Grandson of Nicholas II. The grandson of Tsar Nicholas II was found near Astrakhan

The Church is trying to involve conspiracy theorists in the investigation of the “royal affair”

The daughters and wife of Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna, were not shot and lived to old age, the body of the emperor himself was dissolved in acid and thrown into the river, and the burial in Porosenkovo ​​Log, where the remains of the royal family were found, was actually a fake, created on Stalin’s orders. The Russian Orthodox Church is ready to seriously consider all these versions so as not to recognize the authenticity of the remains of the Romanovs.

Royal prisoners: Olga, Alexey, Anastasia and Tatyana Romanov. Tsarskoe Selo, Alexander Park, May 1917.

There is one less mystery in the “royal affair”: the results of the exhumation of Alexander III allow us to unequivocally state that there had been no penetration into the emperor’s crypt before. Earlier, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed concern that the royal tombs were opened during the years of Soviet power and the ashes were in “inappropriate condition.”

If this version were confirmed, the Patriarchate would have reason to question the belonging of the discovered remains to Alexander III and, moreover, to raise the question of the exhumation of the remaining Romanovs buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

In this case, the finale of the case of the death of Nicholas II and his family would be lost in the vast distance.

However, to consider that the ending is near would in any case be overly optimistic. Indeed, among the studies that should establish the identity of the “Ekaterinburg remains”, the Patriarchate considers the most important not the work of geneticists, but historical expertise.

Meanwhile, familiarity with the arguments of historians, invested with the trust of the church authorities, makes one doubt that this matter will ever be put to rest.

Change of milestones

Currently, a historical examination within the framework of the “tsar’s case” resumed on September 23 is being carried out by a team of specialists, historians and archivists, under the leadership of the director of the State Archive of the Russian Federation Sergei Mironenko. According to Mironenko himself, the work will be completed in late January - early February.

Meanwhile, the position of the director of the State Archive is well known. It is reflected, in particular, in the historical information compiled last summer on behalf of the government working group on issues related to the research and reburial of the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria Romanov.

Academician Veniamin Alekseev, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegorievsk, Chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Moscow Patriarchate Vladimir Legoida at a press conference dedicated to the problem of establishing the authenticity of the “Ekaterinburg remains”. Photo: mskagency

In addition to Mironenko, the certificate was signed by the head of the Federal Archival Agency Andrei Artizov, the director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Petrov, the head of the registration and archival funds department of the FSB Khristoforov, and historians Pihoya and Pchelov.

“An analysis of archival sources, combined with data obtained during previous investigative actions, confirms the conclusion that the remains currently stored in the State Archives of the Russian Federation really belong to the children of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna,” states in this document. “For all the years of work, no other documentary materials were found that could refute the conclusions made by the investigation and the government commission.”

It is unlikely that the position of Mironenko and his colleagues will change. However, the composition of the expert group itself may undergo changes. The examination was appointed by the former head of the investigation, Vladimir Solovyov, senior investigator-criminologist of the Main Directorate of Forensics of the Investigative Committee. However, at the end of November this year. He headed the investigation team acting. the head of this unit, Major General of Justice Igor Krasnov.

The press service of the Investigative Committee only reports about the reasons for the castling that it was done for the purpose of a complete and objective investigation. However, according to MK information, these decisions were preceded by a conversation between the patriarch and the chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. According to MK sources, it was the primate who insisted on reformatting the investigation.

According to this version, the main target of the lobbying attack was Solovyov, who “has long been an eyesore for the church” and whom the Russian Orthodox Church is trying to “take out of the game.” And this goal has been achieved. Formally, Soloviev remains part of the investigative team, but is actually removed from the case. Moreover, according to available information, the leadership of the TFR is ready to meet the church halfway on the issue of the research appointed by Solovyov and replace a number of experts. Moreover, the most significant changes await historical examination.

This information is confirmed by recent public statements by Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, a member of the recently established special commission of the Patriarchate to study the results of research on the “Ekaterinburg remains.” “The composition of the expert group is being determined,” the bishop said, discussing the prospects for historical expertise. “There are different opinions on this matter... In any case, we would really like all the specialists who have studied this issue over these 25 years to participate.” At the same time, Tikhon emphasizes, the church intends to participate in the selection of experts and involve specialists whom it trusts in the work.

Food for thought

Of all the historians who have worked on the topic of royal remains, the one who seems to enjoy the greatest trust from the church is RAS Academician Veniamin Alekseev. By the way, in 1993–1998. Alekseev was a member of the government commission to study issues related to the research and reburial of the remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.

Veniamin Vasilyevich expressed doubts about the belonging of the “Ekaterinburg remains” to the royal family even then, 20 years ago. And since then they have only gotten stronger. Alekseev shared his thoughts explaining “some circumstances of the study of the problem associated with determining the authenticity of the remains of the royal family” in a letter addressed to the patriarch (at the disposal of MK).

According to our sources, Kirill took the academician’s arguments very seriously. It is known that the information contained in the message was brought to the attention of the leadership of the Investigative Committee. Apparently, by the way, the letter played an important role in Solovyov’s removal: the academician complains in it that the investigator not only did not listen to his arguments, but allegedly rejected the very need for historical expertise.

So, what are the “circumstances” that, in the academician’s opinion, cannot be ignored? Firstly, Alekseev considers it necessary to familiarize himself with the materials of the trial initiated by the notorious Anna Anderson, who demanded official recognition of her as Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova. The documents are kept in the Danish Royal Archives.

According to the academician, Russian researchers tried to get acquainted with these funds back in the early 1990s, but then they were refused, citing the fact that the documents were marked as strictly secret. Alekseev suggests trying again: “Perhaps now, after more than twenty years, working with these funds has become possible.”

The academician also cites the testimony of the waitress Ekaterina Tomilova, who brought lunches to the prisoners of the “special purpose house” - she was interrogated in November 1918 by the “White Guard investigation”.

“One day after the announcement in the newspaper about the execution of the former Sovereign, I was given lunch for the royal family... and I again took it to the Ipatiev House,” the waitress recalled. “But I didn’t see the former Tsar, the doctor and the third man, I only saw the Tsar’s daughters.”

Further, with reference to information contained in the archive of Kolchak investigator Nikolai Sokolov, it is reported that in 1918 - even after July 17, when, according to the conclusions of the investigation, the Romanovs were executed - between diplomats of the Kaiser's Germany and the Bolshevik leadership, which was represented by Chicherin, Joffe and Radek , negotiations were held to “protect the life of the royal family.” “It’s not entirely clear how they ended,” Alekseev comments on this information. “We have to understand the archives of the Russian Federation.”

Operation Cross and other adventures

Other facts are also presented that, according to the academician, contradict the official version.

“In the archives of the FSB for the Sverdlovsk region, I discovered a directive from L. Beria’s deputy B. Kabulov, dated March 1946, which set the task of returning to the problem of the death of the royal family, but I was not allowed to get acquainted with the results of the implementation of this directive,” Alekseev complains. However, he immediately offers an explanation for the riddle.

This, according to the academician, is the version put forward by the late professor of the Diplomatic Academy Vladlen Sirotkin, whom Alekseev certifies as a well-informed specialist.

The version is this: when in 1946 the Americans raised the question of the heir to the Romanov jewelry, Anastasia (Anna Anderson), Stalin responded by ordering the construction of a falsified “grave” for the executed royal family, thereby closing the question of the Grand Duchess. The operation, codenamed “Cross,” was allegedly supervised by the leader’s closest associate, Vyacheslav Molotov.

And in 1970, Alekseev claims, Glavlit (the main censorship body of the USSR) issued instructions in connection with Lenin’s anniversary that prohibited mentioning in the open press the fact that the corpse of Nicholas II was dissolved in acid and the solution was poured into the Iset River. The academician refers to the stories of people who allegedly saw the instructions. “Despite all efforts,” he did not find the document itself.

From the same source - “stories of veterans of various services in Yekaterinburg” - Alekseev became aware of the existence of “the history of the Ural Cheka, which presents a completely different version of the disappearance of the royal family than the one that appears officially.” However, the academician laments, he was unable to obtain access to the relevant archival funds.

Complaints that many documents concerning the fate of the Romanovs are still classified can be called the leitmotif of Alekseev’s letter. Among the undoubtedly existing, but inaccessible documents, according to the academician, is the “official report on the execution of the royal family,” compiled by the perpetrators immediately after the execution.

“In all likelihood, this important document should be looked for in the FSB archive,” says Alekseev. The ending of the message, however, is quite optimistic: “I hope that the receipt of new materials, combined with my previous developments, will allow me to get closer to the truth.”

At a recent press conference (in addition to Alekseev, it was attended by Bishop Tikhon and Vladimir Legoyda, chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Moscow Patriarchate), the academician added a couple more “circumstances” listed in the letter. With reference to his foreign colleagues, Alekseev said that the former German Chancellor Wilhelm II, as the godfather of Olga Nikolaevna (daughter of Nicholas II), provided her with a pension until his death in 1941.

Another fact that, in the words of the academician, makes one think is that in 2007, during excavations that, according to investigators, discovered the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, coins from 1930 were found next to the charred bones. How could they end up in a burial dating back to 1918? “There is still no answer to this question,” the academician states sadly.

Savior on Spilled Blood

However, Veniamin Vasilyevich is somewhat disingenuous: from what he wrote and said, a very definite version emerges. It includes two main theses.

Firstly, both burials discovered in Porosenkovo ​​Log - both the “main” one, excavated in 1991, and the second, discovered in 2007 - are fakes, the fruit of a deliberate falsification carried out by the Soviet authorities several decades after the revolutionary events ( apparently in 1946). Secondly, most of the royal family (namely the female part) survived and were sent abroad.

Alekseev prudently formats his thoughts in the form of questions that, they say, need to be dealt with. However, the direction of the questions and the passion with which they are articulated leave no doubt about which interpretation of events the academician adheres to.

The collection “Who are you, Mrs. Tchaikovskaya?”, published last year, provides quite clear information on this matter.

The publication was prepared by the team of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project manager is Academician Alekseev, who headed the institute from 1988 to 2013.

The book contains documents (mainly letters) from the personal archive of Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, who recognized “Mrs. Tchaikovskaya,” aka Anna Anderson, as Grand Duchess Anastasia, who miraculously escaped from Bolshevik dungeons.

Anna Anderson, aka Anastasia Tchaikovskaya, aka Franziska Shantskovskaya, is the most famous of the impostors. She pretended to be Grand Duchess Anastasia.

For reference: the vast majority of Andrei Vladimirovich’s relatives who survived the revolution held a different point of view. In 1928, the so-called “Romanov Declaration” was published, in which members of the imperial house disowned any relationship with Anderson, calling her an impostor.

No less fortunate, according to Alekseev’s sources, was the fate of Anastasia’s mother and sisters. In the preface to the collection, the academician reproduces the version of the French historian Marc Ferro: in the summer of 1918, the female part of the family was transferred to the Germans; after the transfer, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna was under the protection of the Vatican and later died in; Grand Duchess Maria married “one of the former Ukrainian princes”; Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was granted asylum in Poland - she lived with her daughter Tatiana in the Lviv convent.

“Then how should we feel about the decision of the government commission to identify the alleged remains to rebury all family members in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg?” - asks Alekseev. And he certainly knows the answer to this question. This can be considered the statement of Mark Ferro cited by him, which the academician fully shares: “The reflection of a historian can be more reliable than DNA analysis.”

Marga Bodts, the most famous of the false Olgas.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that the Russian Orthodox Church is ready to subscribe to every word of the academician. However, the approving attitude towards Alekseev’s “search for truth” is visible, as they say, with the naked eye.

“We are convinced: the questions that he (Alekseev - A.K.) poses are serious questions, and they cannot be ignored,” says Vladimir Legoida, chairman of the synodal information department of the Moscow Patriarchate. - We cannot reduce everything only to genetic testing. Historical, anthropological examination is also extremely important... We consider it obligatory to take into account all existing versions.”

But if this is how the question stands, then the “royal affair” has very little chance of ending in the foreseeable future. The number of “existing versions” is such that checking them can take indefinitely.

Attack of the Clones

“There are many versions of the life of Princess Anastasia - should all these versions also be studied by the investigation? - politician and theologian Viktor Aksyuchits, in 1997–1998 an adviser to Boris Nemtsov, who headed the government commission for the study and reburial of the remains of Nicholas II and members of his family, sarcastically comments on the statements of the academician and his patrons. - On the day of the burial of the remains, a woman stood up on the stage of the Yermolova Theater during a performance and declared that she was Princess Anastasia. Why then not study this version too?!”

Grand Duchess Anastasia

The holy truth: Anna Anderson, to put it mildly, was far from alone. At least 34 women are known to have called themselves Grand Duchess Anastasia.

There are even more “clones” of the Tsarevich - 81. History also knows 53 self-proclaimed Marys, 33 Tatianas and 28 Olgas.

In addition, two foreign citizens pretended to be the emperor's daughters, Alexandra and Irina, who never existed. The latter was allegedly born after the revolution, in Tobolsk exile, and was transported abroad with the consent of the Soviet government.

There are at least 230 impostors in total. This list is not complete: it includes only more or less famous characters. And it's far from closed.

Michelle Anshe. She pretended to be Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna, who “miraculously escaped execution.”

“Since the story began around the burial of the Tsarevich, I receive 2-3 letters every week from people who declare themselves descendants of Nicholas II, from his “grandsons”, “great-grandchildren” and so on,” said a representative of the Association of Romanov Family Members in Russia Ivan Artsishevsky. “There are also those who pretend to be collateral descendants of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.”

“We are not ruling out any versions now,” Vladimir Legoyda says promisingly. If we take the words of the church administrator literally (well, how could it be otherwise?), then we need to deal with each of these “heirs to the throne.” True, there is one significant obstacle on the path to the “search for truth” - the decision of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, held in August 2000.

The Council “determined” to glorify Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra and their five children - Alexei, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia - as “passion-bearers in the host of Russian new martyrs and confessors.”

The corresponding act, “Acts of the Council,” speaks as an undoubted fact about the “martyrdom” of all seven “in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 4 (17), 1918.” It turns out that the authors of alternative versions question not only the version of the investigation, but also the legality of the canonization of most members of the royal family. Or even all the Romanovs.

Saints and Sinners

So, for example, according to one of the “miraculously escaped crown princes Alekseev,” aka Polish intelligence officer and defector Mikhail Golenevsky, there was no execution at all. And the commandant of the “special purpose house” Yakov Yurovsky is not the executioner of the Romanovs, but a savior: thanks to him, the royal family managed to safely leave Yekaterinburg, cross the country, and then the Polish border. First, the Romanovs allegedly settled in Warsaw, then moved to Poznan.

Mikhail Golenevsky. He declared himself Tsarevich Alexei.

According to the same source, Alexandra Fedorovna died in 1925, after which the family split: Anastasia moved to, Olga and Tatyana - to, and Alexey and Maria remained with their father.

According to the “Tsarevich,” the former emperor shaved off his beard and mustache, thereby completely changing his appearance. And he did not sit idle: he headed the secret “All-Russian imperial anti-Bolshevik organization,” in which, of course, his son was also a member. It was precisely the desire to harm the communists that allegedly brought the grown-up Alyosha, whom prudent parents renamed Mikhail Golenevsky, to the military intelligence of already socialist Poland.

The harm, by the way, unlike this whole fantastic story, was quite real: having fled to the West in 1960, Golenevsky shared a lot of different secrets with his new owners. Including information about Soviet and Polish agents working in the West. And then he suddenly declared himself Tsarevich Alexei. For what purpose?

According to one version, the defector simply lost his mind. According to another, more plausible one (Golenevsky didn’t really look like a psycho), the impostor intended to gain access to the royal family’s accounts in Western banks, which he allegedly learned about through contacts with the KGB. However, nothing came of this venture.

The same not at all disinterested motivation can be traced in the actions of most of the other “miraculously escaped Romanovs.” Including the most famous of them - Anna Anderson (aka Anastasia Tchaikovskaya, aka Franziska Shantskovskaya). It is known that she was keenly interested in the royal family’s deposits in European banks, but they refused to talk to her on this topic. Actually, after this Anderson began a lawsuit regarding recognition of her as the heiress of the Romanov fortune. The litigation lasted intermittently for almost 40 years - from 1938 to 1977 - and ultimately ended in the defeat of the impostor.

Maria Seslava

The real Anastasia’s aunt, Nicholas II’s sister, Olga Aleksandrovna Romanova, spoke about the efforts of her false niece and her energetic “friends”: “I am convinced that all this was started by unscrupulous people who hoped to warm their hands by getting at least a share of the fabulous non-existent wealth of the Romanov family "

Let us clarify that the efforts of the impostors were not completely pointless: the royal family actually had foreign bank accounts, and, judging by some indirect evidence, there was some money in them. But there is no consensus among historians about the size of this fortune, as well as about who ultimately got it (and whether anyone got it at all).

In short, the “luckily escaped Romanovs” are much more like crooks a la the great schemer Ostap Bender than like righteous people and passion-bearers. “The son of a Turkish subject,” I remember, also earned his living for some time in a similar way - he pretended to be the son of Lieutenant Schmidt. By the way, the false children of Colonel Romanov - this was exactly the military rank the emperor had - also often “violated the convention” and exposed each other. It is known, for example, that the same Mikhail Golenevsky, having met his “sister” Eugenia Smith, one of the false Anastasias, publicly disgraced her, calling her a fraud.

Obviously, by declaring the validity of “all versions,” the Russian Orthodox Church risks suffering significantly greater reputational damage than if it agrees with the investigation’s version. The latter, at least in no point, does not contradict the decision to canonize the royal family.

Show your documents

How fair are Alekseev’s reproaches against the investigation and the government commission for neglecting historical expertise and inattention to archival sources?

“Academician Alekseev was a member of the government commission for five years,” answers Viktor Aksyuchits. - In this capacity, he could request any documents from any departments and archives. That is, he could conduct any historical research himself and answer all the questions that he asks to this day. Where are his applications and where are the official refusals to him in this regard?” As for the historical examination, it, according to Aksyuchits, was very authoritative and more than thorough.

For reference: in February 1994, the commission decided to create a special group of historians and archivists to identify and study documents revealing the circumstances of the regicide. It was headed by Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan Kovalchenko.

The search was conducted in a variety of Russian archival funds, including the archives of the President and the FSB. As a result, the group came to the conclusion that the discovered documents were sufficient to draw an unambiguous conclusion: the entire royal family, as well as Doctor Botkin and servants, were killed on the night of July 16-17, 1918, and their remains were buried on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road .

“Many of the acquired documents have been published,” says Victor Aksyuchits. - But Alekseev needs his “facts” and “versions” to be considered as part of the investigation. At the same time, he does not provide any real documentary evidence, but lists a number of myths and gossip, which are always in abundance, especially in such a case.”

A similar position is held by specialists related to the historical examination ordered by the investigation, whom the MK observer asked to comment on Alekseev’s latest statements.

However, in fairness it must be said that in a number of cases his alternative version is based on very real facts. It's all about their interpretation. We are talking, for example, about an order signed by Bogdan Kobulov, dated March 1946, which mentions the topic of the death of the royal family. According to experts, such a document may indeed take place. But they give him a much more prosaic explanation than “Operation Cross.”

The fact is that in March 1946, Kobulov was appointed deputy head of the Main Directorate of Soviet Property Abroad. His competence included the issue of the return of material assets that belonged to the USSR, to which the Soviet authorities also included the property of members of the Russian imperial house. It is likely that Kobulov raised the question of finding the royal inheritance with the competent authorities.

The fact of negotiations between Soviet and German diplomats, the subject of which was the fate of the royal family, can also be considered quite reliable. But it does not follow from this that the Romanovs were saved, or even that they intended to be saved.

According to MK sources, on the part of the Bolsheviks this was nothing more than a game, creating the appearance that the Romanovs - at least the female part of the family - were still alive. The Bolsheviks were afraid of angering Emperor Wilhelm II, who had a fairly close family relationship with the Romanovs: he was a cousin of both Nicholas and Alexandra Feodorovna. After the Kaiser's Germany was defeated in the war, there was no longer any need for pretense and negotiations were immediately abandoned.

Who are you coming?

The testimony of waitress Ekaterina Tomilova, who claimed that she fed the female part of the family dinners after July 17, 1918, is also not news to experts.

It is quite possible that the witness was simply confused about the dates: after the transition of Soviet Russia from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, this was a very common occurrence. Adding to the confusion, the territories recaptured by the Whites were reverting to the Julian calendar.

But it cannot be ruled out that Tomilova deliberately misled the “white investigation”. After all, the fact that in addition to Nicholas II, his wife and children were also shot was carefully hidden by the Bolsheviks. By the way, the “whites” did not fall for this bait. Investigator Nikolai Sokolov, who was investigating the death of the royal family on behalf of Admiral Kolchak, came to exactly the same conclusion as the modern investigation: all the prisoners of the “special purpose house” died.

And finally, the last, seemingly “deadly” argument is the coins of the 1930s and later periods, discovered next to the remains of Alexei and Maria.

Yes, several coins were actually found in Porosenkovo ​​Log that did not correspond to the estimated time of burial. As well as a lot of other not ancient objects - cans, bottles, knives... But there is nothing strange here, experts assure: this was a favorite place for picnics among local residents. In addition, all these “artifacts” were located at a considerable distance from the burial and practically on the surface of the earth. In the excavation itself, at the depth at which the charred remains of the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchess rested, there was nothing like that.

In a word, no uninflated sensations have yet been found in the arguments of Academician Alekseev and other adherents of “alternative versions”. And there is reason to suspect that new historical research will not change this picture much. Not to mention genetic.

But why then all this fuss? The motives of historians - both professionals and amateurs - who challenge the boring, tired "officialdom" are not so difficult to understand. Actually, this is the only way to make a name in this, perhaps, the most subjective of sciences. Some swim against the tide out of sheer, so to speak, love of art, but some also make good money from it.

It is much more difficult to understand the driving motives of the church, which today is the de facto main moderator of the “royal cause.”

It is no secret that a significant part of the hierarchy considers non-recognition of the royal remains a lesser sin than admitting that the church made a mistake. However, some time ago it seemed that the Russian Orthodox Church agreed to an “honorable surrender.” That is, I am ready to reconsider my previous position provided that: a) the ceremony of reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria, originally scheduled for October 18 of the outgoing year, will be postponed; b) additional research will be carried out, in which this time representatives of the Patriarchate will take part. This would allow the church to save face and, no less important, would give it time to prepare its flock accordingly and reassure the Orthodox public.

The conditions have been met, however, recent events make us suspect that the plan is still somewhat different, and not at all “capitulatory”. Which one? “You can’t help but twist your head here, the church, the people of God, will never recognize these false powers as genuine,” says Konstantin Dushenov, director of the analytical information agency “Orthodox Rus'”. Dushenov can hardly be classified as an insider, but one gets the full impression that on the tongue of this public figure is what is on the minds of many church hierarchs. I would like to believe - not for everyone.

Each era has its own relatives. Let us at least remember the classics: “The false grandchildren of Karl Marx, the non-existent nephews of Friedrich Engels, the brothers of Lunacharsky, the cousins ​​of Clara Zetkin, or, at worst, the descendants of the famous anarchist Prince Kropotkin, move throughout the country, extorting and begging.” Well, the children of Lieutenant Schmidt are already a textbook example.

But now the years have passed. They exposed the cult of personality, subjectivism and voluntarism, the times of stagnation, and seemingly completed perestroika. A new era has come, which means new relatives have come. But these are different people - not related to the stern commissars in leather jackets and the inspired intellectuals in revolutionary pince-nez, no - these are completely different people...

Mysteriously preserved from the massacre are members of the “reigning family”: sisters, nephews, brothers-in-law, grandchildren, well, at worst, just grand dukes or, again according to the classic, “persons close to the emperor.” Relatives and friends of the House of Romanov, who have been hiding underground for many years, appear on the surface at the right time and in the right place.

Everyone’s thoughts are different: who should give the throne, who wants to save Russia, and who is more concerned with the little things.

Well, here we are: in Novosibirsk, once called Novonikolayevsky, a direct heir to the dynasty that ruled Rus' for more than three centuries has appeared - none other than the granddaughter of Nicholas II!?

The fact, as you understand, is non-trivial and causes the journalists’ hearts to beat faster. But let’s omit the details... In these harsh times, when the pages of printed publications are filled with tired journalists and recipes for saving the domestic economy, you want something like this... Therefore, I bring to your attention a very (at least many times) abbreviated story of the crowned granddaughter about myself, dad, grandfather and the KGB.

She called me from a regular pay phone, saying that she was in a hurry, since there was no access from the KGB. And so all my life, they say... We met in a public garden under the trees that had already dropped their yellowed leaves. An ordinary grandmother, who was born at one time in Novosibirsk maternity hospital No. 3. She learned about her extraordinary past quite recently, although she had suspected “something like that” for a long time.

Galina Vasilievna Sh. (I won’t give her last name, for obvious reasons) was born in 1941, when her dad... Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov was 37 years old. The only son of the last Russian emperor met his wife at a dance in our city. Word for word - and he got married. And the Tsarevich, it turns out, was none other than the engineer who built the Chkalov plant. Your humble servant was even shown “Diploma No. 164658”, seen by Vasily Mitrofanovich Sh. (As you may have guessed, Vasily is none other than Alexey Romanov) in 1940 in connection with “the completion of the full course at the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze” .

Vasily Sh. (Alexey R.) ended up in Novosibirsk by assignment, but in general, according to his daughter, all his life he was either “taken away” or “released”... The ending is this: on October 20, 1941, he went missing near Moscow at the front , then died in a prisoner of war camp in Germany.

Naturally, there is no evidence, but there are handwriting samples and photographs - if anyone decides to check: no problem... And by the way, there really is some similarity - at least it seems so. No, there is still one piece of evidence: neither more nor less - a painting painted by His Imperial Majesty’s own hand. The picture, of course, is not simple: the granddaughter pored over it for a long time with a magnifying glass and came to the following conclusions... I’ll state it in order: The Romanov family was not shot at all, somehow they managed, they were transported to Kislovodsk, and there the picture was born. In the middle of it is a huge “pedigree” oak tree. Everything is as it should be: those on the left are all former (before the milestone year of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen), but those on the right are a real treasure for historians and monarchists.

So, on the right side, three sisters are cautiously peeking out from behind a tree (the fourth was hanged by the Bolsheviks near Yekaterinburg) and... you’ll never guess - in person, a member of the Central Committee, People’s Commissar, and in recent years, a long-lived pensioner... Lazar Kaganovich. He, it turns out, had a direct and immediate attraction to Antonina (apparently, the granddaughter means her aunt, whose name was Anastasia after all. - Note by V.K.) and made her his concubine. The sensations do not end there: it turns out that Ordzhonikidze became interested in the other sister, whom the sovereign depicted in the picture as “a half-savage with a naked saber and with such a mustache.”

Well, what about the emperor himself? What is his fate? He lived to see the war, depicted the date “1941 - 1945” on the painting, signed “Hurray!” and painted a small scene: in the sky there is a fireworks in honor of the Victory, and below are the sad “defeated German, a Finn with a pipe and a Japanese in a soldier’s cap”... It turns out that the emperor saw the triumph of Russian weapons, but nothing more - in 1945 That same year he was shot by two “tall, black and curly” men. Before his death, Nicholas II turned his face to the murderers and died with dignity... Where does the information come from? The answer is from my granddaughter, who, among other things, is also a psychic and once saw a murder scene in a dream.

That's it. Let's stop there. Don't worry, dear reader, nothing else will happen. I hasten to reassure you: Galina Vasilievna Sh. does not lay claim to the throne (which, in fact, does not exist 74 years ago...), but she would not refuse a new apartment. I even wrote a letter to the chairman of the regional council, now waiting for an answer...

I boldly put my hand to this


It is impossible to imagine what the Holy Martyrs endured in the last hours of their earthly lives. This is a great mystery, known to the Lord, the Angels and the Royal Sufferers. The Diveyevo sisters said “that on the night from July 3/16 to July 4/17, 1918, that is, on the night of the martyrdom of the Royal Family, Blessed Elder Maria Ivanovna raged terribly and shouted: “The princesses - with bayonets! Damned Jews! She raged terribly, and only later did it become clear what she was screaming about. This means that she knew who ordered and who was the perpetrator of this monstrous crime, for which the Russian people, who allowed it, still bear atonement.”33
By a revelation from the Lord, the holy Elder Nicholas knew who ordered and who carried out this terrible atrocity, which had never happened in the history of the peoples of the world. The God-inspired righteous man was chosen by the Savior to be the spectator of their suffering on the cross: July 4/17, 1918, when he was nine years old, he ran into the house and shouted with tears: “Mom! Mother! The king was killed! The king was killed! Everyone! And the Tsarevich! The Lord will punish them terribly, the damned ones that they ruined the Tsar, He will punish them all!” The excited mother asked him: “Be quiet, Kolya, keep quiet! Now you need to be silent!” - “You shouldn’t be silent, you should shout and cry. Now a terrible, terrible punishment of God is approaching everyone”... (“Even then the Lord revealed to me the punishment of God that all of Russia would suffer for the Tsar: war, devastation, hunger and dishonor,” the Elder would say later). By the grace of the Holy Spirit, the mockery and torment that the Royal Sufferers endured from the monsters were revealed to the nine-year-old Royal faithful prayer book.
With this revelation about the Royal agony of the cross, the youth passed through his angelic childhood, dedicated only to God and the Tsar. He cried all the time and asked everyone to pray for the martyred Russian Emperor: “The Tsar was killed!” From that day on, he wrote on the first page of the memorial of the deceased, kept in the Altar of St. Michael’s Church, the holy names: “the murdered Emperor Nicholas II, the murdered Empress Alexandra, the murdered Tsarevich Alexy, the murdered Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia,” It was written in the memorial the sacred word Emperor... Even then they began to pronounce it in a whisper, but not Father! Mother Ekaterina Stefanovna was very worried - her son talked all the time about God’s punishment and the murder of the Royal Family, but they had to be careful: Robert Petrovich Perlin, the head of the special department, often came to them, he loved to ask Nicholas about the Lord and about the Faith. She feared that her son's frank words and thoughts would bring trouble to everyone. Knowing his obedience, she asked the literature teacher, Lyubov Nikolaevna Mikitkina, to talk to Nikolai. In response to exhortations to remain silent, Father predicted: “If everyone is silent and no one talks about God, everyone will die!” And he asked the teacher: “Please, talk about God and the King. It is a sin for you, teachers, to remain silent, and if you do not believe, you will be seriously ill."
The Lord revealed the truth about the Tsar and His suffering to the Righteous Elder Nicholas.
Father repeated and cried: “How they were tortured! Remember this, and do not forget: the Royal Martyr saved us with His suffering. If it were not for the torment of the Tsar, Russia would not exist! The Tsar was very sorry and loved Russia and saved it with His torment. He gave the Heir Alexy, the joy and consolation of his heart, to be slaughtered.”
The Blessed Elder spoke about what was known, seen with the spiritual eyes of his soul, also purified by suffering. The angelic world, the world of dark spirits, was clearly seen by his eye. It was unbearably painful to hear the Elder’s revelations about the bloody torment of the Bright Angels: he said that the Children were tortured in front of the speechless holy Sufferers, the Royal Youth was especially tortured - the joy and consolation of Their angelic hearts... The Queen did not utter a word... The Emperor became all white... The elder constantly repeated that they were burned after torture and torment... “The names of those who did this have not been revealed... We don’t know them... They did not love and do not love Russia, they have satanic malice "...

Answer: The phrase of the Blessed Eldress only means that the princesses were forced with bayonets! And nothing more, for it is said: Do not touch My Anointed One!” And the rest are idle inventions of ignoramuses and people of little faith, who talk a lot and repeat other people’s LIES, because the very first telegrams about Mikhail Romanov and about the Royal Family were true, and then the LIES went on. SALVATION. As for Father Nikolai Guryanov, not many people know that he is an adopted son, born to Alexandra Fedorovna on May 13, 1909, that’s why the security officers hovered around him and after the war he was arrested when he learned the truth about his birth! Alexandra Fedorovna We publish...

The teacher's son claims that he is the grandson of Nicholas II
And requires genetic testing
Sensational statements were made at a press conference in St. Petersburg. Independent experts confirm the identity of Tsarevich Alexei Romanov and geography teacher Vasily Ksenofontovich Filatov, who died in 1988. The next version of the miraculous rescue is outlined in the collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei” presented at the press conference. MIKHAIL Y-BERG reports.

Vasily Filatov's son, Oleg, is the spitting image of Nicholas II. Except that, unlike Nikolai, he is an albino and an absolute blond. No less surprising is the portrait resemblance of Filatov’s daughters Olga, Irina and Nadezhda to members of the Romanov family - Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. It is enough to compare the portraits to be convinced of the no less impressive similarity between their father, Vasily Filatov, and Alexei Romanov.
A handwriting examination of the letters of Alexey Romanov and Vasily Filatov confirms: “The examined notes should be considered with a very high degree of reliability to have been made by the same person.”
In addition, supporters of the new version answer a fundamental question: how could a teenager suffering from hemophilia survive the execution and live safely for another seventy years? There are cases where patients with hemophilia live for a very long time. They can have children, but usually in old age. The Filatovs' first child, son Oleg, was born in 1953, when his father was 49 years old. Vasily Filatov never consulted a doctor, but had a military ID with an exemption from military service under an article that includes blood diseases.
In support of the version of the rescue of Tsarevich Alexei, who lived most of his life under the name Vasily Filatov, experts cite the memories of witnesses about him as a person who experienced a number of severe physical trials as a teenager. In particular, Filatov had monoparesis of the muscles of his left leg: the foot of the right leg was size 42, the left – 40, the left leg was shorter than the right. It is known that Alexei Romanov’s left leg, injured in 1912, after severe internal hemorrhage, suffered temporary “death of nerves” and lost sensitivity.
The coincidences don't end there. Recorded in parish documents as the son of a shoemaker, Vasily Filatov, who received a very poor Soviet education and worked all his life as a geography teacher in a provincial school, knew several European languages, played many musical instruments and taught his children music using digital methods. This is exactly how music was taught to children in the family of the last Russian emperor.

Rescue of the prince: version
The authors of the new version cannot do without the epithet “wonderful”. Miraculously, Alexey manages to survive the execution; it’s hard to call it anything other than miraculous is the fact that he, still alive, was placed on a truck along with the bodies of the rest of the royal family, and, of course, only a miracle helped him get out from under the piled corpses when the truck stopped stuck in the mud.
Alexey was allegedly helped by two security soldiers, the Strekotin brothers from the outer guard of the Ipatiev House, as well as an atmosphere of haste, which forced the “firing” team to make mistake after mistake. From July 4 to July 9, 1918, the White Czechs and Kolchakites developed an offensive against Yekaterinburg, where Nicholas II and his family were kept in the house of engineer Ipatiev. There was no time left to observe even the appearance of formalities, and on July 14, at a meeting of the presidium of the executive committee of the Urals Council, Chairman F. Goloshchekin proposed “to liquidate the former Tsar Nikolai Romanov and his family, as well as his employees.” A corresponding resolution is immediately adopted, and Yakov Yurovsky is appointed responsible for the entire procedure, and he is given a deadline for execution - no later than July 18.

What happened next is all too well known. Eleven members of the royal family and servants who refused to leave them were taken to the basement and, after the sentence was read out quickly, they were shot. However, the execution did not go at all as planned. After two or three salvos, the cramped, unventilated room was filled with powder gases. They fired cartridges filled with both smokeless and black smoky powder, and the mixture of their gases is very caustic. The executioners had to urgently leave the premises, having spent less than half the cartridges and without being able to verify which of those shot was dead and which was still alive. They shot again only at those who sat down or stood up. Those shot were quickly dragged into a truck, whose engine was running and drowned out the noise of the shooting. Thus, there could have been people still alive in the back of the truck.
Another circumstance disrupted the execution. Almost immediately the fact of looting was discovered. In order to take away the valuables from the looters and return the loot, Yurovsky was forced to collect them in one of the rooms on the top floor of the house. For this purpose, a short break of five to ten minutes was taken. During these few minutes, external guard shooter Andrei Strekotin continued to search the bodies of the executed.
Oleg Filatov, according to his father, claims that the Strekotin brothers decided to help Alexey the day before. Therefore, Andrei Strekotin certifies the death of the prince, who was in fact still breathing.
“At night, everyone was taken to the basement, sat on chairs and began to shoot. The Romanovs had corsets made of diamonds, sewn in case of escape. The bullets flew off, the whole room sparkled, and this sight horrified the shooters. The Tsar fell on the boy. It was decided to take everyone to the forest and finish there. The boy was hit on the head, he woke up when he fell from the truck into the mud. He was wrapped in a bag and heard a drunken altercation and the voice of one of the guards: “Leave him alone, he’s dead anyway.” It was dark, the boy managed to crawl through a little, free himself from the bag and hobble a few tens of meters along the rails. They found him, drove him into a pit with bayonets and threw a grenade there.
Father told us about further events on his own behalf. The pit was shallow; the switchwoman discovered the wounded boy, who had no living space on him, and called for help. Two people, “Uncle Sasha” and “Uncle Andrey,” pulled him out of the pit and took him to Shadrinsk (Chelyabinsk region). There, in the house where the shoemaker and his brothers lived, the boy was taken out, but he remained an orphan and a cripple. They carefully concealed him, gave him a different name and changed his date of birth - from 1904 to 1907."

Koptyakovskaya road
Even the most benevolent reader has a lot of questions. Under what bridge was the prince hiding, who was not only a hemophiliac, had difficulty moving, and was also seriously injured?
The route of a truck loaded with the bodies of those executed through the Verkh-Isetsky plant to the Koptyakovskaya road has been described repeatedly. The truck stopped more than once on the bad road. The engine of the one and a half ton Fiat overheated, and the car, stuck in the mud, had to be partially or completely unloaded during stops. Thus, Edward Radzinsky describes a stop at railway crossing #184. However, from this crossing to the Shartash station there are at least 15 km. There was no way a sick and seriously wounded teenager could overcome such a distance in two or three night hours.
However, two paths led from Ipatiev’s house to the Koptyakovskaya road. The first was across the dam of the city pond, there was a guard stationed here. But a block downstream of the Iset there was a small bridge. Next to it is a railway line from a mechanical plant leading to the Rezhevsky plant. It is about four kilometers to the Shartash station. Alexey, according to the authors of the new investigation, could cover these distances in two hours. And at the Shartash station the next morning, the Strekotin brothers found Alexey and took him 230 km to Shadrinsk.
But how could it be that the “firing” team did not discover the disappearance of two bodies? Experts believe that the loss was established, but no one thought about escape then. They only grabbed it in the morning. A search group sent from near Koptyakov by Yurovsky arrived at the “special purpose house” and reported the disappearance of two bodies. This is how one can interpret an indistinct phrase from the notes of Yakov Yurovsky, who reports that he “reported to his superiors that everything was not going well.”

"These Khanty-Mansi treated me"
"Unfortunately" here means the loss of two corpses. This explains the delay of half a day at the burial site - Yurovsky sends Red Army soldiers to search and waits for the results. But the missing Alexey and one of the princesses were not found. Things are taking a dangerous turn. Yurovsky sets up outposts and goes to the city with a report. The city makes a decision: burn all the remaining corpses in order to hide the loss of two bodies from the leadership. This explains the return to the original burial site and the removal of bodies from the mine. The delivery of kerosene and sulfuric acid is urgently organized. However, the corpses smoked, hissed, but did not burn. Then they decided to bury the remains of the Romanovs somewhere. They put the bodies in the truck and drove onto the Koptyakovskaya road, but not far from the crossing in a swampy lowland the car skidded in the mud. They brought boards from the railway guard's house at the crossing and with difficulty pushed the truck out of the resulting swampy hole. And suddenly a thought occurred to someone: this hole on the road itself is a ready-made mass grave for the last Romanovs.
The protocol was extremely lapid: 11 people were shot, where they were buried - it was not indicated how many were buried - too. Only after the retreat of the Whites from the Urals did Yurovsky submit his first report in 1920. He completed the formation of the legend: all 11 people were shot, two bodies were burned, nine were secretly buried. Following Yurovsky, the other members of the “firing” team write their memoirs. It is characteristic that every second person assures that it was he who finished the wounded Alexei.
However, none of them admits that anyone could have survived. Only those who certified the death of the still living Alexei, that is, the Strekotin brothers, could know about this. And since the search group did not find them, it is obvious that the rescuers and the rescued moved in the direction opposite to the search, towards the Shartash station.
How did you manage to stop the bleeding and cure a seriously wounded boy? According to the recollections of Vasily Filatov’s daughters, “Uncle Sasha and Uncle Andrey, having pulled him out of the mine, with the help of a switchman, bandaged him with any rags, took him to the city of Shadrinsk, where they provided assistance. The third - Uncle Misha - went with him to the city of Tobolsk to the village of Dubrovnoye, and then to Surgut, where he handed him over to the Chukchi for treatment and protection until the end of 1919. His father recalled: “I was treated there for blood loss, I was weak. These Khanty-Mansi, northern people, they all forced me to eat fresh frozen fish, fresh frozen venison with blood, and boiled animal eyes for night blindness. These Khanty-Mansi treated themselves and treated me in this way, and they also drank all sorts of dried herbs and decoctions." Upon returning to Shadrinsk, the second life of this man begins under the name of Vasily Ksenofontovich Filatov, the son of a shoemaker.

Vasily Filatov
How does the candidacy of the modest rural geography teacher Vasily Filatov differ from other contenders for the throne? At least because he himself never expressed any complaints. Vasily Filatov shared his memories of the miraculous salvation only with relatives, and even then reluctantly, never finishing anything. It is clear that the role of an adventurer is not his. However, if it is proven that this whole story is another mirage, it remains to assume that his case is an ordinary clinic, and the impetus for the emergence of mania could have been a number of amazing coincidences and a real portrait resemblance of himself to Tsarevich Alexei, and his children to representatives of the Romanov family.
Although the appearance of a double in the Russian outback does not seem very likely, such coincidences are in principle possible. The version defended by Filatov’s son and a group of independent experts is supported by the fact that so far none of the examinations carried out have given a negative result. Moreover, these examinations were carried out not only by the authors of the collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei,” but also by German and Finnish experts.
Today there are many methods of personal identification, and above all, genetic analysis, which Oleg Filatov insists on. However, it can be assumed that the identification of Vasily Filatov and Alexei Romanov will not happen in the foreseeable future. Even if genetic testing does take place, its results are unlikely to be officially recognized. The real contender for the throne is an extra figure in a complex political struggle, and it is not difficult to imagine how the political map will change if weak and disparate monarchical groups have a trump card of this magnitude.
True, the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church was excluded from participating in the burial ceremony of the royal remains in the Peter and Paul Cathedral is due to the fact that the Holy Synod reacted quite seriously to the examination materials sent to it by Oleg Filatov and is studying them, waiting for time for an appropriate response.

The collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei” (historical and forensic reconstruction of the execution of the royal family) was prepared by the Blitz publishing house at the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian PEN Club. The authors of the collection: forensic expert Vadim Petrov, professor, doctor of technical sciences Georgy Egorov and physicist Igor Lysenko. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. has received worldwide rights to the book.

Legends that the children of the last Russian emperor managed to avoid execution in 1918 still haunt minds. Over the past hundred years, historians have counted about 230 “royal children” who appeared in different parts of the world.

Some of them continue to seek the return of their “legitimate name” or even the Russian imperial crown. But who would have thought that in the Astrakhan region there would appear a man calling himself the grandson of Nicholas II.


This story began a couple of years ago, when Nazhmudin Musaev, a resident of the village of Vladimirovka, approached the registry office in the Enotaevsky district with an unusual request. The man stated that he wants to completely change his first name, last name and patronymic to Nikolai Alekseevich Romanov. He explained the reason for such a strange request simply: “I am the grandson of Nicholas II.” According to the Enotaevets, by changing his last name, he will fulfill the last will of his father, Tsarevich Alexei, the only son of the last Russian emperor.

Despite the unusual nature of the request, civil registry office employees sent the requests necessary to change the surname to the villager’s place of birth. But even after so many months, Nazhmudin Musaev is still not Romanov. Because of bureaucratic delays.

“The fact is that Musaev’s place of birth is another state (Kyrgyzstan - “KK”),” Anna Protopopova, head of the civil registry office of the Astrakhan region for the Enotaevsky district, told us. – We have sent all the necessary requests. But we still haven't received a response. We wait.

Only after collecting all the necessary documents will Nazhmudin Musaev be able to write an application to change his name, surname and patronymic. In it he will have to indicate the reason for his decision.

The rescue

“Nazhmudin himself is a native of Chechnya, but he and his large family have been living in our village for about 20 years,” Iraida Tsai, the head of the Vladimir village council, told us about him. – So he can rightfully be called an Astrakhan resident.
In February last year, while in Grozny, he and his brother Sesbek took part in a press conference, where he spoke in detail about the secret of his origin.

According to Enotaevets, Tsarevich Alexei, heir to the Russian throne, managed to avoid execution in July 1918.

“Loyal people from the guard of Nicholas II, to whom the emperor gave several gold coins and jewelry with precious stones, helped arrange the escape of my father, Tsarevich Alexei,” said Nazhmudin. “They took him out of town on horseback. Then he went on his own.

The boy was forced to live with the gypsies and lead a wandering life. So he got first to Ukraine, and then to Chechnya. The Chechens always helped fugitive Cossacks and soldiers, so Alexei hoped that the mountaineers would help him too.


According to the story of the Musaev brothers, in the spring of 1919, 14-year-old Alexei Romanov reached the village of Shali. He was not afraid that he would be recognized as a man of noble birth: during the journey he was very tired and had an unkempt appearance.

The Chechens agreed to help the teenager. A resident of the village of Chechen-Aul, Mus Musaev, took Alexey to the Vedeno district and hid him with his relatives in the village of Zaozernoye, introducing him as his son from his second wife. So Alexey received a new name - Musost. Over time, he learned the Chechen language, national customs, and began to profess Islam. He later married and had four sons: Baudin, Sesbek, Abu and the younger Najmudin.

“I remember my father well,” said the raccoon’s elder brother, Sesbek. “He always amazed me with his upbringing and manners. My father never sat down at the table without laying out a napkin; he wore his beard in the Cossack manner, dividing it in half. This behavior was not typical for local residents. We were also surprised by the fact that in his native (as we believed) Chechen language, my father spoke with an accent, sometimes stumbling over some words.

“Also, my father never bothered with work,” added Nazhmudin. “Periodically, I would go somewhere for two weeks, a month, and return with money. At that time, we lived well, and the family was never in need. When asked where he was, he answered that he went to visit his houses and possessions. When the father became very ill, he called his eldest son to him and said: “I have kept an important secret all my life and was waiting for the day when I could tell about it. My life was spent in fear. I was afraid that this secret would harm you, my children. But now, I cannot allow this secret to go with me, since I had to fulfill the dying will of the last tsar and not allow the Romanov family to perish. I am the son of Nicholas II, the last Russian emperor.” And he spoke four foreign languages. In 1986, our father died. The older brothers, with whom my father spoke most of all about his origins, also passed away. And now we, the remaining sons, need to fulfill what our father bequeathed to us - to prove that we are descendants of the Romanovs!

To Japan!

Nazhmudin Musaev cites external resemblance to Tsarevich Alexei and the “royal disease” – hemophilia – as evidence of belonging to the royal dynasty. Enotayevets agrees to DNA testing. To do this, he is even ready to go to Japan, where in the museum of the city of Otsu a pillow and a large handkerchief with drops of the Russian emperor’s blood are kept, left after 1881, when a Japanese fanatic hit the visiting Nikolai Romanov on the head with a saber.

To raise money for a long trip, Nazhmudin Musaev resorted to the help of social networks.

“I, Musaev Nazhmudin Musostovich, was born on August 17, 1957 in the village of Dzhilanda, Uzgen district, Osh region, Kyrgyz USSR,” he writes in “Odnoklassniki” in the group “Romanovs, unite!” – I officially declare that I am the natural grandson of the last Russian Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, who was executed in 1918. In order to legally substantiate my application, I appeal to all people, organizations, and states truly interested in historical truth to help me financially and organizationally in conducting an independent examination to identify my DNA and my grandfather, Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, whose blood is in Japan, in Otsu City Museum.

Unfortunately, during the preparation of this issue, Nazhmudin Musaev was not in the Astrakhan region - he went to stay in the Chechen Republic for a while. Therefore, we were not able to communicate with him personally. But we hope that after his arrival he will tell you how his preparations for his trip to the Land of the Rising Sun are going.

80 crown princes Alekseev o appeared after the execution of the royal family

Here are just the most famous of them:

Alexey Putsyato

He appeared several months after the execution of the royal family in the Siberian village of Kosh-Agach, after which he went to Omsk, wanting to introduce himself directly to Admiral Kolchak. According to Putsyato, he managed to jump out of the train on which the royal family was being taken into exile and hide with “loyal people.” Soon he was exposed by Pierre Gillard, the crown prince’s teacher.

Vasily Filatov

He assured that after the execution he managed to get out of the mine and escape with the help of his Red Army brothers, who secretly sympathized with the family of the former tsar. His children still actively defend his identity with the Tsarevich and demand the return of their “legitimate” surname.

Eino Tammet

The applicant is of Estonian origin. According to his version, he fled while the bodies of the royal family were being transported to the mine, since, according to a secret plan drawn up in advance, Yurovsky, who shot at the crown prince, used blank charges. He was handed over to be raised by the Veerman family, who were “distantly related” to some of the courtiers. Emigrated to Canada. His children continue to seek the return of the mythical royal deposits and lay claim to the Russian crown.

Nikolay Dalsky

He claimed that under the name of the cook Sednev, the nephew of the Tsar’s cook, he was taken out of the Ipatiev House with the consent of Yurovsky. Subsequently, the rescued boy was transported to Suzdal and given up to be raised by a family whose son had recently died. There he was “miraculously cured of hemophilia,” received the surname Dalsky and became an officer in the Red Army.