Assessing the quality of activities of an educational organization. Independent assessment of the quality of education: why it is needed, how it is carried out

1. An educational organization is created in the form established by civil legislation for non-profit organizations.

2. Religious educational organizations are created in the manner established by law Russian Federation on freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations.

3. Authorized federal body executive power carrying out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (its territorial body), in the manner and within the time limits established by the legislation on state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, notifies the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education, or the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated licensing powers of the Russian Federation educational activities, on state registration educational organization.

4. An educational organization, depending on who created it, is state, municipal or private.

5. A state educational organization is an educational organization created by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. A municipal educational organization is an educational organization created municipal entity (municipal district or city district).

7. A private educational organization is an educational organization created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by an individual or individuals and (or) a legal entity, legal entities or their associations, with the exception of foreign religious organizations.

8. Educational organizations implementing educational programs higher education in the field of defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, can only be created by the Russian Federation.

9. Educational organizations for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior who need special conditions education, training and requiring special pedagogical approach(special educational institutions of open and closed type) (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions) are created by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

10. The educational organization is reorganized or liquidated in the manner established by civil legislation, taking into account the features provided for by the legislation on education.

11. The adoption by a federal executive body, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body of a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of a state and (or) municipal educational organization is permitted on the basis of a positive conclusion of a commission assessing the consequences of such a decision.

12. Making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of a municipal educational organization, located in rural settlement, is not allowed without taking into account the opinions of the residents of a given rural settlement.

13. The procedure for assessing the consequences of a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of a federal state educational organization, including the criteria for this assessment (by type of federal state educational organizations), the procedure for creating a commission to assess the consequences of such a decision and its preparation of conclusions are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

14. The procedure for assessing the consequences of a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of an educational organization under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal educational organization, including the criteria for this assessment (by type of educational organization), the procedure for creating a commission to assess the consequences of such a decision and its preparation of conclusions are established by the authorized body state power subject of the Russian Federation.

15. The creation, reorganization and liquidation of international (interstate) educational organizations are carried out in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation.

Commentary to Art. 22 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

The commented article enshrines general issues creation, reorganization and liquidation of educational organizations.

It should be noted that before the adoption of the commented law, the legislator used general concept "educational institution", extending it for the purposes of educational legislation to all legal entities in the educational sphere.

Such semantic identity, given the constant inconsistencies in the norms of educational laws and other regulations, leads to difficulties in law enforcement.

In this regard, the legislator chose to move away from the concept of “educational institution” or “educational institution”, traditional for educational legislation, to the concept of “educational organization” as a more general form designations of such legal entities, which also clearly reflects the desire of the legislator to unify legal terms.

There are no serious obstacles to solving the problem that has arisen by using an expansive, generalizing concept, taking into account the objective prerequisites for increasing the types and forms of legal entities in the field of education.

Let us note that the Law understands an educational organization as a non-profit organization that carries out educational activities as the main (statutory) type of activity in accordance with the purposes for which such an organization was created.

Based on this, in accordance with the non-profit goals of education, it logically determines that educational organizations can be formed in one of the forms provided for non-profit organizations.

As follows from Art. 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, legal entities that are non-profit organizations, can be created in the form of consumer cooperatives, public or religious organizations (associations), institutions, charitable and other funds, as well as in other forms provided for by law.

The category "institution" is generic concept in relation to possible organizational and legal forms of educational organizations as non-profit organizations. The practice of creating educational organizations confirms that currently the organizational and legal form of creating an educational organization is an institution.

From the proper functioning of government and municipal institutions depends, first of all, on the state of public order, and only then on the stability of civil circulation. In this regard, institutions can be considered as the main channels for the implementation of public functions.

On modern stage the urgent question arises of finding more flexible forms of institutions that allow, depending on the tasks assigned to them and the scope of activity, the most rational use of available resources. This problem can only be decided within the framework of the appropriate typification of existing institutions, personally focusing on the proposed legal status to suit your own needs and tasks. The division of institutions into private, on the one hand, and state and municipal, on the other, is the first level of the legal typology of legal entities of a given organizational and legal form, based on their subject composition.

The classification criterion for dividing institutions, and, accordingly, educational organizations, is based on the form of ownership on the basis of which the educational organization was created. In turn, the form of ownership determines the founder of the educational organization.

Based on the variety of forms of ownership enshrined at the constitutional level, an educational organization can be state, municipal or private.

A state educational organization is an organization created by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal one is one created by a municipal entity (municipal district or city district). In turn, a private educational organization is an organization created by a founder (citizen (citizens) and (or) legal entity (legal entities, their associations), except for foreign religious organizations), with the exception of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

The law assigns a special role and importance to some educational organizations in the performance of public functions, which is also reflected in the special status of the founders of such legal entities.

1) educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education in the field of defense and state security, ensuring law and order. Therefore, such educational organizations can only be created in the Russian Federation, and accordingly, are based on the state federal form property.

2) educational organizations for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior who need special conditions of education, training and require a special pedagogical approach (special educational institutions of open and closed type) (educational institutions). Such organizations can be formed both at the federal and regional levels, and accordingly, can be created by the Russian Federation or a subject of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Federal law dated 05/08/2010 N 83-FZ * (27) the legal status of public sector institutions changes significantly. Change (transformation) legal status state (municipal) institutions is dictated by a significant gap in activity budgetary organizations from modern socio-economic conditions that determine the transition from estimated financing to cost optimization and simultaneous increase in the efficiency of their work. The introduction of market principles into the work of institutions will significantly reduce budget costs for their maintenance and ensure the progressive development of the quality and volume of services provided. The main innovations, as is known, relate to the issues of delimiting civil liability between the state (municipalities) and institutions for economic obligations dictated by the latter’s significant participation in civil circulation. Development of property independence, which also determines various degrees and forms of financing of such organizations, suggests the existence of a new typology of institutions. And besides autonomous institutions, the status of which was accepted by a small number of budgetary organizations, the rest of them are subject to division into state and budgetary institutions.

State institutions at the federal level have a closed list, which includes, for example, military commissariats, institutions executing punishment, specialized institutions for minors, institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc. For example, higher education institutions can be created in the form of autonomous, budgetary, or state institutions. At the same time, the legislator excludes the possibility of creating federal universities in the form of a government agency.

An innovation in educational legislation is the identification of religious educational organizations, as well as the establishment of special requirements for the procedure for their creation, established by law on freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations.

Meanwhile, the current religious legislation does not contain the concept of a spiritual educational organization, but regulates the legal status of religious organizations. As a result, legal uncertainty arises with legal regime the creation and activities of religious educational organizations, leading to an actual mixing of the functions of religious education and spiritual training.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have a constitutional right to receive education. In the country this area recognized as a priority, the government pays special attention to it.

The legislation contains normative legal acts that specify the types of educational institutions, their structure, and functional responsibilities.

Specifics of education policy

In this area public policy is based on the following principles:

  • Humanization of education. In priority - human values, health and life of a modern individual, free formation personal qualities, development of hard work, civic responsibility, respect for other people, family, homeland, and the environment.
  • The relationship between the educational and cultural federal space. Preference is given to preservation national culture, traditions, taking into account the multinationality of the Russian state.
  • Adaptation of the educational process to the level and specifics of training and development of students.
  • Lack of religion in education for municipal and state educational institutions.
  • Pluralism and freedom in educational institutions.
  • State-public management option educational process.

Characteristics of modern educational institutions

Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Education” states that educational institutions different types carry out the learning process with the implementation of one or several types of educational processes, full education, and development. An OS is a legal entity that can have different organizational and legal forms: state, municipal, non-state (private, religious, public).

All municipal and state types of educational institutions operate on the basis of basic provisions on educational institutions, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Non-governmental institutions are not subject to such Resolutions, they can become for them only samples (recommendations).

Establishment state status educational institution (type, type, category of educational institution) is carried out taking into account the direction of its activities during the official state accreditation. Structural units, departments, branches of an educational institution, by proxy, may have in in full or partial powers legal entity. It is also permissible for the division to use its own accounts and independent balance sheets in credit and banking organizations.

Similar types of educational institutions in Russia are created in order to improve and develop the educational and extracurricular process. The law fully regulates the procedure for the creation, as well as the activities of such management organizations.


Types of preschool educational institutions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • Kindergarten for health improvement and care.
  • An institution with a national (ethnocultural) educational component.
  • Preschool educational groups government agencies according to the “kindergarten-school” type.
  • Child development centers.
  • Pro-gymnasium at the educational institution.
  • Education centers for schoolchildren.

Let's take a closer look at all types of preschool educational institutions.

Specifics of kindergartens

They are the most common institutions providing preschool public education. It involves full-fledged care, supervision, health improvement, education, and training of children. These are the most widespread and accessible types of educational institutions. The types of educational programs may vary depending on the area of ​​activity chosen in kindergarten.

In such a combined type institution there are several different groups:

  • compensating;
  • general developmental;
  • health

These types of educational institutions exist in every district center Russian Federation, they are designed for raising children from three to seven years old.

Characteristics of different types of preschool educational institutions

IN preschool sphere There are also certain types of special educational institutions of a compensatory (corrective) nature. Such institutions are visited by children with various pathologies: delay mental development, problems with the musculoskeletal system, with tuberculosis intoxication, impaired hearing and vision, intellectual development disorders, and speech defects.

These types of educational institutions generally function around the clock and are located outside cities. Here they are created for kids special conditions: swimming pools, dietary meals, massage rooms. Highly qualified teachers work in the kindergartens, medical workers, psychologists. To make it easy for a child to adapt among his peers, the group size does not exceed 15 people.

In addition to treating children, such compensatory preschool institutions provide educational and educational process, special programs are being developed for classes. Special consultation centers created at preschool educational institutions help parents cope with difficult situations, solve problems that arise in a timely manner. In order to get to such an institution, you need to have a referral from a pediatrician, as well as certificates established sample, corresponding to the profile of the kindergarten.

General developmental preschool institutions as priority direction in their activities they choose intellectual, physical, aesthetic, artistic. These types of public educational institutions are attended by children from three to seven years old.

Wellness and care gardens operate with an emphasis on health-improving, preventive, sanitary and hygienic procedures and activities.

If we consider educational institutions of a new type in preschool environment, it is necessary to select gardens with ethnocultural component. Their main task is to develop in pupils respect for different cultures, tolerance towards representatives of other nationalities, careful attitude To family values.

Teachers help children master cultural traditions, reveal the origins of folk rituals, beliefs, etc. During classes, special attention is paid to respect for the older generation.

Exist in the system preschool education and types of educational institutions such as child development centers. They have special physical education, health and gaming complexes, art studios, computer classes, swimming pools, and children's theaters. The use of an integrated approach when organizing work with preschoolers in such centers allows for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. Special attention is given to artistic, aesthetic and intellectual development children.

There are new types and types of preschool educational institutions, for example, gymnasiums.

The main population of such institutions are children from primary school and before school age. The difference is that certain subjects are systematically studied here: Russian language, mathematics, oral reading, fundamentals in English. Also in the pre-gymnasium education program there are special aesthetic subjects that allow you to fully develop the child’s personality: rhetoric and rhythm, swimming and outdoor games, drawing and modeling, choreography and music.

Parents choosing a gymnasium for their children should first familiarize themselves with the list of subjects offered. There classes are conducted mainly in the form of games, project, and research activities. Between the ages of three and seven, children become familiar with the world around them through games. Such preschool institutions allow children to get used to learning and gradually immerse them in educational environment. These “little high school students” do not have problems with discipline, homework, or attending classes at school.

The earliest option preschool education are a nursery-kindergarten. This institution provides care for babies aged two months and older. In the nursery there is a special daily routine, and there are also developmental activities. A child who attends a nursery must have basic skills appropriate to his age.

School educational institutions

IN modern Russia exist different shapes, types of educational institutions:

  • initial comprehensive school;
  • basic school;
  • complete (secondary) school;
  • institutions with in-depth study individual items;
  • shift (evening) school;
  • gymnasium;
  • education Center;
  • cadet schools;
  • ITU (institutions at correctional labor institutions).

Educational institutions for children of primary school age operate on the basis of a specially developed program. The purpose of such institutions is to create optimal conditions for development harmonious personality students.

Schools are the main types of educational institutions in Russia, strengthening physical and mental health children. Primary ones are intended for children from three to ten years old. Such an educational institution involves teaching staff, parents (or legal representatives) and the students themselves.

Between preschool institutions and at the initial stage of education there is continuity in the physical, artistic, aesthetic, and intellectual directions. It is at the very beginning of education that it is important to develop in children curiosity, communication, cognitive ability. For similar purposes, federal state standards of the second generation have been introduced. According to them, a graduate of the 4th grade (primary stage of education) must have his own civic position, be a patriot of his country, and take care of traditions, nature, and family values. Junior schoolchildren must acquire skills independent thinking, represent the integrity of the picture of the world.

There is also a second level of education in schools – general nine-year education. There are already other types and types of educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums. The first involve in-depth training in one or more subjects. In the Russian Federation, gymnasiums are often interconnected with higher vocational education, in such educational institutions teachers from academies and universities work.

Children from the fifth grade are involved in project and research activities, conduct experiments in research laboratories. In addition to classical educational programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, lyceums implement additional specialized training. Gymnasium students develop hard work, respect for the older generation, and love for native language, rights and freedoms of the individual. Graduates of these elite institutions easily adapt to modern society, enter prestigious universities, find their professional and life path faster.

The goal of any state educational institution is the formation full personality based on mastering the minimum according to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard. All main types of educational institutions operating in Russia are free and available to citizens of our country aged 7 to 17 years.

If there is a request from parents, special groups are opened in schools extended day. Under the supervision of experienced mentors, schoolchildren do homework, visit exhibitions in museums, and have lunch in the cafeteria. In addition, with appropriate approval in the OS, you can open special classes compensatory training.

Levels of general education

Depending on the level of educational programs chosen at the educational institution, three stages of training are expected:

General primary education is aimed at students mastering numeracy, the basics of reading, writing, mastering theoretical thinking, elements of self-control, basic hygiene, skills in project and research activities.

It is this stage that is the base, the foundation for the formation and development of personality and social self-determination.

Secondary (complete) education presupposes the development creativity schoolchildren on the basis of individual and differentiated approach to every child. Besides compulsory subjects students themselves have the right to choose elective and elective courses in order to correctly decide on a future profession.

Taking into account the requests of parents, specialized and basic classes can be introduced at the senior level of education. Programs used on at this stage, are created and implemented on the basis of second generation educational state standards. Elective and elective courses are also taught according to special programs, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

In all types of public educational institutions, students have free use of library, information resources, freely participate in the work of the educational institution, attend sports sections, and study in the computer class.

Replaceable (evening) op amps

In such educational institutions, Russian citizens, regardless of age, have the right to receive secondary (general) and basic general education. It is here that the basis for further self-development is created, conscious choice future profession, is formed cultural personality. Such op-amps have two stages:

5 years for general basic education;

3 years for general (secondary) education

Boarding school

This type of educational institution is created primarily to help educate talented and gifted children. Among the principles used in educational process, highlight the following: humanism, democracy, universal human values, autonomy, secular option of education. Such schools can be of several types: lyceum-gymnasiums, boarding schools. To enroll a child in such an institution, parents (legal representatives) write an application for admission. In exceptional cases, a child becomes a student at a boarding school by decision of municipal authorities or guardianship authorities. In boarding schools created for the development of talented Russian schoolchildren, a certain direction of activity is selected: physical, musical, intellectual.


For orphans in the Russian Federation, there are such types of educational institutions as orphanages and boarding schools. The main task of such institutions is to create favorable conditions for mental, physical, emotional development child's personality. The state bears all material costs associated with food, accommodation, education of orphans and children left without parental care.


In the Russian Federation on this moment There are different types of educational institutions. Despite the serious differences in the educational programs used and areas of work, they are all aimed at the formation of a harmonious personality of the child.

Education is an integral process of human development, without which the existence of modern society would be impossible. After all, in order to be a useful government unit, you definitely need to learn something. This is precisely why preschool and educational institutions, as well as institutions vocational education. In the article we'll talk about general educational institutions - their types, types and features.


When considering this topic, you first need to understand what an educational institution is. This special establishment, where it is carried out pedagogical process, where programs for the education, upbringing and development of children are implemented. In turn, there is a whole list of educational institutions, which are divided by type.

  • Preschool. Here, depending on the type, the age of children ranges from 1 to 7 years.
  • General educational institutions
  • Vocational education institutions that provide specific, narrowly focused knowledge and receive appropriate qualifications.
  • Correctional institutions where children classified as students with special educational needs are admitted.
  • Institutions for orphans or children equivalent to them. These are orphanages where children not only study, but also live.
  • Institutions additional education children and separately adults (postgraduate education).


The first educational institutions that children attend are preschools. General education institutions will be the next step. Most kindergartens accept children from two years old. In addition to education, which is free, the kindergarten provides supervision and care for children, since they spend almost the whole day within the walls of the institution. This service is paid for by parents, but not in full. 80% of the costs are borne by the municipality, and parents pay for the remaining 20%.

The gradation of groups in kindergartens is carried out according to two criteria - age and orientation. The classification takes into account the age of the child at the beginning school year(September 1) and includes groups for children 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old.

The focus of the group is determined by the student population, according to which educational programs are selected. Thus, they distinguish:

  • general development groups;
  • groups of combined orientation;
  • groups of compensating orientation.

About educational institutions

Children attend general education institutions for the longest time - from 7 to 18 years. If a teenager chooses an institution of primary or secondary vocational education for further education, then he graduates from school at the age of 16.

Types of educational institutions

Elementary School. These are the first four grades of a child's education. Children enter 1st grade based on the results of certain tests that determine their level of readiness for school. the main task teachers are here not only to give children knowledge, but also to teach them how to learn, to instill an interest in science.

High school. You could say that this is intermediate between elementary and high schools. Occupies the period from 5th to 9th grade, the age of students ranges from 9-10 to 14-15 years. After the end of this period, those interested can enter either high school, or to vocational education institutions (primary or secondary).

High school. Children study in grades 10-11, aged from 15 to 17 years. Here there is a more in-depth study of sciences and preparation for entering universities. Upon completion, students receive a certificate of secondary general education. For some types of activities this is already enough.

Special education

There are also correctional or special educational institutions. Who are they for? Children who have some developmental problems are identified there, or limited opportunities health. However, it should be noted that the modern education system offers an alternative option - inclusive education for the successful socialization of such children. Although in practice everything does not always work out as perfectly as in theory. Another alternative option for such guys is distance learning. However, here too problems arise with the further introduction of children into society.

Money issues

Having understood what an educational institution is (secondary school, junior and children's schools), it should be noted that such institutions may also differ in the type of financing. There are these types:

  • State or municipal schools, which are completely free.
  • Private schools where parents pay a certain fee for their children's education.

The only question here is the payment for the learning process itself. Parental money for improving the material and technical base of a class or school does not belong to this section at all.

Gymnasiums, lyceums

State educational institutions may also be called lyceums or gymnasiums. Essentially this is regular schools. And after graduation, the child receives the same certificate of secondary education. However, what makes them special is that they offer a more detailed study of certain subjects. Sometimes such educational institutions cooperate with universities, preparing future students to study there.

Evening schools

When considering educational institutions, you also need to understand what evening schools. The practice of their work today is not as active as in the times Soviet Union, however, they still exist and function perfectly. Who are they intended for? In our country, the average is complete general education is mandatory. Unlike the highest. Thus, without a certificate of completed secondary education, an employer cannot provide an employee with good place. If on time, in adolescence, for some reason it was not possible to finish school, later the person may be sent to complete his evening studies. The name speaks for itself. People come here after finishing their working day. After studying at an evening school, a person receives a certificate of secondary general education.