners, including foreign ones. Continuing education can be considered as a formal part of the structure of the so-called “lifelong learning” and is one of the important conditions for innovative educational activities.

The development of the continuous education system is aimed at supporting the competency-based development of the individual and the implementation of the concept of developmental education. The concept of lifelong education is based on the principles of continuity, flexibility, rapid dynamics associated with changing needs in the labor market, on the implementation of the concept of education “not for life, but through life.” A modern person must not only have a certain amount of knowledge, but also be able to learn: search and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, use a variety of sources of information to solve these problems, and constantly acquire additional knowledge.

Continuing education presupposes multi-level educational programs, which makes it possible to take into account such essential characteristics in the construction of an educational trajectory as embeddedness, substitution, addition, and adapt the program to the initial level of students.

The innovativeness of continuing education programs is manifested in the advanced nature of training, adequacy to market needs, and the widespread use of distance educational technologies. The content and technologies of continuing education are aimed at preparing an innovation-oriented personality.

Continuing education programs should be based on the following principles:


modular program structure,

competence approach,

optimization of classroom training,

application of modern educational and information technologies,

cumulative education system.

In the draft report “On the development of education in the Russian Federation,” presented on March 23, 2006 by the State Council of the Russian Federation, continuity of education is defined as the basis for the life success of an individual, the well-being of the nation and the competitiveness of the country. In the context of dynamic changes in modern life and the rapid updating of knowledge, the creation of a flexible and dynamic system of universal continuous education is an imperative for the growth of human capital, innovative development and competitiveness of any country.

Such a system must provide three main conditions:

continuity of educational standards and programs at various levels of general and professional education;

the possibility of temporarily stopping and resuming education, changing its form, choosing an individual educational trajectory, advanced training, retraining, etc. in order to maintain both a high level of general education and professional competitiveness, meeting the demands of the labor market;

the absence of dead-end educational programs, educational institutions, directions and types of education that do not provide the opportunity to continue both general and vocational education.

This system should be of a state-public nature and include accreditation of institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership (state, corporate, non-state) that are engaged in education in its various types and forms, ensuring the proper level of quality, efficiency and competitiveness.

The creation of a system of universal continuous education that meets the needs of the country and trends in the global labor market is considered today as one of the main strategic objectives of the Russian education system. In the conditions of the formation of the information society, the dynamic increase in needs during the period of profound socio-economic changes and entry into the post-industrial era, only continuing education can solve the problem of vocational education lagging behind the needs of society.

Among the tasks whose solution is necessary for the development of a lifelong education system, the following should be highlighted:

transition to a modular principle of constructing educational programs, which will ensure flexibility and variability of education, its personal orientation, and greater compliance with market demands;

widespread use of new educational technologies, including “open education” technologies, interactive forms of learning, project-based and other methods that stimulate student activity, develop skills in information analysis and self-learning, increasing the role of students’ independent work;

stimulating, taking into account global experience, co-founding and multi-channel financing of vocational education institutions, developing mechanisms for attracting extra-budgetary funds to vocational education, creating conditions for the investment attractiveness of the vocational education system;

updating the material and technical base and infrastructure of education, more intensive informatization;

development and testing of various models of regional management of vocational education in connection with the increasing role of regions in its development; regulatory and legal support for the functioning and development of regional education systems;

ensuring the innovative nature of vocational education through the integration of education, science and production; development of projects related to the development of various sectors of the economy, fundamental and applied science, updating the content of education and learning technologies; creation of educational, research and production complexes, associations, innovation parks, business incubators at each successful university with their state support;

creation of a modern, mobile and flexible system of continuing professional education as an integral part of the general system of continuing education, including all levels of professional education - from primary to postgraduate.

Related information.






Materials of the scientific and practical conference


Address to participants of the scientific and practical conference
"Continuing education: guidelines for innovative development"................................................... 8

Implementation of the principle of lifelong education at USPU.................................................... 9

Conceptual and pedagogical approaches to the development of the system of continuous professional education in the Sverdlovsk region .................................................... ...................... 12

, University education in the USA:
advantages and disadvantages............................................... ........................................................ .............................. 16



Methodology for the formation of education development clusters.................................... 20

On the issue of modern priorities for the development of continuing pedagogical education.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 24

Behavior: norm and deviations. Historical and logical analysis of concepts...... 27

Formation of educational and cognitive competence of students..... 30

New craft education: the second coming.................................................... 33

Interactive methodological techniques as one of the means of developing legal competence of students..................................................... ........................................................ ............... 37

Development of subject-subject relations between participants in the educational process.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ 41

Acmeological approach to the development of professional skills
artisan as a subject of continuous education............................................................ ................. 46

Scientific and methodological support for the development of professional
teacher potential......................................................... ........................................................ ...................... 48

Methodology for integrating lifelong education:

cultural aspect................................................... ........................................................ .......... 53

Cultural aspect of an innovative resource

development of the education system................................................................... ........................................................ ...... 57

, Issues of lifelong education in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.................................................... ........................................................ .................................... 60

The meaning of education in the 21st century: evolution or inflation?.................................... 63

The project method as a means of educating socially oriented .................................... 65

Analysis of methods for assessing teacher performance (operational approach)... 68

The problem of diagnosing giftedness in the educational process from an organizational and pedagogical point of view.................................................... ........................................................ ............... 70


Optimization of chemistry teaching in the training and consultation center of a pre-trial detention center using the technology of supporting notes and UDE................................................... ............... 75

Creation of an educational environment in a preschool institution based on organizational innovations.................................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 76

, Social partnership of educational institutions
with institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations as one of the conditions for effective school development................................. 81

Possibilities of using block-modular technology in the social development of personality.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ 85

of a modern teacher as an element of the development of professional potential and an important direction of informatization of education.................................................. ........................................................ ................. 90

, A new form of organizing scientific and methodological work is the network pedagogical community of ZMOU Secondary School No. 4 “Virtual Methodological Laboratory”.... 93

Creation of a model of lifelong education in the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 10"................................... ........................................................ ...................... 96

The role of innovative activity in the process of professional and creative self-development of a teacher.................................................... ........................................................ ......................

Social support as a tool for harmonizing the modern educational space.................................................... ........................................................ ....................................

Conditions for the formation of professionally significant skills
students of construction specialties when studying geometry....................................................

Development of the innovative potential of the teaching staff.

GIS technologies as an innovative resource for system development
continuous geographical education................................................................... ...........................

Personal-activity approach to the organization of education
as a condition for increasing the effectiveness of a teacher’s educational activities..................

Innovative education system as the basis for preparing an individual for self-realization in the conditions of lifelong education.................................................... ........................................................ .

Innovative teaching methods as the leading principle of the lifelong education system: a model of the process of differentiated learning taking into account the cognitive styles of students................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....................

Personally adapted system for continuous improvement of professional and pedagogical competence in a rural secondary school .................................................... ............

Continuing education in the conditions of innovative development of higher education 141

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of professional competencies of masters in the field of preparation “Professional Training”................................................

, Formation of the position of an active subject of learning among high school students.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........

, Continuing professional education of students
with disabilities................................................... ........................................................ ...........................................

Intra-corporate training system as a means of ensuring
teacher’s readiness to implement the competency-based model of education..................................


Modern guidelines for the social development of personality....................................

Continuous self-education of an English teacher ....................................

Motivation for education and self-education as one of the sociocultural aspects of lifelong education.................................................... ........................................................ ...............

Formation of intellectual work skills in history and social studies lessons.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Social need for lifelong education........................

An elective course as an opportunity to enter the educational space of life’s meanings and creative activities.................................................... ...............................................

Modern guidelines for the social development of personality in teaching the Russian language .............................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

On the issue of modern guidelines for social development
personalities........................................................ ........................................................ ....................................

Creativity as a condition for the social development of personality in school education..................................................... ........................................................ .........................................

Means and forms of socialization of high school students in a specialized school.................................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Formation and development of information and communication literacy of a teacher as one of the components of professional competence.................................................... ............

Transformation of values ​​as the basis for the sociocultural development of civilizations in the modern world.................................................... ........................................................ ............................

, Andragogical model of advanced training
teachers in the municipal district of Alapaevsk.................................................... ...................................................

Model for the development of stylistic competence of an art teacher and world artistic culture in the system of advanced training.................................................. ........................................

Organization of development of continuous professional education in the field of tourism.................................................... ........................................................ ......................................

Motivational component of a lesson in primary school....................................................

Civic and patriotic education in the context of modernization of education.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .........

, Education is a process of social formation
personalities........................................................ ........................................................ ....................................

Ways to develop a teacher’s information culture in the system of continuing professional education.................................................... ........................................................ .....

, Conditions for the development of a system of additional education for children in a general education institution.................................................... ...................................................

, Project activities of students who find themselves in difficult living conditions.................................................... ........................................................ ...............................................

, Development of lifelong education in a secondary school.................................................................... ........................................................ ...............................................

The role of pedagogical skill and creativity of the teacher in the development of the student’s personality.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

, Socialization of a future specialist in an educational environment 243

Moral guidelines and risks of social development of personality, reflected in modern textbooks on social science.................................................... ......................................

On the issue of the relationship between the concept of “spiritual and moral education” and some moral categories.................................... ........................................................ .......................

Project-based learning as a condition for the formation of key competencies of students.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .........

, From experience working with teachers: from problems to solutions.....

On the issue of the results and prospects for advanced training of teachers
in the course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics”................................................. .........

Formation of adequate behavior of disabled children in school and family settings.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............

Development of the innovative potential of the teaching staff.

Methodological support for teachers during the inter-certification period....................................

Regional features of the development of teacher professionalism in the context of the genesis of the secondary education system ..................................................... ........................................................ .........

, Socialization of a person in an educational environment: directions of activity of a modern school.................................................... ............................

Thinking styles of the teacher and student as a factor in the formation of the intellectual and pedagogical competence of the future teacher.................................................... ...........................

, Individualization as a condition for satisfying the educational needs and cognitive interests of students.................................................... ....................................

Providing conditions for continuous education of teachers as a condition for improving the quality of education for schoolchildren.................................................... ........................................................ ....

Psychological conditions for the development of social variability
personalities in education........................................................ ........................................................ ............

, Changing the law on intellectual property as a necessary condition for the socialization of creative teachers and university students

, Peculiarities of human socialization in Russian higher education.................................................... ........................................................ ...................................

Formation of motivation for learning through the innovative project “Organization of specialized training at the senior level”.................................................... .......................................

Four-level, integrated education system, using an independent active learning method, as a health-saving technology......

Formation of a competently developed personality as the goal of continuous professional education.................................................... ........................................................ ....

Social design as a tool for developing competencies and competencies of employees of the regional education system....................................................

Formation of self-esteem of junior schoolchildren in conditions of ungraded education.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .........

Museum pedagogy as a modern pedagogical technology in the development of the personality of preschool children in a compensatory educational institution............

Independent work as a reserve for improving the quality of student training 330

Active and interactive forms of students’ work with media texts. 332

Socialization of a person through a history lesson: the evolution of ideas about the orientation of the individual.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................

Humanistic propaedeutics as a factor in ensuring the continuity of natural science education at school: an anthropological approach.................................

Changes in the sociocultural environment as a condition for the development of students’ motivation for self-education.................................................... ........................................................ ................................

Improving the professional level of teachers through various forms of continuing education using the example of the activities of the city Association of German Language Teachers. 346

On the issue of implementing the subjective factor in the process of developing key competencies.................................................... ........................................................ .......................................

Control and evaluation activities as a tool for individualizing pedagogical monitoring during the analysis of educational results.................................................... .......................

Formation of subjective personality traits of a junior schoolchild........

The conference dedicated to the issues of lifelong education was initiated by the Institute for Educational Development for the third time. Its format is fundamentally different from the previous ones. Initially, teaching staff from general and additional vocational education institutions in the Sverdlovsk region participated in the discussion of topical issues in the theory and practice of lifelong education; gradually the geography of participants expanded and the conference received All-Russian status. A special feature of this year is the partnership participation of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Education and leading universities in the Ural region.

The conference content targets have also changed:

– from defining the boundaries and problems of lifelong education – to analyzing the experience and quality of the implementation of lifelong education;

– from defining the social prerequisites for the development of lifelong education – to analyzing its social results;

– from an analysis of the conditions for the development of professionalism at the individual level to a discussion of issues of infrastructure formation, system conditions and mechanisms of interaction between levels of education.

In accordance with these targets, the directions of work and the topics of the breakout sessions were determined.

It is no coincidence that the conference topic was clarified: “guidelines for innovative development.” In the conditions of a fundamentally new structure of society, intensive information flow, development of science and technology, the infrastructure, type of organization of the educational process, educational technologies, teaching methods, and the system for assessing the education received must change.

Continuing education is relevant for all categories of citizens and for various categories of specialists. But still, the topic of continuing pedagogical education remains a priority within the framework of our conference, since in modern conditions the profession of a teacher is changing its original content. Teachers are called upon to become tutors (consultants, mentors and mediators), and their main task is to help students determine the trajectory of their own education and understand personal responsibility for this.

But the main thing that radically changed the idea of ​​a teacher’s professionalism was the deprivation of his status as the only source of knowledge. The information revolution has significantly disarmed the teacher, imposing on him the role of a facilitator of the creation and acquisition of knowledge and competencies instead of the previous function of a translator of unique knowledge. On the one hand, he must constantly seek the most up-to-date knowledge in his field, and on the other hand, he must understand the limitations of these attempts and direct students to independently search for this knowledge.

Under these conditions, the role of the advanced training system must change radically. Its main task is to create conditions for self-development of teachers.

Of course, changes are taking place in the field of teacher training. More and more educational programs are created not as standard packages, the same for everyone, but aimed at specific users. But a lot of effort is still needed to ensure the professional development of every teacher, and the Institute for Educational Development is not able to solve this problem alone. That is why we are trying to expand the number of partner organizations with which we will jointly ensure the continuous professional development of educators.

I hope that modern strategies and models of professional development for teachers will be one of the main subjects of discussion. And the resolution adopted at the end of the conference will determine the guidelines for continuing teacher education.


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of USPU,

Yekaterinburg city

Implementation of the principle of lifelong education at USPU

The Ural State Pedagogical University is the founder of higher professional pedagogical education in the Urals, which celebrated its 80th anniversary last year.

One of the priority tasks of our university is the formation of a multi-stage system of continuous education aimed at meeting the changing educational needs of citizens and society, and the development of the industrial labor market.

The University strives to create the necessary conditions for the development of a cultural, educated and active personality, to ensure that each graduate receives a profession in order to gain confidence in a constantly changing world and achieve success in life based on the effective implementation of the basic acquired professional and social competencies. At the same time, we clearly understand that modern education is lifelong education.

The mission of the Ural State Pedagogical University, as a set of long-term goals arising from an objective assessment of its own potential, is as follows:

· in an effort to provide citizens with access to the knowledge accumulated by humanity, and to make their own contribution to the development of the best Russian and world traditions in education, science, culture, and the social sphere;

· in promoting the training of thinking people with a broad outlook, deep knowledge and professional competence, capable of becoming the intellectual potential of the education system and other professional systems of Russia;

· in the development of USPU as a regional center of lifelong education, science and culture: pre-university, university, post-graduate, additional professional education in a wide range of pedagogical, social and humanitarian specialties;

· in influencing the educational, scientific, spiritual and socio-economic development of the Ural region; in the formation of an integrative Eurasian educational and scientific space;

· in the development of fundamental and applied science as the basis for the quality of education and sources of new knowledge and technologies for solving educational, scientific, social and economic problems of modern society;

· in providing material, educational, scientific, information and organizational and managerial resources for the development of intellectual potential and stimulation of creative activity of teachers and researchers, doctoral students, graduate students and students;

· in the transition of the university to a level of development characterized by the implementation of intellectual potential and the quality of scientific, educational, cultural and educational activities through innovative activities;

· in creating an institutional model for the development of the university, combining the philosophy of business and education, science and culture; in the formation of a developing professional and entrepreneurial scientific and educational organization;

· in the development of the university’s material base based on modern mechanisms for attracting financial resources; in increasing the efficiency of resource use, in order to create conditions for conducting activities that meet the best Russian and international standards;

· in the formation and development of corporate culture among educational subjects through awareness of their role and purpose in the unified scientific and educational space of the Ural region and Russia;

· in enhancing the positioning of the USPU brand as a highly professional scientific and educational organization.

1) a program of preparation for entering a university, designed for 2 years and involving career guidance work among graduates of secondary schools in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region;

2) 71 programs of higher professional education with the qualification “Specialist”, degrees “Bachelor” and “Master”, as well as programs of secondary vocational education;

3) 46 postgraduate education programs awarding the academic degree “Candidate of Science” and 4 programs awarding the academic degree “Doctor of Science,” for which 7 dissertation councils have been created at USPU;

4) programs of professional retraining and advanced training for all main professional educational programs of the university, as well as programs of additional education with the assignment of additional qualifications in the programs “Management in Education”, “Personnel Development Manager”, “Marketing Manager”, “Higher School Teacher” "

In recent years, the Ural State Pedagogical University has been intensively working to coordinate the scientific activities of pedagogical universities in the Ural region. University scientists provide scientific and methodological assistance to educational institutions of general and vocational education. Research and innovation activities are effectively carried out within the framework of scientific schools and areas in the field of psychological, pedagogical, humanities, social and natural sciences. Within the structure of the Institute of Management, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel, a Department of Continuing Education has been created, which is the coordinating center of the system of additional professional education. The Department of Continuing Education initiates and participates in projects to create and develop professional communities and develop and implement joint programs with the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration.

On April 24, the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Continuing Education and Innovative Development” took place in Serpukhov. More than 200 people took part in the conference, and more than 300 articles were submitted.

The conference was held in accordance with the work plan of the experimental site of the Federal State Institution “FIRO” “Development of a regional system of continuous education based on the integration interaction of preschool and school institutions, civilian and military universities, scientific, industrial and public organizations.”

The main organizers of the conference: Ministry of Education of the Government of the Moscow Region, Federal State Institution "Federal Institute for Development of Education", Federal State Institution "Gosmetodtsentr", editors of the journals "Pedagogy" and "Higher Education in Russia", Committee on Education of the Administration of Serpukhov, MOU "Institute of Engineering Physics", Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces (branch in Serpukhov), branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MSTU "MAMI" in Serpukhov, training center "Integration" of the Moscow Aviation Institute, NOU VPO "Institute of Information Technologies and Management", Branch of the ANO VPO "National Institute named after. Catherine the Great", State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of Justice", branch of ANO Higher Professional Education "Moscow Humanitarian Institute", State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Provincial Professional College", Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 12 "Education Center", MDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 47 "Rainbow".

At the grand opening of the conference, all organizers and the most active participating organizations were awarded letters of gratitude from the management of the Institute of Engineering Physics.

At the plenary session of the conference, presentations were made by: Head of the Center for the Development of Professional and Personal Potential of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Federal State Institution "FIRO", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.Yu. Belogurov; deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Gosmetodtsentr", Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.M. Emelin; deputy Chairman of the Education Committee of the Serpukhov Administration L.V. Vladimirova; Head of the Scientific and Technical Center of JSC Serpukhov Plant Metalist I.V. Akintsev; Advisor to the President of the Municipal Educational Institution "IIF" for development M.G. Zavodchikova; Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 E.V. Klyuev; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the Serpukhov branch of the ANO VPO “National Institute named after. Catherine the Great,” Ph.D. T.V. Litvinova.

At the meetings of the conference sections the following were discussed: methodological and theoretical foundations of lifelong education and innovative development; fundamental and applied research in modern science; innovations in education, science, production; technologies for the implementation of continuous natural science, technical and humanitarian education; methods and models for improving and assessing the quality of education; technologies for training personnel for innovative development; health-saving and health-developing technologies; psychological and pedagogical technologies in the system of continuous education; legal aspects of lifelong education.

As part of the conference, a round table was held on the topic “Continuing education: traditions and innovations.”

“The experimental site in Serpukhov is an example of how the ideas that are expressed today by representatives of federal authorities are actually being implemented,” said the round table presenter, Deputy Director of the Institute of Innovative Activities in Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Editor-in-Chief of the Pedagogy magazine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. . R.S. Boziev. — This is my second time participating in the conference and I am impressed by how active, highly educated, state-minded people in a small town are doing important things of national importance. All conditions have been created here for the integration of different levels of education: preschool, secondary, specialized secondary, higher, as well as civil and military higher education. And, what is very important, all this is being implemented with the support of local governments.”

The meeting discussed methodological and theoretical issues of lifelong education, problems of training teachers to work under the Federal State Educational Standard using innovative technologies, psychological aspects of lifelong education, training and socialization of children with disabilities, the creation of integration resource centers for the training of highly qualified engineering personnel and many other issues related to lifelong learning. education.

The round table participants said that one of the most important ideas and goals of lifelong education is the formation of a harmonious, developing personality, a person who is capable, and most importantly - wants - to develop dynamically, keep up with the times, and for this, throughout his life, comprehend new, improve, learn.

Reports and abstracts of the round table participants will be published in the journal “Pedagogy”, and a collection of works will be published based on the results of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Continuing Education and Innovative Development”. All conference participants who spoke at plenary or sectional sessions will receive appropriate certificates.