What will happen to fashion in 100 years? Nanoparticles to fight cancer

Thus, Kaku believes that by 2030 the world will have new type contact lenses - they will be able to access the Internet. Professor Babak Parviz from the University of Washington is already working on a prototype of such a device.

Various “spare parts” for human organisms. Today, the latest biotechnologies allow scientists to easily “grow” new cartilage, noses, ears, blood vessels, heart valves, bladders, etc. in the laboratory. Stem cells containing the patient's DNA are seeded onto a sponge-like plastic base. When a catalyst is added to these cells, they begin to grow and multiply very quickly. This is how living tissues appear first, and then entire organs.

They say that within 20 years society will master the capabilities of telepathy. Today, scientists are already able to implant special microcircuits into the brains of paralyzed people, with the help of which they can only use force to control computers, write emails, play video games and use web browsers. Engineers from the Japanese company Honda have already learned how to create robots that are controlled by patients with the power of thought.

By 2070, scientists plan to bring many fauna representatives back to life. Using DNA samples taken 25 years after the death of the animal, scientists were able to clone it in Brazil. The Neanderthal genome has already been deciphered. And in scientific circles they are seriously talking about the possible revival of this human species. Why researchers need this, however, is completely unclear, but human curiosity is truly immeasurable.

But what scientists will undoubtedly develop are technologies that will allow us to slow down our aging in the future. Corresponding experiments are already being carried out on insects and some animals. It turns out that a 30% life extension is very simple: just reduce the calorie intake of the average American or European by 30%. In the future, it will be possible to prolong life in a hundred technological ways.

But the most interesting thing is that by 2100, “programmable matter” technologies will appear in the world. Everyone remembers “Terminator 2” and the killer robot T-1000. That's about it we're talking about: the world will see materials whose shapes can be programmed by computers. Microchips the size of a pinhead have already been created, which can easily be regrouped by influence. electrical discharges. They can take the form of a sheet of paper, a cup, or a plate.

Scientists are also confident that great progress has been achieved and space technology. In a hundred years we will be able to spaceships fly to the stars, they say. It will all start with microcomputers “the size of a fingernail”, which can be sent in millions throughout space. They will move in space at a speed close to the speed of light. They will look for extraterrestrial intelligence and transmit messages to it from earthlings, and explore space. Then people will begin to colonize the star worlds.

In about a hundred years, humanity will finally overcome cancer. It is known for certain that the disease can be prevented and destroyed only by early stages. In the future, DNA chips will be built into our toilets, which will be able to detect tumors at their very core. initial stage. Then “cleaners” will be launched into the organisms - special nano-computers that will cleanse the body of cancer cells.

So, what will happen in 100 years? The following chronology will describe not only the events that await us in the future, but also the inventions that are about to appear.

Earth in 100 years

2013 – Wall Street faces another stock market crash, which will mark the beginning of a new global crisis.

2014 – China deploys its missiles in Sudan, causing unrest in international society.

2015 – The year will be very eventful. Russia will report that Natural resources countries (oil, uranium, copper, gold) have reached a critical minimum. The Algerian-German concern Desertec will begin construction of a solar power station on the territory of North Africa. Scientists will be able to find a cure for autism. Bangladesh will claim a catastrophic shortage of fresh water due to rising sea levels and will ask the World Bank for a $9 billion subsidy to purchase desalination plants.

2016 – Cultured meat goes on sale. First time in elections American President You will be able to cast your vote online.

2017 – The first experiment was conducted to create artificial seminal fluid from a woman’s stem cells and subsequent conception without a man.

2018 – Conclusion American troops from Afghanistan. Each country considers itself a winner. Afghanistan's sovereignty remains unshakable. In parallel with this event, there is a renewal lunar program. The four-person crew will spend about a month on the lunar surface. The goal of the project is to prove that accommodation, on natural satellite The Earth using only its resources is quite possible. In the same year a new high-speed Railway, crossing 17 countries and designed to connect Europe and Asia. The first train along it will run from Beijing to Paris, its speed will be 300 km/h. The global crisis that began in 2013 will end this year.

2019 – There will be an acute shortage of women in China. The government will allow same-sex marriage. The first prototype of a flying car will also be tested in America.

2020 – Active development space tourism. The first private spacecraft will send everyone into Earth orbit for a day. Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic's first spaceship will land with tourists on the surface of the Moon. The cost of such a tour will cost about 200 million dollars. The first manned expedition to Mars will also be formed. In the same year, permission will be issued to carry out autonomous work that destroys cancer cells in the human body. Megacorporations will undermine the authority of the governments of leading countries and ultimately deprive them of many powers. State borders in our usual understanding will be erased. Cultural differences will still remain in people's memory.

2021-2024 – It becomes possible to implant microchips into the brain that can give their owner the ability to telepathy, increased memory reserves, and it will also be possible to implant them into the body various kinds controllers signaling the state of a person, and giving some kind of bonuses in the form of built-in mobile communications, etc.

2025 - The population will increase to 8 billion people. The globalization of the economy will allow many enterprising people to become rich. The number of dollar millionaires will be 1 billion people, while everyone else will not even have enough fresh water.

2026 – Chips will be implanted up to the skin of all US residents, storing all biometric data and allowing the location of an individual to be determined.

2027 – First successful cloning person. Scientists will be able to understand how genetics influences a person’s character.

2028 – The total number of deaths from AIDS will reach 600 million. A cure has never been found. AIDS becomes the deadliest epidemic in history.

2029 – The appearance of computers 1000 times more powerful than today’s. New chips are also appearing on the market, by implanting which you can have a direct connection with a computer and the Internet.

2030 – All trains, planes, cars and yachts are controlled by a robotic autopilot. Human intervention in their work is required only in extreme cases. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to reduce the number of accidents involving these vehicles to almost a minimum.

2031 – Sex becomes just a form of leisure time. The function of procreation has been simplified to artificial insemination and cloning. Pregnancy will be the lot of the poor and uncultured, as well as third world citizens.

2032 – The appearance of lenses capable of giving a person not only excellent vision, but also eliminating the need to know additional languages. Lenses will be implanted for everyone. They will have built-in face and speech recognition technology, due to which a person will see a translation from any unfamiliar language in the form of text right before his eyes. They will also have built-in zoom, memory of faces, the ability to access the Internet, etc.

2033 – America switches to fundamentally the new kind fuel, getting rid of oil dependence. Oil prices are falling sharply. The Middle East is suffering widespread losses. Russia enters into an alliance with Iran and China and squeezes the EU.

2034 – Micro sensors capable of recording behavior appear nervous system. Thus, a market for the sale of feelings is organized. Orgasms, happiness, grief, inspiration, etc.

2035 – Firms appear offering artificial cultivation of human organs based on the client’s DNA.

2040 – People monitor their health through genetic therapy. Shower stalls are being scanned general state internal organs, toilets collect tests. Average duration life in developed countries reaches 90 years old.

2041 – The ban on geological exploration activities in Antarctica will be lifted. World powers will immediately begin to develop the deposits. As a result, the ecology of the White Continent will be destroyed. Next up is the Arctic.

2042 – Humanity crosses the 9 billion mark.

2048 – The number of ocean inhabitants declines sharply. People don't have enough fish.

2049 – “Programmable matter” technologies appear. Millions of microscopic devices will gather into a swarm that will take the required form, color, density and texture of any object.

2050 – The world population will reach 10.1 billion. The average life expectancy will be 100 years.

2060 – 95% of the world's population will use only three types of currency. In the struggle for primacy, they will fight, offering all the best and Better conditions, as banks, pension funds and plastic card systems do now.

2070 – Glaciers will finally melt and permafrost North Pole, A Arctic Ocean will become fully navigable. Active development of a new habitable territory will begin. In the same year, many animals that became extinct many thousands of years ago will be cloned from DNA.

2075 – Average life expectancy is 150 years. Humanity is on the verge of a discovery that can give people immortality.

2080 – Due to global warming, the level of the Ocean will rise to such limits that 70 million people in Africa will be inundated.

2090 – The emergence of a new generation network. Now, instead of a computer, the client acts as human body. All information goes directly to the brain.

2095 – Thanks to the appearance new technology you can copy your personality onto a chip, which in turn is integrated into any cybernetic shell of your choice. Man acquired immortality.

2100 – Due to global warming, a third of the land has become desert. Now fresh water valued like oil once was. Russia, as always, is on horseback - its climate will only benefit from warming, and there is more than enough water here. Due to the huge number carbon dioxide. The oceans will have increased acidity, making it unsuitable for the existence of a huge number of microorganisms, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. The population will increase from 10 to 15 billion people. Active space exploration will begin. A cure for cancer will be found. will appear Artificial intelligence. Due to the development of cybernetic technologies, people will look like robots, and those, in turn, will look like people.

Of course, these are just forecasts and the exact answer is what will happen in 100 years It’s difficult, but many have already begun to think - if the outcome of events is exactly this, then does humanity need such a future. On the other hand, people once did not trust cars and computers in the same way, and cinema and radio were generally considered almost magic. Nevertheless, today they are firmly embedded in our lives and are an integral part of it. Therefore, as they say, wait and see what will happen in 100 years.

With the advent of each new century, people usually expected something new, supernatural. Many wondered how life would change in another 100 years. So at the beginning of the 20th century, postcards with people’s fantasies on the theme “Life in the year 2000” were issued in some countries. As time passes, it is very interesting to understand what came true and what did not.

In 1899, the French artist Jean-Marc Côté ( Jean-Marc Cote) created a whole series of postcards with sketches of fantasies about the future. In the pictures you can see a machine for quickly turning eggs into chickens, robotic cleaning brushes, students receiving knowledge through wires directly into the brain. Some predictions are reflected in the inventions of our time. For example, automatic mops are vacuum cleaners and compact floor washing machines. It’s a pity, of course, that schoolchildren still can’t download knowledge via wire, but who knows, maybe this will become possible in the next century.

In Germany in 1900 in boxes of chocolates Theodor Hildebrand und Sohn You could also find entertaining postcards with themes dedicated to the 21st century. The Germans dreamed of being able to control weather conditions, see through walls, and transport entire houses from one place to another. Much of this has come true: infrared devices make it possible to see people inside buildings. Also, modern technologies are actively used to move houses and historical monuments. Control weather people have never learned, although they can already disperse clouds with the help of airplanes.

Moscow confectionery factory " Einem Partnership"(later Red October) in 1914 also supported the idea of ​​​​issuing postcards with images of a futuristic future. St. Petersburg, according to the inhabitants of that time, was supposed to turn in winter into one continuous skating rink with snowmobiles gliding along it. In addition, all cities would have high-speed transport, delivering people from one point to another in a matter of minutes.

In 2011, an article written for Ladie's Home Journal by engineer John Elfrith Watkins was found among newspaper archives. He also wondered what might happen in the next century. After consulting with the best minds At that time, Watkins suggested that the life expectancy of Americans would increase from 35 to 50 years, the average height would increase by 2.5-5 cm. To be fair, it is worth saying that in 1900, the average US resident lived 47 years, and in 2000 - 76 years.
And in all countries they dreamed of devices that would transmit images at a distance. Modern technologies were able to fully solve this problem.

Artists Robert Graves and Didier Madoc-Jones also thought about the events of the future and created a series of postcards called , in which they showed how this city could change over time.

In an interview newspaper The Times he told what the world will be like in the near and distant future. It is worth emphasizing that the forecasts have nothing to do with the work of science fiction writers and are based on real scientific discoveries.

Thus, Kaku believes that by 2030 the world will have new type of contact lenses- they will be able to access the Internet. Professor Babak Parviz from the University of Washington is already working on a prototype of such a device.

This device will be built into the eyes not only of people with poor eyesight. Their functionality is different: glasses with Internet access will be able to “show” virtual reality before the eyes of users.

There will be a quick facial recognition function and the ability automatic translation“on the fly” of foreign languages.

It will look like this: in London, you ask a foreigner how to get to the right restaurant, he will answer you, and special voice recognition technologies will make a translation, which will appear as text right in front of your eyes.

It sounds like science fiction, but scientists say that there is no magic: facial recognition and speech recognition functions already exist.

It will not be a problem in the future to make a miniature computer that will fit in thin body eye lenses.

Various “spare parts” for human organisms.

Today, the latest biotechnologies allow scientists to easily “grow” new cartilage, noses, ears, blood vessels, heart valves, bladders, etc. in the laboratory.

Stem cells containing the patient's DNA are seeded onto a sponge-like plastic base. When a catalyst is added to these cells, they begin to grow and multiply very quickly.

This is how living tissues appear first, and then entire organs. Anthony Atala from Wake Forest University spoke about these technologies.

They say that within 20 years society will master the capabilities of telepathy. Today, scientists are already able to implant special microcircuits into the brains of paralyzed people, with the help of which they can only use force to control computers, write emails, play video games and use web browsers.

Engineers from the Japanese company Honda have already learned how to create robots that are controlled by patients with the power of thought. Kendrick Kaye of the University of California, Berkeley, says the emergence of telepaths in the future is inevitable. And a person will not need any superpowers for this.

By 2070, scientists plan to bring many fauna representatives back to life.

Using DNA samples taken 25 years after the death of the animal, scientists were able to clone it in Brazil.

The Neanderthal genome has already been deciphered. And in scientific circles they are seriously talking about the possible revival of this human species. Why researchers need this, however, is completely unclear, but human curiosity is truly immeasurable.

Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology Corporation says there is only one problem in the way of science in this area - ethical.

“From a technical and theoretical point of view, everything is possible. Now we just need to decide whether it is necessary to do this,” he says.

But what scientists will undoubtedly develop are technologies that will allow in the future slow down our aging.

Corresponding experiments are already being carried out on insects and some animals. It turns out that a 30% life extension is very simple: just reduce the calorie intake of the average American or European by 30%. In the future, it will be possible to prolong life in a hundred technological ways.

But the most interesting thing is that by 2100 in the world “programmable matter” technologies will appear. Everyone remembers “Terminator 2” and the killer robot T-1000.

This is roughly what we are talking about: materials will appear in the world, the shape of which can be programmed by computers. Microchips the size of a pinhead have already been created, which can easily rearrange themselves when exposed to electrical discharges.

They can take the form of a sheet of paper, a cup, or a plate. It is possible, writes The Times, that in the future “entire cities will appear at the touch of a button.”

Scientists are also confident that great progress has been achieved in space technology. Within a hundred years we will be able to fly to the stars in spaceships, they say.

It will all start with microcomputers “the size of a fingernail”, which can be sent in millions throughout space.

They will move in space at a speed close to the speed of light. They will look for extraterrestrial intelligence and transmit messages to it from earthlings, and explore space. Then people will begin to colonize the star worlds.

Approximately in a hundred years humanity will finally overcome cancer. It is known for certain that the disease can be prevented and destroyed only in the early stages.

In the future, DNA chips will be built into our toilets, which will be able to detect tumors at the very early stages. Then “cleaners” will be launched into the organisms - special nano-computers that will cleanse the body of cancer cells.

Rodney Brooks from Massachusetts University of Technology expects the new century to “merge” with robots.” He says that in the future our bodies will undergo radical genetic changes. And around us there will be intelligent humanoid robots everywhere.

They will be so perfect that people and robots in Everyday life will be difficult to distinguish from each other. And people themselves will become partially cyborgs. “Darwin’s theory will no longer work, the boundaries between biology and cybernetics will be blurred,” says the scientist.

Do we need such a high-tech future? On the other hand, people were once afraid of movies, steam locomotives, and cars.

The world is changing very quickly, and people are changing with it. The day is not far when a person’s foot will set foot, and we will all begin to eat insects, looking at them with artificial eyes. We will hug not women, but cyborgs. In addition, we will completely forget why we needed a steering wheel in the car. We have not gone crazy, but are simply predicting trends in the development of society, which are laying their foundations right now. Today, science is primarily trying to solve global problems. And if last time believe in humanity (let's be optimistic), then interesting times await us.

The world in 10 years (2026)

Biometric security system

The hacking of the US Democratic Party mail (this topic is being discussed from all sides) showed that important data is easy to steal, even if you are the ruling party of the strongest country in the world. The problem of cybersecurity has arisen like never before. In this regard, we see promising developments that involve replacing conventional passwords with biometric system protection. This protection is much better than the password “BroDude123”. The banking and military industries will move in this direction, because in order to crack a lock of this level, a “hacker” will have to either cut out the eye or cut off the hand of the person who has the necessary access.

3D printing in medicine

Recently, we have also seen an unprecedented development in 3D printing. Surprisingly, 3D printing is even used in medicine. There is every reason to believe that artificial joints, prosthetic limbs, prosthetic heart valves and biological materials in general will be widely printed on 3D printers by 2026. This will significantly ease the burden on the medical industry.

The world in 20 years (2036)


The world's population will continue to grow. On the horizon, especially for third world countries, the specter of famine will take shape. People need good source squirrels to live and work, so they will look for new food opportunities. And one of these opportunities will be insects.

Consumption of insects has already become common in Far East and in some parts South America. Imagine the picture of locusts becoming a common addition to soup or pasta. We already had an idea for a business - locust burgers. And this is very practical, because insects are 1.4 billion tons of protein that scurry around the planet all year round.

But for the squeamish, there is synthetic meat that can be grown in laboratory conditions. Today this technology is quite expensive, but what will happen to it in 20 years?

Self-driving cars

Self-driving cars are currently unstable, but they are the future, objectively speaking. Gradually they will replace all transport system V major cities. In the future, this will reduce the number of accidents on the roads, as well as systematize the transport system so that there are no traffic jams and other crap. On the other hand, I would not like to lose power over vehicle, so we think driverless cars will mostly be used in freight and public transport.

Bionic eye

We spend a lot of time staring at the computer while working. If you work in an office, you understand what we're talking about. You have to wear glasses, contacts, or make do with the eyesight of an old man. However, if you look at modern developments bionic eyes, then we can say that everything is moving towards development. It is possible that in 2036 people will not only restore their vision using such complex technologies, but also improve it.

The world in 30 years (2046)

Nanoparticles to fight cancer

They have been fighting cancer for many years now to no avail - it’s hard, terrible disease, which affects our organs. Cancer is winning, but there is hope. And, as is usually the case, hope lies in science. If we use a more subtle approach to cancer treatment, we can achieve good result. Nanoparticles are good because they have the potential to restore the necessary organs exactly in the place where it is required. Current medicine is not capable of this - it does not see the difference between healthy and cancerous tissue. So let's cross our fingers and look forward to the future.

Robots for everyone

They are already appearing, but we will not be romantic - for now these are very expensive toys with very limited functionality. However, any technology becomes cheaper over time, and the more it is distributed among the masses, the more accessible it will be. We give robots 30 years to become cheaper, learn to cook and have sex with us. All the prerequisites for this exist, and the industry itself is interested in creating such a machine.

The world in 40 years (2056)

Permanent presence on Mars

We must admit the reality: even if old Elon Musk succeeds, humanity will still need a lot of time to acquire a full-fledged colony on Mars. But it will be, unless, of course, another one is coming World War. The first settlers on Mars will be explorers, scientists and, perhaps, wealthy tourists who will sponsor the entire enterprise. We see the space industry moving into the private sector, so there is every chance that someday the people of Earth will watch a reality show with people from Mars.

Children's design

We are talking, first of all, about DNA. Today some manipulations can be done with it. In addition, the human genome was recently deciphered, so people began to understand themselves better. It's hard to imagine, but it's likely that all this technology will move into the commercial mainstream. Young parents will make “edits” in advance appearance child, a tendency to genetic disorders, congenital defects, predispositions. If science develops faster than usual, then in addition to changing hair color, it will be possible to adjust brain indicators that will be responsible for intelligence.

The world in 50 years (2066)


Half a century is enough to firmly connect biology and technology. Implanted nanoparticles could help treat minor ailments before symptoms become apparent. Spinal implants will help people learn to walk again - paralyzed people will disappear. Some implants will control your general condition - diabetes will no longer be a problem in this case.

Someone will celebrate their 130th birthday

Given advances in medicine, people will live for hundreds of years. Today, the oldest person is 122 years old - no one gets further than this limit, the body fails. In the future, old age will shift even more. At 80 years old you will feel vigorous and healthy person, but you will become an old ruin only at the moment when you go far beyond a hundred.

The world in 60 years (2076)


Given the variety of biotechnological upgrades available in the year 2070, the first person who will more by car than a person. He will have artificial organs, bionic eyes and ears, all kinds of cybernetic implants, improved intelligence and physical abilities. But we will disappoint you - this person will visually look like ordinary person, and not on the terminator.

The world in 70 years (2086)

Ion engines

Ion storage devices have been available since 2016, but currently they cannot replace traditional ion engines however they have much better fuel efficiency. Ion engines perform better in vacuum, making them ideal for long missions to the stars where fuel efficiency is a concern. key factor have a successful trip. As soon as this technology becomes sufficiently developed, we will make a new technological leap.

Creation of new colonies in the Solar System

Efficient ion engines will provoke a new one. States will invest money in the colonization of satellites, planets and other celestial bodies. Big role the formation of a familiar climate on other planets will play a role - the success of this area will be based on the achievements biological technologies. Colonies will be small in number and consist primarily of scientists and researchers.

The world in 80 years (2096)

Colonization of Antarctica

If you believe in global warming(there are a number of scientists who refute this), then you will see great prospects in the colonization of Antarctica. Melting ice will expose areas of land that can serve to create new colonies, which will most likely play the role of ports and focus their activities on marine fishing or shipping.

The world in 90 years (2106)

Changes in linguistic culture

If the world follows the path of globalization (which is quite possible), then this world will have to develop common language, which will serve as a language of international communication. English currently fills this role, but it is likely that it will be offered artificial language, which will include elements of Chinese, Indian and in English. It will be extremely easy to learn.

On the other hand, if the world critically perceives globalization and, on the contrary, splits into small states, then the study of any foreign language will become meaningless - by this time humanity will have acquired automated systems translations that will be integrated into the brain or into a specific device.

The world in 100 years (2116)

A new type of civilization

Ultimately, humanity will have to abandon traditional energy sources and adopt renewable energy sources. We don’t know what these sources will be like. But if we fail to find something similar, then our civilization will not be able to get beyond the planet, which has a limited lifespan.

Begins active terraforming Mars

You will finally see how life appears on a lifeless planet. First these are bacteria, then algae - they will change the atmosphere of Mars specifically for people, in order to prepare the planet for mass settlement. Terraforming is a task of several generations, and it certainly will not be completed by the beginning of the 22nd century.

Based on materials from Stevie Shepard