What does brute and checker mean? Ancient world

  • It was this nickname, translated meaning “fool,” that the Roman youth Lucius Junius received from King Tarquin the Proud because, trying to save his life, he pretended to be insane.
  • Patrician, leader of the uprising against Tarquin the Proud, who established a republican system in Rome, one of the first consuls
  • In Ancient Rome, the head of the conspiracy against Caesar (85-42 BC)
  • Organizer of Caesar's assassination, leader of the 44's conspiracy against Caesar
  • Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    BRUTUS (Brutus) Decimus Junius Albinus (c. 84-43 BC) in Dr. Rome, one of Caesar's commanders; participated in 44 in the conspiracy against him.


    BRUTUS Lucius Junius, according to Roman legend, was a patrician who led the uprising against Tarquin the Proud and established in 510-509 BC. e. Republican system in Rome, one of the first consuls (together with Tarquinius Collatinus).


    BRUTUS Marcus Junius (85-42 BC) in Dr. Rome, the head (together with Cassius) of conspiracy 44 against Caesar. According to legend, he was one of the first to stab him with a dagger. Together with Cassius, he led the Republicans in the fight against the 2nd triumvirate; Having been defeated, he committed suicide.



    Brutus (Michelangelo)

    "Brutus"- marble bust commissioned by Michelangelo in 1537 - 1538. Donato Gianotti, a humanist of republican convictions, who considered the “tyrant fighter” Brutus his idol. The first owner of the work was Cardinal Niccolò Ridolfi (1501-50).

    This creation shows how far the study and assimilation of the achievements of ancient Roman sculpture in Italy has come at a new stage. The work carries both an interesting composition and a new ideological load, far from decorative. It was precisely the appeal to the image of the murderer of the Roman emperor for the sake of restoring republican rule that had an anti-tyrannical overtones and introduced the opinion of contemporaries to recent political events, to the restoration of the tyrannical power of the Medici in Florence. The anti-tyrannical ideological coloring of the bust was so obvious that Michelangelo was persuaded to stop working on the dangerous work, and the bust remained unfinished. Emergency only artistic qualities works saved him from destruction. Michelangelo's Brutus remains the only example republican sentiments of the artist in the era of the formation of absolutism as a type of imperial power in the territory Western Europe in the 16th century.

    Soviet art critics extolled this work in every possible way as evidence of the author's progressive political aspirations. A.K. Dzhivelegov in 1938 stated, for example, that the bust “without any exaggeration, belongs to the best that was created by Michelangelo.”

    Brutus (film, 2016)

    "Brutus"- a short film directed by Konstantin Fama in 2016, the second story in the Cinema Almanac “Witnesses”, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

    Examples of the use of the word Brutus in literature.

    Firstly, of course, former supporters Pompey, such as Cassius and Brutus or the miraculously recovered Ligarius, like the tribune Pontius Aquila, like the senators Caecilius Bucilian and his brother Sextius Naso, Marcus Spurius and others.

    Cicero reproached Brutus the fact that he left Antony alive, who now keeps Italy in fear, that he acts indecisively.

    Once, when one of them tried to warn the dictator against Mark Antony and Dolabella, who too zealously undertook to defend the demands of the plebs, Gaius Julius, pointing to Cassius and Brutus, said: “We should not be afraid of the well-fed and sleek.”

    Brutus sighed heavily, but remained adamant: it will be enough in right moment detain Anthony somewhere else.

    Cassius, Decimus Junius and others, realizing that Brutus with his head in the clouds, they tried to explain to him that leaving Anthony alive was real madness, an unforgivable political mistake that could turn into a disaster.

    As soon as Caesar appears, Gaius Trebonius is the one who, together with Brutus defended the life of Mark Antony, - will use some pretext to take Antony away from the dictator and keep him away from the curia.

    And if, defending the life of Mark Antony, Brutus It took a long time to convince friends, but almost everyone was indignant against the proposal to eliminate Marcus Emilius.

    Deputy Brutus was on the city praetorship younger brother Mark Antony Gaius Antony.

    India was ruled by Ashoka, the 1st Punic War began and the first mentioned gladiatorial fights took place in the Roman Forum, thus marking the funeral of a representative of the old Roman family Brutov.

    If Grunka touches the strings with his hand, the balalaika will immediately respond: strum-grun-grun.

    He carved a bust Brutus- the Florentine colony begged him to create a statue of this tyrant fighter.

    And since this proposal was approved by everyone, Brutus, taking with him the soothsayer Geryon and twelve oldest in age, went to the temple with everything necessary for the sacrifice.

    However, speech Brutus made such a strong impression on him that he could not resist and also spoke from the podium with an angry diatribe against the murdered dictator.

    And here is Cato, Cicero, Cassius, Brutus and others went to the camp of Pompey.

    After Pharsalus, Cicero, Cassius, Brutus and many others surrendered to the mercy of the winner.

    Brute is a method of hacking accounts by guessing their passwords. Hacking is performed using special brute-programs. For example, Steam’O Brute (hacking Steam), Windows Password Kracker (hacking Windows passwords) and All-in-One Checker (hacking mailboxes). They use databases with many accounts and select those whose password is correct. As a result, a user using brute force can gain full access to e-mail, social network profile, account, etc.

    Proxy and why you need it

    During brute force, a huge number of requests are sent to the server, which is why it can block the IP address from which such actions occur. To prevent this from happening, there is a proxy that simulates requests from multiple IP addresses.

    However, before using a proxy, you need to obtain IP address data and check its suitability. You can find a proxy on the website 2freeproxy.com. After receiving proxies, you need to check them using the Checkerproxy.net resource. To do this, you need to insert all the proxies into the input field, and then start checking. When it is completed, you will receive a list of good proxies that you can use to brute.

    How does Brute work, and where to get bases for Brute?

    To start bruting, you need to download special software (All-in-One Checker program) and then find the bases for brute. A database is a set of data about users, including logins and passwords. The website Happy-hack.ru has many databases with hacked user profiles social networks, mail, video games, etc. Once the database is received, you need to create Text Document with the name "source" (the standard name for similar tasks) and copy the contents of the Brute database into it.

    Now you need to open the Brute program and add a database to it. This refers to the source.txt file you previously created with the contents of logins and passwords. After this, in the proxy section you need to select the file with all the “good” proxies that you saved on your computer after checking through the Checkerproxy.net resource, and then click on start. After a few minutes, depending on the size of the database, the program will provide information with all valid user logins and passwords.

    How to protect yourself?

    Using brute force is highly discouraged, since it is, in fact, illegal to obtain a person’s personal data without his consent. To protect your profiles from such actions, first of all, choose the longest passwords using numbers and letters. Brute programs most likely will not be able to crack such passwords, since this requires fairly powerful hardware and a high Internet connection speed.

    Never tell other users your passwords and logins. Especially those you don’t know well.

    Do not go to phishing resources masquerading as Steam or some store with free games

    Change your password from time to time for added security.

    This will make it extremely difficult for hackers to hack you via brute force.


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    These are very pressing issues. Many users do not understand the differences between these accounts. First, let's figure out what the significant differences are, and then we'll look at the advantages of each type (or even subtype).

    Fake accounts- they are brute accounts, they are fake, they are accounts of living people. Below we will answer all your questions, read on!

    Each of these accounts has pros and cons. It all depends on the task at hand and the way to solve it.

    Stability and use different types account differs so much that we will consider each one separately, and the conclusion will be made by the user himself, as usual

    Buy now

    Autoreg accounts: features of use and characteristics

    Firstly, these accounts are much more stable in operation, we will describe the remaining characteristics like this:

    1. They are registered by the program (this is a plus), they are all usually the same by eye and do not differ from each other with super filled profile fields (for example, profile settings, avatar, profile)
    2. They can be activated via SMS or not. They can also only be activated by mail. Those activated via SMS are considered reliable
    3. The completeness of the profile greatly affects the final price of the account, which is why they are usually empty
    4. These accounts are used in the future by only one person - who will buy them (if the seller does not sell them to several hands)
    5. They live long enough if you know how to use them correctly and maintain anonymity on the Internet (log in from different IPs, browsers, etc.)
    In general, these accounts are suitable for online promotion (for example various actions). The stability of accounts gives the right to long work with them, this increases their efficiency. However, like all types of accounts, they may be blocked sooner or later.

    All accounts activated via SMS are usually created using online activation services via SMS, so there is no physical access to a specific phone number.

    This means that any account verification will end in error. After all, there is no number.

    Activation services do not store these numbers; they disappear just as they appear. Those. even if you want to activate your number or receive a code to confirm some action, it will be impossible!!!

    We are 100% reliable account provider!

    • We send accounts in just 5 seconds!
    • Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail and without registration
    • We automatically create Personal Area with order history
    • Big time to check the goods up to 24 hours
    • Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service
    • Our accounts work stably on any proxy

    Fake accounts (brut): features of use and characteristics

    Guys, you won't believe this. But every 5th question is what is “brut”. Let's finally answer. Brute is a method of brute force passwords for a specific login. Usually the method itself is called brute force (or “brute force”, “head-on attack”).

    Those. hacker, who is also an account getter for access to a certain type the account begins to select certain passwords, if the password is correct, therefore access is obtained.

    In practice, hacking of any specific account is not used; a database of many thousands is taken and they are all “brutalized”, i.e. a password is selected for them. Passwords are selected from the most common ones, such as 1234, qwerty and others.

    From thousands of attempts, successful matches are found, and the accounts go on sale. It is these “brought together” accounts (i.e., mined using the brute program) that are called brute accounts!

    The second name for accounts is fakes, or fake accounts. The method of mining such accounts is slightly different. Here the user himself enters data on someone else’s website, thereby providing the password.

    Typically, passwords are entered on very similar social networking sites. Those. the user logs on to some resource, externally it looks like VKontakte, but in fact it is a third-party site.

    After entering the username and password, they are sent to a stranger, and the user himself is sent to the real site. Such accounts are called fake!

    We combined these two types of accounts into one because in essence these are hacked accounts of strangers. Here are their characteristics

    1. The first and most important thing is that they are “dying like flies,” i.e. they live for a maximum of 1 week
    2. The cause of death is always the same - the owner notices that he is not the only one using his account
    3. There is usually no guarantee for such accounts, only at the time of purchase
    4. Usually very well filled, because... this is the account of a living person
    5. Difficult to use correctly for common man(otherwise they die quickly)
    In general, these accounts are suitable for spamming, sending messages, various kinds making a profit. After all, these are accounts of living people.

    Perhaps it was from one of these accounts that you once received a letter on the social network VKontakte with the text Hey, can you lend me some money for a phone?... Roughly speaking, this type of account is used to obtain benefits through deception.

    These accounts are called garbage because... After using them once, they can be deleted; most likely, 90% of them will already be blocked.

    The reasons may be different: the owner changed the password, the service noticed the hacking of the account and changed the user’s password, you gave yourself away and blocked the account.

    The words “die” and “die” mean that the real owner changed the password!

    The site administration does not hack accounts to order, and does not promote it. We just bring together sellers and buyers, nothing more! Buy now Find out how to place an order correctly on our website!

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    village in Pravoberezhny district North Ossetia; located in the valley of the Kambileevka River (right tributary of the Terek River). The toponym is translated from Ossetian as “ditch”. More ancient name villages - Sanaty Hau - “village of the Shanaevs” (Ossetian). The Shanaevs are the first settlers of this village.

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


    And you Brute! - an expression used when a friend unexpectedly betrays him

    Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book


    (lat. Brutus)

    1. Lucius Junius B. - the legendary founder of the republican system in Rome; led a patrician uprising against the Etruscan king Tarquin the Proud. After the latter was expelled from Rome, B. in 507 BC. became the first Roman consul.

    2. Marcus Junius B. (85 - 42 BC) - Roman political figure, who, together with Cassius, led a conspiracy against Yu. Caesar. After the establishment of the triumvirate in 43, B. and Cassius opposed the triumvirs Octavian, Antony and Lepidus. Having been defeated in the Battle of Philippi in 42, B. committed suicide.

    3. Decius Junius Albinus B. (c. 84 - 43 BC) - Roman political and military leader, one of the most talented military leaders of Yu. Caesar, who took part in a conspiracy against the latter.

    (I.A. Lisovy, K.A. Revyako. Ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on history and culture Ancient Greece and Rome / Scientific. ed. A.I. Nemirovsky. - 3rd ed. - Mn: Belarus, 2001)

    Mythical ancestor of the Britons, great grandson Aeneas, exiled from Italy for accidentally killing his father Silvius. After various adventures in Greece, he gathered a detachment of Trojans and, since the goddess Diana predicted to him that he would become the founder of the second Troy “on the other side of sunset,” he swam across the Strait of Gibraltar. After many adventures in France (including the founding of the city of Tours), he landed on the shores of Britain and, advancing to the Thames, founded New Troy. The name of the city soon turns into Trinovantum, that is, Roman London. This legend was told in the 12th century. Geoffrey of Monmouth in his History of the Kings of Britain. Most likely, he either found Brutus in some early medieval historical legends, or invented it himself.

    (Modern dictionary-reference book: Ancient world. Compiled by M.I. Umnov. M.: Olimp, AST, 2000)

    Antiquity from A to Z. Dictionary-reference book


    1) Lucius Junius, the legendary founder of the Roman Republic, fought against the tyrant king Tarquinius the Proud.

    2) Marcus Junius (85–42 BC) - political supporter of Cicero. Since 48 - a supporter of Caesar. Later, together with Guy Cassius, he participated in a conspiracy against Caesar. The words that Caesar allegedly said before his death have reached us: “And you, Brutus!” “Et tu autem, Brute!”, which are first found in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Julius Caesar”.

    And you Brute

    Surely most people, if not pronounced, have definitely heard expression - And you, Brutus! It is used in relation to a traitor. Means reproach and unexpected disappointment in close friend, a man whom his devotee, figuratively speaking, fed from his own hand.

    Origin story associated with the treacherous murder of the greatest ancient Roman military leader, Gaius Julius Caesar. According to historical facts, he was killed for his desire to concentrate all power in his hands. And this is despite all Caesar’s services to the fatherland. Roman senators and officials in his manner of government (and also in personal qualities commander) saw a direct threat to the Roman Republic. Although in fact the nobility were outraged that Caesar had actually deprived them of power, leaving only the role of performers.

    But only those who were “close to the body” could commit the murder of a military leader. In other words, this sentence had to be carried out by people whom Caesar trusted unconditionally. And although the soul of the conspiracy was the insidious Cassius, he still headed it Junius Brutusconfidant Caesar. A curious fact is that Brutus’s mother, and subsequently his sister, were love affair with a dictator. Perhaps this explains his boundless trust in Brutus.

    On March 15, 44 BC, Julius Caesar was killed in the Senate chambers with twenty-three blows of a dagger. Each of the conspirators had to strike at least one blow. But most of all the doomed ruler was surprised when he saw Junius Brutus among his killers, after which he exclaimed famous phrase. Although, according to some researchers, he exclaimed phrase“And you, my child?” But today, of course, no one can say with certainty what actually happened.

    Many researchers associate the appearance of the aphorism “And you, Brutus!” with Shakespeare writing a play about the great commander. Allegedly after her appearance expression became winged. In the Soviet Union, it gained popularity after the publication of “The Golden Calf” by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov and means a rebuke of a traitor.