Polysemantic words in the Russian language dictionary. Ambiguous words

MARKED cm. mark And label
METER1,-A, m. 1. The basic unit of length in the International System of Units, equal to 100 cm. Square m.(unit of area). Cubic m.(unit of volume measurement). 2. Measuring ruler, a bar of this length with divisions in centimeters. Folding m, II adj.meter,-th, -oe (to 1 value).
METER2,-A, m.(specialist.). Orderly alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse. Iambic m.
METER,-A, m. Magnitude, quantity of something. in meters. M. apartments. M. fabric. II adj.meter,-oh, -oh.
METRAPAGE,-A, m. (specialist.). A senior typesetter who typesets the pages or supervises such typesetting.
MAIN D'HOTEL[te], -I, m. A manager in a restaurant who supervises the work of the waiters.
METRICS,-i, f. The doctrine of poetic meters and meters2, as well as the poetic meters and meters themselves2. Metrics textbook. Russian m. II adj.metric,-oh, -oh. Metrical versification(based on the alternation of long and short syllables).
METRICS,-And, and. Birth certificate. II adj.metric,-oh, -oh. Metric certificate.
METRIC1,-oh, -oh. Related to decimal system measures, in which the units of measurement are the meter and the kilogram. Metric system of measures.
METRIC 2-3cm. metric1-2.
METRO, uncl., cf. 1. Same as the metro. Go to metro station metro station 2. Metro station (colloquial). Meet at the m. Live near the m.
METRO... relating to the metro, e.g. metrostroy, metro station, metro route, metro bridge, metro station, metrostroy-tel.
METRO2 ... The first part of complex xias with meaning. relating to measurement, e.g. metrorhythm, metrotectonic.
METER cm. meter.
METROLOGY,-i, f. The science of measurements, their unity and accuracy. II adj.metrological,-oh, -oh. Metrological examination.
METPOHOM, -a, m. A pendulum device that marks short periods of time with blows, used. when determining the tempo in music and for counting time by ear. II adj.metronomic,-oh, -oh.
METROPOLITAN [te],-A, m. Underground, ground or elevated (on overpasses) urban electric railway. Stolichny m. II adj.metro,-aya, -oh and metro,-aya, -oe (colloquial).
METROPOLIS,-And, and. The state in relation to its colonies, exploited territories, economically dependent countries.
MEX1,-a (-u), about fur, on fur, pl.-a, -ov, m. 1. Thick hair of an animal, wool. 2. Tanned animal skin with preserved hairline. M. fur-bearing animals, sea animals, domestic animals. Fox m. Coat with fish fur(cold, not warming; colloquial joke.). 3. pl. Clothes made of fur, lined with fur, trimmed with fur (unfolded). Wear furs. Wrap yourself in furs. II adj. fur, -aya, -de (to 1 and 2 meanings). M. shop(trading furs and fur products).
MEX2,-A, pl.-and, -ov And-a, -ov, m. 1. A device with stretchable folded walls for air injection. Blacksmith's bellows. 2. A bag made of animal skin. M s koumiss. Wine in furs.
FUR... 1) related to mechanics, mechanical, e.g. mechanics and mathematics(Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics); 2) mechanized, e.g. mechanical column, mechanical squad, mechanical milking.
MECHANIZER, -a, m. 1. Mechanization specialist. 2. Specialist in the maintenance of mechanized implements. Rural machine operators. II adj.mechanical,-oh, -oh.
MECHANIZE,-ruyu, -ruesh; -a-ny; owls And nesov., that. Convert (-drive) to mechanical traction, energy; supply (-to supply) with machines, mechanisms. M. construction. M. agriculture. II nounmechanization,-And, and. M. labor-intensive processes. Complex m.(all main and auxiliary works).
MECHANISM,-A, m. 1. The internal structure (system of links) of a machine, instrument, apparatus that puts them into action. Mechanism link. M. hours. Zavodnoy m. 2. reloc. System, device defining some order. type of activity. State m. 3. trans. A sequence of states, processes that define something. action, phenomenon. M. blood circulation, II adj. mechanical, -th, -oe (to 1 value).
MECHANIC,-A, m. 1. Mechanical specialist (1 value). 2. A specialist who monitors the operation of machines. Engineer-m.
MECHANICS,-i, f. 1. The science of movement in space and the forces that cause this movement. Theoretical m. 2. A branch of technology that deals with the application of the doctrine of motion and forces to the solution of practical problems. Stroitelnaya metro station Prikladnaya metro station 3. transfer. A complex device, the background to something. (colloquial). Tricky m. * Celestial Mechanics- a branch of astronomy that studies the movement of bodies in the solar system. II adj.mechanical,-th, -oe (to I meaning).
MECHANISM,-A, m. A philosophical direction that reduces the entire diversity of the world to the mechanical movement of homogeneous particles of matter, and complex patterns of development to the laws of mechanics. II adj.mechanistic,-oh, -oh.
MECHANICAL,-oh, -oh. 1. cm. Mechanics And mechanism. 2. Mechanical, not consciously regulated. Mechanically(adv.) remember something
MECHANICAL,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. Same as mechanical (2 digits). Mechanical movements. II nounmechanicalness, -i, g.
MECHANO... The first part of complex words with meaning. relating to mechanisms, mechanics, e.g. mechanical equipment, mechanical assembly, mechanohydraulic, mechanotherapy.
FUR cm. fur.
FURRIER,-A, m. A specialist in fur processing and also a (obsolete) fur trader. II and.furrier, -s.
MAECENAS,-A, m. Wealthy patron of the arts and sciences; in general, one who patronizes something. business, undertaking. Sports patrons. II and.philanthropist,-And. P adj.philanthropic,-oh, -oh.
Mezzo-Soprano, several 1. Wed Female voice, medium in pitch between soprano and contralto. A beautiful mezzo-soprano. 2. g. A singer with such a voice.
SWORD,-A, m. A bladed weapon with a double-edged long straight blade. Raise m. on someone.(also translated: start a war; obsolete and high). Pass with fire and sword(mercilessly destroy, ruin with war; high). Sheathe the m.(also translated: end the war, high). M. Justice(translated; high).
SWORD-BEARER,-ate, m. In the Middle Ages: a warrior armed with a sword, as well as a knight’s servant carrying his sword behind him.
MARKED,-oh, -oh. Marked, marked. M livestock Tagged underwear. *Labeled atoms(special) - isotopic indicators used as a “tag” in research in various processes.
MOSQUE,-And, and. Muslim temple.
SWORDFISH,-y, w. A large marine fish with a sword-like appendage on its elongated upper jaw.
DREAM,-s, in meaning genus. pl. used dreams, w. 1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined. M. about happiness. M. came true. 2. units An object of desire, aspiration. M all my life. 3. dream, in meaning, saying. ABOUT something very good (colloquial joke). Not a thing, but m.
DREAMING,-I, Wed The same as a dream (in 1 value). Indulge in daydreams.
DREAMER,-I, m. A person who indulges in daydreams is prone to daydreaming. II dreamer, s.
DREAMY,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. Inclined to dream, characteristic of a dreamer. Dreamy nature. M. species. II noundaydreaming, and and.
DREAM,-ay, -ay; nesov., about something and with undefined Indulging in dreams about someone. M. o future. M. about travel. M. become a musician. Only m. is possible about someone.(about something very good; colloquial).
MIXER,-i, f. (simple). A stick or something. an object in which something is mixed.
MESS,-y, w. (colloquial disdainful). A mixture of something. heterogeneous, confusion. M in head someone
INTERFERE,-ay, -ay; nesov., to someone or something or with undefined To create obstacles in something, to serve as a hindrance. M. work. *Does not interfere or it wouldn't hurt With undefined(colloquial) - should, should or should, it would be necessary. It wouldn't hurt to rest. II owlsinterfere,-ay, -ay. STIR 2,-ay, -ay; mixed; nesov. 1. What. Turn over, shake in a circular motion with with the help of something. M. porridge. M. tea with a spoon. 2. what's with what? The same as mixing (in 1 value). M. wine with water. II owlsinterfere,-ay, -ay; crazy, (to 1 value) Andmix,-ay, -ay; mixed (to 2 meanings). II nounmixing,-I, Wed(to 2 digits).
INTERFER 1,- I guess, - I guess; nesov.(colloquial). 1. Be a hindrance to someone. Do not help, but only M. M. underfoot(disturb someone with your presence; colloquial). 2. Same as interfere (1 value). M. none of my business.
INTERFER 2,- I guess, - I guess; nesov. eleven and 2 l. not used). Stop being different and getting confused. Thoughts get in the way. 2. To be embarrassed, to be embarrassed (outdated and colloquial). II owlsmingle,-I guess, -you say.
LAY,-ay, -ay; nesov., with what And with undef.(colloquial). Slow down, take your time. do. M. with departure. II owlshesitate-ay, -ay.
BAGGY,-aya, -oe; -at. 1. About clothes: too wide. M. suit. 2. Slow and awkward, clumsy. Baggy figure. II nounbaggy,-And, and.
SACKCLOTH,-s, and. Rough fabric for bags.
BAGY,-aya, -oe; -gen, -tna (colloquial). 1. Slow, lethargic. M. man. 2. Painstaking, time-consuming. Messy business. II nounlaxity, -and, and.
BAG,-shka, m. 1. A container made of soft material for something. bulk, for various small items. Hol- cabbage soup, matting, leather, paper m. Clothes m., M. with flour. Sits like a bag(about clothes that are too wide and poorly sewn; colloquial). 2. Old Russian everyday measure of bulk solids. M. flour, oats. 3. trans. Surrounded by enemy troops. To get into the m. To be in the bag. Break out of the bag. 4. A container in the body of an animal, in a plant (special). Cheek m. Germinal m. 5. About a clumsy, clumsy person (colloquial). * Sleeping bag- a type of insulated cover for sleeping outdoors, in a tent, sleeping bag. Money (gold) bag- about great wealth. Bags under the eyes(colloquial) - swelling under the eyes. II decreasepouch,-chka, m.(to 1 and 4 values). * In a bag- about boiling eggs: thicker than soft-boiled, but not hard-boiled. II adj.bag,-th, -th (to 1 and 4 values).
BAGMAN,-A, m. A person who buys, transports and sells goods by hand. goods [original about who, during the years of famine, bought and transported bread in bags]. II and.bagworm,-s. II adj.bagworm,-oh, -oh.
PEOPLE,-A, pl.-ane, -an, m. 1. IN Tsarist Russia: a person of the tax-paying class, consisting of small homeowners, merchants, and artisans. City m. Employee from the bourgeoisie. 2. A person with petty, purely personal interests, with a narrow outlook and undeveloped tastes, indifferent to the interests of society. II and. bourgeois, -i. II adj. bourgeois, -aya, -oe.
PHILISTINISM,-A, Wed 1. In Tsarist Russia: the philistine class, philistine rank. 2. Psychology and behavior of the tradesman (in 2 meanings). II adj.bourgeois,-oh, -oh. Bourgeois title. Philistine views.
HONEY,-a (-u), about honey, in honey, pl.(when designating varieties) honeys, -s, m. 1. A sweet, thick substance produced by bees from nectar. Linden, flower, buckwheat honey. Honey collection. 2. An ancient light intoxicating drink. *Not honey who what(colloquial) - not sugar, not a gift. Your son, you know, is no honey. II adj.honey,-oh, -oh. M. taste. M. gingerbread(on honey). * Honeymoon- first month married life.Honey speeches- the same as sugary speeches.
FROZEN,-oh, -oh. 1. Hardened by frost. Frozen ground. Frozen rocks(containing ice). 2. Spoiled by frost. M. potatoes. II nounfrozenness, -i,f.
FREEZE,- well, - no; frozen, frozen; frozen, frozen; nesov. 1. Turn into ice, as well as freeze, become numb from the cold. The water freezes in the bucket. 2. Feel very cold. My hands are freezing. 3. (1 and 2 l. not used). Become unusable due to frost or cold. Potatoes freeze under the snow. 4. Die from the cold. Birds freeze in flight. II owls freeze,- well, - no; - fidget, - fidget.
DEAD,-aya, -oe; dead, dead, dead And dead. 1. Deceased, deprived of life. Dead body. Bury the dead(noun). Dead(noun) back w wear(last). 2. Devoid of vitality, revival. M. look. The alleys are dead at night(meaning tale). M. light(dim). 3. now. f. Barren, useless. M. capital(value that does not generate income). Dead knowledge(extra, not applicable to anything). Lies like a dead weight what M. (not used at all). * Dead stock- items of household equipment. Dead hour- the same as quiet time. Dead swell(special) - waves in complete calm. Loop(special) - aerobatics - flying along a closed curve in a vertical plane. Dead silence- complete, not disturbed by anything. Dead Season- a period of temporary calm in business and trade. Dead point(special) - a state of instantaneous equilibrium of the moving parts of a mechanism. Move from dead center - about some. in action: to set or set in motion, to give or receive a move. Stranglehold-1) a strong grip of a dog or an animal, when the jaws are difficult to unclench; 2) about the actions of someone who will not back down until he gets his way. Dead space(special) - not shootable. Dead anchor- constantly lying on the bottom and serving for the installation of floating lighthouses, buoys, berths. Become dead anchor- settle down somewhere. forever. Drink dead(colloquial) - drink heavily. Sleeping dead asleep- very strong.
MZDA,-s, and. Reward, payment (obsolete), as well as (ironic) bribe. Do something for the appropriate bribe.
MZDOIMETS,-mtsa, m.(book). Money-grubber, bribe-taker.
MIASM,-azm (vcrap.). Putrid fumes, odors. II adj.miasmatic,-oh, -oh.
MOMENT,-A, m. A moment, a very short period of time. At one m.(in an instant, in one moment).
FLASHER,-And, and.(colloquial). 1. Bright flashing light. 2. Smokehouse with a weak flashing light.
BLINK,-ay, -ay; nesov. 1. Same as blinking. M. eyes. Significantly to the neighbor. 2. (1 and 2 l. not used), trans. Flicker, flickering (colloquial). A light flashes in the distance. II one-timeblink,- well, - no. II nounflashing,-I, Wed II adj.nictitating,-aya, -oe (to 1 value; special). The nictitating membrane of the eye. M. reflex.
INSTANTLY, adv.(colloquial). Very quickly, soon or immediately. M. I'm running away. M. understood what was going on.
MIGRATION,-And, and.(book). Relocation, relocation (about many, many things). M. population. Seasonal animal migrations. M. fish. M. cells(specialist.). II adj, migration, -aya, -oh.
MIGRAINE,-And, and. Attacks of pain in one side of the head. Suffer from migraines. II adj.migraine,-oh, -oh Andmigraine,-aya, -oe (special).
MIGRATE,-ruyu, -ruesh; owls And nesov.(book). Complete a migration.
MIDI. 1. uncl., cf. Skirt, dress, coat of medium length. Wear m. Fashion for m. 2. unism. ABOUT skirt, dress, coat: medium length. Dress m. Coat m.
MUSSEL,-And, and. Edible bivalve sea mollusk.
MIS-EN-SCENE,-s, and. The placement of actors and stage settings at different points in the performance of a play. II adj.mise-en-scène,-oh, -oh.
MISANTHROPE,-A, m.(book). A person prone to misanthropy. II misanthrope, -i.
MISANTHROPY,-And, and.(book). Dislike, hatred of people, alienation from them. II adj.misanthropic,-oh, -oh.
MISERABLE,-aya, -oe; -ren, -rna and MI-GRAIN,-aya, -oe; -ren, -rna. Very insignificant, insignificant. A meager fee. Minor interests. II nouninsignificance, -and, and. And insignificance, -i, f.
LITTLE FINGER,-ntsa, m. The fifth, smallest finger on the hand, on the foot. See who-what-n.(very small). Not worth anyone's. little finger(translated: unworthy of someone, completely insignificant compared to someone; colloquial). II decreaselittle finger,-A, m. II adj.little finger,-oh, -oh.
MICRO... The first part of complex words with the meaning: 1) relating to small sizes, values, for example. microorganism, microinfarction, microdistrict, microfilm, microfilming, microparticle, micrometeorite, microcar, micromotor, microexplosion, microprocess, microsystem, microimpurities, minicar; microcomputer; 2) a unit equal to one millionth of the unit named in the second part of the addition, for example. microvolt, microroentgen, micrometer.
MICROBE, -a.,m. Same as microorganism. Pathogenic microbes. M. indifference(translated; disapproved). II adj.microbial,-oh, -oh.
MICROBIOLOGIST,-A, m. Microbiology specialist.
MICROBIOLOGY,-i, f. Section for biologists studying microorganisms. II adj.microbiological,-oh, -oh.
MICROCLIMATE,-A, m. 1. Climate features on a small area of ​​the earth’s surface or artificially created indoors. 2. trans. The environment, relationships in a small team, in a family. Moral m. II adj.microclimatic,-th, -oe (to 1 value).
MICROCOSM, and MICROCOSMOS,-A, m.(specialist.). The world of small quantities; anti-vop. macrocosm.
MICROMETER,-A, m. (specialist.). Tool for precise measurements linear dimensions. II adj.micrometric,-oh, -oh.
MICRON,-A, m. The unit of length is a millionth of a meter. II adj. micron, -aya, - oh.
MICROORGANISM,-A, m. The smallest, predominantly single-celled animal or plant organism, visible only under a microscope. II adj.microorganismal,-aya, -oe (special).
MICROPROCESSOR,-A, m. A software-controlled information processing device used in microcomputers and automatic control systems. II adj. microprocessor, -aya.-oe.Mik- roproprocessor technology.
MICROSCOPE,-A, m. A magnifying device for examining objects that are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Optical m. Electronic m.(giving a magnified image using electron beams). To look at something under a microscope (in a microscope). II adj.microscopic,-oh, -oh.
MICROSCOPIC,-oh, -oh. 1. Produced using a microscope. M. analysis. 2. Very small, visible only through a microscope. Microscopic details. 3. trans. Very small, insignificant in size (colloquial). Microscopic dose.
MICROSCOPIC,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. The same as microscopic (2 and 3 digits). II nounmicroscopicity,-And, and.
MICROPHONE,-A, m. A device that converts sound vibrations into electrical vibrations to enhance sound. Electrodynamic m. II adj.microphone,-oh, -oh.
MIXER,-A, m. Same as mixer. II adj.mixer,-oh, -oh.
MIXTURE,-s, and. A liquid medicine made from a mixture of several substances. M. From cough. II adj.medicinal,-aya, oh.
CUTIE,-And, m. And and.(colloquial). Sweet, nice person.
MILADY, uncl., w. U English: respectful address to married woman from the privileged classes.
CUTE,-aya, -oe (colloquial). 1. Attractive in appearance, pretty. Pretty little face. Nice little dress. 2. Same as dear (in 2 meanings). My m. friend. Waiting for his little one(noun). * How cute(disapproved) - about someone who is forced, who had to do something, agree to something. This tomboy will listen to me like a little boy.Nice job!- expression of surprise or displeasure.
MILITARIZE,-ruyu, -ruesh; -anny; owls And nesov., that. Subordinate (the economy, industry) to the goals of militarism. II owls Also militarize,-Zue, -Zue; -ovated. II nounmilitarization,-And, and. M. industry.
MILITARISM,-A, m. The policy of strengthening military power, building up armaments and intensifying military preparations. II adj.militaristic,-oh, -oh Andmilitaristic,-oh, -oh.
MILITARIST,-A, m. Supporter of militarism. II adj.militaristic,-oh, -oh.
POLICEMAN,-A, m. Private or police sergeant (1 value). II and. mnlici- onersha,-i (colloquial). II adj.policeman,-oh, -oh Andpoliceman,-aya, -oe (colloquial). Police duties.POLICE,-i, f. 1. In some countries:
administrative and executive body involved in the fight against crime and delinquency, maintaining order, as well as the personal safety of citizens and their property. 2. collected Employees of this institution (colloquial). Call the police. M arrived 3. In some countries: name people's militia. II adj.policeman,-th, -oe (to 1st and 2nd values) Andpoliceman,-th, -oe (to 3 meanings).
MILLI... The first part of complex words with meaning. a unit equal to one thousandth of the unit named in the second part of the addition, for example. millimicron, millivolt, milliamp.
BILLION [ilia And Ilya],-A, m. Number and amount equal to a thousand million. Billions of stars(uncountable multitude). II adj.billionth,-oh, -oh.
BILLIONAIRE[de], -a, m. The owner of wealth estimated in billions (ka-kh-n. monetary units.). AND and.billionaire, and(colloquial).
MILLIGRAM,-A, genus. pl.-gram And-grams, m. One thousandth of a gram. II adj.milligram,-oh, -oh.
MILLIMETER,-A, m. One thousandth of a meter. II adj.millimeter,-oh, -oh.
GRAPH PAPER,-And. and. (colloquial). Drawing paper marked into cells of one square millimeter.
MILLION [or And Ilyo],-A, m. Number and amount equal to a thousand thousand. Millions of people (huge variety). Make millions(huge money; colloquial). II adj.millionth,-oh, -oh.
MILLIONAIRE, ah, m. 1. The owner of income and wealth amounting to millions of monetary units. Birzhevik m. Economy-m. 2. A person who has performed work, the results of which are measured in millions of units. Millionaire pilots(flying over a million kilometers). II and. millionaire, -i (to 1 value; colloquial).
HAVE MERCY,-luyu, -blow; notsov., whom (what). To spare, forgive someone. guilt. Has no mercy on anyone whoever (translated: strict towards everyone). II owlshave mercy,-luyu, -luesh; -a-ny. * God have mercy(colloquial) - expression of fear; as if something had happened. bad. God has mercy whom(colloquial) - so far everything is fine, there’s nothing to complain about. II nounpardon,-I, Wed Request for clemency(official).
HAVE MERCY,-luyu, -luesh; notsov., whom (what). In folk literature: to caress. Will love m.
HAVE MERCY- I'm sulking, - I'm pouting; nesov. (colloquial). Caress each other. Kissing and making love(also ironic).
PRETTY,-aya, -oe: -den, -dna. Pleasant, cute looking. Pretty face. Pretty girl. II nouncuteness, -i, f.
MY LORD,-A, m. In the English: respectful address to a man from the privileged classes.
MERCY,-I, Wed Willingness to help someone. or forgive someone. out of compassion and philanthropy. Show m. Appeal to someone. mercy. Society“M.” Act without mercy(cruelly). * Sister of Mercy- a woman caring for the sick and wounded.
MERCIFUL,-aya, -oe; -den, -dna AndMERCIFUL,-aya, -oh, -heart, -heart. Showing mercy, caused by mercy. M. Human. M. action. God is merciful.
GRACIOUS,-aya, -oe; -iv (obsolete). Showing, expressing mercy (in 3 meanings). Graciously(adv.) to do to someone. M. look.
ALMS,-i, f. What is given to a beggar is alms. Collect, beg. Give alms.
MERCY,-i, f. 1. Kind, humane attitude. Provide m. Replace our anger.(stop being angry; ironic.). Surrender to us. winner(about surrender without any conditions). To do something out of mercy.(by indulgence). 2. pl. Benefit, gift. Shower someone with favors. 3. Favor, complete trust, disposition towards someone. to the lower from the side of the higher (obsolete). To be in someone's favor.* Your (your, his) mercy(obsolete) - the appeal of the lower to the higher. Welcome- a polite invitation. By grace whom or whose(iron.) - because of someone, through the fault of someone. By your grace we were late.Do me a favor(obsolete and ironic) - an expression of agreement or request, please. Do me a favor and shut up a little.Tell me for mercy(ironic outdated) introductory words - please tell me, this is amazing.
darling,-i, f. (colloquial). Affectionate address to a woman or girl.
CUTE,-aya, -oe; sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet And nice. 1. Nice, attractive, pleasant. M child. Nice smile. 2. Dear, beloved. M Friend. You won't be nice by force(last,). Meet your sweetheart(noun). Lovely(n) they scold - they just amuse themselves(last). 3. cute! An expression of surprise or displeasure, a nice little thing (colloquial irony). I took all my things, nice! *Nice thing!(colloquial) - 1) about something. good, pleasant; 2) the same as a nice little thing.
MILE,-And, and. A travel measure of length, different in different countries. Morskaya m.(1852 or 1853 m). Land m.(1609 m). Old Russian m.(7468 m).
MILYAGA,-And, m. and f. (simple). A sweet person, an endearing creature. M.- boy.
MIME,-A, m. An artist is a pantomime performer. Mime theater.
MANDMAHC, -a,m. Abbreviation: mime ensemble (group of mimes).
FAMILY,-And, and. Facial movements expressing an internal state of mind. Expressive m. II adj. mimic, oh, oh.
MIMICRY,-i, f. (specialist.). In some animals and plants: similarity in color and shape with the environment, which helps them in the struggle for existence.
MIME,-A, m. An artist who skillfully masters facial expressions. II and.mimic, -i.
MIMIME,-oh, -oh. 1. cm. facial expressions 2. Relating to the game of mimes, pantomime. M. ensemble(ensemble of mimes).
PAST. 1. adv. Bypassing something. Walk m. 2. someone or something, preposition with gender. P. Without reaching someone, without getting closer to someone. Hit the target. *Don't pass by!- a call not to be indifferent to evil, not to be indifferent to injustice, to disorder.
BY PASSING, adv.(colloquial). Passing by, passing by. M. visit somewhere.
MIMOSA,-y, w. 1. Southern plant (herbs, shrubs, trees), some species of which are known for curling their leaves when touched. Not a person, but a m.(translated: about touch-me-not). 2. The common name for southern acacia with small fluffy yellow flowers collected in racemes. II adj. mimosa, -aya, -oh. Mimosa family(noun).
FLEETING,-aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. 1. Fast, not lengthy. M. look. A fleeting meeting. 2. Fragile, short-lived. Fleeting happiness. II nounfleetingness, -i, f.
IN PASSING, adv. 1. Along the way, passing by. M. go somewhere. 2. trans. By the way, casually (colloquial). M. say, hear.
MINA1,-s, and. 1. The barrage means is an explosive projectile, usually placed under water or underground. Morskaya m. Inzhenernaya m.(anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-landing, anti-transport). 2. A shell from a mortar and certain other smooth-bore guns. 3. Same as torpedo. II adj. mine, oh, oh. Minefield(mined area, area).
MINA2,-s, and. Facial expression, its expressive movement. Dissatisfied m. *A good mine in a bad game- about external calm, intended to hide something. bad. Putting a good face on a bad game.
MINARET,-A, m. The tower at the mosque, from which the muezzin calls for prayer. II adj.minaret,-oh, -oh.
AMYGDALA 1, -s, and. A paired organ of the lymphatic system located in the mucous membrane on the wall of the oral cavity and pharynx. Palatine tonsils. Nasopharyngeal tonsils. Tonsillitis.
AMYNDALA2,-s, and. One almond.
ALMOND,-I (s), m. Southern tree or shrub of the family. Rosaceae, with fruits - light elongated nuts, as well as the nuts themselves. II adj. almond, -aya, -oh. Almond oil. Almond cake(with almonds).

ALMOND,-ay, -ay; nesov.(colloquial). 1. Be tender, be cloyingly sentimental. 2. with by whom. Show excessive softness towards someone without reason. You can't mix with truants.

MINERAL,-A, m. A naturally occurring inorganic formation of a crystalline structure that is approximately uniform in chemical composition And physical properties, which lies in the depths or on the surface of the Earth and is usually mined as a mineral. Mineral samples. II adj.mineral,-oh, -oh. Mineral raw materials. Mineral water(natural waters containing minerals). Mineral fertilizers(compounds containing elements for plant nutrition).
MINERAL,-And, and.(colloquial). Table mineral water.
MINERALOGIST,-A, m. Specialist in mineralogy.
MINERALOGY,-And, and. Mineral Science. II adj.mineralogical,-oh, -oh.
MINEA,-And, and. An Orthodox liturgical book containing prayers, chants, stories about the lives of saints, and services arranged by month and day of the year. * Minei-Cheti (Cheti-Minei)- menaion containing the narrative of the lives of the saints. II adj.I think-oh, -oh.
MINER,-A, m. A soldier of sapper units is a specialist in mining and demining. II adj.Minersky,-oh, -oh.
MINERY,-aya, -oe- Relating to mining, to miners.
MINI. 1. uncl., cf. Skirt, dress, coat of minimum length. Wear m. Fashion for us. 2. unism. As short as possible (about a skirt, dress, coat) or very small. Skirt m. M.-transistor. M.-car. M.-computer. M.-computer. M.-football(football with a small number of participants on small grounds).
MINIATURE, -s,zh. I. A small drawing in paints in an old manuscript or book. 2. A small painting of careful and elegant finishing, with a subtle application of paint. Miniatures on paper, on porcelain, on bone. Watercolor miniatures. 3. Dramatic or musical composition small form(eg interlude, sketch, reprise). Theater of miniatures. Orchestral miniatures. 4. Very elegant product small size. Book-m. *Postal miniatures- pictures, drawings on postage stamps. In miniature- in a small form, reduced size. II adj.miniature,-oh, -oh. Miniature painting. Miniature technology.
MINIATURIST, -a,m. 1. An artist who paints miniatures. 2. Author of miniatures (3 characters). II miniaturist, -i. 1
MINIATURE,-aya, -oe; -ren, -rna. 1., see thumbnail. 2. trans. Small and graceful. Miniature figurine. II nounminiature,-i, f.
MINIMUM,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. The smallest among others; opposite maximum. Minimum costs. II nounminimalism, -and, and.
MINIMUM. 1.-a, m. Minimum, smallest quantity, smallest value in a data series; opposite maximum. M. costs. Subsistence m.(means necessary for existence, in order to live, to maintain working capacity). 2. -a, m. A set of specialized knowledge required to work in a particular area. area, as well as the corresponding exam. Technical m. Candidate m. Pass the m. in agricultural technology. 3. lad. The least (with words denoting quantity). Costs five rubles. 4. unism. Same as minimal. Program-m.
MINING,-ruyu, -ruesh; -anny; owls And nesov., that. Lay (lay) mines to explode something. M. bridge. II owls Also mine,-ruyu, -ruesh; -a-ny. II nounmining, -i, Wed
MINISTRY,-A, Wed 1. The central government agency in charge of a... industry of management. M. finance. 2. collected Under parliamentarism: ministers of a given government. Change of ministry. Ministry crisis II adj.ministerial,-oh, -oh.
MINISTER, -a,m. Member of the government heading the ministry (1 digit). M. Health. M. Railways. II adj.ministerial,-oh, -oh.
MINNE3INGER [nz],-A, m.V Middle Ages: German knightly poet-singer.
PASS,-you, -you say. 1. owls And Nesov; someone or something Pass (pass), drive (drive) past someone. M. village. 2. owls, advantage from negative, why And with undef. To get rid of, to free oneself from something. (colloquial). Whatever happens, that's it.(last). You're dumb. troubles. 3. (1 and 2 l. not used), owl. To pass, to end, and also (about the danger) to no longer exist, not to be. The storm has passed. The danger is over(no longer threatening). 4. bypassing someone, know. prepositions with wine P. Excluding someone, without resorting to someone, without touching someone. Act bypassing the leader. II nounpassing,-I, Wed(to 3 digits; obsolete). Beyond the need(official).
MINOTA,-i, f. A lower aquatic vertebrate with a serpentine body. II adj.lamprey,-ya, -ye.
MINE DETECTOR, - I, m. Electromagnetic device for finding min.
MORTAR,-A, m. A mounted fire artillery gun that fires mines. Smoothbore m. Nareznoy m. II adj.mortar,-oh, -oh.
MORTAR MAN,-A, m. Soldier of mortar units and subunits.
DESTROYER,-ssa, m. A warship with a strong torpedo armament is the predecessor of the destroyer. Squadron m.
MINOR,-A, m. 1. A musical mode of sad, mournful coloring, the chord of which is built on a minor third (special). 2. trans. Sad, depressed mood. To be in a minor key. II adj.minor,-oh, -oh. M. tone. Minor mood.
PAST,-aya, -ee. Past, past. Past years. Past(n) comes to mind.
MINUS,-A, m. I. The dash (-) sign signifies subtraction or negative value in mathematics. Under the sign of M.(translated: by the eye of something, evaluated negatively; colloquial). 2. several Without something, subtracting. Five meters two. 3. several When referring to air temperature it means: below zero. Tonight it was ten degrees. 4. trans. Disadvantage, negative side (colloquial). The project has many disadvantages. M. at work. II adj. minus, -th, -oe (to 3 and 4 digits). Sub-zero temperatures(below zero).
MINUTE,-s, and. 1. A unit of time equal to 1/60 of an hour and consisting of 60 seconds; a period of time of such length. It's five minutes past seven(i.e. six hours and five minutes). M per minute(exactly, at exactly the appointed time). Walked one m. 2. A short period of time, an instant (colloquial). Coming any minute(very soon, now). Go somewhere. for a minute. At that very moment when...(or How..)(exactly then). There is no moment of peace. In the first minute(at first). Help in Hard time (when it's difficult). In one minute And in a minute(immediately, very quickly). This minute (now, very soon or just now). Within minutes the patient loses consciousness(sometimes in separate short periods of time). 3. A unit of measurement for angles and arcs equal to 1/60 of a degree (special). * Minute of silence(high) - a few moments of complete silence as a sign of expression of grief for the dead. Five minutes to Who(colloquial joke) - very soon he will become someone. Five minutes to an engineer. II decreasejust a minute,-i, f. (to 1 and 2 digits) Andjust a minute,-i, f. (to 1 and 2 values). Take a moment. Wait a minute! And Wait a minute!(call for attention, patience; please wait a little). II adj.minute,-oh, -oh. Minute hand (on the clock: showing minutes). Momentary confusion(very short).
MINUTE, minu, minu; passed, passed and MINUTE(minute, blowjob. 1 and 2 l. not used), blowjob; passed, passed; owls 1. (minute). The same as bypass (in 1 value). M. turn. 2. (1 and 2 l. not used). Pass, disappear, pass (in 3 meanings). Minutes of difficult years. 3. (minute) (1 and 2 liters not consumed), to whom. About age: to be fulfilled. He was just twenty years old.
MYOCATD,-a, m, (special). Muscle tissue of the heart. Myocardial infarction.
MYOMA,-s, and.(specialist.). Benign tumor of muscle tissue. II adj.fibroids,-oh, -oh.
MIR1, -z., pl.-s, -ov, m. 1. The totality of all forms of matter in the earthly and outer space, Universe. Origin of the world. 2. A separate region of the Universe, a planet. Star worlds. 3. units Globe, Earth, as well as people, the population of the globe. Drive around the whole m. The first in the world. World champion. M. is cramped(about unexpectedly discovered mutual acquaintances, connections; book.). 4. United for some reason. signs of human society, social environment, structure. Antique metro station Nauchny metro station 5. A separate area of ​​life, phenomena, objects. M. animals, plants. M. sounds. Internal m. of a person. M. hobbies. 6. units(sentence in the world). Savor, in contrast monastic life, church. 7. (sentence in the world). Rural community with its members (obsolete). From the world by thread - naked shirt(last). * The whole world(colloquial) - all together, together. In the world and death is red(last) - everything can be transferred not alone, together with others. Not of this world- about a person who does not think about the practical side of life, who is not adapted to life. Around the world(go, let, walk) - about begging. To another world(to leave, move) (obsolete) - to die. Powers that be(obsolete and ironic) - people who occupy a high position in society. II decreaselittle world,-rka, m.(to 5 digits; decomposed). Closed m. II adj.world,-th, -oe (to 1, 2 and 3 values) and worldly,-th, -th (to 6 and 7 values). World space. Global community. Worldly life. Worldly rumor is like a sea wave(last). MIR2,-a, m. 1. Consent, absence of hostility, quarrel, war. Live in peace. In the family m. Save peace on Earth. 2. An agreement between the warring parties to end the war. Behind- turn on m. 3. Calmness, silence (high). M. fields. M. to your home! M. to his ashes (good words about the deceased). * Let go in peace whom - give to someone leave quietly. II adj.peaceful,-oh, -oh. Peaceful time. M. contract. M. labor.
MIRABEL,-And, and. A variety of small sour plum. II adj.mirabelle,-oh, -oh Andpeaceful,-oh, -oh. Mirabelle jam. Mirabel bone.
MIRAGE,-A And-A, pl.-and, -ey And-and, -ey, m. 1. Optical phenomenon - the appearance in the atmosphere of imaginary images of distant objects. M. in the desert. 2. transfer A deceptive ghost of something; something apparent (book). M. happiness. II adj.mirage,-oh, -oh.
PEACE,-lu, -only; nesov., to someone or something(obsolete). To connive in something, to give indulgence.
MYRIAD,-hell (book). Countless multitude. M. stars.
MAKE PEACE-ryu, -rish; -renny (-yon, -ena); nesov. 1. whom (what). Restore harmony, peaceful relations between someone. M. warring. 2. whom (what) with whom-what. To force one to be tolerant of someone. This man's kindness makes peace with his shortcomings. II owlsmake peace,-ryu, -rish; -renny (-yon, -sna) (to 1 value) Andreconcile-ryu, -rish; -renny (-yon, -ena). II nounreconciliation, -I, Wed
MAKE UP,- I rush, - I rush; nesov. 1. with by whom. Stop hostility, restore harmony, peaceful relations. 2. with what. Be tolerant of something. M. with inconvenience. II owlsmake peace,- I rush, - I rush (to I meaning) Andto reconcile,- I rush, - I rush. II nounreconciliation,-I, Wed
PEACEFUL,-aya, -oe; -ren, -rna. 1. cm. world2. 2. Peaceful, full of harmony, friendship. M. people. M. conversation. M. character. 3. Calm, free from excitement. Peaceful mood.
MIRO,-A, Wed Wooden oil with red wine and incense, used. in Christian rituals. smeared with the same world(translated: about people with the same shortcomings; joking).
WORLD,-Ouch, and.(colloquial). Amicable agreement, dispute resolution, litigation without trial. Go to peace.
WORLDVIEW,-I, Wed A system of views, views on nature and society. II adj.ideological,-oh, -oh.
WORLD 1, -oh, -oh. 1. cm. world1. 2. Worldwide1, having significance for the whole world. World War. World fame. 3. Highest, first in the whole world. M. record. M. record holder. A. trans. Very good, wonderful (simple). He guy M. M. film.
WORLD2,-aya, -oe (obsolete). Relating to the establishment of peaceful relations between disputing parties. M. court(in Russia before the revolution and in some countries: a court for the examination of minor civil and criminal cases). M. judge. Complain to the world(noun; magistrate).
WORLD PERCEPTION,-I, Wed (book). This or that perception of the world1, reality. Children's m.
MIROED,-A, m.(obsolete contempt). Same as fist2. II adj.world-eating,-oh, -oh.
UNIVERSE,-I, Wed(book). Same as world1 (in 1 value). Secrets of the universe.
PEACE-LOVING,-aya, -oe; -iv. Imbued with peace. M. character. Peaceful policy. II nounpeacefulness, and and.
PEACEFULNESS,-I, Wed The desire to preserve peace2, peaceful relations. Show m.
ATTITUDE,-I, Wed(book). A person’s attitude to the surrounding reality, revealed in his moods, feelings, and actions.
CONFIRMATION,-I, Wed The Christian sacrament is the rite of anointing the face, eyes, ears, chest, hands, feet with myrrh as a sign of communion with divine grace.
WORLD UNDERSTANDING,-I, Wed (book). This or that understanding of the world - reality, a system of views, ideas.
WORLD VIEW,-I, Wed (book). A set of views on the world, reality, worldview. II adj.world-contemplative,-oh, -oh.
PEACEMAKER,-rtsa, m. 1. A soldier who, as part of his unit, was assigned to a military unit. country to eliminate civil strife and establish peace. 2. The one who helps to end a quarrel with someone. reconciliation (obsolete ironic). II and.peacemaker,-s (to 2 digits). II adj.peacekeeping,-oh, -oh. Peacekeeping mission. Peacekeeping forces in hot spots.
MYRRH,-s, and. An aromatic resin from the bark of certain tropical trees. II adj. myrrh, -aya, -oh.
WORLDLY cm. world1.
MYRTLE,-A, m.and MYRTHA,-s, and. Southern evergreen shrub or tree with white fragrant flowers. II adj. myrtle, -aya, -oh. myrtle branch(also translated: symbol of peace). Myrtle family(noun).
LAYMAN,-A, pl.-yane, -yang, m.(obsolete). A person living in the world (in 6 values). II and. laywoman, -i.
A BOWL,-And, and. Dishes in the shape of a small basin1. Enameled m. II adj.bowl,-oh, -oh.
MISS, uncl., w. 1. In English-speaking countries: polite address to a girl (usually before her first or last name). 2. In combination with the following noun, it means: the best among girls, young women (from the point of view of those qualities, properties, which are named by the noun, or from the point of view of the place where the competition is held). M.-Russia(winner of a beauty contest in Russia). Competition "M. Driver".
MISSIONARY,-a,m. A clergyman sent by the church to spread its religion among non-believers; in general, a person who spreads some kind of teaching among others. religions, sects. II and.missionary,-And. II adj.missionary,-oh, -oh. Missionary activity. Missionary school.
MRS. uncl., w. In English-speaking countries: a polite way of addressing a married woman (usually before her first or last name).
MISSION,-And, and. 1. Responsible task, role, assignment (book). Entrust an important mission to someone. Great mother of the poet. 2. A permanent diplomatic mission headed by an envoy or charge d'affaires. Mission staff. 3. Special purpose diplomatic delegation. Foreign Military M. Friendship M., Goodwill M.(translated: about a delegation that came with friendly, benevolent intentions). 4. Missionary organization.
MISTER,-a,m. In English-speaking countries: a polite address to a man (usually before his first or last name).
MYSTERY,-And, and. In Western Europe: medieval drama on biblical themes, accompanied by interludes.
MYSTIC,-A, m. A person who is prone to mysticism, to a religious-mystical worldview.
MYSTIC,-And, and. 1. Belief in the divine, in the mysterious, supernatural world and in the possibility of direct communication with it. Medieval m. 2. Something mysterious, inexplicable (colloquial). All the events of the last days are some kind of m. II adj.mystical,-oh, -oh.
MYSTIFIER, -a.m.(book). A person who is engaged in hoaxes. II and.hoaxer,-i (colloquial). II adj.hoax,-oh, -oh.
HOAX,-And, and.(book). Intentional misrepresentation or deception. Victim of a hoax.
MYSTIFY, Nesov; whom (what)(book). To intentionally deceive or mislead someone.
MYSTICISM,-A, m. Mystical worldview, penchant for mysticism (1 value). Religious m. II adj.mystical,-oh, -oh.
MISTRAL,-I, m. In the south of France: strong northwest wind.
RALLY,-A, m. Mass meeting to discuss political, topical issues. Let us gather. M. protest. M. in defense of democracy. II adj. rally, -aya, -oe.
RALLY-guy, -guy; nesov.(colloquial). Organize a rally, participate in a rally, discuss something. at the rally.
CALICO,-I, m. An unfinished fine cotton fabric with a plain weave. II adj.calico,-oh, -oh Andcalico,-oh, -oh.
MITER,-s, and. A gilded headdress worn during services by representatives of the highest Orthodox clergy and certain honored priests.
METROPOLITAN,-A, m. The highest honorary title (clergy) of a bishop, as well as a bishop holding this title. II adj.metropolitan,-oh, -oh AndMetropolitan,-ya, -ye.
MITROFANUSHKA,-And, m.(colloquial). An over-aged ignoramus [named after the hero of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”].
MYTH,-A, m. 1. An ancient folk tale about legendary heroes, gods, and natural phenomena. M. about Prometheus. 2. transfer Unreliable story, fiction. M. about aliens. 3. Same as fiction (1 value). Eternal love- myth. II adj. mythical, -aya, -oe.
MYTHOLOGY,-And, and. 1. A set of myths (in 1 value) of some kind. people. Ancient Greek metro station Slavyanskaya metro station 2. The science that studies myths (in 1 value). II adj.mythological,-oh, -oh.
MICHMAN,-A, pl.-s, -s And(colloquial) -a, -ov, m. 1. B navy: military rank of persons voluntarily serving beyond deadline, as well as the person (assistant officer) holding this rank. 2. In the old Russian and certain other fleets: the first officer rank, as well as the person holding this rank. II adj. midshipman, -aya, -oe.
MICHMANKA,-And, and. A type of uniform cap.
MISHIN,-And, and. 1. An object or image that serves as a target for training, training or sports shooting. Target shooting. Moving m. 2. transfer, why And For what. The one who (or that) is the subject of something. actions, attacks. M. for ridicule. II adj.target,-aya, -oe (to 1 value; special).
BEAR,-And, m.(colloquial affectionate). Same as bear (1 value). M. clubfoot. Plush m.(toy). II mindbear,-And, m.
TINSEL,-s, and. 1. Metal, silver-plated or gilded threads used for the production of braid and brocade fabrics. Elochnaya m.(decoration made of shiny fluffy threads). 2. trans. External flashiness, shine without internal content. Showy m. II adj. tinsel, oh, oh. II nountawdry,-i, f. (to 2 digits). BABY,-ntsa, m. Child, little child. Chest m. He is a real m.(just like a child). The devil has contacted the baby(condemnation of someone who is equal to the weak offends him; colloquial). II adj.infant,-oh, -oh. M. age. M. babble(also translated: about naive, immature reasoning). INFANT,-oh, -oh. 1. cm. baby And infancy. 2. Associated with the years of infancy; characteristic of an infant, such as that of a baby. Infant memories. baby smile.
INFANCY,-A, Wed Early childhood. In infancy. II adj.infant,-oh, -oh.
YOUNG... The first part of complex words with meaning. new, eg. Young Hegelians, Young Hegelians(about the language: which received writing in recent times).
YOUNG,-aya, -oe; young, young, young (obsolete). Same as young (in 1 and 4 digits). Young maiden. Old and young(all without exception - both old and young). Young dreams. II noun youth, -and, and.
YOUTH,-And, and.(obsolete). 1. cm. young 2. Same as youth (1 value). I passed in joy his m. 3. trans., collected The same as youth (in 2 meanings). The windy m rejoices.
MDADSHIY,-aya, -ee; under. 1. Younger than someone else; youngest in age. Younger generation. M. brother. M. in the family. The elders take care of the younger ones(noun). 2. Inferior in comparison with those more senior in rank, position, official position. M. Lieutenant. M. Researcher. Junior in rank. 3. Lower in degree, meaning. Low card ( in Game). 4.0 class, study group, student: related to the beginning of the educational course, far from graduation. Junior classes. II caress. youngest, -aya, -oe (to 1 meaning; about a child in the family; colloquial). We have him.
MILKY,-A, Wed(obsolete). Same as milk (1 value). II adj.milky,-oh, -oh. Milky ducts(ducts of the mammary gland;
MAMMALS,-their, units mammal, -him, Wed A class of higher vertebrates that feed their young with their milk.
FLY, I'm thrilled, you're thrilled; nesov. To freeze, to be in a languid state from something. experiences, worries. M with delight. II nounthinking, -I, Wed
MILKY,-th, -oe 1. cm. milk. 2. Looks like milk. M. juice(in some plants). * Milky Path- a star cluster in the form of a dim strip crossing the starry sky.
MNEMONICS,-And, and.(specialist.). A set of rules and techniques that help you remember the necessary information. II adj. mnemonic, -aya, -oe. M. reception.
OPINION,-I, Wed A judgment expressing assessment of something., attitude towards someone, view of something. Express your opinion. Favorable. Exchange of opinions. There can't be two opinions about something.(about what is absolutely clear, indisputable). Public m.(society's judgment about someone).
IMAGINARY,-aya, -oe; imaginary 1. Imaginary, apparent. Imaginary danger. 2. full f. Feigned, false. M. sick.3. imaginary number- in mathematics: square root of negative number. II nounimaginary-i, f. (to 1 and 2 values).
SUSPICIOUS,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. Seeing something for himself in everything. unfavorable, fearful of everything. M. man. M. character. II nounsuspiciousness, -and, and.
THINK, I remember, I remember; nesov.(obsolete). Think, believe. M. about myself(to think too highly of yourself).
MIND, it seems without; nesov.(obsolete). To think, to seem.
MANY,-oh, -oh. 1. pl. ABOUT a number of homogeneous units, objects: significant in quantity. Many years have passed. I spoke to many people. Many(noun) they think so.2. a lot,-Wow, Wed Something large in quantity and content. There's a lot to do. Lots to talk about. In many respects he is right. A lot has come true. *Many years- in a church chant: an exclamation of wishes for a long life and prosperity.
A LOT OF, more. 1. adv. And in meaning tale Quite enough or in excess. M. knows, M. the people. There's a lot of interesting stuff here. Visitors m, 2. (dat. p. in many ways), numbers undefined-quant. Large, sufficient quantity. M. years have passed. Repeat many times. 3. adv. No more than (with words indicating quantity). A year or two will pass. 4. adv. Much, significantly (in combination with a comparative degree). M better. M. is more fun. *Lots and lots(colloquial) - at most. There are many, many 20 kilograms in this bale.Neither more nor less- exactly that much, no more and no less. I spent no less than a hundred rubles. A LOT OF... The first part of complex words with the meaning: 1) a lot, with a large number, for example. centuries-old, multi-charged, multi-chamber, multi-channel, multi-million, multi-kilometer, multi-color, reusable, multi-volume, multi-snow, multi-forest, multi-hour; 2) with many, for example multi-voice, multi-ground, multi-place, multi-phase, multi-storey, multi-apartment, multi-subject, multi-profile, multi-series, multi-program, multi-layer, multi-part; 3) very, e.g. much-loving, much-learned, much-noisy; 4) for a long time, for example. much-worn.
POLYTHEISM,-I, Wed(book). Belief in many gods, polytheism; opposite monotheism.
MULTI-ATHLANT,-rtsa, m. An athlete participating in all-around competitions. II and. all-around, -i.
MULTI-SPORTS,-I, Wed A sports competition in several sports or in several types of exercises in one sport. Speed ​​skating, water skiing, gymnastics, track and field, equestrian metro. Skalnoe metro.(sport climbing competitions).
POLYGAMY,-I, Wed A form of official marriage in which a man has several wives, and a woman has several husbands, polygamy. II adj. polygamous, -aya, -oe.
POLYPOWER,-I, Wed Same as multiple commands.
POLYWATER,-aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Abundant with water. A high-water river. II nounhigh water content, -and, and.
HIGH WATER, -I.born.pl.-diy, Wed Excess water in a river or reservoir. Spring Cape. High water period.
POLYVOBALITY,-I, Wed(outdated and ironic). Same as verbosity.
MUCH TALKER-aya, -ee. Testifying to many things, revealing something significant and important. M. fact. A long-winded confession.
POLYPHONY,-I, Wed(specialist.). A musical structure based on the simultaneous combination of several independent melodies, voices in a work, or on the combination of a melody with accompaniment. Narodnoe m. II adj.polyphonic,-oh, -oh. Polyphonic composition.
POLYHEDRON,-A, m. Geometric body, bounded on all sides by flat polygons.
MULTIFACETED,-aya, -oe; -nen, -nna. 1. full f. Having several sides. M. stone. 2. transfer Comprehensive, versatile. M. talent. II nounversatility,-And, and.(to 2 digits).
MANY CHILDREN,-aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Having many children. The large family. II nounlarge families,-And, and. Allowance for having many children.
MULTI-DAY,-oh, -oh. Lasting for many days. M. way.
MULTI-HOME,-aya, -oe (special). About plants: having flowers of both sexes (male - staminate and female - pistillate), located on one individual, as well as bisexual flowers.
POLYGAMIST,-ntsa, m. A man who is officially married to several women at the same time.
POLYGYNY,-A, Wed Being officially married to several women at the same time.
MEANINGFUL,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. 1. Having great importance. A significant event. 2. Full of expressiveness, hinting at something. important. Significant silence. Meaningfully(adv.) look. II nounsignificance, -and, and.
MULTI-VALUE1,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. About a number: consisting of many digital characters. Multi-digit number. II nounpolysemy, -and, and.
MULTI-VALUE2,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. Having many meanings. A polysemantic word. II nounpolysemy, -and, and.
MULTIPLE,-aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Occurring, produced, taking place many times. Multiple questions, Multiple trips. *Multiple verb- in grammar: verb denoting repeated repeatability actions, eg. talk, walk. II nounmultiplicity, and and.
MANY YEARS,-I, Wed Proclaiming the words “many years” during a church service as a wish for long life and prosperity.
PERMANENT,-yaya, -ee. Living, existing, lasting for many years, long-lived. Perennial herbs. M. labor.
PERENNIAL,-A, m. A woody or herbaceous plant that lives for more than two years. Perennial flowers.
MANY FACES,-aya, -oe; -ik (book). 1. About the meeting, the multitude of people: very large and varied. A diverse crowd. 2. transfer Same as diverse. Art has many faces. II noundiversity, and and.
CROWDED,-aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Very crowded with a lot of people. Crowded meeting. The streets are crowded(meaning tale). II nouncrowded, and and.
PLANS OF PEOPLE, -a and PLANS OF PEOPLE,-I, Wed Large crowd of people. M. big cities.
MULTINATIONAL,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. Consisting of many nations, nationalities. Multinational state. II nounmultinationality, -and, and. MULTIPLE BEGINNINGS,-I, Wed(official). The presence of several, many managers, bosses without a precise delineation of their responsibilities, the absence of a unified leadership.
CENTIPEDE,-And, and. An arthropod with a worm-like body and many legs.
PROMISING,-aya, -ee. Foretelling something. important, significant, interesting. M. student. A promising book title.
VARIOUS,-aya, -oe; -zen, -know. Existing in many shapes and forms. Various phenomena. II nounmanifold,-I, Wed Andmanifold,-And, and.
MULTI-PARTY,-and I. -oh. About the social system: having several or many political parties (1 value). Elections on a multi-party basis. II nounmulti-party system,-And, and.
MULTIPLE,-aya, -oe; -s. Complex in nature, internal ro- holding. Multifaceted activity. II nounversatility, -i, g.
MULTIPLE,-I, Wed Crop rotation, in which crops of different crops are repeatedly alternated. II adj.multifield,-oh, -oh.
REUSABLE,-oh, -oh. Carrying out, used several or many times. Reusable spacecraft. II nounreusability, -and, and.
LOBBY,-aya, -oe; -iv (bookish irony). Prone to verbosity; verbose. M. speaker. Long-winded message.
MULTIFAMILY,-aya, -oe; -een, -eina. Having, supporting a large family. Help for multi-family(noun). II nounmultifamily, -and, and.
VERBOSITY,-I, Wed Excess of words, lack of clarity and brevity in speech, in outlining something. Tiring m.
VERBOSE,-aya, -oe; -ven, -vna. Suffering from verbosity. M. story. M. lecturer. II nounverbosity,-i, f.
POLYSYLLABLE1,-oh, -oh. Consisting of several syllables. Polysyllabic word. II nounpolysyllabicity,-i, f.
VERSE2,-aya, -oe; -wives, -zhna (outdated and ironic). Very complicated. Complex duties. II nounpolysyllabicity, -i, g.
MULTI-STONE, -a,m. A worker servicing many machines at once. II multi-station operator, -s.
MULTI-DEGREE,-aya, -oe; -enen, -enna. Passing through a series of stages, steps, not straight. Multi-degree elections(indirect). II nounmulti-degree, -i, g.
MULTILATERAL,-yaya, -ee; -onen, -onnya. 1. full f. Having several faces or sides. Multilateral prism. 2. Relating to multiple stakeholders, participants. M. contract. 3. trans. Same as multifaceted (2 meanings). Multilateral interests. II nounversatility, -i, g.
LONG SUFFERING,-aya, -oe; -flax, -linen (book). Having experienced a lot of suffering, filled with suffering. M. people. Long-suffering life. II nounmuch-suffering, -and, f.
MULTISTAGE,-aya, -oe; -at. Consisting of several parts, steps. Multistage rocket. II nounmulti-stage, -i, g.
MULTIPLE CIRCUTION,-i, f. (colloquial). A printed newspaper of an enterprise with a significant circulation. Zavodskaya m.
REPUBLICATION,-oh, -oh. With a large circulation. Multi-circulation edition.
ellipsis,-I, Wed 1. A punctuation mark in the form of three dots placed next to each other (...), meaning reticence, the possibility of continuing the text. 2. Same as sharpening.
TOUGH,-aya, -oe; -den, -dna (high). Very difficult, difficult. M. path. II nouncomplexity, -i, g.
DEAR,-oh, -oh. Worthy of great respect (usually in circulation).
MHOGOUGOLHHANDK, -a, m. In mathematics: a geometric figure bounded by a closed polyline.
POLYGONAL,-oh, -oh. With many angles.
MULTICOLOR,-aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. 1. Containing many different colors, dyed in many colors. Multicolor fabric. M. carpet. 2. full f. Made in several colors, colors, multicolor (special). Multicolor printing. Multicolor illustrations. II noun a lot of- chromaticity, -i, g.
NUMEROUS,-aya, -oe; -len, -le-nna. 1. Consisting of large number someone M. squad. 2. Available in large quantities. Numerous examples. II nounmultiplicity,-i, f.
POLYNOMIAL,-A, m. Algebraic expression, representing the sum or difference of several monomials. II adj.polynomial,-oh, -oh.
POLYNOMIAL,-oh, -oh. 1. cm. polynomial. 2. Consisting of many members (in 2 meanings). II nounpolynomiality, -i, g.
MULTILINGUAL,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. 1. Consisting of people who speak many different languages. Multilingual population. Multilingual crowd. 2. Compiled in several or many languages. M. dictionary. II nounmultilingualism,-i, f. Andmultilingualism,-I, Wed(to 1 value).
MULTIPLE,-aya, -oe; -ven, -ve-nna (book). Existing in multitude, manifested in many forms, types. * Plural- a grammatical category indicating that an object is presented in more than one quantity. Noun in plural form. Verb in the past tense in plural form. II nounplurality, -i, f.
A BUNCH OF,-A, Wed 1. Very a large number of, the number of someone. M. people. M. cases. There are plenty of stocks of all kinds. 2. In mathematics: a set of elements united according to some reason. sign. Set theory.
FACTOR,-I, m. One of the factors.
MULTIPLIABLE,-aya, -oe (special). Intended for reproduction, copying something. M apparatus(rotator, hectograph, copier). Multiplying technology.
MULTIPLY,-zhu, -live; nesov. 1. what for what. Perform the operation of multiplication on something. numbers. M. five by two. 2. -someone or something Increase in number (high). M. success. II owls multiply,-zhu, -live; -zhe-ny (to 1 value) Andmultiply,-zhu, -live; -married. II nounmultiplication,-I, WedMULTIPLY(-zhus, -zhish, 1 and 2 liters of units are not used.), -lives; nesov. (high). Increase in number. The ranks of reform supporters are growing, II owlsMultiply(-zhus, -zhish, 1 and 2 liters of units are not consumed.), -zh-zh. II nounmultiplication,-I, Wed
MOBILIZATION,-And, and. 1. Transfer of the armed forces from a peaceful state to full combat readiness; conscription of reservists into the army during war; transferring the country's economy and government institutions to martial law. General m. Partial m. 2. Bringing someone something. into a state that ensures successful doing something. tasks. M. of all resources. II adj. mobilization, -th, -oe (to 1 value).
MOBILIZED,-Wow, m. A person drafted into the army by mobilization. II mobilized,-Ouch.
MOBILIZE,-Zue, -Zue; -ovated; owls and n esov. 1. someone or something Mobilize someone. M. armed forces.. Mobilize all means for something. 2. whom (what) for what. After spending necessary preparation, lift (-lift), inspire (-vlyat). M to complete the task. II owls Also mobilize,-Zue, -Zue; -ovated (to 1 value).
MOBILE,-aya, -oe; - flax, - flax. 1. Mobile, capable of rapid movement. Mobile troops. 2. transfer Able to act quickly and make decisions. II nounmobility,-And, and. M. rolling stock,
MOHICANS,-an, units Mohican, -ah, m. A tribe of North American Indians, a few representatives of which live in the United States. * The Last of the Mohicans(book) - the last representative of something. dying, disappearing [after the title of F. Cooper's novel]. II and.mo-hican,-And. II adj.Mohican,-oh, -oh.
GRAVE,-s, and. 1. A pit for burying the body of the deceased, as well as a mound at the burial site. Lay a wreath on the grave. On the edge of the grave(also translated: at death). Someone has one foot in the grave.(about an old man: close to death; colloquial). Digging someone's grave.(also translated: to prepare for death). To bring someone to the grave.(translated: bring to death). Go to the grave(translated: die; high). Find yourself a grave gdv-n.(translated: to die, to perish somewhere; high). Someone is looking into the grave.(translated: will soon die; colloquial). 2. trans., meaning tale About someone who knows how to keep a secret, as well as about what will be kept secret (simple). Won't you tell anyone?- M/ You can rely on this person - m.! *Tomb of the Unknown Soldier- a memorial building at the burial site of the remains of an unknown warrior in memory of those killed in the war. II mindgrave,-And, and. (To 1 value). II adj.grave,-th, -oe (to 1 value). M. hill.
BURIAL GROUND,-a, m. 1. Ancient cemetery, burial place. Scythian burial grounds. Kurganny m. 2. Burial place radioactive waste(specialist.).
GRAVE,-oh, -oh. 1. cm. grave 2. Same as coffin (in 2 meanings). M darkness. Grave silence.
MOGILSHIK,-A, m. A worker digging and filling graves in a cemetery.
MIGHTY,-aya, -ee; -uch. Powerful, strong. M hero. M. oak. M. talent. II noun power, and and.POWERFUL,-aya, -oe; -ven, -ve-nna. Possessing power. Powerful state. II nounpower,-And, and.
POWER,-A, Wed Great strength, power, influence, might. M. state.
FASHION,-s, and. 1. A set of tastes and views that prevail in a certain social environment at a certain, usually short, time. Go into fashion. Go out of fashion. A tribute to fashion. Dressed in the latest fashion. M. for short clothes. Introduce a new style into fashion. 2. pl. Samples of items that suit such tastes (usually clothing). Fashion magazine. 3. Behavior, customs (simple). I have adopted the fashion of swearing. *In fashion- fashionable (in 1 and 2 digits). Maxi is in fashion. Lace is not in fashion.
MODALITY,-i, f 1. In the theory of knowledge: the status of a phenomenon from the point of view of its relationship to reality, as well as the very possibility of knowing such a relationship. 2. In linguistics: a category denoting the speaker’s attitude to the content of the statement (to reality) and expressed by the categories of verb mood, intonation, modal words(eg should, perhaps, necessary). Subjective m.(expressing the speaker’s attitude). Objective m.(expressing the relationship of the message to reality).
MODELING[de], -a, m. Manufacturing of models (2 digits). Sports m.(production of vehicle models for sporting purposes).
SIMULATE [de],-ruyu, -ruesh; -a-ny; owls And nesov., that. Make (-vlyat) a model (in 1 and 4 values). M dress. M. artificial language. II owls Also model,-ruyu, -ruesh; -anny. II nounmodeling,-I, Wed
MODELIST [de],-A, m. A person who makes models (2 digits). Circle of young modelers. II modeler,-And. II adj.modeling,-oh, -oh.
MODELIST [de],-and, yay. 1. cm. modeler 2. A worker in the clothing industry - a highly qualified dressmaker.
MODEL [de],-And, and. 1. A sample of some. a product or sample for making something, as well as an object from which an image is reproduced. New m. dresses. M. for casting. Models for sculptures. 2. A reduced (or life-size) reproduction or mock-up of something. M. ship. Flying aircraft. 3. Type, brand of design. New model car. 4. Scheme of some. physical object or phenomenon (special). M. atom. M. artificial language. 5. A fashion model or fashion model, as well as (obsolete) model or model. * This is not a model(simple) - it’s not good to do that. II adj. model, -th, -oe (to 1, 2, 3 and 5 values).
FASHION DESIGNER [de],-A, m. Specialist in the production of clothing models. M. women's dress. II and. fashion designer, -i (colloquial).
MODEL [de],-oh, -oh. 1. cm. model. 2. About clothes: top quality, matching fashionable designs. Dress shoes.
PATTERNMAKER[de], -a, m. Specialist making models (1 and 2 digits). II and.model, s.
MODERN [de]. 1. -a, m. A movement in the fine and decorative arts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which opposed itself to the art of the past and strived for constructiveness, purity of lines, laconicism and integrity of forms. Modern architecture. 2.-A, m. What is modern and fashionable (colloquial). In pursuit of modernity. 3. nvism. Modern, fashionable (colloquial). Furniture m. Dancing m. II adj. modern, unism.(to 1 value). Style m.MODERNIZE[de]. -ruyu, -ouesh; -anny AndMODERNIZE [de],-Zue, -Zue; -ovated; owls And nesov., that. 1. When introducing improvements, make (make) responsive modern requirements. M. equipment. 2. When depicting antiquity, add modern features that are not typical for it. M. epic. II nounmodernization, -and, and. MODERNISM [de],-A, m. The general name for various movements in art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which proclaimed a break with realism, a rejection of old forms and a search for new aesthetic principles. II adj.modernist,-oh, -oh.
MODERNIST [de],-A, m. Follower of modernism. II and.modernist, -i.
MODERN [de],-aya, -oh and MODERN [de],-aya, -oe (simple). Same as modern (in 3 digits). Modern dances.
MILLINER,-And, and.(obsolete). A craftswoman who makes ladies' hats, as well as a dressmaker.
MODIFY,-ruyu, -ruesh; -a-ny; owls And unsurprisingly, that(book). The same as modify (-nyat). II returnbe modified- I rush, - I rush. II nounmodification,-And, and. II adj.modification,-oh, -oh.
FASHIONER,-A, m.(colloquial). A man who follows fashion in everything, a dandy. II and.fashionista, s.
FASHION,-ay, -ay; nesov.(colloquial). Dress in fashion, be smart.
FASHIONABLE,-aya, -oe; -den, -dna And-bottom, -bottom. 1. Fashionable. M. suit. M. interior. 2. Enjoying universal success and attention. A smash song. 3. full f. Relating to sewing according to the latest patterns, according to fashion. M magazine.
MODULATE(-ru, -ru, 1 and 2 liters are not used.), -ruts; nesov.(specialist.). 1. Change, transform (about electrical vibrations). 2. O musical sounds: move from one key to another. II nounmodulation,-I, Wed Andmodulation,-And, and. M. fluctuations. M. light.
MODULE,-I, m. (specialist.). 1. In the exact sciences: the name of certain coefficients, some. quantities 2. Complex engineering unit (3 digits) that performs independent function in a technical device. M. spacecraft. M. thermonuclear installation. 3. trans. In general, a detachable, relatively independent part of something. systems, organizations. Shop type m. II adj.modular,-oh, -oh.
WASHING,-oh, yay. Special room for washing and washing.
WASHING cm. wash.
MAYBE, introductory words(colloquial). The same thing that can be (see can).
MAYBE: how is life possible?(colloquial) - the same as how you live, you can (see be able).
JUNIPER,-A, m. Coniferous tree or shrub family. cypress II adj.juniper,-oh, -oh.
CAN, in meaning tale., with neodef. 1. Perhaps there is an opportunity. M. to do in two days. Still m. to have time. 2. Allowed, permissible. Can I smoke here? M.?(issue of permission, e.g. M. come in? M. take?). Is it okay to do this?(i.e. not allowed). * How is it possible (colloquial) - 1) it’s absolutely impossible. How can you do this?(expression of condemnation); 2) in a response: an expression of confident denial. Have you been offended? - How can you!(i.e., of course not). Is it possible to?(colloquial) - an expression of sharp disapproval, condemnation. You offend a child, is it really possible?You could sayintroductory sl.(colloquial) - an expression of confidence, one might say. Sixty years is, one might say, a respectable age.
MOSAIC,-And, and. 1. A pattern of pieces of smalt, multi-colored stones, enamel, and wood fastened together. M. from glass. Children's m.(set of pieces hard material for laying out patterns). M. from quotes(translated: about the abuse of quotation; disapproved). 2. The art of composing such patterns. Do mosaics. II adj.mosaic,-oh, -oh. Mosaic tiles.
MOSAIC,-aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. 1. cm. mosaic. 2. trans. Consisting of separate small interlocking parts or elements. M. landscape. II noun mosaic, -and, and.
BRAIN,-a (-u), in the brain, pl.-i, -ov, m. 1. (-a). Central department nervous system humans and animals - nerve tissue, filling the skull and spinal canal; supreme body nervous activity. Head m. Spinal m. Brain work. 2.(s), units, transfer Main core, leadership center of something. Laboratory - plant m. 3. units Soft tissue that fills bone cavities. Kostny m. 4. trans. Mind, mental capacity(colloquial). Spread it(or according to use your brains!(think about it, think carefully). Someone's brains are askew.(about a stupid, weird person). Set someone's brains straight.(make you change your mind, come to your senses) 5. pl. Tissue filling the skull of certain animals and utensils. like food. Veal brains. *To the core(colloquial) - to the last degree, with your whole being. Spoiled to the core. II adj.cerebral,-th, -th (to 1,3 and 4 values),
BRAINY,-aya, -oe; brain (colloquial). Same as dank. Brainy weather. II noun braininess, -and, and.
BRAINY,-aya, -oe; -yav (simple). Frail, weak.
BRAIN,-guy, -guy; nesov.(simple). To think, to think about something. M. over the task.
CEREBRAL cm. brain.
CEREBELLUM,-chka, m. The area of ​​the brain stem located at the back of the skull. II adj.cerebellar,-oh, -oh.
CALLOSOLOGENS,-their, units-wow, -wow, Wed A order of ungulate mammals with calloused thickenings on the feet: camels, llamas and certain other animals.
HORNY.-aya, -oe; -ist. Covered with calluses. Calloused hands. II nouncallosity, -and, and.
CALL,-lu, -only; nesov., that. Rub calluses on something. M. hands *An eyesore to whom(colloquial) - to bother constant presence. II owlscallus,-lu, -only; -lazy. CORN,-And, and. Local thickening of the skin from frequent friction. Hands with calluses. *Step on a pet peeve to whom(colloquial joke) - to offend, touching on the most painful issue, a vulnerable topic. II adj.callus,-oh, -oh. M. patch (for removing calluses).
MY, mine, m.; and. mine, mine; Wed mine, mine, pl. my, mine, places attractive Belonging to me, related to me. M. house. Knows better than me(i.e. better than me; colloquial). Mine left(noun; my family, friends). * In my -1) adv., according to my will, desire. Everything will be my way; 2) adv., the way I do it. U the problem is not working out for you, try solving it my way; 3) enter, ate, in my opinion. I think he's right. WITH my(colloquial) - as much, as much as I am. Live with me.
CAPELINA,-s, and. Small fish family smelt.
WASHING,-And, and. 1. cm. wash. 2. A device, special equipment for washing something.
WASHER,-A, m. A worker engaged in washing, washing something. II and.washer, s.
MOCASSINS,-in, units-in, -a, m. 1. Soft leather shoes of North American Indians. 2. The name of shoes made of soft leather with a special (without a cut in the middle) opening of the top and toe. II adj. moccasin, oh, oh.
MOKKO. 1. uncl., m. One of the highest grades of coffee. Drink m. 2. unchangeable About coffee: this kind. Coffee m.
get wet,- well, - no; wet, wet; nesov. 1. Under the influence of moisture, become wet, damp. M. in the rain. The wound gets wet(excretes liquid, ichor). 2. (1 and 2 l. not used). Deteriorate from too much moisture (colloquial). Crops get wet from rain. 3. (1 and 2 l. not used). To be soaked, to lie in water, in a liquid to acquire ka-kih-n. the required properties. Linen gets wet.
woodlouse,-s, and. A small crustacean animal with many legs that lives in damp places.

The whole world of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, cities, countries, objects around us, events, our actions, mood - everything is named, everything has its own name or name. You can easily understand a word if you know its meaning. Meaning is what the word means. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can find it out from adults or with the help of an explanatory dictionary. But sometimes in life you can observe such a situation. The teacher asked Vanya what his favorite subjects were. Vanya answered that a computer, a ball and a bicycle. Do you think Vanya answered correctly? What subjects did the teacher ask Vanya about? ABOUT school subjects. Why did such confusion occur? The thing is that many words in the Russian language can have several meanings. During the lesson we will get acquainted with polysemantic words and find out in which dictionary we can find their meanings.

Complete the task. Find out the word by its lexical meaning. Connect with an arrow.

Test yourself.

Now look at the pictures and name the parts that the arrow points to (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Leg - a polysemantic word ()

What did you notice? The pictures are different, the objects are different, but the word is the same. The word “leg” is written everywhere. Why?

It turns out that one word can have not one, but several meanings at once. This is one of the features of our Russian language. If a word has only one lexical meaning, it is called unambiguous; if it has two or more meanings, it is called polysemous. In our language there are many more polysemantic words than single-valued ones. But all the meanings of polysemantic words are related in meaning and have something in common.

How many meanings of the word “leg” did the drawings tell you? Let's list it.

1. An affectionate name for the lower limb of a person, the leg.
2. The stalk on which the flower or the lower part of the mushroom under the cap is held.
3. Furniture support.
4. One of the sliding parts of the measuring device, for example a compass.

Let's conclude: the word “leg” has multiple meanings.

Complete the task. Divide the words into two columns: the first is single-valued words, the second is polysemantic.

Ice, leaf, tail, jump rope, pine, kangaroo, mathematics, line, butterfly, guitar, lightning, bread.

Test yourself.

Single words: ice, skipping rope, pine, kangaroo, mathematics, guitar.

Multiple meaning words: leaf (of paper and wood), tail (animal, airplane, line), line (horizon, line on paper, railway or air), butterfly (insect and tie), zipper (clasp and discharge in the air), bread (this is the product that we eat, and the grain planted in the field)

How not to make a mistake and accurately determine whether a word is ambiguous or unambiguous? An explanatory dictionary will help. To find out how many meanings a word has, you need to look up the word alphabetically in an explanatory dictionary. If the dictionary entry contains the numbers 1, 2, and maybe more, and each number is given an interpretation, then the word is ambiguous.

Listen to the tale of Gennady Tsyferov. Count how many meanings for the word “star” were given by the heroes of the fairy tale, the grasshopper and the little frog.

- What are stars? - the grasshopper once asked.
The little frog thought and said:
- Big elephants say: “Stars are golden carnations, they nail the sky.” But don’t believe it. Big bears think: “The stars are snowflakes that forgot to fall.” But you don’t believe them either. Listen to me better. It seems to me that the big rain is to blame. After a lot of rain, big flowers grow. And it also seems to me when they reach with their heads the sky, then they fall asleep there, tucking their long legs.
“Yes,” said the grasshopper. “This is more like the truth. Stars are big flowers. They sleep in the sky with their long legs tucked in.”

How many meanings of the word “star” did the grasshopper and the frog give? No one. They could not explain the meaning of this word. Can you? What stars are we talking about? About stars - celestial bodies.

What else can you imagine when you hear the word “star”? What did you present? Let's see what meanings of the word “star” are indicated in the explanatory dictionary. Read the dictionary entry for the word STAR. How many values ​​do you see?

1. A celestial body visible in the night sky. polar Star(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Star in the sky

2. About a famous person. Ballet star (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Ballet star

3. Geometric figure with pointed protrusions. Kremlin star. An order having this form (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Geometric figure

4. A light spot on the animal’s forehead (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. A star on the animal’s forehead

5. Starfish (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Starfish ()

Conclusion: star is a polysemantic word.

How do meanings appear for the same words? People learned to observe the stars in the sky in ancient times. A geometric figure, starfish, the order was named so for its similarity in shape. Why are famous people called stars? For talent, brightness, brilliant work.

Did you know that in Ancient Rome the concept of “set”, i.e. there is a lot of something, was denoted by the word “globe”. After all, there was a time when people did not suspect that the globe was round. The ball was generally called a globe in Latin. This name for the ball came in handy when they began to make a model of the globe - a round globe.

This is how words - names of objects - could come into our language. IN modern language the word “globe” has only one meaning - it is a model of the globe, but the word “ball” has many meanings: it is an object, for example, a billiard ball or a hot air balloon, and in mathematics there is a ball, and about our planet we say “globe” .

It turns out that words denoting objects are very often polysemantic words. Let's find out: can words-signs and words-actions of our Russian language be polysemantic?

Complete the task. Make up phrases with each word in brackets and imagine what they are talking about.

Test yourself.

Cold tea, cold house, cold wind, cold sweater, cold color.

A deaf old man, a deaf shot, a deaf alley, a deaf forest, a deaf voice.

Keep the ring, keep the memory, keep the good name.

Take a stick, take the city, take something with you, take it to the right.

Conclusion: different words in the Russian language can be polysemantic: words denoting objects, words-actions, and words-attributes.

Polysemous words can have two, three, or more meanings. For example, the word “take” has as many as 14 meanings in the dictionary, and the word “go” has 26. Of course, not all the meanings are clear to you now, but try to find out what is unfamiliar and incomprehensible and remember it, and explanatory dictionaries will help you. Knowing the different meanings of words will make your speech interesting and beautiful.

Today in class we learned that many words in the Russian language can have several meanings, we got acquainted with polysemantic words, and determined in which dictionary their meanings can be found.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011. (download link)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M.: Ballas. (Download link )
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook.
  1. Nsportal.ru ().
  2. Festival.1september.ru ().
  3. Chernova.moy.su ().


1. Tell your friends what you learned about the topic of the lesson.

2. Read the poem by A. Shibaev. Find a polysemantic word in it and explain its meaning.

And the sun is playing

(Rays on the river),

And the cat plays

(in a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya plays

(Zhenya has a doll)

And mom plays

(In the theater on stage)

And dad plays

(On a copper pipe)

And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).

3. Make up phrases with the ambiguous word STRONG.

Fabric, sleep, hands, blow, coffee, nut, knot, health.

4. Identify a polysemantic word by its lexical meaning.

1st meaning - training session.

2nd value - the task that is given to the student.

5. Come up with sentences with different meanings of the word BONE.

1st meaning - a bump on the body of a person or animal from a bruise.

2nd meaning - pine, spruce, cedar cones.

6. Guess which ambiguous word fits the meaning of the sentence.

Outside the window…. wind. Outside... a fire truck siren. In the forest... a wolf.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The richness of the Russian language lies not only in numerous rules and a large number of words.

Most of them also have several meanings, which for the uninitiated person will create some confusion. They are called ambiguous words.

Definition - what is it?

Polysemous words are words that have at least two lexical meanings. Wherein they are similar according to some parameters, for example, appearance or functionality. And you can understand what exactly is being said only from the context of the entire phrase.

For example, let's take the floor BUTTON. If you ask several people what it means, you may get completely different answers.

So, one person will say that we are talking about a pushpin, with the help of which paper is attached to the board. Another will remember that this is an option for fittings on clothes that help to fasten. And finally, the third will decide that he is being asked about a doorbell button or one that the military can use to launch missiles. And everyone will be right!

Here are some more examples of the most popular ambiguous words:

  1. LEG – a table or chair, a mushroom or a flower, a compass, an affectionate name for a person’s leg;
  2. HAT - a woman's headdress, again with a mushroom, a nail;
  3. TAIL – animal, plane, train, queue;
  4. FEATHER – the handle or plumage of a bird;
  5. SLEEVE - a piece of clothing, a branch of a river, a pipe for discharging gas or liquid (firefighter).

Available in Russian and real record holders among polysemantic words. For example, the word EARTH has about 10 different meanings (planet, soil, territory, synonym for land, element, etc.). But the verbs TAKE (14) and GO (26) have even more.

Difference between polysemous words and homonyms

These two concepts are easy to confuse in Russian. Both mean words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but at the same time completely different things are hidden under them. But there is a fundamental difference.

Polysemantic words have a common feature, which may consist in external or functional similarity. A, meaning completely different things that do not have a single similar feature.

Let's take the same words:

Here are examples of homonyms:

  1. SPIT - this word means an agricultural tool, a woman's hairstyle or the edge of the shore;
  2. KEY - it can be used to open locks, it is the name of a plumber's instrument, there is a treble clef in music and, finally, it is also a synonym for a spring.

As you can see, homonyms can have several different meanings, but at the same time they have nothing in common together.

Examples of polysemous words

Polysemantic words can refer to any part of speech– nouns, adjectives, verbs.

Polysemous nouns:

  1. COMB – cock’s comb, mountain top, comb (there are similarities here in appearance);
  2. BRUSH - an artist's tool, part of a hand, the completion of a shawl, rowan fruits (again, if you turn on your imagination, you will find an external resemblance);
  3. NEEDLE – pine or spruce, part of a syringe, hedgehog “clothing”, sewing tool (obvious external similarity - all objects are thin, long and sharp).


  1. DEEP – feeling or lake (both words imply something big);
  2. SOFT – voice, carpet, character, light, clay (something light and pleasant);
  3. HEAVY – period, suitcase, character (poorly tolerated, full of problems);
  4. IRON – will, grid, discipline (does not give in and does not break).

Polysemous verbs:

  1. BORN - daughter, idea, thought (born, formed);
  2. COLLECT – harvest, thoughts, evidence, things (put into a single whole);
  3. CLAT – with the door, on the back, with your hands (hitting one against the other);
  4. Score - a nail or a goal (to achieve the final result).

Polysemantic words in literal and figurative senses

Most polysemantic words appeared as a result of transferring the qualities of one word to another.

That is, the first is used in the literal sense, and all the rest - figuratively.

  1. THE LIGHT GOES OUT – THE STAR GOES OUT (the star does not go out, it simply becomes invisible);
  2. A man DOZES - a reed DOZES (the plant simply does not move);
  3. KEEP money – KEEP memory (keep something valuable);
  4. STAR in the sky - STAR on the stage (shines brightly);
  5. DEAF old man - DEEP alley (not a sound can be heard);
  6. Blue SEA – SEA of light, SEA of words (something huge);
  7. The boy's FATHER is the FATHER of computer science (who gave life, stood at the origins).

Similar techniques can often be found in literature, especially in children's literature. With the help of polysemantic words, the authors compose very interesting riddles. Here, for example, is how Samuel Marshak describes rain:

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house,
And I'm not going anywhere,
As long as he GOES.

By the way, we have already said that the word GO is one of the record holders for polysemy.

A person can walk, it can rain, hours go by, time goes by, a movie goes on, work also goes on (as in the proverb, when a soldier sleeps), they say about some thing that it suits a person very well, and much more.

Single and polysemous words

Of course, not all words in Russian have two or more meanings. There is a whole a series of unambiguous words, which are used only in one meaning and it is simply impossible to interpret them differently.

For example, unambiguous ones include:

  1. Proper names – Volga, Kazbek, Russia;
  2. Various terms - suffix, logarithm, gastritis;
  3. New words that have appeared in the language () - pizzeria, smartphone, briefing;
  4. Words with a narrow meaning - trolleybus, kayak, medal.

Of course, these are not all examples. The point is that unambiguous words in Russian a little more than polysemantic ones, but this is simply because many words have lost their other meanings over time.

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Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language
Meaning of words starting with E


EV A NGELIE, -I, Wed(E capitalized). An early Christian work telling the story of the life of Jesus Christ. Canonical E.(part of the Bible). Apocryphal E. Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John(named after the four evangelists).
|| adj. ev A Ngelsky, oh, oh.

1. pl. Protestant sect (“Evangelical Christians”), close to Baptists.
2. Compiler of the gospel. Apostle-evangelists(John the Theologian, Luke, Mark, Matthew).
3. Member of the evangelical sect.
|| and. gospel And drain, -i (to 3 digits).
|| adj. gospel And stsky, -th, -oe (to 3 meanings).

1. evangelical churches - common name a number of Protestant (mainly Lutheran) churches.
2. Relating to religious Protestant sects that base their doctrine only on the texts of the Gospel.

E VNUH, -ah, m. Skopets - a servant in a harem. Not f. someone.(about someone who communicates freely with women and is not a stranger to love affairs).
|| adj. e impressive, oh, oh.

EUR E And, -ev, units -e th, -i, m. A people historically dating back to the ancient Semitic tribes (ancient Jews), now living in Israel and many other countries.
|| and. euro e yika, -And.
|| adj. euro e ysky, oh, oh.

EUR E YSKY, oh, oh.
1. cm. Jews.
2. Relating to the Jews, their languages ​​(Hebrew, Hebrew and Yiddish), national character, way of life, culture, as well as the places of their residence and settlement, Israel, their internal structure, history; the same as the Jews. E. people. Jewish languages. In Hebrew(adv.).

EURO AND DENIE, -I, Wed An international television organization in a number of Western European and some other countries, as well as programs broadcast on its channels.

EUROPEIZ AND ROLL, -I ROI, -I ROI; -anny; owls And nesov., someone something. Give (to give) to someone. appearance, forms characteristic of Western European life and everyday life.
|| noun Europeanfrom A tion, -And, and.

EUROPE E YSKY, oh, oh.
1. cm. Europeans.
2. Relating to Europeans, their languages, way of life, culture, as well as Europe, its countries, their territory, history, flora and fauna; the same as the Europeans, like in Europe. E. continent. European countries.

EUROPE E YTSY, -ev, units -e ec, - e eggs, m. Residents of Europe.
|| and. europe e yika, -i (obsolete).
|| adj. europe e ysky, oh, oh.

1. Caucasian (special) - a race of people with fair skin, soft wavy hair, a narrow nose and some other characteristics.
2. Belonging to such a race, having characteristics of such a race. E. type of person.

EBST A KHIEV, a: Eustachian tube(special) - a canal connecting the nasopharynx with the middle ear cavity, the auditory tube.

EVHAR AND STIA, -i, and. Same as communion.
|| adj. Eucharist And chesical, oh, oh. Eucharistic prayer.


E GER, -I, pl. e Gehry, e hero and huntsman I, -e th, m.
1. Professional hunter (obsolete).
2. Game manager - a specialist in the organization of hunting, protection and reproduction of fauna.
3. In some armies: soldiers of special rifle regiments.
|| adj. e Germanic, oh, oh.

EG AND PETSKY, oh, oh. Relating to the Egyptians, their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as Egypt, its territory, internal structure, history; like the Egyptians, like in Egypt. Egyptian Arabs(Egyptians). E. dialect Arabic. E. tongue(dead language ancient egypt). E. papyrus. Egyptian pyramids. E. pound(currency unit). In Egyptian(adv.).
Egyptian darkness(obsolete) - impenetrable darkness [according to the biblical legend about complete darkness, sent to Egypt by the god Yahweh as punishment for the oppression of the Jews]. Egyptian execution(obsolete) - a difficult, unbearable situation [according to the biblical tale of ten punishments sent to Egypt by the god Yahweh as punishment for the oppression of the Jews]. Egyptian work, Egyptian labor(obsolete) - very hard work leading to exhaustion [according to the biblical story about slave labor Jews in Egypt].

EGYPT I NOT, - I n, units -I nin, -a, m. Arab people, making up the main population of Egypt.
|| and. Egypt I nka, -And.

1. cm. He.
2. genus. n. pronouns He in meaning attractive Belonging to him, relating to him. E. work.
According to him(colloquial) - 1) by his will, desire; 2) the way he does it. With him(colloquial) - as much, as much as he. Work with him.

EGOZ A, -s, m. And and.(colloquial). A fussy, overly active person, fidgety (usually about children).

EGOZ AND Th, -ozh at, -oz And sew; nesov.(colloquial).
1. Behave fussy, restless, and angry.
2. transl., before whom (what). To please, to ingratiate yourself.

EGOLD AND VYY, -aya, -oe; - And in (colloquial). Fussy, too active, restless.
|| noun Evil And ness, -And, and.


ED A, -s, and.
1. cm. there is 1 .
2. Same as food (in 1 value). Delicious, nutritious e.

1. adv. Forcibly, with difficulty. E. arrived.
2. adv. A little, just a little. E. is alive. E. is breathing. E. illuminated room.
3. adv. Just now. He was ten years old.
4. union. As soon as possible. E. came in and started talking.
Almost (was) not, particle- expresses the unrealization of what was close and undesirable. We almost missed the train. Hardly, particle- the same as unlikely. He's unlikely to come soon. Almost, particle- very likely, almost. This book is perhaps the most interesting. Barely, union Barely, union- the same as barely (in 4 digits).

EDV A-EDV A, adv.

ONE E NIE, -I, Wed(high). Close connection leading to unity, cohesion. E. churches.

ONE AND TA, -s, and.
1. In mathematics: a real number, multiplication by which any number does not change.
2. The first digit of multi-digit numbers (from 1 to 9) (special).
3. A digit representing the number “1”. Write out a unit in ink.
4. Lowest school grade. Get one.
5. A quantity by which other homogeneous quantities are measured. E. current strength.
6. A separate independent part within the whole, a separate object (or person) in a group of similar ones. Fleet combat units. Economic e. Staffing units.
7. pl. Individual items or people, beings few in number. There are only a few such people(very little).
Storage unit(special) - a museum exhibit, a copy of a book in the library. There are thousands of storage units in the museum.
|| decrease one And chka, -And, and.

ONE AND CHNYY, -aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. Isolated, rare, uncharacteristic. E. example. E. cases. Single copies.
|| noun one And integrity, -And, and.

ONE... The first part of complex words with meaning.: 1) having only one thing, associated with only one thing, for example. monotheism, monogamy, same faith, monogamy, same inheritance; 2) performed by only one, unique, for example. autocracy, autocracy(obsolete), unity of command; 3) done one on one, for example. single combat; 4) with one, only, for example. unicorn; 5) common, united with someone, for example. unanimity, unanimity, unanimity, like-mindedness, like-minded person, fellow tribesman, only-begotten, half-womb; 6) not connected with all others, opposed to all others, for example. individual farmer; 7) performed once, at a time, for example. one-time; 8) similar, identical, e.g. uniformity, uniform.

UNITY ABOUT ZHIE, -I, Wed(book). Belief in only one deity, monotheism; opposite polytheism.

UNITY ABOUT RSTVO, -a, Wed One on one fight. Exit to e. Martial arts (different types hand-to-hand combat and self-defense). Combat sports(wrestling, boxing, fencing). Enter into e. with someone.(also translated).

UNITED A CHIE, -I, Wed A form of official marriage in which a man has one wife and a woman has one husband, monogamy.
|| adj. unified A personal, oh, oh.

EDINOV E REC, -rtsa, m.(book). A person is alone with someone. religion, faith.
|| and. Edinov e rka, -And.
|| adj. Edinov e ric, oh, oh.

EDINOV E RNYY, -aya, -oe; -ren, -rna (book). Alone with someone. religion, faith.

UNITED A STYE, -I, Wed Management in which all power is concentrated in the hands of one person.

UNITED A STNYY, -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Possessing autocracy. Sole power.

UNITED E MONEY, -aya, -oe; -menen, -menna. Produced immediately, only once. One-time benefit.
|| noun lump sum e diversity, -And, and.

UNICOLE A SIE, -I, Wed Complete agreement, unanimity in something. Reach a consensus.

UNICOLE A SNYY, -aya, -oe; -sen, -sleep. Unanimous, accepted by all. Unanimous opinion. Unanimous election. Adopted unanimously(adv.; by all voters).

UNIFORM A VIE, -I, Wed(high). State autocracy.
|| adj. monarch A prominent, oh, oh. E. lord.

UNITY U SHIE, -I, Wed Complete agreement in opinions and actions. Devotion is blind, that is, it is sighted(aphorism).

UNITY U SHNY, -aya, -oe; -shen, -shna. Showing complete unanimity, complete unanimity. Unanimous wish. Unanimously(adv.) agree.

ED AND KNIVES, adv.(obsolete). Once. E. in life.

UNIQUE ABOUT VNYY, -aya, -oe; -ven, -vna.
1. Born from the same father, but by a different mother. Half brothers.
2. Same as same tribe. Consanguineous peoples.
|| noun one-time O vie, -I, Wed

EDINOL AND CHNIK, -a, m. A peasant who leads a separate, independent farm on the land.
|| and. single And student, -s.

EDINOL AND CHNY, oh, oh. Carried out by someone. one, individually. Sole power. Sole decision. Individual peasant farm(individual farm).
|| noun single And integrity, -And, and.

ONE Y SLIE, -I, Wed(book). Same as someone. way of thinking.

1. One who is in complete agreement with someone.
2. An accomplice in some. in fact. Give away your like-minded people.
|| and. united s schlennitsa, -s.

UNITED A LIE, -I, Wed Sole control, autocracy. The principle of unity of command.

UNITED A ZNYY, -aya, -oe; -zen, -know.
1. Identical, similar to another (book). Uniform reporting system.
2. Same as monotonous (outdated). E. landscape.
|| noun uniform A zie, -I, Wed

UNIPLEX E NNIC, -a, m.(high). A person of the same tribe as someone, of the same people, fellow tribesman.
|| and. same tribe e nnitsa, -s.
|| adj. same tribe e nnical, oh, oh.

UNIPLEX E NNYY, -aya, -oe (high). Belonging to the same tribe as someone, the same people.

1. Marine mammal of the family. dolphins with a long tusk in the form of a horn.
2. Heraldic image of a horse with a horn on its forehead.
3. An ancient artillery smoothbore gun.

EDINOR ABOUT DNY, -th, -oe (obsolete). The only one for parents (about a son, daughter).

UNIFORM ABOUT BNYY, oh, oh. Born of the same mother, but from a different father. E. brother.

ED AND NESTAL, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna.
1. Only one. E. son. The only evidence. Only(adv.) accessible way.
2. pl. Only these, only data. My only children. The only witnesses to the crime.
3. Exceptional, outstanding. E. in its own way.
4. units And naturally, particle. The same as only (in 2 digits). We owe our salvation solely to him.
Singular- a grammatical category indicating that an object is presented in quantity equal to one. Noun form singular. Verb in the past tense in singular form.
|| noun units And nativity, -And, and.(to 3 digits).

1. Commonality, complete similarity. E. views.
2. Integrity, cohesion. E. nations.
3. Continuity, mutual connection. E. theory and practice.

ED AND NYY, -aya, -oe; - And n.
1. One, common, united. E. impulse. One whole. E. front. Everyone is united in the fact that one cannot remain silent(i.e. everyone has one common opinion).
2. usually with denial. One, only one. There is not a single spot. Man does not live by bread alone(last).
Every single one- all without exception. Everything is one(simple) all the same, indifferent, the same. We go, we stay - it’s all the same to him.

E DKIY, -aya, -oe; e doc, edk A And e dka, e dko; e dche.
1. Chemically corrosive. E. solution.
2. Sharp, causing irritation, pain. E. smoke. E. smell.
3. Sargent, caustic. A caustic remark.
|| noun e strength, -And, and.

ED ABOUT TO, - A, m.
1. A person who is a member somewhere. in the food supply (official) or generally eats somewhere. Distribute among eaters. There are five eaters in the family.
2. The one who eats takes food (colloquial). Table for four people. Fast e., controversial worker(old last). Glorious is the lunch for the eaters, the road for the riders(old last). Lunch isn't about pies, it's about food(old last).
|| adj. units O Tsky, -th, -oe (to 1 value; special).

ED U N: Edun attacked on whom(colloquial joke) - about a good appetite, the desire to eat.


1. cm. He.
2. genus. n. pronouns she in meaning attractive Belonging to her, relating to her. Her book.
According to her(colloquial) - 1) according to her will, desire; 2) the way she does it. With her(colloquial) - as much, as much as she. Live with her.


HEDGEHOG... First part of compound words: the same as every..., for example. every evening, every night, every second, hourly.

EZHEV AND KA, -i, and. A related plant to the raspberry family. Rosaceae - a thorny shrub with edible black berries, as well as its very fruits and berries.
|| adj. Ezhev And personal, oh, oh.

EZHEV AND CHNIK, -a, m., collected Blackberry thicket.

EZHEG ABOUT DNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a year. Statistical e.

EZHEG ABOUT DAY, oh, oh. Happening every year, once a year. Annual meetings of veterans.

DAILY E VNYY, -aya, -oe; -ven, -vna.
1. Happening every day. Daily visits. Exercise daily(adv.).
2. Ordinary, everyday. Daily worries.
|| noun daily e thoroughness, -And, and.

E GELLI, union(outdated and simple). Same as if.
If only, union(obsolete and simple) - the same as if.

WE EAT E SYACHNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a month.

WE EAT E SYACNY, oh, oh. Happening every month, once a month. E. magazine. Monthly(adv.) pay dues.

EVERYDAY U TNYY, -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Happening every minute; very frequent, continuous. Every minute calls. Minute reminders. Every minute(adv.) ask again.
|| noun every minute at density, -And, and.

WEEKLY E LNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a week. Illustrated e.

WEEKLY E FLAX, oh, oh. Happening every week, once a week. Weekly checks. Club classes are held weekly(adv.).

EZESEC U NDNY, -aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Happening every second; extremely frequent. Every second comments.

HEDGEHOG AND HA, -and, and. Female hedgehog.

HEDGEHOG ABOUT VYY cm. hedgehog.

HEDGEHOG ABOUT NOC, -nka, pl. hedgehog A ta, - A T, m. Baby hedgehog.


E HEALTH, e zju, e you're watching; e here; nesov.
1. The same as driving (in 1, 2 and 3 meanings, but denotes an action that is not performed at the same time, not in one step, or not in one direction). E. by train. Trains are running. E. by exhibitions.
2. To visit someone when arriving. E. on a visit.
3. Be able to use some. means of transportation. Okay, on a bike.
4. trans. Lack of stability, slip when moving on something. (colloquial). The ruler moves across the paper.
5. transferred, on whom. The same as leaving (in 4 digits; cm. leave) (colloquial). E. on subordinates.
|| multiple drive A t, present not used (to 1 and 2 values; decomposed) and e live, present not used (to 1, 2 and 3 values; decomposed).
|| noun rides A , -s, and.(to 1, 2 and 3 values).
|| adj. rides O th, -A I, - O e (k 1 value). Sleds.

E ZDKA, -and, and.(simple). One of several trips to deliver or drop off cargo. Transport grain in two trips.

EZDOV ABOUT Y, - A I, - O e.
1. cm. ride.
2. About animals: used for riding, walking in a harness. Riding horse. Sled dogs. Riding reindeer.
3. rides O th, -O th, m. A soldier driving horses in a harness (in 3 characters).

Ride ABOUT TO, - A, m.
1. One who rides on horseback, on a bicycle, in a cart. Belated e.
2. Someone who knows how to drive (in 3 digits). Excellent e. on a bike.
Not a rider who goes where(colloquial) - won’t go anymore, doesn’t want to go. He doesn't come to you anymore.

EZZH A Y cm. drive.

EZZH A TH cm. ride.

E BURNED, -aya, -oe; -an.
1. The one that we drove on. Traveled road.
2. e Zheno, in meaning tale I had to travel (colloquial). These roads have been traveled and driven(ridden many times).


E-B ABOUT GU, intl.(outdated and decomposed). Confidence in meaning indeed, the real truth.

TO HER- E Y, intl.(simple). The same thing, by God.
By the way(simple) - the same as she-she. I'm not lying to her.


ECTENES I, -And and EKTENA I, -And, and. A series of prayer requests pronounced by a deacon or priest during a divine service on behalf of the faithful. Great e.(on Easter night).


E LE, adv. The same as barely (in 1, 2 and 3 digits). E. arrived. E. is alive.

E LEFT cm. spruce.

E LE- E LE, adv. The same as barely (in 1, 2 and 3 digits). Barely a soul in a body(about someone who is completely weak, barely breathing, colloquial joke.).

EL E Y, -I, m. Olive oil, used. in church rituals. Anointing with oil.
|| adj. ate e yny, oh, oh.

EL E YNYY, -aya, -oe; - e en, - e Yina.
1. cm. oil.
2. trans. Touching, sweet in handling. Unctuous facial expression.
|| noun ate e ity, -And, and.

ANOINTING E NIE, -I, Wed Christian sacrament of unction. Execute e.

EL AND KO: very possible(outdated and humorous) - as far as possible, to the best of your ability. We try our best.

EL ABOUT VYY cm. spruce.

EL ABOUT ZIT, - O zhu, - O zish; nesov.(simple). Crawling, moving from side to side, driving (in 4 values). E. by gender.

EL, -i, and. Evergreen coniferous tree of the family. pine with a cone-shaped crown. Centenary ate.
|| adj. e left, -th, -oe (special) and ate O vyy, oh, oh. Spruce trees. Fir cone.

E LNIK, -a, m.
1. collected Spruce forest.
2. Cut down spruce branches. Cover the hut with spruce wood.
|| adj. e linen, -th, -oe (to 1 value).


ENDOV A, -s, and. In the old days: a large open round vessel for wine, beer or mash, metal or wood, with a wide stigma (in the old Russian navy - a vessel of the same shape from which vodka was dispensed). Copper e.

EH ABOUT T, -a, m. A predatory mammal with dark yellow valuable fur, and also the most fur his.
|| adj. en O tovy, oh, oh. Raccoon family(noun).


EPANCH A, -And, and. A long and wide ancient cloak (later a warm women's cape).
|| adj. epanch O vyy, oh, oh.

EP A RHIYA, -i, and. A church-administrative territorial unit governed by a bishop.
This is for a different diocese(colloquial) - in someone's under different jurisdiction, under different subordination.
|| adj. dioceses A linen, oh, oh.

EP AND SKOP, -a, m. Higher clergyman in the Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic churches, head of the church district.
|| adj. ep And Skopsky, oh, oh.

PENANCE I, -And, genus. pl.-m And th, and. Church punishment imposed by the confessor (fasting, long prayers). Impose penance.


ERAL A Sh, -a, m.
1. Disorder, confusion (colloquial). Arrange e.
2. An ancient card game. Play e.
|| adj. eral A awesome, -th, -oe (to 2 meanings).

EREP E NOW, -NUS, -NESS; nesov.(simple). Being irritated, stubbornly, vehemently resisting something.
|| owls raised eyebrows e thread, -no, -no.

E RES, -i, and.
1. In Christianity: a creed that deviates from the prevailing religious dogmas. Fall into e.
2. trans. Something contrary to generally accepted opinion or understanding.
3. Something false, nonsense (colloquial). What the f.!
|| adj. fucks And chesical, -th, -th (to 1 and 2 values). Heretical speeches.

ERET AND TO, - A, m. Follower of heresy (1 value).
|| and. fucks And chka, -And.
|| adj. fucks And chesical, oh, oh.

E RIK, ah, m.(region). A river channel formed during a flood.

ERM ABOUT LKA, -i, and. Small soft round hat.

EP ABOUT SEW, -shu, -sew; -shenny; unsurprisingly, that(colloquial). Tugging, messing up (hair), bristling (wool).
|| owls look up O sew, -shu, -shish; -shenny.

EP ABOUT SEWING (-shusya, -shysya, 1 and 2 liters. not used), -sews; nesov.(colloquial). About hair, fur: sticking out, rising in different directions.
|| owls look up O sew(-shusya, -shishsya, 1 and 2 liters are not used.), -shitsya.

Nonsense A, -s, and.(colloquial).
1. Nonsense, trifles, absurdity. Talk about all sorts of nonsense.
2. About something. insignificant, insignificant. Did you cut yourself badly? - E.!

Nonsense AND Th, 1 l. not used, - And sew; nesov.(simple). To do or say nonsense (in 1 value).
|| owls nonsense And t, -And sew.

Nonsense ABOUT VSKY, -aya, -oe (colloquial). Same as nonsense. Nonsense idea.

Nonsense ABOUT VYY, -aya, -oe (colloquial).
1. Nonsense, empty. E. question.
2. Quite insignificant, trifling. Nonsense scratch.

RUFF AND STAY, -aya, -oe; - And st (simple).
1. About the hair: sticking up.
2. Perky, unyielding. E. small.
|| noun ruff And cost, -And, and.(to 2 digits).

RUFF AND TSHYA, -sh at s, -sh And sew; nesov.(simple). Get excited, get excited.

RUFF ABOUT VYY cm. ruff.


ESA U L, -a, m. Cossack officer rank, equal to captain in the infantry, as well as a person holding this rank.
|| adj. esa at Lsky, oh, oh.

1. union. Expresses the condition for the occurrence or existence of something. E. you ask, I'll go. E. you can, come.
2. particle. The same as unless (in 2 digits). I have no time to come in. E. for a minute (for a minute e.). A shovel doesn't take it, a crowbar does.
If - 1) union, expresses the conditions for doing something. in an indefinite time frame. If anything happened, we would be notified; 2) union, expresses an assumption. If we were together, I would go; 3) particle expresses desirability. If you were close! If only yes s (simple, joking) - an expression of ridicule about something. uncertain, unlikely. If... then (so) [always unstressed], union- 1) the same as if (in 1 value). If I can, I will come. If I don’t, then (so) he will; 2) if... then, expresses opposition, comparison. If he is a pessimist, then I am an optimist. If so (if so, then), union- expresses conditioning by something. known, implied. If so, you're right. If..., then (so) means, union- expresses condition and consequence. If I ask, then (sic) it means it’s important. If(s) not... then, union- although (and) not..., but. The thing, if not cheap, is good. If only, particle - 1) unless (in 2 digits), if (in 2 digits). I won't drink. If you just take a sip; 2) the same as except (in 3 digits). Where did they go? If only you stayed in the city. If you want (you want) and (book) if you like, introductory sl.- perhaps, perhaps; let's say. He is, if you like (if you like), a poet. What if? (what if, what if)- but what if? What if we're late? What if?- making an indecisive request or expressing an indecisive desire. What if I took a break?

ESSENTUK AND, -O V. Mineral healing water.

EATING E STEVNIK, -a, m. Specialist in natural sciences.
|| and. eating e sister-in-law, -s.

EATING E OWN, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna.
1. full f. Relating to nature (land surface, climate, animals and flora). Natural resources of the country. Natural border(about rivers, mountains, etc.). Natural Sciences (natural sciences as opposed to humanities and technical sciences).
2. Performed according to the laws of nature, obliged to them, and not to outside interference. Natural death. E. skin color. E. selection(the process of survival and reproduction of organisms most adapted to environmental conditions, accompanied by the death of unadapted organisms; spec.).
3. Normal, due to the very course of development. E. development path. E. conclusion(prepared by the course of reasoning).
4. Unforced, natural. E. gesture. Natural pose.
5. eating e actually, introductory sl. Of course, of course. He naturally agreed.
6. eating e actually, particle. Expresses confident confirmation, the inability to doubt something. Did you know about this? - Naturally.
|| noun eating e property, -And, and.(to 3 and 4 values).

NATURAL ABOUT, -A, Wed(obsolete).
1. The very essence, essence of something.
2. The same as nature (in 1 value).

NATURAL E Yes, m.(obsolete). The same as a natural scientist.

NATURAL E DENIE, -I, Wed(obsolete). Same as natural science.
|| adj. natures e childish, oh, oh.

NATURAL A NIE, -I, Wed Natural sciences, a set of sciences about nature.

NATURAL TEST A TEL, -I, m. One who studies natural phenomena.
|| and. naturalist A calf, -s.
|| adj. naturalist A telsky, oh, oh.

EAT 1, eat, eat, eat, eat And m, units And those ed I T; ate e la; eat; e fallen; ev; nesov.
1. someone or something Eat food, eat food. E. I want to. E. with pleasure. Don't eat meat. Longing eats the heart(translated; colloquial). Bug eats wood(spoils, gnawing, eating). Moths eat fur. E. doesn't ask for anything.(does not require worries, attention; colloquial). What do you eat it with?(translated: what is this?; colloquial joke.).
2. (1 and 2 l. not used), what. Destroy chemically. Rust eats iron.
3. (1 and 2 l. not used), What. About caustic: to cause a painful, unpleasant sensation. Smoke eats your eyes.
4. trans., whom (what). Reproach, scold, gnaw (in 2 meanings) (simple). From morning to evening he eats homemade food.
Eat with your eyes whom(colloquial) - look at someone. closely, without looking up.
|| owls By e there is, -e m, - e w (to 1 value) and eat, eat, eat; eaten (to 1, 2 and 4 values). Did you eat it?(gloating question to the one who failed: did you get it?; simple.).
|| noun units A , -s, and.(to 1 value). While eating.

1. 3 l. units hours present vr. from “to be” (in 1st and 2nd meaning), as well as used. in meaning forms of other persons present. vr. from “to be” (in 1 and 2 meanings) due to the loss of old conjugation forms. A connective that connects the subject to the predicate. What is truth? The law is the law.
2. Exists, exists. E. hope. E. such people. E. what to tell. What is strength(with all my might; colloquial). Yes, yes, but not about your honor(last).
There is such a thing!(simple) - 1) used. in meaning okay, okay, it will be done; 2) used in meaning yes, indeed, you are right. Did you go out with your friends? - There is such a thing! And there is- 1) when lexical repetition(usually in a remark): indeed, in fact, that’s how (it) is (simple). Didn't you get enough sleep? - I didn’t get enough sleep and eat. You're a weirdo! - And there is an eccentric. 2) bunch, the same as 2 (in 1 value) (colloquial). A lie is a lie. A friend is a friend. This is true(colloquial) - in fact, really so. Is the train late? - This is true! What (who, which, where, where, where, when) is(simple) - expresses commitment and unlimited choice. Will treat you to anything(He will definitely treat you to at least something.) Whenever it comes.

THERE ARE 3, particle. In the army, navy, and paramilitary organizations: a response from a subordinate, indicating that the command is understood and accepted for execution. Follow the order! - E.!


EDF E YTOR, -a, m. The second in order of seniority (after private) is the rank of a soldier, as well as the soldier holding that rank.
|| adj. efr e ytorskiy, oh, oh.


E FUCK e duh, e you're talking; in meaning pov used train A th and (simple) ride A th; e Duchi; nesov.
1. Move somewhere. with the help of some means of transportation. E. by train, by boat (by train, by boat). E. on a bicycle, on horseback (horses). E. in a sleigh (on a sleigh). E. on horseback. The quieter you go, the further you'll get(last).
2. (1 and 2 l. not used). About means of transportation: move. The bus is coming.
3. Go somewhere, move around with the help of something. means of transportation. E. to Moscow. E. to the exhibition. There's nowhere else to go(translated: it cannot be worse than it is; simple).
4. trans. Move, slide to the side, to the sides (unfolded). The hat is on one side. Feet on the ice move to the sides.
5. trans., on someone. The same as leaving (see leaving in 4 digits) (colloquial).

1. and. A small Australian oviparous mammal of the cloacal order with an elongated snout, covered with spines and hair.
2. and. Poisonous Australian snake of the family. asps.
3. m. And and., trans. An evil, sarcastic and insidious person (colloquial).

EX AND DRINK, -ay, -ay; nesov.(colloquial). Behave sarcasticly, be sarcastic.
|| owls moved out And run low, -ay, -ay.
|| noun ex And daylight, -I, Wed

EX AND DNY, -aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Sargent, insidious. E. character. Snidely(adv.) smile.
|| noun ex And bottom, -And, and.

EX AND DSTVO, -a, Wed Malice, causticity, deceit.

EX AND DCA, -s, and.(colloquial). Mild malice. Reply sarcastically.


1. adv. Again, in addition. Come again. Eat some more.
2. adv. Already e, in past. I left a week ago.
3. adv. Until now, bye. Haven't come yet. Not yet.
4. adv. Indicates the availability of sufficient time and conditions for something. I'll still catch the train. Still young.
5. adv. when compared Art. IN to a greater extent. Even more tender.
6. particle. Usage in combination with the pronominal words “how”, “which” to indicate high degree sign, its exclusivity (colloquial). How else (how else) is it formed? He is a cunning one, what a cunning one! He has talent. - And what talent!
7. particle. In combination with some pronominal adverbs, it expresses rude dissatisfaction (colloquial). Talk to him. - Why else? (why is this even necessary?). Get dressed and you'll go. - Where else? (where else is this?). You will stay at home. - What more!
8. particle. In combination with pronominal adverbs “where”, “where”, “when” and some others, it expresses uncertainty in the distant future (colloquial). We'll meet again someday(i.e., it is not known when and not soon). Somewhere else in life I will find such a friend. Where else (somewhere) fate will take him.
9. particle. Usage for reminder, reference to the known (colloquial). You know him: still red-haired, so tall. I forgot the name of this film: Vysotsky also plays there.
And also, union(colloquial) - expresses inconsistency. You're rude, and also an excellent student. Still would(colloquial) - 1) of course, certainly. Will you come with us? - Still would!; 2) expression of condemnation (it would be bad if). If only he had dared to refuse!