Speech accuracy. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

A beautiful, correctly constructed speech will convince any interlocutor and will always help to convey to the listener the information you need. Therefore, the art of speaking beautifully is always highly valued. Since the times of Ancient Greece, any heights have been conquered with the help of words. One of the components of proper speech is accuracy of speech.

When constructing your speech to the public, you must take into account all the nuances, including choosing each word correctly and competently. After all, a correctly written speech will not only be correctly understood, but will also convince your interlocutor.

Accuracy of speech requires that the speaker clearly understands what he is talking about. It also reassures that the facts being reproduced are true. Also, the accuracy of speech indicates the correspondence of the words used to their lexical meaning. Therefore, when writing a text, it is necessary to be extremely careful in the use of this or that word, because this can change the meaning of a sentence or even the entire speech.

One of the main reasons that cause inaccuracy is ignorance of the facts being reproduced or negligence in relation to them. Also, the inaccuracy of speech can be affected by a confusion of concepts, when a word can be perceived in several meanings, but the speaker has chosen an option that is inappropriate to the general topic.

It could also be due to an incorrectly chosen synonym. In this case, a person should expand his lexicon to select correctly necessary words. An oversight would be the use of a homonym or a word that has several meanings.

Accuracy of speech requires correct construction sentences, or rather, the correct word order. You should clearly differentiate for yourself in which situations which words can be used.

Inextricably linked with accuracy and clarity of speech. If we talk about accuracy, then it primarily concerns the speaker, because it is he who writes the text, which he later reproduces, and as for clarity, it is, first of all, assessed by the listener.

One reason for the ambiguity is negligence. Since the narrator does not attach meaning to the words he uses, therefore one word may be replaced by another, without taking into account its lexical meaning.

Inaccuracy often characterizes not only speech, but also the author himself. In this case, we can conclude that the author is an inattentive and sometimes uncultured person. But it must be taken into account that in some cases a lexical error is made on purpose in order to smooth out the negative meaning of the statement. For example, it is better to say “accepted a gift” rather than “took a bribe”, “showed imagination” rather than “lied.” Smoothing out crude expressions is called euphemism.

The speaker must know the meaning of all the words he uses. He must clearly understand what he is talking about. Do not abuse concepts and terms. After all, the use large quantity words does not always mean their correctness and semantic load. Sometimes one word can say much more than a few sentences.

The appropriateness of speech plays an important role in speaking. After all, not every text can be used by a wide range of people. Each performance should be planned according to the audience before which it will be given.

It should be borne in mind that the word has always played and continues to play an important role in human life. After all, it is precisely this that can radically change your mood, life position and even destiny. Inaccuracy of speech, its inappropriateness or clarity does not characterize the speaker in the best way. After all, a person who speaks competently can achieve many times more than someone who does not master such art.

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Especially important the accuracy of manufacturing parts is for mating surfaces during assembly operations, subject to interchangeability.

Of particular importance is the determination of average values ​​of the permeability coefficient based on field data, i.e. based on measurements of well production, pressure in them and their changes over time.

Particularly important thermal analysis has for the study of metal alloys.

Of particular importance when establishing labor standards is taking into account such dynamic characteristics of work activity as efficiency, fatigue, and monotony.

Particularly important is the increase in inventory turnover when the company has high level accounts payable and claims arise from creditors. To calculate this coefficient, we do not take the cost of sales, which includes distribution costs (trade margin), but the cost of products sold, since it is estimated at wholesale prices and more accurately reflects the cost of inventory items sold during the reporting year. This indicator is usually analyzed over time. If the calculated ratio significantly exceeds the industry average, the reasons should be immediately analyzed, which may include insufficient inventory, which could lead to a decrease in sales finished products, as well as a cash shortage.

Of particular importance is further theoretical development of the issues of unsteady movement of oil, gas and water in sands, sandstones and carbonate rocks, taking into account changes in the properties of mixtures under reservoir conditions.

Scheme of crossing turns of a simple screw winding.

The issue of winding insulation is of particular importance, since they often experience significant overvoltages, for which the windings must have the necessary electrical strength. This issue is discussed in detail below in the chapter on overvoltages.

Of particular importance is the correctness and thoroughness of threading the machine when twisting pre-twisted cores, when the pitch of twisting of the cores must exactly coincide with the pitch of the overall twisting of these cores.

Of particular importance in alloys with mutually limited solubility of the components is its decrease with decreasing temperature. The saturation limits of solid solutions a and 3 change depending on the temperature along the DF and EG curves - Therefore, when the temperature of the alloys decreases, the crystals of the % t solid solution are separated along the DF curve, and the crystals of the lt solid solution are separated along the EG curve. This process occurs in the solid state of the alloys and is therefore called secondary crystallization, in contrast to primary crystallization, which occurs when the alloy solidifies.

The work performed by the Hero is of particular importance Socialist Labor acad.

Particularly important for obtaining surface High Quality when turning, it has cutting speed, feed, entering angles and the radius of curvature of the tip of the cutter. The smaller the feed and the leading angle and the larger the radius of curvature of the apex, the cleaner the machined surface is. Cutting speed greatly affects surface finish. When turning steel at a cutting speed of more than 100 m/min, the machined surface is cleaner than at a speed of 25 - 30 m/min.

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Sentences containing the phrase "important"

  • Very important meaning they attached to the patient’s attitude towards his mental disorders.
  • In those exceptional conditions important meaning was given to explaining to the people the meaning of the food campaign.
  • Thus, important meaning has both the enterprise itself and the consumer of the enterprise’s products.
  • I think it’s hardly worth talking about what important meaning had this intelligence information when planning further military operations.
  • In Zhukovsky's life it had important meaning .
  • Such an examination was then very important meaning .
  • Furter proposed to secure this line, which has important meaning to deliver reinforcements.
  • All this adds to the celebration of Lobachevsky’s anniversary important meaning in the history of education in Russia.
  • Important meaning This event was felt not only by Mrs. Byron, but also by her little son.
  • Important meaning for its development was the expansion of new political and intellectual ideas that came to Ukraine from the West.
  • They took longer to build than conventional cargo ships, and they had vital important meaning for the British Isles.
  • Von Plehwe’s beliefs were also reformist on the labor issue, which gradually became more and more important meaning .
  • No less important meaning There is also correspondence of the composer, first published by Mr. Stasov at the same time and under the same general title.
  • The reader knows what important meaning have countries Arabian Peninsula in the British Empire system.
  • Splits within a class and clashes between separate subgroups occur and can even occur historically. important meaning .
  • Comparison of these versions with each other, as well as their comparison with archival information, has important meaning .
  • But especially important meaning had his research in the field of mollusks.
  • Rumyantsev was the first to recognize and proclaim important meaning Polish question.
  • Important meaning there was a consistent Hellenization of the country, which was carried out by the kings starting with Alexander I.
  • The cruel 16th century, this not at all humane century of humanism, has in highest degree important meaning in the history of the development of modern civilization.
  • Witness Shtengel heard a conversation in “you”, and this “you” has important meaning .
  • The study of planetary movements has important meaning .
  • In particular, they took it unexpectedly important meaning messages from Warsaw.
  • German victory submarine fleet had exclusively important meaning .
  • It was akin to the military sphere by the discipline and order that prevailed in military environment and to whom he attached especially important meaning .
  • Food has important meaning for a submariner.
  • But besides this heartfelt affection, the meeting with Madeleine Bejart had something else for Poquelin, more important meaning .
  • It had important meaning for the widespread introduction of welding technology into industrial production.
  • But most important meaning there was a transformation of ep.
  • Personal knowledge of these matters and problems, it seems, also has important meaning .
  • The Sinai Company did not bring new territories to Israel, but it had important meaning .
  • Both of them had this important meaning in Euler's life that it is impossible not to say a few words about them.
  • The attack on Kursk is given exclusively important meaning .
  • In it, the author for the first time described the features and properties of one curved line, which has extremely important meaning in geometry and physics.
  • Redkin, in addition, at that time had very important meaning and from the point of view of general university education.
  • But even in a purely technical sense, these early drawings by Leonardo have important meaning .
  • Below we will see what important meaning he attached to the natural sciences.
  • The next day, Saturday morning, a meeting of the Duma “Senior Convention” was scheduled, which was given important meaning .
  • The fleet's actions had important meaning , since the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front were preparing to defeat the enemy's Koenigsberg group.
  • The islands of Somero and Narvi have important meaning for Finnish shipping, but are of no military interest to the Soviet Union.
  • It was the most important, and most important remains so even after decades.
  • Of course, his basic idea led him to many results that have important practical meaning.
  • And this meant that my studies had important defense meaning(just think about it!).
  • The order to dismiss the case states that he performed a “special task” that had important state meaning».
  • It has important political, military and economic meaning.
  • Cleruchia were observation posts, support and protection of Athenian power and, in addition, had important trade meaning.
  • We draw the reader's special attention to the above letter: this is a document that has important biographical meaning.
  • The construction of the cathedral with a grandiose arched colonnade had important city-forming meaning.
  • The city had important strategic and political meaning, which was determined by profitable geographical location and troops.
  • It is no coincidence that the title of hetman was acquired by important political meaning precisely under Sagaidachny.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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§ 1. Accuracy has long been recognized as one of the main advantages of speech. Already in ancient manuals on eloquence, the first and main requirement for speech was the requirement of clarity. The content that ancient theorists put into this concept is in many ways similar to the modern concept of accuracy.

Aristotle believed that if speech is unclear, it does not achieve its goal. “The dignity of a syllable is to be clear and not low.” Since antiquity, the awareness of the connection between the ability to speak and write well and the ability to think correctly begins: only the presentation of a clear (for the author) thought can be clear and accurate. “He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly,” says famous aphorism. Cicero believed that words “...represent, as it were, the exact names of concepts that arose almost simultaneously with the concepts themselves...”, in the words “a certain selection must be made.”

Representatives of Russian literature later saw the same connection between language and thinking as a basis for creating accurate speech. V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The word reflects the thought: if the thought is incomprehensible, the word is also incomprehensible.” “...What a person feels and understands, he will express; People lack words only when they express something that they themselves do not understand well. A person expresses himself clearly when he is in possession of a thought, but even more clearly when he is in possession of a thought...” N.G. Chernyshevsky writes about the same thing: “What you clearly imagine, you will express unclearly; inaccuracy and confusion of expressions only indicate confusion of thoughts...” According to the deep conviction of A. S. Pushkin, both the language of science and the language of fiction must first of all be accurate. “Precision and brevity are the first virtues of prose. It requires thought and thought, without which brilliant expressions serve no purpose.” With his artistic practice, editorial work, and his statements about language, A. S. Pushkin contributed to the development of accurate artistic speech and accurate imagery. L. N. Tolstoy was an active and militant fighter for the accuracy of verbal expression: “If I were a king, I would make a law that a writer who uses a word whose meaning he cannot explain is deprived of the right to write and receives a hundred blows of the rod.” .

Soviet literature took the best traditions classical literature in the struggle for the purity, richness and accuracy of the Russian language. Founder Soviet literature, great writer and public figure M. Gorky attached great importance to speech culture: “The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for the sharpness of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper this weapon, the more accurately directed, the more victorious it is.”

Social significance speech culture, precise verbal communication was deeply realized by such writers as A. N. Tolstoy, A. T. Tvardovsky, K. G. Paustovsky, K. I. Chukovsky and others. In their works of art, in articles and letters, in Popular scientific works on language and speech culture, they became active defenders and propagandists of the precise word.

Accuracy as a quality of speech has always been associated with the ability to think clearly, with knowledge of the subject of speech (subject-material reality), with knowledge of the meanings of words.

§ 2. Linguistics must determine the linguistic conditions for the creation of accuracy and the main reasons for its violation, develop and formalize the corresponding scientific concept and the non-terminological expression “accuracy of speech” linguistic term. For now, unfortunately, we have to admit that, despite the constant mention of accuracy as the most important quality of good speech, this concept, even in linguistic works, is used, as a rule, non-terminologically.

In existing practical guides on stylistics and speech culture, as well as in theoretical works it is, as a rule, not defined. Usually some recommendations are given on the use of lexical means of the language, typical mistakes, violations of norms of word use and it is said that this leads to a violation of the accuracy of speech.

What is accuracy as a communicative quality of good speech?

Let us remember first of all that the communicative qualities of speech are the real properties of its content or formal side. It is the system of these properties that determines the degree of communicative perfection of speech.

Accuracy, as one of the communicative qualities, characterizes speech in terms of its content. The characteristics “accurate” and “inaccurate” are a tool for assessing the content of speech, and not its form. Evaluation always presupposes the presence of certain criteria. On what basis do we evaluate some speech structures as accurate and others as inaccurate? This book has already talked about the relationship between speech and text, as well as the need to distinguish between the meaning of the text and the semantics of linguistic (speech) units. Any verbal work (text) expresses a certain content and meaning. The meaning is specific, often deeply personal, situationally determined. This meaning is formed and expressed using a common semantics that is common to all. linguistic units(primarily words), which makes the meaning of the text (the creation of individual consciousness) accessible to perception by another consciousness (listener, reader). So, for example, the poem “Sail” is a text that embodies specific artistic content, an expression of the poetic consciousness of M. Yu. Lermontov. This content is analyzed by literary scholars. Without pretending to be accurate or complete, it can be defined as a poetic reflection on a lonely, restless soul, rejecting peace and yearning for a difficult, stormy, passion-filled, full-blooded life. This content is formed and expressed by speech, i.e., a sequence of language units organized in a certain way. Moreover, in this text the meaning is not expressed directly by speech semantics - you still need to be able to read it: only the participation of the perceiving consciousness will make it possible to see human feelings and relationships behind the picture of the sea with a lonely sail - in other words, to perceive the meaning of the text on the basis of speech semantics.

The nature of the relationship between the semantics of speech and the meaning of the text is assessed by our consciousness when we talk about the accuracy (inaccuracy) of speech. We evaluate how (good, bad, complete, incomplete, unambiguous or ambiguous) the semantics of speech units in their interaction expresses (for the author of the speech) and allows the recipient to perceive certain information about reality.

Reality, influencing a person’s consciousness, is not only an impulse for a speech act (in order to speak, a subject of speech is needed) - reflected by consciousness, it becomes the communicative content of a speech work (the meaning of the text). That is why the basis for the formation and awareness of accuracy as special properties speech is the connection between speech and reality. But reality in the content of a verbal work appears as cognized, reflected by thinking, which means that the accuracy of speech is formed and realized on the basis of the connection between speech and thinking.

These connections (speech - reality and speech - thinking) exist as determining the accuracy (inaccuracy) of speech for both the author and the addressee of the speech. But they exist in different ways.

The speaker (writer) strives to verbally designate the perceived situation, phenomenon, i.e., to create such a sequence of linguistic units (in terms of the composition of components and their organization), the semantics of which will correspond to the designated reality. It is clear that the nature and degree of this correspondence will be largely determined at the stage of cognition itself - the first step of the communicative circle.

If, for example, cognition is carried out in violation of the laws of correct thinking and, as a result, a certain object is reflected in the consciousness of the subject not quite adequately to reality, then the subsequent message about it, if it takes place, cannot be accurate. But correct knowledge, adequate to reality, does not in itself ensure the accuracy of the speech message. IN speech act what was previously known by the subject is processed into information for others. There is a communicative transformation of existing knowledge and information, a transition is made from knowledge for oneself to its design as a message for the addressee of the speech. The speaker, relying on knowledge of the language system, creates from language units and according to its laws organized sequences of these units - speech - as a sign model of reality - the second and third steps of the communicative circle. When creating speech, the speaker certainly faces a choice: he must determine the composition of the components of speech and the nature of their organization, for example, choosing a synonym from synonymous series, choice of syntactic structures, choice of the desired word arrangement, etc. Component composition and the organization of each speech work is determined by many factors: the nature of the transmitted information (and therefore the object of speech), and the purpose of the message, and the characteristics of the communicative situation, and orientation towards the addressee of the speech, and, of course, the degree of proficiency of the speaker in the language system. In a specific act of communication, one must be able to correlate existing knowledge of the subject of speech with knowledge of the language and its capabilities. There may be a communication gap between “knowing for oneself” and “communicating for others.” It is often discovered by the speaker himself, who can evaluate the semantics of the speech he creates as not adequate to his own understanding the described object. A. Fet’s famous exclamation “Oh, if only it were possible to speak with one’s soul without a word” and Tyutchev’s “A spoken thought is a lie” reflect just such a bitter feeling of inadequacy for an artist of words expressed that what I wanted to express. Of course, these complaints of poets are explained not only by the extremely high demands on accuracy of expression, but also by the special development and sophistication of poetic thought and lyrical feeling. But such a feeling of dissatisfaction with what was said is familiar to every speaker. How often do we find the right words and successful forms of expression after our speech has been delivered!

So, the speaker, when creating speech, correlates its semantics with reality, checking whether reality is not distorted, whether the semantics of the speech allows the addressee to perceive it as the speaker intends.

The recipient of speech goes the opposite way: he is given a speech work (text). Given primarily as an organized sequence of language units

(speech). Based on his knowledge of the language, the addressee deciphers speech as a symbolic model of reality, moving from the semantics of speech to the meaning of the text. The meaning of the text, in turn, he correlates with reality, relying on his experience and knowledge. Correlates through the system of concepts about reality that exists in his consciousness. The perception of the meaning of a text through the verbal semantics given in experience is the understanding of the text. Perception is no less complex creative process than the expression of meaning by the author of the speech. The meaning of the text is not conveyed, but is excited and expressed by the semantics of speech. Therefore, the assessment of the same verbal work from the point of view of speech accuracy (inaccuracy) may be different for the author and the addressee of the speech, as well as in different communicative situations.

All of the above allows us to define the accuracy of speech as one of its communicative qualities, formed on the basis of the connection of speech with reality and thinking and realized through the correlation of the semantics of speech (and the semantics of its linguistic components) with the information expressed and formed by speech.

The connections between speech and reality, on the one hand, and thinking, on the other, as the basis for the formation (and awareness) of speech accuracy, make it possible to distinguish between two types of accuracy - objective and conceptual.

Subject accuracy is based on the connection between speech and reality and consists in the correspondence of the content of speech to the range of objects and phenomena of reality that are reflected by speech. And for this, a person must know well what he is talking about. The subject of speech must be known deeply - in its essential properties and in its various manifestations. Speech inaccuracies caused by ignorance or half-knowledge of the subject of speech (or simply carelessness, inattention) are especially unpleasant and unforgivable, and yet they are not so rare even in works of fiction.

One of the characters in Yu. Semenov’s novel “Burning”, “after (his. - G. G.) revolver was stolen during a rally, he now carried two... filled his pockets with bullets.”

“Is it really possible that a person who is ready for armed defense will carry bullets separately, shell casings separately, gunpowder separately... Apparently, pockets are still

he was filled not with bullets, but with cartridges,” one of the readers is rightly perplexed (“LG”. 1977. No. 24).

Under the motto “Accuracy is the politeness of a writer,” a correspondence reading conference was held (“LG.” 1977. No. 8). Readers rightly believe that one cannot ignore obvious errors and ambiguities due to the negligence of the author and the undemandingness of the editor. “Even such a master as Vasily Belov, who usually checks every detail, every stroke in his works, can say in the story “Chok-Polchok”, for example: “There are seven cartridges in the Browning drum,” - as if without knowing that There is no drum in the Browning. Equally... inaccurate is the young prose writer V. Kondrashov, who describes in the story “Red-haired - not red-haired” how “car mechanics... tap with a hammer on cast-iron wheels. But the wheels of the cars, fortunately for passengers, are made of steel,” writes a reader from Moscow (“LG.” 1977. No. 5).

So, “accuracy is the politeness of the writer.” This is undoubtedly true. After all, one inaccurate detail can spoil a work of art, destroy or significantly reduce the aesthetic impression of it. An inaccuracy noticed by the reader undermines confidence in the writer, while the sense of authenticity of what is described is lost, and that analogue of reality (second reality) that is created in work of art. But the lack of objective accuracy, as a result of ignorance or half-knowledge of the object of speech, interferes with communication not only in fiction. Shouldn’t a teacher explaining a lesson, a journalist publishing an article or essay, a scientist in his work have to be extremely precise? And adults who answer countless children’s “whys” - shouldn’t they be accurate and, while expanding the child’s ideas about the world, not give him erroneous, incorrect information about reality? And this requires knowledge. This means that one of the first commandments of a person striving to be precise in his speech (and ideally every speaker should strive for this) is “Know well what you are talking about!”

Conceptual accuracy is determined by the connection between speech and thinking and exists as a correspondence between the semantics of the components of speech and the content and scope of the concepts they express. This is exactly what L.N. Tolstoy spoke about: “A word is an expression of thought... and therefore the word must correspond to what it expresses”; “The only means of mental communication between people is the word, and in order for this communication to be possible, it is necessary to use words in such a way that with each word the corresponding and precise concepts are undoubtedly evoked in everyone.”

It was precisely conceptual precision that N.A. Nekrasov strived for when he complained to Tolstoy: “I feel sorry for my thought, I captured it so poorly in words. I want to tear it apart - I feel sadness, which you probably know - I want to say it, but it doesn’t affect me. What do you do in this case? Are you quitting your job or are you boring and torturing yourself? Sometimes I was unforgiving to myself and spent nights writing five lines. From that time I gained the conviction that there is no thought that a person could not bring himself to express clearly and convincingly for another, and I am always annoyed when I come across the phrase “there are no words to express,” etc. Nonsense! The word is always there, but our mind is lazy...” These difficulties give rise to doubts among poets about the harmony of thought and speech, about the possibility of finding an adequate verbal embodiment for each thought. But this doubt is a kind of poetic exaggeration. The nature of the relationship between language and thinking, their dialectical unity and interaction leave no room for such doubts. Any thought that is clear to the subject of speech can be expressed accurately and clearly to the perceiver. But this correspondence is not easily achieved. It is no coincidence that N. A. Nekrasov derived the confidence that “there is no thought that a person could not force himself to express clearly and convincingly for another” from the time when he “was unforgiving to himself and sat through the night writing five lines.” . Only hard work, constant mental work, and attention to the semantic side of speech will give good results. The ability to accurately and clearly express any thought is given only to those who know the subtleties of the capabilities of their language, who constantly develops and improves this knowledge.

Conceptual and objective accuracy are interconnected and interdependent in the same way as an object and the concept of it are connected. Speech as a holistic formation has not just a sum, but precisely a system of communicative qualities: communicative properties speeches interact and are interdependent.

Let us determine the main connections of accuracy in the system of speech qualities.

First of all, about the relationship between accuracy and correctness. It has already been said above that correctness is the main communicative quality, because, first of all, the correctness of speech ensures its mutual intelligibility, its unity. Correctness, defining (through relationship with language) structural organization speech - the composition of components (selection), their repetition, placement, combination and transformation - turns out to be a structural prerequisite for accuracy. Correct speech usually better forms and expresses information about reality. Incorrect speech can either make it difficult to understand the text, or, in the case of serious violations in the structure, even generate incorrect information about reality, i.e., be inaccurate. So, incorrectness (not communicatively conditioned) gives rise to inaccuracy. But the degree of accuracy correct speech may be different and depends on the action of expediency as a regulator of speech behavior.

Expediency can make even a violation of correctness communicatively justified, and then incorrectness as a conscious deviation from the norm becomes a condition for expressiveness and accuracy.

Accuracy, structurally determined by correctness, is itself the basis for the formation of such qualities of speech as accessibility, effectiveness, and appropriateness. Correct speech better forms and expresses the content, and therefore is accessible and, therefore, effective. If the nature and degree of speech accuracy correspond to the situation and the conditions of communication, speech is perceived as appropriate.

§ 3. Let us formulate the basic conditions that contribute to the creation of accurate speech. These conditions can be extralinguistic and structural, i.e. actually linguistic.

The first condition is knowledge of the subject of speech. This is extra linguistic condition, if we keep in mind the level of direct communication - speech itself. After all, we receive knowledge of the subject of speech before (and often long before) the moment of speech. But this same condition also turns into a linguistic side, if we remember the unity of language and consciousness, that cognition itself is carried out in language forms. The language system is a powerful tool of cognition. With the development of speech, with a deeper and more detailed assimilation of the language system, a person’s cognitive ability also improves. Activation, improvement cognitive ability ultimately will help to avoid factual inaccuracies in speech caused by a superficial, shallow knowledge of reality.

The second condition is knowledge language system. This is a strictly linguistic condition. With regard to ACCURACY, THIS IS, first of all, knowledge of the system of LANGUAGE meanings.

The third condition is strong speech skills that will allow the speaker to easily correlate knowledge of the subject with knowledge of the language system and its capabilities in a specific act of communication.

What are the specific linguistic means that contribute to the production of accurate speech? From the point of view of accuracy, we evaluate speech by correlating its semantics with the meaning of the text. And speech semantics is formed by the interaction of all units included in the structure of speech.

When creating speech, we freely reproduce only words. Phonemes within morphemes and morphemes within a word are reproduced in a connected manner. Syntactic units are reproduced only as diagrams, models of construction, receiving various lexical content in speech. The word, thanks to its free reproducibility (and therefore free, separate correlation with an object, concept), is precisely chosen by the speaker. That is why the role of word usage is especially important in the formation of speech semantics (and therefore speech accuracy). But the word enters speech both in its specific sound, and in the morphemic structure, and in the morphological form, and in the lexical meaning. A word, having combinatory (syntagmatic) properties, to a certain extent specifies its “partners” along the speech chain. Consequently, all these properties of the word (lexical, phonetic, morphemic, morphological, syntagmatic) determine the general semantics of speech and thus

participate in creating accuracy. The choice of a word can be motivated not only by its lexical meaning, but also by its other properties. Replacing the line “Winter!.. The man is no longer grieving...” with the well-known “Winter!.. The peasant is triumphant...”, A. S. Pushkin did not correct the incorrectness, but moved towards greater accuracy of expression. Verbal substitutions here are motivated primarily by lexical meanings. Triumphant - more precisely, than not grieving (autumn anxiety, melancholy with the arrival of winter did not just disappear - they were replaced by emotional uplift and joy). The word peasant removes the possible disapproving assessment associated with the word muzhik.

However, this state of joyful elation in connection with the arrival of winter is expressed in the second edition not only at the lexical, but also at the sound level (cf. the distinct cacophony of the first version and the solemn sonority of the second). As a result, artistic precision has been achieved as the highest manifestation of speech precision.

Lexical meanings play a major role in the formation of speech semantics. Accurate word usage is ensured primarily by knowledge of the system of lexical meanings.

The synonymous capabilities of the language allow you to choose correctly the right word from the synonymous series and thereby achieve accuracy of expression, strict correspondence of speech to the conveyed content. L.N. Tolstoy spoke of the skill of a writer as the ability to “place” the only possible words. This, of course, perfect case. This is the credo of an artist of words, and one who is also unusually demanding of language, of the verbal fabric of a work. But even in non-fiction speech, in everyday, business, and industrial communication, one should not forget that one cannot take the first word that comes across, which only approximately denotes the subject of the conversation.

A true artist of words can almost always explain with conviction and motivation the use of every word that is significant in a given context. N. A. Nekrasov in the poem “Uncompressed Strip” used the word village in the meaning of ‘a flock of migratory birds’. Explaining to his opponent, who did not know this meaning of the word stanitsa, the choice of this particular word, the poet wrote: “... I used the word “stanitsa” because since childhood I heard it among the people, by the way, in this sense: birds fly in stanitsa; The village of sparrows flew over, etc. ... That the word is used in other senses, it does not follow that in this case it was used inaccurately. Words: group, party, even flock, which could replace him in “ Uncompressed strip", in addition to its prosaic nature, would be less accurate, depriving the expression of the shade that characterizes the migratory bird (which is discussed in the poem), camping from time to time in convenient places for rest and food."

A. S. Pushkin’s drafts provide examples of work on words, revealing, in particular, a search of synonymous options in search of the most accurate and expressive. In a couplet from “Eugene Onegin”:

There, the caustic Shakhovskaya brought out His comedies with a motley swarm... -

The epithet kolky was not immediately found. In the drafts he is preceded by two others - the tireless Shakhovskoy and the sharp Shakhovskoy. The definition of tireless was rejected, apparently because it only noted the fertility of this playwright, and this trait of his was already expressed in the second verse: “a motley swarm of comedies.” It turned out that the word tireless is redundant; it adds nothing to the characterization. And the verse should not contain unnecessary, random words. The epithet acute appears. He already characterizes Shakhovsky as a playwright of a satirical orientation. But this characterization seemed inaccurate to Pushkin. Shakhovskoy was not truly sharp in his comedies. And then the word was found - caustic. This epithet is unusually accurate - it speaks of the satirical orientation of Shakhovsky’s comedies and at the same time of the insufficient depth of this satire - his comedies are only “prickly”, but not “sharp”.

We read about working on a word, and in particular about the search for an exact synonym, in V. Mayakovsky’s work “How to Make Poems?”

The exact choice of a synonym from a synonymous series is a condition that is essential not only for artistic speech. An unsuccessful synonym can ruin any speech.

Here is an example of an unsuccessful synonym in an excerpt from a scientific article:

“Over the past few years, general experimental methods for determining reaction rates in homogeneous systems have been repeatedly described in various distinguished monographs.”

The word outstanding is used here poorly. It gives too highly appreciated a phenomenon that apparently does not correspond to reality and diverges from the meaning of the adjacent adjective various.

“Over the past few years, a number of studies have been carried out on the physicochemical characteristics of isoxazolium derivatives” (should have been written).

“In the end I would like to wish everyone successful completion exams this session” (should have been written in conclusion).

Correct use of words presupposes, secondly, the author’s ability to avoid speech inaccuracies that may arise as a result of the speaker using a word (or words) that only approximately, loosely, and inaccurately designates the subject of thought. This happens most often due to negligence and inattention to the form of expression. Errors of this kind are especially dangerous because they are not always easy to notice. Such suboptimal use of words may not distort the expressed thought or lead to a comic effect, but it will certainly make the thought unclear, lax, and inaccurate. That is why, from the point of view of genuine speech culture, the fight against such inaccuracies is especially relevant.

Here are examples of inaccurate word usage.

“That is why the issue of academic performance in the first year should be given the main attention” (more precisely, it would be special attention).

“Everyone who becomes a polytechnic should feel responsible for the glorious past of the institute.” The glorious past of the institute should be proud and there should be a sense of responsibility towards the present so that it lives up to the glorious traditions of the past.

Thirdly, correct use of words presupposes knowledge and a clear distinction between polysemy. The meanings of a polysemantic word are realized in different contexts, in different compatibility of the word with other words. “A word does not have one specific meaning. It is a chameleon in which not only different shades, but sometimes different colors."

In the series of word uses of a polysemantic word, there is an invariant meaning that connects these meanings into something whole, leaving them within the framework of one word. But this invariant meaning can be given specific meaning signs coming from other meanings of the word. And they can conflict with the underlying meaning. The word earth in the meaning of 'surface' and 'soil' is very far from the meaning of earth - 'planet'. Still, the soil and surface, for example, on Mars should hardly be called “earth.” This is hampered by the presence in the system of meanings of the word earth of the name of our planet, which seems to shine through in other meanings of the word.

Y. Tynyanov evaluates this use of the word earth in A. Tolstoy’s story “Aelita” as erroneous, “producing a comic impression”: “But when Los and Gusev moved towards him (the Martian - Yu. G.), he quickly jumped into the saddle. .. and immediately sat down on the ground again.”

Inattention to the polysemy of a word can lead to outright comedy:

“My family had nothing to do with art. I was born into a normal family."

The word normal is used here instead of the word ordinary, ordinary, ordinary. The inaccurately chosen word gave a comic effect because it itself is polysemantic, and if in one of the meanings it comes close to the words ordinary, ordinary, then in the other it leads to a completely different semantic plane: 1) corresponding to the norm, ordinary; 2) mentally healthy. The speaker provided a context that allowed both of these meanings, which led to the comic.

Correct word usage presupposes, fourthly, a clear distinction between homonyms. Ignorance of homonyms leads to a violation of the accuracy of word usage, ambiguity of expression, and puns. Errors of this kind are especially common in students’ oral and written speech (and this is understandable: after all, schoolchildren’s speech skills are in the process of development). A speaker or writer, when using a word, does not notice that it has a homonym.

Intensifying attention to speech and training speech skills will help reduce the likelihood of such errors. We should constantly pay attention to how we speak, removing the speech process from the usual thoughtless automatism.

Correct word usage, fifthly, requires differentiation in the use of words of the same root, close in meaning and in scope of use, but different in word-formation structure (paronyms). Such words also sound similar, which increases the danger of not distinguishing them in speech. These are words like enter and ascend, intolerant and intolerable, establish and justify, etc.

“The collection widely presented pages to those poets whose voices are just beginning to sound in the general poetic chorus” (the verb presented is used here instead of the verb provided). Errors caused by mixing paronyms are very common and occur in the speech of people who generally have a good command of the literary language. A reference dictionary will help you avoid such mistakes. Difficult cases the use of cognate words" (Moscow, 1968).

Correct word usage requires, sixthly, a good knowledge of the meanings of words of a narrow sphere of use (foreign, professional, archaic, etc.).

Development general culture, increasing the level of knowledge, turning to the dictionary in difficult cases foreign words, general attention to your speech will help you eliminate mistakes from it.

These are the basic linguistic tools and conditions that contribute to the creation of accurate speech.

Requirements for accuracy of speech vary quite markedly in different functional styles and forms of language. They increase when there is no direct contact with the addressee of the speech, as well as with direct contact, but with a wide audience. The point is that when direct communication With a specific interlocutor, correction is always possible to remove any inaccuracy that has arisen. Correction on the part of the speaker himself, who noticed an inaccuracy at the time of speech, or on the part of the listener in the form of a question, etc. Society places increased demands on official speech, that is, on business, scientific, journalistic speech. Accuracy as a mandatory quality is called when listing properties and characteristic features scientific speech. And indeed, the presentation of the system of logical reasoning that conveys the scientist’s thoughts must be accurate and clear, the description of the experiment and its results must be accurate, and scientific conclusions must be formulated accurately. Only under this condition will scientific communication be easy and effective. But are these conditions always met? Unfortunately, not always. How often can one encounter scientific speech that is careless, inaccurate, unclear, and therefore difficult to access and incomprehensible!

Soviet physicist B. M. Pontecorvo recalls the famous Fermi, whose student he was: “Once, after a seminar at which theorists, students of Oppenheimer, spoke, Fermi told Segre that he was completely depressed by his inability to understand what was being discussed, and only the latter the phrase “This is the Fermi theory of beta decay” consoled him somewhat.” How was it stated scientific theory, if even its author was unable to understand it!

Accuracy as a quality of scientific speech is closely related to the accuracy of term use. Accelerated development of science, increasing its social role and, as a result, enormous growth scientific information acutely posed problems of terminology to modern science. Science and production are constantly increasing the total volume of terminology, introducing into scientific use (and, as a rule, uncontrollably) more and more new terms and nomenclature signs, which significantly complicates scientific communication. The close attention of modern linguistics to the problems of terminology is a natural desire of science to subjugate and make manageable the element of term use. After all, linguistics is a science designed and capable of doing this. But is everything good in the terminological economy of linguistics itself? Unfortunately, no. Linguists feel an urgent need to build good definitions terms, creating harmonious terminological systems. Terms such as “sign”, “information”, “text”, “style”, “speech” do not have a generally accepted understanding, are used in different meanings, and this, of course, makes scientific communication extremely difficult.

The ambiguity of terms, as well as their conceptual uncertainty, may be a consequence of the theoretical lack of clarity of the problem, or may be explained by the coexistence different points view of one object, which is not uncommon in modern science. Of course, this complicates scientific communication (ideally, the term should be unambiguous and have a clearly defined content), but these are objective costs and losses of scientific research. Only science itself can eliminate such polysemy or uncertainty of a term, deepening and improving knowledge of the object. And from the point of view of speech culture, there can only be one recommendation: if a term is ambiguous, when using it, you should clearly determine in which meaning it is used. But in matters of term use there is also a more specific aspect of speech culture. It's no secret that in scientific works You can also encounter a direct violation of the accuracy of term use, when in one text the same term is used in different meanings, when a term is used, the substantive plan of which is not precisely defined in the work, when it is “invented” new term for a concept that already exists in science and is enshrined in a term. All this, of course, greatly interferes with the creation of truly accurate scientific speech.

Overloading the text with terms makes it difficult to understand. Good scientific speech is based on the richest possibilities of general literary speech. Good " scientific prose“is, in principle, impossible without knowledge of the norms and potentials of a common literary language. And there is no need to be afraid that the use of popular words and expressions in scientific descriptions will reduce the accuracy of scientific speech. The fact that this danger is imaginary is evidenced by the incomparable examples of scientific speech left by such Russian scientists as Sechenov, Pavlov, Fersman, Tarle, Polivanov and others. V. I. Lenin in his scientific and scientific-journalistic works superbly combined the possibilities of national speech and features of the actual scientific style of presentation. R. A. Budagov in the book “Man and His Language” cites the statement of a theoretical physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Louis de Broglie that the “style of mathematical formulas” can consolidate already acquired knowledge, but it is impossible to develop this knowledge further without the help of all the means of literary language. Strange as it may seem at first glance, “ordinary literary language is more precise in its apparent inaccuracy than the strict language of formulas.”

The concept of “accuracy” takes on special meaning in relation to artistic speech, where the accuracy criterion is complicated by many factors that arise from nature verbal art. The question of the accuracy of a word as its adequacy to the object (objective accuracy) here is far from exhausting the essence of the matter. After all, the thickness of expressive, figurative and evaluative layers is so noticeable above the subject-semantic connections that the very concept of the accuracy of a word (at the level of its connection with an object) in the context certain styles(romantic, for example), becomes very relative. Not to mention the fact that there is an allegorical manner of expression that purposefully obscures the objective relevance of the word.

Bear, fugitive from his native den,

The shaggy guest of his tent...-

Belinsky called these poems from Pushkin’s “Gypsies” “ultra-romantic”, “because everything that is inaccurate, indefinite, confused, unclear, poor in positive meaning despite the wealth of apparent meaning - all this should be called romantic... What is a fugitive from his native den? Does this mean that the bear fled from its den without permission and without a passport? Good escape for one who is taken by force, with the help of a club and a spear! This bear is a kidnapper, so to speak, but not a fugitive. What is a shaggy tent guest? That the bear voluntarily settled in Aleko’s tent? A good guest is one whom an affectionate host keeps on his chain and, on occasion, treats with a club! This bear is more a prisoner than a guest."

Such “subject inaccuracy” was correctly understood by Belinsky as a distinct tendency of the romantic style, and not a “mistake” of the poet. The roots of this trend lie in the very specificity of verbal creativity as a way of figuratively aesthetic reflection of reality, as a form of aesthetic communication through words. The reflection of reality, no matter how specific it may be within the framework of different artistic styles and movements, inevitably preserves the objective relevance of the word. But the diverse conditions of artistic communication complicate this subject assignment with many other factors that regulate the choice of forms and methods of expressing artistic thought.

Let us use an example that unusually eloquently reveals the degree of deviation from substantive accuracy in the name of artistic accuracy. It's about about M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “The Beggar”, about its third line, which in the original version sounded like this: “A withered blind man, barely alive.” At the level of subject connections, this was as accurate as possible: the line perfectly captured the real situation, the life incident underlying Lermontov’s plot. This incident is reflected in Sushkova’s memoirs. After all, on the porch of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Lermontov met not just a beggar, but a “blind man.” Why did the poet refuse the word that accurately recorded real object? Apparently because it tied thought too tightly to the contingencies of a private life situation. The word poor, replacing the word blind in this line, seems to sacrifice empirical-situational accuracy for the sake of accuracy of a different, higher order. After all, Lermontov’s beggar is symbolic and he symbolizes not spiritual blindness (the semantics of the draft word would inevitably introduce this incorrect shade of meaning), but the thirst of a lonely spirit, his longing for dear soul. Lermontov's "Poor Man" is a symbol of a suffering soul, which is denied understanding and communication. And in this context, the word poor is artistically more accurate than the word blind.

When we understand what dictates the choice of the exact word, then the boundaries of accuracy in artistic speech and the mobility of these boundaries will become clear. The accuracy of artistic speech arises as a consequence of at least three main aspirations of the writer: 1) to the adequacy of the word to the subject, 2) to the correspondence of the word to the ideological and aesthetic assessment of objects, 3) to the implementation in the word of the artist’s specific stylistic attitude. These are interconnected, although mobile, allowing for different accents of aspirations in different writing styles.

They are interconnected because the artistic word is individual by nature. It does not capture the entirety of the object, not the entire scope of its connections, but only those facets of it in which the essence of the image emerges more clearly and clearly. “Without conciseness there is no artistry. In five or ten pages, to describe a face so that one can know all its features—the most mediocre prose writer can do this. No, you are an artist only when you need just five lines to evoke the same in the reader's imagination full view about the subject... The essence of poetry is to concentrate the content...,” wrote Chernyshevsky. This concentration of content occurs in a concrete sensory form, in artistic image, where the general is contained in the form of the individual.

Hence the important condition for artistic accuracy - accuracy and significance artistic detail, which allows, with the participation of the perceiving consciousness and imagination, to create an artistically faithful analogue of reality.

A.P. Chekhov advised in a letter to his brother: “In descriptions of nature, one must grasp at small details, grouping them in such a way that after reading, when you close your eyes, a picture is given. For example, you will get a moonlit night if you write that on the mill dam a piece of glass from a broken bottle flashed like a bright star and the black shadow of a dog or wolf rolled in a ball.”

The choice of precise details is a consequence of artistic observation and vigilance. Behind this vigilance, in addition to the ability to visually perceive reality, there is knowledge. K. Paustovsky wrote about this: “In any area human knowledge lies the abyss of poetry. Many poets should have understood this long ago. How much more effective and majestic the theme of the starry sky, beloved by poets, would become if they knew astronomy well! It’s one thing - a night over the forests with a faceless and therefore expressionless not; boom, and it’s a completely different matter - the same night, when the poet knows the laws of motion star sphere and when the black water of autumn lakes reflects not just any constellation at all, but the brilliant and sad Orion.”

The speech-subject connection also applies to artistic speech. An accurate artistic word arises on the basis of a deep, comprehensive knowledge of the object of speech, both logical, conceptual, and artistic, figurative knowledge. That is why the exact word of art often strikes us as

a kind of discovery of an object. Although artistic accuracy is very specific, it retains a connection with accuracy as a general property of good speech: the subject matter remains artistic word(no matter how complicated it becomes), the relationship of the word to the work of the artist’s consciousness remains.

Speaking about the specifics of the accuracy of artistic expression, we meant good, exemplary speech. But it is no secret that in works of fiction even the most ordinary accuracy can be violated. In relation to fiction, the problem of accuracy has two aspects - the aspect of general speech culture (in artistic speech, as in any other, subject and conceptual accuracy should not be violated) and the aspect of artistry, when figurative accuracy is meant.

Accuracy of speech (reliability) is the strict correspondence of words to the objects and phenomena of reality that they denote. According to K. A. Fedin, “precision of words is not only a requirement of healthy taste, but above all, a requirement of meaning.”
The history of the language has assigned a special meaning or several meanings to each word. Speech in which the use of words fully corresponds to their linguistic meanings can be called accurate. Inaccurate speech may result from poor knowledge of the language or poor knowledge of the subject. For example, in Russian literary language There are words that are united by similarity, proximity or identity of their meanings. Thus, the words bearded and bearded have a common root beard- and similar suffixes -am- and -ast-. These words are very similar in meaning. However, there is still a slight difference in their meanings. IN explanatory dictionaries noted: bearded - ‘having a beard’, and bearded means ‘having a large beard’. Therefore, these words cannot be interchanged.
Correctness is determined by the relationship of the statement to the literary norm and is considered mainly at the levels of pronunciation and grammar, and accuracy is determined by the relationship of the statement to the phenomena of reality and is considered mainly at the level of vocabulary. Thus, the accuracy of verbal expression is the maximum correspondence of the words used to the named objects and phenomena of reality and the revealed concepts. But it is not enough to know what you are talking or writing about; you also need to know well the exact meanings of the words you use, and be able to accurately correlate the word and the object, the word and the concept. These conditions already relate to knowledge of the language and the ability to use it. The accuracy of verbal expression is achieved by observing a number of particular rules, of which we highlight the following:
  • exact choice of word (or phrase structure) from a number of synonyms;
  • precise, eliminating ambiguity, choice of the meaning of a polysemantic word;
  • disambiguating choice of homonym;
  • clear distinction between paronyms.
When these rules are violated, ridiculous expressions that cause laughter often arise. For example:
  • Chichikov bought land in order to raise peasants on them (not to mention other things, “breeding” cannot be said about people);
  • on the Borodino field in the Russian army there was such a spirit that the enemy could not resist (the meanings of the word spirit are not differentiated - internal state, moral strength and spirit - smell);
Ionych is a doctor whose coachman is eaten away (eaten away instead of overfed).
When choosing a word, you must keep in mind that semantic and stylistic characteristic lexical units may change over time. Thus, the word diplomat, used in the 30s and 40s. XX (century to designate a student performing or defending a thesis, in the 50-60s it began to be used in the meaning of ‘a person awarded a diploma’: diploma holder International competition in ballroom dancing. In the meaning of ‘student completing a thesis’, the previously colloquial word diploma student was fixed in the literary language.
Misuse polysemantic words leads to ambiguity of statements, inappropriate puns, and comedy. For example: He respects Dostoevsky (respects, likes to read, or will he just read?), At the meeting they proposed re-electing Ivanov (electing him a second time or replacing him with someone else?). The statement should be structured so that the word is perceived in only one meaning. Sometimes it is enough to add just one word, called a key word, for the ambiguity to disappear. For example, the words small, unripe, level in the combinations small print, unripe apple, standard of living become unambiguous. And in combination with others keywords they acquire other meanings: petty bourgeoisie, immature writer, lexical level.
But for the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know them exact value, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the compatibility of words. It is known that the compatibility of words is determined by their lexical features, grammatical properties and stylistic coloring. In accordance with this, three types of compatibility can be distinguished: lexical, grammatical (syntactic) and stylistic. All these compatibility are organically interconnected.
Lexical compatibility, for example, is violated in such cases: He wanted to bring joy to his parents with his arrival. Sergei's jacket was dirty because he leaned his back. Excessive consumption of vitamins can harm the body. These errors arose as a result of contamination (from the Latin contaminatio - bringing into contact, mixing) - crossing, combining two combinations related to each other by some associations. Compare: to cause grief - to bring joy, to lean your back - to lean on your elbows, to cause harm - to provide help.
The grammatical (syntactic) compatibility of a word is determined by its grammatical meaning, belonging to one or another class or category. The laws of this compatibility are manifested, for example, in the fact that adjectives are easily combined with nouns (an interesting book, blue sky, fluffy cat) and are not combined with cardinal numerals and verbs.
Stylistic compatibility associated with the stylistic coloring of linguistic units. Stylistically colored words are freely combined with words that have the same coloring. Compare: talking nonsense (colloquial words), singing virtues (bookish) and a bad habit (neutral). If stylistic coloring is ignored, comical statements often arise: Before eating, you need to wash your upper limbs. You constantly say some stupid things. Stylistic restrictions on the compatibility of words, unlike grammatical and lexical ones, do not have the character of absolute, “hard” norms. In this case, much depends not only on stylistic coloring words, but also on the specific conditions of their use, i.e. context. In an ironic text, in order to create humor and satire, these restrictions are violated.
It is also necessary to remember that in speech synonyms are not always interchangeable. Thus, the verbs plant and plant are completely interchangeable only in the meaning of ‘to bury roots in the ground’ or ‘to sow for cultivation’: to plant (plant) cabbage, flowers, seedlings. And in the meanings of ‘to ask, force or help to sit down’, ‘to place somewhere, forcing someone to do something, or to be in some position’, the verb to plant should be used: to seat guests, to plant for work, to plant a bird in a cage.
Often the meaning of speech is distorted as a result of the displacement of paronyms - words of different meaning, but similar in sound and spelling: addressee (person or organization sending the mail) - addressee (person or organization to whom the letter is addressed), satisfying (able to satiate, high in calories) - well-fed (satisfied hunger), skillful (skillful, dexterous or made masterfully, with great skill) - artificial (unnatural, made like the real thing). The consonance of paronyms is used to create a stylistic effect, serves as a means of humor, satire, etc.
The inability to find the exact words to express thoughts leads to speech redundancy - verbosity. Speech redundancy may take the form of pleonasm. Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess) - the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary (bold risk, dark darkness, jump up, month of April, connect together). An extreme form of pleonasm is considered to be tautology (from the Greek tauto - the same and logos - word) - repetition of the same or cognate words (depict an image, tell a story, dreamed in a dream, resume again). However, a tautology is inevitable if there is no other equivalent word in the language (make jam, white linen, flowers have bloomed). A tautology can also arise when combining a foreign and Russian word that duplicates its meaning (an unusual phenomenon, the first leader, folklore, satirical caricature).
Speech insufficiency, which arises as a result of unmotivated omission of words and manifests itself in laconic presentation to the detriment of content, is also undesirable (He already read perfectly, although (?) he was only in his fifth year; Student Tarasov took first place (?) in the Russian language).
The following distortions of norms also lead to inaccurate speech:
  1. Violation of the order of words in a sentence. In Russian, unlike others, there is no strictly assigned place for one or another member of a sentence. It is determined by the semantic load, stylistic and syntactic functions, structure and type of sentence, etc. Rearranging words leads to semantic and stylistic shifts, creates additional semantic-stylistic shades, changes expressive functions members of the proposal. Stylistically unmotivated word order leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement, ambiguity, and interferes with adequate and quick perception text. For example, Fallen leaves from the trees rustled underfoot; A woman is looking for a job with Moscow registration.
  2. "Stringing of cases." In speech there are constructions that include several identical case forms, depending sequentially on one another or on the same word. An example of such an “unsuccessful” sentence is given in the book “Interesting about the Russian language”: Textbook of the uncle of the wife of my daughter’s neighbor’s colleague. Is it easy to find the owner of the textbook in this confusing structure?
  3. Cluttering the proposal subordinate clauses, participial phrases and others separate structures: It seemed to her that time was moving so slowly that evening would never come and that she would never know what he wanted to tell her.