Study of the vocabulary word "briefcase". Single and polysemous words

Ushakov's Dictionary


olympia yes, Olympics, wives [Greek olympias].

1. In ancient Greece, the four-year period of time between two celebrations of the Olympic Games, which served as a unit of chronology ( ist.; cm.). In the third year of the twenty-sixth Olympiad.

2. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece ( ist.; cm.). Won victory at the Olympics.

3. International sports competitions in the West. Europe, organized every four years, like the ancient Olympic Games, as well as the name of sports competitions in USSR, avg. (sport.; cm.). In 1918 G. The eighth Olympiad took place in Amsterdam.

4. An international or interethnic cultural holiday, accompanied by a review of forces in some area of ​​culture ( neol.). Soviet Theater Olympics.

Orthodox name book. Guide to names and birthdays

Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book


(Greek Olympias)

(375 - 316 BC)

daughter of the Epirus king Neoptolemus, wife of Philip II of Macedon, mother of A. Macedonian. After the death of her son, O. fought against the diadochi Cassandra and Antipater; On her orders, one of Alexander’s heirs, Philip III, was killed. In 316, by decision of the Macedonians. troops she was executed.

Timokhovich Yu.N. Mother of Alexander the Great // Women of Legends. Minsk, 1993.

(I.A. Lisovy, K.A. Revyako. Ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on history and culture Ancient Greece and Rome / Scientific. ed. A.I. Nemirovsky. - 3rd ed. - Mn: Belarus, 2001)

Wife of Philip II of Macedon, daughter of King Neoptolemus I, mother of Alexander the Great. After the death of her son, she was executed by decision of the Macedonian army in besieged Pydna.

Olympias is the image of a beautiful but despotic queen who sacrificed the Macedonians to her ambitions.

(Modern dictionary-reference book: Ancient world. Compiled by M.I. Umnov. M.: Olimp, AST, 2000)

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


Y, and.

1. Olympic Games.

* Winter Olympics. *

2. Sports, educational, scientific competitions held with the aim of identifying the most worthy of their participants; competition, review

* Mathematical Olympiad. *

|| adj.(to 1 value) Olympic, -th, -oe; (to 2 digits) olympiad, oh, oh.

* Olympic movement. Olympic tasks. *

Olympic Games . The largest international sports competitions are held every 4 years.

encyclopedic Dictionary

Ozhegov's Dictionary

OLYMPI A YES, s, and.

1. (O capital). In Ancient Greece: a gap of 4 years between the Olympic Games.

2. (O capital). Same as Olympic Games . Summer O. Belaya O. (winter).

3. Competitions, sports, artistic or other competitions. knowledge. City o. amateur performances. O. in history, literature. Mathematical o. schoolchildren.

Development of a Russian language lesson

Purpose: to summarize the results of the study of lexical meaning using the example of the word “green”; repeat information about popular words, proverbs and sayings; learn to write descriptive text.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

II. Repetition.

Group work assignment.

1. Replace some words in sentences with catchwords.

a) Is he really destined to pass all the tests to the end?

b) The house looked like something terrible: the windows were broken, the door was half torn off, nettles and moss began to cover the walls.

c) My father’s advice was salvation in the cycle of my life.

d) After answering the twenty-fifth ticket, I felt mentally overwhelmed, but happy.


Achilles' heel, Ariadne's thread, between Scylla and Charybdis, the princess and the pea, the last of the Mohicans, alpha and omega, may this cup pass from me, the abomination of desolation, drink the cup to the bottom.

2. Write down proverbs and synonymous sayings in pairs.

And to whom much is given, much will be required.

You can't have two deaths, you can't avoid one.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

For a big ship, a long voyage.

Where ours did not disappear.

Hit or miss.

Trying is not torture.

Wait and see.

Risk is a noble cause.

III. Reading the sample in §36 and making a plan for the lexical description of the word.

1. Origin and original meaning words.

2. Meanings in modern language.

3. Homonymous words and shapes.

4. Semantic connections with other words (synonyms and antonyms).

5. Phraseologisms, winged words, proverbs and sayings, which include the word.

IV. Independently compile a description of the word “green”.

Copies of a dictionary entry from educational dictionary Russian language V.V. Repkin were distributed to the desk in advance.

An example entry for a lexical characteristic:

The adjective green is a significant word that means an attribute of an object. It is of common Slavic origin and originally meant “the colors of grass and foliage.” It also occurs in other Slavic languages(for example, in Ukrainian). In modern Russian, the word “green” has multiple meanings. It has five meanings:

1) grass color;
2) about complexion: pale, sallow;
3) related to vegetation, consisting of, made of greenery;
4) unripe;
5) inexperienced due to his youth.

Has no homonyms. But it has synonyms for some meanings. For the first one - emerald, salad. By the second - pale. By the fourth - immature, unripe. By the fifth - inexperienced.

There are antonyms for the second, fourth and fifth meanings:

1) green face - ruddy face;
2) green apple - ripe apple;
3) green sailor - an experienced sailor.

The word "green" is included in the following phraseological units:

give a green light (open a free road);
green melancholy (extreme boredom).

V. Reading essays at will. Evaluation of successful works.

VI. Homework. Prepare for the test.

Olympiad for students in grades 5-6 " Wide open spaces vocabulary and phraseology".

Text of the invitation letter

Attention! Attention! If you like to solve crosswords, chainwords, riddles, find answers to joke questions, and know how to use phraseological units in your vocabulary, then this Olympiad is for you.

I invite everyone who wants to supplement their knowledge with new information, who likes to perform entertaining tasks. You will need ingenuity, a desire to learn new things and the ability to use useful sources of information.

The Russian language Olympiad “Wide expanses of vocabulary and phraseology” is intended for students in grades 5-6.

20 knowledge tasks:

Lexical meaning words:

    Replace the highlighted word with another that more accurately conveys this concept, and explain your replacement:

We transplanted the seedlings to land.

Not far from herds sheep sitting shepherd.

The milkmaid poured milk from buckets in a can.

After the thaw, frost struck again and a layer of snow formed on the snow. ice crust.

Wooden structures were reinforced along the railway track gratings protecting rails from snow drifts.

On moonlit nights, hares sneak into the garden and gnawing bark

Side tall fireweed was blooming along the road.

They ran away from under their feet fast lizards.

    Replace the phrases with one word:

A large, shapeless piece of earth and ice.

Takes up too much space, very large.

To suddenly and loudly resound and thunder.

Full body, large build.

Extremely tired, exhausted.

Lose strength, weaken.

Gradually lose brightness and shine.

Glow with intermittent, weak light.

Crafted sheepskin.

Lose a lot of weight, weaken from malnutrition.

One of the wooden floor boards.

A person of the same age as someone.

3. hidden word. Write words in the boxes, each of which can have specified values, and in the highlighted vertical column you will read the name of the lexical phenomenon that is illustrated by these words.

2. a.) Having a small thickness. b.) High, squeaky (voice).

3. a.) Part of an architectural structure in the form of a high pillar. b.) A group of people walking in formation.

4. a.) Not solid. b.) Unsharp. c.) Kind, compliant.

5. a.) Finely ground substance. b.) Medicine in sachets.

6. a.) Divide into parts with a knife. b.) Speak directly, openly.

7. a.) Devotee. b.) Reliable. c.) Correct.

8. Located on the side opposite the left.

9. a.) Imprint, sign, trace. b.) Press.

10. a.) Poorly lit. b.) Ignorant, uncultured.

11. a.) The long and narrow part of the surface. b.) A thin long piece of material. c.) Time period, period.

12. a.) Consisting of parts close to each other, dense. b.) Quickly following one after another (about sounds).

13. a.) One game (chess, checkers). b.) A certain number of items (about the product).

14. Taste opposite to sweet.

4.Answer the quiz questions:

1. Explain why in a sentence. In the name of life - our whole life no tautology?

2. Writer A. Aleksin once said: “We have actually legalized the term take literature, although it is known that you can only pass by something.” Was the writer mistaken? What is he right about?

3. Without changing the main meaning, change these phrases so that each of them repeats the same word in different meanings. Grab the hand, turn to the left, capture, put in brackets, put (the child) on your lap, overcome an obstacle, control yourself, refuse what was said, accept obligations.

4. Read carefully F. Krivin’s poem “Orchestra” and answer what the play on words is here:

The violin is not in the mood to play an out-of-tune guitar...

And the clarinet has inspiration. And only the drum beats enthusiastically.

The piano doesn't sound today, Because it's always on point.

5. Joking questions:

    What store can't you buy anything from?

    What can you type without picking up anything?

    Is it possible to cut without a knife or other cutting object?

    What can you assemble without using your hands?

    I am in man, in animals, in the fruits of plants; I can be a goose and a devil; They advise me to get into me to find out what it’s like for someone else; They get out of me, trying to please someone.


6.Cold...Cold...Hot! From the group of phrases and sentences, write down only phrases with homonyms.

    They roam the streets. Thoughts are wandering in my head. Kvass is fermenting.

    Imperfect form of the verb. Types of plants. Tired look. View from the window.

    Endure all difficulties. Take out all the furniture. Place notes at the end of the book.

    Enough interesting story. He rubbed his hands contentedly. That's enough for us.

    Looking sideways at someone else's notebook. Mow the grass.

    Compressed air. Compressed bread. Short time.

    Mark laundry. Aim at the target. He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow. Mark someone else's place.

    Read two poems by Ya. Kozlovsky. What language phenomenon are you observing here?

Bear and wasps Dachshund

The bear carried it, walking towards the market, getting into a taxi,

Jar of honey for sale. The dachshund asked:

Suddenly the bear is attacked! – - For travel

The wasps decided to attack. What dachshund?

A bear with an army of aspens And the driver:

He fought with a torn aspen. Money from taxes

Could he not fly into rage? We don’t take it at all.

If the wasps climbed into the mouth, That's it!

They stung anywhere,

They got it for this.


    Hidden word. Write horizontally the synonyms for said words. If the task is completed correctly, then from initial letters from top to bottom you will read the name of such words.

Hurry, teach, catch up, master, news, surprise, think.

Additional task for the “nimble guys” :

Come up with your own words for this crossword puzzle so that they match the cells of the crossword puzzle.

    Select a series of synonyms for adjectives and make up phrases or sentences with them:

Inspirational, amazing, brilliant, euphonious.


    Name 6 proverbs and sayings with antonyms.

    Make 7 riddles that contain antonyms in the text, for example,

Lives - lies, dies - runs.

12. Give the answer to the riddle:

1.I am a synonym for the word Universe and antonym of the word war.

2.C e– antonym of the word southern, With To completely bad, unnecessary.

3. In one sense, I am a synonym for the word a bunch of, in the other - the antonym of the word dry land.

4. In one sense, a synonym for the word authentic, in another – the antonym of the word banal.

13. Synonyms or antonyms?

Here are a number of words that, at first glance, are synonyms. But why are the extreme ones antonyms? Try to explain what's going on, find the boundaries of five independent synonymous series, indicate in each row leading word.

Useless nasty, bad, unimportant, so-so, mediocre, average, tolerable, tolerable, acceptable, satisfactory, worthwhile, suitable, good, glorious, excellent, wonderful, excellent, impeccable, impeccable, ideal.


14. Fedot is not the same! Read the sentences, find errors in them and correct them. Describe these errors.

1. The beagle almost overturned on a bend. 2. We were introduced to a new set of gymnastic exercises. 3. Gogol boldly exposed the vices of the serfdom system. 4. The landowner was rude to his courtiers. 5. The landowners cruelly oppressed their serf owners. 6. Gradually, man tamed wild goats, pigs, and other animals. 7. The patient’s breathing became jerky. 8. The teacher introduced us complete freedom choice. 9. Carts of fugitives stretched along the dusty roads. 10. For last years our city has changed a lot. 11. The friend answered me with a friendly handshake. 12. He had indescribable facial features.13. We brought out new variety seeds, not susceptible to fungal diseases. 14. They managed to base their demands.

Old Slavonicisms:

15. From the depths of centuries. Select Russian equivalents for Old Slavonicisms. Indicate the phonetic features of Old Church Slavonic words. Is it possible to match all words? modern correspondences? Make up word combinations with these pairs

Gates, birth, healthy, cold, possess, lake, hair, sweet, darkness, lot, gold, clothing, precious, captivate, temple, thirst, vegetables, life, illness, tree, famine, lamb, cheeks.

Is it possible to say:Has a little lamb strayed from the flock?

Original Russian words:

16. Whatever you go for, you will find. Vertically, write original Russian words into the empty cells.

    Name, nickname of the animal. 2. Conversation. 3. Mandatory rule, installed supreme power of any state. 4. Again, again. 5. Antonym of the word Start. 6. Sloth, lazy person. 7. Quarrel, mutual squabble. 8. A very stingy person. 9. Nonsense, nonsense, trifle. 10. Coniferous tree. 11. Unshod. 12. Doctor (colloquial).13. Three hundred. 14. A narrow and deep depression between the mountains.

Borrowed words:

17. Chinaward. Write the words in the boxes.

1. Super sharp shooter (English). 2. Room on the upper deck of the ship (head). 3. Pardon (Greek). 4. Annual auction for the sale and purchase of goods (German). 5. Cap over the lamp (French). 6. Shoulder bag (German). 7. Large tank for storing and transporting liquids (lat.). 8. Money given in advance (French). 9. Musical part for one voice or instrument (Italian). 10. Team of musicians (Greek). eleven. Artificial man, symbol of mechanical labor (Czech). 12. A herd of horses, deer (Turkic). 13. Teaching (lat.). 14. Chukotka dwelling. 15. Large floating block of ice (English). 16. Throwing projectile for hunting sea animals (headed). 17. Frequent strikes of the bell as an alarm signal (Arabic). 18. Oil tanker (English). 19. Mass competitions on sports vessels (Italian). 20. Indentation in the initial line of text. (German). 21. Sign indicating a number (Arabic). 22. Action, deed (lat.). 23. Confectionery with cream (Italian). 24. Sheepskin coat (Turkic). 25. A small detachment to maintain order (French).


18. Every fellow is a good example. Remember and write down phraseological units with the word “hand-hands” and the word “water”. The bigger, the better.

19. Joking questions:

1. You risk swallowing it along with something very tasty; they pull on him, forcing him to say something; something that you are about to remember is spinning on it; he is being kept quiet so as not to say too much.

2. It is pounded in a mortar and carried with a sieve by those who are engaged in useless work; they take it into their mouth, not wanting to speak; dishonest people hide their ends in it; sometimes they come out of it dry.

3. They brew it up, starting an unpleasant, troublesome matter, and then disentangle it, unraveling this matter; her shoes with holes ask her; it is in the minds of the confused people.

20. Match the phraseological units given below with antonyms and phraseological units.

Without a year a week; the cat cried; tirelessly; keep your mouth shut; mind chamber; far away lands; rolling up my sleeves.

Criteria for assessing knowledge tasks:

Lexical meaning of the word:

    1 point for each sentence (maximum 9 points)

    1 point for each word (maximum 12 points)

Unambiguous and ambiguous words:

    1 point for the original crossword word (ambiguity)

    1 point for each quiz question (maximum 4 points)

    1 point for each joke question (maximum 6 points)


    1 point for each line (maximum 7 points)


    1 point for a hidden word and 1 point for each word in the task for the nimbles (maximum 8 points)

    4 points: one for each row + one point for a completed phrase or sentence (maximum 8 points)


    1 point for each proverb.

    1 point for each riddle.

    Guess: 4 points maximum.

    1 point for each row (maximum 5 points)


    1 point per task (maximum 14 points)

Old Slavonicisms:

    1 point per word + 1 point for additional task(maximum 23 points)

Original Russian words:

    1 point per word (maximum 14 points)

Borrowed words:

    1 point per word (maximum 25 points)


    1 point for each phraseological unit

    1.) 4b; 2.) 5b; 3.) 3b.

    1 point for each phraseological unit (Maximum 7 points).

Lexical characteristics of words. Direct or figurative meaning, type of transfer; nominative or non-nominative – evaluative; free or non-free – phraseologically related, syntactically limited (conditional). Origin (originally Russian or borrowed). Scope of use (commonly used or not commonly used). Belonging to an active or passive composition(current, obsolete, new). Stylistic coloring (inter-style or stylistically colored).

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“Features of vocabulary” - Vocabulary. Complete the tasks. Synonyms. Homonyms. Read the sentences. Find synonyms. Direct and figurative meaning of words. Single and polysemous words. Vocabulary and phraseology. Vocabulary from a point of view semantic meaning. Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Antonyms. Read the sentences.

“Text vocabulary” - Lexical characteristics of words. Fedor Abramov. Linguistic terms. Subject. Dialectisms in the text. Mouths and lips are not the same essence, and eyes are not peepers at all! Some people have access to depth, others - deep plates. V. G. Rasputin. Key. Language is the history of a people. An excerpt from V. Rasputin’s work “Farewell to Matera.”

“Lexicology” - What are information carriers. Instead of an interpretation of the word, a reference is given. Selection of synonyms. Lexicography. Dictionaries. Lexicology. Linguistic dictionaries contain information about words. Types linguistic dictionaries. What does lexicography do? Types of interpretations of words. Who is the dictionary intended for?

“Russian vocabulary” - Guess the heroes. Vocabulary. Find superfluous word. Antonyms in proverbs and sayings. Section "Vocabulary". Phraseologisms with antonyms. Find homonyms in poems. Fairy tale shifters. Pairs that are opposite in meaning. Knowledge on the topic “Vocabulary”. Words in figurative meaning. Homonyms. Outdated words.

“Vocabulary of the modern Russian language” - Crossword questions. Lexical meaning of words. Signs of Old Slavonicisms. Choose synonyms. Atmosphere. Signs of borrowings from other languages. A collection of words. The origin of phraseological units. Signs of phraseological units. Vocabulary from the point of view of origin. Choose antonyms. Russian synonyms. Borrowed words.

"Russian Literature" - Russian Literature. Questions for self-control. Polysemy of the word. Sinkwine. Synonyms. Little bear. Curiosity. Research Questions. Homonyms. Class elective course. Identification of the lexical possibilities of a word. Study. Co-creation. Asadov. Lexical possibilities of the word. Antonyms. Chick.

There are 20 presentations in total

Study vocabulary word


Lobanov Vladislav

Student 1 "A" class

"MBOU school No. 34"

G. Dzerzhinsk


Tarakanova O.S.

Dictionary word - "briefcase"
1. Portfolio display.

The word “briefcase” has 2 syllables: po-rtfel. The second is stressed, unstressed vowel “o”.

Sound pattern of the word: “briefcase”.

8 letters and 7 sounds.

Letters denoting vowel sounds - 2. There are -5 letters representing consonants. One letter “b” does not indicate a sound, but softens the preceding consonant sound l.

3 letters "P, T, F" representpaired voiceless consonants.

2 letters "R, L" meanunpaired voiced consonant sound.

Only 2 letters “F, L” indicatesoft consonants.

2. Etymological information.

The word "briefcase"(port - to carry, “fel” - a sheet of paper) came to us from French. Literally"LEAFBEAR".

People used to consider a satchel exclusively as a schoolboy's accessory. In fact, this item came to children from the army. If in Russia soldiers took a duffel bag with them on a campaign, then in Europe and, especially in Germany and France, backpacks appeared already in the 18th century. And only after 200 years in a word"briefcase" began to be called a student's bag.

Briefcases in paintings by famous artists:

F.P. Reshetnikov “Deuce Again” 1952 S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper” 1949

3. Synonyms: schoolbag, backpack, bag.

4. Similar words: briefcase, briefcase.

5. Formation of phrases:

The briefcase (what?) is new.

The briefcase (what?) is beautiful.

The briefcase (what?) is torn.

6. Poems and riddles about the briefcase.

In winter he runs down the street,
And in the summer it lies in the room,
But only autumn comes,
He takes me by the hand,
And again in the rain and snowstorm
My briefcase walks with me.

Berestov V.D.