What is real help? Essay “What is compassion and empathy?” What is empathy?

What topics can be suggested:

What kind of person can be called “responsive”?

What kind of person can be called “indifferent”?

Do you agree with the statement of B. Shaw: “The worst sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity"?

How do you understand the words of A.V. Suvorova: “How painful is indifference to oneself!”?

Why is indifference dangerous?

Can Responsiveness Bring Frustration?

What does it mean to be responsive?

Can indifference hurt a person?

Should we learn empathy?

How do the concepts of kindness and responsiveness relate?

Can an indifferent person be called selfish?

Do you agree that “healthy selfishness” is beneficial?

Should you always be responsive?

What are the consequences of an indifferent attitude towards nature?

How are the concepts of “indifference” and “selfishness” related?

How do you understand the proverb: “On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy”?

Do you agree that kindness and responsiveness are the key to family happiness?

Is it possible to learn responsiveness?

When can responsiveness be harmful?

Can caring for people save lives?

How to instill a sense of compassion in children?

How can one explain a person’s reluctance to spend? mental strength on someone else's life?

What does it mean to “be a selfless” person?

Do you agree with the statement that a friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy?

Can compassion for people be a manifestation of selfishness?

Is it important to be able to forgive?

Are compassion and kindness synonymous?

Is it necessary to fight injustice?

Do you agree that indifference “corrodes the soul” of a person?

What can lead to indifference?

Which life lessons help you develop a sense of compassion?

How do you understand A.P.’s statement? Chekhov: “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death.”

Should you sympathize with people you don't like?

Confirm or refute Van Gogh’s statement: “Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon.”

Don't feel sorry for yourself. They only feel sorry for themselves primitive people»

How is indifference to an individual connected with indifference to the Motherland?

What is the danger of indifference to your country?

Do you agree with Guy de Maupassant’s statement: “An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother”?

Can you expect sympathy if you don't show it yourself?

Is it possible to say that teenagers have less empathy than mature people?

How do you understand the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Egoism is the root cause of cancer

Do you agree with the statement of B. Yasinsky: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but
Only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth”?

Why do you think actions speak louder than words?

Can we say that caring for animals is the highest manifestation humanity?

Can excessive empathy be a barrier?

Are there people unworthy of sympathy?

What is more important: sympathy or real help?

How to open a topic:

When writing an essay on this topic, you need to comprehend different types a person’s relationship to people and to the world (indifference to others, reluctance to waste mental strength on someone else’s life, or sincere willingness to share his joys and troubles with his neighbor, to provide him with selfless help).

In literature, this indifference and responsiveness occurs often. For example, heroes with a warm heart, ready to respond to other people’s joys and troubles, characters who embody the opposite, egoistic type of personality.

Arguments from works:

“After the ball”, L.N. Tolstoy


The colonel from the story is indifferent. A brilliant, helpful, loving and caring father for Varenka, with whom he is passionately in love main character works - Ivan Vasilyevich, he is merciless towards a soldier subjected to a terrible punishment - beating with spitzrutens. The colonel cannot be moved by his groans: “Have mercy, brothers!” He does not allow the punishment to be reduced, but on the contrary, he hits one of the soldiers in the face, who did not lower his stick too far on the back of the punished.


Everything he saw shocked Ivan Vasilyevich, who accidentally became a witness to this scene. He is literally sick of horror, since he does not understand what could cause such not just indifferent, but inhumane attitude towards people. After this, the main character decides to abandon any career, so as never to harm anyone in his life, even by accident. And from the words of other heroes we learn that all his life he spent his entire life helping his loved ones.

“Hero of Our Time”, M.Yu. Lermontov - indifference

Pechorin first appears to have long lost interest in life, looking indifferently at people and events. And although in the continuation of the work we see how Pechorin’s feelings still flare up at the thought of losing the only love of his life - Vera, this does not refute him general view to life - emptiness, meaninglessness, general indifference. The pain and despair that flared up when reading his beloved’s farewell letter soon give way to disappointment, thoughts that attempts to make Vera happy are fruitless, since he, Pechorin, is not capable of long-term feelings. It is not for nothing that Lermontov calls Grigory Alexandrovich a hero of his time. According to the author, an era where an intelligent, thinking person with his own ideals and ideas has nowhere to apply his strength has made the hero so apathetic, presenting life as a picture, the events of which do not concern him enough to hurt him, much less force him to act, try to somehow change the current situation.

“Crocodile Tears”, A.P. Chekhov - indifference

The main character, the pawnshop owner Judin, is completely indifferent to the problems of the people who bring him things to him. last hope get money. Speaking with feigned bitterness about social injustice, about the stinginess of the rich and the humiliating existence of the poor, about whom the upper strata of society do not care, the main character himself does not seek to alleviate the difficult fate of his petitioners. He doesn’t value a single thing with dignity; on the contrary, he reduces the price as much as possible, saying: “Otherwise it won’t last long.”

“Gooseberry”, A.P. Chekhov - indifference

Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan - all his life he dreamed of one thing - to buy an estate and plant gooseberries there. The hero was indifferent to everything except living as a master and growing gooseberries. He devoted all his energy to his dream, and even drove his wife to the grave out of greed. Chekhov shows how pitiful the hero’s life is, and strives to convey to the reader that indifference to everything except one’s own well-being and peace of mind is destructive to the human soul. Chekhov, through the words of the narrator, appeals to readers not to be indifferent to the problems of other people. Using the image of a man with a hammer, which should stand outside the door of every happy and prosperous person and knock to remind him that there are those in the world who need help, the writer exclaims: “Do good!”

“The Fate of Man”, Sholokhov – responsiveness

Andrey Sokolov (main character), survivor fascist captivity, who lost his entire family during the war, did not harden. His heart is still ready to love, so he takes responsibility and takes in the orphan boy Vanyusha.

“The Catcher in the Rye”, D.D. Selinger - responsiveness

The story of sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield. His the main problem is that he refuses to recognize the indifference of the world of adults who care only about material stability and their own well-being. Hypocrisy, deception, absolute indifference to everything that does not concern them personally - this is how the world of adults appears to a teenager. Hence his constant conflict with parents and teachers. The hero is looking for love, sincerity, goodness in the world, but sees it only in children. Moreover, in small children, that is why it cherished wish– catch children so they don’t fall into the abyss. “The Catcher in the Rye” is a metaphor for the indifferent world of adults. The desire to catch children is the desire to protect the soul of a child from destructive egoism, stiffness, violence, and deception of adult life.

Quotes that will be useful:

The worst sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Sympathy is indifference to the superlative degree. (Don Aminado)

How painful is indifference to oneself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I always believe and will continue to believe that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabeau)

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. (Maksim Gorky)

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent... It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov)

When a person is so vulnerable that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are equally indifferent to everyone. (O. Wilde)

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami)

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. (G. Lichtenberg)

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. (Van Gogh)

Only those who cannot pass by the joys and sorrows indifferently are capable of taking the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland to heart. individual. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

No more dangerous than a person who is alien to humanity, who is indifferent to fate home country, to the destinies of your neighbor. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant)

Coldness is a consequence not only of sober conviction that one is right, but also of unprincipled indifference to the truth. (C. Lam)

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have a significant flaw that will close all doors in front of you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes without giving him to understand that he is a fool.” (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Diderot)

Teenagers, of course, are emotionally tender creatures and highest degree vulnerable, but they don’t have much empathy. It comes later, if it comes at all. (S. King)

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. (C. A. Helvetius)

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. (K.L. Burne)
Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. (A. de Tocqueville)

The most unforgivable sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J.B. Shaw)

Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of the misfortune and need of people for the good of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Don't be afraid of enemies - in worst case they can kill you.
Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (B. Yasensky)

Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than a scream.

Indifference - worse than war. (M. Luther)

On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy. (proverb)

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness... (E. Zola)

Taking the path of dialogue is much more effective and smart than trying to prove how selfish or sympathetic everyone can be. (H. Bukai)

The responsiveness of others is often the best psychologist or psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life teaches a lot, but not tact, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in Hard time. (I. Shaw)

What I value most in women is shyness. It is beautiful. The basis of femininity is not appearance, but an increased sense of shame and sympathy for others. (F.A. Iskander)

If someone else's grief does not make you suffer,
Is it possible to call you a human then? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more convinced you are that to arouse sympathy for yourself is a rarity and happiness - and that you should value this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Whoever has acquired the ability to sincerely sympathize with human grief, at least in one single case, has, having received a miraculous lesson, learned to understand any misfortune, no matter how strange or reckless it may appear at first glance. (S. Zweig)

True help always comes from someone who is stronger than you and whom you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

Sympathy alone is not enough. Actions speak louder than words. (N. Vujicic)
Excessive empathy often becomes a barrier.

Sympathy in times of adversity is like rain in times of drought. (Indian proverb)

After all, it is necessary that every person should have at least one place where they would feel sorry for him! (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Don't be too sympathetic to people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but don't sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho)

She said in the sense that when a beloved animal dies, a person is left alone with his grief, no one sympathizes much. When he dies close person, then everyone understands, some sincerely, some formally, and some for the company, but everyone understands and sympathizes. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness became terribly exposed. (E.V. Grishkovets)


A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

VC. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"

A.P. Chekhov “The Cherry Orchard”, “Ward No. 6”, “Lady with a Dog”

J. Boyton "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"

M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

B. L. Vasiliev “Don’t shoot white swans”

K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”

A.V. Vampilov "Elder Son"

A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”

A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", "Eugene Onegin"

D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful”

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”, “Old Woman Izergil”

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

G.H. Andersen "The Little Match Girl"

V. Hugo "Les Miserables"

H. Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"

V. G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”

V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”

T. Keneally "Schindler's List"

E. M. Remarque “Love your neighbor”

L.N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus", "War and Peace"

S. Collins "The Hunger Games"

J. K. Rowling "Harry Potter"

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

F.M. Dostoevsky "Idiot"

R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451”, “A Sound of Thunder”, “All Summer in One Day”

M. Gelprin “The candle was burning on the table”

A.P. Platonov "Yushka"

B. Frederick “An order is an order”

V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

A.I. Kuprin "Emerald"

Some time ago, as part of a volunteer group, I had the opportunity to visit a boarding school in our city of Obninsk. Then I made it for myself important discovery. If before it seemed to me that best help for orphans and boarding schools - monetary donations, renovation of rooms and classrooms, valuable gifts, then now I believe that the best gift to a child is the time and attention given to him. No, I don’t want to say that there is no need to help financially. It is absolutely necessary, because first of all, a person’s needs for food, clothing, warmth and comfortable conditions residence. But still, spiritual needs, which many forget about, are no less important.

While visiting the boarding school, I repeatedly noticed how indifferent children were to the toys they were given; many of them did not want to participate in games and entertainment events. But it seemed to us that this was all they needed! But what’s interesting is that they all fell madly in love with face painting. At first I decided that they just liked beautiful and bright patterns on the skin. And perhaps this was the first awakening in girls of a sense of femininity, which manifested itself in a craving for a kind of “makeup” and a desire to decorate themselves. But the boys showed no less interest in face painting, and I realized that my first thought was wrong. I wanted to solve the mystery of children’s love for this type of entertainment. I started watching them, and this is what I noticed.

When one of us drew cats and butterflies on the faces of the children, this was our only opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk. Without the frenzy of games, running, screaming and fuss. I asked the guys about their lives, studies, preferences in music, films and books. And the children were willing to tell. In these few minutes, a special connection was established between us: they became quiet, their gaze became deep, in their eyes I guessed gratitude and some kind of touching tenderness. It seemed to me that at these moments, in addition to external, physical contact, spiritual contact was also established between us, for which they thanked me with their special glances. I realized that these little people vitally lack attention, participation, and sincere emotional communication. And they preferred all the games and toys to them. And perhaps not so much for beautiful drawings The guys loved our face painting sessions because of the opportunity to feel interesting and needed by someone.

Another incident got me thinking. When I found out about the start of the war in Donbass, I wrote to a former friend who was staying there. She offered to help and invited her to visit her to wait out the period of shelling. But my friend didn’t come and refused my help, although she thanked me. For a long time There was a feeling of disappointment in my soul: I wanted to help, but nothing came of it. My help turned out to be unnecessary. True, the connection with my friend has improved.

Once, after two or three years, during one of our correspondence, a friend said that she still remembered my offer of help with tears of gratitude. Then, when she found herself alone with her misfortune, forgotten by everyone and useless to anyone (after all, according to her, even relatives from neighboring countries stopped answering for fear that they would have to help), an unexpected letter from a distant, almost forgotten friend provided strong support. It turned her entire mental world upside down. For a man alone in his misfortune, this proposal became a ray of light that illuminated life - difficult, dangerous, terrible life! There was no real help, in the usual sense, on my part, but those few words that I wrote at the right moment made a big difference! They helped a person survive scary time without losing hope, faith in people, with gratitude in the heart!..

As a child, I remembered a phrase I heard somewhere: if you want to help, help with action. Everything else doesn’t seem to be considered help. But life convinces me that kind word, and a sympathetic look, and an encouraging smile in certain cases may be no less important. Even the simple fact of sincere compassion is also real help to someone, because in this way we share someone else’s pain and make someone else’s burden lighter. And sometimes, by showing interest in a person’s personality or life, we help him feel better, more confident, more significant.

I don't expect great things anymore. Now I know that any good impulse coming from pure heart, - this is real help. You just need to open it – your heart – towards people. This is the biggest and most important thing we can do for them...

Participant of the international creative competition"Real Help"

I work as an accountant, but I really like to read (mostly classics) and write myself. I'm learning English and spanish languages. I dream of visiting Spain. I'm interested in psychology. I really love nature, growing vegetables and flowers in the country. I love animals without exception. And, of course, I like to help. Little and old, four-legged and feathered - all defenseless, offended, sick and lonely.

My motto in life is kindness will save the world!

You can also take part in the competition, we are waiting for your stories by email: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

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IN modern world Few people think about what empathy is. Rhythm of life, stress, instability economic situation and other troubles in life force a person to think about himself and his well-being. Similar situation can lead to the decomposition of society and the destruction of traditional foundations, so we must not forget about such human qualities.

Compassion - what is it?

Sympathy is one of the most important, expressing feelings about a situation or situation. Why is sympathy needed? It allows an individual to understand other people’s emotions and remain human. This condition can be based on the following principles:

  • attachments;
  • understanding;
  • respect.

Often such emotions express empathy for another person. They can be expressed in different ways:

  • necessary or gentle words;
  • encouraging actions;
  • physical or material assistance.

The ability to sympathize is good, it is important to do it on time and not to be intrusive, since sometimes heated situations arise in which this “gesture” will be unnecessary and there is a high probability that sympathy will cause psychological damage to the individual. Therefore, it is so important to express the emotional state in question sincerely and at the appropriate moment.

How is empathy different from compassion?

Understanding what empathy and compassion are will be beneficial for character and personality development. These are similar concepts that express a feeling of empathy for another person. Their difference lies in the fact that empathy allows you not only to understand the situation, but also to feel the emotions of the other. Empathy and compassion in equally must be present in the life of society, otherwise it will become callous and indifferent to the world around it.

Pity and sympathy - what's the difference?

Another similar concept is pity. It manifests itself in the form of the same empathy, but without emotional coloring, without experiencing the same emotions and feelings. Sometimes the feeling of pity is not accompanied by a desire to participate in a person’s problem, but is expressed only with kind, encouraging words. In most cases, when expressing pity, a person conveys his feelings towards another, rather than experiencing the feelings of others. Sympathy and pity are generally similar in meaning, but have different connotations.

Is empathy good or bad?

Many people ask the question: Do people need empathy? Replies to this question maybe two, and each of them has its own explanation:

  1. Empathy is necessary because it strengthens social connections in society, allows people to remain human and show their emotions. By sympathizing, we show that we care about the person.
  2. If a person is upset, then sympathy can weaken him even more state of mind, increase the manifestation of negative emotions and aggravate the situation. IN in this case sympathy will be unnecessary.

From the responses discussed, we can conclude that empathy is necessary at certain moments depending on the situation and emotional state the person to whom it is directed. It is important not to overdo it and to know when the manifestation of such an emotional state will be appropriate in order to truly help the person, and not, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.

Do we need empathy and compassion in life?

Very complex, a little philosophical question- Do people need empathy and compassion? Most people would likely say that it is necessary. Such qualities are a manifestation of caring, caring attitude. It is important to convey to children about them during their upbringing and personality formation. Constantly receiving a portion of the emotions of compassion and empathy, a person can demand them more and more often - he will get used to it or will wait permanent solution their problems. He can manipulate his condition to achieve goals. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the expression “everything is good in moderation” exists.

How to learn to sympathize?

The answer to the question of how to express sympathy will depend on the specific situation. It is important to be able to sympathize correctly and in a timely manner. A person needs to show that they understood him, shared his experiences, but at the same time gave him strength to get out of the current situation. Often required:

For a more complete and deep understanding of the meaning this term You can turn to some books, both adults and children. For example:

  1. Author's book Ruth Minshull How to Choose Your People talks about what you can pay attention to when meeting people and how to choose those whom you can later call “yours.” The book contains separate chapter dedicated to the concept of empathy.
  2. Alex Cabrera "Fairies Speak of Compassion"- an excellent book that makes it possible to convey meaning to a child this concept and teach him in the right moments show sympathy.

Books about empathy and compassion allow people to become more open and kind, and teach children to be caring in certain situations. By periodically reminding yourself of what empathy is, and that sometimes you cannot do without it, you can make the world a better place. The manifestation of such a feeling, along with compassion and mutual assistance, leads to the unity of society, the establishment of social relations within it, maintaining traditions and connections between generations. This is important for the development of a full-fledged, mature, stable society.

Compassion is a quality that only real man. It allows you to come to the aid of your neighbor without hesitation when required; An empathetic person has the ability to feel the pain of his neighbor as well as his own. Sympathy is very good topic for an essay on the Russian language.

Why write an essay about mercy?

That is why schoolchildren receive tasks of this kind. In the process of work, they can work in more detail on the topic of empathy for their neighbors, understand what mercy really is and how it is expressed. Essay “What is compassion?” - good way and the writer himself must realize this quality in himself, and become more merciful towards his neighbors. What points can you mention in your work?

What is empathy?

Compassion is a person’s ability to feel what another person feels as if he himself were experiencing the same experiences. It differs from empathy - after all, you can empathize with another person not only in pain, but also in joy, fun, melancholy or boredom.

A compassionate and empathetic person is able to understand what is going on in the soul of another. It is believed that if a person is capable of compassion, it means that he really has a heart and soul and is capable of love. Compassionate is spiritual rich personality. She is able to remember something from her experience when faced with the misfortune of her neighbor, to provide him with help and support, since she herself knows how difficult it is to be in such a situation.

Substitution of concepts

However, compassion does not always actually manifest itself as positive quality. There are many variations of compassion, and one of them is pity. This type of attitude towards people is very common in post-Soviet space. Often people do not take care of their health, do not exercise, do not value themselves, own lives. However, at the same time, public morality prohibits abandoning those who, through their actions, have deprived themselves of this health.

A classic example is the spouses of alcohol addicts who remain close to their weak-willed husbands, even when their passion for drinking has made them disabled. It may seem that such a woman really experiences real compassion: “How can he live without me now? He will completely die." And she puts her entire life on the altar of “salvation” for her weakling husband.

Pity or mercy?

However, this type of relationship can hardly be called compassion. Thoughtful schoolboy essay writer“What is compassion?” will understand: in such behavior only one feeling shines through - pity. And moreover, if such a woman, of which there are many in Russia, did not think only about herself and her feelings, she would choose a completely different model of behavior. Truly having compassion for her weak-willed and lazy husband and wishing him well, she would have ended the relationship with him as soon as possible - and perhaps then he would have realized that his lifestyle was destructive both for him own bodies both for the mind and for the family.

About empathy in wild tribes

In the essay “What is Compassion?” some can be mentioned Interesting Facts. For example, not all cultures perceive mercy or empathy in the same way as in Russia, or, for example, in America.

Lives in the wild forests of the Amazon unusual tribe Yekuana. It is quite numerous, consisting of about 10 thousand members. The display of compassion among the Yekuana people is significantly different from what we are used to. For example, if a child gets hurt, parents do not show any signs of empathy, they do not even try to feel sorry for him. If the baby does not need help, then they wait for the child to get up and catch up with them. If someone from this tribe gets sick, the other members of the tribe will do everything in their power to cure him. The Yekuana will give their fellow tribesman medicine or call upon spirits to restore him to health. But they will not feel sorry for the patient, and he will not bother other members of the tribe with his behavior. This is enough unusual look manifestations of compassion. However, it must be remembered that the Yekuana tribe is at the stage of a primitive communal system. Similar attitude for a Westerner it is unlikely to be acceptable.

An unusual type of help

In the essay “What is Compassion?” can be cited various examples manifestations of mercy, as well as describe and different types this feeling. In psychology there is also a type of empathy called anticipatory empathy. Its meaning is that a person (most often a psychologist) helps a person who is feeling bad in an unusual way: he himself goes to ask him for advice.

Usually people are surprised that someone does not try to help or console them, but instead asks them for advice. However, according to psychologist R. Zagainov, who works in the field sporting achievements, this method always “works” - a person becomes better after he himself has helped another. In an essay on the topic “Compassion” you can mention the following unusual way helping your neighbor.

Antipode of mercy

In the essay-reasoning “What is compassion?” We can also mention the opposite of this feeling, namely indifference. It is believed that it is the most terrible vice, which can only be characteristic of a person. This opinion was held by Mother Teresa, and it is also written in the Bible.

The writer Bernard Shaw said that the most terrible crime The only thing a person can do in relation to other people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference. Indifference means complete absence any emotions. A person who doesn’t care what happens around him experiences neither positive nor negative experiences. And if the latter can still benefit his health (after all, as you know, negative emotions destroy cells human body from the inside), then the absence of positive experiences is absolutely useless.

The famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhov also spoke about this. He called indifference “paralysis of the soul” and even “ premature death" If you think about it, in many ways great writer right - after all indifferent person indifferent to the whole world around him. He is like a zombie, which has an outer shell, but is completely devoid of feelings inside. In the essay “Empathy and Compassion,” a student can describe this type of mental callousness in more detail, telling, for example, about a real-life incident. After all, everyone has probably seen how indifference manifests itself towards the elderly, pregnant women, and sick people.

How to write a good essay?

An assignment on this topic requires compliance with all writing rules. school work: it must be literate, contain an introduction, a main part in which the main points will be outlined point by point, as well as a conclusion. Without this you can hardly count on good mark by essay. Whether empathy and compassion are needed or not - the student decides for himself in his work. He can adhere to any point of view, and it will not affect the result. But the lack of arguments, spelling or punctuation errors, insufficient volume of the essay - all this can affect the assessment of the essay. Of course, most likely, most students will agree that without these qualities it is difficult to live not only for those people who surround a callous person; and it’s hard for him to live with such a cruel heart.

Is mercy necessary - everyone's decision

However, to be merciful or cruel, everyone also decides for himself. You need to answer the question for yourself: do I myself need empathy and compassion? The essay only helps to suggest such reasoning. A person who lacks compassion for people and for all living things can gradually develop these qualities in himself. How to do it? The easiest way is good deeds. You can start helping first relatives and friends who need it, then strangers. Now many different social institutions need help. And in the West, experience of charity or volunteering is a significant plus when applying for a job.

In one of the Internet diaries, I read an advertisement for help to an orphanage for the blind, deaf and dumb. The author of the ad told how she met a woman on the subway who worked in this children's institution. She handed out leaflets with the address of the orphanage and told how difficult it was for the children there, that they had nothing, and yet they needed so much! How can we get past such a disaster! I’m unlikely to be able to actually go and bring something, but it’s possible to post this ad in my diary, I thought. And thereby I will calm my conscience somewhat. Although I didn’t really help myself, maybe someone will read and help these unfortunate kids!

I don’t know if this announcement inspired anyone to do something real, but my friends advised me to check if everything was so bad in this orphanage. I was surprised and even outraged by this proposal! After all we're talking about about children, about sick children! How can you not trust, check?! But as I calmed down, I came to the idea that it was really worth checking out. I heard a lot of reviews about that orphanage from the advertisement, mostly good ones. But no one talked about the catastrophic state of affairs. I started making inquiries. And in fact, the orphanage is not in poverty. Of course, the management will not refuse help and will gladly accept something as a gift. But the more information I learned, the more clearly the idea of necessity checking information. And this can be done in different ways. Either call the management of the institution, or contact a group of volunteers working there.

Real help is a step that is thought out from all sides. This is not “impatience of the heart,” not a desire to quickly get rid of the annoying feeling that often appears in the soul after reading requests for help. No. This is a serious and very responsible job. And reprinting the ad is generally not bad. But this may turn out to be a help on the contrary! Often there is a scammer behind such an ad. If you visit the Odnoklassniki website, then you have probably received announcements from friends that a child urgently needs blood of such and such a blood group. Nothing is said about the child, nor what he is sick with, nor where he is being treated, nor what his name is. Only phone number. By reprinting and sending such an advertisement to our friends, we will help only those who make money on human responsiveness, because... the call will be charged.

So what should we do? What to do if the desire to help grows stronger and does not leave you alone? First, you need to calm down and clearly define for yourself what kind of help you could provide, how much time you could devote. If your help will be one-time, warn immediately. No one will judge you. You need to prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will see children's eyes full of childish sadness. So, if you are an impressionable person, think again. And if after the first visit you realized that this is too hard work for you, say so right away so that they don’t rely on you or bother you once again. They will understand you and will not pull you by the sleeve.

The second step is to find like-minded people. As members of the volunteer movement “Otkazniki” www.otkazniki.ru/ say, “alone in the field is not a warrior.” If a person decides to help someone, in particular children, then he must first find the coordinates of organizations involved in such assistance. Such organizations already have established relationships with hospital management; there is information about how exactly they can help: play games, conduct classes, buy diapers, things, etc. The same applies to targeted assistance to specific children from advertisements. You either need to see this child yourself, or contact an organization that can check the real state of affairs. If the child is in the hospital and needs some kind of additional help, then the person in charge of this hospital will definitely find this child and find out his real needs.

In Moscow and the Moscow region there are now quite a few such volunteer movements who will gladly accept a new assistant. If there are no such organizations in your city yet, then you can organize volunteer help yourself, using other people’s experience and recommendations, which you will never be denied. Of course, you can act completely alone, but it is much more difficult and the efficiency will be significantly lower.

Third. A new volunteer, as a rule, is completely captivated by the idea of ​​helping. I want to achieve some quick results or immediately open the eyes of the whole world to what and how much children need. Don't do anything rash. The initiative is needed, but it must be coordinated with those who have been helping for a long time and are better oriented in the situation. Officially, everything is fine with us: there is enough medicine for everyone, enough beds, and enough dishes. Therefore, not every hospital or orphanage is willing to allow volunteers, fearing just such unseemly publicity. This will be followed by proceedings with higher authorities and refusal of volunteer assistance.

Fourth. If you decide to help disabled children, read in advance about the diseases and conditions that you will have to face. Orphanages for delayed children especially need volunteer help mental development. But there are fewer people willing to help such children. “The main thing here is not to be afraid of anything,” says volunteer Marina. - Here a healthy kid of about 13 years old flew out at you with inarticulate screams and slobbery kisses, and you hug him, pat him on the head, say: “Good!” . If you can do this, it’s fine, work.”

Fifth. Volunteering is also work on yourself. And, like any work on one’s personality, it requires constant effort. Working on yourself is the most difficult thing.

There are many places where volunteer help can be applied, and these are not necessarily children. There are hospices with seriously ill people, there are elderly people for whom our attention and care are also important, homeless people, people infected with HIV, refugees and many, many others.

There are many serious organizations involved in volunteer assistance. Let's name some of them:

http://www.otkazniki.ru/ – the “Volunteers for Orphans” project is dedicated to helping children deprived of parental care who are kept in government institutions, particularly in hospitals; supports and organizes events that promote family formation for children deprived of parental care; provides assistance in situations of family troubles in order to avoid the child ending up in the structure of boarding schools and, if possible, to preserve the child’s blood family.

http://www.club-volonterov.ru/index.htm – “Volunteer Club” provides assistance to orphans and children without parental care in children's social institutions in Russia, and also visits orphans undergoing treatment in medical institutions .

http://www.sofiafond.ru/ – a fund dedicated to supporting veterans, disabled people, hospice patients, large families, families with disabled children living in the Western administrative district Moscow.

http://www.miloserdie.ru/index.php?ss=2&s=17&id=5551 – volunteer service"Mercy" provides assistance to orphans in hospitals and orphanages for disabled children, wounded in the hospital named after. Burdenko, patients of a psychoneurological boarding school, lonely elderly people, patients of Moscow City Hospice No. 1 and many others.

If you want to start helping someone, remember that the main thing is the part of your soul that you bring to the needy. And this gift of yours will definitely return to you a hundredfold.